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Better Get On With It.

Chris Evans | 06:17 UK time, Monday, 9 August 2010

Now you really don't want your life to become like a fortnights holiday, where you suddenly realise you only have two days left, and you'd better start having some fun.

Or like you're running a marathon and holding back for a sprint to the finish, but it's no use because everyone's already too far ahead of you.

The older I become the more conscious I am of mantras like these on a daily basis. It's like you have take your advanced driving test for life, and look at the cars ahead as well as - if not more so - than the one in front.

So come on, it's Monday! A whole other day to play catch up, become part of the game, or do whatever it is you have to do to tick this day off as a win.





  • Comment number 1.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 2.

    Morning all and CLP

    You're right, we should make every day count, but at the moment I'm so tired I just wish I could stop for a bit!

    Just found a song thats been driving me round the bend for the last few weeks - a very satisfying moment

    Probably wont mean much to you but kinds of sums me up at the moment, not in a literal way but in a state of mind kinda way.


  • Comment number 3.

    PS - in case your wondering I'm the person who has reported guccijoy and got them moderated, they were advertising products and thats just not cricket!

  • Comment number 4.

    Mooooooooooorninnnn Alllll,

    Baggy - advertising, very naughty. And there was me about to put up an ebay link to one small child who has been up since before 6 !!!

    CLP - ok captain, will take on board and start overtaking at a serious ace to get back into the lead. Just need to find the car keys.

    And on the weather front, GLORIOUS sunny day with dew on the grass and a cool breeze in the air so its off to 'Folk Week' for another day of lazing my the coast and soaking up the atmosphere.

    Have a good one peeps.

  • Comment number 5.

    Good morning everyone,

    Absolutely pouring down here in Ayrshire, but can't complain too much as we had a dry weekend (first in ages).

    Cousin Diane, who lives in Dubai now, was home and we had a family get together last night so that was lovely.

    Hope everyone had a good weekend.



  • Comment number 6.

    Morning CLP & ALL...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - Been 'aving similar thoughts meself lately... everything i've ever done seesm to fail!!!!!
    Been taking a long 'ard look at my life lately & realising it might be too late to realise me dream of becoming train driver!!!!!!!!

    Also realised to have fun in life, yer need to fill yer life with people... aka family & good friends!!!!!!!
    But the 'arder I look to try & have a family & find good friends.... the more disillusioned with life I become!!!!!!!

    It's seems to me... no matter how much positive thinking I may have... if i'm surrounded by negative people.... it doesn't seem to matter!!!!!

    BUT.... having said that... my latest thought is if you keep positive.... don't sink into being negative & don't join the negative people.... then eventually I will find the positive person/ family/ friends i've been looking for!!!!!!!

    The search goes on!!!!!!!!!!

    So actually by thinking positive today, while most around me like at work seem miserable & negative, is actually me turning today into a winning day like what yer write above CLP!!!!!!!

    That's one thing a like about CLP.... 'e's one of the positives thinkers in this world!!!!!!!

    As for the advanced driving test.... as i've taken me advanced driving test & being a member of the I.A.M.... sounds like you know what yer on about CLP... with the phrase 'looking ahead'..... Or ave yer been talking to Lynn Bowles who took the test too!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 7.

    PS CLP - Always like yer advice yer used to say a lot at the end of Driveitme 'Stay away from the bad people!!!!!'

    Fine advice!!!!!!!

    PPS - Not given up on me hope of becoming train driver.... but at 37 i'm getting closer to the age of 45 when they don't take drivers on anymore!!!!!!

    Maybe it's just not mean't to be!!!!!

  • Comment number 8.

    Bingo - Stop that negative thinking regarding the train driving job, there's a whole 8 years till you're at the cut off age.



  • Comment number 9.


    So train driving is out for me then!

    Bingo, you have to follow your dream.

    There is only you, that can make it come true.

    Morning all. Gloomy old morning here, but hey ho.


  • Comment number 10.

    Morning all

    Beautiful sunny day here.

    Chris, lovely post.

    I only believe in positivity these days after something that happened to me a few years ago that totally changed my way of thinking!

    Positive thoughts can bring you much joy, happiness and make you feel good about life!

    Negative thoughts only bring trouble and strife!

    Bingo, nice post. you can still become a train driver at your age.

    Gail, glad you had a lovely weekend with your cousin.

    Hope you all have a good day.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 11.

    Good Morning CLP & Everyone.

    Monday morning huh! !!!@?*!$@?

    Thanks for being one of life's positive people CLP, you cheer us up in a world that is actually full of negativity.

    I enjoyed the song Baggy, it took me back to how I used to feel most of the time. Now that I'm in my twilight years I've found a new kind of contentment. I might be physically ill but I no longer have work, relationship,etc problems.

    Also there are so many nice things in life that we are usually too busy to see.

    MM x

  • Comment number 12.


    "I don't believe it" as Victor Meldrew would say. Bingo's IAM magazine has just come through the door!

  • Comment number 13.

    Dozymac, MTF & CSN - Thanks for yer pep talk!!!!!!

    But a am positive... ok after trying ter become a train driver since a was 10 (27 years) am still positive... and after passing 2 aptitude tests... am still positive.... and a know it's the job i'd love & be great at!!!!!

    A love driving, being on the move... speed... emense torque... and when a drove a train in the sidings aged 15... a 800 tonne 300yard freight train... a was a natural!!!!!!

    BUT... even if a don't make it as trian driver... i'd still love to be a guard/ conductor!!!!!!
    Easier to become on of these... still a way better job than being a trucker... and a love working with people.... and a could tell me jokes over the PA system on the train!!!!!!!

    No all.... a am being positive!!!!!!!!

    Plus Ave decided to give it another go at becoming a professional golfer!!!!!!!!
    Me attitude is if yer don't try yer don't get!!!!!
    A was so close ter getting me swing correct a few years ago... then a gave it up ter do a few things like me maths & look for a wife in Ukraine!!!!!!
    A got me maths but didn't get me wife!!!!!!

    After going to Wentworth... and watching the Open on tv... and going to see the Women's Open... the golfing bug has bitten again!!!!!

    Ave noticed to... all these top people don't just get to where they are without hard work & dedication!!!!!!!!
    Look at Tiger's from gone at present because he is putting his family first & not his putting!!!!!!
    Even the likes of Tiger Woods had to practice day & night!!!!!!
    A was watching breakfast tv the other week... one of the top violinists in the world was on!!!!!
    And she was saying she often practices all day every day!!!!!!

    And reading Ian Poulter's twitter recently he was saying he hit 1000 balls off the range the other day!!!!!!

    These dudes don't just turn up & do what they do... it takes lots of hard wokr & practise behind the scenes!!!!!!

    Which makes me realise.... if I don't give in & keep hitting those balls a will get the swing correct!!!!!!!!

    And if a keep applying to the railway.... i'll get to where a want to be!!!!!!!!

    Like in the Virgin Trains advert slogan 'Where do you want to be?'

    Driving the damn train that's where!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Soz gotta go... got 16 tonnes of Clean 'N Fresh floor cleaner ter deliver to Pontefract!!!!!!


  • Comment number 14.

    Afternoon folks,

    CLP, i can assure you , that if i get to run the marathon, a sprint finish will not be on my agenda . :-)

    I try to be positive on a daily basis, but sometimes , you just get sucked into "getting through" the day , rather than having the time to keep everything in perspective. I am currently helping someone who is being bullied. Its hard , and makes me so sad that people are prepared to put sooo much effort into being so nasty, and the days they are wasting which could be spent enjoying life . Grrrrrrr .

    Right, have had my ham butties and grapes, off to search for some real food.

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 15.


    Is all this musing on the meaning of life a result of writing your autobiography?

    I can imagine you have spent so much time contemplating your past that you thoughts naturally turn towards the future.

    At the end of the day, however there is nothing to be gained in looking either way as what has been, has been and what will be, will be.

    We just have to be the best we can be in the moment.

  • Comment number 16.

    I agree Barney.

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, live for today.

    MM x

  • Comment number 17.

    Good afternoon all,

    Chris ,Lots of deep thinking from you of late,your getting to be quite a philosopher.I try not to think so deep ,I'd only get lost if I did .

    Having a relaxing day today ,just a few errands this morning and a visit to the church yard a bit later this afternoon to take some flowers to a client I used to work with .

    It's turning out to be a lovely day here ,nice and sunny ,not too hot and a nice breeze .

    Take care ...Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 18.

    I sort of agree with Chris, but it life deals in both positives and negatives. It's about how you deal with both that will affect your demeanor.'Tis a rich tapestry, and we all add our bit. This lot got it about right...

  • Comment number 19.

    Paul - my friend who died at the tender age of 38 had that played at his funeral.

    It is indeed a great song.

  • Comment number 20.

    #19.I am so sorry to hear of your friend's demise, but not sorry to hear of your friend. I obviously didn't know him, but even at this late stage, and from beyond the grave as it were, he has found a way of sending out a little message, through you, and prompted by my reply to CLP's post, to the entire world. Lets face it, that is where this blog is KNOWN to be accessible. Having that song played at his funeral has added just a tiny weeny little bit to what you knew and loved about him, and indeed let me, who never met him, know a smidge about his personality. In many respects, we can live forever. In the hearts and minds of those we meet. All we need to do, is make some kind of an impression. I think that is something to strive for, not necessarily personal gain.

    Oops, best stop there, I don't want to start getting maudlin.

  • Comment number 21.

    I love that song Paul but the heart attack warning (one in three die before they reach hospital) at the right of the video lessened my enjoyment of it.

    MM x

  • Comment number 22.

    #21. Mmm, yes. I hadn't seen that. Them's the vagaries, I guess.

  • Comment number 23.

    Paul - thanks - he died a few years ago and is much missed but at that stage when we can remember him fondly!

  • Comment number 24.

    Well, CLP, yet another thought provoking blog from you today. As I was working through some papers earlier, I happened upon this little missive:

    “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within usâ€

    Quite pertinent I thought…

    Hope everyone is having a good start to the week - happy Monday all...

    Suzie… xxx

  • Comment number 25.

    Evenin all

    Tis a struggle to stay positive at times isn't it.

    I do always try, but in work mode at least it can be more of a challenge. Probably not helped by part of my job being debt chasing. I can get really cynical after a couple of calls where people don't want to talk to me or fob me off and tell me they've already sent payment. It's funny how often said "already posted" payment doesn't arrive, and they want to talk to me even less a few days later. I try not to take it personally, but it does get rather dis-hearting after a while that people feel they can lie to you time and time again, just because they owe a few quid. I'd much prefer they told me the truth and I could help stop the debt spiralling. It does get to the point in our office when certain people pay us we do a little victory dance...Usually after eyeing the cheque and wondering if it'll be rubber this time. Such is the way of the world these days.

    On a positive note... it's keeping me in a job.


  • Comment number 26.

    Like the blog today Christoff - but then, I always do....Light hearted, daft or profound - all good.

    The future is very much shaped by what you got up and did today.
    Sometimes I'm happy for fate to decide, other times I feel the need to work my brazils off to dictate it as much as is possible.

    Then again - as Baggy points out -sometime even the simplest choices are taken away....

    Count your blessings!

    Great tune Super Beep x

    Funny how you can completely forget a song that you loved ever even existed.

    Night all



  • Comment number 27.

    well it's been a strange Monday for me, heading off to a new office, after very litle sleep!

    Was up half the night worrying about stuff I needed to do, and what route I was going to take to the new office!

    There's a crossroads which defines which way, I turned right, and eventually got on the M6. Tomorrow, I may turn left and take the toll-bridge route, we'll see....

    Have come home via the M6 too, not so good, so might pick and mix as they say...

    I'm trying to be positive, but it's all so new, it's hard to be, other than to be glad that I have the ability to drive myself to work! Whichever route I take, and there are some more still to chose....

    Anyhow, have come home and tided the last bits up, cleaned the kitchen windows, which looked awful with the rare sun we've had, and am going to cosy up on the sofa with my tea shortly.

    I'll "see" you all on Saturday unless I can get a minute at work tomorrow, or get my phone to load properly, so enjoy your week! I'm going to enjoy the time with my family!

    JG x

  • Comment number 28.

    Enjoy the time with your family JG ,it sure is nice to be together .


  • Comment number 29.

    Oh... its very quiet here lately...

    Rips - I agree what you do today makes tomorrow... etc etc etc...

    ...for example... yesterday, youngest man, decided to de-fumigate his bedroom - moving all his "stuff" into the hall... asking for polish, glass cleaner, using hoover... next thing I know, all "stuff" has gone... disappeared. WELL DONE son I congratulate him... only to discover, this morning, that the "stuff" has migrated to the spare bedroom! Thereby proving the rule that what he did yesterday coloured his today, and probably tomorrow, and the next day!!! There's one busy young man and a hard working washing machine...

    Night all...

    Suzie... xxx

  • Comment number 30.

    ... actually that should read "fumigate"... he's spent weeks, nay months "de-fumigating" his space...

    S xxx

  • Comment number 31.


    My family and close friends are the most important people in my life.

    Enjoy your time with yours.

    lol, csn. xx

  • Comment number 32.

    Night everyone

    Sleep well and sweet dreams.

    lol, csn. xx

  • Comment number 33.

    Morning Everyblogger!!!

    Can't beat starting the day off with a good mantra. Seriously, I mean it. Something to get you heading in the right direction. I read this this morning, well technically yesterday morning and thought right lets take this day by the scruff of the neck and "tick this day off as a win".

    D'you know what ? BIG tick. Listened to The Show, albeit at lunchtime (serious work in the am). Kept thinking all day about making the day a success and Voila! Couple of things that have been worrying me sorted, some money earned, bit of sunshine, ickle drinky this evening - one day in the bag.

    Is it just me or should The Breakkie Show be issued on prescription ?

    Something I was thinking halfway through the day - mantras, where've they come from!? I didn't need them years ago, just got on with things. Praps it's getting old(er) - My tenuous link with CLP, I'm the same age.

    Just having a final thought - Oh no!!! Got to do it all again in 7 hours. That's the good thing about days - they're not a week long!

    Loved all the other posts through the day today, keep 'em going.

    Tim the Taxi xx

  • Comment number 34.

    ps. Slowly but surely reading through the "Archive" below - They're grrrreat...

    TtT x


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