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Downtown Train Uptown Again.

Chris Evans | 10:54 UK time, Wednesday, 20 October 2010

In 1989 I climbed aboard a train from Manchester to come and seek success down South. Little did I know then how fortunate I would become by now. A rocky ride, yes but ultimately a fantastic and fascinating twenty years has passed by.

Yesterday I made the mirror image journey to attend The Radio Festival and appear on stage to discuss how where I'd first worked. Piccadilly Radio in Manchester was so important and special to me and everyone else who was lucky enough to be around there in the seventies and eighties.

I made the journey on my own, again on the train - both ways in a day, which gave me plenty of time to reflect and remember. Several of my original radio heroes were present at the forum/session, call it what you will. I still felt like the tea boy, which is what I was - and I suppose - how I should always feel around these giants.

So what did I do ? I got the beers in. It's important to know your place and what an amazing place that was.

To Woody, to Wardy, James H, The Funster, JC, Paul Locket, Sweeney, Umberto, Day On The Dilly, Mally (of course), Big, Gatesy, John Pickford, Stuart Pike, Matt Proctor, Beechy, Tony (K)Ingham et al - Hats Right Off !!!





  • Comment number 1.

    Good morning blogettes

    Am I first?

    Clear but blimmin' cold up here near Chester.

    Regards PJ

  • Comment number 2.

    Morning all

    Frosty and very cold here too.

    Pen, my car lives in the garage and loves it.

    Debs, hope all goes well this afternoon.

    Hope you all have a good day and keep warm.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 3.

    Hello Chris.

    Milk and one sugar please!!!

    Seriously it must have been great to return to where it all started.
    You are where you are today because of your charismatic personality and enthusiasm for life plus hard work.

    Awaiting Memoirs Of A Fruitcake in the post!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 4.

    Morning all.

    Pigging out on Fruitcake here. Hope you all get a slice soon.

    Its pretty tasty.

    No baking required either, perfick!


  • Comment number 5.

    CLP, I am a norvern bird and grew up listening to Picadilly Radio - Placemates7 was the hipp disco where their DJs played on a Friday - I wonder in my drunken yoof if I ever saw you???

    Arr, good times of being a student hey!

    Right, trying to get to grips with a m@cbook rather than trusty lappy - all the keys are in the wrong place! grrrr

    CLP - got extended waiting time between appts at horpital this arvo so i am taking you with me for company if thats OK, I wonder if I will do some LOL and get funny looks. There is no-where more depressing than a horpital waiting room.....

    laters all

    PS Pen - loving the 20.10.2010!

  • Comment number 6.

    Greetings CLP & ALL...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - Very good to hear you went by train for once & not by car!!!!!
    I find something so wonderful about travelling on trains, it's one of the attractions to them I find!
    The fact that you have time, to take time out from life/ the daily pressures/ rat race of it all!!!!
    You can relax in complete safety & watch the countryside whizz past at speeds that if done, and for two hours like on the train, on the motorway would result in either a serious accident or half of the police force after you & a definate driving ban!!!!!!!
    Plus the amount of fuel that a car uses at 125mph is pheonominal!!!!!!!!!!
    Yet the 400 tonne train cruises at 125mph... no police... no traffic jams... and while your doing this crazy speed... you can speak on the phone, eat a meal... have a chat or work on your computer... or just look out the window!!!!!!!!!

    This is one reason why I long to be a train driver... I've had a ride in the cab of a London to Liverpool express... and it's a totally different experience to sitting in a carriage.... and an experience that's 50 times more interesting!!!!!!!!
    An not a single person to cut you up.... or a single traffic cop pointing a radar trap at you..... and the bonus..... yer get very well paid too!!!!!!!

    No wonder it's near impossible for me to get a position on the railway!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 7.

    PS CLP - Got so excited over the train journey... forogt to say glad the Piccadilly gig went well!!!!!!!!
    And a don't mean Manchester Piccadilly Station.... although a hope yer enjoyed that bit of yer day too!!!!!


  • Comment number 8.

    Hi Chris: what a really terrific blog today - a lovely wee tribute to people who have meant such a lot to you. Must have been a really fabulous day. Without doubt, you are now a broadcasting giant yourself - young kids today, yearning to get on the radio, only have to look to you to see just how much is possible ... if you work your tail off!

    C xx

  • Comment number 9.

    What a lovely blog CLP!

    I also love travelling by train Bingo, especially to the Highlands of Scotland, the scenery is amazing and it is such a relaxing way to travel, however we only travel by train for pleasure, so I don't know how much I would love it if I had to do it every day to get to work.

    Hope everyone's having a good day so far.



  • Comment number 10.

    Afternoon all

    Chrissie, you took the words right outta my keyboard!

    Chris, today's blog is terrific. Truly from the heart and I hope those namechecked read it (and comment?!?).

    Having a good day so far (despite still having a pain in the .....!) and office to myself all afternoon.

    Got a couple of calls to make and will be back inabit!


  • Comment number 11.

    ALL - So finally I put the link to my amazing photograph I took of some lights/ orbs, perfectly placed to the rear of the head of the statue of Mary!!!!!!!!!!!
    Thanks for the few people who bothered to comment about the pictures, glad you found them of interest/ fascinating!!!!!
    But I feel very saddened that so little seemed at all interested in the photo!!!!!!!

    I thought the picture was amazing, considering the emotional state I was in, the fact i'd just been in the church to pray so hard & blessed the first time in 20 years the day before and the fact the photograph is of a religious nature!!!!!!!

    Ok sceptics will say it's probably the sunshine reflecting off my camera, perhaps!!!!!
    But why has this never appeared on my camera before & why are the orbs perfectly placed behind the head of Mary... almost like halos!!!!!!!!

    I think most orbs are just dust particles or water/ rain drops on a camera lense, but my camera was very new, no dust around & no moisture at all as it was in the seventies when I took the photo!!!!!!!
    And seconds before i'd taken the photo of the church & no orbs there!!!!!
    Either way a huge coincidence that these lights have appeared!!!!!!

    The one thing I find sad about Britain today... and a big difference from Ukraine, is religion seems to be nearly dead in this country presently!!!!!!!
    It seems people ar emore interested in money & materilaism.... and partly explains why we have such a high rate of drink & drug problems in the UK - very few have any faith!!!!!!
    So the seek it elsewhere... whether in the form of materialism (and sadly I don't see many happy faces in the posh cars I see all around) or through drink or anti-depressants/ medication!!!!!

    How many churches do you see boarded up in the UK now!!!!!!
    In fact my grandad's church, where was a vicar, and from which I have many fond childhood memories of helping my nan change the candles/ flowers... sitting next to the organ player in a service watching him create the church music & my grandad taking the service... sadly the church is empty & derelict!!!!

    The difference in Ukraine, there are churches everywhere!!!!!
    In fact the very one in my photo was brand new or been totally refurbished!!!!!
    I couldn't tell as it was so immaculate inside & out!!!!!!!!

    The Ukrainian people are so friendly, smile & are helpful!!!!!!
    There's no road rage... people just get on with driving, even if it is a little crazy... but it's without the paranoia/ aggression that is very present on the UK roads!!!!!

    It's sad as Great Britain is still one if not the best country in the world.... but our society is not at all what it used to be... And it really opens my eyes when I go to Ukraine!!!!!!!
    Just as an example... our trains are amazing compared to Ukraines ageing trains.... but in the UK... everyone wants to get from A to B faster... when we already get from A to B.... mind blowingly fast if you take a step back & think about it!!!!!
    So why do you see so many miserable faces.... people who seem unalbe to smile as an example when you travel on a train from the North West to London?
    In Ukraine... I travel on a train & the people start chatting to me!!!!!

    The night train from Kiev to Kherson... I met a Ukrainian businessman... who gave me his number & said next time i'm in Kiev... He will take me out with his family & show me the sights of Kiev!!!!!!
    On the return journey... I met an older lady... see could speak no english.... but was giving me grapes & smiling being very friendly!!!!!!

    Sad to think Ukraine is mean't to be a very poor/ down & out country.... Yes the people have less money.... but they are far richer/ happier in their hearts!!!!!!!

    As David Cameron kept saying 'Broken Britain!!!' in his pre-election speeches.... It pains me to say this but society is broken in the UK!!!!!!!!

    Is it partly to do with we have no real faith in society here.... which results in little respect for ourselves????

    I even had a man come out of his house a few days ago... in a very welathy area.... filming me on a Sunday afternoon, on his camcorder... the reason - I was delivering in my HGV to a supermarket at 5pm.... one hour after a curfew!!!!!!!!

    This says it all about the broken society we live in... A man in his 300k plus house... is upset by a lorry delivering food of plenty to a supermarket!!!!!
    This would never happen in Ukraine... if anyone knew of this there... they'd think it was complete insanity!!!!!!

    There's people in the world who are very poor & don't have a home or can afford to buy food!!!!!!

    I could write on... but I think I will end here.... all I will say is it is about time people in the UK woke up to what a wondeful country we do live in & stopped being so miserable!


  • Comment number 12.

    PS ALL - Sorry to go off on one... there's more... in fact only yesterday I have a crazy story whilst at work... but i'll keep it to myself....

    PS Here's a link to religious orbs... interesting photos but not as amazing as the one I took..... But never the less interesting to compare:


  • Comment number 13.

    Afternoon folks,

    CLP, i am a northern laydee too, and all the names of those DJ's bring back happy memories. I can recall when Piccadiily radio used to have big pictures of all the DJ's in the windows.

    Debs, i remember Placemate 7, wonder if we boogied together in't olden days ?
    Sorry to hear the Essex stint has finished, but look after yourself, sounds like you have done a bit too much.

    Bright and sunny here today, its wonderful.

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 14.

    Bingles, I'll have a look later. Not been on Facecloth since before work yesterday - last night was college and pub quiz.

    You should come to my Creative Writing class - we'd have a ball!


  • Comment number 15.

    Bingo: I did mean to come back to you yesterday - I did check out your link, and it may just have been me, but the photograph is quite small, and I couldn't really see it. However, I don't doubt for one second that what you see is true. I have experienced too many "signs" to doubt the existence of God. Faith is such a personal thing - we all have our own way of expressing kindness and goodness - and unfortunately where there is good, there can also be bad. It's a minefield, Bingo, and I would be happy to discuss this with you at a blog meet in the future!

    Pen: re: your car living in the garage - in our garage there is everything known under the sun - except a car!

    Cheryl: yes, it would be lovely to see a comment on the blog from one of those mentioned by Chris!

    Well, heading off for a truly fantastic lunch ... not!

    C xx

  • Comment number 16.

    Perfick afternoon ahead:-

    Office to self - check
    Work to do - check
    Sun streaming in thru window - check
    Chocolate in drawer - check (but don't tell Nic!)
    Russell Brand podcasts keeping me company - check

    Life's good!


  • Comment number 17.

    Deevs, your afternoon sounds lovely. Enjoy!

    Bingo, the photos are amazing!

    Just had some lovely hot soup and now got a pile of ironing to do, that will keep me warm.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 18.

    CSN - have resorted to music as I had to proper listen to Russell's podcast so it was affecting my output somewhat. Ooops!

    Tonight, not so glam ... ironing for me too. Boooooooooo!


  • Comment number 19.

    Afternoon one & all!

    Long time no blog - it seems as if I am blogging for the first time again!

    Apologies for my absence - just been a mad few weeks which started off with me being put on notice of at risk of redundancy and ended up (shock, not!) being made redundant last week! Have to say am not particularly sorry or sad as i had not enjoyed going into the office for 18 months or so. Bit disappointed with the way my boss, with whom I have worked closely with over the last 8 years, did things but hey ho onwards nad upwards!

    GM is delighted - he used to wrry so much about my long commute every day and bless him is helping in the crusade to find AS a new & rewarding job in the West Midlands!

    So, to fill in my time I have decorated our lounge - with some help with GM of course!!

    Have enjoyed by 2 weeks of redundancy so far although think I have worked physically harder in these 2 weeks then ever before!!

    Lounge is now ready for our family party to celebrate my 40th birthday on Sunday - there will be 20 of us playing pass the parcel and pin the tail on the donkey (if I can draw one, lol!).

    Sooooo looking forward ot my birthday on Friday - I love birthdays :)

    Not a hope to catch up with all the ramblings and postings over the last few weeks but i do hope that everyone is well nad keeping out of too much mischief!!

    JG - saw your post on FB will send you an email away from here but hope you are ok.

    The sun is streaming in through the window - what a glorious day :)

    AS x

  • Comment number 20.


    I've tided up my lounge and done the ironing but lost all steam to tidy upstairs, found up I didnt get the job I was interviewed for on Monday - thanks to our old friend the internal candidate.


  • Comment number 21.


    Will we be bumping into eachother at jbo interviews I wonder!?!?

    Sorry to hear your news, but admire the way you have approached it - you positivity is shining through in your post.

    Life begins at 40 ... trust me! I'm now Forty-two-good-to-be-true, and have never been happier!

    Baggy - you'll get used to the Internal Candidate. I have voodoo effigies (sp?) of Internal Candidates. I find dunking them in bowls of boiling custard particularly therapeutic. On the bright side, at least you know. I had an interview 3 weeks ago tomorrow and despite my emailing them for any "news", am still no further forward as to whether I have a 2nd interview or if I'm on the "reject" heap.

    Getting a bit CBA now and want to go home.


  • Comment number 22.

    Afternoon All,

    Glorious sunshine in Kent but very chilly, could have done with some gloves this morning.

    Baggy, Booooo indeed. It obviously wasn't the right job for you, it's out ther somewhere xx

    Debs, I think I've missed out on why you are not up down Essex anymore, sorry that we never got to have one last mini meet xx

    Bingo, I quite agree with what you said. Having spent 4 weeks in Zimbabwe we could learn a lot from them as well about praying etc. As Chrissie said faith is very personal but I wouldn't be where I am today or doing what I'm doing without some divine intervention. If I learnt nothing else on my trip it was how to pray like an African, which is like a martini, any time, any place and any where...LOL

    AS, Good to see you back and that despite what's happened you are sounding right chipper xx

    Chris, Sounds like a great night and as they say the boy done good!


  • Comment number 23.

    AS: lovely see you! Sorry to hear your news on the job front, but as Cheryl says: you are dealing with this very positively. Have a wonderful birthday on Friday - 40 is biggie, but a goodie! I will raise a wee glass to you at the FNWC!

    AliB: from now on, when I pray, I will always think of it as a martini!

    C xx

  • Comment number 24.

    Back again in between going inter me mother's greenhouse for the first time in 7 years ter clear it out (thankfully a didn't find any snakes, giant spiders, Lord Lucan or any scousers hiding from the police) and going to the gym ter pump for the women of Ukraine (if any want me).

    Chrissie S - If yer click onter me photo in me photos bit or me wall of FB and click on the photo again it'll become bigger for closer inspection!!!!!

    Chezza - It's worth a look!!!! PS A 'eard yer getta mention off The Mayo dude yesterday on 'is most friendly radio show!!!!!!

    AliBaba - I feel very rude for not saying a word to you yet regarding your trip to Zimbabwe!!!!!
    Can a say now - I admire you for having the courage to go out there & to give up your time to help others!!!!!!
    I don't think i'm that good a person as you are... but having said that i'd love to do what you did!!!!!!!
    I take my 'at off to you... even though I have not actually gotta 'at on presently, but if a did have a 'at on it would be off now INSTANTLY!!!!!!!
    Seriously, Bingo joking aside, it's brill what you've done... and not only have you helped others less fortunate than yourself being luckily enough to be born British... but like you say, you've leanred alot as others would/ could/ should if they did the same!!!!!
    I'm sure the experience has made you feel a better person inside & opened up your eyes more!!!!!!!
    Am sure though not that you'd need your eyes opening up, as they must already be very much open to go out there in the first place ;))

    CleverSuperNanny - Thank you most much!!!!!

    PS ALL - Sorry about me rant before, but a like ter think this area of Britain aka CLP ±«Óătv Blog & INDEED all of us bloggers are one area of broken Britain that's not broken!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 25.

    bingo - very interested to read your thoughts about the UK and prayer.

    Can I add that I have always prayed as and when required, having a link to God that is always present, and that my church is not only lively and full but reaches out to the community and to overseas missions as Lord told us to.

    However, I am the first to admit that I am broken and could do a lot more to help those around me


  • Comment number 26.

    Bingo: I did indeed check out your photographs and they are quite beautiful. I see what you mean! btw: in the Parish I grew up in, we had the most incredible statue of Mary in the Church grounds. Some complete eejit chopped the head off it - this was in 1965, so perhaps Britain has always been broken, to some extent!

    C xx

  • Comment number 27.

    Baggy - I don't think your broken at all, yes we all have our faults, I have many!!!!!!!
    In fact an incredible amount of faults... probably why me life isn't on the rails... literally when it comes ter the trian driver job ave always wanted...
    But Super B, when I think about you... the fact that you did the Moonwalk & walked 26 miles for charity.... that alone is more than i've ever done for charity & makes you a good person!!!!!

    I'm sorry to hear about you job problems but if you keep looking i'm sure as other bloggers, including myself,who've had job problems.. well i'm sure you will find a good job soon!!!!!!

    I know it sounds crazy, but have you yerself thought of trying for a job on the railway?
    It's a damn good career to get into & although I know your line of work is accounting, the railway seem to take on proffessional types with degrees - yer could have a good chance what with living close to London!!!!!
    Worth a thought Baggy - am just throwing an idea your way!!!!!!

    PS If you did getta job on the railway when a can't... i'd be very happy for you.... but DAMN jealous!!!!! LOL!!!!@!

    PPS A recently got me London Marathon result through, a wasn't successful!!!!!!!
    But a could try & join one of the charities... of which i'd love to & really would like to do the London Marathon... but there's only one thing stopping me - I need to raise about 3k for the charity... and the fact I have a small family, little friends & the line of work i'm in as a trucker... very few at work to sponser me... it saddens me but something tells me if a tried to run in the marathon it'd make me feel the sad loner a really am!!!!!!!
    A think the London Marathon is more for proffessional types like school teachers who can get all the kids/ parents to sponsor them... not a saddo trucker from a tiny family!!!!!!!!

    At least a can give a small wad for C.I.N soon :)


    PS Have a spelt proffessional proffessionally????? A don't know!!!!

  • Comment number 28.

    Chrissie - Can't beleive how anyone could do such a thing to any statue... but a religious one?????
    I'd be frightened of doing such a thing... To do such a thing must be someone with the devil inside them!!!!!!
    But then the nice thing about religion... it tells us to forgive/ feel sorry for such sad individuals!!!!!!!

    PS In case any think am a religious nutter... am not... could say am hypocritical as I don't go to church... but a do strongly beleive in god!!!!!

    Goota go to the gym now... don't wanter but it's the only way ter keep the truckers belly at bay!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 29.

    Afternoon bloggers and schloggers,

    Great blog CLP, it is always nice to reminisce and take a short walk down memory lane. You are indeed a special person who I am sure having inspired so many people to make the most of the talents they have.

    Now going back to your show this morning, and the what have you done for the first time today, child from “South Petherton” in Somerset you interviewed. I do not know her however that is the village I was born in, many years ago now and I still live close by having returned ten years ago after travelling the world. Nice to hear the village get a mention. ;-)

    I will admit to feeling a little down in the dumps today after the announcements from the government and the Ministry of Defence yesterday. I still work for the military and although (for the moment) my job seems safe I feel the devastation the services will have to go through whilst continuing to go and fight the fight (wherever in the world that is) is going to be very hard. No one like change I guess not that this is as much change, more like grievous bodily harm!

    On an up side I have had a phone call from my son (last child living at home) and he has just seen a house he and his girlfriend of three years would like to rent! So it looks like just me and the misses rattling around in our 5 bedroom house soon! Woop! Woop! Better downsize before they think about returning……

    Baggy……Booooo, chin up girl. Xx

    Keep smiling

  • Comment number 30.

    Afternoon all,

    AS and Baggy, onwards and upwards ladies, I'm not officially un-employed as I am self employed so its up to me to get the work in, but with up darn essex now finished, I am relying on having some lovely graduates to interview to keep me out of mischief whilst I look for another contract or something permanent - gulp!

    Anyhoo, just back from horpital, signed off from Consultant - only bum note was that he said there is a high chance I will snap the other achillies!!! its very common for someone who has done one to do both - OMG noooooooooooooooooooo

    Note to all bloggers at ANY blog meet that I am at
    DO NOT let me
    a) dance
    b) try and walk in heels
    c) do anything that could put me at risk!!!

    On a brighter note the physio said I am doing really well, and have almost caught up to where I should be if I had had that extra 4 weeks of physio I missed out on, however, that means the "exercises" have hiked up a notch - I have to feel like I have been to the gym and "pushed' myself every day - double gulp!!!

    Right, off to type up some reports and try and make 3 very similar sounding graduates sound different and interesting!


  • Comment number 31.


    Thanks for your kind words, I even surprised myself that I did it. But there are many on here who are unsung heros, everyone does their bit.


    You're asking a lot from fellow bloggers...hee hee xx

    Right nearly time to go home, had the office to myself today (well apart from two visitors) so I've managed to achieve a lot.

    Have a great evening everyone.


  • Comment number 32.

    Bingo, I have enjoyed reading your last few posts. You are definitely not a saddo trucker. It takes a great deal of skill and expertise to manoeuvre an HGV, and I'm not saying that because Mr PF is an ex trucker, I really mean it.

    BTW it's one F!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 33.

    bingo - thanks but I've always just tried to do my best, nothing more and nothing less. I'm not that interested in working on the trains but as I kid I wanted to be a truck driver - 100% true

    Debs - glad to hear your better - so you know how to make me sound interesting as I'm obviously failing although I am a bean counter!

  • Comment number 34.

    Pen & SB.

    That's what I keep telling him, I'm proud to tell people my son's a truck driver. I have trouble reversing my mobility scooter through the door.

    I'd like to give my opinion on the photo. After reading articles on this computer about spiritual orbs and dust/moisture, etc on the lens and in the air, I think that in this case, due to the circumstances and the conditions, it is indeed one or two spiritual orbs. If not it's a huge coincidence that it should appear on this photo and not the hundreds of others taken with the same camera.

    Anyway I believe (and not just because I want to believe) that it is spiritual orbs.

    MM x

  • Comment number 35.


    Has it been a long week or is it just me?

    I am feeling so tired today, might just doze off here!

    Debs, so that's you sat sitting safe in the corner then! As long as your drinking arm is still working!

    Baggy, (((x))) thought of lots of things to write here but not sure you want to hear any of them today. Just to say I am sure things will work out for you, even if it takes a while.

    I looked at Bingo's pics too. It is strange when something appears in the picture that matches so closely what Bingo was thinking and concentrating on so hard. There is a lot said about how cameras are now picking up images that we cannot see so i for one would not like to say how this image came about.

    Bingo, I hope things are working out for you. Are you still in touch at all with the lady you met - Lena? (sorry, memory melt down tonight) How is her father?

    RC, any room on the rambling step tonight? I think that's my proper place!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 36.

    Evening CLP and the bloggers,

    I love a good train journey, the last one I took was from Stockholm to a place called Huskvarna. I left Stockholm just as the sun was starting to go down, it was beautiful watching the sun set over the lakes to the south of Stockholm. I have done the commute thing, from Glasgow to Edinburgh, and absolutely hated it!! Never again.

    Hugs to all bloggers out there, especially those facing changing and challenging circumstances at the moment. Fingers crossed for better things ahead!


  • Comment number 37.

    Dear all

    I’ve spent today being diversified in work... yes a whole day learning that we are indeed a diverse society, and that there are protocols, guidelines and correct ways of accepting our differences... not rocket science, but it really reminded me that living our country and embracing it’s varied cultures is indeed a pleasure and privilege...

    With regard to spiritual happenings and beliefs – everyone has their own interpretation of such things and these should be respected. I don’t have religion and my philosophy is to remain open minded to such things because “...[my] eye sees only what [my] mind is prepared to comprehend"

    In other news... was travelling to Cornwall on M5 yesterday and guess what I saw in the fast lane, stranded? Causing cars to swerve quickly?....

    ... A swan – stranded, alarmed and in shock...

    Of course I called the emergency services and all was well on the return trip back up the motorway...

    Hope all are well and happy...

    Suzie... xx

  • Comment number 38.

    Forgot to say CLP

    Yes it is amazing to go back to familiar places that have contributed to our lives and will always remain a part of why and who we are... glad you had a good time.

    Suzie... xxx

  • Comment number 39.

    Hi all

    Dunno what to say, so just saying "Hi"!

    I want to go back to Norfolk Suzie! It's lovely!

    And Scotland!

    JG x

  • Comment number 40.

    JG... only part of Norfolk I've been too is the Broads... loved it...

    and yes... the S word - perhaps sooner rather than later would be good?

    S xxx

  • Comment number 41.

    Definately, but North Norfolk is lovely too! I loved it, and meeting up with my estranged Uncle!!

    Yes, I have loads of brochures through, so will take a look, I get a 10% discount through work, from a couple of firms, so worth booking through them!

    JG x

  • Comment number 42.

    .... in EXTRA special news...

    Off to Austria at the end of January to fall off a few mountains... with a couple of wonderful guys from Liverpool that I've known for over 30 years - and trust me... they will pick me up when I fall. Platonic friends really are the best.

    Oh well... like JG don’t know what else to say either...

    Except sorry for hogging the late night blog...

    Night all


  • Comment number 43.

    Night Marjie, Seza, JG, Suzie and everyone.

    Take care and sleep well.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 44.

    Sezagirl - You probably missed my blog when I told the sad news about Lena's father - He died two weeks ago sadly.

    As for if i'm still in touch, i'll tell all in my part's 5 & 6 of me story!!!!!!!!

    Part 5 Involving when I left on the night train!!!!

    Talking of which... A forgot ter bang this on for CLp & ALL... One of me favourite tunes by fellow cap dude Rod Stewart... Most Apropriate with the title of CLP's blog terdee >>>

    Night all!

  • Comment number 45.

    Bingo, really sorry to hear your news.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 46.

    Bingo, lovely song.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 47.

    Hi Chris
    Love the show.....are you turning into Terry? Every time I tune in I seem to catch you and the crew eating! Mmmmmm......


  • Comment number 48.

    Hi nanalinda

    Hello and welcome.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 49.

    Hideehoo everyone from a mild upstate New York! Sorry for the absence. Work is going well so too is the footie. The Daphster is doing well and is as cute as ever, not that I am biased.....lol I hope you all had a good hump day!!!

  • Comment number 50.

    right back at you Bondie... xxx happy hump day to you and the huge Daphster... xxxx night night xxx

  • Comment number 51.

    Lol goodnight Suzie

  • Comment number 52.

    Morning all

    Cold and icy here this morning, although that did give me the lovely sight of Nic scraping the car when he went swimming at half six! Lovely elbow action ......

    CLP, do you lurk over on Mr Mayo's blog next door? You've just played Level 42's Something About You and if she heard it, I should imagine Deebee is now grinning from ear to ear!

    Odds and plods to do today but will be dropping in for your company throughout the duration.

    For now .... brekkie time!


  • Comment number 53.


    Morning from a well frosty Brizzle!

    Deffo going to be a warming food day today, leek and potato soup for lunch and spag bolls for tea, comfort food all the way!

    Bondy - nice to see you pop up there, glad things are going well, I bet Daphster is loving having you around more - not sure if you know, but Rips is hosting a proper old fashioned FNWC this week if you want to join us?

    Right, stuff to do and big pans to dig out!

    Happy thursty thursday everyone

  • Comment number 54.

    Morning all from the wilds of North Norfolk - yes S & JG 'tis indeed beautiful and I love it.

    I had to drive to Ashford in Kent yesterday to see a supplier, and although the skies were beautiful - wall to wall sunshine - I was sooo happy to get home again!

    Happy Thirstee Thursdee to all you lovely Bloggers and fellow Blurkers out there

    Have a good day!

    CG x

  • Comment number 55.

    Morning lovelies. I'm working at home today with the heating on. The window cleaner's just turned up. Dear Beez had one who looked like Elvis - mine looks like he's entered the Dads-who-look-a-bit-like-Elvis competition at Butlins in about 1976. Think I'd better offer him a cuppa - he looks frozen.

    While we're comparing people to things, did anyone see The Apprentice last night? Lord Sugar was described by Cailtin Moran in the paper the other day as "an angry little business bear on a booster seat" and I can't think of anything else now when I look at him. Brilliant.

    Love Barmy x

  • Comment number 56.

    LOL Barmy - that's a brilliant description! He always makes me think of Nookie Bear .....


  • Comment number 57.

    Yay! Deevs you are sooo right - Nookie Bear it is

    Tee hee

    CG x

  • Comment number 58.

    I hope nobody's got their hand up his ......



  • Comment number 59.

    Awwwwwwww noooooooo - I was about to bite into a yummy bacon buttie x

  • Comment number 60.

    Morning everyone

    Freezing cold here!

    Hope you all have a good day.

    Dog wants a walk, is she mad. I better get some more layers on and find some gloves.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 61.

    Morning all,

    Another day in sunshine, it looks great through the window from inside my centrally heated office! First frost of the winter on my windscreen in Somerset this morning......brrrr.

    CSN, Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the winter sun......or something like that. ;-)


  • Comment number 62.


    Bingo, I am sorry. I hadn't remembered what you had written about Lena's father. It certainly sounds like you had a memorable trip and I am looking forward to hearing the conclusion

    Definately today is classified as blinkin cold!!! Real scraping of the car had to be done this morning

    Am loving waking up with Chris. Really makes me want to wake up, even if crawling out from under the duvet is sooooo hard!

    On another note, boy1 had such a sticky up fringe this morning I straightened it for him. He took one look in the miroor, pronounced "Cool Mum, can you do that everyday for me!!!" What have I started!!


    Seza xx

  • Comment number 63.

    Hi everyone:

    Sorry to those with more frost this morning. I was so, so grateful to look out this morning and see our car was clear! I know, that's really selfish!

    Keith: re: your post on the spending cuts. Yes, very depressing and all I can think is that there's more bad news to come! However, sounds like a bit of a result for you and MrsKeith that you'll be getting the place to yourselves soon! No point in trying to downsize, your darlings will be around, no matter what!

    Debs: I promise you, if I am attending any blog meets with you, I will ensure that you and I just sit in a quiet corner, drinking water. Aye, right!

    nanalinda: welcome to the blog - please join in!

    007 - how lovely to see you! Glad to hear all is well with you.

    Cheryl: Level 42 - and I missed it!!!! My favourite track - aaarrggh! Thurs and Fri are my "late" days for starting work - and I had a wee lie-in this morning. That'll teach me!

    Debs (again): Please give me your recipie for leek & potato soup - MrS would be astounded if I could produce such a dish - I really mean this!

    Hope everyone else is ok - have a good Thursday.

    C xx

  • Comment number 64.

    Chrissie - did you miss Marie Osmond too? Thought of you when he played it!!


  • Comment number 65.

    Cheryl: would you believe I DID hear Marie, which I would have missed on my "other" time schedule! I was transported listening to it: buying my clothes in Chelsea Girl, heated rollers, stealing my sister's suede coat (when possible) and last but not least, meeting MrS! Amazing what one song can do for you!


  • Comment number 66.

    Morning all!

    Bit nippy round the nodules down here today - but gorgeous blue sky so am off to hang out the washing in a minute!

    Waiting in today for GD's new bedroom furniture to arrive - hoping when they say "morning" they do mean before 12 noon and not sometime vaguely before they decide to stop for lunch!! then I can have a happy (!) hour or 2 putting her clothes into drawers from the shelves where they have been for a while (that was a rubbish idea for an 11 yr old - she either wears the same thing over and over cos its on the top of the pile or pulls something out from the bottom and it all falls over!!)

    Then off to Isle of Wight at the weekend for a few days over half term. Mr RC is from there so we are meeting up with some friends from London to show them round, and have a good catch up at the same time! (see what I did there - Isle of Wight/Level 42!! on topic all the time, me, no rambling today - haha!!)

    And loved the blog CLP - I know what you mean about always being the tea boy/trainee when you go back where you started - but its good to remember that sometimes I think!! too many people seem to forget that in my opinion.

    and those Apprentices!! what are they LIKE??!! how have they lived as long as they have with the lack of life skills they appear to have??!! how did they think that hotel was going to do breakfast with 16 rolls?!! have they never stayed in a hotel?! bet if they were staying there they'd be the first to complain about the lack of bread products!!

    Blimey - that was a long ramble!!

    RC xx

  • Comment number 67.

    Morning all!

    Thanks for the welcome backs - nice to feel wanted!

    AliB - how was the trip to Zimbabwe? Did it all go according to plan?

    Chrissie - S - only a wee glass??? Shocking!!

    Deevs - could be handbags in reception if it ever happened!! Hell yeah, life does begin at 40 - am soooo looking forward to the next chapeter - bring it on, whatever it is :)

    Chilly but sunny here in North Warks this morning - have got some more housework to do in preparation for family coming on Sunday but at the mo am sat nursing a cuppa with the heating on, how decadent!!?? I could get used to this not working malarkey!

    Ooooh, postman just been, more birthday cards for me to open up tomorrow :) goodie :)

    Hmmmm, now shall I do the ironing first or the vaccuuming???? Decisions, decisions????!!!!

    AS x

  • Comment number 68.

    Chrissie, will co re recipe!

    As CLPs un-official press officer wanted to say that CLP is also on Paul OGrady this Friday - and dont forget Something for the weekend on Sunday - eee he gets about dont he!

    And Deevs - check out this morning on the i-player RB was on there this am!

    opps look at the time, ofski to another interview!


  • Comment number 69.

    RC: yes, liked the Isle of Wight/Level 42 connection - clever! One fine day I will get to the Isle of Wight and track down Mark King. And then be arrested! Have a lovely time.

    AS: you know us Scots, we use the word "wee" even when we mean HUGE!

    C xx

  • Comment number 70.

    Morning All,

    Flippin freezing in Kent, but lovely sunshine. The car had to be defrosted and it registered a big fat zero on the temperature dial. Still I love sunny, cold mornings makes me glad to be alive.

    It's been a stressful morning down at the church with a van being clamped in our car park and the owners of the van disputing it. But as I said I can't argue with photographic evidence!!

    Bondy, Good to see you xx

    AS, Zimbabwe was awesome and all went according to plan, thanks for asking xx and being exactly a day younger than Deevs I agree with everything she says :)

    First concert I ever went to was Level 42, but I know I've said that before!


  • Comment number 71.

    Chrissie - phew! You did have me worried!! I will be joining you with several glasses, nay a bottle of bubbly :)


    AS x

  • Comment number 72.

    Debs - when? which programme? iPlayer is ±«Óătv only tho if RB was on itv?

    His Booky Wook II is excellent, btw!!!


  • Comment number 73.

    Not wishing to interfere here, but Deevs, there is an ITV player, also, This Morning has a highlights programme on Saturday/Sunday mornings. Hope this helps.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 74.



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