
±«Óãtv BLOGS - Newsnight: From the web team
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Wednesday 16 March 2011

Sarah McDermott | 12:19 UK time, Wednesday, 16 March 2011

The British Foreign Office is now "suggesting that British nationals currently in Tokyo and to the north of Tokyo should consider leaving the area" because of fears over radiation leaks from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant - where engineers are racing to avert a nuclear catastrophe.

Matt Frei will be assessing the mood of the people in the Japanese capital for us tonight, and we'll be joined live by the concert pianist Noriko Ogawa and the actress Haruka Kuroda.

Then our Diplomatic editor Mark Urban will be asking why President Barack Obama is taking a back seat over the Libya no-fly zone, and we'll debate with former UK ambassador to the US, Sir Christopher Meyer and former diplomat and journalist,ÌýJamie Rubin.

And Iain Watson will report for us on the political dividing lines ahead of the Budget. Gavin Esler will be asking the shadow chancellor Ed Balls if Labour has an alternative strategy.

Do join us at 10.30pm on ±«Óãtv Two for all this and more.


  • Comment number 1.

    What Big Society really means....

    "1750: The International Rescue Corps has returned to the UK after it was sent back from Japan. Team leader Ray Gray said he was disappointed to be home so soon. "We flew over there with the intention of doing what I thought would have been a good job and a worthwhile job at the request of the Japanese government, and we've spent two days in an airport because we couldn't get a permit to get on the road from the British embassy."

    1752: Mr Gray said the fault lay with the embassy. "The Japanese government issued a permit but we needed a letter from the British embassy to get the permit. They said because we weren't part of the British response, we're a non-government organisation, we couldn't have a letter." bbc, japan live feed

    Oh and how about them PQT's
    "1211 The Labour leader insists the bill will subject healthcare to EU competition law. He reads out references in the bill to the Competition Commission and the OFT."

    next step a top-up with private health insurance?
    I still blame Thatcher for gettin us into this mess

  • Comment number 2.

    Just a thought odds on reducing the VAT on fuel for country dwellers - who probably work in the city anyway - in the budget 1:2, evens?

  • Comment number 3.

    so the libyan rebels say the international community has failed them?

    so next time who will they turn to for real military support? Jihadists? who will ask them what did they expect from the non muslims who say big words then just sit with folded arms and watch them being massacred?

    and that the movement for a Caliphate are their real muslim brothers who will support them with arms and training? that only a caliphate will protect them from the inhuman indifference of the 'international community'?

    which is pretty easy narrative to sell on the yoof on the arab street with no where else to turn especially if oiled with medical aid, money, protection etc?

    because the world did nothing the arabs now have no alternative to militant jihadism for effective support to rid their countries from dictators and apartheid monarchies?

    which is how hamas came into being?

  • Comment number 4.

    I suspect that Balls will get a pretty easy ride with Gavin Esler presenting yet again, no really probing questions going to be asked about anything tonight ( as usual these days I suppose ). The ironic thing is that Balls is pushing a cut in the VAT on fuel despite the fact that he can't do it under current EU rules and the simple fact that if the duty goes up as Labour planned any VAT cut will be more than wiped out anyway. Labour really are the worst opposition in living memory, no proper scrutiny of any government policy whatsoever as far as I can see !

  • Comment number 5.


    It is way past time we realised that adult governance employing mature minds, working constructively, is called for. Balls is an archetypal Gladiator - a Silastic Armorfiend - the Westminster ethos is irrelevant to our modern predicament. Balls and his ilk are inimical to good governance. His joy is in demolition and denigration.


  • Comment number 6.

    This is all part of a Corporate Nazi plan to cripple everyone with arthritis in their 50s then freeze and starve them to death with no disability benefits before they get old enough to claim the OAP. Its also a false economic growth scam to sell more bottled water to those who can afford it for drinking !

  • Comment number 7.

    Make Tea Not War

    Time Team Tattie Coach

    Would Have Used Longbow Men And Crossbow Men

    2 Find The Balls

  • Comment number 8.

    Yet More Glaring Observations of Corporate Nazi Britain in action !

  • Comment number 9.

  • Comment number 10.

    ed marred balls puts his hands up .. Says It All

  • Comment number 11.

    Eight .. Bloody Red Tape

    Emergancy Rescue Team Back from Japan .. Bloody Red Tape

  • Comment number 12.

    Nin e Lives .. nulabour guv allow doctors from Iraq Disallowed Work in Australia 2 become Airport Bombers

    Left Foot Left in Giant Red Tapped Cow Pat

  • Comment number 13.

    The Highest Level of UK Unemployment Ever Has Nothing 2 Do with 4 Million Immigrants

    You Believe That .. You are Simple Simon The Super Flying Yell Custurd Pye Repair Man .. Who's Failed

    Over Ear Son On Your ED ed

  • Comment number 14.

    "..the Libya no-fly zone, and we'll debate with former UK ambassador to the US, Sir Christopher Meyer and former diplomat and journalist, Jamie Rubin."

    am I the only person disgusted by the way Mr Rubin (& the others) kept on playing up the role of the United Nations -- after decades of our governments playing fast and loose with the whole concept?

    does anybody remember ? (US ambassador to the UN, on record as saying: "the United Nations can be a useful instrument in the conduct of American foreign policy.") does anybody care that the US of A can't even be bothered to pay up its membership fees? ()

    personally, I find these men in suits (Rifkind, Meyer, Reuben) all equally untrustworthy.

  • Comment number 15.

    Ed Balls casts shadows of Stephen Byers seven eight's are 54 economics !

  • Comment number 16.

    The Fuel Protests had nothing 2 Do With The Brown Fool Tax .. Balls

  • Comment number 17.

    Wipe Your Grinner With The Daily Rimmer/Mirror .. or Bye Bog Paper

  • Comment number 18.

    Newsnight 2243 hrs (UK) and poor Matt Frei talks about "nuclear fusion", clearly not understanding this is rather different to the nuclear fission that occurs in nuclear reactors such as at Fukushima, and no correction forthcoming from anchor Gavin Esler. But then Matt has had his brains fried in what is a media maelstrom in Washington that is almost a model of scientific illiteracy and hyperbole. Well, fission has had its say, so fusion needs the right of reply. Its all about balance. My dog is still looking at the TV and his head is moving back and forth. So he understands the media's enlightened commentary, yes? Ummm. Matt, a suggestion, fly back to Washington and stick to light Americana stuff, but avoid Americium -241 ... nasty stuff.

  • Comment number 19.



    Multiply the size and price - progress!. Contrast the new 'Pretzel Lamp' with the obsolete 'multiple square loop' type (rather than the neat, high output, modern spiral ones) and you achieve edgy, irrelevant claptrap. NewsyNighty at its best.

  • Comment number 20.

    Midsummer murders:
    It didn't take long for Keith Vaz to make an appearance from his crypt (a special interest funded crypt) to trot-out his usual anti-white utterances.

    I See the Sun newspaper had a wee dig at the ±«Óãtv today; something about the usual spending splurge from the champagne socialists that bloat that corporation. Is there some concerted effort in pulling down the Labour parties propaganda machine (AKA the ±«Óãtv, AKA the fifth column) from others in the media who smell blood...(metaphorically speaking there Mod)
    I wonder what the Mail will run this week, on the ±«Óãtv? That might be worth reading wouldn't you say.

    We have that astronomical event at its peak this sunday; the super moon. No mention from the lame stream media how the moon and its close proximity recently may have an effect on not just the usual increase in the tides but how it may effect the weather, crust movements etc. It would at least be good to hear an objective view rather than the usual head cases that get on air for us to marvel at.. "Is Cilla Black available for comment?..how much does she want?"
    And they pay these people..its a racket and your paying for it..doesn't that make your blood curdle?

    After the Horrors of the earth quake in Japan and the subsequent and unfolding nuclear accidents. The mad green men are running amok already about the dangers of nuclear power..you could set your watch to some of these green crazies, certainly more accurate than a sun dial.

    The Sun, something the greenhouse effect gang overlooked when they fiddled their so called authoritive and deeply researched data..very expensive research and for years and years and years kinda data..lots of jobs and careers..got it? good!

    It would appear the Al-gorers and his crime syndicate mob are already too busy staring at windmills and figuring out yet another new tax con to consider anything other than making themselves richer.

    "Al Gore, what do you know about the super moon effect?
    nothing Bob because I didn't do science at skooool..whats a moon Bob?".

    Thats the level thats he's at but the fools listened to all he had to say on the subject of the so called man made global warming issue
    (now called 'climate change' as they lost all credibility on the other title)..frightening stuff this! and he still gets a forum to trot out his nonsense.

    The sooner we get back to burning coal the better.

    CO2..a green house gas..yeah really!? What next will the crazies brand as a danger to mother earth..H2O perhaps. They put fluoride in tooth paste and nobody says a word but bejesus!.. CO2 gets taxed to the hilt because of its greeeeeeen house effect. Only a failed US politician could ever come-up with the idea of trading carbon, oh and the CEO of Exxon, lets not forget Kennyboy eh. Its an upside down world we live in. And surrounded by windmills with the greens and the Libs and every other fool blowing very hard in their direction to get them to turn.
    And if you don't believe me, go as mindywindy, he knows all about blowing air.

  • Comment number 21.


    Thanks for that Dr E - especially the bemused dog report. I decided to give Mr Frei the 'get out' of 'MELTdown'.

    In passing: the sight of Red Riding Mouth wittering her way across Tahrir square, and Barack Orator doing the only thing he knows, removed what little hope was left for Eastern sanity.

  • Comment number 22.

    LOONEY TUNES (#20)

    Hey Kev - don't forget the world is run by madmen (lunatics) so as surely as a nuke that survives a quake, gets hit by a tsunami, those in power will run round like headless chickens because their cranial circuits are over-stimulated. Nice!

  • Comment number 23.

    at *best*, a Western intervention wold leave the ME looking like E Europe now - oligarchy, with a veneer of 'democracy'. Just like W Europe, in fact.

    #3 JC: "turn to jihadists" who are largely funded by Saudi and Western Govts? Looking at the Sunni Taliban, and what the Sunni Saud's did to their own people and are doing to their neighbours, that doesn't sound to me like a good idea. Why would the People's of the Middle East turn towards other political/religious groups that are fully involved with the situation they wanted to change in the first place? Not to say all Jihadi groups are violent, or that all are corrupt. Just like in Christianity*, there has been much genuine opposition to oppression in current times against the People, as much in Islam as also Buddhism and other religions. The Middle East is choosing its own fate right now, and matters there and interweaving with it are very complex.

    As President Obama is indicating, to make a wrong decision could have far worse consequences, than no action. Its a shame the rebels have no way of defeating the high-tech arms of Qhadaffi's forces without our full scale military intervention however.



    #6 bros: good links!

    i'll post this again on fluoridation:

    the behaviour of that particular Primary Care Trust seems to indicate they feel privatised already.


    14. stephen spent 6 months travelling in the middle east
    he came back with experience, a true Man, by all he sees
    people were people, he found all hatred had dropped to the ground
    and now Self-Respect for this Leader of All Men, no longer just...

    be careful Jr, understand first what you would do with this power you seek and some are aiding, or otherwise your karmic debt will be immense. As yourself if these goals you are seeking could not be achieved some other way.

    kevsey, you wold be astonished how much i agree with most of your #20, will write later to break up the length.

  • Comment number 24.

    --"Midsummer murders:
    It didn't take long for Keith Vaz to make an appearance from his crypt (a special interest funded crypt) to trot-out his usual anti-white utterances."

    rentacomment. Truth is everyone knew it was like that, and NOBODY gave two monkeys, including migrants. There had been exactly HOW many complaints before this utterance? And i suspect the vast majority after are from middle class white people. Its almost like some of this legislation was written deliberately to cause legal cases in the future, "to allow people to complain about the offence to them from another person possibly being offended by something" is surely ludicrous. Until the media whip up a storm, most people just live-and-let-live, if you had asked the entirely of the UKs minority populations last week if they cared there was a program with not a single minority person on it, they would have stared at you blankly and wondered if you were Reality TV. It makes as much sense as asking if Punks are offended because there were no punks in it, or were the UK's Jain's mortally offended because they also were absent?

    of course not. This is just make-work for lawyers and media tycoons.


    --"I See the Sun newspaper had a wee dig at the ±«Óãtv today; something about the usual spending splurge from the champagne socialists that bloat that corporation. Is there some concerted effort in pulling down the Labour parties propaganda machine (AKA the ±«Óãtv, AKA the fifth column) from others in the media who smell blood...(metaphorically speaking there Mod)
    I wonder what the Mail will run this week, on the ±«Óãtv? That might be worth reading wouldn't you say."

    this from the Corporate Murdochracy? How can one family be rich enough to BUY AN ENTIRE COMPANY for £Bns, and then talk about "splurges and bloat"?

    or maybe the irony is supposed to be lost on us?

    --"We have that astronomical event at its peak this sunday; the super moon. No mention from the lame stream media how the moon and its close proximity recently may have an effect on not just the usual increase in the tides but how it may effect the weather, crust movements etc. It would at least be good to hear an objective view rather than the usual head cases that get on air for us to marvel at.. "Is Cilla Black available for comment?..how much does she want?"
    And they pay these people..its a racket and your paying for it..doesn't that make your blood curdle?"

    --"After the Horrors of the earth quake in Japan and the subsequent and unfolding nuclear accidents. The mad green men are running amok already about the dangers of nuclear power..you could set your watch to some of these green crazies, certainly more accurate than a sun dial."

    i hear the land around Chernobyl is quite cheap?

    tell me this, when you look a the way the World is coming together to help Japan, how can you even contemplate 'needing' to throw nuclear bombs at half of them? When you think of the destruction already caused, imagine if this WAS from a nuclear warhead?

    just because people slowly forget the REALITY of the horrors of nuclear, does not make that REALITY go away. Radiation is not a respecter of focus groups.

    however it *would* would be very interesting to see NN run a special on the 'Super-Moon' theory - and especially amusing to hear some of the frothing comments they would get the next day from the Official Scientific Orthodoxy crowd. ;)


    --"The Sun, something the greenhouse effect gang overlooked when they fiddled their so called authoritive and deeply researched data..very expensive research and for years and years and years kinda data..lots of jobs and careers..got it? good!"

    there are many factors most climate change scientists will ignore, i doubt that solar activity is one of them. A small minority may believe that solar activity does not not impact the Earth's environment, but then often small minorities hold completely wacko ideas, their small size sometimes does not mean they have Ultimate Truth hidden from others. Yes, i'm afraid this is true.


    --"It would appear the Al-gorers and his crime syndicate mob are already too busy staring at windmills and figuring out yet another new tax con to consider anything other than making themselves richer."

    because they weren't staring hungrily at new nuclear power plants? If i remember right from the NN report, that turbine on the Orkney Isles(?) cost the community £2.5m to buy. They expected to recoup, at then current energy prices, in 5-10 years - adding a further 10-15 years of running for a profit afterwards.

    imagine the Govt funding the creation of a cooperative wind-turbine manufacturer, where the start-up capital is repaid in 5years. Imagine further, the Govt places a £1Bn offer - to subsidise the purchases by communities the turbines at a reduction of £1m each - a thousand turbines. Probably as much work and employment as building the new aircraft carriers.

    get your comment about al gore though, i've never even bothered to watch his film, and opposed it showing in schools due to reviews i had read, - by liberals as it happens.


    --"Thats the level thats he's at but the fools listened to all he had to say on the subject of the so called man made global warming issue
    (now called 'climate change' as they lost all credibility on the other title)..frightening stuff this! and he still gets a forum to trot out his nonsense.

    "The sooner we get back to burning coal the better.

    "CO2..a green house gas..yeah really!? What next will the crazies brand as a danger to mother earth..H2O perhaps. They put fluoride in tooth paste and nobody says a word but bejesus!.. "

    see my earlier post. Ever hear of smog? Ever read up on respiratory diseases? Excessive CO2 IS dangerous for the environment, full stop.

    --"CO2 gets taxed to the hilt because of its greeeeeeen house effect. Only a failed US politician could ever come-up with the idea of trading carbon, oh and the CEO of Exxon, lets not forget Kennyboy eh. Its an upside down world we live in. And surrounded by windmills with the greens and the Libs and every other fool blowing very hard in their direction to get them to turn."

    CO2 is "traded" because the media did not explain what it was about. Most decent level Green literature was openly sceptical - except the schemes ability to make money for a few manipulating the system.

    i don't see why you should care, are you not going to buy some land in chernobyl? Should save money on street-lights.


    --"And if you don't believe me, go as mindywindy, he knows all about blowing air."

    *THAT'S* more like it! :P

  • Comment number 25.

    sorry off topic but I wish to put this out

    "In fact, triptans are the worst culprit — they bring on rebound headaches the fastest. But there are no warnings on the drug information leaflets."

    No kidding

    And its a very serious issue - but I'm afraid it says on the leaflets regards side effects 'headache'

    "However, the general rule is to take them on no more than two days a week. Once you go past that level, you are at risk of developing medication overuse headaches."

    That argument breaks down usually from the first type of triptan GP's prescribe - Sumatriptan - which is taken every day as a prophylactic . Ive also noticed that the long list of 'side effects' have been removed from wiki since I posted the link on here and else where.

    My advice from experience for anyone with migraine is dont take triptans and look for non-toxic and non-invasive solutions, a few are: removing copper from your water; avoid eating food with high copper content; stay away from citrus fruit and investigate jaw clenching or grinding during sleep - if you have a clicking or crunching sound as you open and close your jaw as well as migraine go to your dentists and look into the use of splints.

    I think the best current thinking on migraine is: nociceptive of the trigeminal nerve eliciting calcitonin gene related peptides into the blood which is experienced as the migraine pain. Do everything you can to avoid noxious (nociceptive) input to the trigeminal nerve, research good science as much as you possibly can on this.

  • Comment number 26.


    Inconvenient truths indeed.

    Here is one.

    Geologically, according to well established patterns, we are currently in an 'inter-glacial' period.

    The clue is in the name, its like a coffee break within a glacial period and that 15min of warmth and comfort can go back to the cold harsh normality of the much longer glacial period pretty much at the drop of a hat and has naff all to do with any human activities because well...we were not around for 99.99% of the time this cycle has been going on for... so stick that double blind scisntific inconvenient truth into your global warming model Mr climate change careerist... go on... I dare you.

    Alternatively simply repeat the ±«Óãtv mantra 'it is all part of ongoing extensive research'... oh and by the way whiole we work it all out try not to use too much carbon fuels.. there is a good chap.

    As for the moon...dont get me started on that one or you will, to a man, dismiss me as a looney !!!! (Ha).

  • Comment number 27.

    The Military Covenant as mentioned on PMQ's (Declared Interest, I am A Member of The Royal British Legion.)

    Trust in Nulabour with such A Document Turns My Stomach

    Trust and Nulabour Do Not Mix. .. See WMD in Iraq, Dr David Kelly's Death. Among Others

  • Comment number 28.

    Glad to Report I am still an Elephant that can Remember The Stench of Nulabour Rats/Vermin.

    PMQ's toward the end, 2 politicians mention Memorials to 2 War Bombed sites .. London and Glasgow

    They Refer of Course to The 2nd World War .. No Mention of 7/7 London or Glasgow Airport

    But They wouldnt would they since its their Stupid Policys of allowing Terrorists to Settle Here.

    PAID for By Blinded Taxpayers.

    Kirkcauldy Bye Election Threw me slightly, but then again if you pick the right left candidate, who better than a headmaster of 16 years.

    Barnsley Bye Election same thing there, the last MP Jailed, The New one whiter than white EX Soldier. (nulabour taking advantage of A Man in Mourning)

    SICK and CYNICAL isnt The Word

    Power By Any Means Means ulabour for nulabour

    NOT ME Not Ever

  • Comment number 29.

    Thankyou Auntie

    I Wont Get FOOLED Again .. Not By nulabour

    NO Quarter Asked .. None Given

  • Comment number 30.

    A brilliant article by James Delingpole in the Daily Telegraph :o)
    A man who speaks sense!

    Of particular importance in that article is Dr. Patrick Moore (Founder of Greenpeace, but left a while ago) states that "They [Greenpeace] continue to oppose nuclear energy, even though it is the best technology to replace fossil fuels and reduce greenhouse gas emissions."

    Note: Dr. Moore is a REAL PhD Ecologist!

  • Comment number 31.

    Direct effect of earthquake/tsunami

    "quantitative easing" why because Japan investors/insurance etc. will repatriate their money leaving the West high and dry.
    looks like were in for more hits from the sharing caring CONdem-ed at least they cant blame the last Gov.

    Threat from nuclear radiation is unlikely and is more an example of the typical hate and hysteria from 24hr news and need for a cliff-hanger

    Perils of Pauline!

  • Comment number 32.

    mindywindy wrote:
    "see my earlier post. Ever hear of smog? Ever read up on respiratory diseases? Excessive CO2 IS dangerous for the environment, full stop."

    Smog!?..mindy, what century are you in?
    Pray tell me what you know about CO2 by the way.

    Most coal power stations produce nothing but steam..except some of the older china burners. I think you've just bought into the hype a tad too much. The best coal power stations are built and operate perfectly well in the US. Go and get your CO2 "poison gas" detector, jump on a plane and gather some evidence. If you do pick-up any CO2 on your detector..I suggest you move it away from your mouth; Remeber what we learnt in science lessons: we breath in air and exhale...well, I'll let you figure that one out for yourself, don't want to make this too easy for you.

    As for the windmills. Thats a crock, where in gods name do you get your stats from? the windmill people!

    mindywindy. Remember to take your iodine pills when your next at the dentist buddy. Now that is something i do genuinely do, we'll, I have a diet of kelp prior to a visit, the tabs will just give you the runs.
    And stop reading the Guardian...the people in the bubble are very i'll, and they'll just mis-inform you.

  • Comment number 33.

    Tidal turbines?
    wont spoil the view = lower the value of my house
    wont kill the birds = lower the value of my house

    will work while there's a moon

    where's the catch?

  • Comment number 34.

    31 .. 13 Unlucky Useless Years of The LAST Goverment.

    Your Shallow Anal Analysis of nulabour are Billions of Years Away from mine

    The Perils of princesspit tony and the brown

  • Comment number 35.

    NN Hacks .. Hack your way in2 The Hidden Haiti Wedge

    Where Is It .. Whats It Doing

    My Choice of Charitable Donations are Reducing

    The Head of The Salvation Armys Charity Fund Recieves 10K per year Plus A rent free Flat .. that is the last time I looked

    People Need 2 Be More Wary of Where their hard earned Cash goes

    nulabour I Believe Have given YOUR Money 2 Terrorists .. NOT MINE

  • Comment number 36.

    get back on the med's my friend

    the last Gov = the Gov before = the new Gov = every Gov.

    its not a question of figureheads and ideology

    nor Anal Analysis

    krispy kream kapitalists and turbine book store veterans like yourself

    dont provide any solution just bitter apathy

    U Kant take the truth

  • Comment number 37.

    36 You Do NO Truth

    I Soloution Dont Vote For nulabour/Dog Poo (thats an insult 2 DP)

    I am no norman the storeman with books about turbined capatilist cream crisps

    You need a damn site more than meds you are cream crackered

    go back 2 rimming Uncle Rimmer


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