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Magnificent Again

Chris Evans | 11:49 UK time, Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Unbelievable, no truly. Off the scale, above and beyond, the essence of altruism and generosity.

Over half a million pounds from just seven listeners was bid this morning for next year's Drive and Dine. I don't know why, but I felt it was going to be a big one this year. I even went to bed at seven o'clock last night to grab some extra shut eye, and make sure my tanks were fully fuelled for ready for blast off this morning.

With the £506,000 we took this morning, the £140,000 from the golf and the £100,000 from Monday's cricket, The Brekkie Show listeners' contribution should easily smash the million pound barrier come 9.30 tomorrow am.

Don't forget if you want a chance to win a table at my pub to see Tom Jones live in front of just a hundred people for ONLY £1, just click here to go to our website now and text your answer to the Steve Wright question.

Mwah - and thanks again to anyone who's getting involved in Children In Need on any level this year.

Peace and Love.





  • Comment number 1.

    Just stunning - absolutely stunning . . .!!

    Well done to the whole team, especially for the clever car nabbers that have managed to nab the most exclusive 4-wheel jobs in the world . .


    Still bowled over!!!!!!!!

    DtM x

  • Comment number 2.

    A-MA-ZING! Christoff, just amazing.

    Congratulations to all the winners, what generous peeps and for such a worthy cause.

    Good luck to Matt, poor chap seems to be against the odds, hope he succeeds, I'm sure he will.

    I also love Noah's scary monster voice, and like Sezza, the bit at the end when he says 'I'm not really a monster, just a little boy', so cute!

    CSN, pleased liitle one is on the mend, and yourself. The building site sounds a nightmare.

    Happy Birthday KandKs x

    Hope everyone else is ok.

    Pen x

  • Comment number 3.

    Mega money raised this morning, and indeed so far this week ..... Christoph, you certainly bring out the best in people!!

    KandKs - happy birthday to you hun, and thanks again so much for all the work with the t-shirts. Mine is washed and ready for ironing - it smells sweet now!

    Take care one and all

    jillygoat xx

  • Comment number 4.

    Fantastic result Christoff, and what generosity.

    I too loved "the monster", can you imagine how embarrared he will be in 10 years time if when hears it!!

    A disaster at home last night - halfway through cooking porkchops with a yummy sauce, creamed potatoes & veg, when there was a massive 'bang' & the lights went out. A fuse? No, not us, nothing that simple........... about 10 phone calls later to get to the right department (automated, you know the drill ....) then a 3 hour wait for the supplier to turn up, break the seal on the box, mend it in 5 mins

    Ah well, the dog had a lovely supper & we get to lose a bit of weight before C... :-(

    In Norfolk today, misty but still warm-ish.

    Have a lovely afternoon everyone

    CG xx

  • Comment number 5.

    errr......... note to self .......brain in gear when typing - *embarrased* when he hears it ......... doh!

    CG xx

  • Comment number 6.

    Howdy dooody blogging clan.

    Been up to my eyeballs but have been lurking.

    Loving the auctions wish I had the money to buy one of those once in a life time experiences but unfortunately my once in a lifetime experiences have to either be free or A lucky coincidence. When I win the lottery it will be another story.

    Good luck and have fun to all those bloggers who are doing their bit on Friday. Shall try to ring in on Friday at sometime to give a donation and hopefully speak to one of you.

    Oh countrygirl hope your fizz bang problem last night didnt cost too much to put right apart from the cold dinner

    As for Noah missed the "little monster" today but did hear him say "thanks for listening to my daddy" the other day and loved it...

    Happy birthday Kandks. Have a lovely day everyone

    CB xx

  • Comment number 7.

    Hello CE & Everyone.

    Very cold here on the Wirral peninsula, time for boots, gloves, hat & scarf.

    It's wonderful the amount of money that is raised for CIN through the Drive & Dine, etc.

    I would love to win a table at your pub to see Tom Jones sing live but think I might pass out if he sang to me. Anyway I'm going to take that chance and make the phone call.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 8.

    CG-that sounds like a nightmare last night. We all know what you mean re the automated phone calls, they cause a 5min thing to take hours. I've got my revenge on the incoming calls which always begin around tea time. My answerphone has a snooty patronising voice, I put it on ready for them and then feel smug when they call and put phone the phone.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 9.


    MM xxx

  • Comment number 10.

    PS I have call announcer, just realised you must be wondering how I know it's them!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 11.

    CB - didn't cost us a penny - yaaay! As it was in the 'sealed box' that only they can open, it was free - phew!

    MM - We registered with TPS (telephone prefence service) a long time ago, so get very few canvassing calls - when we do we merely threaten them with TPS & they (generally) don't bother us again. Worth doing.

    Oh., nearly forgot - Happy Birthday KandK

    CG xx

  • Comment number 12.

    Chris, I will have to spend the entire weekend listening again! Broke my heart to leave the house at 8am, just as the Big Fun was beginning! However, from the start of the show, you were on fire, so I just knew wonderful things were going to happen! xx

    Hi everyone, hope all is well.

    KandK: Happy Birthday! Hope you are having a lovely day.

    I have booked the next two days off work, but will definitely pop in on Friday, to hopefully get a little update or two as to how our wonderful bloggers are getting on at R2. I am sure everyone knows that a demanding day lies ahead, but hopefully there will be some fun also! Take care everyone, and have a great day.

    C xx

  • Comment number 13.

    Afternoon each

    Well done Chris on raising so much - and well done too, to the people who gave so readily. You're all stars.

    Sorry for absence - laptop was playing up but the darling son-in-law has removed the anti-virus which was causing the problems (he hopes) and has installed a very friendly one which talks to me. Didn't half give me a fright when I heard a voice coming from the kitchen table this morning, telling me it was updated.

    Anyway, been a lovely day in Fife but getting rather cold now so heating is about to go on.

    Haven't caught up but I hope everyone is well, particularly CSN's gorgeous grandchildren.


  • Comment number 14.

    Hi everyone,

    Well, that's me finished work and I'm off now till Monday YAY, so I hope you all have a great day on Friday and take loads and loads of pledges (mine included), look forward to speaking to one of you on the day.

    Have a good weekend too when it comes.



  • Comment number 15.

    This comment has been referred for further consideration. Explain.

  • Comment number 16.

    Hi Everyone,
    Just a quick note to say once again well done to all and everyone who took part in this mornings epic event, truly amazing.

    Chris today was a day for you to talk for England and you jolly well did and look what you produced, your a very lucky man to enjoy your job so much, it shines through on days like this . . . . que for a song!

    ? Does Noah hurt his throat when he does the scarey monster voice, and who taught him; Mummy or Daddy?


  • Comment number 17.

    Hello peeeeeeeps!

    Sezza - yes, the Noah Monster voice is jsut fantastic! Love it, love it, love it!

    Well, I've had a fantastic day today at a business growth show which was held at a large local football club's ground, with the exhibition area overlooking the pitch - cool! I've done 2 x speed networking sessions, attended a seminar on the art of faffing and how to avoid it, met loads of people, chatted, lunched ..... I'm quite enjoying this businesswoman malarkey!

    Then I "braved" a certain Swedish furniture megastore just off the M6 and managed to get royally lost within its walls. I think I just want to move in there tho - beautiful stuff indeed, and very affordable (cheap?)

    So, tomorrow is the final day for any CiN prep. I think I've got everything under control (including 36 of you lot!!) but Marlon's giving me grief - he said he'll sulk if we don't take him to London. Blimmin' monkeys!

    Right, time to get changed. Is it too early for PJs?


  • Comment number 18.

    Howdedoody Deevs. Sounds like you're having a whale of a time. But - avoiding faffing?? I love faffing, I do it every morning and am so glad to see it's an 'art'!

    For goodness sake, let Marlon go to CiN, he deserves it.


  • Comment number 19.

    Hello everyone.

    Thank you Deevs and Annie for your kind wishes. xx

    Annie, nice to see you back and that your laptop is now talking to you. xx

    Deevs, never to early for PJs. xx

    Just got home from my favourite department store, bought lots of new things for the kitchen.

    It is freezing out there tonight.

    Might have a glass of wine now.

    KandKs. Happy Birthday, hope you are having a lovely day. xx

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 20.

    Hello Annie, I have missed you on here.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 21.

    Don't post a comment unless you want to blow smoke up Chris Evans and the ±«Óãtv because they wont publish your comment if it is negative in any way or criticises them. Please feel free to post your positive messages here.

  • Comment number 22.

    Hi CSN, hope all is well with you and yours.

    Am looking at Friday's bottle of red and wondering....... what do you think??


  • Comment number 23.

    LOL Annie - I've got a copy of the guy's book who gave the seminar - it's called Faff - the power of doing without achieving! I think every single one of us in the room could identify with some part of his talk. He was also going on about mood hoovers/energy zappers which made me think of my now ex-boss and how relieved I am to have made the leap of faith! I also met up with some people I'd met initially back in early October - they remembered me and were really pleased for me too - they all said I won't regret it, so I guess it's all down to me now. One thing I've learnt - the work won't fall into my lap, I have to promote myself and seek out and build contacts.

    Exciting and terrifying, but worth every second!

    csn - I might just join you in the glass of vino!


  • Comment number 24.

    Deevs, or even too early. LOL!

    I haven't even had a glass of wine yet.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 25.

    Oh dear, Martin, what did you say?

    I've been moderated too in the past, as have many of us. Don't take it personally, the moderators have a job to do.


  • Comment number 26.

    Annie, open the wine.

    Martin, what did you say?

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 27.

    Deevs, that is what I do every morning - faff and achieve bu**er all except the crossword in the Scotsman, and sometimes I don't even achieve that.

    Now, what's a mood hoover?


  • Comment number 28.

    A mood hoover is person who sucks the life a nd enthusiasm out of you. A constant moaner. A whinger. A defeatist.

    NOT ME!!!!


    x x x

  • Comment number 29.

    Oh right, I know a few of them Deevs.

    Got rid of one of them many years ago with advice from a book called I'm OK, You're OK. Worth a read, as well as it's fellow book called 'Games People Play'.


  • Comment number 30.

    I've got a copy of Faff to read though. I'm reading The Botty Rules at the mo by Nigel Botterill - another phenomenally successful entrepreneur whom I shall be meeting on Monday in Brum.

    All go, innit!

    At this rate, heaven knows when I'll get a chance to make my Christmas cake!


  • Comment number 31.

    I don't like the sound of a mood hoover.


  • Comment number 32.

    LOL csn - that's why I had t leave my job ......!

    The woman sitting next to me in the Seminar made me laugh - when the Speaker was talking about "mood hoovers" she came out with the gem "I divorced mine".



  • Comment number 33.

    Anyone watching ±«Óãtv3? How did I miss the Chefs stripping for CiN?


  • Comment number 34.

    Evening all, kind of caught up I think...

    Hope everyone has a fab time at CiN, I'm really sorry I couldn't even put my name forward, but with so many job changes this year, I wasn't sure if I could get there!

    Deevs, yes, definitely still up for some Duranduranism, but hold off booking your train until I get confirmation as to whether I can take a full or half day off! I'll message you!

    The ex-Mr JG was a mood-hoover, still can be sometimes, but I'm trying to cut down on contact with him... Doesn't help that most of his post still comes here though! And he does come in useful for letting Finlay out if I can't get home...lol

    I missed all the pledges coming in, as I start work at 8.30, but the generosity (sp) of people never fails to astound me year on year...

    CSN, glad your grand daughter is on the mend, it must have been very worrying for you all!

    As for me, I've got rid of that dark cloud that was hanging over me, and am feeling much brighter since yesterday....

    I'm not sure what caused it, but it lead to yet another wobble about the toll bridge, and I ended up turning round and heading through to Manchester instead of cutting across country on Monday! I'm proud to say I've driven over it yesterday and today!

    JG x

  • Comment number 35.

    Hallo JG, nice to see you.

    Now, it's official - I truly hate BT broadband. Still having to login to my emails every ten minutes. Off to phone son-in-law.


  • Comment number 36.

    Christoff and the Team that's truly staggering. Wow.

    I know the auction has some amazing stuff for those who can afford it and obviously this draws a certain amount of terse comment from those unable or unwilling to appreciate the bigger picture; but for my part I'm simply delighted. It's a win-win situation. Thank God for all those who work so hard and give so much of their time and energy to the cause. I salute the lot of yous.

    For my part, over here in Galway I shall be making my donation on-line as I can't call in from Southern Ireland. But one of yous lucky lot may well get to talk to Renee. I'd make sure whichever one it is has a cuppa an' summat to rest your chin on, it's harder gettin' chewin' gum off your sock than gettin' said madwoman off the line. Tell 'er you've got to go, your Leg's On Fire. That's what I do.

    An' by the way. If 'er card won't go through, tell 'er clean 'er glasses an' check she's not usin' the Co-Op Loyalty card.

    So mind yourselves an' give it some welly my friends. I'll be thinkin' of yous all on Friday. Mind, spare a thought for ME won't yous. I've bin' rackin' me brains to think a summat to do on the night so I've volounteered to get me chest waxed.



  • Comment number 37.

    Ah bless Clodagh. I now can't wait to hear who gets Renee.

    I've seen your chest woman and there's not a hair on there, so stop telling porkie pies.


  • Comment number 38.

    Morning gang

    JG - I await your message. Let's hope Mr Le Bon's vocal chords don't go pop again!

    Clodagh, you do make me smile! And you just reminded me of when I was having my hair cut on Tuesday - the girls in the salon were talking about the very recent departure of one of their colleagues, and that she was the one who (apparently) did the beauty treatments. One of the girls said she'd had to ring "that chest wax that was booked in for Friday to cancel it". As I sat there, my mind immediately thought "blimey, I know some of the women round here are rough, but a chest wax ....?!?". Luckily, the next sentence was "oh HE was fine about it".


    I've got tons to do today, as has Neeeeeec - he's already left for work and I'll be glued to this 'ere laptop for a few hours before packing our bags for the train down to London.

    Brace yourself Pudsey ..... the bloggers are coming!

    Good luck with this morning's auction Chris, as if you need it ........ x

    Muchos Amore.


  • Comment number 39.

    btw - for affordable CiN goodies have you checked out the Pudsey auction on "that internet auction site that rhymes with Tebay"?

    I think the Pudsey lots are up until Sunday evening. There's a CLP signed Pudsey, together with a whole host of R2 peeps ...... even the much missed, but jolly wonderful, Jonny Saunders signed Pudsey.

    All organised by lovely Queen TOG HellenBach.

    G'won ..... treat someone to a signed Pudsey this Christmas - it's all for charideeeeee.


  • Comment number 40.

    Good morning all and a very special one to all of you heading to London - I so wish I was coming with you. Instead I will be pressing flesh with the great & the good in this area, but I bet there'll be a CiN auction of some sort later in the evening. (There had better be!)

    Back to back meetings all day today, so no time to lurk.

    Have a great time, I know it'll be exhausting, but so worth it.
    Wonder which one of you I'll get when I phone in??

    Enjoy ........

    CG xx

  • Comment number 41.

    Am I missing something? Providing money in exchange for goods or services isn't charity it's called trade and commerce - check out Wikipedia which also includes an interesting article on the fee Sir Terry Wonga received for presenting the CIN event over 20 odd years.

    These acts that are the "essence of altruism and generosity" are receiving something fairly substantive in return and at the stated prices and levels of exclusivity are clearly little more than rich men’s (or women’s) trophies and/or ostentatious displays of wealth.

    I give a (in my view) reasonable amount to charity every year but I’m not interested in any kick back. I don’t want Jamiroquai to come round and mow my lawn, Sir Tom Jones to share a fried egg sandwich with me or JLS to present me with a big cardboard cheque. The CIN event has become an example of one of the fundamental problems with modern Britain – i.e. everything (and I mean everything) has, and has to have, a financial value and it’s this same cultural backdrop that lead to the MP’s expenses scandal, the collapse of the financial markets, the recent riots and even the News of the World phone hacking outrage – too many people will do anything for money, in fact why would you do anything else?

    So, for anyone reading this next time you’ve some spare loot burning a hole in your back pocket whether its 20 pence or 20 grand just give it to charity without any fuss eh? Don’t have any expectations of a return for your efforts and then it can truly be described as an altruistic and generous act….

  • Comment number 42.

    Most people will be doing without something to donate £5 or £10 to CIN. It's almost gloating that a few people can afford £17,000+ for a day out.

  • Comment number 43.

    Good morning all,

    Well it's not long now is it?. I'd just like to wish all of you that are traveling to the capitol today and tomorrow good luck and hope that you enjoy it and do the best you can as I should imagine it will also be a bit stressful for you . But at the end of the day when you all collapse into a big heap and give a big group sigh of relief ,you can assure yourselves that you done good.

    One thing ,if you get to take just a couple of minutes to look up and glance around at the sight around you ,hold it there ,and put it away into your memory box ,as days like this don't come around often. ( I'm proud of you all.)

    Take care and safe journey's .


  • Comment number 44.

    Good Morning all.

    What a lovely post Bids. I will indeed look up and glance around.

    Looking forward to catching up with everyone and meeting some new faces too.

    Right Noggin, dont let me down.


  • Comment number 45.

    MTF ,you chasing me ,I've just been into your garden!!! nice to see you ...


  • Comment number 46.

    Could have took your hedge trimmer Bids!


  • Comment number 47.

    Morning all!
    Bids, you are absolutely right, take a moment to go wow, I'm so excited, I remember feeling last year "theres a whole lot of love in this room", heart warming indeed.

    Make sure all bloggers state who they are! And I'm elbowing me way to the Renee call!!!!

    Right, time to get a wiggle on - Pudsey, I'm coming to get you!

  • Comment number 48.

    Stressful Bids?

    No. Not at all.




    ps: Good morning and welcome Mark and Incredimale. I truly hope you've been following this blog for a while, as you will then know that 38 of us bloggers who can't afford £17K+ to dine in a teepee with Sir Tom Jones are giving up a day's worth of time tomorrow to take pledges at R2 for the CiN Jukebox. it's our way of giving. Hope you approve, and maybe we'll get to speak on the phone should you choose to ring in with a pledge/request.

  • Comment number 49.

    Morning all,

    Last day of the week in this office, then off to Pudsyville! I have had such a rush this week to fit everything in and I hope to be done in time to travel to London tonight, early enough for a nightcap. ;-)

    Bids thanks for your post, you really are such a lovely lady. xx

    Mary, I hope I get you call as the virtual hug will be down the line right at ya! xx

    Now head down and concentrate .......

    Keep smiling


  • Comment number 50.

    Pee ess
    What time roughly was scary Noah, I'd love to listen again!


  • Comment number 51.

    Mornin' all!

    I've just had a lovely chat with Hazel Love - she sends all love to everyone, and hopes us bloggers have a great time at tomorrow's CiN Jukebox. Sadly she's not well enough to be there with us in person, but she'll defo be with us in spirit xx

    Mark and Incredimale - I get what you're saying but for every one of those people who can afford to pay incredible amounts of money for the privilege of dining and disco-ing with Sir Tom et al, there are far more who are giving their time to CiN for free tomorrow, myself and 35 other bloggers included. We seek no thanks for this - we do it because we get far more out of it than we give. Having a blast whilst raising money - who wouldn't?!

    jillygoat xx

  • Comment number 52.

    Morning all

    Lists, lists,lists today!

    Who needs what, where and when to make sure the next few days go swimmingly in the Sezza household.

    Amazing how many things you do automatically that you need to put on a list ofr someone else to do in your place! If that makes any sense

    Back soon!

    phone ringing

  • Comment number 53.

    It's fair to say that without the "goods or services" given for free by generous, altruistic people. CiN would be about £1million worse off.

    How on earth can that be a bad thing?

    Good luck to every single person who chucked some of their hard earned in the pot, for a once in a lifetime event. I hope it's the best money you ever spent.

    Good grief!

    Hi all. See you tomorrow.

    PS: Chris, walked past your GTO this morning *swoon*



  • Comment number 54.

    Me again

    I think it's great that there is something everyone can do to support Children in Need if they wish to

    Whether it's dropping a fiver in at the local bank, baking cakes to sell at school, donating an 5 course meal to people who are lucky enough to be in a position to donate a lot of money or giving up time to process the donations people make

    Of course, every charity and good cause should receive all the funding they need just from people choosing to donate but sadly, that doesn't seem to be the way the world works

    And the whole "is it right that some people have tens of thousands of pounds spare to give away while others are sturggling to feed their family" debate is a big one and, I think, way too much for a little blog like this to resolve! :-)

    Let's just be grateful that people are willing to donate - no matter how much or how they do it

    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 55.

    Sorry I can’t leave this alone…..

    Incredimale – An interesting point of view. It is not that I disagree with much of what you have highlighted as I also give much too various charities over the year in time (I trustee a national charity and have never claim expenses, I put my claim in along with a donation form so the charity can have my money and claim the Gift Aid, bonus!) such as the time I will give gladly to CinN tomorrow on the phones and cash to various good causes for no reward.

    I think the important thing in all of this is that CinN get the cash to spend as they see fit and help the society we all live in. If the chosen few can donate more than me, great!

    I can not talk for anyone else however if I was fortunate enough to have sufficient balance in my bank I would be there in a flash! ;-) Good luck to them and big thank you on behalf of all the kids their money will help. Xx


  • Comment number 56.

    Sezza - same happening in the Daisy household - isn't it funny how things we mum's find so simple become so complicated when we disappear for a couple of days!
    Looking forward with trepidation to tomorrow - want to do my best for Pudsey and Co but nervous about what lies ahead!
    Will definitely see some of you tomorrow and also hope to speak to some of you too!
    Safe journey's to all volunteers travelling down to the big smoke tonight and tomorrow.
    I'm with Deev's and Jilly - I can't afford the big bucks but can give a day of my time to do my best - obviously there are folk out there that can afford the grand gestures and generosity and good luck to them - a fabulous amount raised for a tremendous cause.
    Daisy x

  • Comment number 57.

    And just for an update, this time last year as many of you will recall, my daughter was in the hospital actively producing our first grandchild. On Monday George will be one years old! :-) I hope this year I will not be quite so distracted on the phones …..xx


  • Comment number 58.

    I thought the views of Mark and Incredimale were valid and worth stating. However, as I see it, the likes of those such as Sir Tom Jones, the Bunburys, etc. aren't so much providing a service as an INCENTIVE. They are donating their time to the cause for free and, OK, will gain a certain amount of PR (not that the folks really need a positive PR drive at this stage in their careers), but are not paid for their time. Also, as others have said, for all the large-scale donors, there are many others equally worthy. The little lad donating his 50p pocket money is just as worthwhile (probably more so) as the corporate CEO on around £450k a year paying 18K for an experience of a lifetime.

    I am in a dreadful position financially at the moment, and regularly having to make the choice between putting petrol in my car so that I can get to work or buying something to eat so that I can have at least one meal every day. But I still loved hearing the auctions and continue to be amazed by the generosity of others. If all the glitzy days out mean that some needy children can be liberated from their miseries, then however the money comes in it's worthwhile.

    Chris's infectious enthusiasm has helped make some fantastic amounts this week, just brilliant. And I can't wait to get on the 'phones tomorrow at R2 with the other blog-vols and use my time to help in the best way I can.

    Am off in a few hours, armed with good book and ready with my 'phone voice and form-filling-fingers, hehe!

    TOP JOB on the auctions to Chris and the team! (Can we have a Noah-jingle saying "Fair warning! Fair warning!" for next year's?!)

    Keep smiling!

    Roo xx

  • Comment number 59.

    Daisy and Roo - very much looking forward to seeing you tomorrow xx

    I too am probably in the worst financial state that I've ever been in for various reasons, but having said that, I am lucky enough to have 'im indoors and I would happily live in a tent with him rather than in a big house without him, if you know what I mean. Sorry - not a great example of what I'm trying to say!!

    Days such as CiN are the perfect opportunity to take stock of just what we DO have, rather than what we don't, whether it be financial, material or otherwise. I for one will be looking around the room tomorrow and thinking how glad I am that this blog exists, and for the friendships that I have found from it. And if I were fortunate enough to have the money to auction for the Magnificent Seven or one of the other experiences on offer this week, then yes I would - and I'd want to take every one of you with me xx

    A bientot

    jillygoat xx

  • Comment number 60.

    Keith - oh yes, I certainly do remember the anticipation of George's arrival last year! How time flies! Can I give you an extra hug tomorrow for you to pass on to George on his 1st birthday? xx

    jillygoat x

  • Comment number 61.

    PS - re donating to CiN, I wonder how much money the combined cost of all the phone people in wages are spending tomorrow at the blog by using holiday to a good cause? (does that make sense?) - bet thats a fair bit of cash :-)

  • Comment number 62.

    The concept of offering 'incentives' to encourage people to donate money isn't new - whether it's a raffle at the village fete, the chance to get your song played on the wireless or the ±«Óãtv newsreaders making fools of themselves on the telly, charities these days want to offer something in return. If there's a scale involved so that the 'reward' is more individual for those making huge donations, I don't have a problem with that.

    I suspect that the vast bulk of the millions raised every year is an accumulation of the £10 and £20 donations. Even more reason for us all tomorrow to get our heads down and answer as many calls as we can.

    Can't wait to see you all in the morning!

    Love Barmy xx

  • Comment number 63.

    Methinks that there are a couple of ‘mood hoovers’ in this thread!

    I answered the phones last year for Sir Tel’s auction of things that money can’t buy (still think that’s something of an oxymoron, but there ya go!) and there was one gentleman (I use this term in the loosest possible sense) who spent the entire 2 hours of the auction phoning to complain about how people were showing off spending all this money that normal people couldn’t afford.

    Maybe they were, maybe they weren’t, but the one thing that’s for sure is that without the people who are in a position to be so generous with their money, Children in Need would be a lot worse off and for that I can only thank them.

    I’m amongst the group who can’t afford huge chunks of wonga for the cause, so I choose to volunteer my time instead. Really sorry I couldn’t do it this year for various reasons, but I hope to be back with my best telephone voice next year.

    To all the phone answerers – make sure you sing along to all the decent songs, and make suitable faces through the bad ones. But most importantly keep smiling and have an absolutely fantastic time!

    Love & slush to all

    Tina B xx

  • Comment number 64.

    Thanks Tina - I'm sure there will be loads of smiles in the phone room at R2 tomorrow and a fair bit of dodgy singing!

    The first time I did the CiN phone duty (2009) I had the misfortune of an unpleasant caller. What annoyed me was that she was blocking a phone line purely to complain about raising money for children, and the faact that Graham Norton was sitting in for Steve Wright!


    If you don't like it, re-tune your radio to another station and don't donate. Simples.

    Me? I'm really looking forward to tomorrow and jsut hope that we do Chris and Simon (and Pudsey!) proud.


  • Comment number 65.

    'e was there again all.... Ave written about 'im on the CLP Blog before.... Aka possibly the world's worse busker!!!!!!
    Every time a go through the subway from Liverpool Lime Street underground station upter the main station... The same busker is always there!!!!!
    Ave just gone through on me way ter get the train ter London for the CIN gig at R2 termozz.... And yet again... 'e's there all!!!!!!
    Been there for years.... And all 'e does is play a C major on 'is accoustic guitar.... 'alf 'eartedly up & down strokes... up & down C major... the same tune... And at the same time simply blow a quick blow of the 'armonica.... C major up & down stroke.... blow 'armonica... actually more of a squeak!!!!!

    C major, up & down... 'armonica quick squeak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    'e was even there in June when a started me long, long, long journey ter Thailand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    'e was even there last year when a started me journey ter the CIN R2 gig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So am on me way ter London now... Absolutely love travelling on fast train although always VERY, VERY, VERY frustraited am not driving the damn thing!!!!!!
    Always been me one long life passion ter do as ajob... but as am VERY near ter 40 years old now... looks like ave gotta tell mesen it's not gonna 'appen!!!!!!
    Am in the rear carriage at the very rear as yer get the wildest ride there... Rear of the train wobbles from side ter side more at 125mph than the middle or front – love it... speed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Am VERY 'appy & excited ter be 'elping out with Children In Need again this year, great ter see all the blog dudes. It's like a yearly blog meet even where most bloggies turn out. And at the same time maybe see & meet the odd celeb/ DJ (not that am saying celebs/ DJs are odd).
    And the thing that make sit 100 times even more brilliant is it's all in the name of charity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And a kids charity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The only thing, a must admit am a little sad a can't go to the Children In Need Wrocks Gig at the MEN Arena in Manchester tonight.... Me 'ero Chris Martin & Coldplay are playing ter name but one MEGA act on!!!!!!!!!!!!
    At least a will be able ter watch it terneet live on ±«Óãtv TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It's just brilliant what the ±«Óãtv do every year with CIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Yer just can not imagine something so big and wonderful 'appening if the beeb was just another private company trying ter please shareholders and wealthy directors!!!!!!!!
    The fact that so many celebs and famous people give up their time for free.... Like Chris Evans 'imself letting people drive 'is collection of AWESOME cars!!!!!!!!!!!
    People like Gary Barlow organising the big gig in Manchester this evening!!!!!!!!
    It's all just so MEGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    We really MUST make sure the beeb NEVER gets privatised – It's one of the great assets of Great Britain that is still part of the British public!!!!!!
    Something the government 'ave not managed ter get their mucky 'ands on & sell off for a quick buck!!!!!!!

    WROCK ON THE ±«Óãtv!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    WROCK ON CHILDREN IN NEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    WE 'NEED' THE BEEB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 66.

    Just reading some blogs above.... My adivce now for CIN, forget idiots and bad people and lets focus on the good people in this world and doing good for children who sadly often 'ave 'ad bad done to them by bad adults!!!!!!!!!

    Like CLP often says.... Keep away from the bad people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If a get an idiot on the line termozza.... A won't waste a minute with them!!!!!

    See yer all termozza!!!!!

    Now at Stafford.... My goooodneeeesssss.... Couldn't do Liverpool ter Stafford this fast in a car AND whilst writing on a computer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 67.

    Right time to sign off and head home for a quick bite to eat then hit the long old road to London town.

    Safe journey everyone, see you in the morning. ;-)

    Keep smiling


  • Comment number 68.

    Evening each

    Well, I've had my moans on here too about people living on next to nothing but I do feel that the generous souls donating large amounts of money to CiN are sharing their good fortune, and that makes them stars in my book.

    I say this every year - many years ago I was involved (in a small way) in disbursing the CiN money to Scotland and I can assure everyone that these children are truly in need and your donations make a huge difference to their young lives.

    Have a wonderful time you lot and I hope Keith gets there in time for a wee glass of something alcoholic.


  • Comment number 69.

    Right my lovelies, bags packed and ready to go. All I need now is the love of my life to walk through the door, get changed and then we're offfffffff!

    If I don't see you tomorrow at R2, I sure as giddy-up hope to speak to one or two of you on the phones!

    Enjoy Pudsey Day - we will!


  • Comment number 70.

    Raising millions for children since 1980 can only be a wonderful thing as I see it. Of course everything in life has it's critics and they are entitled to their opinion but I can't for the life of me see how raising such a large amount for such a worthwhile cause whilst having fun at the same time can be wrong. Some people complain about Sir Tel's fee when he was presenting, how do they know that he didn't put it back into CIN, it would be a small amount to him and being the gentleman that he is he would hardly boast about it.

    Every donation from the small child who gives some of his/her pocket money to the multimillionaire who gives some of his/her wealth is equally important.

    Have a lovely day bloggers (I know it must be very exhausting). I wonder who will I speak to?

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 71.

    Me MM, ME!!

    Hope so anyway

    Right - bag packed, clothes put in pile for the morning, cake baked (and cut up!) Tickets in purse, boys sorted and lists listed

    Think that must be me ready to go!!

    How is everyone today?

    I'm sorry, my mind has been racing with the organisation and I feel like I haven't been very good company!

    Did anyone see Matt on the One Show tonight? He looked like he'd had a really good day and is planning to set off very early to get to London on time.

    What a thing he's done. Bet he'll be glad to get home to his own bed!

    Right, better check the list again!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 72.

    Morning guys
    Well, this is it, my taxi will be here in 20 mins to whisk me to the train station, eeeeek!
    See some of you lovely peeps in a couple of hours

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 73.

    Morning all

    This bulletin is coming to you from my small but bijoux room in London. R2 on the mini radio (mine).

    Looking forward to getting there and speaking to the bloggers both in the phone room and on the phone.


    Mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 74.

    Good morning everyone.

    Chris, great show.

    I hope you all have a great day, I will be thinking of you.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 75.

    Good morning all,

    Beautiful sunny morning down here on the south coast,and trusting that you and yours are all well.

    Well it's here!!. I Hope that all you lovely bloggers up there in the capitol are having a hearty breakfast and preparing your selves for your long day.

    Have a great day lots of {{{hugs}}} and greetings and excitement ,and of course meeting Chris and all the other nice people that give up their time to come in and say hello.
    Unfortunately I wont be able to listen to the radio at work ,but I will be ringing in.

    Just listening to Matt ,hes sounding very excited and excited this morning ,well done Matt.

    Take care and have a great day all.


  • Comment number 76.

    Good luck to all you bloggers. I shall be ringing in later when I know that some of our bloggers are on duty.

    Have a lovely day and to the rest of us who are listening or taking part in the CiN day. Ooh well done Matt, hope your nether regions heal up very soon.

    Back to the grindstone.

    CB xx

  • Comment number 77.

    Hello all you CiN bloggers - hope you have a fabulous day. Will be phoning in later to pledge and have a wee blether with one of you. Pic on the ±«Óãtv Page of R2 showing all your hard work and can see Sezzagirl's back!!!

    Say Hi to Pudsey, Chris, Simon, Ken and anyone else you care to on my behalf.

    dreamer xx


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