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A summer sniffle way ahead of time...

Chris Evans | 10:03 UK time, Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Might as well get it now I suppose. Hang on though, eyes streaming, runny nose too and scratchy throat. Hey everyone look - it's the tree pollen party come to town. Injection required today but already left London till tomorrow. D'oh !

In other and far more important matters. The pie tax debate rolls on. What is going to happen ? Pieminister, on behalf of all pie and pasty lovers, we implore you to reconsider. We are all far too confused as to what's classed as hot and what's not.


Peace and Love





  • Comment number 1.

    Good morning blogettes:

    Am I first?

    The pie tax - must have seemed a good idea at the time. Now a legal nightmare I should imagine.

    Hope all are well in blogland.

    Regards PJ

  • Comment number 2.

    Hi Chris: oooh, that's not so good. I did think you sounded a wee bit scratchy throat this morning! You do suffer ... you're a wee pet lamb! Loved all the chat this morning about pies hot and cold - the tax was just a ridiculous idea, from the off!

    Hi everyone else:

    Hope you are all ok. Nice day here, but not nearly as warm as the last couple of days - so glad I decided to wear a jumper today!

    Have a good Wednesday, all!

    C xx

  • Comment number 3.

    Morning all

    Chri, you needed to nab Dr Sarah Jarvis on monday when she was in talking about the very early hay-fever attack that was underway! Good luck and apparently a petroleum jelly product smeared around the nose is very helpful to alleviating the situation!

    Still nice here today. I'm going to make the most of it!

    Sezza x x x

  • Comment number 4.

    Morning All,

    Still sunny here, but the temperature down South (well in my part anyway) has never reached the dizzy heights that Scotland has been experiencing. It's about time they had the warmth up there :)

    Chris, I can sympathise, been sneezing a lot myself recently. Another remedy is local made honey. You need to start putting this on your toast or eating a spoonful a day and it is supposed to help. But it has to be made from the bees that are most local to you.

    Chrissie, Thanks for the Arnica tip yesterday, my Mum said the same thing, but I don't have any and not really going near a chemist either. If I remember, I'll get some for the next time I go shoulder first into a door ;) xx

    Annie, Glad you had a good birthday and hope the Grandson is better xx

    Talking of Grandson's - Bids, How's Ben? xx

    We've had cake in the office today as my colleague is the big 40 this week!

    Happy Hump Day


  • Comment number 5.

    Greetings Of Warmth (Or Should It Be Very 'ot) CLP & ALL...

    Bingo Star 'ere.... Coming To You Live From Bangkok (38c presently present)...

    CLP - Oh dear.... Yerv just reminded me of one of the downsides of our most wonderful country the UK and it's summer weather with pollen everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Just realised 'ere a am in 100 degrees 'eat and me nose is noot sniffly... me eyes don't feel sore.... As low pollen 'ere mainly due to banana and coconuts growing rather than grass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sadly terdee me most nice 'olidee is coming to it's end as a fly back to the UK in 3 'ours and 45 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    When a say 3. 45 a don't mean the plane is that fast..... A mean it leaves Bangkok airport in 3 'ours 45 mineeets time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    The time now 17.30 'ere!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Prsebtly a am in a little internet cafe VERY near ter the crazy area of Baiyoke.... The Baiyoke tower dominating the skyline... With very carzy busy side streets of jammed traffic, tuk-tuks, taxi, scooters and people buying anything and everything from the market stalls scattered everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Earlier terdee a went ter the zoo, Thailand's capital city zoo bit like London Zoo.... Great ter see so many 'appy faces there. Many school children and even a mass of girl guides there today!!!
    The Zoo is a mix of a zoo, a funfair, a theme park and generally just a VERy beautiful park!!!!!!!!!!!
    A wonderful place for children and adults ter visit and only 2 pound ter get in!!!!!!!!!!

    If anybody is reading this and is wondering where to go on holiday this year from a single famale or male ter a full family of all ages - Beleive me Thailand is not the seedy place I thought it was.... But it is a place of the most friendly smiling polite people!!!!!!!
    A wonderful society where people respect their King and respect others in society - It really opens my eyes comign 'ere as to 'ow sadly our British society really is not as good as 'ere!!!!!!!!!
    No road rage 'ere... No people pushing in in queues in shops.... No spitting... no litter.... Just generally everybody 'ere looks 'appier.... Even though they work very 'ard!!!!!!!!

    And the great thing being a Britsh tourist 'ere.... The pound is very strong... Only the 500 quid cost of yer flight is the biggest expense... Once yer 'ere yer money goes a long way!!!!!!!!

    Gotta go... Gotta flight ter catch!!!!!!!

    Tatty Bye!!!!!!

  • Comment number 6.

    me again:

    I did mean to say hello to Crowgirl from the previous blog - welcome to the blog!

    C xx

  • Comment number 7.

    Hello Chris & Everyone.

    I t must be a real nuisance suffering from hayfever Chris. It's something I don't have so I'm lucky but I have enough other things to be going on with.

    The pie thing is just another example of how they don't stop to think about what they are doing. Actually I don't think they do know what they are doing at all.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 8.

    PS. They've just arrived outside my abode to cut the grass and spray weedkiller around the edges of the large green. Although I don't suffer with hayfever I think I should shut the window!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 9.

    Good afternoon everyone,

    What a glorious day we are having....... It has been so nice to sit out after work and reflect on the day .
    Train tickets booked for Edinburgh last night , thanks to Crumpy giving me a nudge , we have got two return tickets for ÂŁ50, which we are delighted with.

    Right, I must dash, I'm finding it hard to find my mojo today . Things are not balancing, and i keep thinking it is Thursday. I'm really wishing it was Friday, or even Saturday, but in reality I am preparing February accounts, so no wonder I dont know where I am upto .
    Right, brain into gear and off we go.

    Have a nice afternoon.

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 10.

    Afternoon all!

    I thoroughly recommend acupuncture for hayfever suffers, it was the only thing that helped my husband through it.

    Today I shall be saying no to housework and hello to sitting in the sunshine!

    Dragon xx

  • Comment number 11.

    Afternoon All

    It is gloriously sunny here in Shropshire, thought I would be a good Office Manager today and buy my lot an ice cream or two so went to the bottom slapping shop to buy a selection they are going down very nicely here in the office.

    I am not a normal hayfever sufferer however I have noticed that I am sneezing alot at the mo. My brother in law and my nephew suffer really bad with it too, and the boy can get a slight touch too but we have found that a certain brand of anti histamine normally works. I know it can make for a horrendous summer for those who do suffer.

    Pie tax - ludicrious that is the only word I can use for it.

    Hello Purple dragon stuff the housework and hello crowgirl.

    Hope everyone is enjoying this glorious weather and you are all having a good day.

    CB xx

  • Comment number 12.

    Hello Purple Dragon.

    I went to have acupuncture and did greatly benefit from the first one and most people say it's wonderful.

    But something I don't understand at all is that the acupuncturist told me not to eat fish, tomatoes, red or green peppers, citrus fruit. These are amongst the very foods that all the medical people and all the websites tell me I should eat to help the lungs.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 13.

    PS I'm actually given fish oil capsules on prescription!

  • Comment number 14.

    Every day this week I've woken up with a sore throat - maybe it's hayfever but most of all I hope it's not an allergy to our new family members otherwise I might cry because I think I love them lots lol. I guess if that's the case I'll get some anti-histamines and see if that fixes it (it could be because they've been inside while the weather can't make up it's mind)

    If you haven't seen my FB we adopted two super cute guinea pigs from a family at church who can't look after them any more - they were horrendously skittish on Sunday but have calmed down now and squeak and "bubble" really loud especially when they know it's dinner time. On Monday when I got in from work I think they could smell the food that I'd bought at the supermarket because they went slightly bonkers lol.

    Mr Han thinks it's funny because I talk to them - when I went in the kitchen yesterday I opened the kitchen door told the guinea pigs to shield their eyes because I was going to switch the light on - Mr Han was behind me and started laughing - some people are so mean lol.

  • Comment number 15.

    Hi MM, I have no idea why you would have been told that! I have had acupuncture for various things and wasn't ever told to avoid anything! I suppose every practitioner has their own theories on things.

    Dragon xx

  • Comment number 16.


    The British people will put up with a lot but, if George Osbourne puts VAT on a Greggs Steak Bake then there will be civil unrest in this country the likes of which we have never before witnessed!

  • Comment number 17.

    Afternoon each from sunny Fife.

    Pie tax? What pie tax? Must have missed that one. Switched the radio on in the car this morning and thought I was listening to Open University. That man just went on and on and on.... although he was quite interesting. I obviously knew nothing about sundials.

    Love this weather - windows open, washing out, housework done, lunch with daughter and poorly 9yr old, although he is getting better, much to daughter's relief as they're off to Florida on Sunday.

    Hope everyone's enjoying the sun.

    Back in a bit. xxxxx

  • Comment number 18.


    You did make me laugh about your guineas. When Mr PJ and I had not been together long we got a kitten. The first time I let him out into the garden - left all the lights in the back of the house on, so he could find his way back home. Mr PJ knew I was a loon but that definitely confirmed it.

    Regards PJ

  • Comment number 19.

    And here I am back again

    Rips, missed you last night - many thanks for next year's birthday wishes. x

    Hello Crowgirl, hope you stay around.

    Ali, I've heard that about local honey too. Fortunately, I've never suffered from hayfever but stepson does and it's not nice.

    Bingo, lovely post, Thailand sounds lovely. Have a good flight home.

    Maddy, since you posted about your acupuncture, I've been considering it too - haven't quite got the courage up to do it yet.

    MC, see you in Edinburgh in June.

    And hello to everyone else. xxxxx

  • Comment number 20.

    Hello all

    An even warmer and sunny day here in North Yorks - met up with Pip and mini Pip this morning for a wonderful meander around Knaresborough so that I could be shown the sights. Of course we had to stop for a cuppa and cake too - as you do!

    It is so nice to have met people from this here blog to take you under their wing when you are a stranger to an area - thanks Chris for making this happen.

    Looking forward to the HC cafe visit in Edinburgh along with meeting up with the bloggers of course!!


    Susan xx

  • Comment number 21.

    Susan, am jealous. Mini pip looks so cuddly.

    Looking forward to seeing you in June. xxxx

  • Comment number 22.


    Well not only do the politicians not know what they're talking about the media get their facts wrong too. The news reporter said a Greggs sausage roll cost ÂŁ2.35 when in fact this is the price of four sausage rolls. The only person who is talking sense is Mr Gregg himself!

    Annie- I would advise acupuncture and you can't feel the needles at all, it's very painless. Just don't listen to the what you can't eat part (in my case anyway).

    PJ-Something is bugging me. I couldn't get the answer to Where's Fred last Tuesday although I should knosw it from the clues, looking across to a famous dock (surely the Albert dock) and it's obviously somewhere on the Wirral. The clue 'the opposite of covert' all I could think of was Frankby but it doesn't look across to Liverpool. I looked online but they don't give the answer. I did however get this week's right and so would MC as it's her neck of the woods.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 23.

    I should have said there that I missed this Tuesday's programme. They show Where's Fred' online but don't give last week's answer!

  • Comment number 24.

    'Lo everybody

    How are you all tonight?

    I am being squished in a heap by a boy!!!

    Makes it hard to trype!


  • Comment number 25.


    It would appear that Queen fans are not convinced by the runner-up in American Idol after all.

  • Comment number 26.

    MBD, Don't understand? Have I missed something about Queen?


  • Comment number 27.


    Sonisphere at Knebworth where Queen were due to play has been cancelled due to poor ticket sales.

    Could this see the start of a backlash against exhorbitant ticket prices? I hope so.

  • Comment number 28.


    CSN. xx

  • Comment number 29.

    Hello MBD

    CSN. xx

  • Comment number 30.


    28 0n the 28th CSN! That must be worth two points!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 31.

    Hello Marjie.


  • Comment number 32.

    Hello CSN.

    The loonies have come out to play LOL!

    It's a bit too far off 100 though!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 33.

    Don't start you two, you'll get me into trouble!

  • Comment number 34.

    Sorry MBD!


    MM xxx

  • Comment number 35.

    Who is going to race me to the 50th post.



  • Comment number 36.

    D'oh! 37?

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 37.

    MBD, I am always on the naughty step. LOL!


    csn. xx

  • Comment number 38.

    I was just about to go and make a sandwich as I'm hungry.

    38 39 or 40!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 39.

    Marjie if MBD helps us I am sure will we reach the 100th post tonight.



  • Comment number 40.


  • Comment number 41.

    Marjie, please can you make me a sandwich too.



  • Comment number 42.


    I'm afraid you'll have to count me out.

  • Comment number 43.

    I'm not going for 100 CSN. I need that sandwich LOL!
    Yes, if MBD helps we'll soon be at 50!

    MM xxx


  • Comment number 44.

    Well done Marjie.

    I don't like odd numbers!



  • Comment number 45.


  • Comment number 46.

    Come on MBD, please help us get to the 50th post.


    csn. xx

  • Comment number 47.

    We're doing well now aren't we CSN!


    MM xxx

  • Comment number 48.

    Sorry, but Matron has said it's time for lights out.

  • Comment number 49.

    Nearly there now!

    I think MBD is worried he might lose LOL!



  • Comment number 50.

    Marjie and MBD.



  • Comment number 51.

    Oh NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'll try anyway 50!

    (just in case you've both gone away)

  • Comment number 52.

    I am off on my broomstick now!


  • Comment number 53.

    Congratulations CSN (again) LOL!

    Off to make my sarnie in a huff!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 54.

    Thank you Marjie and MBD.

    Lots of love to you Marjie. xx



  • Comment number 55.

    Marvellous, now those two have gone, I've got a clear run to 100.

  • Comment number 56.

    MBD, are you scared of repercussions tomorrow of a light hearted game on here that we play late night ?



  • Comment number 57.


    Of course i am, aren't you?

  • Comment number 58.

    Hey Chris
    I’m a big fan of yours and love your show. But at least a couple of times recently you have strayed into politics. It grates. A few weeks ago you mocked David Cameron’s refusal to sign up to a Greek bailout plan. This morning it was hot food tax. Ok, maybe pasties are mildly amusing as a topic for PMQ’s, but “the funniest thing ever”? Don’t think so. If I want politics in the morning I’ll tune in to Radio 4 thanks. Richard Madeley specialises in presuming his listeners wish to be availed of his “wisdom” on just about everything and so is utterly unbearable. Please don’t start down that route but instead keep doing the interesting, informative, entertaining stuff you are great at.
    Love and best wishes.

  • Comment number 59.

    Yes I am MBD.


  • Comment number 60.

    Some people take this virtual situation far too seriously.

    Hello and welcome Puddle Duck.



  • Comment number 61.

    Night everyone.

    Sleep well and sweet dreams.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 62.

    Aaah! Feeling so much better now after my butty.

    Here's a virtual butty for you CSN & MBD!

    Hello & welcome Puddle Duck. Yes I agree, talking politics or religion can only lead to trouble!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 63.

    Sneaks in, takes a quick look around ...


  • Comment number 64.

    When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind.

    Kind words do not cost much, yet they accomplish much.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 65.




  • Comment number 66.

    Couldn't help sneaking in too to see what's going on!

    66 Clickety click!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 67.

    It's getting late 88!

  • Comment number 68.

    68 D'oh! Time for bed LOL !

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 69.

    I will not be tempted, I have no intention of attracting the wrath of the Glasgow Massive.

    Nighty night Ladies.

  • Comment number 70.


    Goodnight CSN & MBD!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 71.

    MBD, LOL! xx

    Night Marjie. xx


    CSN. xx

  • Comment number 72.


    CSN. xx

  • Comment number 73.

    Good Morning all.

    Its an almost deafening dawn chorus this morning, with a lone pheasant joining in, that quite honestly could do with some extra tuition if he is to blend into the harmonious extravaganza that is unfolding.

    Apparently, May 6th is National Dawn Chorus Day, rough calculations tell me that that, is still a good 5 weeks or so away.

    So, throw those windows wide and sit back and enjoy the very best, that nature has to offer.

    Gail, I expect that you are busy out and about so experience this phenomena every morning.

    Moments like these? Pure gold!

    A big hello to everyone and thank you for your kind comments about previous posts. I will try and get here more often, its just 'stuff' and things like that!

    I do however still read the blog and love hearing everyones news and views.

    Happy Days.

    Sal :)

  • Comment number 74.

    Good morning everyone,

    It would be awful suffering from hay fever, especially where we live and being around bales of hay etc., I know a few people who suffer and I'm so glad I am not one of them.

    I don't have time to catch up just now so will do that later.

    D and I have won a "one nights bed and breakfast for two including dinner with a bottle of champagne" at the Marriott, Glasgow, so I will need to get that booked up for the next weekend D is off, fab!

    The pie thing is just crazy.

    Hope you all have a good day.



  • Comment number 75.

    I'm back, I did have time to catch up after all.

    Sal, you are right, being out and about so early in the morning is just great (in my opinion), I absolutely love it, even when I go shopping or into town, i always go first thing when everything is quiet.

    Have a great day.



  • Comment number 76.

    Good morning all,

    Another beautiful wall to wall blue down here on the south coast ,just a couple of degrees cooler but not minding that at all,as it's still a good day.

    Cowgirl ,welcome and thank you ,just a bit further along just over the border of east Hampshire.not to far really from you .

    Sal:)..Dozer ,feeling quite envious of your tales .Note to self ...must get up earlier ,but don't you have to go to bed earlier to achieve the right balance.

    Well half of my week is done and heading in to the next half with a very positive attitude ,up to now lol.

    Have a good day all ,and I hope all those little new comers have a fun filled day .

    Take care ..Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 77.

    And a good morning to you too Noah.xxx.

  • Comment number 78.

    Ah, the dawn chorus.

    Around here it consists of a couple of sparrows coughing their lungs up and a pigeon with indigestion after eating a kebab it found in a skip.

  • Comment number 79.

    Good Morning Sal, Dozer, Bids & MBD.

    Another fine day here on the Wirral peninsula.

    Loving your posts MTF. The dawn chorus here is wood pidgeons and ordinary pidgeons, the sometimes make such a loud cooing when perched on the chimney. Also magpies, seagulls and a viariety of small birds in the back garden.

    Off out very soon as I've had a phone call to say the man is coming this afternoon to fix the CH/HW. Not to mention the fact that someone is returning from faraway shores.

    I have a strong urge to pick up four of those sausage rolls from Gr*ggs, hope they are cold at the moment of payment.

    MM xxx


  • Comment number 80.


  • Comment number 81.

    Maddy: Nearly missed your post from yesterday evening. Sorry can't help with your 'Where's Fred' I don't normally catch it. Usually making the dinner/eating it when he's on. Only knew it was going to be on 'cos I saw him filiming in our road.

    Gail: You won something ................ again ! What do they say about better to be born luck than rich. I woldn't mind finding out about the rich bit. Congratulations hope you and David enjoy your trip to Glasgow. Visit the Rennie Mackintosh tea rooms for me won't you?

    Regards PJ

  • Comment number 82.

    Hi Chris - I too suffer with terrible hay fever which always starts this time of year! You might want to take a look at an online clinic on hay fever where you can talk to medical experts about your symptoms and various ways of treating it.

  • Comment number 83.

    Afternoon one and all.

    Its bloomin manic here what with year end and trying to track down a book that is no longer in print that is needed for a clients retirement do TONITE. Nothing like a bit of notice on these things. Oh and the invoicing that now needs to be done like immediately. I have a headache....

    Looking forward to the weekend although I am a bit put off by the latest reports that we are going to have a smattering of the cold white stuff over easter...

    Also it struck me this morning that with the GDP being low again and the whispers that we are yet again in a recession could the governments solution to this problem be to get us to spend more money then normal and possibly money we havent got, so it begs the question "Are the sales of pasties, stamps and petrol used to report the GDP?" or am I being a little bit cynical.

    Gail congrats get that hotel booked and enjoy it.

    Hope everyone else is well?

    Take care

    CB xx

  • Comment number 84.

    GDP - Gross Domestic Product ie what the country produces, so driving into town to post a pasty will not affect it.

    In any case the GDP of the UK is in the region of 2 trillion Dollars, which is a hell of a lot of pasties.


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