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#TheArchers Listeners' Guide To: Conspiracy Theories

It was the week where Jennifer was triumphant, Pip was the Fairbrothers' saviour and Phoebe's boyfriend Alex met Kate. But The Archers listeners were brewing conspiracy theories. Here's the Top 7...

1. Are Rex and Toby Marijuana Farmers?

Our household believes that T. Rex are planning a marijuana farm with goslings as a front and deterrent! Loopy Kate can feed this subliminally to her clients at "the retreat". Lilian will become a huge user (super darling) and become totally paranoid. [Sheryl McAlister on ]

I had the same thoughts about the marijuana farm lol. [Becca Middleton on ]

2. Pip and Kenton to be killed by spiders?

I would like Kenton and Pip to discover a nest of funnel web spiders behind the pub fridge, an interesting way to go. Jolene could then marry Bert, Jill could start a sheltered housing business and all would be well.

[Magda Faraday on ]

3. Is Charlie Kathy's son?

Charlie still remains an enigma. He knows, like most of us, when it's Adam's birthday but we know nothing about his date of birth or his past and background. One day Kathy will leave Grey Gables for a bit of fresh air and bump into Charlie for the first time since his arrival in Ambridge. I bet she will faint on the spot while he stretches out his arms and cries "Mummy!! There you are, after all these years!!" [Maarten Van Den Heuvel on ]

4. Does Henry actually exist?

... in this moral dimension?

5. Rob and Susan get together?

This info must not go any further: I have heard from a very reliable source that plans are afoot for Susan and Rob to engage in a 'tryst'. This (I understand) leads to them leaving their respective partners and setting up home in Mike's old place. Now I cannot confirm this but please keep this to yourselves. 'Mum's the word' - ok? [Robin Chell on ]

6. Is Alex [Phoebe's boyfriend] the new Rob?

7. Is Eccles/Ruth/Pip/Heather/David going to die soon?

Is Eccles going to die soon? Why else has he suddenly appeared in the background? [Barbara Bates on ]
I have a sense of impending doom over Pip's night out… [Katy Burton on ]
I was very glad of the dum-de-dum arriving before we found that David "asleep" in the chair, had in fact done a Phil (panic over now, hopefully!) [Angie Brown on ]
After Monday's TA, there was speculation something would happen to Heatherpet, as Ruth was so keen to get home. I reckon that something will happen to David, accident/illness, relating to the strees and tiredness. Ruth will arrive home Friday as he is being tended to by the paramedics and dum te dum. This will prevent Pip from going off as David will not be working, and bring Kenton back into the fold. Pip poss renting some land to Trex. [Tracy Dane on ]
My money's on Heather being brown bread by the end of the week [John Vincent Wrigley on ]

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