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Late Blog Alert

Chris Evans | 16:22 UK time, Monday, 26 July 2010

Haven't come up for air since show finished. Been huddled away with my editing pencil in my manuscript. That's what a book becomes you see: an idea, a load of notes, a mess, a muddle, a draft and then a manuscript which needs to be corrected like a piece of English Language homework.

And that's what I'm doing, except because I made the mistakes in the first place it's actually quite difficult for me to make the apposite changes.

Still, it's amazing what five cups of coffee and a tin of shortbread can help achieve.

Forgive me, but I'm going back in.




PS: Don't Forget Your Top Gear - tonight (Monday) 7pm ±«Óãtv2


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  • Comment number 1.

    Better late than never Chris - can't wait to read it!

    Well done on all the hard work put in

    Darce x

  • Comment number 2.

    Afteroon CLP and blog lovelies

    Chris, I used to write press releases for a living and one of the hardest jobs out there was proof reading/editing your own work. Because you've written it in the first place it's (a) hard to chomp out bits that editors don't feel are needed, and (b) because you've written it, you proof read what you want your eyes to see, ergo (sorry Nic!) missing typos, gramaticals etc.

    Good luck auld bean, and keep that pencil well sharpened!

    Today has been a long drawn out one for me, and I can't wait for 5 o'clock to finally chug round.

    As for Top Gear, we've got last night's and last week's on CloudPlus to watch - this series has been excellent thus far. Only last night when we were watching one from the other Sunday, Nic commented what fantastic jobs the guys on Top Gear have, although I don't think I could drive something that was worth more than a house ........

    No gym this evening on account of having a poorly fella at home who needs some nursing, and a broken fridge which needs emptying and removing in readiness for its replacement in the morn.

    Have a lovely evening everyone!



  • Comment number 3.

    ooooh - i've never done this before. just started to scroll down to read all the entries and there was only one so i got an urge to extend the list. i love reading the blog every day - i live in a country which struggles with proper humour so this helps me get through the day. thankyou people!!!

  • Comment number 4.

    Afternoon Chris,

    Back from my holibobs and really enjoyed listening to you again on the radio. Didn't realise how much I've missed you, Moira, Jonny and Lynn. Can't wait to read the next instalment, and I may partake in a shortbread or two whilst reading it. Yum!

    Mcw x

  • Comment number 5.

    Chris: you just make me smile so much ... a tin of shortbread, indeed! Once the new book is complete (finally) it will be such a sense of achievement for you. I'm so looking forward to it, plus, I can't wait for the upcoming (hopefully) book signings!

    Hi everyone else: hope all is well.

    C xx

  • Comment number 6.

    ali: welcome to the blog - I am sure you will love it here - great place, lots of friendly people - join in, it's great!

    Cheryl: oooh, new fridge. Is it one of those big American jobs? I would love one, but as we have the smallest kitchen in the world, no can do!

    C xx

  • Comment number 7.

    Hello CLP and Everyone.

    I would like to write my life story, I could do the idea and the notes but don't think I would get past the mess and the muddle. Besides, who would ever believe it, I can hardly believe it myself.

    Enjoy the tin of shortbread CLP and many thanks for leaving your garage to do the blog.

    Hope everone is well

    Welcome Ali 1

    MM x

  • Comment number 8.


    Chrissie-my kitchen is also too small hence the fridge/freezer being in the next room behind the door.

    MM x

  • Comment number 9.


    Thanks for the great advice. A tin of shortbread it will be tomorrow, and the day after and the day after .......... why didnt i think of that myself ?

    MC xx

  • Comment number 10.

    Hi CLP and gang, hope you're all ok this Monday afternoon/evening.

    I think the editing can be more difficult than the actual writing, as I remember from Uni essay writing days. it can be really hard knowing what to take out and what to keep in, especially when you've got a word limit!

    Took a leaf out of Cheryl's book and went for a swim and a sauna before lunch today, was the first time in ages so I think I'll be feeling it tomorrow!

    Right going to catch up on posts


  • Comment number 11.

    Afternoon/Evening everyone!

    Mmmmm...shortbread, lovely!

    Sorry about the fridge Deev, we have an odd sized space for ours, which made the last replacement very difficult to find!

    Clodagh from the weekend, no can do sorry, am working in Salford Quays all week (apart from tomoorow, when I've got to try and find the office in Altrincham)!

    Our family party weekend at Mum's was really good, will stick some pics up on t'ther side later! The tent was fine, and we stayed dry!

    Mt cousin's husband brought two trail bikes and two quads down from his work, so most (not me) spent a lot of the time whizzing around my Mum's fields!

    Me, I'm joining Debs in the injured corner...managed to trip up a step, and land fully on one knee-cap! So can hardly walk now, and have a knee twice the size it should be, and turning all the colours of the rainbow!

    And by the time we got home after 3.5 hours in the car, with one short leg break to switch to me driving, it was so stiff, I was completely unable to get out of my car...let's just say it was very elegant in the end, and involved a lot of swearing!

    Anyhow, thankfully it's my left knee and both cars are automatic, so I'm still able to get about!

    Sorry, this is probably an epic!

    JG x (aka Hopalong #2)

  • Comment number 12.

    For goodness sake, NOT very elegant! LOL

    And welcome Ali l, glad you took the plunge! Where do you live then? Don't say if you don't want to!

    JG x

  • Comment number 13.

    Hello Everyone

    JG Sorry to hear about the poorly leg but so glad you had a good (and dry!) weekend

    Hi Ali, always good to see a new "face"

    Still packing but still can't get the solcitors to say a date for definate! I'm working to 4th August and everyone else had better just fit in with me!!

    Have just had fun sticking drawers back together. There's something quite satisfying about gloopy glue!

    Hope everyone is generally ok!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 14.

    JG - deepest darkest kentucky!
    thanks for all the welcomes - i feel at home already.

  • Comment number 15.

    MC: (from last blog), although I walk a fair way round my local supermarket I don't tend to count that as a walk. Ditto hoovering etc, which should count to the 10k steps or whatever it is they think you should do daily. Never mind, sounds like you were a busy bee too yesterday. Walk tomorrow night? (tis dripping here, which while no excuse, means I don't currently see the point in going out and getting wet.)

    My plan for tonight is to make some food, eat it, collapse in a heap and perhaps dunk myself in the bath. Tend to forget between baths (don't panic, I do shower daily!) how much I enjoy them, so thinking after last night's another might be in order.

    Hope everyone else has survived everything Monday has thrown at them :)


  • Comment number 16.

    Oooh Ali l, a long way away then! All I can think of is Bourbon, but I'm sure there is more to it than that! Plus, I don't like Bourbon! lol

    Seza, it rained during the night, apparently, but I didn't hear it! Mind you I was snuggled up in a duvet, nightie, trackie bottoms and a fleece, the only issue I had was being too warm! LOL

    Be firm with those solicitors, when we bought our house, the vendors were trying to delay completion, to the extent, that we threatened to pull out of the deal! It was a bit embarrassing later to find we'd turfed them out of their house for 6 weeks, and then they moved back in next door! ;)

    Hope you get sorted, and I love gluing flat-pack stuff, I have a large wardrobe that I've built three times and dismantled twice...if you look carefuly on the inside, you can still see my pencil marks showing me which bit was which! I don't think it will move again though!

    JG x

  • Comment number 17.

    Oz, just had to go back and check cos I knew you asked me something and couldn't remember what! No, I don't ring despite much pressure from others but Mr Seza and the boys do. I'm quite happy as a "ringing widow", means I get free time when they all go off bagging towers but I get to join in the social occasions too!

    JG Not sure that these drawers will last long after they've been moved - cheap and nasty just about describes them! But they'll do for now!!

    Hopefully my repair job (and removing half the contents, charity shop's going to do well from us) will help them stay together for just a bit longer

    We're off out for dinner soon - making the most of the boys being away to see our friends

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 18.

    Seza: I'd forgotten I'd asked you that! But I have slept since then in my defence ;) You sound like my mum, she's a ringing widow, but has been known to join in the social side. Dad was ringing before I was born, so I was taken up a tower at 1 month old (he did his best to drop me on the stairs and skinned his elbows catching me again) and the rest as they say is history :) Have you ever had a go? Mum did once, and decided it wasn't for her. Maybe we should have a family mini meet with a tower or two thrown in? On the other hand, we could just forget the towers and go to the pub ;)


  • Comment number 19.

    Oz, sounds like a plan - I'll be the one in the pub!!


    Seza xx

  • Comment number 20.

    Evening all

    Chris. I am looking forward to reading your new book.

    Just had a fantastic weekend at the wedding of my best friend's daughter.

    Mr CSN took the photos, bride and groom looked lovely, food was brill and champagne excellent!

    My friend wanted to show me her room, so we went in and had a girlie chat, did our make up and used the bathroom. Half hour later she came up to me and said your not going to believe this the room we went in wasn't mine. Nice one!

    Hello and welcome Ali 1.

    MCW, hope you had a great holiday.

    Hope all is well with everyone.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 21.


    JG - ouch! I feel your pain and shall henceforth call you HopalongII, until such time as you are up and bounding around again! Hopefully soon eh?!x

    Chrissie - sadly not a large American-styleeeee fridge, just a white under-the-workstop type. All the food I bought on Friday is now bagged and living in the wheelie bin, so it'll be back to ELH tomorrow to re-stock the new one. Grrrrrrrrr!

    But there's nowt worse than warm yogurt. Ewwwwwww!

    Relaxy evening ahead, and an early night methinks.


  • Comment number 22.

    JG, sorry to hear about your knee, must be very painful.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 23.

    Evening all

    So looking forward to your next book Chris, and if it's half as good as the last one, it'll be brilliant. I adore shortbread.

    JG, Glad the weekend went well, seen the photos on the other side, what a great place your mum has. Sorry about the knee, hope the swelling reduces soon.

    CSN, lol

    Welcome Ali I, hope everyone else is tickety boo!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 24.

    Oz, did I see on t'ther side that you'd been to Brecon to ring? Such a lovely place, and you may have inadvertently met me or my family! It's their local town...keep wanting to put mine, but it's not now....

    Sorry to be negative, but I hate coming home :(

    Oh well, there's no work for us there, so we will stay put and get on...!!

    JG xx

  • Comment number 25.


    Really looking forward to the book, I keep recalling things that have happened to you over the years and am so looking forward to reading the facts as opposed to the tabloid version.

    Top Gear was amazing last night - I agree. I remember being in the local pub watching the Imola Grand Prix that took Senna and after about five minutes watching the horror unfold, we drank up and all went home fearing the worst. It was a very quiet night when we reconvened in the pub that night.
    I thought it was well judged to not show any of that footage on TG last night.
    How good was Sherlock afterwards too?
    Two and a half hours of the best t.v since some ginger fella used to get my Friday evenings off to a flying start!

    Hi to everyone else - hope you are all in fine fettle and that your knee is on the mend soon JG.




  • Comment number 26.

    Hi Rips

    I'm still struggling to watch TG, our Sky is playing up! Won't do anything....Grrr!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 27.

    JG: yeah, I've been ringing in Brecon, couple of Decembers ago now, just as I was stepping out on the blog. Half considered meeting Beez that weekend, if she was gonna be at the blothole. It didn't work out. Nice bells though :)
    Know what you mean about no work back home, I'm from the west coast of the lakes originally, nothing for me up there either, but doesn't stop me getting homesick occasionally. Well overdue a visit up there, but I do sometimes wonder if it's worth the trip as so much has changed.


  • Comment number 28.

    evening all, hope you're all well?

    Looking forward to book 2, if it's half as good as the first it'll be brill. thought Top Gear was one of the best things on tv in ages, like Rips has mentioned, probably since that ginger fella used to regularly get the weekend off to a flyer. I've never really been mega 'into' F1 but I was transfixed by the Senna bit, bloomin' marvellous. I thought the way they then ended the show was perfect too.

    Had a lovely weekend with MrsW and the ankle-biters after a tough week on nights followed by a very large friday-night works doo. haven't felt this content in years. Been running 3 times a week for a while now, lost a smidgen of the wobbly bits that had arrived too which is always nice. Big run in October to aim for but just finding it quite addictive to be honest. Me, the music in my ears, the country roads - bliss.

    To those that asked last time I popped in - work's great. I've completed all the relevant courses and cannot believe just how good this new job is.

    Anyway, enough about me, I've not seen you all for ages - how are you?

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 29.

    Nice to see you Gingembre,
    I kept meaning to ask how the promotion went and now I know.
    Great news, congratulations!

    Glad to hear all is well.
    Take care



  • Comment number 30.

    Evening all .
    short breads were my dads favorite biscuits ,I also like them but don't buy them often as they wouldn't last the day

    Glad your getting to grips with the book Chris ,you'll soon be finished then you can rest a while and recharge for the next one .There has to be a third .

    Very muggy here tonight ,been like it all day ,We could do with a good storm to clear the air .

    JG ,Just seen the pics on t'other side ,they are brilliant ,what a lovely spot your Mum lives in .Take care off your knee .

    Deev ,sorry to hear about your fridge ,but good you've got a new one and no you can't eat warm yogurts .

    Hello ,Oz don't think we've spoke before but not sure .

    Ali ,welcome to you also .nice to see you here .

    MTF ,are you around anywhere tonight .

    Rips ,hello to you too .don't work too hard .Very heart warming post the other night and I felt privileged to have read it .

    Take care all ...Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 31.

    The usual late join in from me.

    Electric fuse boxes are updated, and we now have the certificate that proves we are living in a safe house!

    We were waiting in this morning for the delivery of GDs new laptop and printer, given the times of between 7 and 7. Thankfully, the delivery van arrived at 10 this morning.

    After the driver had set off down the road, to turn around, I spotted a delivery note in the box, which gave me reason to chase the driver to enquire about the notes contents!!

    I said to the driver that I didn't think the delivery note was intended for us...

    Yes MADAM, if the note is in the parcel, then it is yours.

    Ok, I replied, so where are the 2 wetsuits, listed on it? ( no wise cracks, about me in a wetsuit please!!)

    I dont know anything about that MADAM, I simply deliver it to the address on the delivery note...

    Another Ok came from me, followed by the question...

    So are we in Perth?

    Stunned silence ensued!

    Annie or any other lovely bloggers on your side of the border, where is Murthly?

    I am hoping it was Perth in this country and not the other Perth!

    Enjoying the most wonderful prog on ITV4 dedicated to the unforgettable Freddie Mercury.

    Bums, its just finished!


    To which he replied,

  • Comment number 32.

    Bids, I am convinced, you and I are buses!!

    Have no idea where that, 'to which he replied' came from!

    Slot it into my last post somewhere.


  • Comment number 33.

    MTF: glad you're not likely to go bang now :)

    Bids: not sure if we've chatted either (I must've slept since then if we have!), but good evening, need a storm here too, might help get rid of my headache :)

    It would appear I've missed my bath slot tonight. Was waiting for tea to digest a bit before running said bath (only sort of running I do) and browsing the net, and now I see it's nearly bedtime and a bit late to run a bath and have a decent long soak. Maybe tomorrow...


  • Comment number 34.

    And, that last post took me 20 mins to write due to my slow typing.

    So what a coincidence eh!

    Terrible day on the M5 today, it took me 2 hours to get from Weston to Bridgwater, it normally takes 15 mins.

    Still, I am blesssed, with being home safe and sound and not in the hospital, that I saw the air ambulance arrive at, with the injured pensioner.

    I hope he is going to be ok.


  • Comment number 35.

    OOh Oz, a bath before bedtime.

    Dont think I have done that since I was little.

    I used to love putting my socks on and getting into bed then taking my socks off about an hour later.

    Its one of those impossible to describe moments, you have to try it.


  • Comment number 36.

    So do I MTF ,don't like to see accidents,saw one tonight ,but thankfully no one was hurt .

    I went over to Haying Island and I have puchased said car .The very first one I saw ,It's always the way isn't it .

    Oz ,your not alone i've had a headache now for three days and I just don't seem to be able to shift it .

    Gingembre ,lovely to see you and very pleased for you that the job is all that you hoped for .


  • Comment number 37.

    Bids, how excited must you be right now?

    I love getting a new car, well in my case a fresh car usually every 6 months as a rule!

    But a new family car, is fab, as you know we had our last one for 13 years. I still cant believe how lucky we are to have a newer one after all these years.


  • Comment number 38.

    Yes I am really ,but a little bit apprehensive as I know it's money now that wont be replaced so easily ,so I know am determined to start cutting back on a few things and Show MrB how I do appreciate him cos he's letting me have it .

    Not only that ,it means I can't retire yet .


  • Comment number 39.

    Good evening from sunny upstate NY. Training done for the day and off to the gym soon. I hope everyone had a nice weekend.....

  • Comment number 40.

    Tell him, that cake and jam will be delivered on my next visit.

    Did you get your light interior?


  • Comment number 41.

    Hiya Bond,

    I always draw a deep gasp, when I see you are off to the gym, but then realise the time difference!


  • Comment number 42.

    MTF: don't think my brain's quite functioning, can you explain the sock thing? Do you put them on in the bath? or like I did last night: out of bath, apply moisturiser, pull on pj's and socks, get into bed. Try not to loose socks in night as are keeping feet moisturised, which they dearly need. ??


  • Comment number 43.

    Bondy ,hello there nice to see you ,glad that the training is going well .not long now is it till you start properly .
    We've had a fairly quiet w/end thank you ,just pottering around which is nice really .You need days like that as you know with your couch days .LOl


  • Comment number 44.

    MTF ,will do my friend ,and it was lighter when it was outside .

  • Comment number 45.

    Second option Oz, sorry didnt make it very clear did I.

    You use each foot to pull the other sock off with, and the feel of those sheets is Ahhhhhhhh.


    Its the little things.

  • Comment number 46.

    I did that this w/end with the socks ,gave the feet some TLC then chucked on the cream and then the socks .
    very rare do I need socks in bed ,but when I do ,yes MTF take them off with each foot in turn .


  • Comment number 47.

    and, Bids, hunt for them in the morning?

    They are never where you expect them to be!!

    Once, one of mine found its way inside the duvet cover.



  • Comment number 48.

    Well it's getting time for me to shut down so I'll say goodnight to one and all .

    Take care Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 49.

    Hi Bids and MTF...... Yup only 6PM here. Still sunny and humid, hotel room is quiet tho....... I am into my third week of four so we've gone up and over the hump, so to speak......

  • Comment number 50.

    Wowee! 5 cups of coffee! Not much sleep for one CLP tonight methinks ?

    Already "did" a post around 8:00pm which seems to have disappeared into the firmament. . .

    Greetings to all Blog Dudes and Dudettes. Seems like a little world all of it's own going on here in the 'Comments' part of the site. All good stuff.

    Didn't realise so much work went into writing a book. So looking forward to reading Book ll.

    See you all on the radio in the morning.

    All the best,
    Tim the Taxi x

  • Comment number 51.

    MTF: I was hoping that's what you meant. Wet bedding otherwise!

    Managed to hang on to my trainer socks last night somehow. Extra treat was freshly washed bedding :)

    I often loose my hair bobble in bed. I have on occasions found it: under the pillow, by my feet, on the floor, somewhere round my middle. Lets see where it ends up tonight!

    Night all, pleasant dreams. (you can put yours on hold Bondy for another hour or two)


  • Comment number 52.

    Is the blog, the 'comments' part of the site?

    If so, yes Tim, a lovely little world, open to all.

    Greetings to you too.


  • Comment number 53.

    TTFN Oz.......

    MTF what are you up to tonight?

  • Comment number 54.

    Erm, chatting to you James, why?


  • Comment number 55.

    Nothing fun then........ LOL

  • Comment number 56.

    I dont do anything but fun James.

    Life is for laughing.

    Well most of the time anyway.


  • Comment number 57.

    That's great....... love the positive attitude....... life's too short!!!!

  • Comment number 58.

    As we know.xx

  • Comment number 59.

    indeed........ any plans for tomorrow or the rest of the week? I am stuck in training for the next two weeks as you probably know, but it's given me a great opportunity to relax, hit the gym and study of course......

  • Comment number 60.

    James, its over an hour since you said you were off to the Gym!!

    I am going pearl diving first thing in the morning and then a spot of whale watching to follow.

    It all goes on, on the Somerset coast you know!!

    Ok, ok, maybe I was swinging the lead with the pearl diving!!

    But, we do get whales.


  • Comment number 61.

    I guess he's either gone to the gym or fallen asleep!!


  • Comment number 62.

    Do you mean Wales watching MTF? hehe

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 63.

    Can do both from here Lin!


  • Comment number 64.

    Back from the gym MTF.....

  • Comment number 65.

    Had a good workout James??

    This is so bizarre!

    Sorry, but still cant get my head around chatting to someone that lives so far away.

    But then again James, I suppose that you have the same privelige!


  • Comment number 66.

    Heading off to bed now.

    The GD, is still not in.

    I wont settle until she is!

    Thank goodnees, I left home at 18 and saved my Mum all this worry!!

    Windows wide open, still 17c outside.

    Night James, I think you are the only one up.


  • Comment number 67.

    Oops on the goodness!

  • Comment number 68.

    We got a new fridge, we got a new fridge tra la la la la laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

    Morning all.

    Awoken at 7.15 by the "you know where to come" people ringing to say they'd be with us in half an hour. Fridge delivered. Fridge installed. Old fridge taken away for recycling.

    Now at desk with only 40 minutes to make up for my time out this morning. Good job I didn't take half a day's holiday ....!

    Chris, the Mystery Guest this morning was errrr .... hmmmmm .... different! Isn't it supposed to be an interview? You couldn't get a word in edgeways auld chap! The Cumbrian Pencil Museum is featured in the book "**ll**** to Alton Towers - Alternate British Days Out". Maybe somewhere to visit in the future but please, please Chris, when you invite Nic and I round for dinner, don't sit me next to that woman - I'd end up very drunk and very knowledgeable about all things pencilish! (does she wear a pencil skirt, I wonder?!)

    And thank you for playing Big Area by Then Jericho. I used to ask for that when you were doing ARF. Can you please Sugarbox tomorrow please ..... let's start a Then Jericho resurgence movement. Huzzah!

    And one more thing before I go and get my head round today's workload ..... is there any chance you can pop in to R2 on Friday teatime and do ARF? Nowt against Simon's cover but I shall be playing CDs in my car for the next 2 weeks' worth of drives to the gym.

    Have a fab day everyone.

    Much loveliness, and HELLOOOOOO to all the newbies!


  • Comment number 69.

    Mornin' all.

    Just heard Rob the Rev, just as I was ponderin' on the self-same thing, ie. What's The Rush.

    Back safe an' sound from Llandudno; and I have to say that as my patience wit Renee started to dwindle somewhat, what with spendin' 2 days on a mission to purchase a new pan, a deck-brush and, yes, a fly-swatter, in the quite astonishin' Kitchen Shop that still sells gas-masks an' ration-book covers, then having to root out her card and enter her pin before she caused a riot behind us (yes, I know that's not a good idea but we'd still have bin' there if I hadn't intervened), I practically frog-marched 'er outa said shop and back up the high street. Then I copped meself on. What's the rush?

    We get into the habit of rushing around like mad eejits don't we. And yet how many days do we get to the end of a busy day and can't actually quantify what we've achieved.

    Anyway. I paid the price for me bad temper when I got the fly-swatter round me mazzard as I hurtled back in the fast lane of the M56.

    Bless 'er.

    Have a fulfilling day, yous lot. Am off up to Morecambe now to waste a bit a time wit the bezzy mate, a nice cuppa tea an' a sticky bun.


  • Comment number 70.

    Mornin' Deevs.

    Listen. I can go one sadder. I've still got me set a 3B pencils from Manchester Poly circa 1977. An' I get 'em out an' sharpen 'em now an' again whenever I have a Useless sh*** Stocktake.

    Triste? MOI?


  • Comment number 71.

    For some reason, I am now wanting to play Paolo Nuttini's Lead In My Pencil song ......


    Happy Days Clodagh!




  • Comment number 72.

    Well stand up straight if yous do, Deevs.


  • Comment number 73.

    Morning All,

    Totally agree with you about that pencil woman, Deevs. Probably the easiest 3 minute interview Chris has done so far!! Clodagh, you are not alone. I can remember, as the school holidays were nearing the end, looking forward to shopping for a new pencil case and all its contents. I seem to remember the Mabel Lucie Atwell stuff being very popular, and then Snoopy & Co. Triste? Moi aussi!

    Chris, totally agree with you about Southwold, but the best fish and chips are just down the road at the cafe on the beach at Dunwich! Beautiful part of the country and our nearest beach.

    Mcw x

    Mcw x

  • Comment number 74.

    Just caught up with the comments from last night - what a lovely wee chatty blog!

    Cheryl: I didn't realise that your old fridge had packed in - I thought you and Nic were treating yourselves! That's great the new one arrived so early this morning!

    Marjie: you should try to write your life story, even if it is just to leave for Bingo to read. I tried everything to get my dad to write his story - he was fascinating. I even got him a hand-held dictating machine, and offered to transcribe it all for him, but he just thought that his life was fairly ordinary and nothing special, but the exact opposite was true. I did hear lots of his stories, but it would have been wonderful to have them in written form.

    MC: how are you doing? I saw one or two of your comments saying how tired you are right now. Hope you are feeling better.

    Rosie: did you hear CLP say the other day that he is constantly thinking about names - and that he loves the name Rosie!

    JG: hope your knee is recovering - that sounds like a sore one. And I really feel for you having to live and work away from your home town. Even although I did go away for a year and live in the US, I always knew that I would be able to come back to Glasgow and be right beside my mum again. I do know I was lucky to be able to do that.

    Tim the Taxi: love your name, and greetings to you too!

    Hi to everyone else: I really could have written a reply to everyone from last night!

    This is a long one - apologies!

    C xx

  • Comment number 75.

    #I take it from your last comment that you dont like LT on the radio glad to hear your new fridge turned up and hope that Nic is feeling better

  • Comment number 76.

    Morning all

    Another day etc.... I agree with Chrissie, it was a good one last night, keep it up peeps.

    Can't say I have any real feelings for either pencils or my home town.

    Has everybody's blog shifted over to the left? It is quite awkward to read at the moment. Move it back please beeb...

    Welcome newbies.


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 77.

    Thanks Wickerman. I'll pass that on to him. He's under strict instructions to have a relaxy day today. And there'll be no nibbling out of the fridge, given that it's empty! lol

    LT was OK when she was doing the afternoon slot with Mark Radcliffe but just seemed out of her depth on her own last night.

    Morning Chrissie, MTD and MCW - I love Southwold. Can't beat sitting in a pub on the seafront with a pint of Adnams!

    Work ......




  • Comment number 78.

    mtd: hiya - I see that you have one or two interesting irons in the fire - excellent!


  • Comment number 79.

    Watched Top Gear on your advice CLP and gosh did it bring back some memories, remembered watching some of those Ayrton Senna moments as had a chap at the time who was mad about F1.

    Was a bit overwhelmed with the pencil woman this morning and can someone confirm that I heard Chris talk about Bat Surveys at about 7.15 this morning or was I dreaming as I have been arranging them all week and I think my subconscious took over that part of the show this morning as I was dozing. If I am wrong about bat surveys I think I am slowly going mad.

    Looking forward to the book but havent read the first one yet but thought I could read them both when I go on holiday at the end of the year, two weeks of beach sand and Mr Evans life story, should do the trick I think.

    Have a good day everyone

  • Comment number 80.


    Can't wait for the book Chris, all this dotting the i's and crossing the t's will be worth it in the end.

    Mtd, I've shifted to the left!

    Chrissie, You were in my dream last night, we were having dinner with my friend Beryl and some others. You'd love Berly she's ace.

    Groovy, Yes Chris was talking about bats, so it's OK you're not going batty :)

    Leaving at 2:30 today to drive to God's own country (Wales) for a 24 hour whistle stop visit. But it will be worth it for a big cuddle with my georgeous 3 year old Goddaughter - she can't wait to see Alibaba, she believes that's my real name...LOL.


  • Comment number 81.

    Hello Everyone.

    Thank you Mtd!

    I just asked Bingo to have a look at my computer, he replied "what have you done now?"

    Glad it's not my fault this time and I can blame the Beeb.

    Will now continue reading on the left.

    MM x

  • Comment number 82.

    Morning all

    Mtd, My blog is where it's always been! Good luck with the job searching, hope you get sorted soon.

    AliB, is that not your real name then? :-)

    Preparing for the 'gang' to arrive, aka grandchildren. Don't you just love school holidays? Will have to go shopping tomorrow to replenish stocks!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 83.

    Ali - you mean it isn't your real name???!!!

    Caught a bit of LT on the drive home last night - seemed a bit dull imho!

    Deevs - glad the new fridge arrived and you didn't have to waste half a day holiday.

    Seza - am sure everything will go through for the 4th, and yes make them work around you!

    MTD - good luck with the job hunting.

    Rosie - pleased to hear you are settling in to your new abode and all is well.

    Probably missed others out - oops!

    Happy Tuesday to you all - keep smiling :)

    AS x

  • Comment number 84.

    AliB thanks for that I honestly thought I was going batty, should have got in touch with Chris and he could have spoken to my boss about Bat Surveys may have been a bit more interesting then pencils.

    Have a fab time in wonderful wales, beautiful country and enjoy the cuddle.

  • Comment number 85.

    AliB: ooooh, I would love to have lunch with you and Beryl! I hope we had a nice time! I am willing to bet that when it was time to order the puddings, I just had an extra glass of wine instead ... am I right?!

    C xx

  • Comment number 86.

    Pen and AS, I sometimes wonder if that is my name as many people call me it!

    Chrissie, I don't remember much about the dream but I am sure you would have ordered another wine instead of pudding, just like Lady Chards always does....morning Debs xx


  • Comment number 87.

    I used to get called Beryl The Peril at school.

    Can't think why .....

    Cheryl x


  • Comment number 88.

    AliB: yes, Debs and I would be very compatible lunch buddies - wouldn't we, Debs?!


  • Comment number 89.

    Morning all,

    Whoo hoo! I've got my Elvis tickets for Hyde Park, can't wait.

    Have a lovely day with the grandchildren Pen x

    Darce x

  • Comment number 90.

    Darce: I am so envious! Worth the ticket money alone just to see Chris in a white jumpsuit (which he surely will be wearing!)

    C xx

  • Comment number 91.

    I've got two tickets Chrissie if you want to come!

    Yes can't wait to see what Chris gets dressed up in!

    Darce x

  • Comment number 92.

    Darce, that made me think of Bingo at the 02 last December when CLP was giving the Elvis details out this morning!



  • Comment number 93.

    Me too Deev, that was my first thought!


  • Comment number 94.


    Oooh, please don't tempt me!!


  • Comment number 95.

    Hi everyone, dry here at the moment but lots of black cloud in the sky.

    Hope everyone is well.

    I have applied for my Paulo Nutini in Paisley tickets, so hopefully we will get them, fingers crossed.



  • Comment number 96.

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Paulo ..........


  • Comment number 97.

    My sentiments exactly Deev, that's why the fingers are well and truly crossed.


  • Comment number 98.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought of Bingo at the O2 this morning - that red suit will stay in my memory for a long time xxx

  • Comment number 99.

    mtd - he scared the bejaysus out of us, emerging as he did from an escalator at North Greenwich tube station dressed as auld snake hips!


  • Comment number 100.

    morning, afternoon everyone from another sunny day in upstate. Off to training soon. Hope you are all having a good day.......


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