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London Officially Dead.

Chris Evans | 10:02 UK time, Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Not as in forever, you understand, but very very quiet.

People are just not bothering to come and do whatever it is they normally do today. I don't blame them. Back at Radio HQ, I've just had a meeting with the big boss. A Big Idea is on the way, and from what he's told me it's all exciting and more.

New ideas keep you moving forward. I used to love it when my mum and dad changed the furniture around in the living room. Different perspectives are never a bad thing. All change - and if you end up staying the same, then nobody got hurt but it's definitely worth a look.





  • Comment number 1.

    Hi Chris: I am not good with change. But, I know that if you don't change some things, you just stay in a rut, so you are right, I suppose! And I do agree, I love changing the furniture around in the living room! Chris, thanks for all the excitement about the Royal Wedding - the build-up was just fantastic - last week was a very special time. xx

  • Comment number 2.

    Good morning CLP and everyone else from a sunny but very windy Ayrshire, there was even quite a frost this morning.

    Must be a bit strange in London just now with it being so quiet, and your Big Idea sounds exciting. My Mum used to change the furniture round frequently in our house, we can't change much because of the layout of our house but we do change little things periodically and that's refreshing.

    Hope everyone has a good day.



  • Comment number 3.

    Morning All, Morning Chris,

    Still sunny in North Kent.

    I'm going to have to listen again to Friday's program as I was watching the ±«Óătv instead, wasn't it a marvelous event. I hope now that we can give them the privacy they need; although I would like to see them every now and again!

    Just this weekend I have changed my bedroom about after 10 years! It's the only room I can do in my flat, but it feels good to have a change (and Andy thanks for the tip about the ice cubes - it worked) :)

    Spending today sorting out the paperwork for the year end audit, deep joy!

    Lets hope that now the world is getting back to some sort of normality that the blog starts flowing again.


    P.S. Good news on the keys Baggy.

  • Comment number 4.

    Good morning all (again),

    Thanks for the new blog…..

    Chris I try very hard to embrace change however what I normally find is that the “all new” ideas are normally re-works of old ideas. They cause upheaval for the sake of it rather than for the good of it. Maybe it is because I have been doing this job for so long and that is why when confronted with yet another change I normally am able to say isn’t that how we used to do it years ago?

    I find the hardest thing for me to keep up with is the pace of technology. I am a simple man with simple needs who loves a gadget not that I usually use it for anything more than its basic functionality.

    Keep smiling


  • Comment number 5.

    Me again:

    I know this is terrible, but I was so fed up having to go to work this morning! After all the excitement last week, with the build-up to The Wedding etc, life seems a little flat today, for me anyway!

    Just catching up from the previous blog:

    Hope everyone enjoyed the wedding - I had a wonderful day with my sister - we watched every second of it, and then we I came home MrS and I watched the highlights, it was great to see it all again!

    AliB: I'm with you on this one - I could not get enough of the wedding, and I will definitely be buying the DVD of it, I don't care if that makes me seem a little crazy!

    JG: good to hear that you have a new job. Very well done - that didn't take long! xx

    Bingo: great to see that Maddy is on the mend. xx I had a look at the link you posted - I had no idea this even existed! Absolutely brilliant - I have watched it at least 10 times!

    Gail: probably very wise not to take the dog, hopefully it won't be long before you get another pal for Glaid.

    Hope everyone else is ok - I really have a cheek to moan at all - this is another three day week for me as I am having Friday off!

    Have a good day, all.

    C xx

  • Comment number 6.

    Morning (just) bloggers & CLP & Co.
    I love changing furniture around and making the room feel "new" again. As for new ideas... that's always really exciting! I'm having new ideas about extending my house and changing my bathroom at the mo. Not too exciting for anyone else but it's making me smile :)
    I trust that everyone is happy, healthy and enjoying this wonderful sunny spell we find ourselves in the middle of?

    & Boo

  • Comment number 7.

    Afternoon chums ....... we're back!! Did ya miss us!?!?

    Not a hope in catching up with 12 days of missed blogging but I hope everyone is dandy and that Easter and Bank Holiday weekends were enjoyed by all. And yes, wasn't the wedding fab! Although part-way through the ceremony I thought Wills was looking a bit jaded: maybe thinking about the party buffet back at Grand ma's pad!?!

  • Comment number 8.

    Nic and I had an amazing 11 days off: I never thought it possible to cram so much into such a short space of time. Days out, a gig in Brum, seeing my mum and step-dad on Good Friday and a truly great time in the Lake District. I never thought I would make it up to the sumit of The Old Man Of Coniston, but I did, and felt so rewarded as a result of my endeavours - just a mere 2,600 ft up! ;-)

    Back at work this morning and piles and piles of stuff to be getting on with (my boss is on leave this week). Right, I need to leave at 3 today for an appointment so best I crack on with it ....

    Catch you all later.


    ps: Bingles - love to Maddy xxx

  • Comment number 9.

    Seems I can't do "long" posts any more



  • Comment number 10.

    Happy Tuesday, hi and good afternoon.,
    Here's something different I saw, that did suggest a change for me, cos, I normally see the birds on the lawn looking for food, you know, worms and seeds, an all that. I see them flying around and on bird tables, n hedges and in trees an stuff. But, and I ain't ever seen this before but I did yesterday, a red tusseled feathered sparrow, in and out of the bins spread up and down the boulevard/promenade. This sparrow flew up and perched on the bins rim, flew in, then out and off to the next, then again, the same, onto the rim, fly in the bin, where all the rubbish is kept, then up and out and off, again. That's the sights I saw by the sea only just a day gone.


  • Comment number 11.


    Deevs, I missed you and I am glad that you had a good break xx

    Lyndyloo, Good to see you on here, the video of baby-man eating a yogurt was adorable :) xx

    Chrissie, I am more than happy to join you in the "crazy" stakes re the Royal Wedding xx I couldn't think of better company :)

    Oh well best get back to work, this blogging won't get the baby a new bonnet!


  • Comment number 12.

    Afternoon everyone.

    Thank you to everyone for my birthday wishes - I've not had t'interweb at home since we moved 10 days ago, and we're not likely to be connected until next week, so I'm now back at work and wading through emails galore!

    The move went well and I had a lovely birthday, and didn't really mind sharing it with royalty!!!!

    Haven't had a chance to read through posts yet but hope everyone is OK and hugs to those who aren't.

    Back soon, hopefully.

    jillygoat xxxx

  • Comment number 13.

    Oo-er - have I broken the blog? I've only been back one day .....

    Deevs - so glad you had a lovely break. We went to the Lake District two years ago and I absolutely loved it.

    Here's hoping this post makes it ...

    jillygoat x

  • Comment number 14.

    What a busy day today - will be very happy to get home later!

    Cheryl: good to see you had a terrific holiday - you certainly were in a beautiful part of the world.

    AliB: I am so glad we are going to be in the crazy club together!

    Jillygoat: that's great the move went well, hope you are settling in nicely. Sorry I missed your birthday - hope you had a lovely time.

    Right, off to finish one or two things before heading home. Have a nice evening, everyone.

    C xx

  • Comment number 15.

    Evening each

    Nice to have a new blog. I never change the furniture round - does that make me boring? And am intrigued by the Big Idea Chris!

    Been a lovely day here today but I was in a meeting from 10 till 2 then had to pick up little boys from school. Fed them and a stray child from eldests class, now just got to do the washing up.

    Weather forecast says it's going to be 3 degrees during the night. Bye bye little fuschias....


  • Comment number 16.

    Hello all

    Hope you're all well and had a lovely weekend.

    It is going to be a very cold night here too.

    Annie, just been out to cover up all my new plants that I bought on Sunday.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 17.

    CSN, I need your blanket!!


  • Comment number 18.

    Evening all

    Had a bit of a manic few days, as the surprise party for the other half on sat was (more or less) just that. Then Sunday am was spent cleaning the cat's blood up from everywhere as she lost a fang, sign of old age unfortunately, and had nearly travelled the whole house in the distress. She seems ok now (fingers crossed)

    Glad the ice cubes worked on the carpet Ali.

    Haven't had chance to catch up anymore, but glad to hear Maddy is on the mend and hopefully she will be back blogging soon.



  • Comment number 19.

    Morning troops

    Jollygit - belated Happy Birthday to you (and to anyone else who had a birthday during my hill-walking sabatical!)

    Office to self today so poddypod is here - may be the need for a bit of Barry today - how FAB wasw he on The One Show last night .....

  • Comment number 20.

    Blog's quiet - I can only assume that everyone's out enjoying the lovely weather, which makes life in the office even harder to bear.

    I'm back on the diet now as Nic and I have booked 10 days away on a Greek Island in September. Dare I brave a bikini!?!?

    Right, back later - if there's anyone to "talk" to!

    May The Fourth Be With You.


  • Comment number 21.

    Morning CPL and fellow bloggers,

    Still not getting the urge to go home and move furniture.

    A little warmer in Devon this morning, not quite Bikini weather! Deeves you go for it girl, holidays are for going crazy and doing things you may not do at home! Anyway who are you going to see that knows you……..DO IT! ;-)

    Still a bit quiet on the blog these days, still I now have access via my work puter so watch out. Mwaaha….

    Keep smiling


  • Comment number 22.

    Thanks Deevs x

    Still ploughing through 10 days' worth of emails and work, so won't be around much but will try and pop in this afternoon.

    Take care all. Isn't it a lovely day?!

    jillygoat xx

  • Comment number 23.

    Happy Star Wars Day!

    I could so get used to this 4 day weekend business but I wish the workload would shrink to the same level!

    Deevs, you dare what you like my lovely!

    Loving the show this morning. Having some different voices at breakfast has reminded me how much Chris engages with the Pause for Thought contributors. I'm sure there are others who use that time for a quick break but Chris always has something to talk about to them

    Loved Ewan McGregor and Chris Packham too! Breakfast with Chris, Chris and Kate! Sounds lively!


    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 24.

    Awwww, I missed Chris Packham!?! Bottoms!

    He has a lovely pair of poods, y'know!


  • Comment number 25.

    I laughed at the test for Ewan McGregor to check it was him!


  • Comment number 26.

    Hello Everyone.

    Sitting down with cup of tea after feeding Tom and Daisy who are SO happy.

    I arrived home in the early hours of the morning (long story, will tell all later) I was known as Cinderella because I left at midnight LOL.

    Bingo and his lovely girlfriend will be with me all day until Friday. I'm slowly getting my routine back and taking things slowly and carefully.

    Will catch up with blogs and facebook soon, I think I might need the tissues handy, thank you so much for prayers and good wishes. They worked :)

    Lots of love.
    MM xxx

  • Comment number 27.

    MaddyMoon, so great to see you back on here! Fantastic to hear you are on the mend. xx


  • Comment number 28.

    Just checking in, and what do I see? Maddy has returned! Lovely to see you, and thank goodness you are well enough to come home. Everyone has been thinking of you, Maddy, which you will see from all the messages. Take it easy, ok? xx

    Cheryl: definitely wear a bikini on holiday - you have worked very hard at this diet, so just you go for it!

    Andy: sounds like a nightmare for you on Sunday morning!

    Hi everyone else, hope all is well.

    C xx

  • Comment number 29.

    Good morning everyone,

    Another beautiful, sunny day here in Ayrshire, ground frost again this morning too.

    Great to see you back Maddy, I'm sure Tom and Daisy were delighted to see you.

    Deevs - Go for it with the bikini! That's the beauty of living in the middle of nowhere, I can walk about in shorts and a bikini top or even sunbathe topless (weather permitting of course), and I can assure you, that is a sight for sore eyes!!, I wouldn't subject anyone to that in public.

    Have a great day everyone.



    p.s. Heavy rain forecast for tomorrow - Bums.

  • Comment number 30.

    Morning all.

    Lovely sunny day here.

    Marjie, glad you are home and taking things slowly. xx

    Hope you all have a good day.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 31.

    Maddy - yay!!!

    x x x

  • Comment number 32.

    Liking the positive bikini comments a lot! Need to get to work with the hula hoop for a few hours before September!


  • Comment number 33.

    Quick call back to say Hi Maddy!

    Really good to see you back

    Now, take it really easy and let the lovely Bingo look after you

    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 34.


    I think the blog must have had a touch of the lurgy yesterday as I tried on several occasions to say hello to everyone. Let's try again today and see if it luvs me yet... wasn't it great to hear Ewan on the radiogramme this morning? A brilliant test indeed for a worthy contributor to the show for the 4th.

    Another gawjus day here in Warwickshire but the ironing calls for me....

    & Boo

  • Comment number 35.

    Hi Lyndyloo! I just had a wee sneaky look at the blog, and it's nice to see you here. Hope all is well with you, Boo and that gorgeous Baby-man of yours! xx

  • Comment number 36.

    Hi Chrissie... we're all just fine thanks enjoying this early sunshine and keeping fingers crossed it can last till about October :)) -x-x-x-

  • Comment number 37.

    Lyndyloo: I do hope your weather will stay good as long as possible. After reading what Gail had to say earlier, I checked out the weather for Glasgow for the rest of the week ... yep, Spring is officially over - sweet!


  • Comment number 38.

    NEW BLOG!!



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