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Need to get some sleep this morning.

Chris Evans | 13:00 UK time, Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Plan was two hours from 10.30 to 12.30. It's now 11.44 and not one wink has been had.

If I get to sleep for tent to twelve, that gives me a whopping 40 minutes.

But hey, it's forty minutes I may well need at some time in the future.

And where does sleep go if it isn't used ?

I'll leave you with that.




Chris Evans Breakfast Show Blog Radio 2


  • Comment number 1.

    Well CLP, it is not 13.24 so I take it you didn't get any sleep, you'll just need to have an early night tonight, or a little cat nap before dinner this evening.



  • Comment number 2.

    How do you do it CLP - I'm like a zombie if I have less than 6 hours sleep (mind you, Mr CG woukld probably say I'm like a zombie all the time ...... :-) )

    CG x

  • Comment number 3.

    Hello CLP & Everyone.

    You've got me confused there Chris!

    I think the answer is to get forty minutes kip when you can (is that why it's called 40 winks?)

    Alternatively an early night but that's no good if you're not used to them because then you won't sleep.

    I myself could do with a good night's sleep, as soon as I get into bed I start thinking about all sorts of useless information.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 4.

    Baggy - how do I find you on fb?

  • Comment number 5.

    Well Chris, let’s hope you get some sleep before tomorrow’s show. It’s a lovely day here in West Sussex.

  • Comment number 6.

    Chris have a power nap of 10 mins when you can, or battle through it and have a good nights sleep tonight.

    As I can't remember the last time I slept right the way through I think I've banked a few years worth of sleep somewhere.

    Chrissie I hope your sister enjoyed her weekend at home and she's as comfortable as she can be.

    CG all the very best for Friday.
    MaW XXX

  • Comment number 7.

    I've just spotted Bondy, we're like buses, you don't hear from both of us for ages and now there's two from over the pond.

    Have a great day everyone from a sunny but still rather white Upstate New York.

    MaW XXX

  • Comment number 8.

    Hi Chris: I wish I could cat-nap, but I just can't do it. And, sleep that isn't used just has to be left like that, unfortunately! Chris, I remember in the early days of your blog, you wrote a blog entitled "Sleep When I'm Dead" - you've always been a busy boy!

    Maddy: oh, I am the same. So tired, get into bed, sure to fall asleep. No - my brain has other ideas, clicks in, and then it's hours of insomnia that lies ahead!

    Gail: from the previous blog ... yes, there is "something" about Brian Cox!

    C xx

  • Comment number 9.

    MaW: how lovely to see you! Thank you for your lovely comment regarding my sister. She did indeed have a lovely weekend, and she is very comfortable - the medication she is taking ensures no pain whatsoever, she is being so well looked after. xx It's always great to see our American bloggers!

    C xx

  • Comment number 10.

    Afternoon All,

    I wasn't going to blog today because I'm grumpy, but as the topic of the blog is the reason I'm grumpy then I thought I should! I woke at 4:40 this morning and didn't go back to sleep. I actually woke myself up laughing due to a very funny event in my dream, but no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't fall asleep again.

    My tiny little brain is full to overflowing with stuff, I can feel tenseness (is that a word) in my shoulders and my brow is furrowed - So now I am very tired and grumpy, bored (even though I have plenty to do) and just want to go home.

    But in the great scheme of things I really have nothing to complain about :)

    CG, My thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family on Friday xx

    Chrissie, I am glad you had a good weekend with your Sister, the positive vibes are still coming your/her way xx

    The sun is shining in North Kent, I just wish I was out there enjoying it.

    Oh well best get back to my inputting of invoices and making the books balance and of course listening to the Golden Oldies.


  • Comment number 11.

    Greetings CLP & ALL...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    Am so excited all... Ave just booked me air ticket ter Bangkok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ave never been south of Lanzarote!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Bye :-))))))))@)

    PS CLP - Ter answer yer question... Where does sleep go to if not used.... It goes on yer face in the form of lines... Bit like getting lines at school for being naughty!!!!!!!
    Except those lines only last 'alf an 'our & leave yer with a sore finger.... the lines am on about are from 'im up above as punishment for not getting enough sleep!!!!!!!

    CLP - A feel yer may need ter ask The Cowell if yer can go on 'is Crimbo pressy list & 'ope 'e sends botox ter all this year very much like last year - 'ope this 'elps!!!!!!!!!!

    Bingo Star, Full Of Enviromentally Friendly Fundemnentals ;))

  • Comment number 12.

    Of course, I mean our bloggers who LIVE in America, but are NOT American!

    AliB: thank you, as always xx I do sympathise. I was awake this morning from 3.30, and last looked at the clock as I fell asleep again at 5.50. I get up at 6.30, so it was a bit of a struggle to say the least!


  • Comment number 13.

    Bless you Chrissie, now if I could guarantee that you were awake I'd give you a call and we could have a chat...LOL xxx Big Hugs to you


  • Comment number 14.

    AliB: honestly, I have thought that, too, in the middle of the night! If I was guaranteed to call a blogger, and not waken them, I would!


  • Comment number 15.

    Well, make that 3 of us - I was awake too.

    Chrissie - it's so good to hear your sister is comfortable and with no pain, Mum was like that too, it's such a blessing. I'm so glad you had a great time with her last weekend, it's times like that you will need to remember at some point in the future. We took Lilly the kitten in to see Mum the last weekend she was 'alright' and it made her so happy. That's what I try to concentrate on right now.

    BTW - Lilly was spayed today, Mr CG (farmer-boy) just rang to say he's collected her from the vet & she's feeling sorry for herself & has one of those lampshades on........ oh boy, she'll hate that!

    Ah well, work to do .........only 90 mins to go ......

    Big hugs ((xx)) to all

    CG xx

  • Comment number 16.


    Your post made me laugh out loud.

    Hope you enjoy your trip.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 17.

    CG: I know, isn't it the most important thing, that there is no pain? And, yes, I was thinking last weekend, these good times is what I will have to focus on when the time comes. I am so glad your mum got to see Lilly - that would have been so lovely for her. xx

    Poor wee Lilly - she really will be feeling sorry for herself. Many years ago, our wee kitten Toots had to be "fixed" and when he came home from the vet, he just looked at me as though "how could you do this to me?". I was in floods of tears! Next day, he was right as rain, and Lilly will be too!

    Oh, and Bingo, I did mean to say that I loved your post, too! I can confirm that every single minute of my missed sleep is etched on my fizzog at this very moment!

    C xx

  • Comment number 18.

    Country girlie - not sure how you find me, maybe someone could help? I'm on the CLP bloggers page and my picture is Cheetra ( a sexy young thing and much more attractive then me)

    I was awake at 3 am night before last (thanks random phone call) and was okay yesterday but really paying for it today, I feel like I'm in treacle.


  • Comment number 19.

    Baggy, I know what you mean, usually the day of the terrible sleep is ok, but the next day is awful. Hope you get a good sleep tonight.

    This evening, I shall be in residence with my lovely daughter, watching the Westlife DVD her boyfriend bought her for Saint Valentine's Day. (I am giving it the full name, KatyMac may be lurking!). He said to her: "this is for you, with love. Make sure you watch it at home"!!

    C xx

  • Comment number 20.


    Have a lovely evening with your daughter and I hope you get some sleep tonight.

    Time for me to feed and walk Holly.

    Take care.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 21.

    CleverSuperNanny & Chrissie S - Am glad am making yer laugh but be VERY careful... too much laughing & yer will end up with laughter lines & crows feet... then yer gonna be wanting botox for Christmas just like CLP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 22.

    Blog #21 - So close ter 22... So close but not quiet there!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 23.

    CSN: thank you, I hope so too, or I really WILL need botox! So glad to see that Holly is much better. xx

    Bingo: you got the 22!

    Have a nice evening everyone.

    C xx

  • Comment number 24.

    Thanks Bingo. LOL!

    You got the 22!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 25.


    When Holly was spayed, she hated wearing the lampshade so much, that we ended up putting a little T-shirt on her and she loved it.

    I am sure Lilly will be back to normal very soon.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 26.

    Bingo - as someone once said about laughter lines, "nothing's that funny!" And judging by the number of laughter lines I've got, I must have been in hysterics for most of my life!!

    jillygoat x

  • Comment number 27.


    There is nothing better than having a good laugh!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 28.

    CSN - I quite agree - and at least there are more laughter lines than frown lines on my face!

    jillygoat x

  • Comment number 29.

    Evening each

    Good posts today. Cuddles to Chrissie and CG - I'll be thinking of you on Friday.

    Perhaps we need a bloggers nighttime meet - I'm usually awake around 3.30, if you've got my number I dare you to phone.


  • Comment number 30.

    Evening all

    Nice to see you back on here Bondy and MaW :)

    Please don't speak about lack of sleep...same issue here I'm afraid! I'll need some matchsticks to stay awake for the footie tonight!

    Thanks Chrissie, it was a good match and a brilliant result for us!

    LOL Annie, I have your number, 3.45am ok? :)

    JG x

  • Comment number 31.

    Ok JG - if I don't answer, I'm asleep!!


  • Comment number 32.

    Jillygoat - A fully agree there's nothing wrong with laughter lines... unless they're on the face of me local traffic warden... talking of which back ter the roads again... The yellow lines near where a live are a joke - laughter lines of a different kind!!!!!!!!!

    Thinking about it though... laughter lines are a sign of living a good & fulfilling life!!!!!!
    Filling yer laughter lines with botox... all yer left able ter do when in complete 'ysterics is ter raise a lip!!!!!!!!!
    So my advice ter The CLP.... Don't try ter get on The Cowell's Crimbo pressy list afterall!!!!!!!!

    Tatty bye!!!!

  • Comment number 33.

    Annie. LOL!

    Hi JG

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 34.


    I was talking to one of my lovely old ladies today and her refrain is always "Don't get old! But if you do, make sure you've smiled more than you've frowned - laughter lines are so much better!" She is going to be 90 soon so probably has a good idea!

    Sometimes take me ages to get to sleep - especially if Mr Sezza falls asleep before me and starts snoring - but once I'm asleep, I am blessed that I stay asleep!

    It's waking up that's the problem! Chris' opening lines always come too quickly!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 35.

    PS CleverSuperNanny & Chrissie - Yep a did get the 22 but only by default... Still suppose if yer get yer two little ducks by any way & yer need it, it still counts terwards shouting 'ouse - know what am sayin'!!!!!!!

    Tatty bye again!!!

  • Comment number 36.


    Smiling makes you look younger, Yah!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 37.

    LOL Annie!

    Would someone please make me some dinner? I'm too exhausted to move!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 38.

    JG What do you fancy? I've got some really nice italian veggie soup and bread left over if you want it?

    Bingo, your trip sounds very exciting! when do you go?

    Definately agree with your second sentiment!

    CLP, you are just gorgeous as you are. Don't let your makeover take you anywhere near the botox needle

    BTW How did Mrs E enjoy the Brits? Does she want a ticket for next year?

    PS Just started watching a programme about Starlight - the charity that grants wishes for sick children - do you think I should get the hankies now?

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 39.

    OK, I want my job to be Wish Granter!!


  • Comment number 40.

    Sezza, that sounds good, thanks!!

    I think you probably do need the tissues... !!

    Bingo, hope you have a great time, when are you going?

    JG x

  • Comment number 41.

    JG, Catch!!

    Ok, half an hour seeing what some people have to deal with and life seems pretty good

    x x x

  • Comment number 42.

    Sezza, can't watch, sorry, it's too heartrending.

    Re laughter lines - I must have had a life full of hilarity.

    Just been on the phone for hours to my ex-staff sorting stuff out. Honestly, I've been away for nearly 2 years!!!


  • Comment number 43.

    Evening CLP, hope you and the Mrs E enjoyed the Brits, personally I switched over after about 10 mins as I had never heard of the first winner!

    Can I join the wide awake (at 3am) club? It took me ages to get to sleep last night, then woke up at 3:20am, mind racing. I was still awake at 4:40! Hopefully we'll all have a good night's sleep tonight! I'm one of those who can't function on less than 7 hours sleep, a good 8 hours is the ideal.

    Bingo, CSN etc, I think I'm right in saying that it takes fewer muscles to smile than it does to frown!

    Hoep everyone has had a good day


  • Comment number 44.

    Rosie, the only person I recognised on the Brits was Boy George!! Some of the music was good, though.


  • Comment number 45.

    Night Annie and everyone.

    Sleep well and keep smiling.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 46.

    Night CSN

    Annie and Rosie, I watched a bit of the red carpet programme in case Chris was on it but didn't recognise anyone

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 47.

    Sorry, I was watching the footie, as I am now...

    Need some sleep though...

    Night all :)

    JG x

  • Comment number 48.


    Just popped back because just had a call from a good friend of ours, who become a grandad for the first time seven months ago.

    The baby has been through several operations in its very short life already and is now back in hospital having just had another operation due to having a heart problem.

    We should all look at what we have in life, not what we haven't, because for this tiny little baby, who has been through far too much already, it makes you just want to cry.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 49.

    Just popping in ,have been very busy tonight ,

    CSN ,I do hope that the little one gets better very soon .I will light the candle for the wee one tomorrow .

    Good night and god bless .


  • Comment number 50.


    Happy Birthday to you.

    Lets hope that we get the chance for another meet again this year.

    Portsmouth was 'such fun :)'

    Happy Days.


  • Comment number 51.

    Morning all,
    just popping by to say Happy Birthday Darce, hope you are still out there lurking!

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 52.

    Morning all from dark ipdtate NY.....I know you are getting up as I am going to to bed. But thought I would stop in and say "hi" will be back on later... : (

  • Comment number 53.

    Oh and happy birthday Darce!!!!!

  • Comment number 54.

    Bobdy - I'm here, sat at my desk ready to start work so hopefully I can get out at a sensible time tomorrow as its my mates hen night weekend - Bognor here we come!

  • Comment number 55.

    oh, and as my hubby said this morning, my hen party day had a lot less people (4) at it then my friends hen party weekend (12) which is costing an awful lot more.

    I guess some people were born popular and some were not

    But if you do want a laugh the theme on Sat night is gypsy wedding and I have a skin tight bright yellow dress to wear, well you have to let your hair down occasionaly! I do think I will be the only one going who will bring there own tea and coffee etc as we are staying in a Butlins (other camp sites are probably still available)

  • Comment number 56.


    Just a quickie from me!


    Bondy, great to see you.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 57.

    Morning all

    Cold and dry here.

    Happy Birthday Darce. xx

    Hope you all have a good day.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 58.


    Another sunny day here on the south coast.Wall to wall blue skies.Hope that you're getting much of the same or as near as .

    Happy Birthday Darce ,hope that you have a lovely day.And we will have that lunch some when in the near future .Might get to meet the lovely Pen . Morning Pen !! hope you're keepingb well ,seem to miss you these days .Are you on duty next week??.

    Bondy ,Saw your post briefly last night ,hope all is well with you and yours.

    Baggy ,enjoy your hen w/end ,not too much noise or I might just have to come and join you .Only along the coast but dont go there very often .

    Lin, good morning lovely to see you .

    Take care and enjoy your day .


  • Comment number 59.

    Thank you Bids.

    That is very sweet of you to light a candle for little one.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 60.

    Good morning everyone from a very grey and chilly Ayrshire.

    I normally like about 8 hours sleep a night, I do get wakened several times through the night, normally by Jensen (cat) coming under the covers, I try to ignore him but he can be very insistant, but usually, thankfully, I am able to get back to sleep pretty quickly. Luckily David and I are both very much morning people, even at the weekends I am never up later than about 6.30, and unless we are actually out for the night, we are always in bed by 10 ish.

    Happy Birthday to Darce. X

    CSN - Your post (48) brought a tear to my eye, it must be a terrible time for your friends, and you're absolutely right it what you say.

    Hope you all have a good day.



  • Comment number 61.

    Morning everyone

    Just popping in to wish Darce a very happy birthday!!

    Will be back later

    JG x

  • Comment number 62.

    Hi Bids

    Haven't spent much time on here this week as Mr P's birthday yesterday and he is home all week, nuff said! All the family arrived for cake and candles and then left us to clear up the debris, haha.

    Off now to take my car for it's first MOT, so should pass, finger crossed!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 63.



  • Comment number 64.




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