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The Good Thing About A Day As Grey As Today Is. . .

Chris Evans | 10:51 UK time, Tuesday, 22 February 2011

It makes indoors seems so much cosier.

I have just arrived home, given the dogggie a hug, made a fresh cup of coffee and have Zoe and Radio 2 glowing in the corner.

Grey days are fine if you take them for what they are, a chance to realise how much you love being home.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Grey here too, but it looks like brightening up.

    Morning all.


  • Comment number 2.

    Oh CLP ......

    I'm stuck at work with not a lot to do but if I were at home right now I'd be doing my ironing whilst watching the Cricket World Cup - England are currently playing against those high flyers of the crease .... Holland!

    It's been like the middle of the night here in Cannockshire since Sunday. Grey, drab, damp, dark.

    I'm dreaming of the day when I can get my sun lounger out of the garage, spend an afternoon in the garden reading whilst Nic's off umpiring somewhere, and then doing a lovely early evening BBQ for when he returns.

    Bring it on!


  • Comment number 3.

    Just posted on last blog Deevs. If you and CG link up on fb, can you send me a friends suggestion.

    Have a good trip CG.

    Hi to everyone.

    Will try and drop by this evening.


  • Comment number 4.

    Deevs - I'll email you the chicken surprise receep when I get home x

    jillygoat x

  • Comment number 5.

    morning CLP

    I I was at home right now I would be asleep

    I'm 100% shattered, obviously far too old for a weekend of reverly


  • Comment number 6.

    Hello CLP & Everyone.

    Not too bad here in Wirral, no wind or rain at the moment.

    In some ways I love the grey days CLP, I feel more relaxed in the evenings watching television with the cats nearby, a cup of tea and chocolates, etc. I can stop thinking that I should be doing something else.

    Awaiting the man from the oxygen suppliers to put my concentrator downstairs as I'm fed up with the constant droning humming sound all night. I'll then soon hear the springtime sounds of the birds singing, the sound of the wind and rain, etc. On the downside there's the noise of the neighbours disturbances, car alarms, etc.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 7.

    I've got to admit Chris that I spent all weekend at home whilst it was grey and miserable outside and it didn't make me relish being at home; just made me grey and miserable too!

    I am sure that most of the bloggers on here would rather be at home than stuck behind a desk! I like Baggy would be having a snooze, then may be beans on toast for lunch followed by a good book this afternoon. I can but dream :)


  • Comment number 8.

    Hi Chris, it's a grey day here also but cosy indoors.

  • Comment number 9.

    Hi Chris

    It was realy gray and miserable this morning but I was desperate to get out of the house for a while so we just popped into town, took my nephew his 16th birthday card & cash then I took the boys for a bad-for-you-lunch! Felt better for getting out for a bit

    Now the sky actually looks a bit brighter - maybe spring is on the way?

    Having said that, might have to join the need a snooze brigade this afternnon!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 10.

    Hi all It might be be grey out, but it's not as dark a day as Christchurch are having.

    I have friends out there that I can't get hold of. My thoughts and prayers are with the people of New Zealand.

    Sorry to bring the blog down but I feel helpless at the moment.


  • Comment number 11.


    You are not bringing the blog down at all, thank you for reminding me/us about this terrible event. I too know of people out there and await to hear, via others, of their whereabouts.

    Thinking and praying for your friends.


  • Comment number 12.

    MaW - my brother and his family live near Auckland and when I saw the news this morning I had to pick up the phone and speak to him, even though I knew they hadn't been directly affected by the earthquake. They were absolutely fine but I know there have been problems since with telephone and internet connections.

    My thoughts and prayers are with the people of Christchuch and their relatives all round the world - it is a worrying time for them and a dark day indeed for such a beautiful country.

    jillygoat xx

  • Comment number 13.

    Warmth & Niceness Ter Mr C .(dot) Evans & ALL Blogger Friendlies...

    Bingo Star 'ere... With A 'Bingo Blog Blast!!'

    CLP - It's certainly not grey... today... at my end of the situation!!!!!!
    Today is the 22nd so am FULL of positive 'ope... And it ain't disapionting... Started this morning listening ter yer most nice show!!!!! (Love yer philiosphy on dictators are always miserable as are bad people... A 1000% AGREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@!)

    Then at work the very nice office supervisor gave me one of me favourite trucks out of a possible 120 ter choose from!!!!!! (BIG depot a work at!!!)

    AND a even gotta smile while out on the road!!!!!!!!
    YES..... A actually spotted a smile while in me truck... aimed my way.... It was a smiley face on one of those speed check signs.... complete with a 'You Are Doing 29mph'!!!!!!!!
    A was in a 30mph zone yer see!!!!!!!!

    Only problem the 19 cars behind me that were all trying ter pass me.... a couldn't see one 'appy face even though if they were in front of me a bet the Smiley 'appy Speed Check sign would 'ave frightened them so muc they would 'ave been doing 24mph past it.... and 'olding me up!!!!!!!!!

    Strange world.... But ave master the art of 'appiness!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And the smily face confirmed it!!!!!!!!!!

    In fact ave come up with a new song idea today.... called The Art Of 'appiness.... basically a positive song all about saying i've mastered the art of 'appiness and the reasons why.... A great idea for a 'appy song me thinks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Onwards & upwards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Bingo Star, Striving For A Substatially More Sustainable Future ;))

    PS CLP - What is wrong with Lady Ga-Ga's music?????
    Yer didn't get Mika... now yer don't get Lady Ga-Ga????!!!!?
    Ok a think 'er recent nun outfit was in very bad taste.... but 'er music is brill!!!!!!!!
    'er latest tune is really, really lively & 'appy!!!!!!!!
    In fact eveytime R2 play it lately am almost unable ter control meself
    in me truck.... A NEED ter dance.... and INDEED a did this morning!!!!!!
    CLP... Buy a Mika & Lady Ga-Ga CD... A make your life not grey.... Once yer find yer CD player in yer new car that is!!!!!!!

    Gotta go... The Tarrant Dude is playing a MEGA OMD tune!!!!!!!!!!! (A used ter deliver pizzas ter OMD's manager yer know!!!!)

    Tatty Bye ter ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!@!

  • Comment number 14.

    Position # 13.... Unlucky for some... but not... not if yerv mastered the art of.... 'appiness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    DAMN IT ave just realised am giving away me song ideas 'ere... The Coweel could be reading this with The Walsh!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 15.

    Afternoon CLP and the rest, from an equally grey Edinburgh! I do enjoy pottering round my flat when it's miserable outside, even more so now that I have my own place and don't have to worry about flatmates getting in the way, but I'm longing for some warm sunshine now! I'm having Carribran chicken for tea tonight, in order to bring some sunshine to the day!

    Well the H & S meeting proved to be not quite as horrendous as feared, generally everyone expressed what was needed to be said succinctly. I also had a H & S awareness training session this afternoon, so am totally Health and Safety-ed out!! And I had a meeting with my boss to discuss some future projects.

    Thoughts are with the citizens of Christchurch after the earthquake. The parents of one of my oldest friends, who I have known since I was 3 live in Christchurch (the family emigrated when we were in Primary School) so I'm hoping that they are safe and sound.

    Hope everyone has had a good day


  • Comment number 16.

    Erm , that should be Caribbean not Carribran!


  • Comment number 17.

    I don't know anybody in Christchurch but it's a terrible tragedy and we are very lucky to be living in this country even though we all moan a lot.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 18.

    Evening each

    MaW and Rosie - Hope your friends are ok. It sounds horrendous.

    Had gorgeous little boys after school. 11 yr old went out with friends to his gang hut and 8yr old was online playing Little Big Planet with his schoolfriend. They've grown out of spending time with Gran - bums.

    Am now doing the ironing - I can only do 2 things then need a break - I hate ironing.


  • Comment number 19.

    Have now heard from NZ, and everyone I know is ok, which is a relief.

    MaW, hope you get news soon too.


  • Comment number 20.

    Evening all

    MaW and Rosie, what is happening is awful. Hope your friends are ok. xx

    Annie, glad little ones had a great time and I'm sure they haven't grown out of spending time with Gran just yet.

    I hate ironing too.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 21.

    That's good news Rosie. MaW, fingers crossed for you.


  • Comment number 22.

    Rosie, that is good news for you.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 23.

    Evening CSN - we crossed.

    Six things ironed - that's me done. It's so nice not having to iron fifty million things for other people. I can remember when the pile in the ironing basket used to lean about 3ft up the wall.


  • Comment number 24.

    Annie, I remember those days too. Mind you, I still seem to get a lot of ironing!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 25.

    What is happening to this blog?
    For quite some time your contributions have been less and less engaging and since your prolonged Christmas break you have merely been going through the motions.
    In the past you have posted witty and thought provoking comments, but recently it has been just plugs for your TV shows and “Isn’t the M25 awful” , “it’s my son’s birthday”, “I’m taking the wife out tonight” and , best of all, “I played a record this morning” type of stuff.
    As for your latest contribution, why did you bother?
    This ‘blog’ is now merely social networking site to enable an ever dwindling group of people to tell each other what they having for their next meal, give out weather reports, advertise their own blogs and share their tales of woe and misery.
    No doubt people will say that this blog is a place where they have made friends and come for help and encouragement. While this is fine, it is not what a ±«Óătv blog is meant to be used for. If the friendships which have been made are strong enough, then they should be able to survive outside this blog using one of the many social networking sites which are available.
    If you are too busy to take the time to write something that will engage the people who read it and encourage new people to join in, then admit defeat and hand over the blog to someone who will do it justice. There are many other Radio 2 presenters who could be given a chance.
    In the light of the cuts that are being made to the ±«Óătv online platform, this blog is now a valuable resource, so use it or lose it!

  • Comment number 26.

    Annie I did a big wash when I got in from work today, and am dreading having to iron it all. It's workwear, so I can't really get away with not doing it! I usually put a film or something on tv or the laptop to watch while I iron.


  • Comment number 27.

    CLP - I'm presuming you're not Chris! Your comments are worthy of consideration, not only by we who post, but by CLP himself.


  • Comment number 28.

    Annie, totally agree with your post.

    Jumping blog. LOL!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 29.

    CLP. Hello and welcome.

    Hope you stay and enjoy Chris's blogs.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 30.


    Annie, if my Mum comes over to "look after " my boys, I usually find them off doing something and her sitting reading a magazine or watching something. They do grow up quickly don't they

    Chris's blogs are tending to be brief at them moment aren't they.

    Back to work tomorrow, would rather be off again

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 31.

    Mind you, it must be quite hard to think what to write sometimes.

    It's hard enough to think of something to type as a response or any post on here. It must be even worse to have to make up the lead article as it were

    Especially if you only have a limited time to do it in

    Explains some of my drivel!!

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 32.

    Night everyone.

    Sleep well and sweet dreams.

    Annie, glad you had a lovely time with the little ones, even though they went off and did their own thing. xx

    Jumping blog. LOL!

    Lots of love to you all.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 33.

    Sezza, you're right - I'm usually reading my kindle while the boys are off doing their thing.

    Right, I'm off peeps. Off to Edinburgh tomorrow. Night night.


  • Comment number 34.

    evening all,
    Yes Chris it has been a grey day ,and nice to see you having some quality time at home with the family .Can't beat it can you ??

    Busy day for me today ,we now have the district nurse coming in every day to Give my boss his Antibiotics intravenously this has been on going since he came home from hospital nearly three weeks ago and looks like continuing for about the next six months or so .Blood tests once a week and pick line checked every week. So every day at the moment is a grey day for him also .

    Talking about cake ,I'm afraid to say MTFs tin is totally empty and missing my slice of that cake on my returns home every night .
    Hope she's around to notice my remark ,just a little nudge !!!.:))

    Sezza You don't talk drivel ,quite the contrary,you post some lovely comments .

    And did I see Annie earlier ,Hi Annie ,boys they'll be there when they want something as sure as houses ,had ours yesterday .


  • Comment number 35.

    Hello Concerned.

    I am just trying to work out how many of those categories that I can add to my CV.

    Probably all of them, but I do try to come in with something of slight interest and just hope those that aren't interested scroll down until they find something that they want to read.

    I must admit to posting a lot less on here because like you put and quite rightly too, I tend to be having long and interesting (to us) discussions over on fb.

    Can we now have some pointers on what should be discussed on here. I will see if it takes my fancy or whether to carry on with my usual drivel like Sezza ;)


  • Comment number 36.

    Hello Bids, another bus moment!


  • Comment number 37.

    Hello you ,how are you ??? so you did see my little post just now !!!!


  • Comment number 38.

    Did it involve Cake?


  • Comment number 39.

    Now let me think ...ermmm just might have given it a little mention !!!.

  • Comment number 40.

    I hope things get brighter for your boss Bids.


  • Comment number 41.

    Yes so do I MTF ,quite sad to see as you know how he was and what he's going through at the moment .It's going to take him months to get back to some sort of normality.And then some .
    I think he seems to have given up at the moment ,no fight left in him .
    he just needs some warm weather and sun shine to lift his spirits.


  • Comment number 42.

    I totally agree.and if it`s foggy that's a bonus...........and if you have any logs on the burner it`s even better........... have a cup of tea instead of coffee and you can guarantee I would end up asleep dribbling.

  • Comment number 43.

    bikebabe, LOL!

    Cup of tea sounds good.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 44.

    Just popping my head around the door to say Good night .

    Take care all .God bless .


  • Comment number 45.

    Funny old world!

    Would it really help if we were all to conform?

    I wonder!


  • Comment number 46.


    Two new, first time bloggers in one evening has to be a result.


  • Comment number 47.


    Hello concerned license payer and bike babe (I'm a closet biker too, although not so much of the babe), glad to see you on here.

    Am full of cold today so will probably just lurk, but wanted to say hi to the newbies and ask them to stick around


  • Comment number 48.

    A man walks into a bar with his pet monkey.

    He sits down at the bar to have a drink when the bartender screams,

    "Did you see what your Monkey just did?"
    "No, what?" asks the man

    "He just ate the cue ball off my pool table...WHOLE!"

    "Yeah, that doesn't surprise me," replied the guy,

    "He eats everything in sight, I'm sorry. I'll pay for the cue ball and stuff."

    The guy finishes his drink, pays his bill, pays for the stuff the
    monkey ate and leaves.

    Two weeks later the guy is in the bar again and has his Monkey with
    him. He orders a drink and the Monkey starts running around the bar again.

    While the man is finishing his drink, the Monkey finds a bowl of
    Maraschino Cherries on the bar.

    He grabs one, sticks it up his butt, pulls it out and eats it. Then
    the Monkey finds a peanut, again sticks it up his butt, pulls it out and eats it.

    The bartender is disgusted,

    "Did you see what your Monkey did now?"

    "No, what?" replied the man.

    "Well, he stuck a cherry and a peanut up his a**e, pulled them out
    and ate them!" said the bartender.

    "Yeah, that doesn't surprise me," the guy replied,

    "He still eats everything in sight but ever since he had to sh*t
    that cue ball, he measures everything first."

  • Comment number 49.

    Good morning friends, Romans and Countrymen

    and Newbies!

    I don't tend to blog as much as I used to, and there are several reasons for this: I don't "rely" on the blog (or FB) as much as I used to as I am now more settled in my personal life, and yes, some days I have nothing to say (although those of you that have known me long enough may find that hard to believe!) and yes, sometimes I do feel out of the loop.

    I'm not going to apologise for "plugging" my own blog as I know from looking at the blog traffic stats that many of my readers come via this site, and I'd like to think that they enjoy reading my musings as much as I enjoy writing them.

    And yes, some days I think we do need some "fresh blood" on here as it's not as it was.

    But having said that, I wouldn't change a thing.

    Quick roll call for some of the missings "old names" if you're lurking .... sparklysparkly tinsel, Boleyn Girl, Sigh_Not_Simon, Wickerman, Tobes, Marvellous Cornish Mum, Red, Rusty, Dissing Dave, Easy Job, Phoenix .... hope all's well with you guys and it would be great if you pooped by (a Mayo-ism - his bolg's good fun too!) to say Howdie!

    (apologies to those I have missed ..... sorry x)

    I feel a biut bleary today, only having had a couple of hours (max) sleep so I may well be dipping in and out of the water to keep myself conscious!

    Muchos Amore


  • Comment number 50.

    Morning all

    I've got a cold so I am having a duvet day today. I'll be lurking and popping in during the day but I feel a bit bleeurgh and woolly headed so I may not make much sense.... (does she ever? I hear you saying).


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 51.

    MTD - yay, a 'cold' friend, wish I could be at home but kinda feel guilty so I'm here in the office, spreading the germs :-)

  • Comment number 52.

    Morning all

    Didn't sleep well and woke up with a cold and sore throat.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 53.

    Morning Blogpeeps,

    Gray days are great. It's half term here and my 3 yr old now goes to nursery 4 times a week and to be honest, this week is GREAT. My toddler loves having his big brother home and we've actually been able to DO things together.

    I haven't popped in here for ages, nice to see some of the old faces still knocking about :o)

  • Comment number 54.

    Have we all got colds this morning?

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 55.

    My cold is probably self inflicted, teach me to walk around Bognor half naked :-)

  • Comment number 56.

    Hi Jo - good to "see" you, but not so much of the "old" if you please ....!

    As for you germy lot ...... keep 'em to yourselves!



  • Comment number 57.

    Hello Miss D, I do keep my eye out for a glimpse you if I'm ever driving through 'The 'Nock' Not seen you yet though!

    Toddler is feeding the dog weetabix from a spoon, then having some for himself, not sure whether to film it or stop him...ideas?

    No germs here - we are a GERM FREE house, finally :o)

  • Comment number 58.

    Baggy, that made me smile. Hope you feel better soon. xx

    Hi Jo, nice to see you here, enjoy half term with your little ones.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 59.

    Jo - I feel a mini meet coming on somewhere betwixt The Penk and The Nock!


  • Comment number 60.

    Baggy - has Bognor recovered yet?!?



  • Comment number 61.

    Which leaves the Chase...hmm, with the other people 'meeting' up there (Stan Collymore included!)


    Right, off to do 'STUFF'

  • Comment number 62.

    Deev - not sure Bognor, or the kids at butlins, will ever recover

    Although the best was my friend in full gypsy wedding dress with fairy lights and a small girl calling her a princess :-)

  • Comment number 63.


    I have "Romany" Gypsy in my bloodline on my mums side, so does that mean if I ever re-marry I can wear one of "those" dresses?!?!?



  • Comment number 64.

    Actually, from what i learned this weekend, Romany gypies and Irish Catholic Gypies (the ones in big fat gyspy wedding) are completely different

    So the answer is no :-)

    Although it was remarked our gypsy fancy dress looked more like prositutaion from victorian times to today

  • Comment number 65.

    Great show as ever, and made even better by the JV interview as we were at eggheads yesterday and our captain was the bloke talking about under floor heating

  • Comment number 66.

    gave up trying to spell my username and used my email instead.

    I think Chris is spot on..we have to remember to appreciate what we have around us.( yes i did look up how to spell appreciate!)

    and as another special person once said
    we dont have the "wrong" weather, we wear the wrong clothes ...or something along those lines


  • Comment number 67.

    ahh thats how you spell it !!

  • Comment number 68.

    just dropped my daughter off to playgroup, am home and it's FAB! it IS grey here but it really doesn't matter. the view out of the window is great, R2 is great and I'm listening to Zoe. am going to check the stove then make some soup :-)

  • Comment number 69.

    Dozymac i hope you dont mind but i forwarded your monkey to husband and dad who will really enjoy it !!

    concerned. i think what the blog needs is a return to some involvement in the show. along the lines of ARF. Simons blog rolls along like this one used to do. and since simons blog got really going..this one slowed down.shame really.
    come on chris get that wonderful mind working and think of something WE can be involved in again.

    steps down from soap box and sidles away..

  • Comment number 70.

    I have to agree with Concerned and Reddjelibeybi. The blog appears to have no involvement in the show whatsoever. Occasionally there are some comments, but not very many and Chris's contribution, apart from a few lines at the beginning, are non-existent. It's seems to be just a social networking blog. Interesting for the regular bloggers who seem to know each other, but not so for occasional bloggers.

  • Comment number 71.

    So join in more ....

  • Comment number 72.

    ok, please lets not get narky with each other

    Yes, CLP blogs are referred too at the beginning of each blog but then we do tend to get tangental

    I agree we tend to chat, and that can be daunting for a newbie but I hope we are welcoming to new people and try to make them feel included.

    What I hate, and mainly because I'm normally on the wrong side, is for this to become a closed shop as it is a ±«Óătv blog open to all

  • Comment number 73.

    There is nothing wrong with chatting on here. it makes here feel comfy.
    i read what chris has to say and i havent lurked much longer than that for a while now.i have a minor addiction to jewelery sites !! ok i admit it. i like sparkly things. trying to wean myself of them. i dont buy anything i just watch and wonder who does !! sad i know.
    djeli recovering shopping channel addict

  • Comment number 74.

    OFF them.

  • Comment number 75.

    before rips pulls me up on it !!

  • Comment number 76.

    Hey All! Including newbies!

    Just pooping on to say to Seza - Wowser - thanks for my lovely card!
    Is that you me and AliB shopping LOL! Next stop Back in Time

    Right back to it - hope you are well and happy bunnies

  • Comment number 77.

    Afternoon all

    I didn't feature on Deev's list of missing bloggers, but thought I'd make an appearance anyway ;)

    I think some of Concerned LP's criticisms are valid, in that CLP doesn't appear to spend as much time as when he was on drivetime in providing us with blog topics to get our teeeth into.

    I think partly it's due to the timing of the show, as for a drivetime show you can post something in the morning which can influence that day's show. Whereas the blogs for the breakfast show can usually on alter the next day's show.

    Also without any particular theme to run with the blog can become another social network, for good or bad.

    I think this is why the Mayo blog has so many contributions at present as it usually has a daily theme, which drives people to post on it. Not that that blog doesn't also go off at tangents.

    I would hope that CLP can find time and some way of revitalising the content, as otherwise it may well find its owm natural end.



  • Comment number 78.

    Hiya Andy.

    Yes, the topic of conversation over there at the moment is 'blackout curtains' for cockerels!!

    Anything goes :)


  • Comment number 79.

    Blimey - last time I was over the fence it was children's books!

    Apologies Mr Andy - but to be honest, I've never considered you a "missing" blogger .....!

    How's about we have a list theme - they usually kick-start proceedings.

    So, the 3 best bands/artists you've seen live .....


    ps: where's MfR when you need him!?!?!

  • Comment number 80.

    Deev - great idea

    Can I submit my three when my brain comes back - it seems to be replaced by cotton wool, I'm going to try anf make a break for it at 4 today

  • Comment number 81.

    I'll start (unless somebody jumps in while I am typing/cogitating....)

    I've never been a prolific attendee of live music but these are probably my top 3.

    1. Bowie (Serious Moonlight tour)
    2. Deep Purple (circa 1976)
    3. Iron Maiden (gig at a local pub for charidee)

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 82.

    I know what you mean about the cotton wool Baggy - I've felt like that for 2 days now, but the cold itself seems to be staying there.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 83.

    Donny Osmond , there isnt any number 2 & 3 ! LOL - Chrissie back me up please !!

    Sorry I'm not blogging much, I'm at war with myself , when I calm down I'll come up with some drivel .

    Love MC xxx

  • Comment number 84.

    Heres my list
    Take That - millenium cardiff
    Take That - millenium cardiff the next night
    Take That - Wembley!

    Also the very lovely James Morrison supporting them each night
    And Kylie was fab too

    right off to forage some lunch

  • Comment number 85.

    Now I'm jealous. I love James Morrison - we had Lady GaGa supporting when I saw them on The Circus tour. Hmph!

    OK, my top 3 gigs (in no particular order) would be:-

    Blur - Southend Cliffs Pavillion, 2009
    Take That - 02 Arena (Beautiful World tour)
    Pet Shop Boys - V Festival 2010

    We're off to see Elbow next month in Brum - really looking forward to that!


  • Comment number 86.

    1. Queen at Wembley Arena when I was a teenager (first band I ever saw live - RUINED me for all subsequent bands);
    2. The Pretenders at Cardiff Arms Park (the only reason I sat/stood through seeing U2 was because they were being supported by The Pretenders and The Alarm - I'd have left before U2 given half a chance);
    3. Kate Rusby at Sidmouth Folk Festival. What an absolute angel.

    Barmy xxx

  • Comment number 87.

    Kylie, Mariah Carey (I know but she can really sing), and Neil Sedaka.



  • Comment number 88.

    You've got me off the lurkers bench!

    1 - Take That The Pop's Tours - Wembley Arena 1994 - the first time I saw them live and the love story began!
    2 - Take That Circus - Old Trafford Cricket Ground June 2009 - the last time I saw them live and the love story continues (roll on 10th June)
    3 - Wham - Wembley Arena 23rd December 1984 - the year Last Christmas was released with snow flakes around the whole arena!

    Love Daisy x

  • Comment number 89.

    That's kick started a few thoughts.

    You might not Deev's but I've only pooped in for the odd comment recently!

    Top three bands live

    1. Todd Rundgren - 2009 Manchester Academy
    2. Blue Oyster Cult - Hammersmith 92 or 3
    3. Thin Lizzy (sadly minus Phil Lynott) - current tour


  • Comment number 90.

    Andy - have you ever seen Limehouse Lizzy? They're the best TL tribute band in the world, and the lead singer is more than ever so slightly Phil Lynott-ish!

    Daisy - Wham! was my first live concert - Hammersmith Odeon 1983. I was soooooooooo young - and so were they!


  • Comment number 91.

    Deevs - I was there as well in '83 - the first time GM sang Careless Whisper and then it wasn't heard of for a few years before he released it as a solo - I remember humming it for days and then it never appeared anywhere. I opted for the next year's as a fave because of the snowflakes!!! Yes, they were young (but still older than me!) as was I, but you were younger!!!

    Love Daisy x

  • Comment number 92.

    Hi CLP and everyone,

    Saw your tweet Deev and have come along to pop my head around the door.
    Have been absent from the blog and other sites as the last 12 months were very eventful and I had to take some time out. Am back on the other side (thank you for all of you who wrote) and should be popping back on here more frequently.

    Chris - I found your book recommendations very good - I'm not sure if it was a blog or a tweet.
    You might find Paul McGee (The Sumo Guy) known as such from his first book S.U.M.O (Shut Up and Move On), or alternatively (Stop, Understand and Move On) an interesting person and an interesting read. He is doing a lot of work in schools helping children develop condidence in themselves, as well as with other professional bodies such as a premier division football team, and other corporate companies.

    As a participation theme perhaps bloggers or listeners (both children and adults) could suggest other reading recommendations which we could hear about?

    In the meantime I hope everyone is well.
    The blog seems to be jumping up and down - lol - must be all the energy coming through.

  • Comment number 93.

    I remember George doing Careless Whisper too - a moment of clarity amongst the madness of shuttlecocks down shorts type shennanigans!

    If only we knew then what we know now ......! (and I always fancied Andrew over George)



  • Comment number 94.

    Hi Margot - fab to "see" you!


  • Comment number 95.

    Good to be back - Deevs.


  • Comment number 96.

  • Comment number 97.

    Deevs - it was indeed - that is why it stood out so much for me personally when he sang it, and yes I preferred Mr Ridgeley as well - George was just too pretty looking! I like my men rough (i.e. Howard Donald!) ;o) !
    Daisy x

  • Comment number 98.

    and thats all I have to say about that!

    Seriouslt, the problem with strolls along memory lane is that for some of us the stroll is shorter then others - where is Rosie my age partner in crime when I need you?

  • Comment number 99.

    Morning all from a freezing upstate NY. Temps not far from zero degrees F today. Bright and sunny though. Hope you are all having a great day... Hope to be back on later.... TTFN!

  • Comment number 100.




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