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Blimey oh riley.

Chris Evans | 11:09 UK time, Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Hit the brakes. This is all going too quickly. One more weekend and that's it for another year.

I cannae believe it Captain.

And hey listen to this! I'm all sorted, all the pressies bought and everything. The team lunch part ll today; my annual boys lunch on Thursday, and then that's it.

Nothing extra next week, all work do's taken care of, and so just a smooth approach in to The Big Weekend.

Regards from The Smug Zone.

Peace and Love





  • Comment number 1.

    Me too Chris, I have just ordered my last pressy on line and that's me done. Tree isn't up yet but the outside of the house is mega festive with lights all over it. Cards still to write though and I really don't enjoy that job. Work do this Saturday night, then more sedate lunch next Friday and that's me off for a fortnight - YAY.

    Hope none of you are getting blown away this morning, during the storm last Thursday/Friday our power was out for 24 hours, luckily I was on holiday Thursday and Friday so I went to the supermarket for breakfast and the local swimming baths for a shower - sorted.

    Have a great day everyone.



  • Comment number 2.


    Can I join Chris in the smug zone - everything done bar one card (still waiting for baby news!!!)

    I can't believe how quickly this year has gone by, and I'm sure next year will move very quickly too - when we know what we're doing that is!

    We have horizontal hail at the moment, following a very wild wet windy night, all the bins are down along our street and even the dog wasn't sure about going out this morning!!
    But the icky weather still hasn't got my child in anything warmer than a t-shirt..........boys!

    And a general health warning for you all - bread knives are sharp - Ow!

    Advent guess - A candle!


  • Comment number 3.

    Smug can be good though Chris, can't it!?

    All our cards have been written and posted, prezzie shopping done (just need to wrap them all now!), Christmas Radio Times sitting on the coffee table and the goose ordered. It's a trip to the panto in Brum on Saturday night with an excitable 9 year old and grandma, then back to Brum Sunday afternoon for some mooching round the German Christmas market.

    Nic's working silly long hours at the mo, and I just can't wait for him getting home on 22nd December so we can start our Christmas proper!

    Not so much in the smug zone, but feeling really positive about 2012 and many new doors opening.

    Love it!


  • Comment number 4.

    Hello all - can I be semi smug?

    All presents bought apart from two that mr bp is reposnsible for (his dad and brother), everything wrapped that is bought and most christmas cards out.

    Work silly busy, am not going to the Christmas party (not being grumpy just too far away and I couldn't think round a good solution) and really looking forward to whatever time next Friday they let us go as that is it until the New Year for me :-)

    guess for advent calendar - a mug of hot choc

    Weather is absolutely beautiful here - really clear sky accross the reseviour - lovely


  • Comment number 5.

    I'm with you this year Chris - all pressies wrapped, cards posted, booze bought & tree up. Just need to get in the woods at the weekend & cut some holly (already found the bits I want with loads of berries still on) ....... hands off the red berries you birdies!

    Peace & love from another smug-zone :-)

    CG xx

  • Comment number 6.

    Dear Smug Chris: good for you! I will be at my office Christmas lunch on Thursday, and I will raise a wee toast to you, and your mates!

    Hi everyone else: isn't it incredible how fast December is disappearing? Can't believe next Sunday is the Big Day!

    Sezza: your post yesterday was just so lovely - we do have to take time to appreciate what we have. xx

    Bids: your post, too, was wonderful. I had a big lump in my throat, thinking of my lovely Mum and Dad. xx

    And, Heavens to Betsy, a personal message from the lovely Rips! Don't know what I have done to deserve this! xx

    I really hope everyone getting this storm is ok. It's wild and wet in Glasgow, and of course freezing, but I know some people are really having a bad time of it.

    Unfortunately I have to head out at lunchtime for one or two things ... I am not as organised as some of my fellow bloggers are!

    C xx

  • Comment number 7.

    Hmmm. Office Office Christmas Lunch - not thought about that .....


  • Comment number 8.

    I'm back baby! lol. We moved office on Friday and then the internet was temperamental today and I had to do like two days work in one day! I lost my mousemat in the move so might try and adopt another one from somewhere.

    I've got one gift left for Christmas and then I'm done I think. Got a second to finish making. Finished my Christmas Cards last night. Going to send a Christmas email to my Uncle and his wife (who I guess is my Auntie but it makes her feel really old having god remarried and gained nieces and nephews in their twenties) as they are in Dubai and I missed the last posting date (oops!)

    We've been booked in to go out for a restaurant Christmas dinner (wouldn't have been my first choice actually which sounds strange but I'd rather be at home with family etc)

  • Comment number 9.


    Just had a jacket spud with cheese for lunch - yum.

    My tree is up and a few pressies purchased, but not a card written! I suppose I need to start that soon...eek!

    I am glad that my fellow bloggers and our leader are all so efficient :)

    Advent guess for today - A baby in a manger.


  • Comment number 10.


    Have had a tricky week but all better now.

    Just popping in for an advent guess.......................a snowman :-))))

  • Comment number 11.


    Ever since my Mum and Dad moved into a flat, which is now about 10 years ago, we have gone out for Christmas dinner, every month we put money away by standing order, my Dad looks after it, and that takes us (us being myself, David, Mum, Dad, Brother and his OH, Aunt, Uncle and 2 cousins) out for Christmas day dinner and New Year's Day dinner, we really enjoy it, and no-one is left with any hard work or washing up to do afterwards, then we always go back to my Mum and Dad's or my Aunt and Uncle's house for drinks etc., David is usually always on standby for gritting but unfortunately last year he was called out for gritting right at the time of the dinner, but the hotel put his main course in a tupperware for me and he got it when he finished work.



  • Comment number 12.

    Hello all

    Just popping in to say hello, horrendously busy this time of year, so no chance to catch up with what's been going on.

    I'm glad so many of you are so sorted! Not written one card, we have a tree up but not decorated yet. But today is the GB's 2nd birthday, so hopefully we can press on and get everything sorted for next week.

    Happy Birthday George, who was happy surrounded by wrapping paper, fire engines, diggers, and trucks of various shapes and sizes thos morning.

    Still got a nativity, work dinner and carol service to go before monday, so no winding down for me yet.

    Hope everyone's OK.



  • Comment number 13.

    Hello CE & Everyone.

    Windy on & off here on the Wirral peninsula.

    I'm half smug. Written the cards but haven't got round to posting them yet. The tree is up much to the delight of my two cats. I have most of my food shopping done, just need the turkey and fresh stuff.

    Ali SNAP I too made a baked potato with cheese and tomato but could only eat half. Probably because of the tin of mushroom soup.

    Today's advent calendar guess: two turtle doves (because we have two in the back garden)

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 14.

    this year my mum is doing dinner for the whole tribe - that is, 2 nan's, my parents, me and mr bp, my sister, her partner and 2 kids and my other sister and her husband - and at least 3 dogs!

    Glad its not me :-)

  • Comment number 15.

    Hi again!

    Chris, I so wish I could hit the brakes. It was never like this when I was a child, when the school summer holidays would go on forever. Hey ho, time and tide and all that.

    I am more or less sorted, a couple of bits still to get, then hit the wrapping this weekend.

    Cathmel, glad things are ok now x

    Chrissie, I trust your birthday evening went well, topped off with maybe a little tipple or three!

    Andy, Happy Birthday George. It seem only yesterday we were celebrating his birth on the blog!

    Pen x

  • Comment number 16.

    Hi from another one feeling smug, all my presents are bought and wrapped. Outfit is sorted for a staff party on Thurday. I just need to make some homemade treats to take into work later in the week. My tree isn't up yet, will do that next week.

    Thanks for the Pause for Thought this morning about St Lucia's day. My Swedish born God-daughter was supposed to be dressing up over the weekend but was sent home from pre-school after being sick. Hopefully she was able to take part in celebrations today.

    It's another very windy day here in Edinburgh, but so far no snow thank goodness!


  • Comment number 17.

    Thanks Penny xx

  • Comment number 18.

    Can I join the smug party please!!

    I do need to do lots of wrapping though, so I probably shouldn't be too smug yet"

    Had my mad week last week so am hoping this week will be a bit calmer - in fact, I'm going to cry off a meeting tomorrow night as I really don't have to be there.

    I might walk down to the pub for some carol singing tonight, just to really get in the mood

    Andy, can't believe all these birthdays and Deevs, two years!! Honestly!! Where does the time go

    All the more reason to treasure and enjoy every moment!


    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 19.


    Imagine ±«Óãtv1 at 10.35pm is all about the Kindle!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 20.

    ps, anyone keep thinking about the team Christmas Dinner part II and wishing they were there?

    I would love to eat a Tom Kerridge's - bet he serves up some good grub!

    Off to cook my jacket potato and inspect the "surprise meatbalss" boy2 bought home!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 21.

    LOL Maddy!

    Funnily enough Sezza I was just thinking "I wonder how many bottles of falling down water the team have popped thus far" ....!

    Roast lamb here tonight - we're not going to the quiz, which I'm actually quite pleased about as it's cold and windy and trying to rain out there. Nasty.


  • Comment number 22.

    Oh and pps my guess for the advent calendar is an ickle mousie posting his christmas cards as that's what my ickle boy - all goodness knows how tall of him - has just gone to do for me!

    Deevs, good move on cancelling the quiz - so much going on we need to save our strength for the most important of them!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 23.

    Sezza - I hope the ickle mouse has got a box to stand on - he'll never be able to reach the slot in the post box otherwise!

    It'll be nice to spend some time with Nic to be honest. He got home from work after 8.30 last night, and after a quick tea it was bed for our "Apprentice Monday" - gawd knows what we'll do next Monday now that The Apprentice has finished! He's seeing his lad tonight so tea will be late again, but staying in will be nice.

    I keep thinking about tackling the prezzie wrapping - tomorrow morning I think, whilst CLP is on air.


  • Comment number 24.

    ooh Maddy - does Annie have a Kindle then? don't think she's mentioned it, has she?


    CG xx

  • Comment number 25.

    I am not feeling smug at all, I am hopelessly behind and unprepared. I am as ever at this time of year knee deep in Christmas productions, sing-songs, carol concerts etc. I don't know how many times I've sung the 12 Days of Christmas, I mus have recieved ar least 1000 drummers drumming so far. I don't do Jingle Bells any more, there are always a couple of zany dudes in any class who think they're the first to come up with "Jingle Bells, Batman smells" etc, hoping I'll be shocked to the core.

    Thank you so much for all the kind words and thoughtful comments regarding the loss of loved ones yesterday.

    Chezza - we gave up dancing lessons when being the only couple who couldn't remember the increasingly complicated steps became embarrassing rather than funny. We wanted to be Fred and Ginger but had to face the fact we were more Russell Grant and Anne Widdecombe (albeit a few stone lighter). We can still throw a few steps together with a flourish at parties etc though which was all we were ever after.

    Had a bit of a mishap the other day - I left the roast potato pan with fat on on the hob while I nipped into the living room to get the black pepper mill. Once there I became transfixed by our beautiful Christmas tree, in a similar manner to our boy cat Harry; when I returned it was like one of those public service films from the 70s about chip pans. The tea towel survived but the ceiling is black. I tell you what though, it's amazing how soot clings to previously invisible cobwebs, the kitchen literally looked like the Nightmare Before Christmas. All sorted now though, and luckily one of our neighbours is an out of work painter and decorator so it's good news for him at least.

    Advent guess - a rude parsnip.

    A x

  • Comment number 26.

    boylen girl - that same thing happened in my parents house when we were kids - cue a completely repainted kitchen and a lesson to us kids about how to put out a burning oil tray - wet teatowel over the top and do not panic!

    And no - we do not have a chip pan, neither are we likely to get one - if we want fried chips we get them from the chippy!

  • Comment number 27.

    Ooh Baggy now i just feel like chips from the chippy.

    BoleynGirl - poor you and how scary. Glad it all worked out ok but you were so lucky too xx

    Guess for today - bauble again please

    Susan xx

  • Comment number 28.

    S'Not fair!!

    I'm sure that no one's allowed to tell you off when you're singing at the table if it's the Womble you're singing along to!!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 29.


    Just a quickie as tea needs cooking ..... we have another winner!

    Well done csn - it's a CHRISTMAS TREE!

    (but it does also have baubles on it susan!)

    Til tomorrow, stay safe.


  • Comment number 30.

    Hello all, hope you're well?

    Longtime no blog, and I have no real decent excuse. I've dipped in and out, loved the CiN pics, remembered the first time it happened (just the 4 of us, deev, sezz, baggs, good day out).

    Well, I don't have much to be smug about. Pretty much done all the Crimbo shopping, well MrsW has! Work's still super-busy but rewarding. All 3 kids ready for the bigguy in red and white to turn up a week on Sunday.
    Only real fly in the ointment is that I've done in my knee (the other one from the previous 3 times) and have surgery booked in for jan 26th. There are 2 tears in the cartilage, damage to the anterior cruciate ligament and arthritis is setting in apparently. Now, I've been all grumpy and moped around as I had to pull out of the London marathon and go through more bloomin' surgery but have no given myself a good talking to as there are people far worse off than me. I don't suppose the 3 weeks off will be too bad after all???
    Not sure whether the running is now over with, well the marathons are, but still maybe able to tickle around the Norfolk countryside and keep the dust out of the ol' lungs.

    Have yourselves a merry little Christmas my lovely bloggers

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 31.

    Evening all

    Lovely carols with a glass of wine - what a nice way to spend the evening

    Good to see you KW, I remember that day well. Good luck with the surgery. Take care of yourself and DO WHAT THEY TELL YOU!! That'll give you more chance of getting bag to where you want to be after!

    Sezza xxx Having a merry Christmas already!

  • Comment number 32.

    Hello all,

    hope everyone is well.

    I have actually done two thirds of my pressie buying!!!
    After a really slow start, I bit the bullet this afternoon and made a few executive decisions and came home laden!

    I've ordered the stuff for himself from the river site, but am having it all delivered to work, so he doesn't get wind of what he's getting. Sneaky huh?

    All my cards are written and posted, although there are a few waiting to be hand delivered and I've done all my food shopping bar the fruit and veg! Sorted.

    So I guess I am entitled to feel a tad smug myself. ;-)

    Calendar guess Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive Goooooooooooooold Rings!

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 33.

    Good morning,

    Another really windy one last night (the weather that is not me), and very wet too, there is flooding everywhere this morning.

    Today's guess - A Combine Harvester.

    Have a good day everyone.



    p.s. I keep meaning to say and forgetting, I thought it was very disrepectful of the SCD audience on Sunday night, I know they were cheering the dancers but they were cheering right over the Military Wives singing and I didn't like it. So there!

  • Comment number 34.

    good morning

    hope you are all well and happy today

    you know the days when you wake up in a random good mood dispite everything life has to throw at you? well today is that day for me - there is a big smile on my face - not sure why but I hope its here to stay!

    My guess for today (not got a guess right in all the years we have been doing this but never mind) a star

    baggy le cheshire cat

  • Comment number 35.

    PS - hi KW - i was thinking about your lovely wife and my wedding dress the other day - :-)

  • Comment number 36.

    Morning peeps

    Good to see you KW, and sorry about the marathon/knee stuff. Hope the surgery goes well and that the lanes of Norfolk will have the pleasure of your company for runs come the Spring.

    And yes, I too remember that 1st CiN day with just the four of us (and a surprise visit from Rips for lunch!) :-)

    I wrapped all of Nic's prezzies this morning and they are now all sitting pretty in a big red sack next to the Christmas tree, awaiting unwrapping on Sunday week.

    I had a text last night from my lovely auntie - she's going to come and spend New Year's Eve with us which has really made me smile! We are really quite close and there's always lots of laughter when we get together - two scatterbrained Leo's in one room ......!

    Nic's got my car today and tomorrow so I've got to walk up to the post office in a bit to send all the paperwork/passports off to apply for our Indian visas. After having to have two jabs, and stress out over the visa applications, I now know why I usually stick to Greece for my holidays - although I am looking forward to seeing where my mum lives in Goa in February (but not the long-haul flight!)

    I'm still trying to drum up some business for my venture, but getting anyone on the phone is nigh on impossible at the mo. Any tips anyone!?!?!

    Right, let's go shake a leg.


    peees: Baggy - keep smiling! x

  • Comment number 37.

    Morning All!

    Wet, windy and miserable here - and that's just the dog!

    Went to the boys pre-school this morning for my first ever parent teacher meeting and came away feeling very proud, he's only been there 2 months but he's fitted right in and 'is a delight to have around'....
    So we're off to see Santa this afternoon at the local garden centre, although I've already been told 'it's not the real one as he's too busy wrapping my presents'!

    Advent guess - I'm sticking with a candle as if I change now it's bound to come out!!

    Stay warm and dry all....

  • Comment number 38.

    Morning all

    Sorry for the absinthe yesterday I am seconded to Birmingham on a Tuesday at the moment due to my boss deciding to enhance my profile.... still dont quite get it but I will go with the flow.

    I was feeling smug until last night, christmas tree is up, pressies bought and wrapped and even managed to clean out cupboards and a forced freezer defrost and clear out, then at 10.30 last night the boy decided he would quite like a christmas jumper this year, in fact he really wants a christmas jumper.

    Any ideas guys have you seen any in the high street stores. I can get one online but the price is silly nearly 40 squids.

    Goa eh Deevs I have two friends who go every January/February keep trying to convince the ole fella to have a break there, they love it you can live like a queen for very little indeed.

    So cheesy christmas jumper is my focus for the next few days.

    Happy smiley day bagpuss

    Woollen bobble hat is still my guess for the advent calendar Deevs.

    Have a good hump day everyone. CB xx

  • Comment number 39.

    Morning All,

    Chilly but sunny in North Kent today and as CB pointed out it is indeed Hump Day, so that's got to be a good thing.

    CB, I really want a Christmas jumper this year as well, but as you said they are a tad expensive, especially for something that you can't wear all year round.

    Dozy, #33 quite agree about SCD, if you go on the SCD blog there was a lot of complaints over there about how disrespectful it was....Harry to win :)

    Deevs, That's lovely about your Auntie, sounds like NYE at ChezNic will be fun xx

    I have just opened a very exciting envelope which had a letter telling me I am getting a little pay rise, there was also a Christmas gift voucher in it and my expenses cheque - now that's the kind of envelope I like to open on a Wednesday morning :)

    Advent guess for today is a baby in a manger again.


  • Comment number 40.


    I want one of the envelopes please..... as well as a cheesy christmas jumper now.

  • Comment number 41.


    Ooh I sort of nearly had the winner yesterday - well done CSN x

    My guess for today is a stocking hanging on the fireplace or a JCB digger!

    Grey and cold here - yuk. I'd like one of those envelopes Ali, enjoy xx

    Susan xx

  • Comment number 42.

    Hello, can anyone help me please? James Corden spoke to the editor of the Racing Post this morning and he gave out a tip (I believe it was a race at Bangor.) Does anyone remember the name of the horse. I've been trying to tell a colleague as he's into racing and I thought it was Badger something, but there's nothing listed with that name. Can't do listen again as I'm at work! Cheers anyone. xx

  • Comment number 43.

    Hi all

    AliB, what a lovely surprise.

    Crazyhealthrep, the horse is called Nelson's Bridge - good luck!

    Advent guess, A christmas pudding.

    Despite the weather warning, it's beautiful here in the south, albeit chilly.

    Pen x

  • Comment number 44.

    PennyForem, you're a superstar!! Thank you - it's been driving me mad!

    I knew you lot wouldn't let me down. Don't post as often as I'd like (they're a bit off about internet usage at work nowadays) but I wish you all a fantastic Crimbo and an even better 2012. Come on the Mili Wives!! Lots of love. xx

  • Comment number 45.

    Well done re the above - the horse won!!! Sadly I didn't put anything on it myself :-(

    Cheers x


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