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Another beautiful day.

Chris Evans | 10:20 UK time, Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Well I say another, it's the second on the bounce - down here at least. Yesterday was off the scale-delicious. California blue sky, hot and everything. What's going on? I have no idea - generally - but from now on that's ok, because I've decided it's time to stop worrying about anything.

There's no point. A pound of worry never bought an ounce of 'owt...and all those other anti-worry sentiments. You are who you are, you do what you do, and the clock strikes twelve twice a day. There's a movie in that somewhere.

Peace and Love and keep moving along the sidewalk, there's nothing to see here.

Which of course means there is - always.





  • Comment number 1.

    Hello CE & Everyone.

    'It's a beautiful day' as Bono would say!

    Blue skies here on the Wirral peninsula too Chris. That is despite the strong wind but it's not as bad here as some other parts of the country.

    You're absolutely right Chris there's no point in worrying about anything, it doesn't solve anything in fact it makes us less able to solve anything.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 2.

    Morning everyone

    Dull and grey here in the Shire of Cannock. Which matches my mood somewhat to be honest. Dreadful day thus far, including a huge spider (now deceased), a leaky dishwasher (awaiting my attention this afternoon), and ridiculous red tape and unfairness at work.

    I only hope the Alice Cooper look is in again.

    I'd love to stop worrying about stuff Chris, but I'm seriously getting to the "I can't cope anymore" point.

    Laters, maybe.


  • Comment number 3.


    I hope things pick up soon for you Deevs. I have to say that when I went out to work and was bored out of my mind the thought of my good home and social life kept me going. You're lucky your spider is now deceased, I keep on wondering where mine has got to in here as the cats failed to get it last night:)

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 4.

    Thanks Maddy.

    And yes ....


  • Comment number 5.

    Morning all

    Thanks for all the birthday wishes, here and elsewhere. Fairly quiet day for me at work and then birthday tea with cake!

    I spent last night making ginger oat biscuits with choc coating for work, (british bake off recipe) so see how they go down!



  • Comment number 6.

    Hi Chris: I do agree that worrying about things gets you nowhere, but I am one of life's worriers. I know it won't change anything, because what lies ahead for us, just does, but even that is a worry! xx

    Cheryl: just hang in there - next week you are off on holiday, just focus on that and re-charging your batteries. Once you get settled with a couple of wee cheeky ouzos, you'll be able to relax a bit. I know you have it all to come back to, but try not to "worry" about that for now! xx

  • Comment number 7.

    Morning Christoff et al

    Glorious, fabulous, stupendous day here in the south. Coffee on the patio, gentle breeze. I kid you not!

    Not too bothered about spiders, difinitely never kill them. I do, however, have a conker in the corner of every room! What's that all about?

    Deevs, I know it's easy for me to say, but I would have walked a long time ago. At least you can go home in a couple of hours. Chin up chuck x


    Pen x

  • Comment number 8.

    Morning all, hope you're well?

    Sorry not been about but been real busy.

    Worrying. now there's a thing. I spent weeks worrying about the 5km fun run I'd organised for Sunday just gone. Despite having everything in place and being told it'll be fine I still fretted like I can't explain. Made myself ill actually, thought it was nerves but was actually my body shutting down. Fine now though and back to work tomorrow.
    Anyway, they were right and I was wrong to fret, it was brilliant. Over 150 runners/joggers/walkers, everyonr who said they'd be there turned up as arranged, real community spirit and over £2k raised for cancer research - superb.
    It's even in tonight's Evening News (local paper)

    For those who don't know me (I used to regularly drop in here, and have no real excuse for my lazy absence) I arranged a fun run in memory of my lovely first wife who lost her battle with cancer 3.5 years ago. The run started and finished at the church where she's laid to rest.
    A (very) mini-blog-meet took place too, Emma M came along with MrM and she took great joy in passing me at the 4k mark.

    Then to top an amazing 24hrs I received an email yesterday telling me I have a golden bond place for the 2012 London Marathon with the CRUK team. have to raise a minimum amount for this privilage but hey-ho "he who dares Rodders"

    Off to USA in October taking ill children for a trip in a lifetime to see Mickey and his friends, then the serious training starts.

    Hey, I've rambled on way too much, enough about me, how are you lot?

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 9.

    Sorry Andy, happy birthday mate

  • Comment number 10.

    .....and I can't spell!!

  • Comment number 11.


    As I said on tuther blog, it is indeed a lovely day in my part of Kent.

    Happy Birthday Andy xxx

    Ginge, Well done on your organisational efforts over the weekend, and congrats on being chosen for the London Marathon xx I chuckled to myself some weeks back when it suddenly occurred to me, as I was staying in a hotel, what your sign off meant :) I am a little slow on the up take!

    I am not one of life's worriers, and I know that it is a blessing. Sometimes I get anxious about things, but I won't worry for days on end about something that I can't change. My glass if always half full. However, I have a dear sweet mother who would win a gold medal in worrying.

    Many years ago I had a poster on my bedroom wall of a mummy and baby polar bear and it said "Lord help me to remember that nothings going to happen today that you and me can't handle together" and without wishing to sound super religious and holy, that's how I live each day xx

    Big hugs to Chezza xx

    Right must be nearly lunchtime.


  • Comment number 12.

    Gingembre: great to hear from you. Well done on your terrific achievement, and you must be over the moon about taking part in the London Marathon - lovely to hear all your news.

    Pen: coffee on the patio? How terrific - who cares about spelling when one is having such a lovely day?! Here, it has rained constantly for the last 4 hours - just smashing!

    C xx

  • Comment number 13.

    Pen-I had to go back and check your post for spelling mistakes LOL (am I turning into Barney?) I can't find any, maybe I can't spell too.

    Gingembre-Well done on your achievements and not only are you doing so much for charity but you are keeping healthy too.

    Chrissie-I hope you've now settled in to your new abode and have things ship shape.

    Ali-You're lucky and sensible not being one of life's worriers. I was completely and totally free from worry when I returned home after my heart attack and thought that nothing at all is worth worrying about. As the weeks went by I gradually returned to my old self worrying about silly things that don't matter at all.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 14.

    Maddy, lol, I do exactly the same! The word is 'definitely'. My excuse is that the sun was blinding me! A lot of people spell it with an 'a' and that ain't right. Help, I'm getting pedantic!!

    Chrissie, I sincerely feel for those of you who have had such dreadful weather, I didn't wish to gloat.............well, maybe a little!

    I try not to worry, but of course there is always the element of concern that your family is safe and well.

    AliB, glass always half full, that's what I like to hear!

    Well done Keith, what an acheivement!

    Pen x

  • Comment number 15.

    I give up on the spelling today................!

  • Comment number 16.

  • Comment number 17.

    It's raining - how very dare it!!!!

    Thanks for the cake Katy, going down a treat with my cuppa :)


  • Comment number 18.

    Afternoon each

    Happy Birthday Mr T! ...birthday tea sounds fab... jelly and icecream anyone?!

    Along with the non sentimental bit of me I am also one of lifes lucky people that I am definitely not a worrier. Although that is also not the best thing cos sometimes things can sneak up and bite you on the bum so to speak! But I quite like my horizontal life and wouldnt change it for the world...although if I WAS a worrier then maybe I`d be a few stone lighter so.... !The GM mum tho can prob give your mum a challenge tho Ali... worlds worst I`d say.. and then when everything turns out for the best she always comes out with the immortal words "told you it`d be ok". Aargh! Love her to bits tho!

    Ali, glad wedding was fab..what a lovely tale x

    The GM brother got married yesterday also... they have been together for 14yrs and organised their wedding a year ago down in Devon where they are on holiday. Due to family bereavements etc they just wanted to go and do it by themselves which I think is lovely. Spoke to them last night and they were giddy and happy and chilled... perfect. Party on Saturday night to celebrate tho and I have offered to make 60 wedding cupcakes... NOW might be the time to start that worrying/panicking habit!!

    Gingembre..well done to you.. fantastic effort..and good luck with the training!

    Right..stuf to do..

    mSc x

  • Comment number 19.

    Good afternoon everyone,

    There's a monsoon here in Ayrshire this afternoon, and it's still really windy too, lovely - NOT!

    Hope you are all ok.



  • Comment number 20.

    Afternoon all.

    Nice and sunny here at the moment.

    Gail, take care. xx

    Happy Birthday Andy, hope you have a great day.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 21.

    Oh, sorry I forgot to wish Andy a very Happy Birthday!

    thanks CSN, we're fine, no damage done, just bloody miserable, it's more like November up here at the moment.



  • Comment number 22.

    Afternoon all

    Thanks again for the birthday wishes and to Katy for the banner and cake!

    Glad to hear you've survived the storm Gail, hope some nice weather blows your way soon.



  • Comment number 23.

    Happy Birthday Andy - hope the cake went down well - any left over? ;-)

    Still windy here but sunny too - good drying day!

    Hope you're all ok and safe and well

    Will try to catch up later

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 24.

    Evening each

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANDY, hope you've had a lovely day.

    Pen: COFFEE ON THE PATIO?????? IN THE SUN?????? I'm so not jealous.

    Deevs, saw your FB post about your holiday next year and, yes, you need to get out of there. Some people just love their teeny bit of power, don't they?

    Maddy, how could you go to bed knowing there was a spider about?

    Gingembre, well done on the fundraising - hope you're looking after those knees.

    Looking forward to 8pm on tv2.


  • Comment number 25.

    Annie, lol, and having just seen the forecast, we have more of the same. Fear not, we WILL pay for it.

    I will be joining you inabit on tv 2, love it!

    Pen x

  • Comment number 26.

    Evening lovelies

    Thanks for all the support today - it's not been the best, to be honest (up until 1.30 pm).

    And yes, Annie, you're right. The sooner I am out, the better but in the meantime there's still bills to pay so I have to hang in there until either another p/t opportunity arises, or I can walk out and become self-employed (which is my preference).

    Anyhoo .....

    Productive afternoon: I've been studying my nutrition diploma and at 5.30 or thereabouts today I submitted the final assignment of the course. All that leaves is the essay submission, which I intend to tackle as soon as we are back from our holibobs (and full of Tziki and ouzo!)

    My head's a bit befuddled now, so it's time to bid you all a lovely evening. Stay safe - I'm off to hide behind the sofa for the duration of the Arsenal game!



  • Comment number 27.

    Eve all

    Not caught up yet. Actually just wanna sit in the corner of the room and rock and cry, let them apply the straight jacket and administer the injection, I will return soon when the dark cloud lifts, if it does.

    :-( kks ;-(

  • Comment number 28.

    Just paused the Bake Off to chase a spider out of the kitchen.

    KK - don't let that you-know-what get you down.

    Deevs, well done on the last assignment.

    Right, back to the Bake Off.


  • Comment number 29.


    I went upstairs to run the bath for a hot bubbly soak and found that the water was cold. On checking I found that the heating's packed up too. And so I've just reported it online. The good thing is that it's gone now before the weather gets too cold.

    So that must have been the reason that the house alarm went off today, wondered what caused it!

    The good news is that I can still heat up the water with the electric and am now waiting.

    Annie-Although I don't like spiders at all there's so many around this year that I think I'm getting used to them. Glad you chased yours out of the kitchen.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 30.

    Maddy, hope you get that sorted out soon. At least you can still get some hot water

    Annie, did you get rid of the spider or is he watching TV with you?

    KKs, Sounds like you're going through it. Take care of yourself and see you in November

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 31.

    Hello all.

    Chris, at my age I'm too old to be worried about many things unless they are major, like someone dying.

    Life is far too short not to and you will realise this when you get to my age and hear the story that I am going to tell you.

    I know a very brave man though he doesn't think he is, bless him. He went into hospital last Wednesday for an operation on Thursday morning, he has a Cancerous growth on his liver that had to be removed to help him live a bit longer. When they opened him up there was nothing they could do because his cancer had spread so much, he is now home with 55 staples in his body.

    Marjie, try and keep warm tonight. xx

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 32.

    Just dropping by, with a post from next door. I hope everyone is well. I will try and drop by more often, busy gathering all that is so readily available at this time of the year.


    Think that I might have not got it right,....


  • Comment number 33.

    Oops will try again. Will I ever get the hang of this C&P...
    complain about this comment (comment number 182)

    Comment number 183. At 21:01 13th Sep 2011, You wrote:
    Back in the dark most evenings now. Sign of the times I suppose!

    Mcw, twas Glastonbury Tor. The times I have driven past over the years and said to myself, yes, one day I really must climb up there.

    So, googled it and read reviews and took advice to go to the park n ride and catch a bus to the base of the Tor. The only bus to be found there, was a tour bus, taking you here, there and everywhere, so the plan changed to walking it from there.

    Set off with great enthusiasm, then realised that the Tor was quite a way off. Anyway, persevered and ignored all car parks that were a lot closer to the Tor and considerably cheaper!

    Finally reached a sign.. 'To the Tor' and left the road behind. At last beginning to actually climb the Tor.

    I lost count after 180 steps, but carried on, encouraged somewhat by several people coming back down, in a lesser state of fitness shall we say than myself and far more advanced in years.

    At the 180 step stage, there was a sudden cross wind and a slight worry, that it might get worse on climbing higher. I nearly lost my coat at this point, as the wind inflated it and decided, that despite being a tad on the warm side, that it would be better to wear it.

    And so the climb continued until finally, there it was. The top of the Tor had been achieved. What followed, was such an enjoyable experience. Almost like the whole world lay below us. Everyone up there seemed so elated.

    A real feel good factor. The views were stunning, despite it not being the clearest of days.

    I have taken lots of pics and will poop them on fb at some point. When I can suitably bribe the 17 year old (18 next month, as I keep getting reminded!) to assist.

    Going back to the reviews and comments about climbing the Tor, one or two, pinpointed, that you would get a 'certain something' out of climbing the Tor. All I can say is, that I came back down with 'something' that I certainly didn't go up with.

    What a fabulous experience, not Everest I know, but it might just as well have been in my very humble opinion.

    I will drive past it in future, with a very big smile on my face, knowing that at long last, that I achieved something, that has been on my 'to do' list and might even go on my 'to do again' list.

    Its the little (or not so!) things.

    Happy days.


  • Comment number 34.

    Its one of those things, that has been on my 'to do' list for many years. Finally achieved.

    My point being, dont put off till tomorrow........


  • Comment number 35.

    Good morning all,

    Another one of your California skies today Chris ,had a few of these over the past few days. There is not a speck in the sky wall to wall blue.
    And it's nice to see that the leaves are just starting to turn into their lovely autumn colours,one of my favorite times of year.
    Hope that everyone is having the same ,it's nice to share.

    Take care all and enjoy your day.

  • Comment number 36.

    Hi everyone:

    just having a wee catch-up.

    kks: I hope whatever is happening with you will improve soon. Take care, and it's easy to say this, but this will pass. xx

    CSN: so awful to hear about your friend. It is just heartbreaking and having experienced the devastation cancer causes, my heart goes out to him, and his family. I am sure you will be a wonderful support to them. xx

    MTF: really lovely to see you - I miss you, but understand you must be too busy to post very often. What an uplifting and beautiful post from you - well done on achieving that climb!

    Bids: what a lovely wee picture you have painted today!

    Hope everyone has a good day.

    C xx

  • Comment number 37.

    Morning All,

    As I sit at my desk, with the window open, looking out over a hotel car park; I can see blue sky, a tree gently blowing in the breeze and I can hear the hotel workers chatting while they have a coffee and a fag break.

    MTF, Lovely to read you, like Chrissie I miss your daily nature updates and I miss you too xx can't wait to catch up in November :) Well done on climbing the Tor.

    csn and Mary, Terrible news about your friends, it's just awful xx

    KKS, Hugs to you {{{}}} xx

    Hi Bids and Chrissie and anyone else who's nipped in whilst I've been typing!

    Happy Hump Day


  • Comment number 38.


    Another day, another coffee, same patio. Yes, it's gorgeous here again in sunny Surrey. Maybe just a few more fluffy bits up above, but hey, I'm making the most of it, cause it surely can't last.

    Glad to be home to be honest, maniacs on the road this morning, nuff said!

    KK, hope things improve soon x

    CSN, like Chrissie, have been there of late, and it's such a b****y cruel disease. It's so unfair x

    MTF, lovely post and well done. Come back soon.

    Hi AliB!

  • Comment number 39.

    #38 was from me!

    Pen x

    It left it orff!

  • Comment number 40.

    NEW BLOG!!

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