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16 October 2014


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I've been listening to this hauntingly beautiful song and watching the video on YOUTUBE...

This Woman's Work, sung by Kate Bush... (if perhaps you would like to copy and paste into google - Here is the link to the video....)


For anyone who's hurting, going through a painful time, losing someone, or struggling with life right now... just take a few minutes' ME TIME and listen to the lyrics of this song.... The video is really quite moving,

It's about birth, and about
death, and about love
and all the things we should have done
when we were alive.

It's about just how fragile life really is...

This weekend has been one of mixed emotions for me, of highs and of lows.

There has been laughter and there has been tears.

And for me personally a reinforced recognition that we, the human species, are not the only ones capable of caring for our offspring and for each other.

When you love someone, why does it have to hurt so much?? Why are we so vulnerable?

You may wonder what has prompted this rather morose blog, well, I have had a sick child home from school this weekend, who, when the time came to getting on the ferry back to school yesterday, he broke down in floods of tears. Quite unusual really, as he is quite a tough wee guy.

Putting a protective arm around him, I led him away from the boarding platform and gave him the option of returning home with me or getting on the ferry and returning to the hostel in Oban.

It was touch and go, we walked back along the pier, dragging the suitcases behind us. With just seconds left, he wiped away the tears and said he would get on the boat and go. "I'm okay mum, really"

How did this leave me? Worried, upset, not knowing quite what to do to make it better.

Helpless, vulnerable, sometimes we cannot make things better
Sometimes we cannot make things go away
some things are simply out of our control.

And it hurts....

Which leads me into the blog.

This morning I was rudely awakened by the most horrendous screeching and cawing under my bedroom window. The noise went on for ages, so in the end I had to leave Mel Gibson behind in my dreams for the moment, and go see what the commotion was.

A baby Hooded Crow, learning to fly had used my car roof as a launch pad, hit the window and sat sorrowfully outside my bedroom window cawing for his parents.

Hooded crow and baby

Love them or loath them, and most people loath them, the hooded crow parents were going frantic with worry, trying to get their baby back.

In the end I went outside, picked the baby up and put him on a gate post. Parents and baby were reunited, and what a fuss they made of their baby. Now as I sit here typing, looking across the sea to Mull, the hooded crows sit just outside on the fence, staring in, watching me type.

On Saturday afternoon we were walking along the shore, scrambling over rocks, when suddenly we were set upon by two screeching Oyster Catchers, diving and swooping at us.

Two Oystercatcher chicks hiding beneath the shelf.

"there must be a nest around here" I said, "we had better move away".

Out of the corner of my eye, I spied the reason for the birds' anger, three tiny fluffy chicks were sat beneath the shelf of a rock. Protected only by camouflage the chicks never flinched, not a blink of an eye, they remained exactly where their parents had left them.


The two Oyster Catcher parents followed us until we were safely away from their babies. At one point the daddy bird had to put his brakes on as he landed near to us in such a great hurry.

Over the rocks we climbed and looking out to sea, there in the bay was a mother Basking Shark with her baby. They swam in circles, feeding on plankton, the mother guiding her baby away from the jagged rocks and shallow waters. Two gentle creatures, a mother and baby, such a wonderful sight.

Baby Basking Shark

So on Sunday afternoon, as I put a protective mother's arm around my own baby, in reality, I was just the same as the Oyster Catchers, the Basking Shark and the Hooded Crows.

In very different worlds, we were all just parents,
All protecting our young in any way we could.

Posted on xxxxxx at 15:11


I hope your boy is alright Squidgy, it's difficult being away from home at such a young age, and at a new-ish school? Good Luck girl.....

Tws from I Dunno Anymore

That's so sad Squidgy. At least, he decided to go back on the ferry. I'm sure things won't seem so bad the next time he's home.

Carol from IBHQ

Is my blog so bad, that the oyster catcher has flown away and the basking shark has swam into deeper waters. Caaaaaarrrrollll .... is it you or is it me that my last two photos have appeared as kisses??

Squidgy the Otter from Is my blog so bad???

A character-forming moment which can only stand your fledgling in good stead Squidgy. Someone saw Mr Yehoodi MacRoodie fly past Roling Acres with a baby birdie in his beak...but it was all in a good cause, as Young MacRoodie needed feeding...

Flying Cat from what goes around...

Throughout life we all constantly have decisions to make, as parents our decisions are influenced by our children's welfare, I watched the moment on the pier when your son decided to board, you gave him a choice and he made his decision. I thought he was brave, I also thought I was witnessing one of those great moments when a child shows their determination and character. Though not happy about sending our children away to school every Sunday, if we equate this with all the benefits of raising a child somewhere such as Coll compared to any mainland town or city it is a small price to pay. Where else can children travel to school passing lighthouses, castles, dolphins and sharks? Living here we have all made a decision, a decision that has been influenced by how we want our children to grow up and experience all the wonderful reasons for living on an Island. The Coll children in Oban are very supportive and protective of each other, just wait till the Summer holidays, you won't see your son at all! You should be very proud of him. Strange how music can have such an effect.

Cetorhinus Maximus from Loch Eatharna

I feel for you Squidgy, All parents have been there with loved ones. The hardest part is trying to appear strong and safe for them to feel better, when all you want to do is cry harder than they are. Hope all is well and it's part of growing up I guess. Great blog. I look forward to reading them and it feels like I know you as a person, and you seem pretty good to me.

Harryd from Canada

Suffering from heat stroke in the Hebrides?? No honestly, that's what the matter was with my boy, too much and too long in the sun !! Well, a chirpy little voice called from a sport's shop in Oban, "Mum, can I have... they only cost..." Ah, a full recovery, helped along by new trainers. Plus, and this is a great worry to me, an invitation to spend ALL summer in the Spanish mountains with friends. Oh my word, will there be bandits, bears and wolves up there in the Basque country. No wonder my hair is turning GREY !!

Squidgy the Otter from The joys of being a mum

Squidgy, you should be proud of your boy, how brave of him to go back when he had the option of staying. That's surely a good sign. The oystercatchers are amazing, I saw some on Springwatch but I'm not sure whereabouts they were. They were sheltering from the rain under their mother's wing.

Jill from EK

Love hurts !

Duncan from Brum

we had the same here for the first year of going out to the hostel, its hard work but it will get easier for both of you. Our peat cutting has had to be suspended as yet again we have oyster catchers nesting among the peats waiting to be turned & put up. The wrens in the garden wall are due to fledge later this week, I seem to be spending to many time looking out the pantry window at the wall where the nest is !

Angela from Fair Isle

Thank you everyone for commenting. Basking Shark from the Loch (not right good at Latin), I agree with everything you have said, Coll is an amazing place for children and those who live here see sights that only city children see in books. Duncan, I hear you, and I had reservations about that link to the Kate Bush video. It really pulls on the old emotional strings too much, so I am not going to watch or listen to that song anymore, neither am I going to read Seal Morning again, in the words of my friends, I am going to LIGHTEN UP !!!, but do they mean stop eating bacon sarnies I wonder??? mmmm

Squidgy the Otter from Making a pledge, no more moroso

My earlier comment seems to have vanished, but basically I was saying what others have said: you should be proud of your son for not taking the easy option, it shows how well he has been brought up!

Jill from EK

squidgy: if you're son does go the 'pays basque' its only six hours drive along the motorway from nimes--if he needs something-even a cheerful voice(me cheerful?) i'll be there for him-you've got my mail so don't hesitate!!xx

carol from hiding from yet another b****y thunderstorm!

Wow, thank you Carol, I will check which route the family are taking. He is travelling by motorhome and the kids are camping out, hence my worries of maurading wolves, bears and bandits. Very kind indeed, you are an absolute godsend to the island blogging fraternity.xxx

Squidgy the Otter from Touched by your kindness

I had a phone call from no 2 son to say he had finished his exams, he was off to put a deposit on his new flat, he was going out for the night with pals, and was off to monte carlo for a week... and could he have some money...

scallowawife from shetland

.. and could he have some money... Funny how most of calls from our kids have that phrase in it at some point lol

Angela from Fair Isle Soup Kitchen

Thank you TWS for your kind comments, it was nice to hear from you and hope you are well. Flying Cat, I think you have posted your comments with a wry smile, perhaps even a cheshire grin, shame on you !! Scallowawife, Montecarlo?, money, nights out and new flat, yup, I think that may be coming my way in a few years' time. Anyway, to take my mind off things, I built a totem pole yesterday out of a strainer post. On it I put a few hooks, shelves and bits of wood, then decorated it with fat balls and peanuts. Needs a bit more work and a lot more thought, but hey, I cannot help my Heath Robinson creativity streak, and the birds seem to love it. Hope no puddycats take up pole dancing tho !!.

Squidgy the Otter from Pole dancing for birds (not cats)

PS, just an afterthought, but has anyone else read the Bute Blog? Is it a joke, or some kind of send up? Scratched my head the first time, but this 2nd one really has me puzzled....mmmmmmm

Squidgy the Otter from Feeling puzzled

Mmmmmmmm...starling-gazey-pie! Clever Squidgy to be so kind to hungry kitties...

Flying Cat from never knowingly ashamed

If you trust the friends, let the boy go. The dangers are nowhere as real as the certainty of adventure, new discoveries, growing up with an enlarged view of life.

mjc from NM,USA

squidgy:: yes i've read the "bute" blog--nice isn't it?

carol from the usual place

Yes, I agree with you mjc, I am sure my boy's trip to the Spanish Mountains will be some adventure. He has already learnt to Kayak thanks to the School's Hostel in Oban. He is no softie and first went camping when he was two weeks old, at just 4 months of age he was in the West Indies, so he is well travelled for a 12 year old. Carol, the Bute-iful blog has improved slightly the third time round, still think we are being slow timed tho !!

Squidgy the Otter from Cutting the Apron Strings

I tuned in to the song (tuned?) on you tube and gosh it is sad. so many sad things seem to have happened recently, a 16 year old girl died of cancer last week, and today a young girl died suddenly and unexpectedly. I have been wrapped up in my own problems this week, and have been helped by my family and friends - but to be a parent facing a teenage loss must be dreadful. I agree with mjc ( is this a first, for me to agree with mjc?) Let him go if you trust the friends. with mobiles its all so much easier. we need to let our kids go. its hard.

scallowawife from feeling sad

Squidgy, I'd love to think the Bute blog is a send-up, because, if it is, its pure genius! If not....grrrrrrrrrrrrr. Its not that hard to agree with mjc...is it? I'm with you a hundred purrcent on the letting go bit scallowawife.

Flying Cat from London's far too far from here

Squidgey, your son is growing up fast, it seems. You are proud of him and his appetite for life and new wxperiences. Let him go and he will come back. Hold on and the realtionship will probably go sour. I suppose that "pain" at seeing a young one growing up is a mother thing - Saga is hell-bent on getting to a UC (like Rudie's lassie) and I support her all along the way. But life without her around the place will certainly be different (if she gets it). Signing off now for start on Sunday (3rd. scheduled starting date).

Barney from Swithiod last stop before leaving

Just before you go Barney, have a good trip, hope the seas are not too rough! May take up sailing myself, thinking about getting a catamaran, and then I can visit all the other islands. You take care now.

Squidgy the Otter from Fair Wind to Barney

Have a wonderful time, Barney. Are you leaving this Sunday? # All the best to your daughter re: UC. As you may know, there is one UC campus in NM, but I expect she may want more of a change than the US could provide. Isn't there one in Brazil? That would be an interesting country, and so would India.

mjc from NM,USA

Scallo., hope you feel better. # Son 2: tell him to take a bank loan or cut down on travel. Daughter in England graduates mid July. She wondered about a self-indulgent graduation present: turned down flat. What a strange idea, argued I, a present just for graduating. I would have thought that being treated to some rather decent meals with us when we are in town would be sufficient. Tough as nails, that's me [and if you believe that, I have some land in Nevada I would like to sell you]. # Daughter is off to DC for a few days mid June, then straight to Paris and on to Scandinavia before returning to uni. for graduation. Her own funds, thank you. After graduation she is on to her DPhil under own steam (she secured generous funding). Freedom for both child and parents.

mjc from NM,USA

Carol, the Bute-iful people think I am a child, better cancel the Botox me thinks. Wish I had not done the next blog, coming up soon when I remove the advertising (Sorry Carol IBHQ Carol that is). Now all will be revealed to J and M.

Squidgy the Otter from Holding back the years

I do from the bottom of my heart understand, however, I choose, to make no further comment because the pain runs too deep.

Ac from Coll

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