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Fridays are normally ±«Óãtv canteen days for me during the hiatus between the radio show and The One Show.

Chris Evans | 19:33 UK time, Friday, 26 August 2011

And after some negative publicity this week, may I just weigh in with how excellent I think it is. The food is plentiful in variety, proudly served by friendly and adept staff and of above average quality. Fish and chips, baked potato, soup and a salad, pizza, what's not to like ?

Today however, my only requirement was that of a microwave, as Mrs E has rustled up a bank holiday slow cook stew sensation. Lamb shanks steeped in a sauce that gets better by the hour. I had a bowl for supper last night, a bowl for breakfast (at 5 am !) And just couldn't resist bring another bowl to work for lunch today.

The only problem ? Every time I see, smell it, or even just think about it, my immediate next thought is - red wine !

Which the ±«Óãtv canteen sadly does not do. Probably best.

Have a great weekend be it three days or two and see you on the radio Tuesday.

Peace and Love





  • Comment number 1.

    hi CLP

    peace and love

    super duper bagpuss

  • Comment number 2.

    Well, I've got the red wine Chris - enjoy your dinner.

    CBA to cook tonight. xxxxx

    Evening SB. xx

  • Comment number 3.

    evening annie - dont knwo if you saw so I will repeat - well done on the grandson xx

  • Comment number 4.

    Hi All

    Lamb shanks - sounds delicious.

    Just posted a longish post on the previous blog - that was bad timing. Can't be bothered to C&P, so please look back!


  • Comment number 5.

    Thank you SB. xxxxx

  • Comment number 6.

    hi deebee - just read back, looking forward to meeting you in Nov

  • Comment number 7.

    did i kill the blog?

  • Comment number 8.

    Sentimentations Of Nice Ter CLP & ALL Of This Most Nice Area Of The WWW. ...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - A saw The One Show before and a thought both yerself & The Alex looked sharp & beautiful.... Yerself CLP the sharp bit.... And The Alex the beautiful bit - A most authoritively pleasant TV couple!!!!!!!
    A tell yer The Madely & The Finnigan will be feeling anger.... In fact ter be 'onest a was feeling a bit of anger for them too.... But in an admiring anger!!!!!!!!

    Nice 'air cut CLP.... complimented with nice sides.... Stylish shirt... complete with jacket.... Whereas The Alex 'ad VERY beautiful DARK eyes en'anced by mascara ter bring 'er eyes out even more (most pleasant on... the eye!!)... great 'airsyle... loose with moose but neat.... complete with most stylish red striped jacket!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Also a VERY much enjoyed the bit about the sand sculptures.... Saw similar in Ukraine.... Except there it wasn't by the sea!!!!!
    They'd truck loaded 'undreds of tonnes in & dumped it on tarmac in the middle of the city!!!!!!!
    Amazing 'ow people make such detailed sculptures!!!!!!!!!

    And also VERY interesting the bit about canals in Ireland!!!!!!!
    Ireland being an island a never knew they 'ad canals... most beautiful!!!!!!!!

    All in my One Shop experience was most pleasant, informative & educational.... All with added style & beauty from yerself & The Alex.... Oh and The Grant who ave always 'ad a mini crush on.... amazing dark eyes!!!!!!
    Any woman with dark eyes and am 'ypnotised by... the eyes in question!!!!!!

  • Comment number 9.

    Also jusyt wanted ter say from yesterday's blog:

    Annie G - BIG CONGRADULATIONS on the new addition ter the family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aka another grandchild for yersen ;-))))))

    ALL - Thanks for yer most kind comments - glad a amke a few laugh/ brightne a bit of yer day!!!!!!!

    Just lately am just simply too busy ter blog... A don't get the time ter blink let alone sit down & blog!!!!!!
    But am 'aving a few days off from doing me 'ouse & work... presently getting ready ter go to Thailand again next week ter see me other 'alf!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 10.

    PS ALL...

    From yesterday's blog a just wanted ter say....

    A was talking about Apple Macs & the fact a can't afford one!!!!!!!!!
    A did tell a bit of a lie.... and a coincidence 'appened last night..... A was watchignt he news & it 'ad a bit on about Steve Jobs stepping down from the CEO of Apple.... At that very moment a did 'ave an Apple Mac in me 'and.... But not an Apple Mac... More an apple McD... It was an apple pie from McD's!!!!!!!!!!!!
    100% TRUE!!!!!!!!!!

    Also... Me George Micheal album a wanted signing but 'e wouldn't sign for me as 'e thought a was an E-Bay merchant.... The album is called 'Ladies & Gentlemen'!!!!!!!!
    Surely this album isn't named after a public convieniance???!!!!!!

    'ope all 'ave a most nice weekend.... A will am working... treble time... then next week when all are back at work.... Am off ter Thailand!!!!!!!!!!

    Take care all!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 11.

    Evening All,

    chris ,nothing like a good lamb shank ,and better still the next day when the wine has welll and truly soaked in .Enjoy ,by the way that ice cream you were tucking into tonight looked inviting.
    Enjoy your long w/end yourself.

    Annie, Many congratulations on the safe arrival of your grandson, Lovely name and pic on the other side.hope you get a good nights sleep as you'll be needing all your strengh for that little wee one.

    Baggy ,I feel quite jealous of you being tucked up in bed at this time of night ,sounds like a lovely place to be right now.

    Mtd,yes please do let us know about the face cream ,you never know it just might work eh!!!

    well our pet sitting is over and they now have left the building ,but Mr B got some Jail ale ,and I got some home made fudge ehich I will be opening very, very soon.
    also .
    My daughter got her Exam results today when she got home ...she has got an A Plus in Chemistry,im so pleased for her as shes has been working and running the home whilst studying ,she had great support though from her husband and boys ,so well done my love ,mums pa proud mum tonight.

    Jg ,lovely to see you ,and when you've finished yours ,can you make your way south .glad to see that your on the up also ,it's the only way .


  • Comment number 12.

    Hello Chris.

    Rain, thunder & lightning here tonight, could it be the start of a Bank Holiday?

    I don't know why the ±«Óãtv canteen has been the butt of many a joke over the years CLP, I imagine that, as you say, the food is good. I would have opted for the fish and chips. I've only just closed my window as I was listening to the thunder and the smell from the chippy round the corner made me want to go and get some.

    I bet MRS E's slow cook sensation is so delicious Chris and far more healthy than the ±«Óãtv canteen food, Enjoy!

    MM xxx

    PS Loved your One Show shirt!

  • Comment number 13.

    Evening each

    mmmm...lamb shanks. my fave. Unfortunately the GM doesn`t eat red meat so I generally only eat them when I`m out..but enjoy when I do!

    ANd CLP..didnt see the One Show tonight but i`m assuming you stayed away from the red until afterwards!

    Good to see you JG/Deebee/CG etc... I`m so busy at the moment I`m a really sporadic blogger but am making a prmise to try harder!

    Annie - congrats on the new addition.. he is gorgeous!x

    Chrissie.. wow, your move has come round so quickly! Massive well done on the decluttering/clearing out thing. I am lucky (or perhaps unlucky) that I seem to be totally practical and have no problems throwing things out that are undeeded... or indeed doing a car boot and making a few quid out of it. The one exception is a letter that was faxed to me by my Dad on my last birthday before he died. He rallied cars and was in a hotel in what was Yugoslavia at the time. He wished me happy birthday and all the team signed it... would be the first thing I saved in a fire.

    Oh, and the GM and I have a scrapbook of all the places we`ve been/concerts seen etc since we`ve been together and I would also want to save the...so, maybe I am a bit sentimental after all!

    Seriously though, well done Chrissie and I know you will be happy in your new home x

    Maddy - glad the docs reasonably happy with you and you are doing as you are told! Loving your formatting btw! x

    Nic - said it on t`other side but happy birthday! Hope you and Deevs have a lovely week off.

    And same to Debs... get those penguins open girl!

    Bids -well doneto your daughter.. a fabulous achievement!

    Right, usual long post from me again so I`m off... a usual wotcha to everyone else! 10 more minutes of the footy to endure then we may get to watch something interesting...shan`t hold my breath!

    mSc x

    PS - anyone doing CiN see my FB status re cheap trains!

  • Comment number 14.

    PPS - feel free to change any letters in my previous post so it makes some kind of sense! Less cider more spellchecking i thinks!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 15.

    Just caught up!

    Annie-Many congratulations and jubilations!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 16.

    Evening briefly all,
    Lamb shanks ............Ald" s do a really good pre cooked one ...re heat in microslave........gorgeous.!!! £7.49 feeds 4!
    Have become a great Aunt this week ..Sooooo chuffed!
    Love to all, Happy weekend

    Jo x

  • Comment number 17.

    I'm back. Dinner (fish n chips) had, vino had, just waiting for a cup of tea.....

    The event was quite pleasant, it cost a fiver to attend but you got it back if you bought something (which of course I did). I didn't buy any of the new cream, I'm not convinced yet, but the goody bag was a substantial toiletry bag (a proper one) with about £50 or £60 worth of samples and full size product (I know the value because I got a similar amount of goodies last week when I bought some make up. They gave us champers (well I had some with orange juice coz I was driving) and there was food as well. I didn't win a raffle prize (again they were substantial amounts of product). They offer free makeovers as well (which I will be taking advantage of next week hopefully when I go to get my hair done) Well enough of the advertising.

    Congratulations on the addition to the family Annie.

    See you all tomorrow.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 18.

    Just popping in to say good night ,got a long day tomorrow so Am going to turn in shortly , have just been watching John Bishop ,very good too.

    night night all,

    Take care ..Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 19.


    Somewhere a village is missing it's idiot.

  • Comment number 20.

    Morning all, sorry for absinth, but you know the score "work" yada yada yada

    Anyway, I'm on hols for a week now, whoo hoo, shame we dont have holiday weather though - going to be windy, wet and a sprinkle of sunshine now and again.

    Chris - re the canteen - when I was doing my stint at the Beeb I found it always overwhelming the amount of choice available - so I'd go and stand in the queue for the sarnies - I'd chat to myself about getting something "exotic" and then panic when asked "what can I get you" and end up going for ham and tomato on white every day!

    I have caught up with your to-ings and fro-ings but cant remember everything but to say "congratulations to Annie" on new arrival, good luck to Chrissie with moving next week, and Rips, very good post - I've taken your advice....

    Didnt get a chance to listen to James yesterday so will catch up on the i-wotsit but looking forward to seeing him on tele this morning. So just time to put the kettle on and lift some bacon out of freezer for a buttie later on.

    Happy Saturday/Weekend/Bank hols everyone

    Peace and love indeed

  • Comment number 21.

    Hi everyone:

    Oooh, I know, I shouldn't be here, but I'm having a wee cheeky cup of tea and thought I would take a look...

    I see the big news is that Annie's grandson has been born! Annie, he's just beautiful, it must be so exciting to have another lovely brand new baby in the family. xx

    mtd: good to hear about your evening. I may need a sample of that cream!

    JG: lovely to see you. No problem at all that you haven't been blogging, so don't even think about it - you have had a lot to deal with. xx Thanks for your good wishes - yes, de-cluttering is a nightmare, isn't it?!

    Baggy: hope you had a nice evening, and are enjoying your book.

    Susan: as soon as I recover from the move next week, I'll be right with you ... you do know it will cost you a small fortune in wine, don't you?!

    Deebee: hiya. Will bring that letter along, though I do understand you will have "other fish to fry" at CiN!

    Bingo: great to see you on the blog - I really miss you. Hope you have a great trip. xx

    Bids: wonderful news about your daughter - what a clever girl she is. You and Mr Bids must be so, so proud. xx

    Scoobs: wotcha! Lovely to see you. Yes, the move has come round so quickly - too quickly really, but perhaps it was meant to be this way. That letter from your Dad - I am sure you keep that close at all times. xx And the scrapbook you have made sounds great - I always meant to get round to doing that, but all the tickets have been shredded now ... aarrggh! Hope you enjoyed the footy - perhaps we can gloss over the state of Scottish football at the moment ...!

    Jo: congratulations on becoming a great-aunt - how lovely.

    Sorry if I missed anyone - tea is finished, time to head back to the nightmare!

    C xx

  • Comment number 22.

    Hiya Debs: you arrived as I was writing my post. Thanks for your good wishes - I may need one or two "penguins" next Friday night! Enjoy your week off - who cares about the weather? It's just great to have a break, isn't it?!


  • Comment number 23.

    Ha ha Chrissie, definately get some penguins chilling! And you're right, its about the break not the weather, am so looking forward having a rest :-)

    Now food news for MrS, just been to butchers and got a wonderful looking piece of rolled sirloin, cant wait to save it for tomorrow so its roast for dins later - Saturday is the new Sunday!


  • Comment number 24.

    Hi all

    To all that have asked about the cream, you can get samples at all L**co*e counters in department stores and b**ts etc. Apparently, some people who have used it have delayed 'procedures' - it's supposed to be that good. I haven't really got any deep wrinkles yet so I don't think it will do much for me, but I'll see how I go with all the freebies I have accumulated!!!

    Off out shopping soon, after the F1 qualifying and the rest of the athletics - I missed my usual Friday night shopping so I've got to go this afternoon...


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 25.

    Hi all,

    just popping in myself to see whats going on,nice to see Debs,Crissie ans Mtd.

    I'm just taking five minutes ,half the jobs done ,not looking forward to the others .Have got a gammon on the boil,and have to do some baking in a little while .
    Going to make a frech alpple tart and an apricot and rasberry tart.

    Right think I'll go and get a cuppa and then back to it .

    Take care ....Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 26.

    Happy Bank Holiday Saturday Everyone.

    Rain & sun alternatively here today.

    Today I'm doing washing and general odds and ends.

    mtd-I don't believe in anti-ageing creams at all, I used to use Oil of Ul** which is now Oil of Ol** but I believe that it's all to do with genetics. Even at my age I don't have one wrinkle (but my face has dropped a bit).

    MM xxx

    PS The fireman who came to check the smoke alarms the other day could not believe that I was a pensioner. Had it not been for my oxygen supply I could have got away with it!

  • Comment number 27.

    Hello peeps!

    Mmmmm, lamb shanks, delicious! Salivating at the thought!

    I also don't believe in anti-aging creams. My view is they are a total waste of hard earned cash! Too much sun on the skin doesn't help the wrinkles. An ex-colleague of mine spent every waking moment in the sun and looked twenty years older!

    Pen xx

    ps Bids, congrats to your daughter, how proud are you?

  • Comment number 28.

    Aging???? lol!

  • Comment number 29.


    I'm back from an exhausting, but fun, week with the "yoof". The weather wasn't too bad, some sunshine and some rain. The only pain was it rained all night on the last night and all yesterday morning, which meant we couldn't take the tents down until today. They were a brilliant bunch of kids and thoroughly enjoyed themselves which is all that matters.

    Me, I could sleep for England and have a very sore back! I don't think sleeping on a lilo is good for me, or perhaps I am getting too old ;) Four lots of washing done and two to go!!

    Congrats to Annie on your new wee Grandson xx

    Well done Jilly Goat on your 5,000 words xx

    Good luck Chrissie with the move next week xx

    Belated Happy Birthday to Nic xx

    I know I've missed things, but that is all my brain can retain at the mo.

    I hope everyone is having a good Saturday.


  • Comment number 30.

    Evening each

    Many thanks for all your good wishes for our new baby. He's home now so I'm in my own bed tonight thank goodness. You know you're getting old when you prefer your own bed and bathroom!!

    Bids, congratulations to your daughter - what a star.

    Chrissie, good luck with the move.

    And hallo to everyone else. Like Ali my brain has gone awol. xxxxxx

  • Comment number 31.

    Just dropping in ter say:

    Chrissie S - Thanks... I miss writing on the blog too... And reading all the posts/ joining in... But lately am just overwhelemed with work & stuff 'appening!!!!!!!

    CLP (not the famous dude but the concerned one) - Would the village be in Vanuatu?????

    Just dropping out....

  • Comment number 32.

    Forgot ter say...

    CLP (the famous one/ boss of this blog) - A was watching ±«Óãtv1 NorthWest Tonight local news the other night & they 'ad a VERY 'eart warming article about locals who 'ave formed a co-operative to purchase the local pub that 'ad closed down!!!!!!!!!

    Also similar 'appened in Blaneau Ffestiniog in Wales recently!!!!!!!!

    Maybe this is the way forward to stop the sad decline of so many pubs!!!! The locals form a co-operative.... It's similar to going back in time to like when the Co'operative shops were started in local communities in which the whole village played a part/ part owned!!!!!!

    For these pubs to be re-opened AND in the middle of a severe recession.... It's 'eart warming to see ordinary people can join together in spirit & 'elp mend bits of broken Britain!!!!!!!!!!

    CLP, i'll post the link on to in a moment!!!!

  • Comment number 33.

    'ere is the link to the Butchers Arms that 'as been saved >>> /news/uk-14676061

    Thought yer might even want ter 'ave this story on yer show next week... A know CLP 'as a keen interest in pubs what with yer owning some - know what am sayin'!!!!!!

    Glad ter 'elp!!!!

  • Comment number 34.

    Another link >>>

    CLP - Am most glad ter 'elp further!!!!!!

  • Comment number 35.

    Good Morning all,

    A nice sunny day here on the south at the moment and long may it last . A busy day here In the bids house hold ,starting with the ironing ,Ohhh!!!! how I hate that job should have done it yesterday but couldn't be bothered .

    Alib, glad you had a good week at camp and that the weather was OK for you ,no I wouldn'y fancy sleeping on a lilo either .I suppose you will have a pile of ironing as well,And before you ask ,the answer is no.lol.

    Annie pleased to hear that the wee one is home now and hope all goes well for them ,and yes I agree with you nothing like your own bed ,and your own routine,and no we're not old it's just that we like our own comforts.

    Bingo,That was a great link there about the Butchers Arms ,didn't they do it up nice ,good luck to them and hope it all works out well for them .And what a fantastic Idea.There are too many of these little village pubs shutting down.

    Right ,Mr B and I have had our cuppa ,sitting up in bad as I tpe ,but this isn't getting that you know what done is it ,Oh well!!! here goes .

    See you later folks ...have a great day in whatever you decide ti do with it.


  • Comment number 36.

    Forgot to say thank you to all that commented on our lovely Daughter .xxx.

  • Comment number 37.

    Morning all!

    Ali, glad the camp was good and fun was had by all and Annie welcome back to your own bed.

    Bids, seen your baking on FB - I'm on my way!!! Enjoy your family day today

    I had a "sunday roast" yesterday and it really felt like sunday - weird! So I have another sunday today :-)

    Right time for a coffee I think,
    Happy Sunday everyone

  • Comment number 38.

    Afternoon all.

    Mr CSN and I had a lovely few days with little grandson who was collected by his daddy a little while ago.

    Think tonight I will cook a roast and we will be having a peaceful evening.

    Annie, many congratulations on the birth of your new baby grandson. Hope you slept well in your own bed last night. xx

    Marjie, glad your hospital appointment went well. xx

    Ali, glad to hear your week away at camp went well. xx

    Bingo, nice story about the Butchers Arms. xx

    Debs, enjoy your sunday roast. xx

    Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 39.

    Evening each

    Bingo, you're a wee star

    Bids, every time I hear 'ironing' I think of our lovely Beez.

    Debs, have put fresh stuff on my bed, going to have a bath soon and collapse into it.

    CSN, glad you had a good time with little grandson - bet you're collapsing soon too.


  • Comment number 40.

    Amused to see that to the right of your blog about taking your lamb shanks to work there's a box saying Chris Evans feed!

  • Comment number 41.

    Happy Bank Holiday Monday One and All,

    The sun is shining, I've had toast with lemon curd and a cup of tea in bed, Miranda is on the radio - what's not to love :)

    Don't plan on doing much today, except a food shop as I am Old Mother Hubbard!

    Enjoy whatever you plan to do today.


  • Comment number 42.

    Hi everyone:

    Hope everyone who has the day off today, is enjoying it. I felt quite sorry for myself coming to work today - the train was almost empty!

    AliB: welcome back. xx Glad to hear you had a good week. Thanks for your good wishes.

    Debs: rolled sirloin ... I bet it was delicious!

    Bids: hope you all had a lovely day yesterday.

    Annie: Yes, I would imagine you are happy to be home. Nothing beats your own bed! And thanks for your good wishes, too.

    CSN: glad to hear you had a nice time with your lovely grandson. And I hope you enjoyed your roast dinner!

    Yesterday, I met up with our lovely Mary. We had a yummy lunch (and a glass or three of Rose!) and then made our way along to meet Brad Pitt. Except he was having the day off - drat! Loads of tourists, all taking photographs of crashed vans and cars, and the general mayhem that will be WWZ!

    Enjoy your day, all.

    C xx

  • Comment number 43.

    Hello Ali & Chrissie.

    Cold here today.

    Ali-lemon curd is something I like but have not had for a long time, it's going on my next shopping list.

    Chrissie-How very rude of Brad not to be there when you and Mary went to see him. But I'm glad you enjoyed lunch and drinks.

    I'm going to try on my wedding suit which arrived yesterday (not for my wedding) will explain more at a later date.

    Bingo coming in for soup and sandwiches soon as he's delivering in this area!

    Off to make soup & sarnies>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 44.

    Hi all,

    Looks like you're all fine and dandy enjoying your day.have just had brunch after a morning of clearing away from yesterday ,and yes thank you it all went very well and everyone enjoyed them selves ,me I'm shattered now ,so have promised myself the rest of the day off.

    I'ts a nice day here down on the south coast toay ,so might veture out for a walk along the sea front if I can drag Mr B with me.

    Have a good day all.


  • Comment number 45.

    Hi Bids.

    I'm glad you had a lovely time yesterday and it all went well and everyone enjoyed themselves. T he only trouble is the clearing up afterwards, I bet you are shattered.

    Enjoy your walk along the sea front. There'll be no going to the Wirral sea front for me today, much too cold and windy.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 46.


    Maddy: oooh, I am intrigued! Just let us know what's occurring, when you can. It was so cold here yesterday, I couldn't believe it. A biting wind, absolutely freezing. You stay nice and warm, ok?

    Bids: good to hear everything went well yesterday. And, yes, it is always a nightmare the next day after entertaining - so much tidying up to do! Hope you and Mr Bids have gone on a wee walk.

    What a long day this is turning out to be ... I think the phone has rung about 4 times - loads of people in Scotland have taken today as a holiday!

    C xx

  • Comment number 47.

    Afternoon ladies and lurkers!

    Just back from a few hours at a local nat trust house, got all middle aged in the queue for tickets and signed up for a year! YIKES! So I now find myself looking for other localish venues to get my monies worth! LOL

    Sitting here with a glass of wine, well I'm on me holibobs arent I? And very much looking forward to my "mini break" tomorrow, down the Gower, little hotel right on the beach.

    Taking Warm, Cold, Wet weather clothes to cover all evenualities and a couple of books. I decided to take my self away just for one night (now that GD is a working woman) so that I properly feel like "ive been on holiday" - otherwise I know I will do nothing but chores/sorting or just watch the tele and before you know it back at work will be upon me.

    Chrissie - not long to go now and then you are having the same week as everyone else in work.....

    Happy Monday everyone

  • Comment number 48.

    Hiya Debs: well done for joining the National Trust! I keep meaning to do it, so I really should get around to it. So many fantastic places to see. Have a lovely wee break tomorrow - sounds as though you will be totally chilling out. Yes, a great idea to get away for a while, you will really feel you have had a break.

    Is it home time yet?


  • Comment number 49.

    Afternoon all

    Chrissie: take this phone free time to catch up on all the jobs that the phone keeps interrupting, I quite like working the odd Saturday for that very reason (although I should have offered this advice earlier in the day I admit ;) ), always feel I've accomplished more in 4 hours than a normal 8 hour day.

    Debs: I know what you mean about a night away meaning you've had a holiday, it's easier to resist those chores when you can't see them ;)

    After a busy Saturday I've managed to have a couple of lazy (by my standards anyway) days, and have managed a breezy walk, a catch up with a couple of friends, some sewing (more of that to come), found the finishing touch to an outfit to be worn shortly, made plans for next weekend and be a lady what lunches. In true lazy mode I've successfully ignored the fact the vacuum needs a run round... I would say job for tomorrow but I'll be back at the grindstone and my evening is already accounted for, ditto Wednesday... maybe Thursday or Friday night then...

    Maybe I should call the past couple of days "me days" rather than lazy. I seem to have done a fair bit, but most of it unplanned. Saturday on the other hand was planned with military precision to cram all the things I had to do in, I'm still in shock that there were a few minutes to spare here and there.

    Hugs to all

  • Comment number 50.

    Oz: yes, I agree it is great to have some peace from the phones ringing and sometimes I come into work on a Saturday as I always get more done without the phones going mad. But today has been strange!

    Good to hear you had a good weekend and a couple of "me" days - we all need that from time to time.

    Well, the brilliant news is .... it's HOME TIME!

    Have a nice evening everyone.

    C xx

  • Comment number 51.

    Hi all from a bit of a battered Upstate New York.

    Chrissie I hope your move goes well, it sounds very exciting, be it a bit daunting aswell.

    Deb I love visiting a Nat Trust building I.m glad you had a great time.

    I'm waiting for the OH to get home safely, he's been evacuated from his office because the Hudson and Mowhawk Rivers have risen to dangerous levels and they've closed all but one bridge! Wine will be on the cards this eve mee thinks.

    Take care all

    MaW xxx

  • Comment number 52.

    Hi All

    MaW thank you for checking in, I was thinking of you and all our stateside bloggers over the weekend. I hope the worst is over now.

    Bank holiday nearly over - blooming cold here (relatively speaking). Less than 9 weeks before I head into the sun, by which time it will probably be snowing here (at the rate we are going anyway).

    I hope everybody has had a relaxing weekend.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 53.

    Morning All,

    Another grey day in North Kent, at one point yesterday I did wonder if it was an August Bank Holiday or a November Saturday; it was difficult to tell the difference!!
    Still I did clean my balcony windows, so that was a good job done.

    Back to work today after my week camping and it doesn't look to horrendous...thank goodness.

    MaW good to know you are OK over there xx

    Right lets get on with it!


  • Comment number 54.

    Hi everyone:

    Absolutely miserable here - cold and damp, it's just horrible!

    mtd: I think you may be right, if this weather doesn't improve, we will be having snow in time for your next holiday. Perish the thought!

    AliB: hiya - you must be pleased your workload is not too bad!

    MaW: lovely to see you. Good to hear everything is ok with you.

    Have a good day, all.

    C xx

  • Comment number 55.

    Where is everyone????

    Looks like it's just Chrissie and I keeping the blog fires burning.


  • Comment number 56.

    I'm here Ali, just don't have anything of interest to say.

  • Comment number 57.

    Hello Ali and Chrissie.

    Chilly day here, I had to put my heating on this morning.

    Hope everyone is ok.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 58.

    Hi Gail.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 59.

    Apart from the fact that I sent a photo of my dogs, at the Horse Trials, in to the Scottish Field Magazine's gallery page on their website and lo and behold they have been chosen to appear in October's issue of Scottish Field Magazine, ok so it might not be interesting to everyone but it is to me!!! and as an added bonus, if you are the editor's favourite photo you win a bottle of gin, talking of alcohol, I received my 6 bottles of vintage cava which I won on La T**ca's website as well.

    Have a good day everyone.



  • Comment number 60.

    Hi CSN, and everyone else who is lurking.

  • Comment number 61.

    Hi Gail, Since when has not having anything interesting to say stopped anyone blogging...lol ;)

    In fact what you did have to say was interesting to me too - well done to your doggies and I hope you win the gin.

    Hi csn, I refuse to put my heating on until October, but then living in a flat doesn't mean that I quite need to put it on yet.

    This weekend I am catering for a leaving do, so just racking my brains as to what to include in the buffet - any ideas are very welcome. I'm catering for 95!!!!


  • Comment number 62.

    Afternoon all .....

    5000 word essay finally finished, tidied and double-checked for spelling mistakes etc - tomorrow's hand-in day so I'll be able to breathe a huge sigh of relief!

    Had a lovely weekend with the girls in Devon. There was far too much eating and drinking, and so much talking that today I'm hoarse, but it was brilliant fun and it did me the world of good. Mind you, I'm jaded today!

    It's back to work tomorrow so I'm going to have to find where I stashed the alarm clock two weeks ago!!!

    It's really cold today and I'm fighting the urge to put the heating on. I've got two jumpers on at the mo and I might even do the hoovering in a bid to warm up but I'm going to try a cup of tea first!

    Hope everyone is OK.

    jillygoat x

  • Comment number 63.

    I did mean to ask if anyone had heard Tony Blackburn and Trevor Nelson last night, they were brilliant, the music was right up my street, I hope we don't have to wait too long to hear them again.



  • Comment number 64.

    Ali - one of the meals we had at the weekend included a starter of parma ham with sliced mozzarella cheese and fresh peach slices on a bed of salad ..... it was delicious. I wondered if it might help with your catering dilemma.


  • Comment number 65.

    Ali - here's the recipe if you're interested (unless it gets modded of course):


  • Comment number 66.

    Sorry Ali - the recipe got modded but I can get it to you if you need it.

  • Comment number 67.

    JG, Sounds like you had a fab weekend and well done on the essay xx

    Thanks for the link looks great. I've just sorted what to put in my rice and pasta salads. I really don't know how I got roped into this!!

    G, I listened to them while doing my ironing and thought they were brill xx


  • Comment number 68.

    Don't worry I got it before it got modded :)

  • Comment number 69.

    Ali - that's good. I wish you luck with the salad-making!


  • Comment number 70.

    Gail, I listened to them too. xx

    Jillygoat, glad you enjoyed your weekend away. xx

    Ali, you're going to be very busy this weekend. xx

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 71.

    Hello Everyone.

    I've just jumped in here in between trying to arrange a return with my mail order catalogue. I keep on getting 'Oops! there's been a problem'

    I ordered a wedding suit (not my wedding) will tell all at a later date. The good news is that the suit fits perfectly and I'm very happy with it. Already got the shoes, now just need a matching handbag.

    When asked if I would like the current special offer of two bounce back pillows I said 'yes' . But the two pillows are so flat it looks like a lorry has run over them and they will never bounce back from the state they are in.

    Back to try again, if it says 'Oops!' again I will do the oldfashioned thing of phoning them.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 72.

    Hiya Ladies!

    Gail: I think what you had to say is VERY interesting, and I don't just mean about the gin! I think it's terrific that your photographs will appear in the magazine, and I will certainly be buying it! xx I didn't get to hear the show last night, I really must try to listen again ... it's just finding the time that's the problem!

    AliB: I honestly would be a wreck if I had to cater for 95 people! Sounds like you have some ideas already - well done!

    Jillygoat: you must be so relieved to have completed that task. So glad to hear you had such a great time in Devon.

    CSN: we have had to put our heating on the last couple of days. It's really so cold.

    MM: I always end up having to make the phone call, so I am very old fashioned!

    C xx

  • Comment number 73.

    Chrissie, I didn't say I wasn't a wreck...lol :) I do feel better now that I've sorted the menu, written my shopping list and enlisted some help of 5 friends on Saturday to help with the preparations.

    The party is for the Minister and his wife who are retiring, that's Saturday night; then on Sunday after the morning service we are having a BBQ, guess who's doing the cooking?? Good job I practiced last week at camp and cooked 90 burgers!

    I'm really not sure that mass catering is on my CV ;)


  • Comment number 74.

    Hello again.

    I'm also trying not to put the heating on as it doesn't seem right doing so at this time of year.

    I phoned about the faulty pillows and it appears that they are not faulty. The manufacturers take out all the air for easy transport and as soon as the bag is opened they will bounce back.

    Oops! Off to bounce back the pillows!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 75.

    Marjie, when I feel cold I have to put the heating on. LOL!

    Are your pillows bouncing yet.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 76.

    Ali, good luck with all the catering, I will be thinking of you.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 77.

    afternoon peeps - sorry for not being in touch for a while. Pretty busy at work covering for my manager and two colleagues. Manager back today so maybe it will calm down a bit.

    Dozy - well done on the photogenic pooches - fame by association?
    I also want to say I agree about the Tony & Trevor show - brill. Kept me singing along for the whole two hours whilst I stood in the bedroom doing some ironing - a job I hate. But time just flew.

    Ali - big bowls of salady type stuff goes down really well, as does bowls of crisps and such. It helps to supplement the more costly things.

    Hope it all goes well - and try not to over-cater! It's so easy to look at what you have decided on and then say - oh I'll just make another couple of quiches or another 50 sausage rolls!

    Chrissie how's your packing for the move, going? Don't forget to share your new address on t'other side.

    Anyhoo, my curry beckons, so ttfn, Crumpy xx

  • Comment number 78.

    Hello again.

    Ali-I admire you cooking for so many people as I would be in a total panic. I used to enjoy being in control of get togethers, etc. but I'm not as calm as I used to be.

    CSN-I was just about to bounce back the pillows and then I thought to myself 'why not leave them flat for easy storage until they are needed.'

    I think the heating might be going on this evening.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 79.

    I will just add that when doing buffets my favourites are sarnies, sausage rolls, scotch eggs, mini pork pies, cocktail sausages, cheese & pineapple on sticks. Oh! and when putting out the savoury snacks do not put out Quav*r* until the last minute as they quickly go soft which I discovered to my cost.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 80.

    Hiya all

    Got back yesterday from a super speedy visit to friends in Devon. Long old trek down and back but well worth it for time spent together

    Tony and Trevor kept us going past Stonehenge and Heathrow, really good show between them

    Too much to catch up on but congrats to the Top Model Doggies, good luck with the mass catering - 5 loaves and 2 fishes maybe? and a wedding? How exciting!

    I put the heating on for a little while last night because I was freezing. I'm trying to resist but it's not easy!

    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 81.

    Evening all

    Ali: dare you to have Seza's suggestion of the loaves and fishes to see the reaction ;) Topping to the cake maybe?

    After a busy day (as ever) at the grindstone I'm currently wondering how I got myself double booked this evening. I need a time machine or something. Failing that it'll have to be league match then reception. I don't see the point of being early to the reception and having to slink off after 30mins, hopefully it'll still be in full swing when I eventually get there about 3 hours in. I wonder if anyone will recognise me when I turn up to play the match in the non standard clothing that the reception dictates? In future, will someone tell me I can't do anything? I think that's the only way to stop double booking myself...

    Hugs to all in need

  • Comment number 82.

    Night everyone.

    Sleep well and take care.

    Sezza, glad you had a great weekend.

    Oz, hope your evening went well.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 83.

    Good morning all,

    Nothing much happening here at the moment ,even the weather isn't up to much can't make it's mind up what it's going to do. I'm just glad it's mid week and not long untill the w/end Yeh!!!!

    Crissie, well that day of yours is looming now isn't it ,If I don't get back on here againg today before you go ,just want to wish you all the very best and hope it all goes smooth for you and Mr Crissie.And don't forget to load that there bag!!!.

    Hope everyone has a good day.

    Take care ...Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 84.

    Hi everyone:

    AliB: what a star you are - definitely include "mass catering" on your CV!

    Maddy: I was going to say I hope your pillows have bounced back, but I see you are leaving them flat!

    Crumpy: lovely to see you. Almost there with the packing ... I think! Thanks, I will send you the new address.

    Sezza: good to hear about your weekend.

    Oz: I went through a period (of about 10 years!) of constantly double-booking - it's actually a horrible feeling, isn't it? Not to mention exhausting! I managed to stop myself from doing it eventually, but it took such a lot of willpower - for some reason I thought I could do everything at the one time!

    Bids: thank you. xx I will make sure that bag stays well away from the others - no chance of getting it mixed up!

    Just a last (I promise) packing story: last night, I was putting a few final things into a big box and MrS came into the room - at the top of the box, was our Monopoly game. We have had terrific times playing that game with MsS - hours of fun, and of course our daughter learning how it feels to lose sometimes! I said to MrS - I just cannot part with it!

    Hope everyone has a good day.

    C xx

  • Comment number 85.

    Morning all - mega busy at work this week due to a 4 day week and being on leave from Monday for two weeks, so getting things sorted before Friday is the order of the week.

    Havent managed to catch up but got snippets, Chrissie good luck with the move it sounds like you have done a grand job of downsizing but I totally understand that somethings just can't be thrown away. I still have my sons pram and buggie, hubby tried to throw it years ago and I couldnt it would break my heart. He is 21 next year.

    Did a boot sale on Monday another boost to the holiday fund. Amazing what people will buy but what is one man's rubbish is one man's gold.

    Have a good day everyone

    CB xxx

  • Comment number 86.

    CB: I'm glad it's not just me who feels this way! Hope you have a great holiday. xx

    Just to say, has anyone else been reading the "random" blogs that are appearing, when bringing up Chris's blog page? Today, one of them is the beautiful blog that Tash wrote on 20th February 2009. It was just wonderful to read it again - Noah was just a tiny new baby and I remember reading that blog and just grinning from ear to ear.


  • Comment number 87.

    Morning All,

    I don't wish to alarm you, but there was a very brief glimpse of sunshine earlier - not now though :(

    Thank you for your buffet tips, I shall take them all on board. Not sure I am brave enough for the five loaves and two fish though, but like the idea very much - made me smile.

    CB, Enjoy your hols xx I should do a boot sale, but like my bed too much..lol.

    Chrissie, All the best for tomorrow my Lovely, hope it goes smoothly and you get some nice hunky removal men to pass the day quickly :) xx

    I once worked with someone who was in the Guinness Book of Records for having the largest collection of Monopoly games from all over the world, 100% true :)


  • Comment number 88.



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