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Upsides and Upslides.

Chris Evans | 12:56 UK time, Monday, 22 November 2010

Always look for the upside in life, or up "slide" if you are an ickle telly watcher. You see, Mickey Mouse magically goes up his slide instead of down - which our Noah loves. Trouble is, he now wants one...and as far as I am aware, the Upslide is yet to be invented in the real world.

So, as Noah looks on longingly with a tear of innocent despair forming in the corner of his eye, all I can do is try and convince the little one that Daddy's not being a cheapskate, and that pesky Mickey is having a right laugh at our expense.

It can be such a cruel world sometimes.


2010 (soon to be 11)


P.S. The bloggers were out in force on Friday at Radio 2 answering phones for Children In Need. They come in peace, armed only with Sharpies and books to sign. 'Twas a pleasure.



  • Comment number 1.

    Hi Chris

    Thanks so much for your time on Friday. Yes, Tash is stunning and Yes, Noah is absolutely adoreable!

    And how chuffed was I to be greeted by that daft giant puppy of a man Saunders with a cheery "Hi Cheryl, how's things?!"

    Wow, wow and thrice wow!

    Til Pudsey 2011 .....


  • Comment number 2.

    Christoph - as one of the bloggers at R2 on Friday answering phones, can I please just say thanks so much to you and all the other DJs and their guests for your time and patience in signing our books, skin etc! You were all wonderful and we had an absolutely fantastic time.

    jillygoat (still utterly star-struck!) xx

  • Comment number 3.

    Surely we came in pieces because we didn't all arrive together.

    I missed meeting Mr CLP himself but was very excited when I phoned my Mum at 7pm to give her the full blown run down of my afternoon meeting all sorts of people.

  • Comment number 4.

    jillygoat - I know - everyone was so lovely! I quickly finished my call and nipped round my desk to talk to Richard A but he was about to head of for a meeting but took the time to quickly pose for a piccy.

    CLP - I think Rips collared you with a pile of books. You signed two for me so thank you muchlie :) Unfortunately they got a little splashed when my cola got knocked over when my donation sheets were being collected :(

  • Comment number 5.

    Afternoon Chris,

    It 'twas our/my pleasure to do our little bit for Charity and thanks for signing things xx

    I do think children's programs have an awful lot to answer for! Half the little girls talk with an American twang and sentances that go up at the end no thanks to Miley Cyrus etc. And they all have terrible attitude too! You didn't get that in my day ;)

    Deev, I'm sure you refresh the page every couple of minutes waiting for Chris to blog so you can be the first...LOL :) Cause you usually are xx

    Down at the church now, where it's freezing! Brrrr


  • Comment number 6.


    Take Noah to a department store, place him on an escalator, then as you're going up, tell him that an `upslide' like this one is too big to get down the chimney. Promise you'll visit regularly - result one happy child and no financial outlay required.

    Alternatively get a Stannah stairlift.

  • Comment number 7.

    Thanks again CLP - both my books signed, a piccie (thanks to Cathmel who covered my camera malfunction very well) and a peck - you is the man.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 8.

    LOL Ali ... fraid not. All down to timing and chance. The MD is in today - he wot can see my monitor - so no blogging for me during work time. At this moment in time tho I am at lunch and he has nipped out.



  • Comment number 9.

    LOL xx Huzzah indeed Deevs

  • Comment number 10.

    Just a thought ......

    Chris, if we all come back to R2 next November to assist Pudsey in making gadzillions of squids for the kiddiewinkles, will you be writing Book 3 so that we've all got something to get signed!?

    No? Thought not ..!


  • Comment number 11.

    D'ya know what?


    Despite having a throat that feels like sandpaper, and a body that feels in need of some human-form of WD40, and a head that feels like a Blacksmith is using it as an anvil, I am really happy!


  • Comment number 12.

    LOL Deevs, I was wondering what Chris would sign next year!

    Scarily, we could be down to skin!

    Although, after this week we could be taking "Chris's Book Of Recipes I Tried For Saturday Kitchen Until I Found One That Worked!!!!" Might be a bit of a long book!

    After my busy weekend and the boys being away too - sleepover huh! - came as close as I ever have to declaring a duvet day and hiding away

    Only the final rehersal for the school play motivated us - thankfully come Friday, the play will be over and my live can go back to normal(ish!)

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 13.

    Afternoon CLP, where did the time go on Friday?? One minute we were wondering into the phone room looking at all those busy phone-answerers, then it was our turn - eeek - then it was over, 9 hours gone in a flash! Oh yes, there were many memorable moments, everytime I looked up from my little laptop there was another well-know face or voice coming through the door, brilliant! Thank you to all at R2, we were made to feel so welcome.

    And I finally met some bloggers - wonderful peeps to a person!!

    Ann xxx

  • Comment number 14.

    Hahaha Seza - I thought of a CLP tome on all things cookery too!

    Or hows about this Chris ......

    Let's all submit recipes for a special edition CiN Pudsey's Favourites For 2011.

    That could work ..... HellenBach: where are you ....!?!?!


  • Comment number 15.

    Deevs - funnily enough, I had the same thought, but luckily I've still got volume 1 to be signed, so that will have to do.

    But if there is a volume 3, perhaps us bloggers will get a mensh?!!!!

    I still haven't come back down to earth - don't know about anyone else.

    jillygoat/jollygit/meerkat x

  • Comment number 16.

    Uncle Carl - you are a genius!

  • Comment number 17.

    JiilyJollyMeerkat - me neither, am going to have to work v v hard this pm to make up for it! Well, stranger things have happened...

    A x

  • Comment number 18.

    Annie - am loving my new name - jillyjollymeerkat!! Wonder if I should adopt it for a while?

  • Comment number 19.

    Did bloggers hear Chris play your dear friend Beez's favourite song "Sylvia" by Focus just after 8.30am this morning? Also, just before the 8.30 news, he said he'd better 'get a wiggle on'! :o))

  • Comment number 20.

    JJM - if you like it, it's yours!

    SylviaB88 - yes, I heard that too he made me smile - she's still with us, isn't she?

  • Comment number 21.

    Cheers Annie, most kind. I'm thinking of writing another book - `Christmas On A Shoestring' - with ideas like:

    When your child breaks their new toy on Christmas morning, don't despair. Simply put it back in the box and return it to them next year, along with a tube of glue and tell them it's a model kit.

    I know I've said this in the past, but I think I'm on to a winner here...

  • Comment number 22.

    Hello CLP & Everyone.

    A cold, bright and dry day here on the Wirral peninsula.

    I've been trying to work out how you can solve your problem Chris.
    I have to say that I like Uncle Carl's suggestion re the escalater or stairlift.

    But then it came to me! We used to go to the local park and very rarely slid down the slide. No, we used to see how far up we could run sometimes reaching the top. It was great fun.

    You could show Noah how to go up a slide in this way Chris and all will be well!

    MM x (still aged 5)

  • Comment number 23.

    It all sounded like a real hoot on Friday! Well done to all the folks who took part – heroes and heroines, one and all . . .

    In other news, 7 weeks and counting ‘till Dan-the-Man becomes Dan-the-Married-Man . . .. .help, help, let me be guided along this path with love and serenity from all . . .

    DtM x

  • Comment number 24.

    Chris - you were pretty awesome on Friday - thank you for that and how wonderful to have the chance to see Noah in all his cuteness in action, and to have a chat to your wonderful Tash - what a lovely lovely lady - if you read this out to her - she was chatting to Seza, Alib and me - about the "first bacon buttie" and the "nooooooooooooooooooooo" in your head after she left you in the lift! ;-D

    Thank you again


  • Comment number 25.

    Loving the stories and photo's from Friday..... and how cute is Noah?!

    UC's solution to CLP's problem is just the best!!!

    Now I am busy, busy and not here but a friend has just sent me this and I wanted to share........

    A fifteen year old Amish boy and his father were in a mall. They were amazed by almost everything they saw, but especially by two shiny, silver walls that could move apart and then slide back together again.
    The boy asked, 'What is this Father?'
    The father (never having seen an elevator) responded, 'Son, I have never seen anything like this in my life,
    I don't know what it is.'

    While the boy and his father were watching with amazement, a fat old lady in a wheel chair moved up to the moving walls
    and pressed a button. The walls opened, and the lady rolled between them into a small room. The walls closed, and the
    boy and his father watched the small numbers above the walls light up sequentially.

    They continued to watch until it reached the last number, and then the numbers began to light in the reverse order.
    Finally the walls opened up again and a gorgeous 24-year-old blond stepped out.

    The father, not taking his eyes off the young woman, said quietly to his son......
    'Go get your Mother.'

    Have a lovely afternoon!
    Matt and Aliona for Strictly crown!!!
    Love Daisy xxxxx

  • Comment number 26.

    Daisy - brilliant!

  • Comment number 27.

    Chris- What a wonderful chap you are!! In your busy, busy schedule you managed to find plenty of time to hug and chat to us, sign copies of your book and make us feel part of your world. Your little boy is gorgeous, as edible as the cookie he was eating!

    I thought of Beez when you said 'must get a wriggle on' and then moments later played Sylvia by Focus. She is still very much here in all our thoughts.

    Mcw x

  • Comment number 28.

    Hi Chris: thank you and thanks also to the team for all the hard work last week - it was all worthwhile: what an incredible CiN effort this year!

    Thank you for being so kind to our lovely blogger friends - they had a wonderful time. Mary tells me my book is signed - thank you so much!

    UC: excellent!

    DtM: your "big day" must be around the time of my "big day", coming up for 35 years ago: 17th January 1976! Much love and serenity to you and your wife-to-be. xx

    Daisy: absolutely loved it!

    SylviaB/Mcw: yes, Beez was very much on my mind this morning.

    C xx

  • Comment number 29.

    Once again thank you for spending so much time with us. I am chuffed to bits with my photos and glad to have helped Misstoetipper with her camera malfunction. Tash is just lovely and Noah was so unfazed by the event and even signed a few books himself.

    Chris - I know we all volunteered and did our bit for CIN but to be honest I would have paid you for the experience - where else on one day can you meet the friendly bloggers, you en famille, marky mark, Hiten, ken, lynne, jez vine, rolf harris, amanda holden, richard allinson, sally traffic & simon mayo.............oh and I nearly forgot Paul Gamboccini

    Cannot wait until next year.

    Also Maddie was made up to find her CIN autograph book filled up when I got home.

  • Comment number 30.

    Right guys over and out for me for a few days, no chance of blogging at new job! And not sure when I will be getting a lap top - but when I do, you will all keep me company for my nights darn London town!

    No hope of catching up on Saturday, but I'll see you then and report back on the tooings and froings of Media Village! And with my trusty ±«Óãtv employee pass - you never know where I might end up! LOL

    still feeling the love

  • Comment number 31.

    Ello CLP & ALL Bloggies... And Noah & Tash & ALL At R2... Oh And Pudsey Too...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - Am so busy at work today 'ave not got the speare time to write all a wanter about me very enjoyable experience on Friday...

    But i'll bang me FULL report of this week...

    Just ter keep it quick as me mind & sanity & boss allows me...

    Just wanted ter say it was brilliant to meet you again CLP.... and really nice a tlast ter meet little Noah & the missus with th elow 'anicap... aka Tash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The whole day was awesome... am sad a didn't ge tme photo taken with more people... from 'ells Bells ter Amanda 'olden... ter Pudsey... ter Paul Gambo ter.... Rolf 'arris!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    A always getta bit embarressed making a fuss around celebs... and what with trying ter keep busy with the main reason a was there ter 'elp the CiN phoneline gig!!!!!!!

    But all in all.... a brilliant day for all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Me biggest dissappointment was not meeting me all time 'ero of broadcasting.... Wrightie what with 'im being away.... or was 'e????????

    A can't 'bear' to think this but who was inside that Pudsey suit that a kept brushing shoulders with????????? LOL!!!!!!!!!!

    PS CLP - Whatta lovely little boy Noah is... and very intelligent for 'is young age!!!!!
    A notice 'ow 'e signed me book the same direction as you did CLP... that's amazing for a 2 year old!!!!!!!!!!!
    A think Noah with your's & Tash's support is going to grow up & be someone we will all know of - know what am sayin'!!!!!!!

    As for the Mikey Mouse.... ain't life great as a kid... wish a was 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    PS The cheapskate.... one of me relationships ended after a was accused of being a cheapskate.... a took 'er on a BOGOF offer date ter me local ice rink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    She told me a was a cheapskate & ter BOGOF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Can't win all!!!!!!!!!

    PPS Just wanter say congrates ter Keith aka The NotSoBigUn... on becoming a grandad over the weekend and 'is daughter 'aving a litte-un!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 32.

    Debs: hope all goes well with your new job. We will be here for you, when you get back to us! xx

    Cathmel: Marky Mark? Marky Mark? My hero! Is he lovely? I'll bet he is!

    C xx

  • Comment number 33.

    Hi all,

    Chris ,Yes didn't these here bloggers do well .Poor Noah and his Micky mouse ,I'm sure that you'll sort something for the little man

    Well my visit to the dentist was for a filling for the time being ,may loose the tooth eventually,but hey he's saved it for now.
    One side of my face is still numb ,but have managed a sarnie .

    Lots of more lovely posts today ,think it's going to carry on for a while yet ,but isn't it great .

    Debs .good luck up down Essex .safe traveling .

    Crissie nice to see you ,Only seem to catch sight of you and then we miss each other .hope your well and that your Monday isn't as bad as you expected .


  • Comment number 34.

    Update: home with a Beechams and my pillow .... x

  • Comment number 35.

    snuggle down then Deev,By the way simons not with you is he ???.LOl.
    Take care hunny bun .


  • Comment number 36.

    Definitely nobody called Simon here ....!



  • Comment number 37.

    Hi Bids: nice to see you, too. I know, we never really get the chance to "chat" as we are always on the blog at different times. Hope your wee mouth recovers soon! And, thank you, I have survived Monday - but as I suspected, it has been such a long day!

    Cheryl: very sensible to have gone home. Take it easy and stay warm.

    Must say, I am sooooo looking forward to Friday - ten degrees below freezing! H-E-L-P !!!

    C xx

  • Comment number 38.

    Off home now - praise be!

    Have a nice evening everyone.

    C xx

  • Comment number 39.


    Please see the Discussion board on CLP bloggers on FaceBook for CiN 2011 news ......

    Thank you.


  • Comment number 40.

    CLP, Tash and and ickle cutie Noah

    So great great great to meet ya and the Kids Korner childcare absolutely LOVE their autograph.

    Poor ickle Noah being mislead by mickey and his friends - I wud have words if I were you. Now I have the M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E song in my head!!!!

    Lovely blogs from everybody and so can't wait for the whole experience again.

    Absolutely loved meeting everyone and can't wait until the next blog met.

    Lynn Bowles said somebody should write a book about the bloggers so quick get writing and published and clp can sign next year


  • Comment number 41.

    Done as instructed!
    Off skittling now, ttfn

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 42.


    check and completed

    I am still up on the cloud


  • Comment number 43.

    Evening all

    No time like the present so all done Deevs

    Get betterer soon young lady xx


  • Comment number 44.

    Chrissie - yep Marky Mark himself waiting in a range rover parked outside western house :-)

  • Comment number 45.


    CanI just say that it is really good to see Uncle Carl again!! Missed our Tv/gameshow chats!

    Hope all have had a good day. Still smiling CiN-era??!! I am!

    Alex-Firl (previously MissP)

  • Comment number 46.

    Firl? No, Girl!!

  • Comment number 47.

    Done Deevs - I think we may well be oversubscribed, mind you we could work out an internal shift system and do some time collecting and sorting pledges.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 48.

    Done Deevs... and hopefully I won't be lumbered by a miserable git that says "No" to everything by then!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 49.

    JG I am so glad you are coming next year - and as far as the MOG goes - it's none of his business, it's your life and you're living it.

    Take care

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 50.

    Thanks Deevs, have forgotten to add we are happy to do the full shift .
    Hope you are feeling better .

    So, the parcel i was waiting for since last Wednesday, when i was home to receive it, has been duly delivered today, when i was back at work . So, its one nil to the post office . However," i will be back ", with my little card in hand and my birth certificate, driving licence, marriage certificate, passport , and anything else i can muster to prove i am me.

    MC xx

  • Comment number 51.

    Thanks mtd!! Finlay will have to go into kennels, but it'll be worth it!

    MTF, you seriously don't want to share a room with me, although, by the sound of your coach trip, maybe that'd be better?

    Do you like the smell of Olbas Oil? lol

    JG x

  • Comment number 52.

    Oh MC, that's why I get everything delivered to work!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 53.

    Ah, food may be ready...??

    I am the master of slow-cooking...I am fed up of burning stuff!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 54.

    Evening alll ,nice to see you alll signingup for next year ,well done .

    JG ,thats really cheered me up to see that you have finally decided to do something for (you) for a change ,ggod girl .xxx.

    Been looking at all the pics on t'other side ,they are great and that Matt from Drive time ,well what can I say .I am right smitten!!!


  • Comment number 55.

    MC - how do we know that's you though?


    Or is it?!


  • Comment number 56.


    LOL , I'm not sure, just going off the pieces of paper i have collected over the years .

    Hope you are well,

    MC maybe xx

  • Comment number 57.

    Just jumping back inter the blog ter say:

    A was listening ter CLP's Playlist this morning & the tunes yer were playing were/ are MEGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Most friendly on the ears.... but... and a don't wanter tread on the toes of CLP, 'ells Bells, Jono S (PS A feeling ANGEr that a didn't meet Jono S on Fri at R2... 'e is one of the nicest dudes in UK broadcasting & a saw 'im pop in the call centre room... then pop out.... Never ter come back... a tell yer ter all bloggers who were present yer all missed out as Jono S a nice bloke)
    (any way ave forogt what a cam eon 'ere ter say????)
    (oh i yeah....)

    A don't wanter tread on anyone's toes at R2... BUT... why oh why oh why 'ave the powers at R2 decided not ter play on R2 this MEGA, MEGA tune that's so lively, 'appy.... and in the firey style of the artist, who's one of me favs too, and even with abitta 'umour thrown inter this tune that a can't get out of me 'ead!!!!!!!!

    Why R2 are you denying your listeners this 'appy tune at such a dull time of year?????

    Ok it's contempary music but not too contempary & only fit for R1!!!!!!

    This is a R2 tune too.....

    So for all who've not 'eard it... ave put it on ter sahre with all.... It's a BIG grower the more time syer 'ear it

    ENJOY >>>>>>

  • Comment number 58.

  • Comment number 59.

    Just jumping outta the blog!

  • Comment number 60.

    Yeay for the Bloggers 2011 - from here and t'other side!!

    Still waiting for those headlines!

    JG this week, I've got to be the queen of getting everyone fed at different time and running a taxi service in between!!

    Will be so glad when it's Friday!

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 61.

    Seza, when he's on a shift I don't feed him normally, but he's come home hungry and grumpy, luckily he's gone up for a shower, and before he comes down, I will have gone to bed!

    I can't get used to your new name! lol

    JG x

  • Comment number 62.

    Poor l'il Noah and his innocent confusion... Well do I remember the day, some 30 years ago, when my baby brother decided that he could fly... History repeated itself just last year, when Jasper-dog undertook similar experiments in aerodynamics... both failed miserably (and actually quite painfully). I think Noah might have more success in slide-defiance given appropriately rubbery shoes... Go on Noah - work on those climbing manoeuvres! Good practice for when you're a bit bigger and you need to plunder mummy and daddy's cupboards for concealed Christmas presents!!!
    Thought the CiN efforts last week were truly wonderful. Absolutely fantastic, and a joy to listen to. Alas, I couldn't afford the auction bids and I don't think I won the 'phone-in... I've got 27p, a paperclip, and half a button to last me until pay-day - would that buy me fifteen minutes alone with James Blunt...? Hope springs eternal... Probably wouldn't even get me a slap in the face from Ann Widdecombe... Ah well. Much love to Hannah J and all the rest of you.
    Have a fab week!
    Ruth & Jasper xxx

  • Comment number 63.

    Deevs / someone?
    Hoping for a spot of advice... I was too late for this year - but where can I go to volunteer for next's year's CiN phone-lines? I might not be able to give stacks of money - but I am more than happy to give my time and telephonic skills (I've been told I'd be great on one of those chatline-type affairs, as I have the perfect voice and face for radio... hmmm... but I'd prefer to use my time for more honest purposes...).
    Any advice (or hint to go away and never pollute this blog again!) would be gratefully appreciated!! (Jasper-dog would willingly and gladly offer his time as well, but his "botty-burps" become offensive after ten minutes or so, and that won't help ANYONE - believe me.).
    With love and best wishes,
    Roo xxx

  • Comment number 64.

    Hi Ruth

    Are you on FB - there is a group called CLP bloggers which you can join then there is a thread on the discussions board. Beware, once you join you will find that you get 50 or 60 more friends as well xxx

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 65.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 66.

    I an volunteering my services for next years cin okies xxxx

    hope you are all well? ?

    Just a quickie as sleepy from me boilbath xxxxx


    billie xxxxx

  • Comment number 67.

    Cant sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep xxxx

  • Comment number 68.

    Anyone looking forward to the snow when it arrives this week? ??????

  • Comment number 69.


    I would have preferred Aled for the old SK show, but Vanessa Feltz is fine by me.
    Good call Beeb!
    I do agree with Chris though. A 0500 - 0630 show followed by a 1000 - 1200 on ±«Óãtv London - is a recipe for disaster.



  • Comment number 70.

    Morning gang

    Just to clarify ref CiN.

    I will ONLY be gathering names from the Discussion Board on FB.

    With the best will in the world, and although I love getting emails / texts / FB wall comments / messages on here from you all, in ten month's time when I come to collate the names to forward to R2, those texts, emails and wall posts will be long gone.

    So, if your name isn't on the CLP bloggers discussion thread doo dah then you WON'T be on the list.

    As you were ......


  • Comment number 71.

    Deevs - I am on the list :D

  • Comment number 72.


    There are some that aren't tho Hannah, despite emailing/FB'ing me!


  • Comment number 73.

    Ruth and Jasper - what did I do to gain extra love? hehe

  • Comment number 74.

    Deevs - How rude! lol. How are you today?

  • Comment number 75.

    I'm OK thanks Hannah, although coughing like a good 'un! Not too busy at work - sadly!

    How you diddlin'?


  • Comment number 76.

    Morning all

    Its freezing cold here.

    Deevs, hope you feel better soon.

    Hi Hannah.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 77.

    Thanks csn. Justa bit worried about the coughing triggering my back off again - it's only just got betterererer.

    It's cold here too. I had a peek on ±«Óãtv weather this morning for a 5 day forecast, and we're due "light snow showers" on Friday apparently.

    Planning to go Christmas shopping on Saturday so hopefully it will only be a "light dusting" ....!


  • Comment number 78.

    New blog!

  • Comment number 79.

    Deevs, supposed to snow here at the end of the week too. LOL!

    You taking anything to help ease the cough.


  • Comment number 80.



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