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Hello My Friends Hello

Chris Evans | 11:45 UK time, Monday, 1 November 2010

So, I presume you heard the story of my mis-introduction of Neil Diamond at the Electric Proms on the radio this am? If you didn't, then listen again at 0750 and 0850 from this morning's re-run on the iPlayer.

Absolutely MASSIVE weekend, non-stop living life to the full stuff, and with barely a moment to draw for breath, we're up and off again today.

Just hit eleven o'clock on the nose - show done, meetings about Children In Need and some music specials for next year, plus a meeting with the boss and phone calls and emails all the way home.

(Drum roll)....... And now a photo shoot in the woods for a couple of hours.

We're a long time dead eh???





  • Comment number 1.



  • Comment number 2.

    You're absolutely right CLP, some people think we are daft because we are always doing something or walking somewhere, but there may come a time when we can't do things so we try to do them now, while we can.



  • Comment number 3.

    Yo CLP!!

    I really don't know how you do it. I'd be like a zombie if I lived your lifestyle!

    Now, Friday's kiddie on the phone slot ..... can we have Mini Rips please? I know Rips Tweeted you and you said to remind him, but I would love to hear MiniRipster on t'radio telling the nation all about his weekend, and then coming back on Monday to report back.

    What'dya reckon?

    And as for CiN ..... see you in 2 weeks and 4 days. There's lots of us coming to R2 and we can't wait!

    Over and out. For now.


  • Comment number 4.

    Thats about all I can manage, I have lost my voice. If anyone finds it, I would quite like it back.


  • Comment number 5.

    Afternoon All,

    Exactly CLP we are a long time dead. My weekend was actioned packed from start to finish, so I've come back to work for a rest.

    Glad the York meet went well, great piccies xx

    MTF, Sorry about your voice, I hope you find it soon xx

    Deevs, It would be fab to hear Mini Rips, we can all say a collective arh when we hear him; just like I am sure we all were this morning with the Noah voice overs xx

    Going back to Patricia Farnham from the weekend blogging, my bessie mate met her on holiday this summer in Menorca! And I agree bring back Brookie ;)

    Oh well best log out of this computer, walk down the hill, and log onto another one - I'll be back.


  • Comment number 6.

    Whatever happened to Max Farnham?

    I saw David Easter (Pat from Brookie) in a production of Joseph, playing the Phaero (how on earth do you spell that word?) and he was fantastic!

    MTF - have you looked in Dylan's hutch? He may be hiding your voice ....

    Deevs, PR Guru to Mini Rips


  • Comment number 7.

    Hello My Friends Hello!

    A lovely sunny day here in Wirral with the cats sitting on the open windows.

    You really are a busy boy Christophe, I honestly don't know how you do it all.

    I enjoyed watching Elton on Saturday night and am going to be watching more on the red button.

    Hope all are well.

    MM x

  • Comment number 8.

    Hi Chris: yes, you must be the busiest man on Planet Earth at the moment. It's great for us, too! I really did laugh this morning at your Hello, Hello introduction for Neil Diamond - as usual you manage to make me smile, even on a Monday.

    Hi everyone else: hope all is well. Hope all the "Yorkies" had a great time - I did think of you!

    C xx

  • Comment number 9.


    Enjoy the photo shoot Chris, shame I ent there to take some snaps too for FB, glad you are living life to the max, greta innit?

    WOW it has been a long time since I been on here, but glad to see the usual suspects and some new ones, even the Plum was back for a bit over the weekend, albeit gruesome reading lol (yes I was Joking doh)
    Hope every I know is ok, living life to the max (like Chris) and smiling (if not I would like you to smile right now and watch all around you smile too...... now how good do you feel? or are you getting wierd looks lol)
    I have been so busy and still not finished my work, here or at home, but getting closer every day now, even if I am being hindered but many beautiful kittens,(Do you want one?) clawing up my legs in the morning and jumping on my face from a height at 4am, yes 4am, but they are soooooooooooo cute n fluffy. ±«Óãtv is almost done, floor, shower-room and painting on walls and we there woo hoo.
    As some of you know (FB) I am retiring in 4 weeks, going self employed, out of the rat-race, but no doubt I will be busyier but it will be worth it. Enough of that now lol

    Was on holiday last week and myself and the beautiful MW'a went down to Ashford and I slipped off for the day to a Big Cat Breeding Sanctuary, for a photographic day, whilst MW'a enjoyed the Spa and massage and eye-wax. The cats are bred for reintro into the wild and for other breeding places, as they are very endangered, well some of them. I was brushed up by a Bengal Tiger and pawed by a Snow Leopard, they were awesome, pics to appear on FB soon.

    Must go do some work now, hope ya all have a good one!

    Love Errol xxx

  • Comment number 10.

    Errol, retiring? Really? To do what?

    Methinks you'd make a great pro Scrabble player!



  • Comment number 11.

    A really lovely, interesting post Errol.

    Looking forward to seeing those photos!

    MM x

  • Comment number 12.

    Hello Lurker!


  • Comment number 13.

    Morning Chris, I'm not so sure that it was an accident that Beth didn't get fed yesterday morning. If I had some of the cars that you do, I'd be coming up with all manner of excuses for extending my journeys.
    I do take my hat off to you though - that was some schedule you kept to last week.
    I also loved the clips of Noah - how much laughter is there in his voice?! Brilliant.

    For anyone wondering why Mini Rip's agent has been deployed (cheers Deev x) - my fantastic Son has been picked as a mascot for the England v New Zealand match at Twickenham on Saturday.
    To say that we are excited is to understate it massively!

    Max and I love our rugby - he plays and I coach and manage his team. We also go to loads of games (despite supporting different teams!) in fact he asked if I could get tickets for this match, and I told him there was no hope as I hadn't applied for any in the ballot.....so this is a once in a lifetime dream come true. The CMM and my daughter also have tickets so it's going to be a perfect day out.

    Apparently, he gets shown around the changing room, meets some of the players then puts on the England kit they are giving him and runs out with one of the players before being returned to us in our seats by the players tunnel. WOW!!!!

    Any way - I tweeted Master Evans yesterday to ask for a mention, which he - being the top bloke that he is - agreed to.

    Deevs has come up with the genius idea of Mini Rips being the kid on the phone.
    If it happens it happens - either way, it's all good.




  • Comment number 14.

    Rips, your passion for your family and your love of rugby are shining through in your post. I sincerely have everything crossed that we all get to hear Max on Friday morning.


  • Comment number 15.

    Rips, that sounds fantastic, I really hope we get to hear Max on Friday too.



  • Comment number 16.

    Chris respect!

    Did anyone hear Lulu on Terry Wogans show? Lulu/Cliff Richard anyone seen them in the same room?

    And what is Cheryl Cole sing about a Tortoise for?

    Errol it was Halloween afterall

  • Comment number 17.

    Sorry that shoule be singing but I use the term loosley.

  • Comment number 18.

    Huzzah! Back rest thingy affixed to chair and monitor riser insitu. Feel bettererer already! Although the back rest thingy reminded me of something that may come with an F1 Fighter Jet ...

    Feeling good and groovy about life at the mo. S'nice!


  • Comment number 19.

    Afternoon 1 and All,

    Chris, loved the lovely little man's input on the show this morning, really put a smile in my heart! Isn't wonderful what little folk can do for you. Wish I had some of your enegy just now, feel like am getting ready to hibernate - it's any opportunity to get back into my bed. HWB, cup of coffee, good book then some zzzzzzzz = wonderful, only trouble is that all hell's let loose trying to catch up for the rest of the day. Am I lazy or is my body telling me something?


  • Comment number 20.


    It is nice that your monitor has it's own riser, mines on a couple of reams of A4!!


    I am so excited for Max and will be bursting with pride myself on Saturday and I've even met him xx


  • Comment number 21.

    ...whoops that should read "never even met him"!


  • Comment number 22.

    Hello Again.

    Just been tidying the chocolate basket, I was very surprised to see how many have gone past the bb date. We tend to take new bars from the top.

    I couldn't bring myself to throw out the pack of fruit and nut, it seems only a short while ago I bought that from the discount shop but it was 09/10.

    Maybe it's because we don't need nuts in this house!

    MM x

  • Comment number 23.


    Rips: how wonderful for Max - in fact, wonderful for the whole family. What an exciting day it will be on Saturday! I have absolutely no doubt that Mr Evans will deliver, if possible, and have my fingers crossed for Friday morning!

    Errol: nice to see you!

    C xx

  • Comment number 24.

    LOL Ali - been there in a past life! It takes up a bit of room, so have lost some desk space but at least I am looking ahead now and not down. Back nice and straight too.

    Maddy - every house needs nuts!!



  • Comment number 25.

    PS The police helicopter is very low at the moment. Have they caught up with me?

    MM x

  • Comment number 26.

    PPS Nuts & fruitcakes Deevs!

    MM x

  • Comment number 27.

    Maddy, we have 2 of each at ChezNic!


  • Comment number 28.

    Glad to hear it Deevs!

    And it's good that you've risen to new heights at work :)

    MM x

  • Comment number 29.

    I am a tortoise, tortoise. tortoise, really must stop this working out going to end up buying childrens clothes at this rate.

  • Comment number 30.

    You're absolutely right Oscar.

    It does sound like she's singing 'la la tortoise'

    MM x

  • Comment number 31.

    Wonder Maddy if the tortoise has got it's mojo back.

    Bt the way been on Page 2 or was it 3

  • Comment number 32.

    I've lost my mojo Oscar, takes more than shampoo now!

    Are you happy re page 3?

    MM x

  • Comment number 33.

    Don't put youself down Maddy conditioner is important too remember .

    As for page 3 the Mirror did a Halloween special did you not see me kissing a pumpkin?

  • Comment number 34.

    Hi Everyone - I'm back. For those that can remember I was off last week - a well-earned week off at home, but got a cold which turned nasty, & I ended up with pneumonia & basically lost the whole week.

    how unlucky is that!

    Mind you, I had a free break, surrounded by people looking after me & waiting on me hand & foot ..............

    Deevs - it's spelt pharaoh I think.

    Hope the rest of you are all Ok/recovered/having fun!

    CG xx

  • Comment number 35.

    Awww poor you CG. Hope you're back on the road to recovery now. And thank you for the correct spelling - it never was my forte!!


  • Comment number 36.

    Feeling much better, thanks Deevs - but still sounding like a wheezing old woman! I didn't realise how exhausting a flight of stairs could be.

    I missed Noah this morning - will listen back when I get home tonight

    Have a happy monday evening one & all

    CG x

  • Comment number 37.

    hi all,
    Well as you can see I'm back from our w/end trip.What a lovely time I've had .we had a good journey going home and the journey back today was done in just over three hours .Traffic flowed well and the sun shone all the way .
    The Autumn colours of the the foliage are so beautiful at the moment ,it almost takes your breath away .

    Had a great time in York thanks to Pip and Scoobycat ,and I got to meet old friends and some new .I managed to get to see York Minster thanks to Mr Pip for showing me the way.
    I thought York was Beautiful and will definitely be going back there.
    and as I wandered around on my own ,It felt quite heart warming to feel the friendliness around ,But above all I felt safe.

    But now It's back down to earth with a bump and back to reality .

    Chris ,by what you've been doing and telling us .all your days must be like the w/end I've just had ,Super .


  • Comment number 38.


    MM x

  • Comment number 39.

    Maddy ,Is he not well as I've not heard anything ???

  • Comment number 40.

    Thanks for the heads up Marj, I looked on the beeb - it doesn't say exactly what C he's got but at least he is getting treatment and is being very positive about it. I think that positivity always helps in these cases. Get well soon Danny.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 41.


    Was sorry to hear about Danny Baker. it sounds like the last thing he'd want to do is share such a personal situation with the public but it gives us a chance to wish him all the best

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 42.

    Hey troops!

    CLP has been posting Danny updates on Twitter. He sounds in really good spirit, and Chris said he is unbelievably positive about the situ.


  • Comment number 43.

    Bets of luck with the battle ahead to Mr Baker. As has been said a positive outlook generally seems to help, so it's good he has one.

    Re monitor boosts, the one here is on a two tiered desk which limits what paperwork can be stored on it too, the one at the grindstone resides on 2 or 3 copies (very old fat ones) of the yellow pages. Do your reams ever get used AliB? I know if I tried to use that at the grindstone then my monitor would be constantly yoyoing!


  • Comment number 44.

    Cor, you can tell my head is mashed can't you. First word of my first post of the day and I get me fingers in a knot :S


  • Comment number 45.

    I'm struggling with a dodgy connection tonight:(

    I think he has too much connected....

    So I CBA to try and sort it...night all!

    JG x

  • Comment number 46.

    JG I had that problem with the boys earlier - at least I can just send them to bed!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 47.

    Has Monday been ready busy and grotty for everyone that we're now all curled up in balls somewhere? Really quiet round here.


  • Comment number 48.

    No Oz,

    I have had a great day. Christmas shopping. LOL!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 49.

    CSN: that word is banned til after I've moved! Then I can think about it, and dealing with the shopping etc to go with it. Glad you're feeling better. :)

    Just noticed another typo in my last post. Maybe that's a big hint I should be tucked up under the duvet and out for the count...


  • Comment number 50.

    Oz, it was my first trip out in two weeks.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 51.

    Night everyone

    Sleep well and take care.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 52.

    CSN: hope you enjoyed it then :)

    Right, time I was trying to sleep. Night all.


  • Comment number 53.

    Night Oz, hope you get some sleep tonight.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 54.

    Morning gang

    Himself gone for his pre-work swim so I'm here for an early morning howdie!

    I've been thinking about C shopping. I need to find a free Saturday to schlep into Brum and get stuff. What stuff exactly, I have no idea though! I DO know I need to get 2 x Bah Humbug baubles - one for our tree and one to hang on my Jane rosebush in the garden for the duration of December. It's what she would have wanted ....! lol

    We're off to Telford tonight to see David Lloyd (Bumble) in conversation, so today's task is to find out where Telford is! It's part of (cricket mad) Nic's birthday prezzie so I'm driving. I'm not sure what Nic's done to me but the cricket bug is catching and I'm actually getting quite excited about The Ashes at the end of November. Yikes!

    Not sure how much I'll be around today as man who sits behind me is in all day (as far as I know, although he does alter his diary and forget to put stuff in there!)

    Have a lovely Tuesday everyone.



  • Comment number 55.

    Good morning all,

    Lovely day here at the moment so feeling quite happy.also had one of those lovely sleeps where you wake up and feel good.
    My weekend comes to an end today as It's back to work day today .

    Have a good day all and take care .


  • Comment number 56.

    Morning all, crikey CLP you need to slow down - and I've just seen on FB your bruises! YiKES!!!!!

    And yes, I am in the mini Rips fan club, it would be so good if you could mention him! Maybe we need to remind you every day??? 1st ones on the blog each day, how about a shout out reminder for Max!

    Didnt listen yesterday to the show, so need to listen back to hear little Noah and I've not watched sporting challenge either, so one to catch up on when GD has gone to school -not used to this 'sharing' of mctop!

    Right off to raise her from her pit and put the kettle on

    Happy Tuesday everyone

  • Comment number 57.


    i'm in the mini rips club too!

    debs - i'm kindly sharing MY laptop with hubby for his coursework, so no blogging on demand for me :-(,

    really need work now, and getting a little fed up on agency interviews that go no where, if anyone has any work that could earn me some pennies please let me know, inertia is driving me insane.


  • Comment number 58.


    Max...Max....MAx....Don't forget Max.

  • Comment number 59.

    LOL. What have I started ......!?


    (ignore if you've already replied!)

    Thank you.


  • Comment number 60.

    Morning All from a fairish Glasgow en route to Stirling.

    Thanks for the support for Max. It's his first day back at school since he found.
    I doubt he'll even mention it!!!! Bless him, it's all he can talk about.

    Whilst I really appreciate the support. It might be best to hold back on a full blown blog campaign. I know this has heralded great success in the past, but A: Chris has already said he will mention it and B: with the new compliance rules, I'm not sure that - even if he was willing to - Chris could jump the queue. I'm not sure that he should either, as they ask kids to ring in on the morning and I'd be pretty annoyed if I was ringing in, not knowing that it was already decided.
    Chris has also hinted in the past that this tactic may not work next time.

    Sorry to sound like an old misery. But I don't Want to be a Nuiscance and Deev has already left enough messages to plant the seed.

    Hopefully, we'll get a mention and with a bit of luck, we'll get through on the phones.

    As I say, sorry of it seems ungrateful but I hope you understand.



    Who thinks that you are an amazing bunch x

  • Comment number 61.

    Morning everyone. Hope you're all OK. I'm enjoying living in the new place. In fact, I can't believe it's only a week ago we moved in. Hats off, by the way, to removal men everywhere. How the hell do they keep going? I'd be in floods of tears after doing twenty minutes of their job.

    Two things to say to you Christoff. First, the book is fabulous. I read it in one go, same as the first one, and I LOVED it. Thank you for sitting in the garage day after day putting it all into words.

    Second, enough already with the sewer information first thing in the morning. It's grossing me out. I'd normally be sitting down with a nice glass of wine and something to eat at about seven on a Friday, but the prospect of the sewer feature means I'm going to have to skip the One Show and watch Emmerdale instead. Come on ±«Óãtv - what are you thinking??

    Love Barmy xx

  • Comment number 62.

    Hi everyone:

    Just having a wee quick look to see what's happening:

    Rips: I am sure everyone will agree with what you are saying. You are not in the least ungrateful, and I agree that to "badger" Chris is not the way to go. If Max gets a wee mention on Friday, that will be great!

    Barmy: nice to hear you are happy in your new abode. And, yes, removal men are just incredible - they just know what they are doing whereas us mere mortals would take a day and a half to empty a removal van!

    Hope everyone is ok.

    C xx

  • Comment number 63.

    OK Rips, you are right of course ! (theres a first - print this off!)

    Right on another note, just seen that @sd@ have their range of pudsey tee shirts in for CIN - so toot sweet, I am ofski to purchase mine now

    laters taters!

  • Comment number 64.



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