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What A Day!

Chris Evans | 12:12 UK time, Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Such a beautiful, wondrous day. Same as yesterday in length and similar time of year -but no wind, no cloud, just celestial blue sky and bright glorious, almost spring sunshine.

If this isn't proof that sunshine is the superfood to the soul, nothing is. I'm at the gym, yet to embark upon my workout, but I'm still in a fantastic mood. I may even celebrate afterwards with a fruit smoothie. No excuses to be a rubbish human being today.

Have a great one.




Chris Evans Breakfast Show Blog Radio 2


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  • Comment number 1.

    Hi Chris

    Happy Workout! I'm a bit disappointed today - despite starving myself all week the scales only moved down 0.75lb this morning ... boooooo!

    My lunch time treat is a trip to Arg0s to buy some girlie dumb-bells!

    Laters taters.


  • Comment number 2.

    Have got to agree with you there CLP.

    I'm currently sitting in the the sunshine in short sleeves feeding the birds. ( In Somerset!)


  • Comment number 3.

    Hi Chris

    The sunshine hasn't reached our neck of the woods yet. Unfortunately I feel like a very rubbish human being! I've had the lurgy for most of January, have had a really bad bout of depression since October and also a an m.e. relapse. A little bit of sunshine would mean a lot to me right now!

    Apologies for the self indulgent post.

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 4.

    I'm sorry Mary.

    Maybe my post was a bit self indulgent.

    Its been a very long hard Winter, days like these are rare this time of the year.

    I wish I could send some sunshine your way.

    Take care.


  • Comment number 5.

    Not at all MtF - it painted a lovely picture and brought a little sunshine into my mind, so thank you xx

  • Comment number 6.

    Hiya all

    Mary - sorry to hear about your lurgy

    Haven't seen the sun yet today and by the time I leave the office it will be too late, got to love month end.

    Deev - my weights are 2kg each, a good weight but watch your back and use them properly

    had two bridesmaid fittings at the weekend, two lots of advice from the brides (1 - don't lose anymore weight, 2, don't grow your boobs any bigger), hope I can oblige both of them ;-)


  • Comment number 7.

    Hello CLP & Everyone.

    A lovely day here in Wirral too.

    The weather makes such a difference to how we feel, people are much happier when the sun is shining.

    I love watching the cats, birds and squirrels in the garden.

    I personally am so much better (with my COPD) during the summer when the windows are open, I'm struggling at the moment after the bad weather outside and central heating inside.

    Onwards and upwards!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 8.


    It's wall to wall sunshine in North Kent too, if a tad chilly and I had to scrape the frost off the car this morning!!

    Mary, I too wish I could send some sunshine your way xx How about a hug instead {{{}}} xxx

    Sezza, You asked yesterday about motivating yourself when working in an office on your own. I've not idea, but like you I am very easily distracted. I try and tell myself that I won't look at the blog etc until I've done a certain piece of work, doesn't always work! xx

    Oh well, I best step away from the blog and crack on.


  • Comment number 9.

    It is a beautiful day..

    To DtMan,

    Or should it be Dan-the-married-Man

    Have just read your lovely news. CONGRATULATIONS.

    Hope you have a long & beautiful life together.

    I don't often log on, just check now an again, when I do I find

    nice news like that . Lovely. Good Luck.

    Red x

  • Comment number 10.

    It is a lovely day here (Berkshire) sorry Mary!

    I am just having a bite to eat and then I am going to clinic in Ascot. The drive is through Windsor Great Park and it will be glorious!!

    Everyone have a lovely day x x

  • Comment number 11.

    Thanks Baggy.

    Ali that was a lovely hug - thank you xx

    Cathmel - I used to live in that neck of the woods, love the drive through Windsor great park.

    DtM - congratulations on your marriage, i wish you both the very best of health, luck and happiness for the future.

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 12.

    Afternoon all

    Sezza, no this was something else, still need to get the wisdom teeth done yet :(

    The mortgage is looking good, just need their head office to approve it, so thanks for all your good wishes.

    Mary, sorry you've been poorly, I hope you get some sunshine soon to help you feel brighter.

    Cathmel, I know that drive well too, it's lovely.

    Well, I suppose I'd better get some lunch, and find something useful to do with the rest of my day off!

    JG x

  • Comment number 13.

    Hi Chris: great to see you sounding so good today. I agree: sunshine is superfood for the soul, and if I think hard enough, I can remember what sunshine looks like!

    All the best to our lovely English friends with their good weather, I'm not jealous ... well, maybe a little!

    Mary: I know you have had a very, very tough time of it. As you know, I am thinking of you, and as you can see, your lovely blogger friends are here for you too!

    Cheryl: now, speaking as authority on weight loss (!) you'll see a big difference next week. Frustrating, I know, but that's how it works, isn't it?! And, starvation is never the way to go, but I know you know that too. Stay calm, don't panic!!

    Hi, everyone else.

    C xx

  • Comment number 14.

    Totally agree with Chris's post! It is a BEAUTIFUL day!! Am at home today because new kitchen and bathroom blokes are coming tomorrow, so need to clear both. For the first time this year, the French Windows are OPEN!!! And Jasper-dog is warming himself in a sunbeam. Fantastic (or tanfastic, if you're a sun-addict). AND my crocii are coming out. As we inspected them (and the bluebell, daffodil, hyacinth, narcissii, etc., shoots) I said to Jasper "I think Spring might be here, Jazz."
    He replied "Pfffthsssst!", which is Jasper-speak for "Yup. You might be right." A dog of few words... but mostly the right ones.

    Baggy - good luck with the Year-end, sweetie. I have four budgets to look after. One of them looks like it MIGHT be on schedule for balancing on 31 March... ;-)

    Love to all - keep smiling,

    Roo xxx

  • Comment number 15.

  • Comment number 16.

    Hi Chris, hope you enjoyed your gym workout. I just finished mine. It's a beautiful day in west sussex too. Have good rest of the day.

  • Comment number 17.


    I am trying hard to send some of the beautiful sunshine we have here today up the country to all of you who need it

    It's amazing how much better you feel for a glimpse of the sun

    Something else that is amazing today is the Google Doodle!

    Have a look and see what it's like 20,000 leagues under the sea!!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 18.

    Sezza - just checked out the Google thing - a seriously good one today!
    (Even though I prefer 'Around the World in 80 Days').

    Bit of Jasper-trivia for you re. '20,000 Leagues Under the Sea': "Nemo" is the Latin word for "no-one", "nobody" or "nothing". So Captain Nemo = Captain No-one. Oooohhhh... ;-)

    Roo xxx

  • Comment number 19.

    okay, following on from convesation in the office - what are people doing for valentines day, eitehr those with partners or those whoa re foot loose and fancy free and can do what they please?

    Me and him have a spa/ afternoon tea day booked on Sat and he is taking me out to a nice hotel Friday night :-)

  • Comment number 20.

    Afternoon chums and chumps alike!

    I'm proper struggling here. I like being on my own in the office, but yes, the temptation is too much to not actually do anything. I've turned the poddypod off as I have a tape full of dictation to get through so I'll make a start on that in a mo. Yes, really ....

    Mary, sorry to hear you've had a rough time of it lately. Let's hope some sunshine beams your way soon and things pick up for you.

    And Chrissie, thanks for the advice re the pounds not exactly shedding off me at the mo! Yep, you're right, starvation isn't the way forward. I keep telling myself to be patient (I lost 4lbs last week) and that it will happen - I just need to string a few "good" weeks together. I went for a swim after work last night and managed 44 lengths in 30 minutes, and felt fab for it afterwards.

    I want to get into a habit of doing some light weights at home (as opposed to lightweights!) before I get ready for work in the mornings. I now have my dumb-bells (I will be carful Baggy, thank you!) and also a resistance band which I intend to start using again, and couple that with swimming twice a week, my yoga and our dancing lesson on a Sunday (proper exhausting!)

    And then just trying to resist the crisps, bread, chocolate and cheese!

    Lovely sunny crisp day here in Cannockshire - I've actually got the window open beside me.

    Pub quiz tonight - my turn to drive :-(

    Back later (after some dictation!)



  • Comment number 21.

    Baggy - re Valentine's Day.

    I really, truly, honestly have no idea! I've booked Monday 14th off though - what's the chances that both Nic and I will be deluged with job interviews and not see each other?!?!

    Enjoy your time with the divinely lovely MrBP!


  • Comment number 22.

    Baggy -

    Jasper-dog will spend Valentine's Day coping with the influx of his cards and gifts and sending messages to his principal wives and girlfriends.

    I will spend the day alone, sobbing into a pillow. 'Twas ever thus...

    But at least I NEVER have to re-lower The Seat... ;-)

    Roo xxx

  • Comment number 23.

    Roo - better to be sobbing into the pilow alone then with a man who doesnt apprecaite you, trust me I learned that one the hard way!

  • Comment number 24.

    P.S. Deevs - I've seen a pic of Mr.BP; he is, as you suggest, exquisitely gorgeous. Don't tell Baggy I said that. This IS a priveate post, right?!? Uh-oh....


  • Comment number 25.

    Valentines Day is sooooooo overrated.... bar humbug!!!

    Roo, That made me chuckle.

    I always play at full volume, "All by myself" and "Find me somebody to love" and sing along at the top of my voice - it never fails to make me chuckle out loud.

    AliB (who will be spending yet another Valentines Day on her own, bovverred!)


  • Comment number 26.

    Baggz - hate to admit it - but you're right! You've got yourself a good 'un now, though.

    How are rehearsals going? xx

  • Comment number 27.

    Roo - Lol

    Ali - you are loved trust me and if no man can recognise how wonderful you are then more fool them!

  • Comment number 28.

    Bless you Baggy xxx

  • Comment number 29.

    Roo - wait til you meet the Divine MrBP - he gives good hugs!

    To be honest, I'm not fussed what we do on 14th as long as we do it together. I too want to put my past behind me where Valentine's Day is concerned and look to the future!


    Ali - that did make me smile - sorry xxx

  • Comment number 30.

    Deevs, I'm glad it did, as it always makes me smile xx

    I meant to say congrats to you and MrElastic on your year together, where did that time go?? xx


  • Comment number 31.

    AliB - "All by Myself" - the Jamie O'Neal version (as featured in Bridget Jones's Diary) is my karaoke special! Singletons anthem!

    You cannot imagine the torture of being single and also being the owner of an impossibly handsome and charismatic alpha-male Staffordshire Bull Terrier who has HIS opposite-s*x (canine AND human) dropping at his paws. Sometimes, life is not just cruel - it's sick.

    But I have the last laugh. Singleness = me not reaching for the Tena-Lady bulk-buys anytime soon.... Buwaaa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha... [cough]...

  • Comment number 32.

    Roo and Ali - why don't you go out together on Valentine's day, a kind of "two fingers" to the smug ones all coupled up (yes Baggy, that's me and you!!)

    Tis doable ...!

    And Ali - it doesn't seem that long ago wewere sat in Back Inn Time having that "farewell" meal!


  • Comment number 33.

    Roo, That's the one xx Your posts do make me chuckle. I think you and me need to have a mini meet sometime xx

  • Comment number 34.

    Deevs - (HELLO!!!!) - don't think Baggz will let me near the beautiful Mr.BP after that public-private post... :-( Hehehehe...

    (P.S. SERIOUS - despite Jasper's lifestyle, which I do NOT condone, I DEFINITELY don't do "other womens' blokes". There are many things I WILL do - but that ain't one. Wrong on a number of levels).

    But - Baggz - if you get bored of him... ;-) Heeheehee... x

  • Comment number 35.

    HaHa Deevs Great minds think alike. And yes I honestly don't know where time goes!

  • Comment number 36.

    Roo - I have already told him and asked if he wants me to pass on his number - however in my book, you get the man, you get his washing and ironing too!

  • Comment number 37.

    AliB - deffo! Are you on Faceboot? Where are you based? I promise I'm me and not Charles Manson... x

    Top suggestion Deevs! Stuff 'em all! (Please can I just kiss them a bit though...?) x

  • Comment number 38.

    Ali - I promise shes her - I know, I met Roo and trust me you're in for a good time :-)

  • Comment number 39.

    Baggz - Hahahaaaaaaa!!! Tell him washing and ironing provision is offered in direct proportion to his 'neath-duvet provision! Fair exchange is no robbery... ;-)

    You didn't mention about the rehearsals - are they THAT bad?! xx

  • Comment number 40.

    JG - thanks, I've been thinking about you and sending you good vibes. Hope everything gets sorted out for you xx

    Cheryl - thank you xx

    Chrissie - You are such a special friend. Even with everything that you are going through I know you are always there to get me through my dark days. No words could even begin to tell you how much that means to me. Thank you for being such a wonderful friend xx

    Thanks for all the sunshine vibes they are very much appreciated.

    Re: Valentines day I too will be home alone but as a friend said to me recently its better to be home alone than being home and wanting to be alone!

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 41.

    Roo, We are friends on FB, you're a bit of a way from me, but I am sure we can sort something out one day xx

  • Comment number 42.

    Baggz - bless you. x

  • Comment number 43.

    Roo - trying to keep rehersals quiet - don't want to end up with hundreds of bloggers attending the show and I'm quite frankly rubbish and not enjoying it at all, contary to popular belief I'm not a drama queen after all

  • Comment number 44.

    JG: it does sound like good news for you - fingers still crossed for head office!

    Mary: bless you. And you know what a wonderful friend you are to me too - I honestly don't know where I would be without you. xx

    Hope everyone has a nice evening.

    C xx

  • Comment number 45.

    Oh Roo, have you let a cat out of the bag? (if Jasper will permit the term!) Or should I say a Bagpuss!!

    Baggy, i hope that whatever you are up to, you are enjoying it really!

    Ali and Deevs .........and Debs of course! It doesn't seem like any time at all since we were together in the old Inn.

    I am trying to persuade Mr Sezza to join me on a very special Valentines night out but I'm not having much success so far!

    My Monday evenings are usually spent at Jazzercise so our instructor has invited all our other halves along for the evening! Her fella is going to join her on stage - poor chap - and who knows who else will turn up!

    Although I don't think I'm going to have any luck with Mr Sezza - probably for the best really!! It's bad enough getting the regulars all going in the same direction!

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 46.

    Evening each

    And no snow today Chris. Not quite wall-to-wall sunshine up here but decidedly warmer.

    Hope everyone is well.


  • Comment number 47.

    Evening all

    I to will be doing nowt special for V day next week, tis, after all, just another day. One I no longer feel obliged to buy an expensive card for (or spend time sewing one). I suspect that I'll either be doing chores that evening or chatting on here. Will have to see who's about.

    Hugs to all

  • Comment number 48.

    Roo #31 - that made me chuckle.

    Mary my dear, I hope you are starting to feel better. Cuddles.

    Deevs, long ago my eldest son decided to get fit and asked for dumbbells for his birthday. Like you I went to that stupid shop where you queue 20 times and then couldn't lift the bloomin' things.


  • Comment number 49.

    Sorry Chris
    Whilst I'm glad you have a spring in your step, it makes no difference to me what the weather is like - if things is tough, they are tough - whatever the weather. Nothing to do with optimism - or positivity. However ..

    .. it's always good to say 'helloo' to your rather wonderful loyal bloggers.



  • Comment number 50.

    Helllooo KatyMac :)

    Have just tried to get a back issue of the mag with my dream birth sampler chart in, and am unsurprised to find they no longer have it in stock. The nice lady suggested I try a well known internet auction site. I have no better ideas. Best make some grub first though or I'll be there all night looking, it's been years since I used such a site, bet I can't remember my login/password!


  • Comment number 51.

    Oz, has new baby got to have the same sampler? My boys have totally different samplers but they are both beautiful

    'Lo Katy. Nice to see you. Hope you're ok, you sound a bit down. Have a (((x))) if you need it

    Mary, sorry to hear about the awful winter you are having. I hope the spring starting to come will help to lift you. A friend of mine has battled with M.E. and has only found relief through hypnotism

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 52.

    Katy, #49 - I wish there was a 'Like' button on here. I'd be clicking it.


  • Comment number 53.

    Sezza: if I can't track my dream one down, then most likely yes. I will change the colours round (there are various animals on it including a purple elephant which I'm sure can become green or blue or something) and no doubt it'll get a different set of stitching errors and they can play spot the difference with them when they're older ;)


  • Comment number 54.


    I figured that seeing as CLP blogs for us almost every day, it was time I blogged for him. So ....

    just a bit of a ramble. I hope you enjoy!


  • Comment number 55.

    Well I feel quite proud of myself for cleaning the house this afternoon...

    Sorry Bids there's still dust in some places, I didn't manage it all!!

    Deev, loved your blog, didn't manage to comment though...sorry!

    Can't give any tips on sewing, putting a button back on is my limit...

    JG x

  • Comment number 56.

    JG - buttons is about my limit with the needle and thread too!

    Well done on the Domestic Goddessery too.


  • Comment number 57.

    Pub quiz time - see y'all on the morrow.

    Sweet dreams.


  • Comment number 58.

    Evening all.

    Back nice and early again.

    I am beginning to think that Puffball is on my side.

    She decided that she would like to part company with her rear end tonight.

    It was only discovered, when I looked in my wing mirror and noticed something flapping frantically into the next lane!!!

    Bit of a 'yikes' moment, but then I am getting used to them lately!

    So, another over night stay at the local garage and hopefully, we will be back on the road once more, complete with road tax, now bossman has signed the cheque .......Duh!


  • Comment number 59.

    I'm not having an overnight stay at the local garage.

    They dont stock my kind of fuel!!!


  • Comment number 60.

    Gypsy wedding time.

    Looking forward to comments after!

    Its all about the 'men' tonight!!


  • Comment number 61.

    MTF, you take care out there! Hope you are all fuelled up!

    Am watching the Gypsy men!!

    And trying to design Mr Sezza's birthday party invitation - I've just found out he's the same age as the Jaguar E-Type! Now, there's a theme!

    His birthday's not until June but I'm thinking of buying him a Red-Letter day type adventure. Anyone else done something like this and what is the best thing you've done?

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 62.

    Sezza, the best day I ever had was at Mercedes-Benz world, can drive all the AMG's on the track, and the handling circuits with water pouring down, and also do the 4x4 experience!!

    It also taught me a lot about how to drive my car...

    Plus, you can visit Goodwood museum and the circuit (what's left of it), and Concorde, all in the same day, cos it's next door!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 63.

    Oh, and you can look around the Mercedes place/museum, F1 cars included, and sit in all the latest cars for free!! xx

  • Comment number 64.

    JG, that sounds good.

    I was thinking of maybe a driving day - he did a rally driving once and enjoyed that

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 65.

    You can book them there too! An hour, half-day, full day...bit pricey mind!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 66.

    Morning bloggers!!!

    Have a great day y'all

    x x x

  • Comment number 67.

    BTW - I love Deeeva's blog about CLP - it's well worth the read.....

  • Comment number 68.

    Thanks Cathmel - all written from the heart, and I meant every word!

    It's blimmin' cold in this office today so we've whooped the heating up. If you hear snoring at about 10ish can you please give me a nudge to wake me up. A strong white coffee with no sugar should do the trick ....

    Pub quiz last night - we came 2nd. We were leading all the way but fell at the last fence. Ne'er mind! I'm giving it a miss next week in favour of going to a friends' house to drink pink wine and talk rubbish!

    Rips - hope all goes well for you and the family Rips today x x x

    Back later.


  • Comment number 69.

    Hi everyone:

    Nice to see all the chat on the blog last night.

    KatyMac: how true your post is - absolutely spot on. And, it's always good to say "helloo" to you too!

    Just wondering if anyone has heard from CSN? It's most unlike her not be here.

    Hope everyone is ok.

    C xx

  • Comment number 70.


    Sorry to vanish last night JG, Mr Sezza has a Cold and we know how bad that can be! I had to administer hot lemony drinks and Beach pills!

    The Driving you mentioned sounds fab. I'm going to suggest a whip-round for any one in the family who wants to chip in so we'll see what we get

    Deevs, good going in the quiz but I like the sound of the pink wine evening too!

    Morning to Cath and Chrissie and all who are around. I think CSN was looking after her poorly dog so she may be bit busy just now?

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 71.

    Hi Sezza: hope Mr Sezza feels better soon. MrS, much as I love him, is a nightmare when he has a cold!

    And, yes, you are probably right about CSN - it's just that when someone blogs every day, and then you don't see them, you do just wonder if everything is ok - thanks for your wee message. xx

  • Comment number 72.

    Chrissie - Mr Sezza does seem to suffer with a cold but I will admit I am the worlds worst nurse! I hate all the coughing and sniffing and just want to tell him to get better and get on with it!

    Best go look busy

    i'm going to try Ali's suggestion - nothing but work until I have done this here list I have!


    Sezza x x

  • Comment number 73.

    Morning all

    Didn't even have time to open laptop yesterday, Sorry if I worried you Chrissie and Sezza. xx

    Very poorly dog at the moment, been up all night again and was thinking of moving my bed into the vets.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 74.

    csn - the prices they charge for overnight stays, you'd be better off booking into The Dorchester!

    Hope doggy is soon on the mend.


  • Comment number 75.

    Sezza: good luck with your list - I should attend to mine, too!

    CSN: hello! Sorry if I over-reacted a bit ... I think I may be a little too emotional at the moment! Hope your lovely wee dog gets better very soon. xx

    C xx

  • Comment number 76.

    Deevs, your post made me smile, but I think your right. It would be a lot nicer and cheaper at the Dorchester. xx

    Chrissie, thank you for your concern. I am thinking of you and all your family, take care. xx

    Mary, thinking of you too. Hope you feel better very soon. xx

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 77.

    Morning all. Compliments of the day to you - and may I just say:


    New kitchen and bathroom fitting due to start today.
    Did Roo prepare by clearing cupboards well in advance? She did not.
    Did Roo heed super-early alarm-clock to get up and clear cupboards this morning. She did not.
    Has Roo just run around like a whippet with a fire-work in its bott-bott madly clearing cupboards? Yes indeedy.

    Are the builders here? No.

    AND Jasper is laughing at me...

    Kitchen done - off to tackle bathroom. I've got a headache now.

    Keep smiling (although it's more of a grimace at the moment, to be honest).

    Roo xx

  • Comment number 78.

    Morning All,

    AnnieG - Thanks for you lovely cuddle and emails xx

    Katymac - like Annie and Chrissie I totally agree with your post. It's lovely to say hello to you too xx

    Sezza - thanks for you kind msg. I've been managing my m.e. really well but I think because of the other ailments it all just got a bit too much. I have a great ±«Óãtvopathy consultant. I'm really glad your find has found a suitable remedy, it makes it so much easier to manage when you get help and understanding.

    MtF - sorry to hear you are still having car trouble.

    CSN - Thanks for your msg. I really hope your wee dog is better soon, she has been through the mill a bit recently hasn't she?

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 79.

    PHEW!!!! All done! Collateral damage = several pints of sweat and half an opened packet of W****bix (Jasper-theft. He thinks I didn't see him). A small price to pay, however.

    Builders STILL not here though...

    Hi Mary, nice to "meet" you. xx

    Roo x

  • Comment number 80.

    Hi Roo - nice to meet you too. Well done for getting everything in order for the builders when they arrive. It's all such an upheaval isn't it? will be worth it in the end.

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 81.

    They're here!! Noise, etc. Jasper is supervising.


  • Comment number 82.

    Morning all

    sorry to hear about doggy CSN xx

    Well, with a small trailer from Roo yesterday I can annouce that tickets to me and him featuring (in very small parts) in the local am dram version of the Odd couple (feemale version) on the 26th March

    I'm sure you're all too far away and too busy but we were asked to advertise so here I am, fb me if you want details


  • Comment number 83.

    Where's "here" Baggy?

    I@m at my "here" but you're not here!

    Here Here!


    break a leg!

  • Comment number 84.

    here in a vertiual sense

    although the play itself is happening in my village in the Bucks area.

  • Comment number 85.


    Starbucks ????

    MC xx

  • Comment number 86.

    MC? uh?????????

  • Comment number 87.


  • Comment number 88.

    Matchsticks and black coffee anyone?

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 89.

    lol MC! I'll have a skinny latte if you're offering!


  • Comment number 90.

    gingerbread latte for me x

  • Comment number 91.

    Hello Everyone.

    I wonder if Chris will say 'hello' to us today?

    Maybe he's gently easing us into the closure of the ±«Óãtv websites!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 92.

    CSN - I'd love a hot chocolate with whipped cream and .. oh, what the heck, some marshmallows too!

    Darn it, now I'm craving chocolate.

    jillygoat x

  • Comment number 93.

    Ummm... OK. I just went out to do a few bits 'n' bobs... take Jasper to one of his "ladies" (she likes to take him for a walk on Wednesdays), drop a sample off at the docs, get me some coffee*, whatever... back home, I find no kitchen; no bathroom; NO WORKMEN?!? Where are the boys with my new bits?!!! Blub!

    As the mighty Bollo would say - "I gotta bad feeling about this..."


  • Comment number 94.









  • Comment number 95.

    Sorry Deevs, it's not allowed on your diet I know, but in my defence m'lud, I AM feeding a cold ........

    Did that sound any better?

    jillygoat x

  • Comment number 96.

    Deevs - there is no need for that sort of language. You and Jillygoat should examine your consciences... ;-)

  • Comment number 97.

    Sorry Roo (now hanging head in shame whilst at the same time trying to stop nose from running).

    I haven't actually got any of the previously mentioned banned items, it was purely wishful thinking. Actually, it's probably too many of the hot lemony powder drinks - I think they're messing with my head!

    jillygoat x

  • Comment number 98.

    I will be gorgeous and fit. I will! I will! I will!

    One day .....

    Probably in my next life ....!


  • Comment number 99.

    Duly forgiven JillyG! ;-)

    Sorry to hear you're snuffly... Chillies, my friend - they'll blast your snout-pipes clean. I never used to be one for chillies - but my mum bought some hot sauce for Christmas by mistake, thinking it was tomato relish. I took it, as I can't bear to see good food slung out. Then, one juicy-nosed day, I decided to have a cheese sarnie with some of the sauce in it... ohboyohboyohboyohboyohboyohboy; HotHotHoTTTTT! But cleared up the sniffles like nothing else!

    Deevs - you ARE gorgeous and fit! Oh no - hang on... I'm thinking of someone else...
    (kidding!!! I'M kidding! B'ain't nort wrang wi' thee, purdy maid - that's Devon (or "Debbun") speak for "You're lovely".


  • Comment number 100.

    Deevs you are gorgeous and fit my lovely!!!!!

    SBP - am dram in bucks eh??? I bet I live close enough to come and support you.......more info please

    Roo - how are things progressing love?

    Chrissie & MwK - how are you girlies?

    The replacement blade for the breadmaker arrived today (I managed to throw the other one away with a stale loaf of bread). Have whipped up a cherry cake that is making the house smell amazing!!



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