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Yes - we know it's cold...

Chris Evans | 10:01 UK time, Thursday, 2 February 2012

...But it's still nice to have it confirmed by everyone that comes indoors from outside. It's the ears that suffer most. Wrap those up if nothing else.

In other news, Ken is celebrating a birthday today. It is a seventh decade birthday and so here's me announcing the sixty bit but honking out the one ! "Don't honk out the one" he says ! And of course he's right. If it's a late sixties then honk. If it's an early sixties then don't honk - declare.

Sorry Brucemeister. You rock and always will.

By the way - he really doesn't look it.

Have a great day y'all. Two, two, one, two. 2/2/12 !!!

Peace and Love




  • Comment number 1.

    Roadie Day!

    Happy Birthday Zen - listening to Pop Master as I type.

    Nice and warm in my study/office - with coffee when I want/need, and some home-made biscuits left from yesterday's efforts in the kitchen.


    The Virtual One
    x x x

  • Comment number 2.

    Hiya Chris: really loved the show this morning - very funny that you and Vassos were "roomies" last night! And I was delighted to hear you all had a fantastic time at Jersey Boys, after the show. xx

    The Brucemeister: Happy Birthday! Chris is right, you rock!

    C xx

  • Comment number 3.

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  • Comment number 4.

    Yes - we know it's cold ........but it is beautiful out there!

    The sky is the clearest of clear blues and I don't think it is quite as cold as it was

    Gail, I know what you mean - I think! I have a lady i know who has always lived alone as far as I can tell and woe betide if she doesn't get things organised to her way - to the extent of sending away a plumber who arrived half an hour early!

    She says she has been "led "to live here but she doesn't know for what purpose - We think it might be so she can learn to live with a little more consideration to others!

    Deevs, I have been baking a bit more recently. Helps to keep the lunchboxes stocked up!

    Happy Birthday Ken!!

    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 5.

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  • Comment number 6.

    Hi Chris - huge congrats on the listening figures, I am one of the loyal 8.8 million who just love your show and the rest of your lovely Team. Nearly wet myself laughing yesterday when you were singing;"If you sit in row Z and a ball hits your head..." and today when Vassos was talking about the Skunks in Sacramento; my best friend lives in California so told her to wear a waterproof jumpsuit today, just in case! Love and light.... Crowgirl x

  • Comment number 7.

    Re: Living on your own... personally, I think that living on your own doesn't necessarily make you a selfish person, it's how you live your life. I have lived on my own several times and although I had a certain routine, I didn't feel it was the only way to live, just my way. Some people prefer to live on their own for many reasons and are happy with their own company but I feel if yoiu are forced to live on your own and don't want to, it can be lonely and depressing and some people get quite bitter and resentful and introspective. My mother-in-law is in that position [all too complicated to explain] and although she has a nice flat in a complex she chose to live in, the cirumstances behind her moving there were unhappy ones and she felt pushed out of her family at the time. Now she has come to terms with the situation pretty much 99.9% but she does have her down days and I can sympathise with her in that respect.

  • Comment number 8.

    Ahem ..... Dozy, cite our own AliB to your colleague. She lives on her own and is one of THE most giving, lovely, gentle, caring people I have ever had the pleasure to meet.

    If selfish is having gawd knows how many part-time jobs, doing stuff for the community, street pastor duties and other churchey stuff and overseas missionary work then AliB must really be selfish.

    Your colleague is a numpty!

    The Virtual One
    x x x

  • Comment number 9.

    Hiya Chris, Hiya Bloggers,

    How are we all? It sure is a chilly one today!


    Thanks for getting us through January it whizzed by in no time at all. I was a bit worried the Candy Man might not come back in the New Year – I am delighted you have
    kept him in the show – thank you xx

    Jersey Boys – my favourite musical! Brilliant – anyone who hasn’t seen it please try to, you won’t be disappointed. Ryan Molloy who was the original cast member to play Frankie Valli in the West End does it better than Frankie Valli – honestly he does!! Ask Chrissie – whenever I hear Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons I always say to Chrissie “they are not as good as our Jersey Boys” haha

    I ditto the others Chris this mornings show was just fabulous – loved hearing Natasha too xx

    Apologies for my absence – it’s been a busy few weeks with year end, ISO Audit (we passed too Debs, well done on yours!) archiving etc etc., I am a bit of a sado because I love it all.
    I received a “highly commended” from our auditor for our Sales, Purchasing and Finance systems – makes all the hard work worthwhile.

    Gail – I am so sorry to hear about David’s mum xx Thinking of you both at this very sad time xx

    I totally agree with you re: living alone. I have done so for a number of years – I don’t think any of my friends or family would say I am selfish! If my situation were to change tomorrow I would find it difficult but I would be prepared to make the necessary compromises. I don’t envy you working with your colleague, not the cheeriest of the bunch eh?

    I also agree with you re: Chris’ poached eggs – delicious!

    MC – really nice to see you back on the blog xx

    MtD – hiya nice to see you too xx

    EB – good luck with the move – I am sure you son will settle in fine and will be making new friends in no time at all xx

    Hi to everyone else, hope you are all well xx

    Have a good day folks!
    Mary xx

  • Comment number 10.

    afternoon peeps - don't fall in a dead faint over a post two days in a row!

    Agree with Janet over how cold it is up here in Wrexham today, -5 when I drove in to the office - and yes I am working locally today not in Telford.
    Turns out I would have been the only one in on my team, so a 100 mile round trip to sit on my own, seemed a bit pointless so I have bagged an empty desk in my old office.

    I would love to say that it was because I was conscious of the environment and wanted to save on my carbon footprint (and I DO!) but it also meant a bit of a lie in and a proper breakfast - boiled egg (nice and dippy) and toast soldiers.

    Just had the soup in a cup/home-made bread lunch, so feeling very contented and a bit sleepy now.

    Gail - I wasn't sure when you first posted about your work colleague if she meant that people who lived on their own were selfish because they were hogging all the housing! I get it now.

    Okey dokey - back to the daily slog.
    ttfn, Crumpy xx

  • Comment number 11.

    Hello CE & Everyone.

    I've just come indoors Chris and can confirm that it's very cold outside. I covered my ears with my hooded scarf which is handy for covering my mouth when facing the wind. I decided it was the weather for chippy shop chips, some for lunch and some later with a couple of fried eggs. But I made the mistake of asking for a large portion and now have enough chips for the rest of the week.

    ***Happy Birthday Ken*** It doesn't matter how old we are, it's how young at heart we are that matters. Some people are old at 30 while others are still young at 90.

    Have a great day too 02/02/2012.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 12.

    Gulp....Deevs, Wow thank you xx That's a really lovely thing to say and I am touched by your kind words.

    Thank you

  • Comment number 13.


    I totally agree with Deevs!

  • Comment number 14.

    Just caught up.

    Re slankets! I received one from a friend for Christmas and wore it for the first time last night. I nearly fell over when the phone rang but it's not broken hips that worry me. No, it's the static, I was stroking the cat who was sitting on my lap and then touched the slanket when OUCH! I received electric shocks through my fingers.
    I might use it again with the lights out to watch the sparks fly.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 15.

    Here's a nice thought for us today, I copied it from a friend on FB:

    An old Cherokee told his grandson "My Son, there is a battle between 2 wolves inside us all. One is evil. It is anger, greed, jealousy, resentment, inferiority, lies and ego. The other is good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy and truth." The boy thought about it and asked "Grandfather, which wolf wins?" The old man quietly replied "the one you feed".

  • Comment number 16.

    Hiya: just having a wee catch-up.

    Gail: as Cheryl says, your colleague is a numpty! Selfishness has nothing to do with whether one lives alone, or lives with 10 other people! I have met selfish people who have wonderful children, partners, parents, whatever, but they are just instrically selfish - everything is all about them. No wonder you constantly find yourself at odds with your workmate!

    Mary: lovely to see you back on the blog. Yes, it makes me laugh so much when you find Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons a poor second to the guys in Jersey Boys!

    Slankets: I would love one, but there is no doubt I would trip over and cause some serious injury. And, no, it wouldn't just be because of the white wine ... !

    C xx

  • Comment number 17.

    ooooh, that was an interesting way to spell intrinsically!


  • Comment number 18.

    Evening all

    Gail, I was trying to agree with you earlier I think. Too cold for me to think straight and communicate!

    I definately agree with Deevs though - Ali is the nicest person!

    Maddy, lol at your avalanche of chips! So it'll be chips on toast for breakfast, chip butties for lunch (thick white bread and butter of course) and ham egg and chips for tea!

    Anyone feeling chilly tonight can come round here - Mr Sezza has lit the fire and it is roaring!!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 19.

    CLP poached egg?!!! must have missed that, I can never do a proper poached egg, Gail or anyone can you tell me please.
    Loli x

  • Comment number 20.

    Yes Chris it is cold ,but you have to admit it has been rather nice ,well for some of us ,and thinking of those that are not having it so good.

    Loli sorry cant help you with the poached egg thing ,don't do them much ,when I do I just stir the water before placing the eggs in .

    What a lovely blog today and how lovely to see lots popping in .warms the heart to read .

    Gail, I will be thinking of you and David as you have some difficult times ahead of you. It's never an easy and I hope that you can find comfort knowing that David's mum will get the very best of care.

    Selfishness ,you either are or your not ,it doesn't make a scrap of difference if you live on your own ,and I'll second what Deev said about out prime example on here ...the lovely Alib and if that's not an example well I'll eat my hat.

    Crumpy ,nice to see you popping in and yes are busy but nice busy eh!.And Baggy nice to see you and please that the jobs going well. Tiggs ,you too hows it going now that you's a working girl?
    And Mary ,how grand to see you ,I hope that the weather is being kind to you up there ,poor Crissie you're like me can't be doing with it .and there was me hot water bottles in the beds ,drinks in food in expecting you lasses from north of the border ,offer still open by the way ,Annie you coming ??

    Sezza, that fire of yours sounds pretty good to me I hope boy1 finds it helpful when he gets back home .

    MTD, a nice cruise eh!! just might be the tonic ?? hope so .

    Susan ,yes I hope the big day went well ,I did catch one pic on other side ,beautiful ,and loved the hat.

    MC, is that paint dry yet lol and where next??

    Debs ,don't forget we're at the panto next week ..oh yes !! we are .and I hope that Keith is busy rehearsing his part .

    And has anyone see the fairy around ???

    Right better be going or I'll be doing my morning post as well , night all .Take care as you go out there and stay safe.


  • Comment number 21.

    Good morning all,

    Beatiful blue skies, a frost and it's -7 this morning .Have a good day all and stay safe.


  • Comment number 22.

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  • Comment number 23.

    Morning All,

    I expected to wake up to snow this morning, although they did cover themselves well on the local weather report last night; "it might snow, it might not", well it didn't! Although it is threatened again for tonight, so we'll see. Going to go shopping to get some stocks in just in case.

    Thank you Dozy, Sezza and Bids xx

    Happy Birthday for yesterday Sir Ken of Brucedom xx

    Susan, Lovely photo on the other side, looks like it was a great day xx

    Sezza, I love an open fire, it's one of my ambitions in life to have a house with a log fire.....one day :)

    So what are everyone's plans for the weekend? I'm off to my bezzie mates for tea, then tomorrow am meeting another friend for breakfast, then it's Six Nations all the way for the rest of the weekend.

    Happy Friday Everyone


  • Comment number 24.

    Morning all

    Hasn't David Walliams got a gorgeous laugh!! All warm and rich

    Wonder if they'll let Chris wear his PJ's on the TV tonight?

    Hope he's got his long johns on underneath or he'll be very chilly

    Now, I think my get up and go didn't and is still hiding under the covers keeping warm cos I can't summon any enthusiasm!

    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 25.

    Morning everyone.

    Sorry to say I'm not listening to the breakfast show - the cricket this morning from Dubai is outstanding and England are actually fielding really well.

    It was -7 here at 7am when I took Nic to the train station - I didn't know the temperature thingy on my car went THAT low! He's left the car at home today as there's a drinks thingy/leaving do this afternoon so the train seemed like the sensible option.

    Loads to do today - currently trying to plan next week's menus (any inspiration more than welcome. The criteria: affordable, quick and healthy), then it's shopping list, shopping, a bit of housework and a project to finish today for a client ....

    ... then off out tonight with my lovely man for a meal at a local pub.

    TFI Friday!

    Keep warm. Keep safe. Keep smiling!

    The Virtual One
    x x x

  • Comment number 26.

    Good morning everyone,

    Loli, Put boiling water from the kettle into a shallow pan, bring it back to the boil and drop your egg in, boil it for 45 seconds then remove from the heat and let stand for 10 minutes, still cooking in the hot water, perfect poached egg.



  • Comment number 27.

    Morning all.

    I haven't been here for so long that I had to sign in.

    Chris, great show.

    Dear Chrissie, Annie and Ali, thank you all so much for your support over the last few months that have been a very difficult time for me. xxxx

    Deevs, I would love a puppy too, Mr CSN is not to keen but today is our 39th wedding anniversary, so it might be the right day to ask him.

    Hope you all have a good day and keep warm.

    Lots of love to you all.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 28.

    39 years wed?

    Hells teeth woman - CONGRATULATIONS!!!

    It's 2 years tomorrow that I moved in with Nic. Where'd that time go!?!?


  • Comment number 29.

    Happy Anniversary Mr and Mrs CSN, hope you're feeling better now. XX

  • Comment number 30.

    Morning all,

    Another great show Chris - not a good idea to be putting your lippy on whilst dancing to the Candyman!

    Chrissie, Bids - thank you for the warm welcome back xx

    CSN - Happy Anniversay - congratulations to you and the delightful Mr CSN xx
    I hope you are feeling better, what a terrible time you have had these past few months xx

    Not quiet as cold up here - hope those who have snow heading their way stay safe and warm.

    As our gorgeous Noah says "Happy Friday Everyone!"

    Take care and have a good weekend folks!

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 31.

    Hi everyone:

    Just having a wee check-in and what do I see? The return of the lovely CSN! Lovely to see you, hope you are feeling much better. xx Congratulations to you and Mr CSN - 39 years - roll on next year, and the Big Celebrations! xx

    Gail: moderated? Good grief, that must be a first!

    Bids: hot water bottles in the bed? I am there ... just let me finish off today's work, and I'll be on a train!

    Happy Friday everyone.

    C xx

  • Comment number 32.

    hi mate my missus is being sacked this week by the ±«Óătv for not being able to work 9-6 from elstree whilst trying to bring up our 16 month old daughter meaning they would be apart for at least 15 hrs a day.
    you wouldnt believe the vile conduct the bbc management & hr have put my family through
    the only light i have seen tonight is a exert from another blog one would wish from the bbc
    not to sell all and abandon family / community responsibilities, simply to follow love / compassion / honour, in equal fellowship


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