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Shula Hebden Lloyd

Shula may be a pillar of the church, but underneath that sensible jacket beats a passionate and sometimes troubled heart.

Fact title Fact data
Played by:
Judy Bennett
8 August 1958
Pioneer ministry
Lives and works at:

Shula’s first love was horses, but she had plenty of boyfriends, including Nigel Pargetter and , before marrying solicitor in 1985. Shula found out she was expecting just after Mark was killed in 1994. Daniel’s Army career now makes her both proud and anxious.

Shula's second marriage, to vet , almost didn't happen due to her . But the Christmas Eve wedding went ahead and a few years later they moved to The Stables when Shula bought equestrian business.

The couple worked well together professionally, with Alistair's vet practice also based at The Stables. But away from work it wasn't going so well. The spark was momentarily rekindled when they supported one another with becoming a joint master with the South Borsetshire Hunt and expanding the vet practice respectively. But ultimately it wasn't to be and in 2018 Shula and Alistair divorced. Following the split, they remained friends and Shula searched for a new purpose in life. She settled on training to become a Church of England vicar. She has moved to Sunderland to take up pioneer ministry.


Come on, it’s a glorious day for a gallop!
Shula Hebden Lloyd

Key relationships

  • Alan Franks (Friend) - Though years back they fell out over his marriage to Usha
  • Usha Franks - Usha has found it hard to come to terms with Shula's reaction to her marrying Alan