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Planting Time

Chris Evans | 10:47 UK time, Friday, 18 February 2011

So, Robert Plant this morning on the radio. He was unsurprisingly excellent. Bloomin' intelligent too. Excellent diction, I wasn't quite expecting that, a delightful crispness to his words. Yes, very impressed all round. Another good day at the office had by all.

Filming for Blue Peter post show, I'm on on Tuesday, although we're filming on Monday. I always presumed Blue Peter was live. Is it the cuts?

Talking of cuts - barbers appointment. Gotta go. Have a great weekend. Speak to you Monday.




ps: Listen back to the Robert Plant interview here...

Robert Plant in the Radio 2 studios


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  • Comment number 1.

    Morning Chris

    I didn't hear Lord Robert of Plantland today - sadly the powers that be dictated I had to come to work and sit here clock watching til 5 o'clock when I may be released to good behaviour!

    I've always had a bit of a crush on Robert Plant though - especiually in his Led Zep guise of VERY tight (almost illegal!) jeans, cheesecloth shirt open to the waist and those marvellous blond locks ........

    Think I need a cold shower now!

    Have a lovely weekend - and enjoy playing jeeps with Noah! (loved his duet with Robert this morning, which I did hear!)

    Muchos amore


  • Comment number 2.

    Ello Christoof Man & ALL Bloggies...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - A was there... a was there.... aka listening ter The Plant gig this morning!!!!!!!
    Ave just done a few days of earlies so ave been tuning in ter yer most friendly show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    A VERY much enjoyed listening this morning... VERY much enjoy it... So much so it's inspired me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Inspired me for what???? You may ask!!!!!! Wrock 'n roll... making it my goal?????

    A will tell yer.... No not the above.... But a comedy stand up routine!!!!!!!!!

    Yes all.... Things just op inter me 'ead for no reason what so ever when a listen ter Radio 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    In fact a find R2 so great for getting me creative juices flowing!!!!!!!

    A find if a try... like at 'ome a can't get ideas in me 'ead... but soon as a listen ter R2... things 'appen ter The Mind... deep inside The Mind!!!!!!!

    What inspired me this morning was a simple comment from a texter about The Plant... And what a very nice bloke 'e was when they me t'im in person!!!!!!!!!!
    This simple comment 'as sent me inter 'Comedy Stand Up Routine' overdrive!!!!!!!!!!

    Not making fun of The Plant.... But a comedy routine all about A-listers... Admiring them but in a 'umourous way - know what am sayin'!!!!!!!!!

    A won't give the in depth details away as a don't want anyone ter nick me work.... But ave brushed the surface by what ave writeen above!!!!!!!!!!

    A just love the beeb & R2 & The Plant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    'ope all 'ave anice weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PS CLP RE: The previous blog - Do pigeons 'ave there own aviation rules for foggy conditions & in general flying... A don't know!!!!!!
    But whatta do know is they 'ave no rules when it comes ter toilet time!!!!!!!!!!!
    Although they do often make a neat line of droppings across a road from a railway bridge above... strigher line often than the yellow lines done by the council!!!!!!!
    But ter me both are the same... aka poo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PS - Seza & Jakeygirl RE: The previous blog of RE: The previous blog - Ter answer yer question... Am going ter Thailand next month for a most friendly 2 week 'olidee with me new girlfriend... And returning/ flying back inter London on the 1st April.... WHATTA COINCIDENCE... Also CLP's birthdee!!!!!!!!!

    Might pop past R2 ter wish 'im a 'appy Birthdee!!!!!!! (probably won't as CLP will think am a sad nutter with too much time on me 'ands & a slightly deluded stalker... Butta VERY much would like ter wish CLP a 'appy birthdee in person as a like CLP... A do blog friends!!!!!!!)
    (Nice delivery on the radio & nice car collection ter name butta bit of what a admire about CLP!!!!!!)

    Bingo Star, Greener Than The Most Envious Enviromental Officer Of My Eco Crudentials ;))

  • Comment number 3.

    Morning Big Chief CLP,

    We're doing a "Thankyou parents - have a g&t on us" at Rory McIlroys Golf Resort in Lough Erne this weekend - haven't really seen them since our big day in December so photos, memories, drinks and fabulous food beckon . . hope the weather picks up - pretty dull, by the looks of it.

    Mr. Plant was a revelation this morning - what a nice person!

    Happy Friday everyone,

    D-t-M & LovesYoungDream (Mrs D-t-M)


  • Comment number 4.

    Hi Chris: I heard just half an hour of Robert today and I have to say, what a top bloke he is! Very funny, very down to earth, I just loved him. btw: hope you get a Blue Peter badge next week! xx

    Cheryl: if you can, listen again to the Robert Plant part of today's show - he explains perfectly how he managed to stay so trim in order to wear those jeans you fancied him in!

    C xx

  • Comment number 5.

    I've got a Blue Peter badge in the loft, together with the letter from Biddy Baxter ...... ah those halogen days!

    CG - thinking of you and your family xx

    jillygoat x

  • Comment number 6.

    I always thought Blue Peter was live too. I never got a Blue Peter badge but I did get through to Noel Edmonds on Multi Coloured Swap Shop once!

    Chrissie: will endeavour to listen again - maybe it'll make the Podcast for this week?

    Now got some Led Zep on - one benefit of having the office to myself (and nobody can see me dancing ...!)


  • Comment number 7.

    Good Morning CLP & Everyone.

    Not a bad day here but I think it's about to change, looking a bit dull & cloudy.

    A blooming good show today Chris. I was never a fan of Robert Plant but I think he might be starting to grow on me.

    I will be watching Blue Peter on Tuesday. I'm wondering what it is you will be doing and does it involve sticky backed plastic or toilet roll tubes.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 8.

    Jillygoat: oooh, I would have loved to receive a Blue Peter badge! I did try, but failed quite spectacularly!

    Cheryl: you spoke to Noel Edmonds? The man I should have married?! Oooh, I would have fainted with excitement!

    Hi Maddy: how goes it?


  • Comment number 9.

    LOL Chrissie - actually, I wanted to marry Noel Tidy Beard, but only until Bob Geldof came along, at which point I cast Noel aside!

    I asked him which football team he supported, to which he answered West Ham.

    I was about 7 I think!


  • Comment number 10.

    And I was always gutted that Cheggers Swaparama NEVER came anywhere near where I lived ...... x

  • Comment number 11.

    wheres Rosie when you lot go down memory lane?

    I know Blue Peter, John leslie and Mark Curry in my day (as well as the deletable Matt Baker)

    Cheegers lives in my home town along with Bruno Brooks and I've seen the pair of them out for a drink (baggy, stalker to the rich and famous)

    Now I've seen old footage of Robert Plant and I'm with you deev, absolutuly lovely back in the day


  • Comment number 12.

    Baggy - why would you want to delete Matt Baker? That's cruel ....!

    My Blue Peter time started with John Noakes, Leslie Judd and Peter Purvis, then went through Simon Groome, Peter Duncan, Sarah Greene, Janet Ellis .... I saw a current episode of Blue Peter the other week (Nics little boy was watching it at ours) and I have to say it's not a patch on what I grew up with!


  • Comment number 13.

    Cheryl: when you were 7, I was 19 - had just married MrS and then Swap Shop came on our screens. I realised then that I had made a huge mistake, and that (Noel Tidy Beard - love it!) was the man for me. Well, if you can't have a crush on someone when you're 19, when can you?!

    Baggy: I think Keith Chegwin is lovely. He was in an Episode of Extras a couple of years ago, and he was hilarious and brilliant - if I saw him heading off to the pub, I have no doubt I would stalk him!


  • Comment number 14.

    Chrissie - my badge was for a letter I'd written about a school trip to Sheffield Park in Sussex .... nothing earth-shattering but I must have sounded very keen at the time!! This was followed by two gold stars at school - one for writing the letter to Blue Peter and one for getting the badge. Sadly I've never equalled that success since!!!

    Deevs - my Blue Peter team was also John Noakes, Leslie Judd and Peter Purvis. Looking back, they looked quite old whereas the presenters nowadays look about 12! Oh no, my mum used to make comments like that ...... I've morphed into me mother. HELP!

    jillygoat x

  • Comment number 15.

    Jillygoat: that is success on a grand scale, compared to my track record! I am sure your letter was excellent - Biddy Baxter was a bit of a force to be reckoned with, no pulling the wool over her eyes!


  • Comment number 16.

    Hahaha!! You think that's bad .... I can hear myself turning into my grand-dad when watching "music" on the tellybox these days: he used to bemoan my heroes - the eye-liner heavy likes of Duran Duran and Spandau Ballet, and he was apoplectic when Boy George and Marilyn appeared on the scene. Imagine my horror at hearing myself "remarking" on the likes of JayZ, PDiddy, Dizzee Rascal and the newst kid on the block, Tonie Tempah ..... call THAT music???


    x x x

  • Comment number 17.

    He he, I guess it comes to us all Deevs sooner or later.

    Most of the music I listen to these days is stuff that you can sing along to that actually has a tune. Oh-oh ...

    jillygoat x

  • Comment number 18.

    Deevs - it has been well documented that I am younger then you by 12 years but I don't have a clue about most of the new bands either, most of it just sounds like noise - bring back the classic oldies like Blur and Pulp

  • Comment number 19.

    Afternoon all

    Though Mr Plant was excellent this morning and great to have songs from his wide range over the years. However couldn't fault the GD this morning as she teared up and down the hall and kitchen with her pink guitar playing along to Rock & Roll - priceless!

    Never understood the attraction of Noel Tidy beard or Cheggers personally, but Maggie Philbin or Janet Ellis!


  • Comment number 20.

    I've met Maggie Philbin :-)

  • Comment number 21.

    Hi Everyone,

    Really enjoyed Robert Plant this morning - what a great guy!

    I am feeling much better this week, came back to work on Monday and hit the ground running! Having a CBA afternoon due to serious sleep deprevation so thought I would have a quick catch up and say hello.

    CG - I having been thinking about you this week and in particular today - my thoughts are with you and your family xx

    Darce - belated happy birthday wishes to you. I hope you had a lovely day.

    Mr Tiggs - belated birthday wishes to you also. I am sure Mrs Tiggs spoiled you!

    MtF - your plans for Saturday sound very nice indeed.

    Bids, MtF and Keith - thank you for sharing your panto stories with us. Sounds like you all had a great time!

    Gail - enjoyed seeing your strictly photos on FB. You had great seats!

    Chrissie & Cheryl - I laughed my head off at your "watching TV" comments! Hilarious!

    CSN - sorry to hear your daughter is poorly. Hope she is on the mend soon. Also hope Holly is better now too.

    Chrissie - you will love The King's Speech!

    Hello Annie, MC, AliB, Rips and anyone else I have missed, not intentionally I hasten to add.

    Take care all and have a good weekend.

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 22.

    Hello Mary and it's good to hear you are on the up xx Have a lovely weekend yourself :)

    Chris, I enjoyed, what I heard of RP this morning. I have a brother who is 5 years older than me so remember Led Zep of old. I thought you were on holiday next week, but you said you'd speak to us on Monday, so that's good news.

    Chrissie, Thanks for your comment on the last blog. I think I might go and see the Kings Speech, that will destress me; plus I don't want to be the only person in the UK who hasn't seen it! xx

    Bondy, Thanks for the update on your life, glad things are going well for you xx

    Only half an hour to go then I am out of here. Off to the bottom slapping shop for my fortnightly shopping expedition; let's see how much the bill has increased this time!!

    A "big up" to everyone else; see I can get down with the kids even if I don't like their music. Although I did sneak on the river site at lunchtime and buy both of Adel's CDs!


  • Comment number 23.

    P.S. Chris, I meant to say that all your Friday morning guests have been men so far, any chance of some females just to address the balance??

    I am sure your bloggers could come up with some suggestions. How about Adel for starters?


  • Comment number 24.


    Mary, glad your feeling a bit better now.

    Chrissie, you will love The Kings Speech.

    Thank you both for your very kind wishes about poorly daughter. xx

    Holly is much better now.

    CG, thinking of you today. xx

    Hope you are all having a good Friday.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 25.

    Hi Ali and CSN.

    Ali - I have Adele's album, it's brilliant!

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 26.

    Ali - we havent seen the kings speech yet - we're waiting for the DVD

  • Comment number 27.


    Is everyone having a catnap!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 28.

    Hi csn - I'm here. Still!

    Mary - good to hear you're feeling a bit more chipper this weekend, and great to see you on t'blog!

    Baggy - I know time can be precious, but if you get the chance, do go and see The King's Speech at the cinema. I really think it will add to your enjoyment of an excellent film with moments of humour and tension - when we saw it the audience actually clapped when it ended! Not sure we'll get that reaction at Yogi Bear 3D tomorrow ....!

    I just almost made Twitter explode by mentioning myt first attempt at Green Tea. I've made it, it smells nice but I've ot actually braved the taste yet. .........


  • Comment number 29.

    Andy: good to see you!

    Mary: wonderful to hear that you are feeling better - what a battle you have had on your hands. xx

    AliB: yes, I know what you mean about being the only person not to have seen the King's Speech. I want to see it before the Oscars ceremony ... I really don't know why that matters, but it does! And Ali, I think that's a great idea about female guests - I absolutely love Adele - what a voice!

    CSN: hope your day is not too crazy. And I hope your daughter will soon be on the mend. xx

    Baggy: I understand what you mean about waiting for the DVD. Wild horses would not drag MrS into a cinema - but I really like to see films on the big screen. And we are going tomorrow at 11.30, so I'm hoping the "noisy crowd" may still be in bed!

    C xx

  • Comment number 30.

    Deevs - I love green tea, drink it all the time.

    Mary - Good to see you on here and glad to hear you're feeling a bit better.

    That's me off now, so have a good weekend everyone.



  • Comment number 31.

    Deevs, not sure about green tea.

    Sorry Gail.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 32.

    Chrissie, thank you.

    Most days in my house are crazy!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 33.

    Gail: have a lovely weekend. Our lovely Mary is a big fan of green tea. On more than one blog meet, we have finished our evenings with a cup of green tea ... usually when the hotel bar has closed!


  • Comment number 34.

    It was lovely! Think I will still need my usual mug of rocket fuel to get me up and about in the mornings but can see me and green tea being friends for a while!

    Just to get over the "cutting down on caffeine" headaches .....

    Do you know, it's not got proper light here all day - its beginning to look like the middle of the night out the window. I pooped out at lunchtime and it was freezing out there - 4 Degrees. I just want to get home, put something comfy on and cook a lovely meal for my chap!


  • Comment number 35.

    Cheryl, Gail and Chrissie - thanks ladies, it's always nice to be here when I can xx

    Chrissie - yes this one was a toughy but thankfully I was tougher and got through it. Thanks again for your help and support xx

    Cheryl I love green tea - I was a real tea jenny but now I am a complete convert. It is an aquired taste though and some of them can be a bit bitter. The one I prefer is from that well know health food store I can let you know the name on the fb if you want.

    Baggy - I agree with the others you should try to see it on the big screen. I don't think I have seen a film that draws the audience in as much as this one does!

    Forgot to say hello to our lovely friends across the pond - MaW and Bondy xx

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 36.

    Chrissie lol xx

  • Comment number 37.

    Baggles, if you're still about ......

    Enjoy your mates BFGW themed hen weekend. Referring to your post yesterday, don't forget your own hen day was later in the year so some of those you wanted with you nay have been on holidays or had other summer commitments. You still had a blast I seem to recall .....

    Try to leave Bognor in one piece and I look forward seeing the piccies of "that dress" on Facecloth!


  • Comment number 38.


    Just got in and awaiting a home delivery, it was very cold out there.

    I couldn't resist buying two raspberry turnovers which were reduced because of today's date. But I offset this by buying a weightwatchers meal, sausages and potato, carrot, swede & parsnip mash with mushroom an d onion gravy. I've had this once before and thought what a good idea it would be to make this meal, very tasty and healthy too.

    Re: Adele, she was just amazing at The Brits, in fact I'm going to listen again.

    MM xxx

    PS A lovely picture of Robert Plant Chris, I'm now going to listen to the interview!

  • Comment number 39.

    Marjie, your meal sounds lovely.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 40.

    Marjie - I could just eat that now.

    I listened again to Adele last night - as you say amazing!

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 41.

    Well, everyone, I am out of here very shortly. Hope you all have a lovely weekend. And many, many thanks for all the great company this week - I have had a much-needed giggle!

    C xx

  • Comment number 42.

    Have a fab weekend Chrissie (and everyone else!)

    I'm off too ...... at last!

    Play nicely!


  • Comment number 43.

    Chrissie, Deevs and everyone.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Lots of love.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 44.

    What happened to FNWC?

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 45.

    Evening CLP and the rest, only hear a little bit of Robert Plant this morning, but he seemed like a thoroughly decent bloke!

    Hope you enjoyed Blue Peter, I have a Blue Peter badge somewhere, awarded when John Leslie, Diane Louise Jordan, and somebody else were presenting. Baggy, if you're outt here, we're definitely the same era! I remember Mark Curry, and Simon Groom too. I don't think I ever saw Matt Baker on it though.

    Btw Durannie Deev I meant to say I downloaded the new album and think it's great! Classic DD in my opinion.

    Hope everyone has had a good day


  • Comment number 46.

    Evening all

    CSN I have had a cheeky little rose so far but not sure I will have any more as a bit sleepy anyway - a hard and tiring week again. Hope your daughter gets her back sorted out soon xx

    Off to sort out some washing oh the excitement and then I might lurk again.

    Oh just thought my brother got a Blue Peter badge for something he sent in - I think he had coloured in a picture of Bleep and Booster (you have to be old to remember them) and I have Peter Purves autograph on a book that BP did about a child but I can't for the life of me remember! He came to visit Newcastle to do some book promotion.

    Sorry - didn't mean to go on so but I'll forget if I leave commenting until later.

    Toodle pip for now

    Susan xx

  • Comment number 47.

    Hi y'all

    Susan I remember Bleep and Booster! Am that old! But I can't remember where I remember them from. Not sure if it was TV or an old annual we must have had

    Think it's too much dementia training!

    Ali, i haven't seen King's Speech yet either! So that's you and me then. Not sure when i'll get to see it either

    Enjoyed Robert Plant this morning a lot more than I thought I would actually. Wonder if there's going to be a guest every Friday?

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 48.

    Sorry it's been a while since i dropped by, but i have been consumed with problemos at the 9 to 5 coal face.

    Anyway, The Kings speech... this was the first time I had ventured into a cinema since 1997. I do get out , but just not to the cinema. Having got over the shock of the rise in price since my last visit, I just loved this film, and would probably even watch it again, which is mighty fine praise from someone who never watches or reads anything twice.
    I am looking forward to my next trip to the cinema, which should be @ 2025. I will start saving up now.

    So, having eaten my way through January to fight off the lurgy , that stayed with me for 6 weeks. I have decided to make belated new years resolutions, to get thin, - having ditched the gym , and to grow my hair long.

    Hugs and high fives to all.
    MC xxx

  • Comment number 49.

    MC Hope that lurgu's good and gone now. Make sure you keep up the chocolate just to be safe!


  • Comment number 50.

    Evening all, home at a reasonable time for once.

    That most excellent day that I have planned for tomorrow, may well go on hold, if its anywhere near as chilly as it is right now. Honestly, anyone would think that it was Winter!!

    On a plus note, the lighter evenings are a real bonus, some of you must be getting home in the light now?

    Its going to be a while until I do, but at least now, when the GB has his mile walk to the bus stop in the mornings and back again in the evenings, it is no longer dark.

    Can I join the small club of folk that havent seen the KS yet?

    I am definitely going to find a space for it on my 'to do' list.

    I might pop along to the lovely old cinema in Wellington, where they still have the original ticket machines and the guy that sells them to you, does the ice creams etc...

    Well, tonight, I was going to have langoustines for dinner, but have just seen a pic on a fellow bloggers fb site of one swimming in a tank, so its dreary old pizza. LOL!!

    Ooops, I smell burning.......

  • Comment number 51.

    A nice bowl of bombay mix instead!


  • Comment number 52.



  • Comment number 53.

    Tad spicy MTF? Think you need something cold and apple-y to wash that down!

    The lighter evenings are lovely but it's the mornings not being so dark that make me feel good

    Chris and a bit of sunshine to start the day are all I need

    Mr Sezza struggling with Vanessa though. Not his cup of tea on the drive to work!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 54.

    Apple-y stuff now to hand Sezza.

    I find the sunny mornings make me leap out of bed, but this morning was so grey and downright miserable, that I pulled the duvet up and grabbed another hour ( or two!!)

    Have you got any half term plans?

    I think half the country have headed to Minehead tonight!!


  • Comment number 55.

    I've got Monday and Tuesday off, boy2 doing tennis course in the afternoons so am just looking forward to chilling out.

    Would love to be heading south west though

    Am really hoping the weather cheers up a bit - might venture outside a bit

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 56.

    Evening each, hope everyone is well.

    Bums - missed the wonderful Robert Plant this morning.

    Have had a wonderful day with kids and grandkids. And now have Kirstie collapsed upstairs in the spare room. She's only had 2 glasses of vino collapso - what a wimp.

    Back later when I've caught up.


  • Comment number 57.

    Annie just over an hour in to this morning's show on listen again. It is very good as I hardly get to hear any of it in the morning.

    I haven't seen the King's Speech either - wild horses wouldn't drag my OH to the cinema - maybe we could have a blog meet at a cinema somewhere?!?

    Sus x

  • Comment number 58.

    Sezza I meant to say Bleep and Booster were a feature on Blue Peter and also were in the BP annuals and I know you are nowhere near as old as me!


    S xx

  • Comment number 59.

    CSN - think FNWC has died a death and god knows what's happened to the shed.

    CG - my thoughts were with you today. Hope it went well.

    Mary - so glad you're feeling better me dear.

    Sus: The OH would really like the Kings Speech - tell him I said so.


  • Comment number 60.

    Oops, meant to say - Susan, I'll listen again. Ta muchly.


  • Comment number 61.

    Annie, what a wimp indeed. LOL! You must get her back on here again one day.

    Susan, I remember seeing Bleep and Booster in the BP annual. As cute as they tried to make them look, I still had nightmares!!


  • Comment number 62.

    Nice long weekend for you Sezza.

    I dont think I am going to be that busy next week. Lots of the appointments are taken up by kids!!

    I wonder how many of them know ;)


  • Comment number 63.

    Listening to Led Zep right now - fabby.

    MTF, if she wakes up, I'll get her on here but I'm not holding my breath. The poor soul has been battling with Social Work to get help for her Mum who has Dementia - and getting nowhere. She's shattered and 2 glasses of fizz and a Chinese meal has sent her to bed!!!!


  • Comment number 64.

    Lets hope she gets the nights sleep that she deserves then Annie. Sounds like she needs the company of a good friend like you just now.


  • Comment number 65.

    Thanks MTF. It's dreadful that there is so little help in the west of Scotland for people with Dementia. Kirstie has been told that there's no money - by a Social Worker, who I would hope, decided to work in that area to help people. Kirstie was in tears telling me about it.

    Hopefully I'm going to be involved with Age Scotland soon as a Board Member - and they better watch out.


  • Comment number 66.

    Annie, if your friend is battling, has she involed the Community Psychiatric Nurse? PM me on the other side if you want to throw some ideas around. Some things fresh in my mind from the training I've just done

    Susan I definately remember Bleep and Booster. I can't picture them moving and we did have a couple of BP annuals hanging around so maybe they were in those? Have to say, haven't thought of them for umpty dozen years though

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 67.

    Thanks Sezza, will tell Kirstie.

    Have been in touch with Carers organisations for her - in her area and where her Mum lives. Have also put her in touch with Dementia Carers' group in her area. But I'm so angry for her - if she didn't have me, who would have helped her?

    Her Mum's house is overrun with mice and dirty because her poor Mum isn't coping and that bloomin' SW wouldn't help because her Mum was having a good day and said she could manage fine on her own. 'We have to listen to our client' she said. Stupid woman


  • Comment number 68.

    I have worked on nights looking after dementia patients. Its jolly hard, but also rewarding work. These patients were in care, so, when I finished my night shift, someone came and took over.

    To be able to look after a relative with this condition, must be tough enough without coming up against barriers Annie.

    I hope Kirstie gets some positive feedback very soon. Its simply not good enough.


  • Comment number 69.

    Annie, Grrrr!! One of the saddest opinions that came out of the training was that the squeekiest wheel gets the most oil! Tell Kirstie to be really squeaky, insist on attending meetings with SW and insist SW looks in cupboards, fridge etc so they have a true picture of the case

    Good luck

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 70.

    You're so right MTF - I could weep for Kirstie. Her Mum has had a diagnosis and a referral from a Psychogeriatrician and still no help from Social Work because 'there's no funds' according to that awful Social Worker - who didn't even tell Kirstie that there was a Carers' Centre in her area. Don't worry - I'm on the case and will be complaining about her.

    Sorry folks - I've got the ranty pants again.


  • Comment number 71.

    I take it that 'they' are trying not to take away her independence Annie?

    Surely, there must have been a risk assessment carried out?

    I appreciate that I dont know all the facts, but as Sezza says and rightly so, keep on at them.


  • Comment number 72.

    Is there room for all of us in those pants Annie?


  • Comment number 73.

    Sezza - will do.

    I've given talks to CPN's and GPs about Dementia, been involved in Pilot Projects with Carers and helped with Dementia Strategies and still nothing changes. We can give billions to Banks, but absolutely no help at all to people who really need support.


  • Comment number 74.

    Annie, the ranty pants have had a good outing the last couple of days

    At work, we've all had to fight for people to get the support they need and deserve.

    At least Kirstie has a good friend to support her through this

    Now, I just had to re-type that 3 times so think it best I say goodnight!

    Sleep Well, sweet Dreams

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 75.

    MTF - No, no risk assessment done. Kirstie's mum is living in a cold house with mouse droppings everywhere (even in the bedrooms) and slugs crawling up the wall because of the damp.


  • Comment number 76.


    Just got back from helping out at daughters house.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 77.

    Sorry Annie, just had to knock up something edible for Mr Mobs who has just walked through the door, late shift tonight!

    Are these people so blind, that they cant see what is staring them in the face!


  • Comment number 78.

    OMG, Annie. That is awful.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 79.

    Rather unseasonably warm here today. Almost 60.... Snow melting too fast, flood warning issues. High tomorrow is supposed to be a barmy 20 degrees..... "heat wave!!" hope u all had a good day and wonderful evening.... Footie for me tonight...

  • Comment number 80.

    Hiya Bondy.

    We really have had a good Jan/Feb so far. I hope I havent cursed it by saying that!

    Somehow, its a bit topsy turvy isn't it?

    Are you seeing any spring flowers yet?

    Our first hawthorn is showing its first bits of bright green and the pussy willows are turning the trees into silver.


  • Comment number 81.

    Evening CSN

    Bondy - enjoy the footy and don't get caught up with those floods.

    MTF, I'm loving my snowdrops.


  • Comment number 82.

    Aren't they such innocent looking flowers Annie.

    We have a very famous ( well around these yer parts) snowdrop valley. Right on the edge of Exmoor. It is now a protected site and can only be accessed by the park and ride system. I think you might find it on google.

    Our weeping willows are showing new signs of life too.


  • Comment number 83.

    Well... I've been sat in this hot tub for ages - my wrinkly bits have got wrinkles, I've eaten all the canepes, and drunk all the drink... the frilly knickers are soaked and stretched beyond repair...

    so... drying off, and now for bed...

    Hope all are well and love to all

    Suzie xxx

  • Comment number 84.

    Is it Wheddon Cross MTF? Just had a look and it's lovely.


  • Comment number 85.

    Oh Suzie, why didn't you tell me? I would have been there!! Hope you're wrinkly bits have dried out.


  • Comment number 86.

    Annie... more worried about the knickers...

    Night night lovely...


  • Comment number 87.

    Suzie - what can I say?? Hope the knickers dry out.


  • Comment number 88.

    Annie, yes Wheddon Cross.

    The very occasional time that I do go and get a haircut, the salon is at Wheddon Cross and overlooks Dunkery Beacon, which is the highest point on Exmoor and on a clear day, you can see 7 counties from there!

    Suzie, beware the crinkly bottom ;)


  • Comment number 89.

    Suzie, LOL!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 90.

    Oh good god MTF - crinkly bottom!!

    Howdedoody CSN

    Am I the only person in the FNWC?


  • Comment number 91.

    I'm on the cider Annie. Not much of a wine drinker as I tend to be a bit of a glugger and have an early start tomorrow.


  • Comment number 92.

    Annie, I'm still here.


    csn. xx

  • Comment number 93.

    Must say I can't do late nights anymore.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 94.

    Woohoo, Looks like the GD is going to join me on my mission up the Gloucester Road tomorrow.

    Happy Days!

    Ok, maybe a bit more expensive, but still Happy :)


  • Comment number 95.

    Well, I'm off peeps.

    Kirstie still hasn't surfaced so I assume she won't appear till tomorrow. We're planning to go to Dunfermline tomorrow to check out new mobile phones which we can use to get on FB and email, so beware.


  • Comment number 96.

    Yikes !!!


  • Comment number 97.

    Be afraid MTF - we're coming to get you.


    Night all.


  • Comment number 98.

    I'll look forward to it Annie :)

    Give Kirstie a hug from me, please.

    Night night to both of you.


  • Comment number 99.

    Night MTF. Will tell Kirstie tomorrow that you're all supporting her.

    Night night. xxxxxxxx

  • Comment number 100.

    Night Annie.xx


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