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En Garde And Happy Christmas.

Chris Evans | 13:46 UK time, Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Never too early to start Christmas as long as it says December on the calendar, and so today is the day for the Evans's - a slow build commencing as of midnight last night.

It's also never too late to try something new - which is exactly what Jonny and I have just done. Fencing - of all things - and as I sit here in the car on the way home, I have the scars and swipes to prove it. Fencing outfits are not entirely epee proof! The victor will be revealed on Friday morning, Jonny has to win to stay in the second series. (He won the first series)





  • Comment number 1.


    MM x

  • Comment number 2.

    Afternoon Chris

    I do think Fencing looks very elegant. Be interesting to see the video.

    Pen - just posted on last blog - no, I'm not 'Annie'.


  • Comment number 3.

    Hey Chris!

    Glad you survived, but if you want my tip for fencing ..... stick to Mario Fencing on the Wii!


    Stay safe.


  • Comment number 4.

    Hello CLP & Everyone.

    A very cold here in Wirral with about 2 centimetres of snow on the ground.

    Doh! I haven't changed my calendar yet and on the most important month of the year. Thanks for reminding me Chris.

    I think I'll sit on the fence regarding the fencing. It would come in handy at times but I'm getting a bit too old to be taking up such things.

    MM x

    PS As I stated yesterday a Christmas tree for the advent calendar please!

  • Comment number 5.

    Hi Chris: good grief, what on earth are you doing, fencing when you still have an open wound on your finger?! Maaaaad, I tell you, mad! But, in a good way! Chris, it's wonderful to hear Noah in the mornings -I am loving this! What a wee darling he is.

    C xx

  • Comment number 6.

    Pen, am I the cause of the confusion?? I've been around for ages but don't blog much these days - today's an exception 'cos of the snow!

    Ann aka AnnieOakley x

  • Comment number 7.

    CLP - I hope your wounded finger didn't hold you back at the fencing, I heard your unveil it this morning but can't bring myself to look at the photos online!

    Take care and enjoy the Christmassy-ness!

  • Comment number 8.

    Afternoon Christoff and you lovely bloggers. Chris - thanks for the photo of your manky turmeric finger on Twitter. Put me right off my pakora.

    Not much to add from me - just trying desperately to clear all this work before Christmas. I have no penguins to cheer me up today as the webcam seems to be down. I notice that the zoo also has a chimp cam, but I think they are very sensibly staying indoors watching Loose Women or something.

    See you later,

    Love Barmy xx

    PS Advent calendar: a elf.

  • Comment number 9.

    Christoff, you must be barmy! Now get home to that gorgeous wife and beautiful child of yours!

    Thanks AnnieG and AnnieO. As the post said 'Annie' it threw me. It doesn't take much you know!! :-))

    According to Mr P, who works near Gatwick, there's almost a foot of snow. Hence the airport being closed for the rest of the day.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 10.


    I'm no expert but a I always use S*vl*n, it makes things heal very quickly, we used to call it the magic cream!

    MM x

  • Comment number 11.

    Chimp cam / Loose Women?

    Spot the difference anyone!?!?


  • Comment number 12.

    Hope the fencing went off ok. Did Noah go and see his dad. It's snowing in West Sussex and very cold.

  • Comment number 13.

    He's a sweetie isn't he?! Sorry Chris that was in reference to Noah.

    I'm going to look for this finger injury image on FB when I get home.

    New phone tomorrow sqquuuuuueee!! Well hopefully presuming that my manager makes it into work to cover the phones while I go out lol

  • Comment number 14.

    Morning from a wet Upstate New York, where's our snow?!

    I remember one Christmas my brother had a tape recorder(the ones with 2 spools) and Father Christmas(aka my Dad of course) had recorded a message saying that the elves had been naughty and had hidden some presents, and gave us some clues. My hidden present was a transistor radio, I have never been so excited about any present. Sorry about the long sentance!

    Our Tree and all of the trimmings are going up today, I can't find a decent traditional advent calender here which is a right pain.

    So Deevs my guess is a sprig of holly on yours please.

    Have a great day and keep safe.

    MaW xxx

  • Comment number 15.

    Deevs - I was going to suggest that the chimps were watching Prime Minister's Questions but I though they would probably find the behaviour rather juvenile.

  • Comment number 16.

    Fencing, eh, Big Chief CLP . . .

    I'm sure you POSTED a few silly moves
    I'm sure the STAKES were high,
    I bet the GATE receipts were huge!!! etc etc etc . . .

    Oops! sorry, not that sort of . . .

    'XMAS 10

  • Comment number 17.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 18.

    Afternoon Chris,

    Glad the fencing went OK despite the scars and swipes, I think Jonny won as I am sure he did that sort of thing at public school ;)

    I'm off home in a mo, although I am not looking forward to the walk! I'll give three rings when I've made it.


  • Comment number 19.


    I've given in and switched the heating on. Usually it comes on just before the boys get in but my toes are frosty!

    Loft Rat finally did his job so I've filled the advent calendars up and put the Santa Chimney on the mantle piece

    What will the snowy garden it looks very seasonal

    Take care all

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 20.

    Isn't it a bit risky to fence with that septic finger??

    I'm in the warm watching 'Nativity' it's really funny :-)

    Have a great day x

  • Comment number 21.

    Daughter shovelled a path to my door, and my neighbours, so that's her good deed today for the auld yins.

    We toddled down to the local shop, which had no newspapers, no bread - but it did have fags, milk - and Chrissie - Wine!!

    AnnieOakley - I did wonder if it was you. Hallo


  • Comment number 22.

    Hi brightAnnie and Pen

    Sorry for the confusion, it's been a while hasn't it?! Or as Deevs said when I met her on CiN Friday "It's about blimmin' time", or something like that...

    Glad to hear you've got your supplies Annie, what a lovely daughter you have, doing the shovelling for you.

    I decided there's enough food indoors for the time being so I haven't ventured out since last night's marathon journey, apart from a little stroll along my snowy and icy little sideroad, liberally sprinkled with abandoned cars...

    Take care
    Ann x

  • Comment number 23.

    Hello Chris
    I hope the Fencing went well without incident . We could do with replacing the Waney lap in the garden actually.

    Been on a photo shoot today and wearing a bikini in this weather is no joke.

    Oh what's this Advent Calender all about? Do you have to guess what is behind the window. My Guess then is the gorgeous Alan Carr with holding a candle.

  • Comment number 24.


    Three rings! It were right parky walking but I am safe and warm now. I'm not sure I can do it again tomorrow, it's quite exhausting :(


  • Comment number 25.

    Hi Everyone,

    Chris - saw the pic of your finger, ouch! Glad you survived the fencing.

    I love hearing Noah in the mornings - he is adorable xx

    Sorry but I haven't caught up with all the posts but just wanted to say.

    AliB - pleased you are home safely.

    I've been snowed in yesterday and today, I thought I was being clever arranging a food delivery but they've had to take their vans of the road so that put paid to that idea.

    Roo - welcome to the blog.

    AnnieOakley - nice to see you xx

    Daisy - great news about the tickets, well done.

    Cheryl - if I'm not too late with my guess for the calendar I will say it's a wee robin today.

    Scoobs well done to you and GM for clearing your neighbour's paths.

    I hope everyone is safe and warm.

    Take care
    Mary xx

  • Comment number 26.

    Glad you're home safe Ali.

    Oldest son is stranded in Edinburgh with no trains or buses home. Bloomin snow.


  • Comment number 27.

    Hi Anne

    I hope he manages to get home. It's the same her no buses, trains or taxis!

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 28.

    Hallo Mary, nice to see you.

    Have a friend in Edinburgh who'd give him a bed. Just waiting to hear what's happening.


  • Comment number 29.

    Oh dear Annie, hope you hear soon. Bloody weather!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 30.

    Anne, that's good you have a friend there just in case.

    I've just ventured out to the corner shop which is normally five minutes each way - it's taken me forty minutes!!! Mind you I did help push a couple of cars on the way both nurses - God bless them and all the other nurses including my sister who works nightshift in the community. And of course all the others who serve our communities.

    The snow was up to my knees, I know I'm short but come on! It's strange when the snow is so deep you don't know when you are walking off the pavement onto the road. I did have to take a wee detour because there are steps the way I would normally go but you can't see them!
    It did feel nice being out in the snow and seeing all the Christmas decorations. Now I am back in the warm and can enjoy the wine I guarded with my life on the way back ;o) xx

    Have a nice evening all, stay safe and warm.

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 31.

    Cheers MwK!

  • Comment number 32.

    Oh Mary, that made me laugh - enjoy the wine, thank goodness you didn't fall over.

    I'm enjoying mine too. No bread but who cares when you've got wine?


  • Comment number 33.

    Hallo .... three rings!

    Slid home from work. House cold. Heating now on. Also decided to bake a batch of choccy muffins. They're in the oven now and smell divine - just hope they've risen!

    From reading some of your posts and watching the news I know we've got off lightly here, but I'm still not getting in the car just yet - too many slipping and sliding around on the estate where I work for my liking. Apparently earlier today one of the tenants' had their car driven into by a sliding vehicle, which just drove off. It was caught on our CCTV at work but the picture (due to the snow) was far too grainy to get anything concrete. Some people are just vile.

    Right, fantastic response to the Advent Game Day #1. I can now proudly pronounce that the winner is ......


    It was a Crown.

    And so to tomorrow......


  • Comment number 34.

    Aw bums Deev.

    Poor son is still stuck in Edinburgh but a bus has been promised - who knows if it will turn up? On the plus side, he now has 2 offers of a bed in Edinburgh.


    PS: tomorrow - Santa


  • Comment number 35.

    Evening each!

    Well its still snowing! Almost up to 24 hrs now with the odd half hour of it stopping...novelty totally and utterly worn off now!

    MwK - glad you made it back with the wine safely..priorities! and weve got great neighbours so nice to be able to do something nice for them for a change!

    AnnieG - hope your son gets home safe soon.

    We (the GM has been working from home today too!) had a walk to our local bottom slapping supermarket. Expected to see no bread/milk etc but fair dues..the shelves were full..well done to them! Had lunch there too..just to sustain us for the trek back you understand!

    Right, i fear i am becoming fixated on snow so shall love you and leave you all this evening... off for a cuppa and a chocolate orange muffin that I made earlier..Deevs, great minds and all that!

    Advent.. sticking with a reindeer..cos thats what we need `rain,dear!`...UC, can i borrow that coat..

    mSc x

  • Comment number 36.

    Evening folks! Long time no see!

    What a chilly spell of weather we're having at the mo - hope everyone is coping as best they can with the snow and ice - let's be careful out there.

    Not sure why I've been absent for sooo long, just one of those things but life is still grand and no complaints from me.

    GM just back from chippy (neither could be bothered to cook this evening so cheating!) so am off to dine now.

    Toodle pip xx

  • Comment number 37.

    Just heard from daughter-in-law - bus turned up and son is on his way home. She's got beer and wine chilling in the fridge for him.

    Hallo Scoobs and AS.


  • Comment number 38.

    A CROWN?!?!?! Noooooooooo!!!! OK. Jasper-dog and I are going for baubles for tomorrow. Baubles all the way. This is fun! I haven't got an advent calendar, but Jasper has a 'doggy-treat' one, which he's been eyeing for the past week or two...

    Thank you for all your lovely messages of welcome - so kind of you. Nice and warming amidst all the cold.

    Great to see that Chris survived the fencing with Johnny "I'm going to stab you" Saunders (but DID Johnny?! No mention of his continuing existence, I note... ;-)...)

    Top bit on the show this morning with the King Bish - he always comes across as such a nice man.

    brightAnnie - sorry to hear about your son; hope he'll be OK - sounds like he's got at least a couple of good friends up there. Chocs still intact...?

    Penny-Forem - glad the panto went well; best of... for the rest of the performances and that...

    If Chris decides he likes the fencing - he can always pop round and sort some out in my garden... I think the wood might be going bad. It IS that kind of fencing, right...?!

    Much love to all (special hug for cutie-pie Noah),
    Keep smiling!
    Roo & Jasper xxx

  • Comment number 39.

    Greetings Of Friendly Ter CLP, Jono S & ALL Of The Blog & Further...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP/ Jono S - A first tried fencing when a was 15!!!!!!!!
    A put a line down each side of me mother's back garden after the wind blew down 'er old fence.... Waney lap they are!!!!!!

    Terdees' blog story below a will call: SNOWFALL: (PS all written 100% TRUE)...

    ALL - It's all gone wrong... It's all gone wrong... Ave been driving terdee in me articulated aych gee vee around Manchester... And at last we've been getting a good old dumping off snow!!!!!!!!!
    A was really getting inter the snow... feeling this is nice.... It almost feels like winter in Ukraine!!!!!!!!!

    Then a crossed over the M62 ter do me second delivery near 'alifax up in the 'ills!!!!!!!
    On crossing the 62... The traffic was slow... due to alotta snow!!!!!
    So a rang Sally B with the info on the situation... still feeling calm & enjoying the winter weather.... Until a got inter the Yorkshire 'ills & no sooner 'ad a rang Sal... All 'ell let loose!!!!!!

    A got ter me second store am delivering to... And as it's down side streets a got stuck on a 'ill!!!!!!!!
    Wheelspinning.... A just couldn't get up the 'ill... so much a was starting ter feel ill!!!!!!!!
    Any way a kind man came out of 'is 'ouse with a couple of shovels & 'elped me dig out me rig!!!!!
    Then a bloke in a 4X4 offered ter give me a tow up the 'ill!!!!!!!!
    A said are yer sure a small 4X4 can tow me 25 tonne rig up... He told me 'e's done it before... A wasn't convinced but agreed ter offer 'is kind 'elp!!!!!!!!
    But it was in vain... A ended up sliding down the 'ill dragging 'is 4X4 with me!!!!!!!!!!!
    In fact 'e nearly blew up 'is tyres from wheelspinning too much!!!!!!
    A think people undereastimate just 'ow big & 'eavy aych gee vees are!!!!!!!!
    But a thanked 'im for 'is kind 'elp!!!!!!!

    A few were asking if anyone 'ad any grit or salt... But no luck... So back ter digging.... After an 'our of digging & finally a manged ter get up the 'ill & ter the back of the store ter drop off me delivery!!!!!!!!!!

    A thanked the man with the shovels & on returning te rme truck a slipped over... Straight onter me 'ip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    For amoment the pain was emense... me life flashed before me eyes!!!!!!
    Then a remembered Dr 'ilary Jones who a 'ad 'eard talking on Wrightie's BIG Show this afternoon... And 'ow 'e was advising people not ter go jogging in this weather as yer so easy can break yer 'ip!!!!!
    When 'e said it a thought 'e was going ter break a leg... But when 'e said 'ip... A thought OUCH... That can not be nice!!!!!!!!

    All this flashed through me 'ead... A thought oh no... maybe ave broken me 'ip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    A was lying in the road, behind me rig, flat on the snowy road with stars whizzing all around me 'ead (and snowflakes)(by the way it was snowflakes not dandruff)... But a mangaged ter get up... With the incredible strength of mind a pocessAnd luckily am ok!!!!!!!!
    It goes ter show all that going ter the gym... Am stronger & fitter than a thought a might be... Able tyer take a good knock!!!!!!!!!

    Any way... A managed after an 'our & a quarter ter get ter the back of the store & start unloading.... And the first item on a was delivering ter the store..... Anti-freeze!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Bye from a slightly bruised Bingo Star!

  • Comment number 40.

    brightAnnie - good news about your son. Phew! Why not celebrate with a chocolate or nine...? xx

  • Comment number 41.

    Aye up!

    The muffins have risen, and in the name of science, I've had a taste and they are raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaather delish!

    On the down side, Nic is working late and probably won't be home til near 9pm. Not good.

    Good to "see" you AS - enjoy the fishandchips. Jealous? Moi? Yep!

    And good news about your son Annie. Hope he's home safe and sound with his family soon.

    Now, what shall I do .......?


  • Comment number 42.

    Behave yourself Roo!! No, no, don't make me.

    Bingo - glad your 'ip is ok.


  • Comment number 43.

    Deev - I might wrap some pressies.


  • Comment number 44.

    I've haven't got any to wrap yet. Nor any paper to wrap them with.


    Bingo - hope you've not got the hippy hippy shakes!


  • Comment number 45.

    Noooooo...to early to wrap presents!

    Just open some adult pop and put some cheesy music on and chill Deevs...sounds like a plan!

    Annie, glad son on way home..

    AS - wotcha to you! We have chippy tea on Monday as really CBA,will have to make an effort and cook something here soon now... glad you well!

    Not here..

    mSc x

    PS - Still snowing..boring myself now.. x

  • Comment number 46.

    Really feeling for all of you with proper bad weather

    Bingo - Bet you'll have a bruise to rival CLP's (((x)))

    Hasn't snowed again here today but is very cold so has got icy

    On the plus side, we opened up our fireplace today. It's obviously been closed off for years and the spider who'd made his home behind the board wasn't very happy but the sweep had a huge vacuum cleaner and eventually managed to wrench his 8 little legs off the wall and
    wrestle him into the hose!!

    Now all we need are some logs and we'll be toasty!!

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 47.

    Scoobs - not boring at all. As 8yr old said yesterday - This is more snow than I've seen in my life!!!! So true.


  • Comment number 48.

    Annie G - Me 'ip is ok but me back is 'urting... A few press ups & side bends & a should be able ter looosen it up!!!!!

    Am just on me tachograph break & been writing the above blog at the back of the store... ave just popped back in the store ter buy some grub... And notice the anti-freeze & de-icer ave just been delivering is called 'Blue Star!!!!' 100% TRUE!!!!!!!!!

    Ironic since ave been stukc in the snow & a am black 'n blue!!!!!


  • Comment number 49.

    Oh no I've missed the advent calendar guessing. That's what happens when it takes you nearly two hours to get home again!!

    Fed up with this now and it's not fun when you have to try and get to and from work. Meant to be the company C-word 'do' tomorrow night but no idea how many people will actually be able to get there. I'm reserving judgement on whether I am going until at least lunch time if not going home time tomorrow.

    Sorry for the rant but I just don't do cold.

    Susan xx
    PS I was going to guess sledge

  • Comment number 50.

    Susn - there's another 23 windows to go yet ...!


  • Comment number 51.

    Don't go Suse, go home.....

    Chris on the One show tomorrow?


  • Comment number 52.

    Evening CLP and blogging operatives, hope everyone has made it back home and is now nice and toasty and cosy! (that includes your son Annie)

    Oh and Annie I am a tiny bit older than your grandson Annie, but this is more snow than I have ever had to deal with before in my 30 1/2 years on the planet!

    Am so full of praise for the bus drivers of Edinburgh, who have kept the buses running to the extent they have. Each driver has been getting an extra big "thank you" from me when I get off!!

    Right, as I was too late to guess for tonight's advent calendar pic, can I put in an early guess for tomorrow? I go a big fat Christmas pud



  • Comment number 53.

    It's out company "do" this Friday. I've boycotted it on the grounds that (a) it's staff only and (b) for what it's going to cost per head (meal, hotel, open bar etc) I'd rather have that in my pay packet than on my hips.


  • Comment number 54.

    Rosie - a huge thank you too to the driver who is running his bus from Edinburgh to Dunbar to get son home.

    Deevs - quite right too on the Christmas Do. Bet it would cost a fortune.


  • Comment number 55.

    Thanks Annie - very tempted not to go but it's my first one and don't want to look like a killjoy even tho it's the weathers fault and not mine. On a much better note will make sure I struggle to the new HC shop on Blackett Street tomorrow lunchtime to get my free prosecco and choccie tasters - well I have an invitation so it would be rude not to. I think the thought of it is keeping me going this week.

    Deevs I know I can guess for the other days so just in case I am not around at the right time tomorrow - mistletoe is what I am guessing for 2nd December

    Sus xx

  • Comment number 56.

    Sorry b-Annie! You know how, sometimes in old cartoons, two figures appear on a character's shoulders? One is a winged and white-clad figure, encouraging the character to do good...?

    I'm sort-of the OTHER figure... Doing the hellacious hula, encouraging other to join me on the Way of the Doughnut... ;-)

  • Comment number 57.

    Evening all,

    Glad to hear you're all safely back home - I'm sitting very toasty in front of the woodburner with Tiger Lilly (kitten) and Treacle (older cat) on my lap (well, sort of as the laptop is also fighting for position...)and Mr CG has brought me a very welcome and large glass of merlot ......mmmmm, sigh.....contentment.
    Hark - is that sleigh bells I hear in the distance? No it's Deevs Advent calendar calling..........

    I vote Shepherd for tomorrow Deevs......... and is there a muffin going spare? :-)

    CG xx

  • Comment number 58.

    There's 11 spare muffins at the mo CG!


  • Comment number 59.

    Well won't you look at that ..... it's snowing outside.



  • Comment number 60.

    Me me me please Deevs xxx

  • Comment number 61.

    For a muffin not the bloomin' snow. LOL

  • Comment number 62.

    I WOULD beg shamelessly for one of the 11 - but my mum made blueberry muffins today and she gave me a couple (Jasper goes to her house on Wednesdays, instead of accompanying me to work) this evening. I haven't eaten them yet. So I think Deevs' Muffins of Mightiness ought to go to one less-fortunate than myself.

    Jazz and I are still rooting for baubles tomorrow. Could be purple, blue, gold or red. Could even be green. But baubles nonetheless. Indeed the "dog's baubles of Chrimble decorations".


  • Comment number 63.

    Deevs, I'd help you out with the muffins but I'm saving myself for tomorrow - boy1 is making mince pies at school so they're sure to be good aren't they? ;-)

    Roo, Jasper sounds like a dog of some distinction!

    Just went out in the car and it was doing something wet from the sky. Not sure if it's more snow yet but it's trying!

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 64.

    Have just left a review on Amazon about my Kindle. It's driving me mad!!!!

    Am having to reboot it at least twice a day - and every time I lose my place in my book. What's it all about??


  • Comment number 65.

    Sezza - ah, yes. He is. It's been many years since things started to go astray. I am just a puppet-owner these days; my existence serving the sole purpose of making his dog's life more comfortable. I fully understand where I sit in the scheme of things. Well and TRULY under his dewclaw, Sezza, well and truly under his dewclaw...

    I knew the day had come when I arrived home with a small tub of supermarket pasta-salad for my dinner - to find that the dog-sitter had also left a little tub of summat for Jasper. Cubes of medium-rare, pan-seared, fillet-steak. I looked at MY dinner - then at Jazz eating HIS dinner - and I knew that, almost imperceptibly, the balance of power had shifted.

    Hey-ho. Acceptance, they say, is the first step on the road to recovery...

    Keep smiling!
    Rufus xxx

  • Comment number 66.

    Back again, posting twice in one day - almost unheard of from this neck of the woods!

    Scoobs & Deevs - good to see you both, hope you are both well and keeping out of mischief, lol!

    Not daring to look out the windows in case the white stuff has started to fall!

    Oooooohhhh, just remembered I need to go and put the dustbin out, unless I can twist GM's arm to go and do it :)

    AS x

  • Comment number 67.

    Wooo Hooo! My lovely gawjus (workaholic!) man is on the way home at last. Still, serves him right for only having a 2 day week. lol

    We may get to watch The Apprentice this evening after all!

    Roo - you're making me laugh! Keep up the good work ... and what's Jasper's Tweet ID!?!?


  • Comment number 68.

    Staff do's? The stuff of nightmares!

    I worked nights for 5 years in a care home and there was one table with day staff and one with night staff. And, as it had to be organised in two outings as obviously some night staff had to be on duty, it was a lonely old table.

    I am on the huge puter as my cable on my lappy came dangerously close to going on fire today. Luckily, I had only just plugged it in and spotted it right away, otherwise, I dread to think, what I might have come home to.

    I am hoping to get it sorted at the weekend so will be mainly lurking until then.

    My usual message applies, keep warm and keep safe. Bingo you might need some witch hazel for those bruises, I heard Sally Traffic read out your report.


  • Comment number 69.

    Due to my redundancy in October I get out of the work 'do' - woooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooooooo :)

    AS x

  • Comment number 70.

    Deevs - thank you so much. xx Glad your man is back safe. What would they do without us to come home to?!

    I do have a Twitter account - but Jasper says that twittering is what birds do. The Whiskered Wonder himself can be found by Googling "Jasper dog's blog" - he should be the top result (ends in blogspot dot com). The trouble is that he's got too much to say for himself than is generally allowable on Twitter...!

    Bingo - for bruises, experience has taught me to recommend Arnica. Much relief to be found therein.

    R xxx

  • Comment number 71.

    Evening all,

    Blimey this weather is kettling me swede .

    I can confess to having got sucked into I'm a Celebrity. I have been conducting my own sofa tucker trials, consisting of selection box consumption, whilst swaddled in a duvet.

    Today, i have carried out two good turns. The first was picking the Health and Safety manager up off the car park , after he had a little fall on the ice.
    The second has been making Mr Mc a Lemsip, as we have a severe ourbreak of manflu.

    Right, off to see how quick i can eat a crunchie.

    Take care , its a jungle out there.

    MC xxxx

  • Comment number 72.

    I actually don't mind our staff do

    It helps that a - it's paid for and b - is only a lunch and was just up road from me this year and c- I get on with enough of my colleagues and I only see them once a month that we have a laugh!

    Mr Sezza managed to get their staff do cancelled years ago and now they get a Christmas Box instead - wine and choccies and dodgy sherry!

    I think it's better!!

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 73.

    Hi MC, glad to see you back!

    Well, I had a choice pn the way home, the M56/M6 and all the idiots, or country roads...and THE BRIDGE!!

    I chose the bridge route, at least that way the accident is only going to be at 30 mph, instead of 90!

    Anyhow, home unscaved, probably annoyed some peeps driving slowly, but although it says "3.2L Quattro" on the back, it has low profile tyres, and is absolutely hopeless as a 4WD! But not as hopeless as the Merc, which needs to be sold ASAP, or I'll be having to drive a manual Impreza very soon, and I'll be very embarrassed!!!

    Hoping it snows really big over night, as CBA to go to work tomorrow!

    JG x

  • Comment number 74.

    MMMMCCCCeeeee you're back.... I hope you and Mr MC are OK - see one of my links last week (it came from another blogger) regarding the serious affliction that is manflu.

    Keep eating the choccie (apparently Annie's got some going spare, she say's that they're for christmas presents but she hasn't wrapped them yet. imho that means that they are game to be eaten and replaced).

    Thank you everybody who has responded regarding my invisible tweets, I have changed back to the old version and now see all tweets.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 75.

    MC - fight through, my friend. Break that sofa/chocs pain-barrier; it's tough but necessary.

    Isn't Lemsip Opik a LibDem MP? How would his heated juices help with the accursed manflu?

    (N.B. Manflu isn't limited to human males. Jasper-dog is regularly afflicted with petty ailments that he deems to be the equivalent of major international crises. I can tell you that getting a male dog was a real eye-opener. Regardless of species - they are all the same. But I STILL love them best though... x)! I find the threat of callling out the local emergency GP often works wonders... Mention an essential injection in the botty (which you just happened to have requested from said GP on his behalf) and I can almost guarantee that you'll witness a miraculous recovery of almost Biblical-proportions...).

    Sorry Chris/Johnny/Noah. It's tough but true.

    Keep smiling!

    Roo and Jasper xx

  • Comment number 76.

    Roo, sorry, I've not welcomed you yet! I've enjoyed your posts and Jasper's blog!

    I have a dog, a Welsh Terrier, called Finlay, also rescued, at 2 years old! Now 8!! How did that happen!! Currently fast asleep in his basket, dreaming of more snow!

    At the risk of annoying the others, if I don't get to my Mum's I'll post the link to him dancing in the snow, failing that, you can search you-tube for my blog name, and you should find it...

  • Comment number 77.

    Where did my ...

    JG x


  • Comment number 78.

    JG, Hope you are coping with the journey. Tonight, i have been into the shed and reunited with "spade" . I know we dont have the same quantity of snow that arrived in January, but just incase we get a downfall tonight, I will be ready to dig my tyres free in the morning. I got rather attached to spade last time, i was hoping we werent going to have to see each other so soon .

    MTD, the manflu is intermittent , I am just tutting and oohing and ahhhing after each sneeze to show my sympathy .

    Roo, hello, i will check out your blog , nice to see you.

    Right , off to bed

    Oh, we dont have a works do, most of the departments are at war with each other during the year, a full on party might just be the straw that broke the camels back.

    MC xx

  • Comment number 79.

    JG - THANK YOU!!! I think you have mentioned Finlay in one of your blog comments posted in my direction! Jasper will sniff you out - and we'll be pleased to find you. x

    First mother's muffin consumed - Jasper petitioning me for the second. But I'm winning!

    R/J xx

  • Comment number 80.

    NIght All

    Stay safe


  • Comment number 81.

    Oh I am so lucky the MG (that is Mr Georgeous) came home and cooked a Vesta Chow Mein all himself. Well I was painting my nails and could not afford to get them smudged for in sake of cooking.


  • Comment number 82.

    The full Vesta range is available at a 99p shop near you!
    How cheap is that? I am sure they were more expensive when they were fashionable in the 70s!


  • Comment number 83.

    George and I met on the Waltzers when he was with a Travelling Fair ground. He spun me right round baby right round.

  • Comment number 84.

    Right. CRISIS.

    Just sent Jasper out to do last, post-sleep wee-mail. Opened door.


    Said rude words (many) in front of Jasper.

    What happened?!?! "Light snow showers", the ±«Óãtv said - "LIGHT snow showers"!

    Last Jaspie-wee = an hour ago. No snow, all clear.
    THIS Jaspie-wee = just now. AT LEAST an inch of snow.

    And I ate the last mummy-muffin ten minutes ago.

    Deevs - 11 muffins! STAT!!!

    And do you know what makes it worse? Do you?!? Jasper squealed with delight when he saw the snow, which will tomorrow see me either not going to work (thus being scythed down like wheat by the office bully) - or dying in the attempt to get there.

    Why, God, WHY?!?! I've been so good this year! (Apart from the killings and that...)

    As the great Edmund Blackadder once said:-

    "I believe the phrase rhymes with 'clucking bell'."

    Sleep sound my friends. Because I shall not.

    Nevertheless - as always - keep smiling!

    Ruth & (an inordinately-delighted) Jasper

  • Comment number 85.

    MC - thank you so much.

    MTF - Are Vesta Paellas still available? Me likey!

    Snow worse. Probably shouldn't have looked. Why did the weather people lie? WHY?

    Sleep sound, sweet dreams.

    Stay safe and warm all and - above all - keep smiling.

    Ruth & Jasper

  • Comment number 86.

    Last post from me tonight. Just had snowball-fight with a neighbour and Jasper-dog. I got Jasper full-on on his snout. Now he's having a Johnny-strop because I won.

    Sweet dreams! 'Night all.

    R&J xx

  • Comment number 87.

    Morning all

    We have snow falling now - Beeb weather said no snow earlier but now says light snow (it changes retrospectively I'm sure)

    Thankfully, I do not intend to go anywhere today, my car is though - the garage are going to be picking it up for servicing and (hopefully) delivering it back shiny and new later.....

    Take care out there.


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 88.

    Morning ALL,

    Well,what can I say but snow,snow everywhere and no going to work for me today.I do hope that all of you are safe out there ,I did see that a couple of you are not going anywhere also.

    My employers were supposed to be flying out to Antigua this morning from Gatwick ,but they are now going on Sunday hopefully.

    WE have some elderly neighbours ,so I'll go and see if they need anything.

    Now the problem is what do I do with an impromptus day off ???.


    Stay safe out there ,and if you don't have to go Dont.

  • Comment number 89.

    Deev , A sprig of Holly.
    Now I know I had it yesterday ,do I have that everyday and hedge my bets that I get it on one day or do I random guess ??.


  • Comment number 90.

    Mornin' all. Well we've had snow all night and it's still snowing now. Before I made the decision to try to get into work I thought I'd check my work emails. Just as well I did, as there was an email from the guv'nor saying that the office is closed - soooo glad I didn't dig the car out for nothing!!

    To cheer you up, here's a winter pome that someone sent me. I thought it might be a comfort to you. It was to me, and it's very well written.
    I felt it really captured my own feelings about winter.

    'WINTER', a poem by Abigail Elizabeth McIntyre

    S**T... It's Cold!

    The End

    Take care out there everyone and stay warm.

    jillygoat xx

  • Comment number 91.

    Morning from a snowy Cannockshire!

    I left home earlier than normal this morning to get in and get cracking, got to the corner of the Close and the heavens opened to a mini blizzard, then got to work - all white and snowy - and couldn't log onto the system til 9am. So, not a grand start to the day.

    7 Advent guesses thus far .....

    and I'll go for a Plum Pudding today. One's bound to turn up sooner or later and give us all indigestion.

    Muchos Amore!


  • Comment number 92.

    Good morning everyone.

    MissToeDipper - we had a similar forecast. "Light snow", they said. "LIGHT snow". Overnight to now = almost eight inches and still snowing. Why did they lie, MTD, why did they lie?

    Jasper is beside himself with joy. Hmmm... We're just off to make sure that aged mother and even-more-aged mother's neighbour are OK. Pix later on Jasper's blog (probably not of aged folk though, hehe...)

    PLEASE stay safe out there. If it's not an emergency it's NOT worth it.

    Bids - after checking elders, Jasper and I are going to make some more bird-seed cakes for our wild feathery chums. The thought of hoovering the house passed through my mind - but didn't stay long. Bird-seed cakes it is!

    Keep smiling!!

    Ruth & Jasper xxx

  • Comment number 93.

    Hello Roo ,don't think we've spoke yet!! .you and I must be in the same neck of the woods ,seeing that we've both had the same amount of Snow .About eight or nine inches here.


  • Comment number 94.

    SNOW DAY!!!!

  • Comment number 95.

    SNOW DAY!!!

    Tried to get out of my little cul de sac and skidded twice. Also got a message from the cars saying brakes not happy so turned car round and came home.

    Boys already home so am going to make boy1 do his cookery lesson so should have home made mince pies soon

    Our guess for the advent calendar is a toy soldier/nutcracker type picture

    Boy2 want to guess Noah but he was over-ruled!!

    Stay safe

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 96.

    Morning all,

    Well what a difference a day makes! Woke up this morning in South Somerset, to loads of fresh snow! I have made it the 40 odd miles into Devon to work however looking at the forecast I am going to stay at home tomorrow (as long as I get home that is). Local news is saying we could get another 10cms today.

    At two weeks old is George too young to have a go on a sledge? ;-)

    Ruth and Jasper, welcome to the mad house. ;-) xx

    Deeves, a bell?

    Keep smiling


  • Comment number 97.

    Nearly forgot - Deevs my guess is a robin (again - I'll keep on till one turns up).

    btw did you not read last night's blog, plum pudding a plenty.....

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 98.

    Hi guys. ..

    We has snow. . Fb pic. ... Not heaps but some at least. .

    Daughter 2 at college Daughter 3 at school. Daughter 1 moved out last year...

    Hope everyone good. .

    My guess for advent calendar is. ... Robin in the snow. . Very appropriate with the weather lol xx

    billie xxx

  • Comment number 99.

    Morning All,

    It snowed all night and it's still snowing now. I donned the wellies (green) and walked to the church but I am not going any further FACT! As soon as I am done here I shall go home and will next venture out on Saturday to purchase my weekly paper.

    Deev, I'm sticking with a snowman (I think that's what I chose yesterday?!?)

    Keep warm my lovlies xx


  • Comment number 100.


    and mtd - yes. sad isn't it ....



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