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Monday 23 May 2011

Sarah McDermott | 10:14 UK time, Monday, 23 May 2011

An MP has defied the judiciary today by naming Ryan Giggs as the married footballer at the centre of a media gagging order.

David Cameron has said that banning newspapers from naming such stars while the information was widely available on the internet was both "unsustainable" and "unfair" - but what is the answer? Are new laws required? Or can the press be trusted to regulate itself?

Tonight we hear from the head of the Press Complaints Commission, the MP at the centre of the row, and a lawyer who has secured injunctions in the past.

Then Justin Rowlatt reports from China on the difficulties men there are having finding partners if they do not first own property. .

And our Science editor Susan Watts is keeping an eye on the ash cloud from the Grimsvotn volcano in Iceland, which is expected to reach the UK by the early hours of Tuesday morning, the Met Office has said.

Join Gavin at 2230 on Two.


  • Comment number 1.

    There are a number of contradictions here that need consideration:

    the Human Rights Convention is part of UK law and provides a right to privacy when it is not in the public interest for private matters to be revealed.

    scandal sells papers and ads - so the commercial media has a very strong commercial vested interest in demolishing legal constraints.

    rich people are vulnerable to blackmail threats to "tell all" - and blackmail is a crime, so the courts are rightly willing to take steps to prevent backmailers getting away with it, but the plice should be leading on this, not private legal proceedings.

    rich people can also afford to exploit the Human Rights Convention to buy silence through super injunctions, whilst ordinary people can't use their right to privacy because they can't afford to go to court.

    the Internet is a zero dimension space which is virtually unregulated - so is beyond the reach of geographically based legal boundaries.

    backbench MPs gain huge publicity from using parliamentary priviledge to name people protected by media injunctions.

    Conclusion - the courts should act to prevent crime and not to provide the best legal service that the rich's money can buy, whilst backbench MPs and the media should support the rule of law and not exploit the situation for their own gain.

    We as a nation should stop being obsessed with celebrity and its human failings- it's sick - why do we give a monkey's about some stupid footballer's sex life?

  • Comment number 2.

    Sorry, but in my book, Chinese men are sensible - unlike the UK, they do not have a benefits culture - so they do what any sane person would do!

  • Comment number 3.

    how people consume media today

    If as a programme page you are staying in the old blog format I can see all the comments to Paul Mason, Mark Urban and Michael Crick being posted here rather than at their new home!

  • Comment number 4.

    Gyna Sigrg ?

  • Comment number 5.

    Hi Kit Green #3
    This blog is going to disappear eventually, I'm afraid. We'll replace it with a new way of letting you know what's coming up on the programme.

  • Comment number 6.

    The " New Dark Age " Winston Churchill foresaw ?

  • Comment number 7.

  • Comment number 8.

    so the blogs will no longer be available in one place? another bbc triumph.

  • Comment number 9.

    how high do taxes have to go to stop ash clouds? taxing people for natural events is all the eco babble rage these days?

  • Comment number 10.

    Even bigger slide in the Dow Jones perhaps in part bought off by this !

  • Comment number 11.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 12.

    The Labour Party War Against Working Class Britain

  • Comment number 13.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 14.

    You had Phil Blonde on tonight, a man with a mind bordering on genius. Opposing Blonde was that Labour MP hack Tristram hunt. Couldn't newsnight at least find a non-careerist MP with some conviction and gravitas?..oh wait a minute, Labour don't have any do they! well maybe Frank Field.

    Why is the left failing. Well I suppose the 100 million dead in the last century might be a pointer into why socialism is a flawed ideology: top heavy management, Spending other peoples money and the gulags might be a bit of a giveaway there.

    Can someone please mention to Mark Mardell (±«Óătv news reporter and water carrier for Obama) to cut back on the Obama cheerleading reports please, I've got no more sick bags.

    The lure of theatre with big celebrity:

    And can I remind people that a well given performance from a cool telepromter President is altogether different to their Leninist Marxist policies.

    Anyhow, why is the left on its knees? ..well, the left don't believe in borders language or culture. In their "wisdom". they thought they'd mix us all up and we'd be happy with the results. Sounds good in that idealistic lefty wefty bubble that they live in...but for the people in the real world, its a nightmare!

    "Tristram Hunt Labour MP"...doesn't quite sound right that does it.

  • Comment number 15.


    "We'll replace it with a new way of letting you know what's coming up on the programme."

    Oh blimey - I thought it was a place to comment and raise issues.

    To be frank, Newsynighty is now so degraded, and full of it's own juvenile self (aka edgy) my wish to know what jolly japes you intend, and which boor or, buffoon to 'interview', has degraded accordingly.

    It is high time you were ‘pay per view’ not ‘free for all’.

  • Comment number 16.


    I tried to interest FF in the Conservative 'liar flyer' (false instrument). He wasn't - along with all the other honourables of Westminster. They are all signed up to openness and honesty, where allowances are concerned, but lying in election literature, is of no account. Just what the Arabs need as a set of principles.

  • Comment number 17.

    When you eventually go, I will miss you newsnight web team :( ..even if you are a bunch of Guardian reading Liberal progessive socialists.
    The only thing between me, this iron lung I'm encased in 24/7 and insanity is knowing I can come on hear and call Obama a Leninist Marxist at least once a week. Yeah, I'll really miss posting on here.

    That iron lung comment...no need for sympathy, I was lying about that one. I'm very fit and healthy.

  • Comment number 18.

  • Comment number 19.

  • Comment number 20.

    why do people always have to change things...oh, and another thing Blonde is a Tory who tries to disguise his slash and burn Thatcherite mantra in a reasonable NN mode that will appeal to half asleep NN viewers unfortunately we all remember his desire to eat socialists as a pastime....

  • Comment number 21.

    if I had mentioned the name 'Giggs' would I have been pulled? It should not apply to internet blogs....should it?

  • Comment number 22.

    What a performance from the blowhard Prescott. He really should try some breathing exercises. I don't recall that he has much truck with Lords rules, being fond of destroying the chamber's decorum, so the huffing and huffing and puffing and puffing, in defence of the 'spirit' of Parliamentary Privilege, was amusing. What an oaf he is.

    It must be noted, though, that his bluster is partly an act to protect the Human Rights Act. The reasons to scrap it, alongside 'incitement' legislation and reform of the libel laws, are coming thick and fast (this month, it's obviously the 'right to privacy'), so it's seen as time to redouble efforts to ensure European harmony is not sacrificed on the alter of some quaint notion of freedom, not that many politicians have bothered to raise the 'freedom' point.

  • Comment number 23.

    It's humiliating to live in a country against which new U.S. constitutional defences have been erected. It's humiliating that Americans require protection from our Europeanisation, whilst Australians bleat about being the new home of 'common law'.

    Those who take up the cudgels to fight in defence of freedom will reap a nice electoral reward.

    Chinese Consumption:
    Summary of another tedious Justin Rowlatt report: 'Chinese women are very picky, owing to the gender population disparity. As a consequence, Chinese men save up to a third of their incomes to raise the capital to afford an increasingly-expensive home and a car as inducement to love. Spending considerably less of their disposable income than us in the West has, therefore, made it more difficult for the Chinese govt. to turn the economy, from one based on exports, to one based on domestic consumption.'

  • Comment number 24.

    Note the lack of figures and statistics, I've cited - there weren't any - and note how long it took you to read the above; was it one twentieth or one thirtieth of the length of time of the report?

    Could the report have been produced more for American consumption - via ±«Óătv World - than U.K. consumption and be the reason for the amateurism and Gavin, not Justin, mentioning the dreaded word, "abortion"?

    [Posts appear to have been deliberately limited in size.]

  • Comment number 25.

    what is the intended end result of all this "pressure" on ghaddafi? So far all i have witnessed as a REAL result from it, is a vast increase in the number of deaths in Libya, and the continued ramping up into full-scale military action. This is even worse than what Blair did, because at least HE did it under vast pressure from Bush - Bliar would not have chosen to go to war. Cameron is putting the whole UNSC under stress, as what he and Sarcozy intends goes far beyond what the original statement stood for understood by all other signatories. It is unfortunate sometimes that the UK Generals are understandably hesitant to speak in public of their concerns regarding the purpose and 'end game' of this 'action' in Libya, even though those concerns i am sure are held by many normal members of the Public.

    injunctions, imho, the Courts should not have the authority to muzzle Parliament. Perhaps 'injunction' may not be the best method of defending privacy? Clearly the ball is in Parliament's possession to change the Laws. What do the various international conventions on human rights say on this seemingly contentious issue?

    MP jon hemming was probably wrong to do this, but he WAS defending the rights of his constituents by beginning the opening of the intelligent discussion.

    iIceland volcano: NN told us this would happen last year! Scary prophets, the lot of them! :o

    unfortunately no longer available on iplayer, the recent program on the Icelandic Sagas is worthy of good mention, maybe it will be repeated.

    For the hammond: how amazing, all that technological and procedural development since last year - yet exactly the same abilities to measure and record as we were told about last year! Here's a word, hammond - if you're going to reassure the public, don't do it by lying badly. You've decided to increase the allowed risk levels as wanted by the airlines. Airlines i am *certain* will be checking and double-checking the effects of the ash-cloud, but are also going to take greater risks, set by themselves, and not the UK Govt. *If* a plane goes down, i hope the Minister will resign. I also hope there would be a full investigation and also possible criminal charges brought against managers and even directors of airlines found to have taken too great risks. This is not a possible insurance loss, these are precious peoples lives.

    basically, the tories have completely DEREGULATED to the private corpoate airlines.

  • Comment number 26.

    welcome to the UK, President Obama. @-> :)

  • Comment number 27.


    Well: let's start with the narcissism and ruthlessness, in unbridled lust for status power and adulation - and then just go from there.

    If you have to ask, you are still living within the lie; and 'God didn't make the little green apples any more than false-flag deceit killed thousands of people in the 9/11 sun.

    May they be happy together - and have Tony round for a chat and a laugh.

  • Comment number 28.

    MORKIFIED (#25)

    "Bliar would not have chosen to go to war."

    Suggestion: watch the end of Bliar's 2nd submission to Chilcot. By my observation, in that troubled mind, HE is leading the 'Final Battle' of Good v Evil.

  • Comment number 29.


    Guns and buttering-up. (Hard and soft power?)

    Thousands of years of stasis. We used to bury leaders with weapons; leadership pageantry is STILL violence-centric. Civilisation eh?

    Why 42? Obama hasn't the first clue to the Ultimate Answer.

  • Comment number 30.


    1) State dream.

    2) State advantages of dream.

  • Comment number 31.

    ``We as a nation should stop being obsessed with celebrity and its human failings- it's sick - why do we give a monkey's about some stupid footballer's sex life?`

    Aye aye~~ For all those celebrities and public figures out there, try your best to grow some ‘balls of steel’ in the meantime, because a privacy law ain’t coming anytime soon.

    Justin’s report didn’t mention the ridiculously expensive housing market in major cities in China today. The average salary is really nothing when compared to the price of real estate, which is why a lot of girls are becoming 'real estate brides'. The Chinese have a saying “salary linked to Africa; standard of living linked to Europe; housing market linked to the moon”. Having the single child policy means that a lot of parents are able to save and help their children buy their first homes, but for migrant workers in Justin’s report, he is starting afresh in a new city which is never easy in any country.

  • Comment number 32.

    NN dating? What middle class hell is this? Justin the new 'Cilla'? The bbc has too much money they don't know what to do with it.

  • Comment number 33.

    i'd like to add 2 further books to the recommendations last month:

    the wise and good magician, for those interested through Harry Potter (he died many years ago, and copyright was not his main concern even when alive):

    Ophiel- 'The Art & Practice Of The Occult', it may seem a bit scatter-brained, but trust it for the long-term.

    Robert Pirsig - 'LILA', an excellent introduction to 'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance', and which also deals with a 4/5-layer reality.Unfortunately, he gets something slightly wrong and ends up thinking they are ranked, instead of equally valuable at different times. Don't worry, if you read the book you will understand.

    i would have loved to see Obama's old preacher in his Cabinet, he would have made a huge difference.

    Hope tomorrow's speech gives us all hope.

  • Comment number 34.

    libraries: even if the use has fallen by students, the *other* elements of the regular library users need the local libraries nearbyness, and for all the excellent reasons given on the show by the playwright. The Conservatives are not doing much "conserving". Libraries are astonishingly important, as centres of access to media, to learning, to a quiet social space.


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