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Today We Plan, Tomorrow We Set Sail.

Chris Evans | 06:09 UK time, Wednesday, 29 June 2011

It's the morning before, the first morning of the 2011 four day caper for Children In Need - ninety-six hours of who knows what, where and when.

We begin at my house live on the radio tomorrow, and then off we go. Seven cars, seven bidders with their seven shotguns (partners), two mechanics, a former F1 world champion, Enzo Ferrari's son Piero and superstar guest start - Jonny Saunders on his last CIN Drive and Dine, before he heads off for a new life in the classroom as a teacher.

I've checked the weather and it looks ok - ish. But that's what they said about this morning, and as I write this at 6.00 am the sun is literally cracking the flagstones. More please.




P.S. Come on Andy !!!


  • Comment number 1.

    Hi Chris:

    It all sounds absolutely fantastic, and I hope each and every one of you has a brilliant time! Apart from the driving side of it, I am so, so jealous!

    Love, Chrissie xx

  • Comment number 2.

    Chris - when I win the lottery this is the first thing I am purchas-ing! Have a brilliant time - but that is guaranteed isnt it.

    Cant believe Jonny is going - such a shame - we will miss him so much

    And by the way - please keep on with Noah's "happy xDay" I dont do anything around 8.05 so that I can hear him - without fail, he brings a smile to my face :-)

    Right, work to do, people to speak to etc
    Happy Humpday everyone

  • Comment number 3.

    hey Chris are you going to be at the festival of speed with your cars on Sunday? My little boy (2.5) is going with his daddy and desperate to see you with your sports cars! Hes an avid listener and sings along to all your jingles (very cute) Hope you all have a great time, on the other hand Im looking forward to a rest on Sunday with only one peewee to look after!! Kath xx

  • Comment number 4.

    Just caught up on yesterdays blog
    Drive safe Annie
    Chrissie - OMG - that sounds very painful, hope you are resting up and will still be OK for your hols
    CSN - hope you too are resting up your ankle
    Roo - good luck with your offer of 77p! LOL
    Keith - chin up chuck {{{{{ }}}}}
    Hiya Seza, Bids, Ali and anyone else I have forgotton!

    Will be rooting for Andy Murray later....

    Right REALLY not here now

  • Comment number 5.


    The sun is in the sky and the clouds are rolling by and today is gonna be a wonderful day ......

    Now, to be honest, and at the risk of repeating what I may have blogged 12 month's ago, I wouldn't drive one of those cars if you paid me. I would be scared to the centre of my very lovely core at getting anywhere near one. I drive to my limits - a Micra.

    However ..... I am insanely jealous that I shall not get to see the most amazing, entertaining Mr Paolo Nutini in the Teepeeeee of Lurve on Saturday night. We saw him at V last year and he was just unbelievably good! Also seen Paloma Faith a couple of times - you're in for a good gig Chris!

    btw - if you get a chance, can you ask James Blunt what he thinks of Russell Brand's impression of him. It is hilarious!

    Right, will this post ....?


    x x x

  • Comment number 6.

    Morning all ,Trying to post wont let me .

    Crissie ,take care and get well soon .

    Debs ,kath hello to you .

    must dash going in towork early today ,very busy and want to get on the top of it .

    Enjoy your day in what ever your doing .


  • Comment number 7.

    Morning Deev ,i'd love to drive one of those cars albeit very slowly and only me on the road .lol.


  • Comment number 8.

    Morning all.

    Give me one of those fast cars and I'll be after the idiot that forced me off the road yesterday.

    I have clocked him and will be looking out for him on my travels today. There was a horse and rider not far behind me, I only hope that they were unaffected by his inconsiderate behaviour.

    A beautiful day on the West Somerset coast so off to the garden.

    Hope everyone else is going to get the nice weather too. A more 'acceptable' heat I think.


  • Comment number 9.

    Good Morning

    It is beautifully sunny here at the moment.

    I cant believe Johnny is going either but it must be something he has an yearning to do as I think with a job like that you have to have a need to do it.

    Annie try the electric ciggie it worked for me and the other half over 6 months ago, havent touched the evil weed since January and have saved a flaming fortune.

    Bought number one son a drive in a supercar at Christmas and I am still waiting for him to book it, think he feels a bit overwhelmed by it so I shall just get it sorted for him and drag him along I am sure he will enjoy it really.

    Have a lovely time at the drive and dine................ maybe next year eh! I wish..........

    CB xx

  • Comment number 10.

    Hi everyone:

    Just managed to catch up with yesterday's blog:

    Gail: the first thing I did when I got home on Sunday from the doctor was to google Cellulitis! I think I have been very lucky, if it is ignored at all, it could be very dangerous.

    Keith: I missed you saying you were having trouble with your job - hope things work out ok. xx

    CB: thank you.

    AliB: thanks to you too - hope you enjoy your day off today!

    Cheryl: thanks, and I know that you must be just so looking forward to getting this new phase of your life under way. Once you get things up and running, you will be so glad of those reduced hours at work, I am sure.

    Maddy: yes, pain indeed! A case of take that, quite literally!

    Annie: I have heard of several people who have had great success with the electric cigs. (and I see CB saying they worked for her too). Hope today went ok for you - big day by the sound of it.

    Roo: oooh, last of the big spenders! How could Chris refuse your request?!

    Debs: thank you.

    Bids: and thank you, too.

    MTF: that must have been very frightening for you yesterday. There are some total nutters on our roads.

    CSN: hope your foot is not so painful today.

    Happy to say things are improving greatly with my leg. Swelling gone, just a little heat left, but it has been almost impossible to endure doing absolutely nothing the last couple of days. Debs: I have now had a small taster of what you had to go through. xx

    Hope everyone has a good day.

    C xx

  • Comment number 11.

    Morning all!

    Hope everyone's enjoying their morning. Re. my direct appeal to Mr. Evans (the handsome, good, WISE, Mr. Evans, grovelgrovelgrovel....). Jasper had a bit of a result with the back of the sofa (I told him the pennies were going towards a beefy-chew from the pet shop. Please don't judge me...). Hold your breath folks...

    CHRIS: After consulting with my legal people (actually Jasper-dog again) - I am prepared to extend my offer. 82p AND a fully-functioning paper-clip (silver-effect) could be yours in exchange for discreet delivery of Mr. J. Blunt to my home after the disco. 82p Chris... 82p.... all the wealth you dreamed of as a youngling could finally be yours... hehehehe... ;-)
    Keep smiling!
    Roo xxx
    P.S. I cook my omelettes on both sides (upper side lightly), 'cause I don't like runny egg. That's just me though.

  • Comment number 12.

    Morning all!

    Christoff, It goes without saying, but I hope you all have a terrific time over the next four days. I’ll give you all a wave as you pass. I attempted to get tickets to walk through the Hindhead tunnel, but the website couldn’t cope and crashed on me. However, from someone who endures the nightmare traffic on a regular basis, I for one will be delighted when it opens in a couple of weeks.

    Like Debs, ickle Noah on the radio is a must. So cute!

    Chrissie, I also googled cellulitus, it sounds dreadful. As you say, you have been very lucky. I’m very pleased it’s on the mend. Enjoy your holibobs.

    CSN, I see you are also ‘crocked’. Hope it improves soon.

    Roo, it’s not just you. I cannot stand runny eggs either.

    MTF, I hope the imbecile (that’s mild to what I really wanted to say) who forced you off the road gets his comeuppance. Just plain idiocy.

    Hello to everyone else I’ve missed. Not intentional just forgetful!

    Beautiful here, after yesterday’s thunderstorms. Thank goodness for the roof! C’mon Andy!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 13.

    Morning all.

    Chris, hope the weather stays good for you all over the next few days.

    CB, thank you.

    Ali, thank you. Hope you have a lovely day off today.

    Deevs, thank you. xx

    Marjie, I am trying to be a patient patient.

    Annie, hope your meeting goes well and I'm sure you look very smart.

    Chrissie, thank you. Glad to hear your leg and foot is improving, take care and plenty of rest.

    Debs, thank you. Your advice has helped with the pain and swelling. xx

    Roo, lovely to see you here.

    Pen, thank you. Beautiful here too after yesterdays thunderstorms.

    Hope you all have a good day.

    Sorry if I missed anyone.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 14.

    Can anyone recommend some good books that I can read.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 15.

    Hello CE & Everyone.

    I hope all goes well with the Drive and Dine Chris. Of course it will with such a selection of drivers and diners but I hope that the weather will be just as good.

    I like Deevs would be terrified to drive such a magnificent car as a Ferrari but I have been a passenger in both a Lotus Esprit and on another occasion, a Jaguar sports car. It feels so good getting all the admiring glances.

    MM xxx

    PS Come on Andy, will he do it this time?

  • Comment number 16.

    Hi all

    I thought I'd pop in.

    Debs, I'm with you on the lottery win spending. In fact if its the euromills it could be an all bloggers d & d!!!!!

    Csn, you should ask Annie, she's got a kindle you know ;-)


    Mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 17.

    Mtd - crikey has Annie got a Kindle?

    CSN - books can recomend Michael Macs autobiography, The pirates daughter and The Wedding officer - I loved them all - google the titles to get a synophosis (sp) of what they are about - I would lend them to you - but I have lent them to someone else and never got them back hmmph!

    Just eaten a most nice sarnie - Chrissie - tell MrS it was ham and edam....

    Right off to write some terms of business - my reward later will be watching Andy M with my lap top on my lap.... working obv!!!!


  • Comment number 18.

    CSN - Can't go wrong with Pride and Prejudice - one of my all-time faves! Jasper, naturally, recommends his own blog, from day one (ignoring all entries in which he is embarrassed, punished, or in any other way discomfited... hehe!)
    Roo xx

  • Comment number 19.

    MTD, Annie's got A Kindle, I never knew that. xx

    Debs, thank you. Will get samples of the books on my Kindle. xx

    Roo, thank you. I will read Jasper's blog. xx

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 20.

    Good luck with the next 4 days Chris and I hope the weather is good to you, I am so jealous!!

    Hi everyone.



  • Comment number 21.

    Hiya all

    CSN, before I forget, best book I've read recently is The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein

    Chris, have a fab 4 days with the cars and the crew. Hope the weather stays fine. Doeas anyone know if the show's going to be watchable on the computer like it was last year?

    And is anyone else having trouble not saying the Drivetime Dine and Disco! Old habits die hard

    If the umpire is looking familar now, does that mean you've watched too much Wimbleywotsits?

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 22.

    CSN - Meant to say, anything by Jeffrey Deaver.



  • Comment number 23.

    hiya peeps
    Sorry for absinthe again, no excuse, but I do still lurk everyday!
    Only pooped in to say that I was not expecting what is happening at Wimbers right now!

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 24.

    Amazing Tiggs innit?

    Watched Tsonga at Wimbledon last week and thought then, he's got a chance!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 25.

    Thank you Sezza and Gail.

    Just reading a sample of that book now Sezza.

    Hi Tiggs.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 26.

    woo hoo, WTG Tsonga!

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 27.


    I can't stop calling it the Drivetime Dine and Disco either. I feel the name is now a new trick that this old dog (me)can't be taught.... ;-0

    Roo xx

  • Comment number 28.

    Evening - well the £2.80 I won on eurosquillions won't pay for us to have a bloggers dine and disco next year then. I would love to drive any of those cars and I am so jealous. The disco bit sounds a bit good too. We can but dream and hope to win something more substantial to bid with next time.

    Off to cook myself a pie so catch you later.

    Susan xx

  • Comment number 29.

    Evening each

    Have a blast Chris and hope the sun shines for you. (apparently Andy won - so said daughter who was glued to the tv).

    Oldest grandson has just set off for his prom (why on earth can't it just be a leaving disco?) dressed in shirt, tie and waistcoat - and trousers of course. He looked gorgeous. Daughter dropped him off and said the little girls all had 4 inch heels - they're 11 for goodness sake.

    Back when I've caught up. xxxxx

  • Comment number 30.

    Well, I'm so glad some of you remembered I had a Kindle!!

    CB: Picked up my parcel today and now have an electronic ciggie. Feels a bit strange but I think it's going to work. I have no real ciggies and don't feel like I need to rush out to get some. Fingers crossed.

    If you want any info CSN, let me know.

  • Comment number 31.

    AnnieG - good luck with the electronic fag. It's a tough thing to do, giving up. Keeping everything crossed that your willpower stays sturdy.

    BTW - do you have to put 50p in the cig's meter to make it light up? ;-)

    Love to all; keep smiling,
    Roo and (a suspiciously chipper) Jasper-dog

  • Comment number 32.

    Goodness me Annie, they grow up far too fast these days, don't they? I see it in my own grandchildren. I want them to stay young forever!

    Good luck with the electronic ciggie thingy, haven't a scooby what it is, but you know it makes sense :))

    I'd quite forgotten you had a kindle!!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 33.

    Thanks Roo

    Am switching off now. Was up at 5 and am now a wee bit tired so off to watch Lewis before an early bed.

    Night all. xxxxx

  • Comment number 34.

    'Night Annie. Sleep safe and sound poppet. xx

    P.S. Currently experiencing a bit of an epiphany. I have always HATED Morrissey (apart from "How Soon Is Now?") - but am listening on R2 to his Glasto set. Please, Rock-Gods wherever they are and CLP bloggers who are sharing this revelatory moment with me now, may I apologise in the profoundest terms and say that I have DRASTICALLY revised my opinion and say that I LOVE Morrissey? I think he might actually be a living genius - and my previous ignorance (possibly blinded by the charms of Morton Harket, Clark Datchler, Jason Donovan ((plus Tobias Moretti whilst living in Germany... Dear, oh dear.)) and others...) is nothing less than shaming.

    Oh, what the hey - - Morrissey is utter brilliance!

    (P.S. James Blunt still favoured also...)

    Roo xxx

  • Comment number 35.

    Hi Chris, is the magnificent 7 being broadcast by webcam this year?
    Have a great day!
    Steve in Ringwood

  • Comment number 36.

    The best music on the radio - ever. The Aperta sounds so fantastic, a true contemporary sound from a wonderful heritage of engines. And that 250 GTO is the Elvis of the pack, a timeless, gorgeous sound which is unmistakable. Have fun, I'll be making do with my hot MGB.

  • Comment number 37.

    all sounds great, remember listening last year, still very envious, but at least this year i will be going to Goodwood on the saturday! woohooo! hope to `bump` into you.
    Love the show, love R2, keep up the good work team!

    Bless ja!

  • Comment number 38.

    I want to be in one of those cars flying around the country lanes looking chic in a head scarf and large Jackie O glasses. However, with my luck I would probably look more like I have been pulled through a hedge backwards instead of all glam chic.

    Annie glad you have picked up the parcel, they do take some getting used to but I am sure if you persist with it you will break the habit. I am so happy I have kicked it, I feel fabulous.

    Have a good day guys vrooooom vroooooom!

  • Comment number 39.

    Hey Chris, I was listening to your show as always!! And couldn’t resist popping out of the office at 10.00am to view the magnificent 7 going down the M3. Yes that was me and a work colleague Michelle waving franticly from the M3 bridge between Hook and Basingstoke Jc. Thanks the waves and recognition, awesome sounds!!!!

  • Comment number 40.

    Hi everyone:

    I never thought I would say this, but I am delighted to be back at work this morning! Funny how when you have to work every day, you long for a day off, and then when time off work is enforced, it loses its appeal! Saw the GP this morning and have been given the all-clear. I am aware that I am very lucky individual - apparently Cellulitis only needs the smallest chink of time and it becomes a full-blown infection, so for once I am very glad I actually listened to what my body was telling me, rather than ignore it, which is what I usually do!

    Starting to feel in holiday mode - even though I am not doing anything too outlandish. Just two weeks of not having to get up at 6.30 every morning will be bliss!

    Great to hear Chris's show this morning - even I was excited about the cars! Wonderful interview with Piero Ferrari - as I say, I was quite caught up in it all - quite strange, given that I don't even drive!

    Good to see some really nice messages to Chris this morning from a few newbies!

    Hope everyone is ok.

    C xx

  • Comment number 41.

    Hello Everyone.

    I wish I was in one of thse cars (or any car will do) just to get away from it all.

    This morning I missed a very important parcel just in time to see the delivery van driving away. Tomorrow I CANNOT miss it again and will be on edge until it's been.

    This was followed by the post including a letter informing me that they are going to start ripping off the roof in July and that I must remove everything from the loft as there will be considerable dust and rubble. This will be wonderful for my COPD! I might as well book myself into hospital now! I've already informed them about my health problems and was assured that work would not start until next year.

    Decided that the only thing to do was have a cup of tea but the milk's gone off.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 42.

    Hello peeps
    Would have loved to be at a spot to wave the convoy on - hello to newbies, stay around, we are a friendly bunch!

    Maddy, sorry that you have had a bad morning, try not to stress out too much, this might sound daft but can I do anything to help? I'm good on the phone....

    Chrissie - well done on being back at work!

    Right off to check my euro whatsit ticket from Tuesday - to see if I can beat Susans £2.7something!

    back in a bit

  • Comment number 43.

    Hi Debs.

    Thanks for your offer of help. I didn't want to bring down the blog there, was just having a bit of a rant.

    I suppose that they have to renew the roof some time, I just had a shock when it said they were starting it very soon after being told it was going to be next year.

    I could always stay at Bingo's for a couple of days but he's ripping out his ceilings in order to lower them.

    Maybe a tent in the back garden would be a good idea.

    MM xxx

    PS I am using my emergency long life milk until I get to the shops!

  • Comment number 44.

    Afternoon bloggers,

    Loved the show from your garage this morning Chris! You sounded even happier than usual (if that is possible) so some great vibes coming out of my radio to start my day.

    Thanks for the {{Hugs}} and the like regarding my job situation. You really are a great bunch of…..er ……….bloggers! x-x-x

    I visited a service family for the first time this morning, I did not look forward to that very much as I already have another family on the go as well. I am expected to visit the other family again tomorrow. Both families are in a bad way so please spare them some thoughts form your busy day for what they are going through. I am quite looking forward to the weekend.

    I am running a small Help for heroes event down my local pub, where one Jonny Whittle has agreed foolishly to have his head shaved for charity! I am hoping to raise well over a grand for this exceptional charity.

    At least the sun is shinning down here in Devon and it is payday! Whoop!

    There may be strikes going on today but they seem to have passed me by.

    Keep smiling


  • Comment number 45.

    Keith - You are doing a great job, I will say a prayer for all the service families out there, and I support the Help for Heroes Charity whenever I can.

    Hi everyone, Really enjoyed what I heard of the show this morning, looking forward to seeing some photos though.

    Hope you're all having a good day.



  • Comment number 46.

    NSBU - Your families are in my thoughts. Good luck with the head shave make sure there is a woolly hat available to keep the ole bonce warm.

    Can you believe that Mother in Law on Jeremy Vine, I do believe that everyone should have manners and use them but sending an email to her in that way, surely a chat over a cuppa and not dictated too would be more appropriate, smacks of jealousy too me.

    Hope Chris and his bunch are enjoying themselves.

    Maddy hope things get sorted with your roof.

    Well done Chrissie on your clean bill of health but remember to still take it easy though you are still recovering. I know that you mean about imposed time off I had that for a while but back to normal from tomorrow with a little bit of sugar on the top too............. ;-)

  • Comment number 47.

    Eeeurgh, what a day!

    Started well with Chris! Brilliant show although I did miss watching while I was listening like we did last year. Sounds like an absolute ball. I wonder if they got to go through the tunnel

    Work part 1 was ok, then I went over to another site to show an empty property to a prospective new resident.

    When I go there, I could hear water running - never a good sign in an empty bungalow!

    When I looked the company who had cleared the property had taken out the washing machine but not sealed the pipes off so there was water running all over the kitchen floor!

    I ended up having to get the plumber who fixed it while I was showing the bungalow to a very confused old man for whom it really wasn't suitable

    My tootsies have only just dried out!

    Sezza xxxx

    PS Just listening to the show again cos I missed the end. Love the way Chris always name checks the team

  • Comment number 48.

    Afternoon each

    Heard some of the show this morning and it sounded like everyone was having a great time. Hope the weather stayed nice for them.

    Been around the East Neuk of Fife today. Did an hour's work then picked up the grumpy old man in the cupboard and took him for fish and chips to Anstruther, then a daunder round the wee fishing villages. A lovely day.

    Hope everyone is well - off to catch up.


  • Comment number 49.

    Hallo to the newbies - interesting that they all sound like men and are commenting on the sporty cars.

    Keith - I will definitely spare a thought for your Service families. I would love to also spare a few pounds but donated last night to Save the Children in my grandchildrens names for the children of the Horn of Africa who are suffering drought. I'm sure you are a great help to them but it must be so stressful for you.

    Chrissie, so glad you're better - look after yourself.

    Maddy, you too.


  • Comment number 50.


    Chris is talking to Simon.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 51.

    Hi Annie and everyone.

    Chrissie, glad to hear you're much better now. xx

    Marjie, thinking of you. xx

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 52.

    Annie, I need your help. LOL!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 53.

    CSN - what???? xxxx

  • Comment number 54.

    Good evening all,

    Isn't it grand when after you work day is over that you can come home shut that door behind you and sigh ,bliss.

    Yes wasn't it a great show this morning ,lots of Vroom,vrooms going on the sound was great,wouldn't liked to have been standing next to one of them ,in one yes.
    I hope that you all got down to the New forest Chris and enjoyed longleat and monkey world.
    Don't forget when you pass me tomorrow on the way to ~Goodwood to honk your horns so that I can give you all a wave ,and I f I knew what time you were passing I could go and stand on the bridge near by and watch you drive under .
    And I'm sure that you will all be having a ball tonight ,enjoy.

    Crissie ,great news for then ,and just in time for your holiday ,but don't forget to keep taking the liquid medication ,just to up your spirits up mind.lol.
    Our yougest grandson had that ealier this year ,coudn't believe it ,but was told hed probably picked it up from the football pitch .

    Maddy ,pack your bags and come and stay with Mr B and myself ,you'll be safe hear.

    Well I am been calledto eat my dinner ,nice having a house husband .

    Take care Bids.xxx

    Better go >>>>>>

  • Comment number 55.


    Bids, Did you have a nice dinner? i could quite fancy a house husband of my own!

    CSN, Are you feeling better?

    Annie, Have you out that man back in the cupboard now? How were the fish'n'chips? I haven't had them for ages cos of being good but now my mouth's watering!

    Mind you, i could fancy the Dine part of the evening going on with the drivers!

    Roo, just caught the end of a text being read out this morning. Was it yours? Does this bode well for tomorrow! Best go for the sexy winceyette just in case!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 56.

    woohoo New Blog x

  • Comment number 57.

    NEW BLOG!!!


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