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We're Off To See The Wizard.

Chris Evans | 05:12 UK time, Wednesday, 1 June 2011

The DJ's DJ is having a dooo ! It's tonight and I'm on my way there now. David Jacobs still very much firing on all twelve cylinders at the ripe vintage of 85 is having a knees up. What a splendid night is in store for all. And if his tales of Radio Days gone by are anything like they were last time he let me into his secrets locker, I shall be blushing more than my pre-ordered beetroot salad.

Can't wait. Will report further via the wireless on the morrow. All that I can at least.





  • Comment number 1.

    Morning all

    A new blog phew!!!!

    I remember DJ on Juke Box Jury in the 60s, don't listen to him these days though. So good to hear that he is hale and hearty at such an advanced age.

    One more day at the grindstone then 2 weeks and 2 days off hoooooraaaayyyy.


    mtd ffb xxx

    peeesss 1st yeeeaahh

  • Comment number 2.

    Morning all,

    Morning mtd,not long now eh!!!. Morning Chris ,yes how lucky are you ,I do catch Mr Jacobs sometimes on the radio .Hes got one of those velvety voices that you could listen to forever,and like mtd used to watch him on the box..

    And at 85 I'd say that he's doing fantastically well.

    Another nice sunny day here on the south coast and we are going to be having a heat wave by the w/end !!!.

    Crumpy, glad you had a nice holibob and glad to see you back.

    Take care all,and enjoy your day whateverv you're doing .


  • Comment number 3.

    Hi Chris: lovely to see a new blog! I am a huge fan of David Jacobs - absolutely loved him in the 1970's - his profile was huge then. I remember reading his autobiography many years ago, after his wife had been killed in a car crash, and I just cried so much, he had written so beautifully about her.

    mtd: how lovely you have just one more day to go - hope it passes quickly!

    Hi Bids!

    MTF: your post on the previous blog was just lovely - sounds like a very magical place.

    Hope everyone has a good day.

    C xx

  • Comment number 4.

    Morning All,

    Lovely day in North Kent :)

    Have to confess to having never listened to DJ, sorry! Although I do know what he sounds like and as Bids said he does have a very velvety voice. But I am glad you had a good time last night Chris, he does sound like a very lovely man.

    I had a great weekend in Clitheroe with my friends, who I love dearly but only get to see once a year. Am suffering now for spending too long in a car as I have a very bad back. I noticed driving up there that it gets greener as you get more North, we are severely lacking rain down here and I am sure we wouldn't mind if you sent some our way. I think it rained more in Lancs this weekend than we've had down South for the past two months!!

    I've tried to catch up over the weekend and apologise in advance if I miss anyone out.

    AF, It was lovely to read you xx

    Crumpy, Glad you had a good holiday xx

    Jilly Goat, Glad you are settling into your new home and enjoying the garden xx

    Hello to the Newbies and those popping in from next door xx

    Chrissie, Hugs for you {{}} xx

    And a big hello to everyone else, a hearty slap on the back or a hug if you prefer xx

    The money hasn't been taken from my account so should I assume that I haven't been successful in getting Olympic tickets? Or might it take a couple of days to filter through?

    Have a nice day now.


  • Comment number 5.

    P.S. mtd, Have a great holiday xx

    P.P.S. I got made redundant yesterday from my 16 hour a week job, takes affect at the end of the year. But as I said to them these things happen for a purpose, so who knows what 2012 will bring. I for one am excited :)

  • Comment number 6.

    Morning all

    I fall asleep with DJ quite often on a Sunday evenig - I always sleep well then! He's so very calming and soothing

    Ali, sorry to hear about your job but as you say, that leaves a space for something exciting to fill it. And I think all the money for the Olympic tickets was taken yesterday. :-( Mine has gone so we'll be going to something!

    MTF, your lake sounds heavenly. this must be a special time of year to be doing your epic journeys

    Hello to all, hope you're all well

    And special hello to Clodagh! Good to hear you're keeping Big Chief Christoff in order! I tried the Coco Chanel method this morning and took one thing off - the boys said I really couldn't go out without a skirt so i put it straight back on!

    Laters Lovelys!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 7.

    Sentimentations Of 'appy Sent To You CLP & ALL Blog Dudes...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - 'ope yer all 'ave good knees up ternight..... That's if yer all can still get yer knees up judging by the age of some going ter be there!!!!!!
    But from what yer write.... looks like ternight.... The knees.... And the glasses will very much be raised!!!!!!!!!

    'ope when am 85 a can still get me knees up..... there must be something in this DJ lark!!!!!!!

    ALL - Just wanted ter remind all of the 'Bingo Star First Day Of The Month Weather Sets A President For The Month Ahead Weather Prediction!!!!'
    Nothing terdo with Barracks Obama.... Although if terdee is warm, sunny & pleasant... then the weather is very much like the present president... Of the U.S!!!!
    Terdee being the first of June..... A remember the first of May the weather did change from the sunny & warm April!!!
    The first of May was suuny but also chilly & changeable - difficult ter know what the weather was going ter do.... And although not too wet a May... it was most very chilly in all areas.... And changeable!!!!!!!

    If where you are terdee.... The weather is making a noticable change... 'opefully warm, sunny & pleasant..... this according ter me above prediction.... is what June will be!!!!!!!!

    Ave just noticed this pattern- Seems ter be 70 ter 80% accurate!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 8.

    PS Sorry am not blogging much lately.... A barely get time... Me life 'as changed lately... Doing up me new VERY old 'ouse.... New job & shift 'ours.... etc, etc... A wanter blog... A do... but a just don't get the time.... In fact right now whilst am writing this.... A could 'ave stripped some more 1920's wallpaper.... tatty bye!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 9.

    A C&P of my post over the fence ....

    Morning all

    Now, Parish Notices ......

    BLOG MEET ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Nic and I are planning a blog meet in the West Midlands on Sat 30th July 2011. If you're interested (and it's something we've never done before*) there's a thread on the CLP Bloggers FB page (on the discussions board) - please feel free to add your name: the more the merrier as far as we're concerned.

    * We thought it would be nice to have a Bloggers Picnic. A daytime event, famiy friendly, with picnic hampers, games, walks etc. We do have a plan for the evening, which is dependant on numbers.

    It'd be fantastic to unit the blogs, methinks!!

    Muchos Amore.


  • Comment number 10.

    ooooops. Unit ... unite!



  • Comment number 11.

    Hello CE & Everyone.

    Thanks for finding the time to blog Chris!

    I hope all went well at the DJ's dooo last night.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 12.


    Contrary to what Chris said this morning about this being a "short week" it actually feels twice as long to me!

    AliB: glad to hear you had a lovely weekend. Thanks for the hugs. xx
    Sorry to hear about your job, but I am sure there will be something exciting for you to look forward to.

    Sezza: I missed Clodagh this morning, but do hear Chris mention her from time to time. Hilarious about removing just one thing, and deciding on a skirt!

    Bing: good to see you. You sound a very happy bunny. xx

    Cheryl: sounds like a great day planned for end July. Unfortunately I can't make it, but I am sure it will be a lot of fun.

    Maddy: nice to see you. Have missed you the last couple of days.

    Hope everyone is ok.

    C xx

  • Comment number 13.

    Good afternoon blogettes

    A blog meet picnic - sounds a great idea! I don't do facecloth - maybe could get my son to teach me!

    Regards PJ

  • Comment number 14.

    It would be lovely to meet you PJ - we have to use Facecloth for details as Auntie Beeb blocks any "date / time / personal" info on here - quite rightly so, really!

    Chrissie - bottoms!


  • Comment number 15.

    Hiya Deevs

    Looks like I'll have to get on Facecloth then.

    Regards PJ

  • Comment number 16.

    Good luck - see you on CLP bloggers group page


  • Comment number 17.

    Afternoon All,

    Well the tasks that I set myself today have been achieved - hooray!

    Sezza, I hear Clodagh mentioned too, although not under that disguise and it always brings a smile to my face :)

    I was about to list some bloggers that we haven't seen for a while and say that I miss them, but I am bound to miss someone out and offend so decided not too! I know who you are and I miss you :) xx

    I know we have done Chris not blogging so regularly to death, but I do wonder if he saves his blogs for his DM piece on a Sunday. If you read that then it is certainly stuff that he could blog. Even though it is nice of him to blog today, it doesn't really give us anything to respond to. Oh well, ever onward and upward!

    Nearly time to go home and have sausages for tea - yum yum. What's everyone else having?


  • Comment number 18.

    Eggs Ali!

  • Comment number 19.

    I'm being a person of few words today!

    Actually I'm not allowed eggs more than twice a week, today is the day Hurrah!

    Tring to decide on fried, poached or omelette!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 20.

    Hi Blogettes

    What we're having for tea ? A certain blogger will have apoplexy

    Here goes - we're having mince & onion gravy (onion from my allotment) mash (sadly not yet from my allotment) and veggies.

    Oh and I've got my ironing to do tonight !!!

    That will really have them in a tizzy..................

    Regards PJ

  • Comment number 21.

    Mince & onion gravy, mash and veggies sounds delicious PJ.

    Yes a certain lurker will be going crazy LOL!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 22.

    Afternoon CLP and the bloggers, hope DJ's bash was fantastic, from twitter it sounds as if it was.

    Not blogged for an age, I was away last week in Croatia on a sailing trip starting and finishing off in Split, and taking in some of the islands along the Dalmatian coast. It was really fantastic, Croatia is stunning. Highlights have to be Hvar and Dubrovnik, but also the cocktail bar in Korcula which is in one of the towers of the city walls. You have to climb up a ladder to get to it, and then they bring your drinks up via a pulley system from ground level! Drinking cocktails while the sun went down was fab!

    Hope everyone has had a good day, am gearing up for the return to work tomorrow, which after more than two weeks off is going to be a struggle!


  • Comment number 23.


    Tea at ChezNic tonight is my low fat Seafood Linguine - after a swim, of course. (although seafood before the swim might make me swim faster ...!?!?)

    I could just go bangers and mash now you've mentioned it. With thick onion gravy .... hmmmm!

    I also have an overwhelming urge to do some baking. I can't remember the last time I knocked up a batch of muffins or a loaf cake. Maybe over the weekend, as a treat, seeing as me and Him are off to watch some cricket in the sun on Sunday afternoon.

    Nearly time to depart this desk of mine ...


  • Comment number 24.

    All this user's posts have been removed.Why?

  • Comment number 25.

    Evening each

    I loved David Jacobs when I was (very) young. Glad he's still spinning his discs.

    Just re-tuned my tv, what a palaver, but at least I don't have to phone son-in-law yet again.

    Am all sorted for Sunday MTD - Royal Yacht in my satnav and I'll be at South Queensferry, sitting on a wall, really early so I can get a parking space before all those tour buses get there. Kirstie is guiding but doesn't know yet whether she'll be doing Stirling Castle or Edinburgh so we won't be relying on her to get us where we're going.


  • Comment number 26.

    Rosie, sounds like a fab holiday. We'll be at the Royal Yacht on Sunday, about 12.30, if you're looking for something to do.


  • Comment number 27.

    Evening all

    Deevs, I love that you have seafood on swimming night!

    PJ, it must be ironing night! I only meant to do one thing that a boy needed but once the iron was hot i decided I might as well go through the lot

    At least now I can collapse in front of Britain's Got Talent knowing I've done something useful

    Although was a programme ever more wrongly titled! I'm no real fan of Simon Cowell but if this is what goes through when he let's the children judge on their own, I hope he never goes away again!

    I'm sure the Queen would love to watch a dog being pushed around in a shopping trolley - NOT!!!

    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 28.

    Hi Annie, missed you there. Sounds like your mini-meet will be fun! Have you planned how to sneak back on board yet?

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 29.

    Hi annie, sounds like the mini-meet will be fun

    Are you planning to stowaway!!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 30.

    Now that's a plan Sezza, hadn't thought of that!!


  • Comment number 31.

    Didn't mean to say it twice though!

  • Comment number 32.

    I'm at work on Sunday, but if you're still in town around 5 or 6 then I might be able to join you. Will have a better idea of what time I'll be finished tomorrow.

    First day back at work tomorrow after two and a half weeks off!


  • Comment number 33.

    Oh Bums Rosie. MTD and OH have to be back on their boat by 4. xxxxx

  • Comment number 34.

    Goog morning all,

    Suns up and it's going to be a lovely day.

    Had a girlie night last night with a hair cut thrown in so feelong a bit light headed this morning with the hair loss. Hope everybody is AOK and looking forward to your day,and enjoy it in what ever you're doing

    Highland lassie ,Happy birthday to you ,I hope that you have a lovely day .

    Take care...Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 35.

    Monring All

    Happry Birthday Highland Lass

    It's lovely here today and I'm not working - Yippee!!

    Think I have a day of chores in store though so I'm free to play all day tomorrow

    Take care all

    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 36.

    Monring Sezza and blogpals!

    Happy Birthday HLS x x x

    Having a fairly "easy" day in the office today, so taking the opportunity to do a bit of studying on the Diploma. Today ..... obesity. I ought to pass this one with flying colours ....!

    Really looking forward to the weekend - we're having a BBQ Sat eve. Thinking cap is well and truly on as to what to cook - Nic's mum is joining us and let's just say she's not the most adventurous when it comes to food intake (eg pasta is a no, no ... "foreign food"!)

    Hey ho!


  • Comment number 37.

    Good afternoon blogettes

    It's a short week for me - I'm off tomorrow.

    Saturday we're off to see the 'Staffordshire Hoard' at the Potteries Museum. I'm looking forward to being amazed at what was dug up from a farmer's field.

    Dinner on Saturday evening is with a friend who lives in Stone. Visit to a local pub to see a live band and then home to Chester. Sunday will be spent recovering.

    Tonight I will most be eating sausages - what's everyone else having?

    Regards PJ


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