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Gridlock Anyone?

Chris Evans | 11:54 UK time, Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Traffic in London - ridiculous. It amazes me how close to breaking point we have allowed our society to get to.

It seems we live on the brink of everything all the time, merely hoping that no breath of wind will come along to bring our flimsy house of cards crashing to the floor.

The ash cloud, the snow last year and the underground strike today. It's like constantly over packing your carrier bags and praying the handles will never snap - of course ultimately one day they're bound to.

We really may well have pushed this world of ours a little too far. We shall see.





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  • Comment number 1.


    csn. xx

  • Comment number 2.

    Morning Chris

    Loved the show this morning and sorry to hear you had an awful journey to work this morning.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 3.


    Like you, I hate having to rush around last minute and fight my way through all the shoppers.

    Hope you get started soon with your christmas shopping. Yah!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 4.

    Afternoon everyone

    Lovely day here!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 5.

    I must be going mad just talking to myself here.


  • Comment number 6.

    Good Morning CLP & Everyone.

    I fully agree Chris, it's as though we are all living on the edge today. Too much traffic, too much panic to get from A to B and too much choice in everything.

    We all need to calm down and look at life as it's meant to be, the earth is a wonderful place but people are messing it up.

    Soon to get worse because of Christmas when the greed becomes even greater, people forget what it's all really about.

    I'll shut up now!

    MM x

  • Comment number 7.

    Hi Marjie, lovely post and very true!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 8.

    No I won't shut up actually.

    People moaning because the don't like the expensive presents they were given, complaining about having eaten and drank too much and feeling sick. Moaning about being overweight.

    All this when the other half of the world is starving.

  • Comment number 9.

    Marjie, calm down dear!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 10.

    Hi CSN.

    I got on my soapbox there but I've calmed down now LOL.

    I'm as guilty as the next person and like to enjoy myself sometimes indulging too much.

    MM xxx

    PS Congratulations on your No 1 hooray!

  • Comment number 11.

    Afternoon friends

    Sorry for absinthe yesterday. Work has been really busy and I am loving it! Who thought I'd be saying that a few weeks ago eh? This morning I completed by first solo property deal so I am kind of basking in a warm glowy glow and my boss is reet impressed. Life's good.

    Chris (and Maddy!) very wise words. There are things we can do to help our over-crammed planet, but in the main, yes, you have to stop and take stock of all that is good within our own little arenas and appreciate it for all it's worth. If it were whipped away tomorrow, we'd miss it like billyo.

    Whatever "it" is ......

    Nic and I had a fabulous night out last night. We went to see (ex cricketer) David Lloyd in conversation and it was hilarious! I'm a newbie to cricket (cheers for explaining the rules Nic!) and I honestly could've listened to David waxing lyrical for hours. He also signed Nic's copy of his book after the show - just to see the beaming smile on my man's face when Mr Lloyd shook his hand made the entire evening worthwhile.

    Hope you're all fine and dandy - and Seza, will you please PLEASE put that Bah Humbug thinking cap on dear!!

    Muchos Amore


  • Comment number 12.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 13.

    Afternoon all,

    I have to travel to London 3 or 4 times a month on business and just can't wait to get back to my little corner of heaven in Norfolk. I might live miles from a main road and therefore it takes an age to get anywhere ......... but that is sooooo much the charm of it all. And yes, I moan about it at times - until I read CLP's blog today and realise how lucky I am.

    Would be nice to have a pub or a takeaway closer than 4 miles away though ...... :-)

    Ah well, lunch break now & time to walk the dog across the fields

    CG x

  • Comment number 14.

    Afternoon All,

    Days like this make me grateful that I don't work in London! I remember in the early 90's having to get up at 4am and drive to London when the train strikes were on, never again. I have no excuse for not getting into work as I can walk, unless of course I've broken my leg ;)

    csn, Congrats on the first 5 posts it did make me chuckle xx

    Nothing much else going on here, the sun is shining which is nice and I'm off to a Baby Shower tonight, now when did we suddenly become all American??

    Toodle Pip

  • Comment number 15.

    AliB, bit mental talking to myself.

    Hope you enjoy the baby shower tonight.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 16.

    Afternoon CLP & ALL...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - Don't get me started on the roads, but it's a great excuss to get me started as since ave been ter Ukraine & driven there... Ave been comparing where we are going wrong & where they are going wrong!!!!!!!

    One thing yer won't find in Ukraine is gridlock!!!!!!!!!!

    In fact many grids don't even 'ave a cover over them - 100% TRUE!!!!!!!!!

    Yer walking down the street & yer see a manhole completely exposed.... no cover at all!!!!!!!
    One false step & yer 5 foot down joining the rats of Ukraine!!!!!!!

    And a was drving down a side road & there was a big 'ole in the road!!!!!!
    Not a pothole... a 6 foot by 2 foot wide 'ole 5 foot deep!!!!!!!!!!!!

    But the one thing where the Ukrainians are far superior to us is traffic lights!!!!!!!!!!
    Tell me what were traffic lights invented for???? AYE??? A???
    A will tell yer: Ter 'elp the traffic flow better at an area with traffic crosses aka a junction/ intersection!!!!!!!!!
    But I being a HGV driver & car driver, I am finding myself increasingly stationary at traffic lights for no reason at all!!!!!!
    What happened to the sensors that used to be in the road, that when yer vehicle goes over... it triggers the lights to turn to green???
    It seems to me that traffic lights are being set on silly timers by nutters, who have a qualification in traffic management but who know nothing about the real world on the roads!!!!!!
    And by the over zealous 'ealth & safety nutters wrapping us up in cotton wool!!!!!!!!!!!

    I've noticed when you approach lights late at night, you go over the sensors in the road & it triggers the lights to change to red to stop you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Is this a game the 'ealth & safety nutters are playing ter slow the speed of traffic in order ter clam the flow & reduce accidents??????

    It does not damn it calm the drivers!!!!!!!!!!!

    And how much extra Co2 emissions are produced all over the country by these stupid traffic lights that only stop traffic & cause congestion???
    Near to my 'ome on the Wirral traffic lights are spreading like a bad disease to junctions where they are not needed!!!!!!!
    In fact just presently, for weeks, the junction 3 of the M53 roundabout is 'aving traffic lights installed when they are not needed there - We have nowhere near the kind of 'eavy traffic that other areas of the UK 'ave!!!!!!
    AND I thought this country was on it's knees financially, so 'ow come they can afford to waste our money re-tarmacing a whole motorway junction & putting in traffic lights when there was nothing wrong with the junction????????

    I 'ave notcied where traffic lights are installed it causes congestion that was never there!!!!!!!

    And if you think i'm paranoid or a NUTTER myself.... only this Saturday I was sitting in my HGV, in a traffic jam, 'eading into Central Manchester... by coincidence the very road ±«Óãtv Radio Manchester is on, the A34, when I noticed why is the jam there when the road is not too busy being a Saturday & not many cars seem to get through the traffic lights ahead!!!!!!!!!!!
    I then noticed the lights changed to green for a short time but were on red for what seemed like an internity!!!!!!
    So I counted for the first time ever out of curiosity!!!!!!!
    The lights where on green for 11 seconds... but red for 75!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    YES 75 SECONDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    And why you may ask????
    I will tell you... first to let about 5 cars out of the side road at the junction while there's a line of vehilces on th emain road as far as the eye can see!!!!!!
    Then the traffic lights next to the queue for the bus lane that 'ad no buses in changed to green to let the none excistant buses go ahead of the queue!!!!!!!!

    Is this the nutters in charge of the country playing games with us by creating a traffic jam after building a bus lane to try & force us out of our cars & onto pulic transport??????
    This is the only reason I can find for these traffic lights doing nothing but causing the traffic not to flow freely!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am very sad to say... welcome to 'Broken Britain!!!!!!!!!!!!'

    Going back to Ukraine... I 'ad an idea why after 7pm or late at night when the traffic is light.... why could traffic lights not stay green on the main road & flash amber on the side roads, and the side road act as a give way??????
    And low & behold what do they 'ave in Ukraine - this very idea in action everywhere!!!!!!!!
    It's sad to say but Ukraine is becoming more advanced than the once Great Britain!!!!!!!!!

    PS Another great idea in Ukraine... on pedestrian crossings... when the lgihts go red & the pedestrians get a green man to walk/ cross... you also at major crossing get a digital green countdown in seconds to how long it is before the lights change to green for the cars to go again!!!!!
    What a simple but really good idea!!!!!!!!!!

    The thing is as i've written on this blog before about many things in life... th emore simple we keep our lives the better it is!!!!!!
    The more we complicate our lives... the more it becomes complicated & is more likely to go wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    CLP... ave got more but a need a lie down!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 17.

    PS Ave just been listening ter The Jezz Vine Show about the gas explosion in Salford... also Manchester... whatta coincidence!!!!!!!!
    Jerr was asking experts the question what caused the explosion... But they didn't seen ter know!!!!!
    From what ave 'eard... A would say the elderly lady who just 'ad a new gas cooker installed, A think what's 'appened is the cooker 'as been correctly installed but one of the switches on the cooker 'as been left switched on all night thus allowing gas to escape all night!!!!
    Then she's come down in the morning to cook 'er porridge & when she's gone to turn on the cooker... the spark created by the pilot light 'as ignited a whole downstairs full of trapped gas vapour!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Just hope she make sa full recovery & all involved come through it ok!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 18.

    PS ALL - Am blogging in me truck at the moment... and guess what van is parked right next to me.... one from the the Gas Alliance - 100% TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 19.

    Afternoon each

    The older I get the less I enjoy driving. But still wouldn't be without me wheels!

    Bingo, a while back I was driving on a road where the traffic lights had packed up, traffic flowed perfectly. Funny that!

    Clodagh, what are the mods up to? I didn't see anything wrong with your post?

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 20.


    i love driving but hate sitting in traffic, will quite happily drive in dark/ wet conditions along narrow roads but spending three hours driving from my house (bucks) to canary wharf on a say night was too much for me!


  • Comment number 21.

    Pen, I agree with you, wouldn't want to be without my car but the older I get the less I like driving too.

    Clodagh, nothing wrong with your post, maybe the mods are bored today. LOL!

    Hi Baggy, hope all is well with you.

    Hi Bingo, awful story about the elderly lady.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 22.


    Love driving but have to admit to raod rage if I get stuck in a traffic jam!

    Talking of traffic, had GM's little darlings to stay overnight last night with me being responsible for the school run this morning! Did pack ups and got darlings in the car in plenty of time and hit a huge tailback southbound on thr M6 - huuuuuummmmmmmmmm!

    Had to divert through an area of Coventry that I didn't know taking directions from a 10 year old - thank goodness she knew where we were going!

    Got to school 15 mins late, ooops, black mark against me :)


  • Comment number 23.

    Howya AS! Ah sweetheart, don't succumb to the road rage, it's never worth the stress.

    As I was saying, a lot of road rage is simply down to loss of manners. In the course of my driving all around Ireland and back here, it's unbelievable the way people behave and the amount of bullying that goes on. It's so pointless; I'm not saying I never get highly irritated and emit a few bad words (shrup), but there's no point getting into a rage, thereby losing concentration and actually becoming part of the problem yourself. And I'm not saying I've never jumped a queue, employing the well-worn 'Oo I'm a dumb blonde' routine, of course I have. But hand on heart, I've never engaged in warfare on the road.

    Or, as the GD says, I've never bin' in an accident. Just seen loads in me rear-view mirror.

    And it's surprising how, on the occasion when you do jump the queue and claim dumb blonde asylum, a nice big Thankyou wave and smile puts it right.

    Well I never said I was perfect....


  • Comment number 24.

    clodagh - I'm with you on that - the eye contact, smile and wave technique really does work!

  • Comment number 25.

    The only answer Chris to traffic congestion is to go back to Pony and Traps the more affluent amongst us having a couple of race horses.

    I don't like this debacle over what Stephen Fry did or did not say. A lovely man and took very much in good humour when I sent a message on Twitter... Dear Stephen can you play me a record on Sunday Love Songs.

    I thought Clodagh's post was funny no idea why it was moderated.
    To think I should be an expert on it too.

  • Comment number 26.

    With today's population Oscar if we returned to horses there would be an awful lot of s**t on the roads.

    And we would all have to keep on stopping with our pooper scoopers thus again causing gridlock.

    MM x

  • Comment number 27.

    Dunno what all the fuss is about. . Im holidaying in porthcawl and its quiet as anything. ...Well apart from the wind and waves crashing on the rocks. .. But seriously i do feel for you peeps at work xxxxx

  • Comment number 28.

    Hi all,
    Chris ,I so agree with you ,everyone seems hell bent on racing everywhere ,pushing and shoving and not have a second to breathe. But only if they would stop once in a while ,they just night appreciate what there is around them and what they have and what a wonderful place we live in .


  • Comment number 29.

    Evening all

    Just got home from vets with poorly dog, she wasn't to happy with the injection the vet gave her.

    I wasn't very happy either when the vet gave me the bill, I thought I was going to faint.

    How they can justify what they charge is beyond me.

    Think I need a glass of wine to get over the shock.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 30.


    amazing how things can grid lock when one chain in the link is missing

    How are you all?

    Good days?


  • Comment number 31.

    Evening peeps!


  • Comment number 32.

    Evening all!
    At rehearsals, dancing being worked out so feeling a tad redundant, hence being on't blog!

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 33.

    Evening all!

    I've put the work down, as my brain has had it for today!

    CSN, scary how much they charge for stuff isn't it! Finlay needs his jabs next month, and I'm sure they'll find something else to "sell" me too!!

    Word to the wise though, you can now get frontline via Pets @ home direct, rather than the vet...plus drontal wormers...

    Finlay has decided that there is definately something behind/under the shed, so typical terrier is determined to get it, even at the expense of his supper and snuggles....he is so filthy when he comes in now, he has to stay in the kitchen!

    So I got the...well I'll pee in the kitchen in spite then treatment to greet me tonight :((

    JG x

  • Comment number 34.

    Eve all

    JG I found a great site that sell frontline and drontal cheaper than PAH


  • Comment number 35.


    Second taxi run of the day done! Honestly, my car runs between home and the school/leisure centre on auto pilot!!

    JG, Ooops!!

    Tiggs what you rehersing for? Is it panto time for you?

    Deevs, keep wracking me brain about where I saw bah Humbug but brain not very responsive!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 36.

    Hello peeps at bloggy land xxxxx
    hope you all are good
    im good just chilling out in porthcawl xxxxx

    lovely to be back on here and hope to Catchya all on and have good chats etc


  • Comment number 37.

    Seza bless ya my car is on auto pilot to childcare and work

  • Comment number 38.

    Hi Billie

    Are you having a good break?

  • Comment number 39.

    The only place my ubby car goes on auto pilot is from m.k to porthcawl. Lol xxxxx

  • Comment number 40.

    Hi kandk. .

    Yes even thou weather is gritty its beautiful scenery that's what important enjoying. . Anyone who lives in Wales or even down the south west will agree with me. ..

    How's you all? ???

    billie xxxxx

  • Comment number 41.

    Sorry for the spelling and words. .Its my new phone. . Samsung galaxy s and still learning it say..

  • Comment number 42.

    Billie, think you've got the best deal! At least your trip sounds like fun!

    Must remember to go pick boy up - I may have forgotten a little bit the other week - Well, I was distracted by Kevin McCloud!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 43.

  • Comment number 44.

    Seza that made me giggle about nearly forgetting to collect your boy

    Billie have been to Wales and agree gorgeous part of the world

  • Comment number 45.

    Yep, panto time, small local production of Cinderella, going great guns!

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 46.

    Yes i am. the place i am at is heaven .. Can hear the waves crashing now How's you. ??? Long time since we spoke

    do not want Friday to come as i have to go back to grotty m.k

    billie. Xxxxx

  • Comment number 47.

    Anyone want to trade a house for a house in Wales. . I live in m.k? ???

    Lol xxxxx

  • Comment number 48.

    Tiggs, What are you doing in it?

    Boys are both doing a play at school at the moment, Mariah Marten and the Murder in the Red Barn!!! Boy2 is on stage and boy1 has control of the lights as usual - hence my extra taxi runs!

    Billie, sounds lovely where you are. Are you staying with family or do you have "a place" down there?

    Kands - you have to remind me!! I've never flown up the road so quick! It was only when Kevin started suggesting the people doing the grand design were bonkers - as he does - that I remembered the boy would be waiting for me!!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 49.

    Begging now as i want to live here more than ever. .. Its home to me??

  • Comment number 50.

    Glad you're having a good time Billie, my Mum's in a cottage in Anglesey, and making the most of it!! Despite the weather!!

    Seza, I will get the cleaners in, but we need to de-clutter first, house won't be on the market until after the C-word...

    JG x

  • Comment number 51.

    Its a holiday caravan on trecco. Bay holiday park. .

    Very good van and two mins walk to the beach xxxxx


  • Comment number 52.

    Hello ladies.

    JG, got a lot more than just a pee on the kitchen floor today.

    Billie, glad your having a good time.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 53.

    Oh no not that dreaded c word not even got one thing not even a card xxxxx

  • Comment number 54.

    Hey csn. .. How are you? ?

    I am on my mobile phone so bear with me as i am finding it fiddley

    lol xxxxx

  • Comment number 55.

    I love CHRISTMAS. LOL!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 56.

    Nice to see you back here, Billie.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 57.

    Christmas is great except i have to work it xx

  • Comment number 58.

    oh god the nuts are out

  • Comment number 59.

    Glad your having a great holiday


  • Comment number 60.

    Well I had one pee this morning, Mr JG had one before he left at 10.30, and I got another when I got home....

    Dog is obsessed with the shed, so I will drag him in and walk him last thing tonight, Mr JG can deal with the rest, as he'll be home first tomomorrow!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 61.

    Yes. Im happy to be back and missed this xxxxx

  • Comment number 62.

    Nice one Mrs Plum!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 63.

    When I say me, I mean one to deal with!!


    JG x

  • Comment number 64.

    and I'm sure he would want me to same about himself too! LOL

    JG x

  • Comment number 65.

    What's everyone been up to lately?

  • Comment number 66.

    Me again!

    It's half time so thought I'd nip in for a quick one.

    Acupuncture was lovely. I had the electro thingy again - it's definitely making a difference even though some people think I'm barmy bonkers to have needles stuck in my personage! Haven't made another appointment for now, but will go straight back if things kick off again.

    I now feel all dreamy and tired. I have visions of Nic coming home about 10ish and me being sparko!

    Loving all the Christmas feelings. I was talking to my acupuncture man about Beez and her Bah Humbug attitude to the festive season!


  • Comment number 67.

    JG, Holly is sound asleep now, think the injection has knocked her out for the night.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 68.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 69.

    Hello Deevs xx

    you ok?

    Billie xxxxx

  • Comment number 70.

    Deevs, I've been contemplating the needles recently - have got a really painful shoulder and wondered if it would work for that. Not sure about an electro thingy though!

    JG - LOL!!! Are you sure?

    Jimmy made me worry about the ckicken kievs I have in the fridge and now Nigel's making me very hungry!!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 71.

    Hi Billie

    Good to "see" you. Hope you're having a lovely holibob.

    All is wonderful, and I have never been happier.


  • Comment number 72.

    Foodies!! I've resorted the last night's Masterchef final, as Arsenal aren't doing too well ...!


  • Comment number 73.

    Rite guys i am going as phone needs charging and typing on small screen is bad for eyes ok xxxxx

    will be on again soon once has charged and been lovely to chat again soon

    billie xxxxx

  • Comment number 74.

    Seza - I'd go for it. Its really helped me. If Sudbury's not too far I can highly recommend my lady ..... sadly she's too far away from Staffordshire for me to use her now!


  • Comment number 75.

    Night Billie.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 76.


  • Comment number 77.

    Is it a Big Yellow Taxi Seza?


  • Comment number 78.

    Or maybe Joe Le Taxi?


  • Comment number 79.

    Deevs, think Seza has left the building.


  • Comment number 80.

    Deevs is the needles for a bad back???

  • Comment number 81.

    Seza in the big yellow taxi

  • Comment number 82.

    Deevs is the needles for a sticking in a doll

  • Comment number 83.

    I've been suffering with sciatica, KandKs. From my bum down to my foot on my right side. Not nice, but definitely on the mend.


  • Comment number 84.

    Oh here we go. So, so predictable.

    Night all


  • Comment number 85.

    Foxtrot Oscar



  • Comment number 86.

    Alpha Charlie



  • Comment number 87.

    Tango Juliet?


  • Comment number 88.

    OMG, this is so sad.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 89.

    Tango Juliet?



  • Comment number 90.

    I know csn. i am nearly in tears. i mean ....... losing 2-1 with 9 minutes to go. it's just not cricket!


  • Comment number 91.

    I was asking you to dance!


  • Comment number 92.

    JG & KandK.

    Thanks for the information re Frontline. Daisy is due for her vaccination and Tom needs Frontline to clear up an irritation he gets now and then.

    I'll now save on the Frontline which will keep down the large bill.

    As you say CSN, how can they charge so much?

    Now going to catch up here.

    MM x

  • Comment number 93.

    Whiskey Papa?



  • Comment number 94.

    Deevs LOL!


  • Comment number 95.

    I'm not your Papa. And yes please. Over ice ....


  • Comment number 96.

    Nic's on his way home .....

    Bravo Romeo!


  • Comment number 97.

    Big BLUE taxi back!!

    Honestly, I'm going to start charging that child waiting time!

    Golf Lima!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 98.

    Oscar Mike Golf! I've been studying the phonetic alphabet - if ever a word should begin with an 'f' - it's that one!

    Aplogies for my first effort. I, of course, meant "Foxtrot Oscar?"
    I just fancy tripping the light fandango.....

    That's right isn't it?



  • Comment number 99.

    Deeski Sadly you can't rouine my Reputation ganging up your friends on Face Book. Not born yesterday. But look closely at the ±«Óãtv rules comments on here are the same as a Newsapaper articules.

  • Comment number 100.

    Hi Marjie, thats why vets are very rich people!

    csn. xx


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