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Best Team In The World Lunch

Chris Evans | 09:40 UK time, Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Team lunch today. Everyone's noses to the grindstone 'till noon, then we eat, and then who knows what....

We haven't been out for as long as I can remember, but the guys have worked so hard and diligently over the last year and a half, it's about time they had the chance to kick back for a few hours.

We have a busy few months ahead so, let's make the most of today and then upwards and onwards.

Peace and Love





  • Comment number 1.

    Morning Chris and Team,

    Have a fab lunch, if anyone deserves to kick back then it's the Radio 2 Breakfast Show Team.

    The next few months sound exciting too.



  • Comment number 2.

    Hello CE & Everyone.

    Eat, drink and be merry Chris. You guys deserve it as you're up so early every morning in order to entertain us. But forget the drinking part if you're going for a spin in the Ferrari. If not drink whatever is the best choice, it's brandy for me, I don't like the taste but it makes me feel good.

    I'm getting there now, I'm dressed today for the first time since 14th April and will soon be progressing to venturing out the front door.

    Onwards and upwards indeed!


    MM xxx

  • Comment number 3.

    Morning all

    Lunch sounds like fun! Have a good time - you deserve it!

    I have decided to have a team lunch today - that'll be me then! I am going to take a guest though so it we'll be ladies who lunch!

    There's lots going on in the next few months and, from the sound of the show, it seem like you add excitement at every chance! Bet Hels Bells just luuuurves you sometimes!

    Have a good day all

    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 4.

    Morning all!

    A team lunch .... yummy yum yum indeed. I shall think of you whilst sat at my desk grazing on salad and crispbreads!

    Busy auld time for us at the mo, hence norra lorra blogging going down. We won the pub quiz last night, tomorrow we're off to see the Manics and Friday night it's Ed Byrne who will have the pleasure of our company - can't wait!

    And tonight it's Lord Nookie Bear and his firing finger of fate.

    Maddy - good to see you are "getting there". Take it easy and go at your pace, and nobody else's.

    Sezza - enjoy your ladies wot lunch lunch. Will it involve cakery from a bakery!?!:

    Hiya AliB!

    Oooh - we've had the garden at ChezNic done too - now all grass: I just hope the turf doesn't die! It'll e lovely sitting out there in the summer and I think a bit of weeding and pruning will be occurring over the weekend.

    Back inabit.


  • Comment number 5.

    Maddie, good to hear you're improving, take care won't you

    I saw yesterday bingo has news! look forward to finding out what that is

    No Deevs, no to the cakery! I must remain strong (spshly as we have a team conference at Newmarket tomorrow and I am hoping for pastries and yummy lunch!)

    So lunch will be jacket pot or salad.................probably!!

    Ali, I've been reading your diary. What an amazing time you had and what fantastic people you met. Are you hankering to go back?

    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 6.

    Sezza-thank you, it's jacket potato for me tomorrow, had forgotten about them. I stood in the kitchen trying to decide, finally went for microwave beans on toast. Sometimes the excitement is just too much!

    Deevs-how I'd love a cakery from a bakery but it's going to be a cherry yogurt soon when I can make the effort to get it.

    I'm having surveyors and tender people turning up at the house re reroofing and shed doors. As they will need to go in and out of the loft I'm making it very clear to all concerned that I'm not having workmen in the house until I'm fully recovered, I'm not having a repeat of when I took ill in 2006 and shortly afterwards they came to do the new kitchen and bathroom. Although I was happy with the kitchen and bathroom, the work took seven weeks in all to complete and I wonder if it went some way to causing my heart attack in October the same year. So I've made it VERY clear regarding this but I think the work starts next year.

    Off to get the yogurt>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 7.

    Hi MM, Sezza and Deevs,

    I hope you've all enjoyed your lunch, I had a tub of salad, orange, satsuma, pear and a slice of banana cake, so I think I've done my "5" of fruit and veg today...lol.

    MM, I was only thinking yesterday as I ate a black cherry yogurt, that there wasn't anything nicer IMHO in the yogurt world xx Glad you are getting on OK and as has been said take it easy xx

    Sezza, Thanks for your kind words re my diary. I would love to go back, I just have to keep an eye on the political situation. This weekend I became a Trustee of the Charity, which is quite exciting xx

    Deevs, You sound busy, but happy :) xx

    The bloke in the office next door to mine, with the very thin walls, is back. I think he must be some sort of counselor, before his client arrived he was listening to the radio rather loudly and also passing wind!!! Do you think I should tell him that I can hear everything...lol.

    Oh well best get back to the grindstone...I'll be back.


  • Comment number 8.

    Hi, and good afternoon here, the weather is all higgle-di-piggledy. I read a story called, 'the saddest King', and it made me smile! When I watched The Royal Wedding, supposedly, one of the happiest occassions, ever, I cried! It don't figure?! One Life, Love it! xx

  • Comment number 9.

    Hello, just signing in briefly to send my sincere sympathy and best wishes to Chrissie at this very sad time. I hope that the next few days go as smoothly as they can for you. Take care,

    A x

  • Comment number 10.

    Afternoon each from a very windy Fife.

    Chrissie, my love, my thoughts are with you.


  • Comment number 11.

    AliB: re your neighbour, next time he's in, put your radio on. He might get the hint ;)

    Once again not much to report from over here, other than it smells like my pizza's burning...

    Hugs to all

  • Comment number 12.


    Oz, did you rescue the pizza?

    Annie, it's been windy here today and we've had a drop or two of the wet stuff too!

    MTF, did you go to the heronry the other day? I thought of you this morning when a heron flew past our house!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 13.

    Evening Everyone,

    I've just posted a very long blog to explain my absinthe - with a sick note! But it disappeared - grrrrr.

    so I'll do this in two halves .......the important bit first.

    Chrissie - my thoughts and much love go out to you, it's still such a raw emotion for me so I completely understand what you are going through. Your friends and family will be very important to you right now. xx

    MM - glad to hear you are on the mend, take it easy and go at your pace, nobody elses!

    JG - sorry to hear you've been poorly, you've had such a rough time recently.

    Dozymac - love Denny dog, he looks adorable!

    Deevs - good luck with the 2nd interview, everything is crossed for you! And brilliant news about the 4th assignment - well done.

    I can't remember the other greetings - all lost in the ether somewhre, so love and hugs to all.

    Next post will explain absinthe .........

    CG xx

  • Comment number 14.

    OK, here's the sorry tale - a couple of weeks ago I was out riding across some fields on my lovely horse Jaffacake (Jake) when he went into a rabbithole and I was thrown. To cut a very long story short, I ended up in hospital and Jake had to be put down as he had badly smashed his leg.

    I can't describe how distraught I am, and it's all so close to losing Mum. I have had an operation for a ruptured cruciate ligament, and I broke a couple of ribs......and you should see the bruises!

    However, Chrissies news has put it all into perspective, and I'm just really lucky to be surrounded by a fantastic husband and a lovely daughter.

    Time will tell as to whether I'll be able to ride again.

    Much love

    CG (on crutches!) xx

  • Comment number 15.

    CG, BIG hugs for you and your family (((xxx))) What a dreadful time for you all.

    I keep looking at your post and trying to write a reply but I can't think what I can say that could be helpful

    Just that I'll be thinking of you and hope you have a swift and full recovery.

    Was that the same ligament that Debs ruptured? I know she had to have an operation and is still recovering I think


    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 16.

    Thanks for your thoughts Sezza. I don't know which one it was that Debs damaged - it's my right knee & apparently it's a common injury for professional footballers ........oh, that's alright then!! :-(( I had keyhole surgery, but it's b** painful!

    CG xx

  • Comment number 17.

    CG, I believe Debs was a "Dancing at a Wedding" injury - sober she says!

    I know it's taken her ages to recover (sorry, that's not very helpful is it) but I remember she has found the physio's very important in helping her get back on her feet!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 18.

    Oh yeh? Sober at a wedding.......... a likely story!!

    I know it's going to take ages, the news was broken to me by the consultant, but at least I can try to get back to full strength once I can get to the physio (about another 4 weeks I believe)

    Off to bed now - still feeling sorry for myself! enjoy the rest of your evening

    CG xx

  • Comment number 19.


    Well I was just lurking ,but....CG,I am so sorry to hear of your sad news of the loss of your Jake,what a terrible blow not only to you but to all of you ,and while your still greiving the loss of your dear Mum{{{hugs }}} to you all.
    I will be thinking of you and yours ,and I hope that you have a speedy recovery and get back on your feet soon.

    Hi Sezza.


  • Comment number 20.

    Warmth & Nice Ter CLP & ALL Blog Peeps...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - Yes a think it's good ter eat.... And more good ter treat the team to a team eat treat!!!!!!!
    The only question is yerv not told us where yer took the team?????

    All a can say is a 'ope it's not the Beeb canteen.... or McD's.... Unless of course that's what the team regard as a treat.... In which yerv gotta team that are easily pleased.... In which i'd say.... 'old on to them.... soz a don't know whaty am talkin' about!!!!!

    PS CLP - A like yer 'Xxx' at the end of the blog!!!!!

    WHATTA COINCIDENCE - Ave started doing this at the end of me text ter me other 'alf.... A vary it everytime.... sometimes a 'xxxX'... or a 'XxXx' or a 'XXXX'... or a 'XxX'.... And so on!!!!!!!! 100% TRUE!!!!!!

    ALL - A just wanter say am sorry about not sharing me good news with all... With best intentions a did wanter but ave only just goot 'ome from work now.... Basically lately a simply don't get time ter blog.... A wanter.... Butta just don't ge time due to me new job etc!!!!!!!

    But whatta will say is me good news is now after today double good.... So whatta will say is as Thursdee is me day off.... A promise ter blog & tell all what me now double good news is......

    Right now though a need sleep.....

    Tatty night!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 21.

    Good morning all,

    Beautiful sunny day here on the south coast today ,no breeze either.last day at work for me today as off to visit friends tomorrow.

    Bingo looking forward to the double news today,you do like to keep us in suspenders (lol)dont you.

    Right off to make a nice cup of tea.

    Take care ...Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 22.

    CG - So sorry to hear about your lovely Jake, that is every rider's worst nightmare, take care and I hope you make a full recovery soon.



  • Comment number 23.

    Morning all

    CG - sorry about Jake :-(

    It's brilliantly sunny here in Cannock this morning so I thought it time to share with you lovely people my latest epiphany .....

  • Comment number 24.

    I didn't get the job I thought I had "in the bag". I found out Friday, early evening. Luckily it gave me the weekend to reflect and think about the future. So .... no more job searching. I can't keep putting myself through this agony, and taking time out for interviews is becoming noticable in my current job. The way forward is to make the most of the job I have. It's not my ideal job but it's a full time role and something that many people in The Midlands don't have. I am going to speak to my boss (again ...!) about her workload / my workload (or lack of) and my capabilities and keep on with the Nutrition diploma until I qualify.

  • Comment number 25.

    The good things about working here: the hours aren't too shabby and I'm 5 minutes from home (on foot, it's more like 1 minute in the car). The holiday allowance is generous and its a big modern office space (some of the interviews I've been for have been in shocking premises!) I finish at 5pm which gives me ample time at home to do housey stuff (Nic's job is longer, more demanding and an almost an hour away),study and swim/gym/yoga after work. Any stress is usually me stressing about not being happy in my work - but not any more.

  • Comment number 26.

    We spend a long time at work so I'm just going to get on with it. Positive mental attitude, onwards and upwards!

    Work to live ....!

    Have a lovely day everyone - we're off to see The Manic Street Preachers tonight - can't wait!

    Muchos amore.


  • Comment number 27.

    Morning All,

    A lovely post Deevs, and so true - I too have been to those dark places in the past, and a good PMA is the way to go!

    Happy Thursday everyone

    CG xx

  • Comment number 28.

    Morning All,

    Gloriously sunny here in North Kent too..Yay.

    CG, Big hugs to you, you are having a rough time at the moment xx I hope you are up and cutting a rug before you know it {{{}}} xxx

    Morning Bids and Dozy xx

    Deevs, Now that is a positive attitude, good on you xx My jobs are really not that exciting and some days I am very bored and lonely. I don't earn a huge wage, but like you I can leave at 5 and be home by half past. My quality of life is much better, I can walk to work and it's not stressful that I have to bring it home with me. As you said Work to live! xx

    Talking of walking, I walked to work today and right near the church is a posh school and the poor kids were waiting outside the exam hall, which is right behind the church, my heart went out to them. I wanted to give them all a hug and say that it would be OK...rather them than me, that's for sure.

    Also on my way to work I saw something really exiciting. Do you remember last year that I said a swan had built its nest right next to the path and she had four eggs, none of which survived. Well the silly bird has done it again this year, but this morning I saw two little cygnets, which I have to say filled my heart with joy. I said a little prayer for their survival, as they are still in a very vunerable place. But it was lovely to see.

    Sorry it's a long blog :)

    Have a nice day now.



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