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16 October 2014


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Oh, it's such a perfect day
I'm glad I spent it with you
Oh, such a perfect day
You just keep me blogging on

Just a perfect day
saw seals in the bay
Then later
an otter, too, and then home

Oh, it's such a perfect day
I'm glad I spent it with you
Oh, such a perfect day
You just keep me blogging on
You just keep me blogging on

Just a perfect day
Housework all left alone
The beach on our own
it's such fun

Oh, it's such a perfect day
I'm glad I spent it with you
Oh, such a perfect day
You just keep me BLOGGING ON
You just keep me BLOGGING ON


On Wednesday I was taken to a beach I had never been to before. The sun was shining, the sky cloudless, and the sea crystal clear, a sparkling turquoise.

Along the way we saw new born lambs and pretty primroses peeping shyly through the machair.

The children led me over the sand dunes, "We're nearly there" they shouted encouragingly as I dragged behind muttering, "Is it much further, chunter, chunter?"

We're here, came the shout.

Well, I have been known to wax lyrical about the beauty of Coll's beaches, but nothing prepared me for North Shore. The beauty left me breathless. It wasn't just the sparkling waters, the colour of the sea nor the dazzling whiteness of the beach.

The sheer tranquility, It was like being in another world, an era of long ago.

Four seals swam in the bay close to the shore, simply watching us, totally relaxed. Such peacefulness.

Well the children played happily on the sand dunes, making a slide.

The sun shone

The sea sparkled

I went for a walk, and climbed a way up a hillside above a rocky inlet hoping to photograph the seals.

Suddenly, a shiny brown tail caught my eye on the rocks below.

An Otter had appeared out of nowhere.

I had two dogs with me, the children's shrill laughter could be heard at the other side of the bay, and yet here was an otter, as bold as you like.

The wind was in my favour. The otter had not caught my scent, nor the dogs.

I watched him for a while, and took a few shots. I only had a standard lens with me, so close ups were out of the question.

I kept perfectly still, the dogs knew the otter was there, but sat close to my side.

The otter played on the rocks below, blissfully unaware of our presence. In and out of the water he went. Then scampered along the beach to the burn.

I did not want to follow in fear of frightening him.

He reached the burn, and was gone !

But Oh what an amazing day !!

A day I will never forget

An otter - What a perfect way to end a perfect day.

Have a good weekend everyone.


Posted on xxxxxx at 07:23


You lucky thing, Squidgy, to see an otter! Superb photos.

Jill from EK

Oh, it's not a perfect day, my bread stuck in the tin, it's looking burnt and thin. Oh it's not a perfect day, I sat in a hot bath, Now don't you dare laugh. Oh it's not a perfect day, planted tatties upside down, perhaps I'm just a CLOWN.Oh! it's not a perfect day, I think I've had enough, my blackbird's not a CHOUGH !!

Squidgy the Otter from What a difference a day makes !!

I'm on night duty,tonight,tomorrow and monday but still,thinking of last night:- it was a perfect nighthe finished early(21H) came home,and as we had friends HE cooked the roast beef(to perfection-well cooked ate each end-for me-midddle very red and runny-for everybody else-then washed the glasses that were too fragile to go into dishwasher!then before leaving a really good masssage as my back was giving me hell! What more can a woman ask for??? no ;don't answer that!

carol from over here

Squidgey, you have managed to convey to us just why you find Coll so enchanting. And as usual your pictures are wonderful. Do otters stick around in the Summer or do they all take a Ryanair flight to cooler climes? I mean, is there a change that you could show me one (apart from your goodself)?

Barney from Swithiod no otter no Coll

Thank you for sharing! The pictures are lovely.

ALZ from US

I love the way you manage to land yourself on slightly shaky ground every now and then Cap'n! Squidgy your photos are as ever pure dead brilliant and accompanied by one of our all-time favourite songs too...blissful...

Flying Cat from an admiring glance

Squidgy could you please go back to still photos. Two reasons.The number of megs consumed and not being able to review the photos when off line, a black space is a problem. Have a good day. Regards

roy from Sofala.Oz

Following on from my previous comment, I believe I have found the source of the problem which only affects your "Moving" photo gallery and is directly related to my systems QuickClean programme, as before doing a review of the previous evenings downloads I do a cleanout.In this it left "White" blank space,maybe due to your using "Google". In Aols case it leaves A "Black" blank and it advises that the photos are not available. It may be due to removing "Cookies" but I am not that computer literate. I will do the cleanout at a later time.Regards.

roy from Sofala.Oz

looks beautiful i live in a concrete jungle oh how i wish i was there just for the freedom to walk the dog she would love it im sure your sooooo lucky

jack from midlands

long ago squidgy I stumbled across such a place as you describe. I was visiting Scotland from my home in America with another pal. But it was in Scotland that I found my true love Sid Sharees. the place was called Briga-dune, it was a beautiful place and hidden from sight by the sand dunes. Accordingy to folk lore, no-one ever leaves Briga-dune, if they do, it will disappear. but thats only folklore. your island looks incredibily beautiful just like my Briga-dune...

Jean K. Ellie from Briga-Dune

Oh Flying Cat, Land myself on slightly shaky ground??? I'm always on the stickiest of sticky wickets, the thinnest of thin ice, the hottest of hot water and the ground? well if the ground gets much shakier, I think it will turn into a volcano!! tee hee !xxx

Squidgy the Otter from No-one would believe the truth

Dearest Roy, Have you sent my tickets over yet. It may be summer time right now, but when winter comes, I want to be where the sun is hot! hot! hot!. Yes I will do a few blogs with the stills, but if you don't click the slide show, it won't move, so it will be "Still". Jean K.Ellie from Briga-Dune, Oh how my mother loved you, she would watch that film all day and some. We kids used to groan when it came on tele for the 100th time, and had another name for the film (clue: you wear it on your head, but it has a R between the c and the a .... A-DOON.

Squidgy the Otter from On the Sofawithroy

Er, Squidgy I think that commentating cat was not throwing his comment at any otter. But what is he caterwauling about? He must have a turbo-imagination! Landing on shaky ground, indeed! Shiver me timbers!!

Barney from Swithiod off again

I felt the earth move under my feet...

Flying Cat from a Tapestry

Squidy my 2nd comment must have been chewed up by the spam filter, It was only a technical comment on your moving gallery. My sofa is well sprung, I am sure you will enyoy. Deepest Regards

roy from Sofala.Oz

Roy, so am I !! haha !! My 1st and 2nd comments to you have gone into the spam, never to re-surface again, maybe 3rd time lucky !

Squidgy the Otter from Back to O Spammy Boy Days

I feel dizzy, my eyes are spinning, and your photo's are making me sicker, I'm so dizzy, it's your fault Squidgy, is it aol or flickr, that's making me dizzy, I'm so dizzy, but not very busy, I'm Dizzy Miss Lizzy,

Dizzy Miss Lizzy from The Other Side

Dear Dizzy Miss Lizzy, aka, well you know who, our friend who has been absent for a wee while. Are you taking the PICASA??

Squidgy the Otter from Taking the...

Dearest Miss Lizzy, aka, HRH, grovel, grovel, one would like to apologise for making you dizzy. Your maj. I have just read in the newspaper that you really enjoy reading our island blogs, so I will do one especially for you and my m8 Roy, it will be really majestic, a right Royal blog m'am to CROWN all my others. I am sure FILEEP, will enjoy it too. I am going to courtesy really low now, as I leave the room. Have a nice day m'am. PS, sorry we don't have any blogging corgies, but we do have a very talented pussy.

Squidgy the Orrrter from Orf with er head

Every home should have a talented pussy...

Flying Cat from feeling a right Charlie

Flying Cat don't know 'bout the talented pussy, would a well trained owner suffice? Ours gets out of bed to feed us at 2.30am if requested (told to!)

Got it made from Glasgow

i agree FC but got it made??? wto is worse than me-don't give ideas to 5 cat gang,please

carol from over here

Respec' Got-it-made! No way would that happen here...every night we are enticed into the Sunroom of Eternity with handfuls of crunchies and shut in for the duration, and every night we fall for it!

Flying Cat from Go-Cat go!

Clearly Coll is a very charming place. I understand that the Collachs are generally quite genial also. Why does Coll have to be so far away?!! (lamentation).

mjc from NM,USA

C'm on, mjc, it's not so far. If you can get to Scotland you can join me on the sailing boat from 6 July for a bit. I mean it. It would give me a chance to get even with you on after hours at the vocational school...

Barney from Swithiod an invitation

Awful nice offer, Barney but I must decline ... this time. Wife and I are flying into London (she into Heathrow, poor soul) and I into Gatwick on July 6th (it would be silly to go down together, what with children and pets, eh?). She's got the schedule all planned through the 20th. when we fly back. Daughter is getting her MBiochem, at the place where oxen ford a well known river and a battered dodo adorns a museum, on 18th. July, but there is the Hampton Palace Garden to attend, and parents/siblings to visit in Bruxelles (yes, they are Belgian: first generation, but you have to start somewhere!). As daughter has decided to do her DPhil at the same institution (she hustled and got a decent scholarship for that venture), it means that we'll use the excuse of having to keep an eye on her doings to pop over once in a while. Perhaps, if the invitation holds, Barney, I might take up your offer un de ces jours, Clearly you are not one to hold grudges, Barney, and I shall fully expect to survive the round the islands sailing experience. I would not want any cloche to toll for me.

mjc from NM,USA

Crikey, Barney, your very fine sailing boat is going to be crammed with Island Bloggers !! remember to leave room for an otter !!!

Squidgy the Otter from Feelin the Squeeze

Wow, mjc, you have crammed a good bit of fammily history into that one .. .congrats to daughter ond good luck for Dr.Phil trials and tribulations. OK, we expect to leave the boat in Scottish waters this winter, make serious plans for 2009! Squidgy, we can alsways fit a soft otter in somewhere... mjc or no. The crow's nest, for example.

Barney from Swithiod looking ahead

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