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Dead in London today...

Chris Evans | 12:23 UK time, Monday, 17 October 2011

...like a ghost town almost. Which is strange, because the surrounding motorways have been packed from the get go.

The "get go" by the way, I know is a bit of an Americanism, but I do like it as a phrase.

Anyhow, I'm outta here before it does get busy. In fact I hope to catch the traffic tide just as it's turning, wish me luck.

You have a nice day now.

See you on the radio when October 17th is no more. Let's make the most of her till then.

Peace and Love.





  • Comment number 1.

    Hiya Chris,

    It was a dream coming into work today because the Schools are off on holiday.

    Good luck!

    See ya
    Mary xx

  • Comment number 2.

    Good day everyone,

    Absolutely pouring down here today and miserable.

    Nothing new to report.

    Hearing CLP talking to Lynn about SCD is making me very jealous, we have booked tickets for the live show the past 3 years, for the past 2 we have even managed to be in the front row, but this year these were all sold out, never mind, it is still a brilliant night out.

    Have a good day everyone.

    Hugs to everyone who needs them, and anyone who just wants one whether they need it or not.



  • Comment number 3.

    Yo, yo, Big Chief of the CLP,

    V Wet & windy here in NornIrn
    - a bit of a change from a Montego Bay sunset that I had the good fortune to be staring at over the last fortnight - but it had to end sometime, so back to porridge and the daily grind this morning.

    Roll on Crimble . .

    DtM x

  • Comment number 4.

    Hello CE & Everyone.

    Quite a nice day here on the Wirral peninsula and my abode is surrounded by workmen hacking out, repointing and working on front, rear & side elevations.

    'This town is coming like a ghost town, all the pubs are being closed down'. Sounds like New Brighton CLP!

    Good luck with the turning traffic tide!

    I'd better get going soon!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 5.

    Afternoon Each,

    Chris I too hope you've missed the traffic on the way home.

    It was quite around my parts this something (oh er misses!) as the "Posh" schools have their half term this week by the looks of it, so that means I get almost two weeks of quiet roads, when the not so posh schools have half term next week...hooray.

    Mary, Nooooooooooooooo I shall miss you and Chrissie :(

    Gail, Thanks for the hug I'll take one, just because I can xx

    Hi MM and DtM xx


  • Comment number 6.

    Doh! This something, should read this morning!


  • Comment number 7.

    Afternoon each

    Well it`s still sunny here in my little bit of God`s own county but I do have a confession.... I wore a scarf this morning. And what`s even worse is that I also brought gloves with me `just in case`, but I`m happy to report they stayed in my bag! Have to say we had a lovely day yesterday weather wise though so as CLP says...enjoy the 17th whatever it brings!

    JG - sorry to hear about your uncle.. much love x

    Roo - yay to CiN! But Chrissie and Mary...boooooooooo! Sorry you lovely ladies cant be there..shall send virtual hugs northwards on the day!

    And Cheryl...you really are a star organising it all again so thanks!

    Right..this risk assessment isnt going to write itself is it so best push on... who knew how dangerous trying on a pair of spectacles really is?!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 8.

    Meant to say to Bids, MtD, CSN and Maddy too.. glad/hope building stuff is over/nearly over. Didnt have a usable kitchen for 2 days last year and nearly went mad!

    And Ali-re your squirrel... bless you. I ran over a cat once (stop me if you`ve read this before!) and was distraught! Was on a country road in the middle of the night and the cat was black and sat in the middle of my lane it seems... didnt know it was there and it was too late...just saw it flying through the air in my rearview mirror :( I was only, i think, 17 at the time so carried on driving home(about another 2 iles) and then made my Dad drive back out (i think it was about 11.30pm by now) to make sure it was dead and not just injured... and bless him he did. Have not, touch wood, killed anything since (with the exception of the sparrow that flew into my radiator grille...)but I can still remember that feeling!

    Right, can you tell I`m stalling here... must.write.risk.assesment....

    mSc x

  • Comment number 9.

    Hi Chris: Hope your journey home today was nice and smooth. I am trying to make the most of 17th Oct, but I just can't wait for home time - I'm feeling a little tired today, due to the one or two (or nine) glasses of wine I had yesterday!

    Debs, Sezza, Jilly and AliB: there are no words to describe how disappointed I am that I can't go to CiN. xxxx

    Mary: I was so looking forward to our trip, just can't believe neither of can make it. xx

    Very happy for everyone who IS going, of course!

    C xx

  • Comment number 10.

    Hiya Scoobs: you arrived as I was writing my post, so wotcha! I will definitely need that virtual hug! xx

  • Comment number 11.

    Ali, I remember I ran over a pigeon once, well maybe it was more of a suicide pigeon as I was riding my motorbike and it crashed into me, not nice with feathers everywhere and I got quite a fright!



  • Comment number 12.

    Gail...definitely a suicide pigeon.. and in Scoobs world the only good pigeon is a dead pigeon. Sorry to anyone offended by that but they frighten the bejaysus (as a beloved certain fellow blogger may say!) out of me!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 13.

    And another thing whilst we are on the subject, if you see a deer on the road - watch out as they normally come in pairs..... A few years ago David was going to work on his motorbike early in the morning and a deer ran across the road in front of him, he narrowly missed it and was just moving off again (slowly thankfully) when it's pal jumped over the fence and ran right into the side of his bike, then it got up and took off leaving some hair on his bike, he said he looked right into it's face as it hit him, it appeared to be fine after it's ordeal, I don't know who got the bigger fright - David or the deer and ever since that day he always looks for a second one whenever he sees a deer on or near the road.

  • Comment number 14.

    Hi Chris and everyone

    I've had a bad start to the day CLP your show isn't available on iplayer for some reason. I was looking forward to hearing what you had to say about about the Rugby on Saturday, could somebody fill me in please?

    It's a lovely sunny but chilly day in Upstate New York today, the fall colours have been fantastic but a very windy weekend has seen most of the leaves off.

    Love and peace to all x


  • Comment number 15.

    Afternoon all, bit late today, shattered from the weekend, non stop again.

    Caravan and Motorhome show was packed but good yesterday, left about 2ish and found a lovely little pub in Kidderminster that was very good value for money and lovely food, a little gem to be visited later on.

    Had a surprise this morning the job I turned down has been re-advertised from today so I think my intuition on that one was right and I saved myself alot of hassle in the long run.

    The weather is definately starting to give me a real feeling that a certain holiday season is not far away and I am getting a deep sense of despair and doom oh and I booked my meat for the impending holiday the weekend which I didnt have to do last year.

    JG sorry to hear about your Uncle and El Deevo hope you had a nice birthday weekend with mini Nic, Ali sorry to hear about the squirrel. CGirl glad your back and hope you feel 150% very soon.

    Have a good day everyone.

    A bar humbug CB xxx

  • Comment number 16.

    Evening all

    What a change today! Cold and grey and cloudy!

    Feels like an evening for snuggling in and hiding away but that won't keep me fit will it!

    Deevs, if you're around - how did the mini-man's birthday, part 2 go? Hope you all had a fab time!

    If we're confessing "Animals I have dispatched by use of a motor car", I will own up to running over a duck, in the middle of Finchingfield village green (google it and you'll feel my trauma) on a beautiful summer's evening in front of the crowd outside the pub!!

    It ran out in front of me!! There was a car behind me!! There was no way I could stop!!

    Sorry Mr Duck and to all your little Ducky family!!


    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 17.

    Evening all,

    think all that traffic of yours that was missing Chris was down here queuing at the car wash as It felt like I was queuing for forever and a day ,some one drove in behind me ,so there was no going back.

    Yes , same here weather wise today ,started off quite nice but by 4-30 this afternoon had the car lights on ,the rain came and the leaves were having a jolly old time.

    Hope the celebrations all went well for everyone that was having them ,and thank you for Mr B's best wishes ,a good time was had by all,The only thing was that I was feeling a little fragile yesterday ,was having my wine pouted for me and I seemed to have lost track on how much I'd consumed.

    Crissie /Mary ,sorry to hear that you can't make CIN this year ,Mary will miss our chat like last year,but I'm sure that you will be thought of and spoken of during the day.

    Cockney Bird,looks like you made the right choice re the job front ,you seem to get a feeling about things don't you .

    Talking about running into or over things ,a pheasant ran into me once ,was just sorry that I couldn't stop. And I agree with Scooby about pigeons ,can't be doing with them ,got their poo stains all over our patio.

    Sezza,I was listening ti graham Norton on Saturday ,but sorry to have missed your no1 son's comments,and I hope that all those plans that you are planning go well.

    Ali, well done you on your reading on sunday ,takes some doing that ,I must say you're very brave,

    Better get a wiggle on Mr B is in the kitchen and calling .

    Take care ...Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 18.

    Poured ,not pouted lol.xxx.

  • Comment number 19.

    Evening everyone

    Thanks for all your messages, my Uncle passed away peacefully in his sleep earler this morning.

    I am still waiting to hear from my friend how his Mum is doing.

    JG x

    PS RIP Dan Wheldon, taken tragically and far too young

  • Comment number 20.

    JG - so very sorry to hear the news of your Uncle ,please except my condolence. It's always very sad at these times as people never know what to say .Take care my love ,I will be thinking of you .If you need a chat you have my number.


  • Comment number 21.

    JG - I am so sorry to read you news. My thoughts are with you and your family at this time. {{{Hugs}}} xx

  • Comment number 22.

    Evening all,

    I have been out reading through the panto tonight for the first time this year. We do not perform it until Feb 2012 so we have time to get it right. ;-)

    I am off to bed now so goodnight all, when I wake up in the morning we will have been married for 25 years! I have sent in a dedication to Chris and the team.

    Keep smiling


  • Comment number 23.

    Happy anniversary Keith and Mrs Keith xx
    Roo, thinking of you honey, chin up xx

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 24.

    Happy Anniversary to Mr and Mrs Keith.

    Roo and JG - Hugs to you both.

    Hello to everyone else, absolutely pouring down here again, when I got home from work yesterday I had to wade through a huge deep puddle to open our gate with my high heeled shoes on, the rain was terrible and our lane was like a river.



  • Comment number 25.

    and how remiss of me
    Happy birthday JG xx

  • Comment number 26.

    Good morning all,

    Nice clear blue skies here this morning,had lots of rain last night and it's rather chilly and feeling it ,but not putting the heating on yet ,have got the woollies out.

    Keith ,congratulations to you both I hope you get your request played. Looking forward to the w/end.

    JG, Happy Birthday JG ,andI hope that you have a lovely day.

    Roo,seen your news on tother side ,will be thinking of you both ..{{{hugs}}}.

    Gail, walking through water in heels
    must be the pits, best have some wellies in the car ,I'm just glad to hear that itwas see through and not the white stuff brrrr.

    Take care all and have a good day.


  • Comment number 27.

    Morning all.

    I am so fed up now of living on a building site and finding other jobs along the way that need dealing with, I also have a terrible backache this morning.

    JG, Happy Birthday, thinking of you. xx

    Keith and Mrs Keith, Happy Anniversary. xx

    Roo, thinking of you. xx

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 28.

    Me too Tiggs, sorry JG, happy birthday!

  • Comment number 29.

    Morning all

    Mr and Mrs Keith - Happy Anniversary!! Have a brilliant day

    JG, Sorry to hear about your uncle. My condolences to you and your family. Happy birthday doesn't seem to sit comfortably with the sad feeling of the day but I hope you can find some space for yourself today and promise (!!!) we'll celebrate your birthday properly later!

    Roo, just seen your news. Will be thinking of you today and you are both in my prayers!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 30.


    BridgetM you are right I had a feeling about that one. Glad I stayed where I am.

    JG - have put Happy Birthday on Face cloth didnt realise that you had had bad news, I am sorry to hear of your loss. Also Roo my thoughts are with you too.

    Happy anniversary to Mr and Mrs Keith too.

    Sezza - Pheasants are always being hit round by us - country roads you see.

    Not a lot to report but the sun is shining in Shropshire and only a few clouds so think it could be one of those fresh sharp days out there at the mo. Not that I will find out until 5 o'clock I am tied to my ole desk today.

    ((Hugs)) to those who need them and I hope everyone has as good a day as they can.

    CB xx

  • Comment number 31.

    Morning All,

    Woke up to a rather dark and grey morning weather wise and by the time I got to work (7 miles from home) it was snowing yep snowing - thankfully it hasn't settled - I can't believe we are getting snow this early!

    Ali - I will miss seeing you too.

    Scoobs - booooo indeed.

    Chrissie - I know it's a nightmare. We have had a blast from the moment we met at Central Station, just like we did for the O2 :o(

    Bids - thank you. it was lovely to have a chat with you last year thanks to Fairlyoddmother.

    Jg - sorry to hear about your Uncle xx Happy Birthday, try to have a nice day, your Uncle wouldn't want it any other way xx

    Gail - I'll take one of your hugs - thank you xx

    Keith - Happy 25th Anniversary to you and Mrs Keith xx

    CSN - I'm not surprised you've had enough with all that's been going on, what a nightmare for you. Take yourself off for a day of pampering - facial, massage etc take a day away from it all and spoil yourself xx {{{{hug}}}}

    Have a good day folks!

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 32.

    Mary, thank you and that sounds like a good idea.

    I am so sorry to hear that you and Chrissie can't do CiN this year.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 33.

    Hi everyone:

    JG: I am so sorry to hear about your Uncle. xx I know it will be difficult for you to have a "happy" birthday, but I hope you will be able to enjoy your special day. I am sure Mary is right in what she is saying. xx

    Keith: happy 25th anniversary to you and Mrs Keith! I hope you both have a wonderful day. xx

    CSN: you must be really cheesed off, and no wonder. It would be so good for you if you could have that pampering day - more good advice from our lovely Mary! Just hang in there, honestly, it will all be worthwhile! xx

    Roo: thinking of you. xx

    A truly awful day here in Glasgow - it has been raining constantly since 7am - no sign of stopping!

    Have a good day, everyone.

    C xx

  • Comment number 34.

    Sunning it up in Manchester today (in my dreams;-)

    Horrific weather up North but it's brightened up a little this afternoon. The kids are on half term next week in Manchester which will make a massive different to my commute.

    How's today Chris? Any improvement on yesterday?

    Loved the show this morning by the way. Cheered me up through the thunder storms and hailstone.

    P.S - Get the "Candy Man" on tomorrow AM. Love it when you play that.


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