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Never let us forget how miz January and February can be

Chris Evans | 11:38 UK time, Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Not always but often. So let's make the absolute mostest of this run into Christmas. Don't let's take it for granted whatever we do.

The big shows are on telly, all the artists are floating around today promoting their wares. The lights are up all over Blighty, the kids are excited and a lot of us get to spend more time with our families and tell them how much we love them.

Every day is a gift, we know that but let's doubly invest in today, in case tomorrow needs a bit of help.

In fact I think that's what I'll name the show tomorrow.

Peace and Love.





  • Comment number 1.

    Hello am i first

  • Comment number 2.

    Afternoon Chris

    It's proper dark here in the mighty West Midlands today. Blustery winds, leaves blowing across the driveway ..... but who cares, as December is just around the corner!

    As you all know, I adore Christmas and the Bloggers Advent Calendar is on stand-by for window #1 come Thursday! There's the Micky Bubbles CD waiting to be played, and yes, I shall play it for Beezles as I write out our cards and think of what to buy for loved ones.

    But I'm also really positive for 2012. I've been doing a lot of networking lately, and the underlining message is believe in yourself, and you will achieve your goals.

    So there you have it - 2012 is going to be a fantastic year!

    Peas and love indeed Chris!


  • Comment number 3.

    Good show today .we move on Friday so very busy .Be glad when am in new place now

  • Comment number 4.

    MISERABLE - You couldn't get any more miserable than it has been here over the last week or so, it's like a monsoon, roads are flooded and closed all over the place, it hardly gets light at all and it's bloomin windy too. This time last year we were covered in snow and it was beautiful (sorry Chrissie), this year it's hardly dropped below 10 degrees and hasn't stopped raining - oh well that's what happens when you live in the West Coast of Scotland! Rant over, have a good day everyone.



  • Comment number 5.

    January and February, may be a bit gloom and doom, but I for one embrace the fact, that each day after returning from the Christmas break (which looks like being a short one, due to the way that Christmas falls this year!) it gets a little lighter in the evening.

    Now its only just over 3 weeks to the shortest day. Whoop whoop for that.

    Very mild here today, but we are being battered down here as well. 60 mph winds gusting up the Bristol Channel.

    Lets go fly a kite ?

    MTF :)

  • Comment number 6.

    Ooooh MTF, you don't need gusts like that around your Bristols .... ;-)

    Gail - hmph! As D-Reem said, things can only get better.

    Stella - good luck with your house move. Have you decided where the Christmas tree will go in the new abode!?!?

    I'm cold calling. Totally out of my comfort zone but it's gotta be done.


  • Comment number 7.

    Chris, Every day is a gift that's why it's called the present :)

    I'm with MTF and that the shortest day is not far away, it will soon be spring!

    Dozy, Snow is much better than rain and much prettier. Hope you are not too flooded up there xx

    Deev, You go girl. I'm right proud of you xx

    It is a bit blowy here but not around my Bristols! That's lunch over, back to the grindstone.


  • Comment number 8.

    It may be blustery and damp, but the view from my office window in Oxford is beautiful!

  • Comment number 9.

    Hello ladies, gentleman, and chlidren. Its such a pleasure to meet you and greet you on this day, tuesday the twenty ninth of november two thousand and eleven.

    Havent posted for a whole week, but ive been poorley with the flu, xmas shooping, homework working, and sleep sleeping.

    # 2 Deevs ; Yeah, ive beeen looking forward to 2012 for ages. i remmber when i used to thinka bout the olmpics in london and imagned myself as a huge moping figure sitting in a bderoom - so true.

    # 4 Gail ; No Rain here in the so-ea of england. just cold. and miserable.

    # 5 MTF ; School holiday this year is 15 days. ester holiday is 22 days. its just silly

    Of to go and watch yeatserdays masterchef, and try and get better!

    Be Good, Be Safe, Be Happy, See you in a Day!


  • Comment number 10.

    Hi Chris: yes, I am enjoying today - even though I am super-busy!

    Cheryl: oooh, those are gorgeous dogs! Big sad eyes, and apparently very friendly. Yes, good idea to wait until after your trip, or else you would come back to a very sad baby wondering where you had been!

    Gail: oh, I know, the weather is horrendous. Please forgive me, though. As I wade through the wind and rain every day, I thank the powers-that-be that there is no snow! You know me!

    ... boss approaching my desk ... how I long to say to him "what IS IT now?" !

    C xx

  • Comment number 11.

    Hello Chrissie and everyone.

    Chris, wonderful news. Congratulations to you, Tash and little Noah. xx

    Chrissie, nice to hear you had a lovely lunch with your daughter on Sunday. xx

    Deevs, very exciting news about new puppy. Springer Spaniels are lovely dogs. xx

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 12.

    Deevs - Don't forget to check out the rescue centres when looking for your pup, I know you have to be careful with little Nic in the house but there are suitable dogs out there looking for a forever home! (and a heck of a lot cheaper).


  • Comment number 13.

    Fear not Dozy - rescue centres are on the list of "To Do's" too!


  • Comment number 14.

    Evening all

    How's everyone doing?

    Just read the following news report what right made me laugh!!


    Checking out some of the details - have we skipped straight to 1st April!!

    Deevs, A springer!!! Gorgeous but bonkers!! Should fit right in then!! ;-)

    MTF, how's the draft round the Bristols?

    CSN, how's your little grandbaby - little boy? Sorry, mind gone blank

    Gotta go now, got to create a DA hairstyle on boy2 the T-Bird!!


    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 15.

    CSN: hurrah! Lovely to see you! How are things going with the building site?

    Still working, honest!


  • Comment number 16.

    Sezza - does he want to borrow my leather jacket .... it's got tassels and everyfnik!!



  • Comment number 17.

    Chris, first congrats on the impending arrival in May, hope Noah is excited!!!!

    Not so cold for me this morning as I am in Italy, where though it is cold in the morning but the minute the sun coes over the mountains as it did earlier today it soon warmed up!

    End of the week will be in england again relying on you to cheer me up with the expected change in weather and I hate cold and rain!!!

  • Comment number 18.

    Deevs, if only you were still round the corner! Have hired him a jacket for the princley summ of a fiver!


    Hair looks quite cool if I do say so myself!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 19.


    If I'm honest - I love this time of year (not when blowing a hoolie, like today), and when feeling under the weather (so to speak) like I do at the moment it's a good excuse for curling up with a blanket and a cuppa!

    Deevs - Springers are lovely, my uncle and family has just taken a retired police sniffer dog. All the fantastic training he has had has been undone in a matter of weeks!!!

    Ooo fish and chips have just arrived - I did say I was feeling blah today!


  • Comment number 20.

    I'm so excited about our new addition! I'll just have to wait until March though. When I was in the pet shop yesterday (the big one that MWa! works for) a lady came in with her springer. We had a chat and a stroke (the dog, not the woman!) and yes, they seem like really friendly dogs - if a little lively! As gun dogs, apparently they need at least 2 hours a day exercise plus mental stimulation, so it looks like my VA biz will have an apprentice!

    Coq au vin bubbling away on the stove, work for today done.

    I started a jigsaw in January and have set myself the goal of finishing it by Christmas!

    Wish me luck .....


  • Comment number 21.

    Chrissie, thank you for asking about work on the building site, what isn't finished by the end of this week will have to wait till after Christmas. xx

    Sezza, smallest granddaughter is much better now, thank you. xx

    Deevs, bet little Nic is very excited about you and Nic getting a new puppy. xx

    Off to cook chicken and mushrooms in a red wine sauce.

    Hope you all have a good evening.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 22.

    csn - I did chicken and mushrooms in red wine tongiht - must be a coq au vin Tuesday!

    Right, all glammed up now in readiness to watch the football ....... and go to the pub quiz for the first time in about a zillion weeks - once Nic gets back from seeing his MiniMe.

    Have a lovely evening friends.


  • Comment number 23.

    Evening each

    An uplifting message indeed Chris. Not only our little'uns, but daughter too, are getting excited about Christmas. Daughter is playing MB's CD to death and will be sick if she gets any more excited.

    Hope everyone is well.

    Watched the Choir last night - now that one did make me cry.

    Back in a bit. xxxxx

  • Comment number 24.

    Ewwwww - just settled down to watch Jamie Oliver in Scotland - animals innards alert!!

    Deevs, am so jealous - a Springer - gorgeous dogs.

    CSN, so glad the wee one is on the mend.

    Dozey/Chrissie - having a bit of weather, aren't we?


  • Comment number 25.

    Just popped back to say goodnight.

    Sleep well and take care.

    Deevs, have a lovely evening. xx

    Annie, all my grandchildren are getting very excited about Christmas and I love MB's new CD too. xx

    BCM, I know you are only 14 years of age but please look at your spellings before you post my love at at my old age sometimes my spelling are not always up to scratch. Maybe you should check with a dictionary like I would call in a plumber if I had a leak! xx

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 26.

    Chris - next year, February 2012, is going to be very special as my daughter gets married on the 1st!!

    Evening all you lovely bloggers - it's mighty cold here and a bit wet but not as bad a further north thank goodness.

    Just a quick pop in.

    Night all

    Sus xx

  • Comment number 27.

    Susan, that is fantastic news about your daughter.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 28.

    Susan, cold, wet and windy here too. And, to add to the misery of a windy bridge, we've got a new bridge being built with all the attendant roadworks. The signs say it will be completed in the middle of next year. Lovely.

    Lovely news about your daughter - looking forward to the photos of the mother-of-the-bride.


  • Comment number 29.

    Evening all, apologies for the absence, I've been trying to lurk...

    Busy times at the new place, and lots of excitement about moving to the new offices in the New Year!

    Deevs, can highly recommend rescue places, when you meet Finlay in a couple of weeks you'll see why! (PS Got your train times yet?)

    Cold and windy here, the rain has stopped for a while thankfully!

    See you all soon!

    JG x

  • Comment number 30.

    Hello JG, hope all is going well with you.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 31.

    Yes, fine thanks, a bit of a tummy bug at the weekend, but apart from that I'm fine thanks...

    All OK with you now? Sorry haven't 100% caught up!

    JG x

  • Comment number 32.

    Sorry to hear you have had a bug JG.

    I am fine thank you, just a bit fed up of still living on a building site after 4 months.

    Hope Finlay is ok, I bathed mad dog today because of all the dust and she hated it.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 33.

    Hi al from upstate Newyork

    Chris fantastic news on your 3rd little Evans.

    Congratulations to all of your news around the blog of little ones getting better, older ones finding love and moving on. I would like to share with you some wonderful and inspirational news . My youngest son since he could talk has had a stammer, he struggled with it and tried to manage it as he grew up. We went to numerous speech therapists over the years but nobody could help him. Four Months ago he hit went for a job and couldn't get a word out during the interview, this was his rock bottom. I went on the internet and found the McGuire Programme and he went on a 4 day course in Cardiff. To see the results google Daniel Bailey Mcguire Cardiff. Since then he's had an Interview to go to Sandhurst to train as an Army Officer and he's at the moment speaking to hundreds of student at his old school about facing fears and dealing with them. To say I'm proud of him is an understatement, it just goes to show what we're capable of.

    Thank you for my indulgance.

    MaW xxx

  • Comment number 34.

    Not an indulgence Maw, purely inspirational.

    MTF :)

  • Comment number 35.

    Good morning to all,

    Well it was supposed to going to be a dry day here today ,but we have rain ,should be grateful ,we're not suffering like you lovely people north of the border ,hope that you're all safe.

    We've been very busy the last few days washing every single item that's going to go back into the new kitchen which I'm pleased to announce that it will be finished today Yeah!!!..mind I don't know why two people want so much stuff.and yes I have been doing a bit of a Crissie ,not quite as brave. The attic is a lot lighter though .

    Main reason to post was to say to (MoW) ,what fantastic news about your son and how very proud you must be ,well done to him and here's wishing him all the very best in his future career.
    I know how you feel as our youngest grandson had a slight stammer to start with ,which with a great speech therapist he got over it .

    Right must be off so here's hoping that all your day goes well and will be thinking of people that need good thought and wishes ..


  • Comment number 36.

    Hi everyone:

    Annie: yes, indeedy, the weather has been a bit tricky to say the least! Re: The Choir on Monday night - just wonderful.

    Susan: lovely to see you. I miss you, you know! That's lovely news about your daughter. xx

    JG: nice to see you back - sorry you have not been well.

    MaW: what a wonderful post from you. You must be so proud of your son - what a terrific achievement by him. And now he has this fantastic career ahead of him - just lovely to hear this!

    Have a good day, all.

    C xx

  • Comment number 37.

    Morning All!

    It seems it's a good news Wednesday, hooray for that:

    - Susan's going to be mother of the bride - we need to know about the hat!

    - MaW's son has done so incredibly well to set off on his dream career

    - JG is feeling better (and so is my mum after 3 or 4 grotty days) - it does get to you, doesn't it?

    - Deevs n Nic n little Nic are getting excited about their plans for a lovely-sounding doggy

    and as for the C*mas excitement building up in so many households... I hope it makes the grotty weather in some parts partly bearable. It's a great reason to cook those lovely 'winter warmer' dinners, and I've just remembered there are a couple of lamb shanks in the freezer, if I get them out now they may become tonight's dinner!

    Off to unearth them, and find the secateurs - the bamboo was saved from cut-backs on Monday as the secateurs went AWOL...

    Stay warm and be happy
    Ann xxx


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