
±«Óătv BLOGS - Newsnight: From the web team
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Tuesday 15 March 2011

Sarah McDermott | 11:23 UK time, Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Tonight we're devoting much of the programme to examining the middle class under pressure.

For the first time in years this group - who had assumed that if the economy grew their income would grow - are finding this is no longer true. Wages are frozen, and the cost of living is soaring.

Tonight our Economics editor Paul Mason reports from Sandwich in Kent where he meets people seeing the value of their wages, homes and pensions eroding and their prospects disappearing.

Stephen Smith considers why so many people describe themselves as middle class nowadays.

And we'll be joined live by MPs David Willetts and John Denham, and by people from different parts of the income scale - including a single parent who is being made redundant and a couple with two kids who rent their home and live off overdrafts.

Plus Susan Watts, our Science editor, will update us on the situation at the Japanese quake-stricken nuclear plant where radiation levels are now at a level harmful to human health.


  • Comment number 1.


    You cannot get wisdom out of the immature. Without wisdom you cannot build a stable society - let alone a democracy.

    Schooling inhibits the maturing process. Immature governance employs manipulation; hence it seeks to maintain the immature mass. The circle is complete.

    In technical terms: we are screwed.

  • Comment number 2.


    Vehicle design gets safer with time - as do nuclear reactors. But a multiple of cars, hurtling along a motorway, is only as safe as the weakest factor - mental or physical.

    A nuclear reactor - fired up and running - is only as safe as the least conducive operator, design factor or ‘event’. Statistics - carefully applied - tell us the motorway is safer than the road BUT ON A BAD DAY so much energy is 'released', that mayhem results - way beyond any seen on ordinary road.

    An old model nuclear reactor has proved vulnerable. New plant, like the modern vehicle, IS ‘SAFE’.


    Perhaps those who extol nuclear should, by law, 'LIVE OVER THE SHOP'?

  • Comment number 3.

    A programme about the "middle classes", I should think the reporters only have to look around the beeb offices to find many of this class. Or are you so well paid and have such safe jobs, you can sit back and laugh at the plebs?

    The beeb might wrap it's arms around multiracial scenarios, but they sure as hell love bringing up class and the divide thereof. Does such a think exist in britain anymore? I was thinking we were just citizens of different races, not different classes, who have lost their true identity.

  • Comment number 4.

    what is the difference between what Saudi and Bahrain are doing and gaddafi?

    those who torture opposing those who want freedom?

  • Comment number 5.

    is it dinner or tea? Morning room or parlour? Barth or Bath.....who cares....

  • Comment number 6.

    What would we do if this happened here?

    We in London and the SE are at risk of such flooding, 1953 remember? It would be as devastating as this, far more people now live in the area and thousands more live by the sea in "new developement" areas.

    How would we cope? We like Japan, pride ourselves on being a 1st world country, but this tsunami indicates how quickly you can sink to the bottom.

    And I wonder where all those wonderful windmills would be? Many miles inland if the ships in the photos are anything to go by. And of course no power from them, so nuclear, or wind, /news/uk-england-kent-11395964 it would fail.

    And with the wonderful Thames Barrier Essex and Kent would flood even more next time.

  • Comment number 7.


    We can trust Defra.

    The only thing they haven't factored in is the unknown unknowns. I think Piers Corbyn might have something to say on that.

    I suppose 'they' are modelling effect of tsunami heights, on our coastal nukes, as I type. It will, of course, turn out OK. We might even get a dossier . . .

  • Comment number 8.

    The middle classes are in many ways the glue that keeps developed societies together - as we discovered in hyperinflation economies, destroy middle class wealth and living standards and all that is left is the naked hatred and resentment of the working and under classes against the ruling class, which often leads to major violence and dissent.

    Whenever in recent times there has been pressure applied to the middle class be it the poll tax, tuition fees or the fuel protests, civil unrest is likely and the more aggrieved people are, the harder they rebel.

    Living standards are falling fast for the middle class - many will lose their public sector jobs, the cost of living is rocketing and there is little or no prospect of higher salaries.

    Add in the poor pension situation for people who thought they'd be well off in retirement and now won't be, plus the risk of a meltdown in the stalled housing market and you have all the ingredients for turning David Cameron's "Broken Britain" into "Smashed Britain".

    The "Big Society" would only be possible with the active support of the middle class - and at the moment many see this as a smokescreen for cuts - trying to get them to do for free what the state used to do, so that the money saved can go to prop up the banks and their fat cat bonuses.

    Sending your kids to university is the hallmark of middleclass people - it's seen as essential, so the fee increase is perceived as a slap in the face to them and everything they stand for - indeed many see through Willetts' scheme and realise that all it does is pile up yet more debt because on the government's own figures only a third of the loans will ever be repaid, so a new funding crisis will happen in 5-10 years' time, when the loan debt balloons out of control completely.

    Middle class people are experts at using and exploiting public services: from arts events to secondary school places or local amenties like parks and sports venues, it is the vocal, active and motivated middle class that you'll find using local services. Again interest in the arts, the environment and sport are central to what it means to be middle class in 21st C Britain - again the wholesale attack on these services and their closure threatens the values and beliefs of middle class Britain.

    At the moment the "bogyman" strategy of claiming that Labour spending out of control was enough to separate a large chunk of Middle E ngland from their uneasy support of what is still seen as a working class movement - so they voted Tory and LibDem to tackle the deficit. (NB deficit identical to that left by last outgoing Tory government, which Labour then paid off in its first term.)

    However many feel betrayed by the sorts of isues above - and if they think the deficit is going to go on rising and a full blown recession will set in, then their support will evaporate overnight.

    In the past under a three party system, middle class voters would punish an unpopular tory government by voting LibDem, or going the whole hog to Labour - now the perception will be of the contest being Coalition vs Labour and Nick Clegg's meteoric rise in popularity will be matched by his meteoric fall because he is seen as going back on his firm commitments to things like tuition fees which are absolutely central to what it means to be middle class.

    Given unemployment has been lower than predicted, saving ÂŁ20 Bn in this tax year, plus our investments in the banks are now worth ÂŁ85 Bn, that's ÂŁ105 Bn more available on the assets side of the balance sheet, surely it might be sensible to uxe some of this money to phase in the spending reductions of ÂŁ110 Bn over a longer period, to allow time for the public sector to adjust to a lower level of funding?

    IMHO, given the dark clouds of oil price rises, banking crunch time in EuroLand soon and the disaster in Japan depressing the Far East economy, if George Osborne sticks to his planned spending reductions in the budget, it won't be a budget for growth or deficit reduction, it will be the first shot in the next class war because a deep and long lasting recession will hammer the middle classes and break the allegance of those who still support the Coalition.

    This had better work George Osborne, or you will go down in infamy - how can you seriously expect us to believe you won't tip us into the mother of all recessions when these outside storms hit the UK whilst you've just taken vast amounts of demand out of the economy?

  • Comment number 9.

    '...our Science editor, will update us on the situation at the Japanese quake-stricken nuclear plant where radiation levels are now at a level harmful to human health.'

    So.... still studiously not worrying too much about that earthquake/tsunami thing that was also involved. Had a bit of an impact too.

    Not sure if its the best, but many have told me it's up there: [Unsuitable/Broken URL removed by Moderator]

    Meanwhile, it's nice to know the ±«Óătv is sending as many folk as possible over there to fill rooms and consumer resources, mainly to talk to folk they just left back here.

    Guessing the carbon-saving thing is on hold too.

  • Comment number 10.

    Are We still Following Through with gordon the brown's cunning plan to build 3 Million Houses on The Thames Valley Flood Plain

    Another great idea from nulabour .. They are Full of ..It

  • Comment number 11.


    A few synapses fired while reading:

    In Newbury, the Big Soc functions well without a name. I am a reflex litter picker, as are others. We often run out of litter! But try to offer more subtle expertise to the Council, and it's silence, or 'push of sonny'.

    I am told 'employment' is more than 16 hours a week. However it is defined, for many, if it isn't 'providing' is there a psychological deficit? Further, I would guess the black economy supports millions of non-people. When they are thrown out of work (or perhaps their jobs are threatened by the newly de-worked) what might accrue?

    Time for the next Davo-Nickism: TIME BOMB BRITAIN.

  • Comment number 12.

    '9. At 5:22pm on 15 Mar 2011, you wrote:

    Not sure if its the best, but many have told me it's up there: [Unsuitable/Broken URL removed by Moderator]'

    It's a tsunami charity URL. One of the majors, with cred and on-site presence. Maybe a Hamas or Greenpeace activist centre would have been better?

    'Please note that anyone who seriously or repeatedly breaks the House Rules may have action taken against their account.'

    Ok, I think Comic Relief may have been looking iffy anyway. If only for being pushed endlessly by the ±«Óătv and its over merry band of sisters. But have fun.

  • Comment number 13.


    Surely you didn't miss the Naughtie soliloquy, timed to run to half a pip of 9.00am? It was POETRY man.

    Yes - they have asked for travel to be confined to vital matters, BUT THIS WAS ART. Those abed in England shall count themselves accursed etc etc.

  • Comment number 14.

    1m people in Benghazi. do you think gaddafi's mercenaries are going to be too careful about who is a rebel and who not?

  • Comment number 15.

    It would appear that the main problem facing politicians aiming for the votes of the ( alarm clock ) Middle Class is that its become so diluted that it doesn't really exist anymore. Perhaps since the 1970s the middle class has been progressively infiltrated by aspiring actually working class now Ten Bob Fat Cats.

    They comprise of the type of people who always have mayonnaise as opposed to salad cream, moan about paying the 12 quid and change pm ±«Óătv TV license yet will fork out 50 quid pm for a Sky contract to watch what soon becomes repeated repeats and a bit of sport. Its all about " keeping up with the Joneses " they will always be the first to get all the latest electronic gadget technology, immediately on release when if they waited a couple of years they could get it for a quarter of the price.

    Perhaps back in the 1970s if you were thoughtful it was actually possible to climb into the middle class, pay off your mortgage ASAP and start building significant cash savings. That all ended with the fall of the Berlin wall and ever since the ten bob fat cat population has grown on a sea of debt. You would never see a traditional middle class person borrowing either ( directly or indirectly ) against the value of their house to buy a flash car, or to fund exotic holidays. The big thing was to save up for extras, ten bob fat cats buy everything on the never, the bankers dream customers if they fall into overdraft to meet their monthly financial commitments.

    Even though ten bob fat cat families may have an annual income of 40k, many of them are in actual fact virtual slaves. They dare not go on strike for any period of time or they face financial ruin, and in any case many are so addicted to consumerism the thought of not being able to afford the latest gadget is unthinkable to them.

    #8 Richard Bunning made the valuable observation that " Middle England " had lent its support to New Labour and theoretically the working classes, but it would appear that Labour no longer supports low income people. The point about uniting the working and middle class against the elites has been warped by the right wing press and focused against the least fortunate in society like those who claim state benefits. Of course the OAP is the exception, because more old people vote ( and buy newspapers ) politicians pander to that group, many of which rely on the health of the stock market for the extra income which allows them to pretend to be middle class whatever their origins.

    The affluence of the stock market is based on having a plentiful supply of often foolish consumers and the fact that the politicians do everything they can to ensure a continual supply of new ten bob fat cats through the education system. The thing is that quite a few people are now beginning to see through the corporate illusion and the fact that the mainstream politicians have failed them. Whilst it has directed many of the former working class into Islamophobia and in the direction of the BNP most people reject racism. I suspect that Islamophobia is being pushed by the right wing press to take the political heat of the Bankers.

    The thing is that it is no longer necessary to go on strike in the traditional way to achieve change, the stock market is more vulnerable to interruption of its cash flow. Perhaps the most productive way for the masses to put real pressure on the government would be to stop buying anything except the bare essentials for living for two months.

    First on the list and perhaps the easiest is cancelling your Sky contract, then your mobile phone contract and other subscription services even including payments to charities. Once you have stripped your account of all direct debits except for a land line and internet service provider and your essential motoring expenses you may even be able to make some headway on any overdraft you may have Then just buy the cheapest basic food, ( nothing flown in ) stop using the car for all but essential trips. People will soon find that it doesn't actually do them any real harm to liberate themselves from their ten bob fat cat addiction. The actual " Middle Class " can do their extra bit by stopping all their private pension contributions and private health insurance, together the ordinary people of the UK can defeat the banking elites !

  • Comment number 16.

    Today’s Today.

    The ‘fuss’ about the construction of a drama series .... Equidistant season killings!

    Just goes to show the level of ‘power’ ordained ( unwanted, unwelcomed, unwarranted, unnecessary ?) upon a minority community ......

    And the imposed ( unwanted, unwelcomed, unwarranted, unnecessary ?) ‘fear’ burdened upon the majority!

    Suspension!!!!! ..... Good Gawd sic!

    What good does this pseudo-hypocritical pettiness do for inter-community relations?

    The recent used cynical description of the “race relations industry” - a constantly regenerating edifice - perhaps ought to be renamed the ‘race relations destroyer’

    Get real! Get a life!

    Or is ‘Farce’ back on the media agenda!

    And .... Oh yes!

    Perhaps imagination but .......... Nn seems to be fanning the egos of luvvies, laureates, loons and poets less and less in recent times(?) Perhaps the proffered concept of “Lead! Don’t follow!” is taking hold amongst the Nn editorial team? Then again, perhaps not! Are we that lucky? It seems as far as the media and politicians are concerned - with due apologies to the ‘Alien’ movie PR gurus - “No one wants to hear your screams ..... Thanks!”

    What with with looming May local elections - and all it’s accompanying tosh, diatribe and bovine bowel output - how’z about Nn consider two suggestions ? .......

    Firstly .... Retiring the ‘Politics Panel’ and replacing it with real people! (Which does not mean bringing in “luvvies, laureates, loons,” et al !!!)

    Secondly .... Not accepting such descriptions as “many”, “a large number”, “a lot of ....”. when listening to the politician’s waffling. Clarify just exactly what they are saying. Even better ..... Don’t let them off the hook until they have precisely answered the question! (It’s hard but you can do it! Yes, you can!)

    And .... Oh yes!

    For any that mistakenly thought the decimation - and beyond - of public service just might come to an end in May 2015 one can only feel saddened to consider that a fair number of the con-alition misanthropes will undoubtedly be ‘elevated’ to the ‘other place’!

    And .... Oh yes!

    It was said on the Daily Politics today that ‘if you have a charismatic leader that is more than 50 per cent of the battle’ ......

    Is that really how low we have sunk in the UK ..... X factor-y politics!

    All together now .....

    Lead! Don’t follow!

  • Comment number 17.

    ALL LAUDABLE STUFF (#15 and #16)

    But even (only) to take the 'laissez' out of 'laissez faire' requires maturity in the individual. ±«Óătvr Simpson repeatedly shows just how hard it is.

    I suspect the current mass of humanity is 'lost'. With government, media, and advertisers (commerce) INTENT on daylight robbery, through manipulation, the dumb masses do not stand a chance. And the few who might, are looked upon as weirdoes when dissent is voiced.

    Only by out-playing DEVIOUS DAVE BRITAIN, at its own game (a hell of a feat but just possible) might this decaying mess they call civilised democracy, be lifted to higher ground.

    I shall, of course, have breathed my last - and it gets more appealing with ever fart that exits Westminster.

  • Comment number 18.


    Quick - everyone point and sneer; then no one will notice Britain.

  • Comment number 19.

    #8 and #15 Very good posts, and as if to prove you right, full tuition fees will have to be paid if your parents earn ÂŁ25,000 p.a.!

  • Comment number 20.

    Neat link #ecolizzy but perhaps the biggest current assault on the " true Middle Class " is the proposal to means test the new Universal Credit, about which neither Millipede or Clegg have done or said anything. People currently with decent family cash savings ( as cascaded down the generations ) will now be ineligible for any form of disability benefit. That is whether they pass the concentration camp medical assessment as to whether they are actually fit for work in the first place.

    People in their 50s who will have paid national insurance all their life only to find that its just another stealth tax. Likewise all those with decent accident insurance claims and managed the capital prudently will find their benefit stopped. It leaves the door wide open for employment agencies to play " skint the family ", only giving jobs to those who can be farmed as bank slaves.

    There really is no point saving money in the UK now unless you have at least a million, which would appear to be the cut off point between the new financial apartheid based Corporate Nazi society. Car insurance premiums have already rocketed with the disability changes and for all their bleating about scroungers the ten bob fat cats have saddled themselves with an extra private tax in addition to the stealth national insurance rise for everyone.

  • Comment number 21.


    are they singing about parliament?

  • Comment number 22.

    Oh dear!
    ±«Óătv in plagiarism row over 'Australian Olympics show copy claims'

  • Comment number 23.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 24.

    I remember David (two brains/4 eyes) Willets as a Thatcher appologist.
    As a victim of the aforementioned lady should I dare to take solace in the fact that the 4 eyes are now 50% less with the hope that the thinking organ is also reduced?
    Long memories: one brain.
    (away up there in Scotland)

  • Comment number 25.

    There were lots of comments this evening about the "banking" crisis. Please explain why the middle classes are being targeted to pay for the bankers mistakes, especially now that banks are back in huge profits?

  • Comment number 26.


    oligarchy is packaged to us as liberal democracy. every commodity bubble is a tax we pay to protect their wealth. they do it once a year. the banking crisis revealed the true nature of the society we live in. banking industry is bailed out while others fold. One may ask does an industry need subsidy if they can pay out billions in bonuses? of course not.

    this is why Mervyn King is totally surprised there haven't been riots in the streets. maybe when the pips begin to squeak there will be.

    it was kept out the media at the time but some people did storm the royal exchange.

    the uk is run by an inner empire who intermarry and keep their wealth in a tight little circle. if you did a flow chart about who knows who you will see the spiders web linking wealth and power.

  • Comment number 27.

    Hello, headphonechap,
    Before I begin, it might be helpful if you do the following for which I will be most awfully oblidged:
    1) get a mirror in front of you
    2) look
    3) ascertain that your headphones are, indeed, in situ and not merely the result of auditory hallucinations.
    If all is well please consider that the current bleating of the "middle" classes is only due to present manifestation of of "right" wing policies.
    Get used to it, the working class has known nothing else
    (away there up in Scotland)

  • Comment number 28.

    Sorry Paul I had to laugh when the man attacked you for calling us rich southerners, you bein' from up'north! North and East Kent are very poor areas, with little council housing, high rents and unaffordable houses, and many asylum seekers living here, especially in Dover, Folkestone and Thanet. There is some very real poverty here, with high living costs, it's far more difficult than you rich northerners realise. Up north houses are far cheaper, and the cost of living less, but perhaps that's just my prejudice showing through! ; )

    Now if you'd been in the Weald of Kent, or even East Sussex I wouldn't argue with you, that's where the bankers and stockbrockers live, not where the cold (east) wind doth blow.

  • Comment number 29.

    Hello, dear moderator,
    You appear to feel that my last post has broken your house rules.
    Perhaps your memory does not stretch back far enough to understand my post.
    Nor, do you appear to understand that "David 'two brains' Whillets" is a ±«Óătv quote!
    Yours, Peter
    (away up there in Scotland)

  • Comment number 30.


    I read that Big Brother will return in the nude. A marker for our age.

    I watched Susan Watts (outside a house to which she had travelled) tell us that we may not know what the house knows, of nuclear goings on. Then she interviewed a man who used to know, but no longer does. A marker for the NewsyNighty Age.

    The ±«Óătv should be paying ME!

  • Comment number 31.


    It takes very little to get chewed Peter. I used the term for a male chicken and I was off - neck and crop. I am surprised you got 'organ' past him @24.

    He means well. Never got over being fired for confusing cheese with Semtex.

  • Comment number 32.

    What's wrong with Susan Watts?
    A lady of principle and scientific logic.
    I've fancied her since I first heard her on Radio 4.
    God! I've given my age away (damn)
    (from away up there in Scotland)

  • Comment number 33.

    Hello, Dear Moderator,
    Please may I substitute "equipment" for "organ" in my last banned post?
    You have my authority to censor my communication.
    Long live the ±«Óătv!
    (from away up there in Scotland)

  • Comment number 34.

    headphone chap:
    You mentioned bankers mistakes. Don't forget Labour went on a spending spree; spending money -other peoples money - that they did not have, Labour went on a bank tapping mad-one with all the fat interest payments that always follows but don't ever get mentioned to the plebs - we are too thick apparently - and all done with a slight of Brown-hand. Labour created jobs that didn't really exist, nor were they ever really needed, except for the special interests mobs; how did we ever cope before them very much needed Guardian advertised well paid public paid posts eh. Its a clever illusion for most but for others its always very painful to watch money get thrown down the toilet by others (from the incompetent Labour socialists hacks) who never actually earned it. I watched this go on for years but everybody else (them who voted Labour especially) was distracted with circus, bread and Eastenders and borrowed money to go on holiday jollies and credit card madness up and down every high street. Now that you've all turned your TV off and reality is hitting home with bills bigger and income smaller...what did you expect...hellooooooo!

    Can NN not have Labour politicians on to give lectures to the rest of us..on account they wrecked the economy in the first place..not to mention the 4 million immigrants they let slip in and squeeze the rest of us into a corner.
    Social history lesson suggestion for your average Labour activist and the feeble minded.

    Study the Balkans, glaring mistake you lot made with your immigration policy...that'll come home to roost one day..and soon. And I hope past Labour politicians will be taken to task for that dangerous and costly immigration policy folly.

    Postman who can't get a mortgage. Save your money and when you've got about ÂŁ20k in the bank..go ask for a mortgage as you'll be able to put at least a quarter down, that was standard practice in getting a mortgage up until about 13yrs ago - coincidentally thats about the same time Labour was in Govt wrecking the country. Mind you though, by the time you've saved up that amount of money, the housing market will have crashed and you'll be able to pick up a 3 bedroom for less than ÂŁ20k. And if Labours in power then, you'll be able to pick up a loaf of bread for about ÂŁ20k as well..because thats the Labour way of doing things..it'll be another Labour illusion..they have good form for that kinda thing.
    By the way, owning your own house ain't a given nor a right, nor is it "ideological murder" by the present Govt for anyone not able to get one.

    Mod. I do hope that the above meets with the high standards you are
    (notwithstanding, no doubt an independent minded ±«Óătv operative) having to operate under.
    And mod:
    Read Peter Sissons recently published book. The former ±«Óătv newsreader has the ±«Óătv down as like something out of Orwells 1984.

  • Comment number 35.

    willett's performance: a grave pity that it seems some MPs didn't learn during the 'MPs Expenses Scandal', that People get very upset when their jobs are lost, whilst people on comparatively massive incomes (like MPs on ÂŁ40k+ Basic, AND any "Corporate Board positions" or other remunerations)) are also fiddling expenses to add on to these incomes, whilst most normal people are being crimped. On every economic front. One million more unemployed - that's the minimum losses from the Govt's DIRECT policies. Wish their jobs were. *And* their wealth and pensions.

    the Tories want to end "Universal Benefits", like Child Support, because then people on higher brackets can be told by the fascist press absolute porkies about the levels of benefits and incomes for the poorest. We have seen the state of life in the UK's poorest estates, on recent NewsNight MiniDoc Series over the last years.

    The Internet has levelled social debate, and good journalism spreads understanding and knowledge of different social strata. It is no longer easy for the incompetent wealthy to blame the poor for THEIR mistakes, and to move millions off average earnings into those ranks to PAY for their mistakes.

    Nor is it so easy to lump all 'wealthy' together, as we saw from the interview with the sister of the "English-Woman who liked Hitler". We are already a massively heterodox society. And Universal State Benefits are one of the few glues bonding us together. It is a vital part of the concept of the Welfare State.

    And one of the "killer apps" that makes the United Kingdom a better than average place to live and grow up, and if managed properly reduces crime and anti-social behaviour tremendously. An attack upon it is a direct attack upon the very concept of the UK. "We ARE in this together", if i may be melodramatic, is what it states.

    Certainly, to save tax-payer money, give an 'opt-out' clause for those who *voluntarily* do not feel they need it, but Child Benefit should remain as a universal benefit. What absolute lack of soul make some Tories wish to attack this basic Benefit for British parents??

    Willetts just lies through his teeth. Not only are the Tories NOT "extracting" all the tax possible from the top (as we all know), the Tories are also NOT "defending the poor". That mainstream Think Tank (New Economic Forum?) pointed out the Tories changes were hitting the poorest more. The minister is being Parsimonious again - or else only reads the Right-wing fascist press, and makes himself believe these blatant falsehoods are true. I will not call him a direct liar, he may well believe what he says on policy, despite every bit of evidence pointing in the opposite direction. [rereading, i realise i already had! ;) ]

    Labour and Tories are the same, this is just puerile "Opposition" from Denham. [my opinion on this didn't change at all during both of their 'speeches'.]

    according to Wikipedia, Willett is worth ÂŁ1,9M, or ÂŁ1,900,000, i don't know if that is accurate.

    but i suspect he and his friends may not have much of an appreciation for what actual poverty feels like, and that includes most of the Cabinet. I already had that feeling from watching his performance tonight, before looking it up.

    Denham's 'focus group' said "focus on women". Made me sick too. Conviction doesn't mean "being convinced about what the Focus Group agrees on that week and saying it with conviction". Shocking thought, oh Oxbridge PPE students of all 3ÂŁ parties, but there you are.

    Willett's-"New Labour's House Price Boom" - did you EVER hear the TORIES argue against the "housing boom" at the TIME ?!?!??!?!?!?! 'Both' 3ÂŁ Parties, through their committee work, have a good grasp of what is happening generally. If they didn't bring it to Public Attention, it is quite likely - considering "OPPOSING" is in their job title - they *agreed* with those policies. In which case, accusing the former Govt of the error of the very policies they agreed with at the time is nothing short of pure dishonesty. They agreed with the policies, they would have done similar (proof being they are again trying to now with regards to Corporate Tax and Bankers), and we would still have the same problems of a Corporate sector not paying tax, an out-of-control Financial sector, and a complete lack of investment in manufacturing and Post-Oil Farming. Does anyone doubt that, even *Tory* voters? Its exactly what they are doing now!

    so it is disingenuous, again even parsimonious, for the Tories/Willett to try to blame "Labour's Housing Boom and Crash", when they had the very same plans, and approved of the policies.

    on 'Middle Class':

    its American, but a global classic. And quite relevant to many definitions of 'Middle Class', even in the UK. Sometimes painfully funny. ^_^

    willett was a bit weird at the end there.

    "Middle Class" (in the UK) is decent education and nice income. Working Class is treating people around you well, and not believing owning certain sh*t makes you a better person. There is no need for people to have these separate. Scandinavia reduced these problems by a range of policies in the early 20th Century - a rising household income rather than the wealth gap, and a concern for your neighbours and the future of the Nation's children.

    They achieved Social Democracy, and the highest 'Life Enjoyment' in the developed world.

    the cuts will make a million or more middle class Brits now feeling "comfortable" as Willet said, soon find they are on benefits and therefore massively not so. This Non-dreaming FACT, sits alongside the Non-dreaming FACT that the Cabinet is filled with Millionaires from privileged backgrounds who have absolutely no experience of what life is like in actual poverty, whilst planning to send so many there. Dream, Mr Willett? I hope people wake up from the Tory nightmare!

    the idea to open the information from the global radiation monitors sounds eminently sensible, and the UK should go ahead alone on this if necessary. This is just as much for the benefit of the Japanese people, as everyone else. This is a disaster almost beyond comprehension.

    btw, what we are seeing now? It is what Trident is built and run to do. It is a great pity the Great Powers seem to think they are above the Non-Proliferation Treaty, and indeed other International treaties and obligations that bind others.

    i'm sure we all hope the Japanese and International teams can get these reactors stabilised, before there is even greater catastrophe and loss. And that we share Japan's grief for what they have lost. :heart:

  • Comment number 36.

    floods/earthquakes and turbines versus reactors:

    both may get damaged or washed away, but at least turbines don't explode.

    #8 RB, #15 Bros, #16 JaP, Peter, superb comments :), and excellent so many others too today! :)

    kevsey: so... oh, nevermind.

  • Comment number 37.

    The mask slipped a little tonight. Willets and Denhan actually looked scared on afew occasions, surrounded by the 'sqeezed middle'.

    All the trained words that came out of thier mouths had a hollow ring to them, even to their own ears it seems.

    It is a difficult thing to maintain composure when forced to hold a mirror up to oneself in public and see a grotesque clown looking back at you.

    The last time I saw a similar glint of fear in the eye of politicians was at the height of the financial crisis at a NN forum undertaken in a steeworks factory.

    No doubt having suffered the indignity of being forced to look at thier own portrait in the attic they will scuttle back to the comfort of the bosom of westminster once more and the santuary of those nice 'newconferences' where they can be among friends again.

  • Comment number 38.

    if the govt says its tough why is 4 billion a year mainly going to millionaire landowners? why is that ring fenced? why is there no land tax nor compulsory land registry for all landowners?

    why is an industry that can billions in bonuses still state supported? no one else is too big to fail? even governments?

  • Comment number 39.

    '13. At 6:35pm on 15 Mar 2011, barriesingleton wrote:
    Yes - they have asked for travel to be confined to vital matters, BUT THIS WAS ART.

    I fear my willingness to pay for a ticket to the theatre of the absurd is wearing thin.

  • Comment number 40.


    Stop being rhetorical Jaunty - or I shall be forced to go allegorical.

    Something that was driven home to me, while in business, was: we don't do Shame or Embarrassment any more. These are fundamental to a functional culture.

    We have gone too long without invasion, insurrection or cataclysm.

    Armageddon is our only hope. (And by the look on Tony's face - he knows something.)

  • Comment number 41.


    the more people with nothing left to lose [this will increase as times goes on as people run out of savings etc] the more unstable the uk will become?

    having the right questions acts as maggots that burrow into those whose brains are made of wood allowing some light in?

  • Comment number 42.


    Yuk - what a horrible metaphor.

    A bit like using the metaphor of fucashima for the world economy.

    Speaking of metaphors the rats are the first ones out of Tokyo when something happens in the real world which could impact their illusory construct.

    Suck the population dry, then at the first sign of trouble scarper with the booty.

    Swiss banks are doing a roaring trade I hear as is property in the virgin isles.

  • Comment number 43.


    Do our effete in modern time
    walk upon all, and us demean?
    And is Old England’s very (turf - rhymes with god)
    defiled by trampling foot obscene?
    And does our governance supine
    let Europe’s clouds enrol our hills?
    Shall we watch Englishness unbilded here
    as Heath’s mistake now Dave fulfils.

    We bowed to Brown – he sold our gold;
    shot off and left us in the mire.
    He’ll be made Peer (that deal not told)
    honoured as more pants catch on fire.
    We’re in the grip of mental plight
    none keep their word – lie out of hand
    so pray the New Jerusalem
    drops soon on this unpleasant land.


  • Comment number 44.

    nulabour Clowns .. New Fall/FAIL

  • Comment number 45.

    Boat Race Book .. I See Big Dozy Brother has Pulled The Plug on A Video Regarding Dr David Kelly.

    At The Very Least nulabour govermeant Trash Hounded him to Death.

    The nulabour Carpet .. A Mountain of Filth

  • Comment number 46.


    When Alarm Clock Joe get's killed, or maimed, on a building site (often doing the only job he can get) the downstream consequences are at best, mixed. Quite frequently he is deemed to have been negligent. He is never a hero.

    When Tommy Jingo, mercenary destroyer and killer in foreign lands (doing the job he loves) is maimed or killed, he is wrapped in glory and support. He is ALWAYS a first class soldier - indeed, a first class human being. He is never negligent.

    Now the monarchy has added another layer of approval to Tommy Jingo but I hear nothing of Alarm clock Joe being honoured.

    Nuff sed.

  • Comment number 47.


    The real Dave showed at PMQs again. When stung, he gets eloquently nasty, as only a highly educated toff can.

    He fell back on repeated use of 'feeble', a very to toffy word, and not a little Freudian in its gestation, I suggest.


  • Comment number 48.

    Suffered 2 seconds of denhem last night .. rather Watch Peppa Porky Pig

    Came back for A bit of The Nu Unclear Debate .. Which Hymn Sheet are they Singing From

    Radio 4 .. Jacked on that years ago when they Binned F Forsyhe

    naughty naughti fron close 2 the same neck of the woods as me

    I Don't have Brainwashed bbc Marks on me

  • Comment number 49.

    46 are You Full of GAS/Troubled By Wind

    Without Tommy Atkins I Doubt You'd be Breathing

  • Comment number 50.

    mindywindywooo wrote:

    "kevsey: so... oh, nevermind."

    no, go on.

    Willets having more money than you must really wind you up. I suppose if he'd had stayed a full time student for 20yrs, went around blaming others for their misfortune and lack of money and for ever wanting state handouts you'd probably like Willets more..he would have more eempathyyyyyy for the poor. Save it! your comments are from the usual Neo-leftists Daily Mirror brigade who hate anybody more resourceful, more hardworking, and more mature in mind, than themselves.

    Well talk more your've finally stopped tapping the family for soap powder and you've got your first house and have erected your first garden shed.

    Hows the gap years going mindywindy.

  • Comment number 51.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 52.


    Approval is just not apposite. Westminster - collectively - holds you in contempt. Parties under that aegis, manipulate you with contempt. Your MP is content to accrue rosette-votes at election, and then claim personal electedness. This is hypocrisy, and a few other unpleasant appellations also.
    If Willets took of the rosette (it would be sported by another cipher) would he be elected?

    I call for all incumbents (of honour) to remove the rosette at the next election and request voters to vote on PERSONAL MERIT.

    Nuff sed.

  • Comment number 53.

    Dearest Auntie Has ..IT gone ALL Quiet on The Flatulent Windy Front

  • Comment number 54.

    More trouble at mill, wind that is...

  • Comment number 55.

    54 LOL .. One Persons Wind is another Persons Wind Power

    Green Bowel Movesment to save the Whale

    Eat your Greens Save The Wind

  • Comment number 56.

    Bearing in mind it is sinking in that events in Japan are going to send GHGs through the roof as other means are deployed to those destroyed or out of favour, how is the ±«Óătv proposing to repatriate its 'team' of essential experts rushed there to 'report' when things get more ratings-exciting in another venue?

  • Comment number 57.

    What Big Society really means....

    "1750: The International Rescue Corps has returned to the UK after it was sent back from Japan. Team leader Ray Gray said he was disappointed to be home so soon. "We flew over there with the intention of doing what I thought would have been a good job and a worthwhile job at the request of the Japanese government, and we've spent two days in an airport because we couldn't get a permit to get on the road from the British embassy."

    1752: Mr Gray said the fault lay with the embassy. "The Japanese government issued a permit but we needed a letter from the British embassy to get the permit. They said because we weren't part of the British response, we're a non-government organisation, we couldn't have a letter." bbc, japan live feed

    Oh and how about them PQT's
    "1211 The Labour leader insists the bill will subject healthcare to EU competition law. He reads out references in the bill to the Competition Commission and the OFT."

    next step a top-up with private health insurance?
    I still blame Thatcher for gettin us into this mess

  • Comment number 58.

    #50: yawn. Is that the best you can do kevsey?

    go back to blaming immigrants for everything, its about your level.


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