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Currently sitting in the sauna in the gym

Chris Evans | 12:02 UK time, Friday, 25 November 2011

Virtually rehearsing my sweet ravioli recipe for tomorrow's (Saturday's) Saturday Kitchen.

Crack the eggs, into a blitzer with the flour and icing sugar. Blitz! Wrap, rest and roll into one big sheet of pasta. Cut into strip 18 inches long and 6 inches wide. Spoon out fillings two fingers apart. Fillings are: mince pie meat and small bombs of ricotta, icing sugar and raspberry. Spray with fine water and fold. Seal each parcel either side pressing down with your two little fingers firmly. Then go along the line and squeeze out any excess air with the cup of your hand. Cut strip into individual parcels with serrated pasta cutter and finger any further excess air out if time. Place each parcel into hot oil for 45 seconds, drain and dry on kitchen towel. Whilst leaving them to cool, time for the one minute magic choccie sauce. Icing sugar and water to the boil, add baking chocolate straight in and stir till smooth. Transfer pasta to plate, dust with icing sugar and drizzle on the sauce. Finally -


Rock and roll Final ravioli rehearsal! :


See you on the telly tonight with Dame Edna and Alex on The One Show, and tomorrow on SK with Rick Stein and James M.



Peace and Love.



  • Comment number 1.

    Just jumped over the fence from the Mayo blog to wish you good luck for tomorrow...........................I shall be watching and praying for you ;0)

    The Magic Roundabout Lady x

  • Comment number 2.

    Christoff, Christoff, Christoff,

    You are one sad, sad, individual . . . !!!

    We will be watching with baited breath . . .

    Good luck, more power to you!


  • Comment number 3.

    Chris, I will CloudPlus you tomorrow and see how you get on before attempting them myself, good luck.

    Ali - There's no snow here yet, just very heavy rain, however it's very cold so I wouldn't be surprised if it turned to sleet at some point.



  • Comment number 4.

    Chris: sounds fantastic! Good luck, sweetheart!

    C xx

  • Comment number 5.

    Morning all - well nearly!

    Christoff, that sounds delicicous! I have my place booked on the sofa to watch your triumph! Am also looking forward to the omlette challenge - hope you've been practising that!

    However, you and I are going to fall out if you play the Military Wives again just as I pick up my mascara wand to finish the face off! Before then - fine! No panda eyes for me. After, ok, I can patch up the damage!

    But have you tried putting on mascara with tears in your eyes!! Will be pre-ordering though! Several copies I think!

  • Comment number 6.

    MTF, Sounds like a spectacular ornithological sight yesterday! All that driving, you deserve some benefits!

    Debs, New office sounds fab! Has the lovely daughter found all her belongings yet?

    Ali, glad you had a nice time. Bit of a shame about your friend's autograph

    Just had the residents in for a meeting to tell them how much their service charge will be next year - didn't go too badly really!

    NOw tucking into cupasoup with noodles in - yum!


  • Comment number 7.

    Good luck Chris, I will be tuning in! I am sure everything will be just fine after all it is live TV, what on earth can go wrong!? LOL

    It is very nearly the weekend, so what is there no to look forward too?

    Keep smiling


  • Comment number 8.

    Hiya Gail, lovely to see you. And you are always interesting!

    AliB: Re: Mr Young -I know he would have a long journey ahead of him, but sometimes I get a bit huffy about this sort of thing. I just think that thanking the people who pay the wages is part and parcel of the job. Thanks for giving the wave! xx

    Tomorrow, we are having our "farewell lunch" with our daughter - she moves in with her boyfriend on 6th December. It will just be the three of us - I'll be crying into my soup, I just know it! It's all very exciting for her, but she's still just a baby to me - I have no idea where the last 20 years have gone ...

    C xx

  • Comment number 9.

    I don't know if enjoy is the right word, but have a nice lunch anyway and don't dilute the soup too much.



  • Comment number 10.

    Thanks Gail! xx

  • Comment number 11.

    Might have to surface early enough to actually watch Saturday Kitchen :) Sounds so yummy! (Beats my egg and cress sandwich from the supermarket)

    Can you believe this time last week we were busy busy bumble bees??

    Now I'm at work eating lunch getting ready for the end of stock take. Monday is going to be busy.

    How are you all?

  • Comment number 12.

    Afternoon lovely bloggers,

    Chris my darling I am getting nervous for you! Good luck - show them how it's done!

    Chrissie - I know tomorrow will be an emotional day for you. I would have to disagree with Gail (sorry Gail) and say dilute the soup and not the wine ;o) xx

    Horrible weather here today torrential rain and gale force winds attempted to use a brolly - that was a laugh and a half!

    Chris......and breathe xx

    Take care folks and have a great weekend!

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 13.

    Just a quick pop in from me to wish the CLPmyster all the best old chap!

    I agree with Dan the man - why oh why!!!! We'd have all been made up with a bit of scampi and chips Man! lets hope tomorrow isnt an " oh maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan" type thing - I'll be watching of course - and recording of course....

    Chrissie - hope the lunch goes well and that you have something for GD to put on her wall in the new house....

    Sezza, lol about GD finding things, the answer NOPE! ha ha

    Right, 19 page Quality manual is charming me away from more frivolous ocupations

  • Comment number 14.


    Mary, how true! Be a disaster if I water down my wine!

    Debs: oooh, that's a great idea!

    Just to let you all know (in case you haven't seen it) Chris has posted a fantastic photograph of his ravilio on this blog! It looks utterly delicious!

    Go for it, Chris!

    Have a good weekend everyone.

    C xx

  • Comment number 15.

    or ... ravioli, even!!

  • Comment number 16.

    Chrissie that sure would be a disaster dahling! xx

    Debs - I am sure I will hear the squeals of delight when Chrissie and MsS receive their mail ;o) xx

    Chris - that looks delicious, do you need a taster?

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 17.

    Hello CE & Everyone.

    That's a very complicated dish to do live on TV Chris. My little fingers would be shaking when trying to seal the parcels down and I'd never be able to keep the pasta cutter in a straight line, not that I'd get that far. But you, being the experienced celebrity that you are, I'm sure you will do very well. If it should go wrong it will be very funny so you're in a win win situation.

    Looking forward to seeing Dame Edna at 7.0pm. She being a housewife could give you some tips, possom.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 18.


    Possum not possom!

  • Comment number 19.

    Strewth indeed Maddy!!

    She's looking good for a woman of advancing years!!

    Chrissie Hope you have a fantastic lunch

  • Comment number 20.

    Page 19 Quality Manual Debs? Cor, you know how to have fun!

    Isn't it time to pack all that in and open a bottle of something white and chilled?

    I know I'm ready to pour!

    Sezza xx

    ps Do I witter on a lot? Have had my "word allowence" cut back!

  • Comment number 21.


    Anybody here?

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 22.

    Lurking with a G&T.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 23.

    I finally heard the choir song this morning well sort of, I immediately turned up the radio whilst driving, i was so intent in listening that i drove past my turning and then instead of turning into what i thought was the next turning so i could turn around it happened to be someones drive and i had to reverse out onto the road, quite hair raising so after all that i didnt really get the chance to hear it. Will have to wait for it to be played again, in the safety of my home!
    I'm just slurping some red at the moment and thinking this time last week i was just on my way to Charing Cross station after our lovely day. xx

  • Comment number 24.

    Loli, lol!! I keep having a problem putting on my make up!

    Mtd, don't lurk - be proud of your g & t!!!

    Which reminds me, we've run out of g!! Must sort that out!


  • Comment number 25.

    I keep getting a blur instead of the road ahead at about 8.10 each morning.... (I tweeted our leader earlier today to request that he played it before 8 am so that I can have clear vision on my way to work.)

    btw I am now lurking with a glass of red.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 26.

    Evening each

    Chris, that sounds so labour intensive. I shall be watching tomorrow.

    I made Cream of Swede soup today - from the ±«Óătv website. Yet again, I couldn't contemplate cutting up a turnip with my kitchen knives so opted for butternut squash and sweet potato instead of the swede. Was yummy. Have a friend staying over tonight and she loved it. She's just tripped up to her bed so I've washed up our dishes and having a wee sneaky minute on here.

    Hope everyone is well and enjoying FNWC. xxxxx

  • Comment number 27.

    Annie that reminds me of cooking nips and tatties for mr loli who is from the kilt wearing land and it was all pale looking looking 'cos what he meant was a swede i bought turnips. I think you call swede's turnips up there is that right or is that just him?!lol!

    loli x

  • Comment number 28.

    Loli, you're right - swede's are turnips I think.

    Does Mr. loli have a kilt???


  • Comment number 29.

    Ps: Neeps are swedes too up here in kilt land.


  • Comment number 30.

    Ok, so maybe watching the first two episodes of The Choir -MW's wasn't a good idea! I'm a blubbering wreck!

    How confusing all this veg is - I'll stick to carrots!

    Night all - sweet dreams!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 31.

    exactly what mr loli says but very confusing to me when they are different vegetables but then we often have communication breakdown though due to the different language ha ha!
    No he doesnt own a kilt although he has hired one on various special occassions, i wish he would buy one as i love them.

    loli xx

  • Comment number 32.

    Evenin all,
    Ravioli rehearsal :- looks good , tastes good and by
    golly it does you good ! Can't remember which ad that
    originates from but seems to fit the bill for now! LOL
    Good luck in Saturday kitchen mate!

    Jo x

  • Comment number 33.

    You really do need to know your swedes from your turnips! ;)

    Has anyone seen a Bids? I know she has got a lot going on, but have missed her usual every day posts.

    I have had a good experience over the last few days. I have collected two patients and took them up to the lab, for nice new pearlies..

    One Lady is 83, the other is 95 and a half. I was amazed to find out, that she celebrates her half birthdays. Something that I only just really found out about and am delighted to share mine with Mr Bids :)

    The sheer joy and pleasure of life, that came from these two Ladies, was inspirational. They had never met one another before, nor I them. But between ourselves, we came up with one word in common.


    All three of us had different reasons for believing in it, but for each of us, it seems to be working in one way or another.

    I have never seen SK, but am going to be tuning in tomorrow morning, if I can work the telly box thingy wotnot.

    Stick with the D word Chris, not that I would expect anything less. I will be cheering you on.

    Fun, fun, fun.


  • Comment number 34.

    Hi everyone:

    Up early this morning - big day ahead!

    Trying a new hairdresser today - if you don't see me here again, you will know it's all gone horribly wrong! No matter what I try, no matter what I spend, I always end up looking like Woody from the Bay City Rollers!

    Debs and Daisy: package arrived yesterday - how wonderful! To let our lovely bloggers know - personal autographs to me and my beautiful daughter - from the one and only Nicky Burne! MsS is arriving here at 12.30 today - we have champagne chilling in the fridge, and when she has a glass in hand, I will present her lovely momento from the CiN Day. I will let you know her reaction! D&D: thank you so much. xx

    Sezza: thank you, I am so looking forward to our lunch - though if we are able to make it into town today without being blown away, we will be lucky!

    MTF: lovely to hear about those two wonderful ladies. If only we could all embrace the joy of just being alive. I do try, every day, to appreciate how fantastic it is just to be alive - so many of my loved ones are no longer here. So, once again, I am going to try to adopt a positive take on each new day, and try to ignore the daily vexations that come my way!

    I did mean to say this last week: I have quite fallen in love with the One Show! I watched it every night while Matt was doing his rickshaw challenge (what a fantastic, wonderful guy he is) and I can see now what everyone else can see about the show. Dame Edna last night was just brilliant, and Chris and Alex are just terrific together - love it!

    Finally to our lovely ladies living in a building site at the moment - Bids and CSN - we are thinking of you - come back soon!! xx

    Have a great Saturday, everyone.

    C xx

  • Comment number 35.

    Morning everyone

    It's proper dark and windy here in Cannockshire this morning. Not nice!

    Chrissie - good luck to your lovely daughter and her fella, and fear not, I'm sure she's more than aware that your door is ALWAYS open for them both.

    As for Will Young, I really like Will. Always voted for him back in the Pop Idol days, I have all of his albums and I've seen him live (Friday's Child era) .... I was jolly excited when this current tour was announced, and we agreed to look into ticket prices and that's where it stopped. I'm sorry Will, but ÂŁ45 is just too much (that's each, not for the two of us, btw). Yes, you're good, but ÂŁ45 ...... really!?!?!!?

    I was a brave soldier yesterday. After a pretty sleepless night Thursday I went and had that pesky back tooth removed. It was done under sedation and I sort of remember bits of it, but the upshot is that I now have a gopping great big hole in my jaw and it's quite sore this morning (from the injections, I guess?). So, now I just need for the hole to heal and hopefully no more toothaches. And I can have a glass of wine tonight - Friday night just wasn't the same on tonic water!

    Today? I'm thinking we may take the little fella to the cinema - to see what, I have no idea! BUT I will have some Jen&Berry's ice cream as I was so brave yesterday!

    Oh, and Nic wants a dog.

    Enjoy Saturday Kitchen - it's a fish & chips day in ChezNicia.

    Muchos Amore.


  • Comment number 36.

    Chrissie, best of luck to your Daughter and her Boyfriend. I hope you have a lovely lunch, just the three of you after all?

    Just think how special the 'getting together' times are going to be.

    I've got my Daughter home this weekend, for her 20th, we dont see one another for weeks on end, so its always nice to have a good old catch up when she does get home.

    I'm getting the 3 wheeled lawnmower out this morning for a pre Christmas trim. Anyone need a quick once over when I've finished here?

    Brum brrrrrrrrrum.


  • Comment number 37.

    Morning All,

    Deevs, Go and see Arthur Christmas, I saw it last weekend and it was fab (sorry to mention the C word!) xx I only paid ÂŁ34 for my ticket to see Will, but it was in Southend! :) xx

    Chrissie, Big day for you, but you are a wondeful Mum and you will always be there for each other xx have a lovely lunch and I am sure that I will hear her screams of delight from here xx

    MTF, Those ladies sound wonderful xx bless their new pearly whites.

    I'm having a lazy day today. Did Street Pastors last night,so another night with not much sleep. Meeting a friend for a coffee later and then I better prepare for me leading the church service tomorrow morning....eek. Did you know it's the first Sunday in Advent, where has the last year gone!!!!!


  • Comment number 38.

    Morning all,

    Sat in front of the TV on a Saturday morning, what is all that about! I cannot remember the last time this happened. I am looking after Little George, he has just gone for a nap so I can have a rest as well. xx

    Loving Chris on Saturday Kitchen! Greta job especially when the great Rick Stine say your Ravioli is “Just perfect”, can it get any better that that? Well done! ;-)

    Deevs, I hope the hole on your jaw heals soon. Xx

    MTF – You can give mine a trim anytime you want! Xx

    Keep smiling


  • Comment number 39.

    Ali - Nic took his lad to see Arthur Christmas last weekend - today's outing is Johnny English. Little one loves Mr Bean so he should chuckle at this one too, hopefully! It's weird - for ages he was adamant that the cinema was a bad, scary palce. Now it's "can we see afilm" ...!?!?! We all want to go and see Puss In Boots when that comes out, and Nic and I are up for the new Muppet movie (out Feb 2012) - although the little fella professes to be scared of muppets ....!

    Thanks Keith - it does feel a bit weird, and still very achey. I have to rinse with salt water for the next 3 days, and yes, blogging on here is a way of delaying it - I'm such a coward!

    Ali - well done on your Street Pastors duty, I really admore you. Enjoy your day of relaxing - well deserved xx

    MTF - hope you all have a lovely family weekend together to celebrate that birthday xx

    Right, salty mouthwash can be put off no longer ...... ugh!!!

    Love y'all


  • Comment number 40.

    Loving the word 'admore' Deevs. Sort of a combo of admire and adore. Perfick!

    Back to the 3 wheeler......


  • Comment number 41.

    I admore you too Ali. You're a good un :)


  • Comment number 42.

    Evening each (well I suppose it's really afternoon but it's so dark up here)

    Chris!!!! How good were you on Saturday Kitchen? Truly impressive, well done.

    Am contemplating finishing off the wine left over from last night.

    Back in a bit when I've caught up.


  • Comment number 43.

    Evening all

    Have just been to a lovely tea party for my Guide leader who has just turned 65!!! Scary, it doesn't seem a moment ago we celebrated her 40th birthday sitting on her bed as she's just had an operation!

    Deevs, scared of the Muppets? Thank heavens you're there to help the poor child!

    Ali, heard the street preachers founder on the radio the other day. What a smashing fella!

    Annie, wine? good plan!

    MTF, hi and hugs x x

    Christoff was fantastic this morning - a well earned hat!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 44.

    Chrissie - hope the lunch went well. A new era for you and MrS, your little girl has grown up, but don't worry, you're not losing her you're just adding another lovely person to your family. Trust me, I've now got 3 extra lovely people and, of course, numerous grandchildren. xxxx

    Deevs my little petal - hope the tooth hole is much better. xxx

  • Comment number 45.

    Whoop whoop Christoff.

    A fab, fab from Mr Padstow! Says it all really.


  • Comment number 46.

    What a soggy old morning and extremely gusty along the Bristol Channel.

    It doesn't deter the fishermen though, they were lining up along the high tide mark yesterday, when you could barely even see the sea. Whats that all about? (Keith?)

    Looks like I'm going to spend most of the day in the kitchen, as I am cooking a triple meat roast to celebrate my Daughters last day as a teenager. She said to me y'day Mum, 20 is so old!


    I really enjoyed SK last evening, isn't James ( definitely not Jim Chris!) handy in the kitchen, I could do with him popping around here today.

    Ah well, best get to it.

    Happy Days :)


  • Comment number 47.

    Good morning all,

    Hello MTF,nice to see you back of this side of the fence ,I hope you are going to make it a regular thing .I've not posted for a few days ,but did notice your nature watch posts (lovely to) and have missed them .

    Crissie ,I've really been thinking of you these past few days and feeling for you .I know how I felt when our girls left home ,a few years ago now but can still remember the heart ache and the feeling of emptiness ,I felt like I was in mourning and felt quite sad ...But would i like them back ..errmm No..they are grown women now with stronger minds than me and independent and have a lovely family each .

    So my jobs long done and yours is coming to an end ,now you will reap your rewards of all your and the lovey Mr C hard work over the past years where you've laughed ,and you've cried together ,laid in bed at night worried sick and all the other things and emotions Mums go through .They altogether wont go away as you'll always worry I can promise you that. And I'm sending you a big {{{hug}}}.

    Chris ,must say you did very well on SK yesterday ,but I'm sorry but your omelette didn't look very appetizing,but i did notice that nothing went over the outside of the pan ,so you didn't cheat ,yes I heard you on Friday saying how that you can cheat ,so well done you . And yes as MTF has just said ,James is better as I don't think he looks like a Jim..

    Hope everyone else is AOK ,I'd better go as You'll feel as though your reading the daily paper here .Sorry to go on so .....Enjoy your day in what ever you're up to .
    its a beautiful sunny day her so I'm off now to start I don't no where ,but there's a starting point for everything isn't there .

    Take care and have a lovely day...Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 48.

    Good morning,

    Chris you were fab on Saturday kitchen - well done!

    Congratulations to you, Natasha, Noah and Jade - I am over the moon for you all that another little Evans is on the way xx

    Hope everyone is well.

    Take care folks!
    Mary xx

  • Comment number 49.

    Wowsers, thanks for the news Mary.

    He did hint the other day, that it would be better to have two, so they could both go and see Santa!!

    You, go on Bids? Never!



  • Comment number 50.

    Morning Bids, you sneaked in there. Lovely post as always xx

  • Comment number 51.

    Hello ladies ,nice to see you you ,and Mary Thanks for the breaking news as they say .

    Congratulatins to the Evans Family.xxx.

    Whats on your menus today ladies ???


  • Comment number 52.

    Roast chook, stuffed shoulder of pork and crispy belly of pork Bids, with all the trimmings.

    Really had best get to it!


  • Comment number 53.

    Morning MtF.

    I'm going to my sisters later for homemade steak pie - yummy!


  • Comment number 54.

    Huge congratulations to you, Tash and Noah on the news that another "baby DJ" is on their way - what wonderful news!!!!

    jillygoat xx

  • Comment number 55.

    Morning all

    Congratulations Chris, Tash and Noah on your wonderful news.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 56.

    Afternoon all,

    Congratulations Chris! You da man! ;-) Great news, much love to Tash and Noah. xx


  • Comment number 57.

    Hi everyone:

    Mary, thanks for the wonderful news that Tash is pregnant! Chris and Tash: just so happy for you both. Jade must be over the moon, and Noah will be so excited to get a little brother or sister! It's just lovely. xxxx

    Can I say thank you to all you lovely bloggers for sending me such gorgeous messages - you have no idea what this means, really.

    Cheryl: yes, our door will always be open to them both. They are so happy and excited, it's impossible not to be happy for them. I hope your mouth is not so sore today - yes, the pain would be from the injections, but also the trauma of having the tooth pulled out. Well done for being so brave! xx

    MTF: thank you. xx Yes, it ended up just the three of us - MsS's other half had to work yesterday, in order to save up time for the move-in day.

    AliB: thank you for your lovely words. xx

    Annie: thank you, too. xx Yes, I do have the feeling that we are gaining a son, so to speak, and he gets on very well with me and MrS - we are so lucky.

    Bids: your message was just lovely, thank you. You have expressed exactly how I am feeling. Happy for her, but worried, all at the same time. xx

    Can I just let you know that yesterday, before we went out for lunch, I presented my daughter with the piece of paper with Nicky's autograph on it, which the lovely Daisy got for her, and posted to me by the equally lovely Debs. MsS said "is this Nicky's autograph?" and I said, yes, it really is". Then, just instinctively, she held it to her heart! It was so lovely - very nearly set me off yet again!

    Thanks for listening to all this, I promise I won't say any more!

    C xx

  • Comment number 58.

    'Lo everybody!

    Biggest, most heart-felt congratulations to Tash, Chris, Jade and Noah - another little person to join in the fun - such a joyous time. Hope all is well

    Ali, we were right!!

    Am backing from all day shopping with aching feets, lots of bags and almost all my list sorted!

    Even managed to get myself a Gokking!! I had saved up quite a few point on my boots card - mostly by recycling the ink cartridges from work and when I went in today, the big Gok gift set was half price - just enough for me!

    Must be time for a glass of something restorative!

    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 59.

    Evening all

    Christoff, a couple of weeks ago you mentioned you had something to reveal but was waiting for Tash to give you permission. I’ve had my fingers crossed ever since! Congratulations, I am delighted for you all.

    Hope all is well in blogland.

    Pen x

  • Comment number 60.

    Penny, me too!!!

    And Ali B.

    We talked about it at dinner the other night but so, so pleased!


  • Comment number 61.

    Sezza, I latched on to that and just knew!! Bless Chris, he must have been bursting ;)


  • Comment number 62.

    Hello peeps,

    just dropping by to add my congratulations to Chris, Tash and Noah on the news of the impending arrival. Fantastic!

    Didn't he do well on SK yesterday, I could taste those raspberry ravioli, yum yum!
    Have to agree with James though, that was not an omelette, no way!

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 63.


    Congratulations to Tash, Chris, Noah and Jade.......I had my suspicions!!

    I didn't get to see SK - the outlaws were here and the boy had a Birthday Party to go to - at 10.30, a very uncivilised time for screaming hyperactive kids in my book! Still he had a whale of a time running round with two of his four 'girlfriends' and got his face painted........I had a kip when I got back and he carried on, and on, and on!!

    We have the sofa bed when the outlaws are here (am not sure we could get them off it once they were on, so it's easier!) and both of us are feeling the effects, in fact t'other can barely move as he ended up on the sofa as a small usurper came along about 4am both nights, with several cuddly toys in tow. I love my son but he can't half hog a bed!

    Oh and the house smells lovely - I made my second 'proper' loaf today, the first having been devoured for lunch yesterday!


  • Comment number 64.

    Wonderful news Chris and Natasha - congratulations. Sounds like it was a rocky road to get there but you made it. So happy for you all.


  • Comment number 65.

    Fantastic news Chris - so happy for you all.

    I was feeling the 'monday blues' when I drove in to the office this morning, but as I hung up my coat I looked out of the window (top floor, onto a flat roof in the middle of the building) and saw a Peregrin Falcon swoop down & kill a pigeon, it was amazing (not for the poor pigeon though!). 30 mins later & it's still there - eating away happily. What a fantastic viewpoint I have too. I alerted the news team & they came to video it. I'll post later with the link once its on the website.

    Have a good week one & all.

    CG xx

  • Comment number 66.

    Morning All,

    Great News Chris, Congrats to you all xx :)

    Sezza, Hee hee we were right xx

    It was right cold here this morning, not quite below freezing, but it might have been if I was up earlier - 1 degree - and a layer of frost. But glorious sunshine, a lovely winters morning.

    CG, Wow I bet that was a sight to see xx

    Chrissie, I am glad it all went well on Saturday. I lived at home until I was 32 which made it even harder to move out for both me and my Mum and the apron strings are still not fully cut xx But I don't expect they ever are for any mother/daughter.

    I've had a cooking weekend, spag bol, chocolate muffins and a wonderful slow cooked beef stew yesterday. My freezer is well and truly stocked...yum yum.


  • Comment number 67.

    AliB - it was awesome! We have some fantastic pics, I will try to get them uploaded onto facecloth as soon as I get a chance.

    What a fabulous start to the week!

    CG xx

  • Comment number 68.

    Here's the link .....

    Hope it works!

    CG x


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