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Hey Cuz Is That You?

Chris Evans | 11:50 UK time, Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Jonny and I and Robin Cousins.

Well, if someone had have told me twenty years ago that was a combination I was going to be part of, I would have laughed them out of town. Robin was an absolute hero of course, when any international British champion drew millions of viewers to every television screen in the country.

We are at Lee Valley Ice Rink in East London to get changed into our "outfits", learn to figure skate and be back on our way by one o'clock. We would have more chance of plaiting sand - but here goes anyway. Nothing ventured and all that !!!

See you on the radio tomorrow - or if not - down at the nearest A & E department for a plaster cast and a cup of strong sweet tea




P.S. click here to watch a video of our capers on the ice


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  • Comment number 1.

    Morning everyone

    Lovely sunny day here.

    Good luck, Chris.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 2.

    Hello Cristophe Lambie Pie.

    Have lots of fun at the ice rink CLP, looking forward to seeing you and Jonny in your sparkly suits dancing The Bolero. But who is going to be Torvill and who is going to be Dean?

    "Break a leg" as they say in showbusiness.

    MM x

  • Comment number 3.

    PS Showbusiness saying inappropriate on this occasion!

  • Comment number 4.

    Afternoon gang!

    CLP, just thinking of you (and more oddly, Johnny) in figure skating garb has made me smile! Tip of the day: when you fall over, clench your fingers into your palms - ice skating blades over fingers = very ouchy!!

    Debs, good luck with Das Boot my friend. Sending positive vibes that you are soon not so plastered but very bionic.

    Happy songs? The Turtles Happy Together always makes me smile.

    Having a busy day here at work - thankfully things have improved since half eight this morning.

    For now, a hammy sammy beckons .......


    peeeeeees: thanks for the new name Scoobs! x

  • Comment number 5.

    Chris, dude, figure skating in a tight suit?

    What's the form Mr. Breakfast Time? ;-)

  • Comment number 6.

    excellent - does this mean more videos to look forward to on a friday? good luck with the lycra guys - it'll be more exhausting getting in and out of that, than skating round the ice. Hope all digits and limbs are in tact at the end of the afternoon and careful with your triple toe salko - i hear it can wreek havoc with your............ now which bit was it?

  • Comment number 7.

    Afternoon all

    Not sure the image of Chris and Jonny is yet more lycra is one for a lunchtime (or before the watershed). Almost put me off my lasagne ;)

    Off to see the consultant this pm to see how the finger is healing after the op on it. Doesn't seem too bad but still a bit numb at the fingertip, have to see what he says.

    Debs - hope your cast has not been recast and you can cast it away! (did you like that!)



  • Comment number 8.


    I have only ever been ice skating twice. The first time was at Silver Blades in Brum about 30 years ago (They have one in Cannock now too, you know!) and I fell over and someone just missed slicing off one of my fingers by millimeters, so good luck my friend. You will ache but then at your/our age, you do anyway!


  • Comment number 9.

    Hay!!! All. (oh, don't start with the hay again hehe)

    So our very own Chuckle Bros. are at it again, a.k.a. Jonny 'Torvill' and Christoph 'Dean'. The mind will boggle if they are dressed as such. Seriously though, can't wait to see the video. The rest have been brill.

    So much to look forward to as well - Richard & Judy's field, Elvis in the Park... I'm only just getting over the show from Chris's house! All exciting stuff.

    Chrissie-S, 74. on 27th - Thankee kindly

    Tada fer now,
    Tim the Taxi x

  • Comment number 10.


    Am a really happy and excited bunny - roll on Friday!! Moving date just been confirmed :) :)

    AS x

  • Comment number 11.

    Hope you both did ok on the ice. I tried it a few times but didn't do well at all. Will look at video on Friday to see how you both got on.

  • Comment number 12.

    Afternoon each

    I remember Robin Cousins, twirling on the ice. Chris, that is so not a good idea! Hope to hear you tomorrow morning.


  • Comment number 13.


    hope your day didnt end up in A&E.

    I have tried skating but was always scared of getting my fingers chopped off when I slipped over and didnt enjoy it to be honest.

    my eldests school has organised a few skating evenings for the kids and they lay down a false floor and just spray some liquid onto it to make a rink. always watch with my eyes half shut.


  • Comment number 14.

    As, what, this Friday!! Woo hoo, am soooooooooooooo pleased for you. Hope it all goes ok

    Hate to ask cos I'm sure you're all fed up with me by now but could do with some more crossed fingers just now.

    Seza xx

    ps anyone heard how Debs got on with charming the consultant?

  • Comment number 15.

    Seza, don't be daft - fingers crossed for you.

    Debs charming consultant is probably having a lie down in a darkened room by now.


  • Comment number 16.

    Congratulations AS!

    Seza, fingers crossed for you!

    I went skating once when I was about 7, some kindly folk took hold of my hands and whizzed me round the rink a couple of times, as my parents were to hopeless to help me! Have never been again.

    I've been reliably informed, the two demon nieces want to go when they are up here for a few weeks...they'll be on their own with that one! Actually, my step-sister, who lives near Chester, can skate, so she's going to take them!

    I hope you're both still in one piece CLP and Johnny!!

    Bingo, from previous blog, it'd be good to see you at either/both!

    JG x

  • Comment number 17.

    Hello! How the devil are you all?

    Online tonight properly for the first time in ages, and thought of this place and wanted to pop in. I'm so out of the loop it's not even worth trying to catch up. I just hope that you guys are ok and as happy as you can be.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 18.

    Greetings Of 'eart Felt Warmth Ter CLP, Jono S, Robin Cousins & INDEED ALL Reading This...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - A once new a Robin Cousins when a was younger.... well a pair of Robin Cousins.... They were from the north end of Birkenhead (the roughest bit).
    Aparently the two cousins were out nearly every night robbing!!!!!!!

    Believe they've ended up well & truely in the slamer!!!!!!

    As for the Robin Cousins your meeting CLP.... Just be VERY thankful it's one of the UK's most talented sports stars & noot the Birkenhead pair!!!!!!!

    PS CLP - 'ope yer come out of it with less injuries than yer might 'ave got meeting the Birkenhead robbin' cousins on a dark night!!!!!!!

    ALL - A just wanted ter share why ave been suffering all weekend with various sore arms. legs, ankles, wrists etc!!!!!!
    It's all to do with Friday when a went the golf range!!!!

    Yer see although am very keen on golf ave not played for over a year!!!!!

    But the golfing bug has finally bitten me again... so a decided ter go down the range & try & re-kindle what a used to have!!!!!!

    A thought a might have lost it: me swing after not practising for over a year.... lost all the years of practice a used to do!!!!!
    But after hitting a few duff shots.... soon a got back into the rhythm & the unbeliveable thing.... a was managing to hit the ball better than a ever did!!!!!!!
    It was all still there fresh in me mind... the funamentals of the golf swing!!!!!!

    A think it's partly due to me doing yoga... am more supple & lose!!!!!
    And due to going the gym... ave strengthened me arms, back & shoulders thus allowing me ter develop more clubhead speed!!!!!!

    Me 5 iron a was hititng 180 yards.... which amazed me.... and me driver a was hitting about 220 yards which is ok but not that ok!!!!!!!!!
    But it was going dead straight.... shot after shot exactly where a was aiming & all with the most perfect ball flight!!!!!!

    But the even greater thing.... when a tried me John Daly backswing... that a often used to do for a bit of fun at the range!!!!!
    It's a huge turn of the shoulders.... and even when yer shoulders won't turn back anymore.... yer keep going with yer arms until the club is nearly back where it started aka wrapped around yer neck nearly!!!!!!

    And the great thing... a was controlling it and hitting the ball the best ever!!!!!!
    The full lentgh of the range into a gentle wind... about 250 yards with the most beautiful high ball flight & most angry sound as it penetrated the air!!!!!!!!! (like the top pros - except they hit it 290 to 350 yards!!!)

    All this got me thinking: If I instead of spending 15 hours a day driving up & down the M6 for 13 years.... And a spent just 3 hours a day every day at the golf range.... hitting 100 to 200 balls... for 13 years!!!!
    Could me swing end up so good... it would look like a top pros & i'd be hitting it 350 yards!!!!!!!

    Just a thought all!!!!!!

    Sorry to be dremaing again.... but ave always been a bit of a dreamer!!!!!!!

    Also got me thinking.... a remember listening to Claudia Winkleman's late night show a few months back & she had an expert on her show who had written a book about very talented people - top sports stars & musicinas etc!!!!!!!
    He said that he believes we are all born with a special talent... it's just most of us give in too soon to failure... We tend to tell ourselves we are not good enough... or when we have failure.... We accept it & stop practising!!!!!!

    What this expert found.... is that all top sports people, musicians etc.... they don't give in to failure.... rise above it, pick themselves up & regardless carry on!!!!!!!!!

    And the most interesting finding this expert found.... is in all different things that you need talent from sport to music... he found it's after around 10,000 hours of practice.... it's then that people go onto a higher level at what their doing!!!!!!
    From playing the guitar... to kicking a football.... to hitting a golf ball!!!!!!!!!

    Just thought i'd share these most interesting things that are going through the mind.... of Bingo Star!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 19.

    PS Talking of John Daly... Here's a clip of him.... with his crazy back swing (watch how far he swings the club back)... but on top of this... he at a practice day... is hitting a golf ball off a beer can for the fans!!!!!!

    They don't nickname him the 'Wild Thing' for nothing!!!!!!
    A mean can you imagine Tiger Woods practising for The Open hitting a ball off a beer can!!!!! LOL!!!!

    A like mad people.... makes the world more interesting!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 20.

    Bingo, all of which reminds me that I have a set of clubs languishing away in the garage which I really must get out the range with again. I was getting betterer, and then hurt my ankle, and then it was freezing, and so they've been parked up for over a year now!

    Once my knee's healed, I must go again, with or without Mr JG, who was giving me dodgy tips anyway!

    JG x

  • Comment number 21.

    Well it's real quiet in here, should I say an early goodnight?

    JG x

  • Comment number 22.

    JG, can't concentrate. Have gorgeous little boys and their pals here filling water balloons.


  • Comment number 23.

    Well maybe, and have also deactivated FB too!

    Night all! xx

  • Comment number 24.

    Jakeygirl - Sounds great, be great to see you at both!!!!!

    Now onder why me first blog got removed.... i'll split it ter see if it's the golf or the robbin' cousins from Birkenhead that's got the moderators alarmed!!!!!!

  • Comment number 25.

    Greetings Of 'eart Felt Warmth Ter CLP, Jono S, Robin Cousins & INDEED ALL Reading This...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - A once new a Robin Cousins when a was younger.... well a pair of Robin Cousins.... They were from the north end of Birkenhead (the roughest bit).
    Aparently the two cousins were out nearly every night robbing!!!!!!!

    Believe they've ended up well & truely in the slamer!!!!!!

    As for the Robin Cousins your meeting CLP.... Just be VERY thankful it's one of the UK's most talented sports stars & noot the Birkenhead pair!!!!!!!

    PS CLP - 'ope yer come out of it with less injuries than yer might 'ave got meeting the Birkenhead robbin' cousins on a dark night!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 26.

    ALL - A just wanted ter share why ave been suffering all weekend with various sore arms. legs, ankles, wrists etc!!!!!!
    It's all to do with Friday when a went the golf range!!!!

    Yer see although a very keen golfer ave not played for over a year!!!!!

    But the golfing bug has bitten me again... so a decided ter go down the range & try & rekindle what a used to have!!!!!!

    A thought a might have lost it, me swing after all the years of practice!!!!!
    But after hitting a few duff shots.... soon a got back into the rhythm & the unbeliveable thing.... a was managing to hit the ball better than a ever did!!!!!!!

    A think it's partly due to me doing yoga... am more supple & lose!!!!!
    And due to going the gym... ave strengthened me arms, back & shoulders thus allowing me ter develop more clubhead speed!!!!!!

    Me 5 iron a was hititng 180 yards.... which amazed me.... and me driver a was hitting about 220 yards which is ok but not that ok!!!!!!!!!
    But it was going dead straight.... shot after shot exactly where a was aiming!!!!!!

    But the great thing.... when a tried me John Daly backswing... that a often used to do for a bit of fun at the range!!!!!
    It's a huge turn of the shoulders.... and even when yer shoulders won't turn back anymore.... yer keep going with yer arms until the club is nearly back where it started aka wrapped around yer neck nearly!!!!!!

    And the great thing... a was controlling it and hitting the ball the best ever!!!!!!
    250 yards with the most beautiful high ball flight & most angry sound as it penerated the air!!!!!!!!! (like the top pros - except they hit it 290 to 350 yards!!!)

    All this got me thinking: If I instead of spending 15 hours a day driving up & down the M6 for 13 years.... And a spent just 3 hours a day every day at the golf range.... hitting 100 to 200 balls... for 13 years!!!!
    Could me swing end up so good... it would look like a top pros & i'd be hitting it 350 yards!!!!!!!

    Just a thought all!!!!!!

    Sorry to be dremaing again.... but ave always been a bit of a dreamer!!!!!!!

    A remember listening to Claudia Winkleman's late night show a few months back & she had an expert on her show who had written a book about talented people!!!!!!!
    He said that he believes we are all born with a special talent... it's just most of us give in too soon... We tend to tell oursleves we are not good enough... or when we have failure.... We accept it & stop practising!!!!!!

    What this expert found.... is that all top sports people, musicians etc.... they don't give in to failure.... rise above it & regardless carry on!!!!!!!!!

    And the most interesting finding this expert found.... is in all different things that you need talent from sport to music... he found it's after 10,000 hours of practice.... it's then that people go onto a higher level at what their doing!!!!!!
    From playing the guitar... to kicking a football.... to hitting a golf ball!!!!!!!!!

    Just thought i'd share these most interesting things that are going through the mind.... of Bingo Star!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 27.

    Ok ave split me blog like a BIG banana split but without the calories!!!!!

    Don't where ave gone wrong today?

    A thought the moderators trusted me nowadays!!!!!


  • Comment number 28.

    Hiya Bingo.

    I am a bit confused with your percentages, I would say 25/75, with my money on the first percentage being the blogged part.

    I might be totally wrong, but it might just be the reference to B'head?

    The rest of it is very good reading.

    Hi everyone, been a mad, bad, sad, glad couple of days.

    So, stepped away from the blog to deal with it all.

    Nothing major, but things in general.

    Can I join the wonky leg club?

    I whacked my knee cap going through a door that I go through dozens of times every day, but for some reason, the door frame moved (it did!!) when I went through it last Friday.

    The result being a huge bruise, right the way around my knee and the knee cap is making some very weird squeaky sounds when I touch it.

    I think the worst part is,wearing jeans and the fabric pulling against my kneecap when I am driving.

    Still whatever, Debs, nowt compared to what you have endured for so long.

    I wish I could take you up to Brum, but it looks like I am not going to be able to go either, for other reasons.

    btw, do you know that you can get Hollands pies from Iceland? The one that Mum goes to!

    Right, just off to read back properly over the blog and bung some fajitas together then will be back to see if anyone is about for a natter, if not, hey ho.


  • Comment number 29.

    Sorry Bingo I see you didn't mention splitting it in half, but assumed thats what you would do with a banana, who knows? ;)

  • Comment number 30.

    Ello MTF - Thanks for your analysis of where a might ave gone wrong!!!!

    One thought a 'ad was maybe the moderators thought a was boasting about how good a am at golf!!!!!

    But it wasn't mean't that way!!!!!

    Firstly - Am being positive/ trying to uplift the blog with positivity about me golf swing!!!!!!

    Secondly - A was actually saying me golf swing is not as good as it would be if a didn't go to work & spent all me time hitting balls instead!!!!!!

    THirdly - a was complimenting a most very interesting area of R2's broadcasting in the form of Claudia Winkleman having a very interesting indepth discussion with a talented man who knows what it takes to make a talented person!!!!!!

    Any way gotta go.... off to Tesco to buy 3 months supply of cat litter!!!!!!


  • Comment number 31.

    Hello CLP and gang, hope you're all ok, and hope you and Johnny survived your figure skating unscathed CLP

    Hope all those with wonky legs are healed soon.

    I'm watching Coast at the mo on ±«Óãtv2 (I'm a bit of a geek for travelly stuff and finding out about different parts if the world) and I'm really wishing I could be beside the seaside just now. I do live near to a couple of harbours here in the 'burgh but that's not the same as having a lovely sandy beach to walk on

    Hugs to all


  • Comment number 32.

    Well, OK, have reactivated FB, but am out for tonight at least...

    JG x

  • Comment number 33.

    Whats wrong JG?


  • Comment number 34.

    Right, boys have gone and I've mopped up the kitchen so I an concentrate again. What's up JG, you ok?

    Rosie, I love Coast too.

    MTF, hope the leg doesn't drop off, careful how you go.


  • Comment number 35.


    Three Rings

    I'm back from my whistle stop visit to N. Wales. Haven't had time to catch up but will do tomorrow.

    I am so glad I made the effort it was lovely to see my friend and my georgeous 3 year old Goddaughter, but heart breaking to leave the little one sobbing and asking me not to leave. Evidentially she only stopped about an hour ago!

    Hope everyone is OK. I'm off to bed now as I'm cream crackered.


  • Comment number 36.

    Aww Ali, our niece's used to do that to us, heart-breaking!! I used to cry for about half the way home!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 37.

    Night Ali, lovely to feel so treasured, I can understand why.xx

    Annie, hellooooo.

    I popped on a poser to you the other night, it was something to do with wetsuits, but basically asked, where is Murthly?

    Perth, Murthly!


  • Comment number 38.

    Annie, not really, but OK now, it's an ongoing thing that I am just going to have to try to deal with...

    Am not getting much support from himself, so will plod on...

    JG x

  • Comment number 39.

    Good evening Everyone

    Things have been manic here with the kids on holiday and the general summer madness that comes from living in a 'popular holiday village' I can drive around for ages just trying to find a parking space within walking distance of my home and still end up having to walk over 1/2 a mile!

    Not to mention the idiots on the roads, yesterday one cut across me turning right into a juntion that I was turning left into, cutting across onto the wrong side of the junction right in front of a bus and then he proceeded to shout at the bus driver, I then had the pleasure of following him on a 60mph road at between 20 and 30mph stopping for anything and everything GGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!

    The kids are enjoying the holiday, not sure that I am (or the people that they tried to knock over in Tesco this afternoon whilst racing each other!)

    I've not had time to properly read the blog from the past week or so but I agree with CLP about the date July 22nd, for soem reason it's always been a date that has been memorable to me then my sister got married on 22nd and then she had my niece on her 2nd wedding anniversary :-)

    MTF sorry to hear you've had a hard time, I hope your knee soon gets better.

    Hope everyone else is well.

    MCM xx

  • Comment number 40.

    Hi all

    Sorry I've not been on, I've been lurking but haven't had much to say really. Anyway - had lunch with old workmates today (another redundancy leaving lunch). Quite good to go with good news - especially as the manager whose decision it was that I didn't get the job was there (I don't bear him any malice, actually he has been quite supportive over the years but it was still good to be positive).

    Now lets see what I can remember from today - AS, good news about the moving date, Seza, fingers still crossed for yours. MTF and JG sorry to hear that you are not having such good times at the moment (((((hugs)))) if they help and you can always sound off to me on the other side. Remember we are all here for you.

    (((hugs))) and hellos to everybody else.

    seems I did have something to say after all - sorry for going on.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 41.

    Blog is very quiet tonight isn't it?

    It's been nice catching up with you all. Must do it again sometime.

    Nite x x

  • Comment number 42.

    Debbie, press your refresh button.x

    Just going to have a quick natter on the phone, back in five.xx

  • Comment number 43.

    Ali I can relate to your story from today, I have an almost 2 year old Goddaughter who lives with her Mummy and Daddy and dog in Jönköping in Sweden. Last time I visted them I had to leave early in the morning, before she had got up, and when she did she went into the living room where I had been sleeping, looking for "Rodie"!

    I've booked flights to go and visit them in September and I can't wait!


  • Comment number 44.

    Right I'm off to hit the sack.

    Nighty night


  • Comment number 45.

    evening all from a muggy upstate NY temps today around 90, but storms on the way tonight with a high of only 75 tomorrow. Exhausted after any day of training, was up late last night study but it paid off though. Hope everyone had a good humping day.......

  • Comment number 46.

    Hi Bondy,

    Glad things are going well for you.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 47.

    Night all

    Sleep well and sweet dreams.

    lol, csn. xx

  • Comment number 48.

    Ramble warning alert!


  • Comment number 49.

    MTF, what are you talking about!

    csn xx ( who is not here )

  • Comment number 50.

    I have just come in from the garden.

    All was peaceful. Only the odd squeak from the baby housemartins. I had to bury one, that fell from the nest today, almost a fledgling, so a real shame.

    Apart from that, the only noise that I have heard this evening, was the sound of the local bellringers doing their very best, and pretty good it was too.

    It makes me realise, that I am lucky. Ok, I have to put up with some dire situations on the motorway every day.

    But, once I head home, all that is left behind, and I dont have to worry about situations similar to those that I read on one of my 'friends' pages on fb this week.

    It chilled me to the bone that, life, with your neighbours could really be that bad.

    I have a new dispute with a part time neighbour aka holiday home owner, who would like me to remove my plum tree to restore her view!!

    How insignificant it all seems.


  • Comment number 51.

    Hello CSN.

    What is MTF going on about. I was just about to go to bed but now I have to wait for the ramble.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 52.

    Sorry CSN, my typing speeds are improving!


  • Comment number 53.

    I agree MTF,

    Some people need to get a life and live it to the full!

    Just been watching the bats flying around!

    lol, csn. xx

  • Comment number 54.


    You keep your plum tree which far from being an eyesore, some people just like to complain about anything.

    We are very lucky with our neighbours now, we have a very tall Leylandi tree (actually two together, looks like one) Some people would complain about that but luckily our neighbours love the wildlife it brings as much as we do.

    MM x

  • Comment number 55.

    Hello Marjie

    How are you?

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 56.


    We also have bats, I like to watch them circling.

  • Comment number 57.


    They fly really low late at night, amazing! xx

  • Comment number 58.

    Holly doesn't like them. xx

  • Comment number 59.

    Hello CSN & MTF

    My post 51 was too late, I didn't mean what is MTF going on about after the ramble.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 60.


    Holly the dog, I've seen the cute photos!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 61.

    Don't worry Marjie,

    Anyone here this late at night is a bit mental!


  • Comment number 62.

    Thank you Marjie and yes she is mental too!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 63.

    A bit batty CSN!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 64.

    She takes after her owner! Ha ha! xx

  • Comment number 65.

    LOL CSN.

    Anyway I must get to bed now.

    Goodnight CSN & MTF

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 66.

    I am off to bed Marjie, night.


  • Comment number 67.

    Good morning all,
    Slept well ,but awake early this AM before the alarm went off ,so rather than start fidgeting thought I'd get up and enjoy the quiet like the mornings have .

    Just having a cuppa with Chris and c/o,and thinking of a fruit breakfast this morning .

    It's a bit grey here today so far ,but hoping that it will improve as the day goes on.

    The next few days are going to be busy as I'm getting My works house ready for my employers ,as they have been in Spain for three weeks and return at the week end .
    I quite like it when they are away as the days pace is a little slower .

    Hope you all have a good day .

    Take care Bids.xxx

  • Comment number 68.

    Goooooooooooooooood morning fab friends of Blogland.

    Lovely to see late night blogging again, and Hi DebbieC. Big huggles to you xx

    So, here I am at work, ergo missing CLP this morning. I was here at 7am to lend a hand with a breakfast meeting being held in the building. All delegates now present and correct, so I'm here, complete with coissants, having a chat with you lot. Lovely!

    It's the first time I've experienced a breakfast network meeting. It's weird seeing be-suited gents and business ladies sitting around eating their Frosties! Strange how all the pastries disappear, but the HUGE bowl of fresh fruit hasn't been touched .....!

    Following on from yesterday's Happy Song (good topic Baggy!), hows about songs that make you get up and dance your socks off for this mornings topic of blogversation. I think we've done it before on here but that was eons ago and now there's loads of newbies.

    For me, She Sells Sanctuary by The Cult never fails to make me get up and do my thang!

    Right, deasant play everyone!


  • Comment number 69.

    Bids - load of fruit here ....! x

  • Comment number 70.

    Morning all.

    Sorry CSN and MM for not hanging around last night. GD and her BF came home from a night out and we all stayed up nattering and putting the world to rights!

    Like we'd have a clue, LOL!

    Bit grey here too Bids, but there is a bright golden haze on the meadow, 100% true.

    Feeling an urge for the old fruitbowl myself this morning, bung us a banana Deevs.

    Mothers taxi service is about to start, so Cheerio, I'll be back soon!


  • Comment number 71.

    Couple of things that came to me last night

    1) Rosie - we are the same age more or less - woohoo
    2) Seza - Best of luck to you with the house move etc
    3)Debs - hope the knee is better soon
    4) Debs c - glad to see you about
    5) Bids - I put dried fruit into my porridge this motning, does that count
    6)MTF - you leave your plum tree alone - mmmmm plums
    7) JG - whatever is bothering you, here is you want someone to talk too
    8) MTD - best of luck with all the job oppotunities
    9) Ali - my niece is scared of mr bp - and runs away whenever he is around but when I turn up without him shes asks wheres xxx?
    10) and finally Deev - the song that made me dance in the lift on the way to my floor today - jessies girl - Rick someone!


  • Comment number 72.

    Morning Bids, Deevs and everyone

    Bit cloudy here.

    Just put a couple of loads of washing on the line.

    Now off to walk the dog, then got a pile of ironing to tackle.

    Hope you all have a good day.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 73.


    Is a beautiful day here too, would love to feel the same way but have to wait for the results of various discussions to be sure

    I think i should probabaly be eating the fruit but think I'd be helping out with the pastries!!


    Seza xx

  • Comment number 74.

    CSN, I feel a bit smug: I cleared our ironing last night so can relax with Gok tonight when my lovely FantasticRolastic goes to see his ickle pickle mini-man.



    mtf - *here you go* ...... catch! x
    baggy - that song brings back memories!

  • Comment number 75.

    Deevs, lucky you. I hate ironing! xx

    MTF, I thought you had gone to have an early night. xx

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 76.

    Ta Deevs, will eat it en route, meals on wheels.

    Baggy, the plums are being guarded very closely. my favourite fruit.

    Seza, how about a nice bog belgian bun?

    I'll bring one back for you.x

    Gotta fly....


  • Comment number 77.

    I have an even bigger pile and don't know when its gouing to get cleared - any volunteers?

  • Comment number 78.

    I will make that a big belgian bun Seza, sounds a bit more appealing eh?



  • Comment number 79.

    MTF I was just trying to work that out. Thought at first it was a BLOG belgian bun - that would be a BIG one!

    Lovely please, I'll look forward to it!

    Right, suppose I'd better go be busy, try to pass the time

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 80.

    MTF Plum Watch.

    Ironing ,dont do much as I try to buy non iron ,or lower spin speed doesn't crease your clothes as much ,give clothes a good shake and reshape before hanging out or onto coat hangers ,and walla less ironing .

    I have had strwberriers blue berries and yogurt and water .It wont last LOl.

    Iv'e had no biscs or cakes though.

    Happy musis ,so many ,but I do like the Candy man ,cheers me .And reminds me of all of yous .xxx.


  • Comment number 81.

    Good morning everyone from a cloudy and grey Ayrshire.

    For MTF


    Have a good day.



  • Comment number 82.

    Gail, thank you so much.

    Wow, simply stunning!


  • Comment number 83.

    Seza, I picked the biggest bun in the shop for you, then a pesky seagull swooped down and snatched it clean out of my hands!!!

    (hastily wiping away any stray crumbs from around my mouth to avoid arousing any suspicions!)

    On a more serious note, I hope you get to hear the results you want very soon.

    You must be on tenterhooks.

    Keep smiling :)


  • Comment number 84.

    Morning Ter CLP & Everybody.... And A Mean Everybody!!!!!! (Although If Some Don't Want Me Ter Wish Them A Good Morning... A Fine By That... Am On Trying Ter Be Nice... But Am Easy.... No Offence Mean't.... No Offence Taken At My End!!!!!)

    Errrr.... Forgetten What A Came On 'ere Ter Write.......

    Oh I Yeah.....

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    A see the Bingo Star Weather Prediction For July came to fruit!!!!!!
    We did have a changable 1st of July.... and it did set the president for the month!!!!!
    Not too good a July!!!!!

    Am just praying the 1st of August the weather flips... ter sunny & warm & we get summer back that's hiding above the double layer of cloud that sits over the UK... presently!!!!!!

    As for today.... it's a bit grey 'ere today.... so am off ter get some 'Just For Men' 'air dye..... Bond Black will do me!!!!!!


  • Comment number 85.

    I never get that 'just for men' thing, why is it?

    MTF, none user of hair colourants (yet!)

  • Comment number 86.

    Huh! Seagulls ......


  • Comment number 87.

    Pesky blighters Deevs ;)


  • Comment number 88.

    Huh those pesky seagulls! (btw crumbs on your t-shirt MTF ;-)

    Was looking forward to that bun. May have to venture to the bakers as we don't have naughty seagulls up darn Essex

    Am trying to keep busy so as not to think of the tenterhooks

    Have been sorting out drawers so they can just be taken out full up. Was doing fine until I found a spider in me knicker drawer!!!


    Have had to have a sit down and a choccie biscuit to recover!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 89.

    Doh, you are right about the crumbs Seza!!

    Spiders in your drawers,in your drawers...


    Was it alive?


  • Comment number 90.

    well, it WAS alive!!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 91.

    Since finding that spider in a certain place and it bit me, I have perfected the SPLAT method.

    MTF, lover of all creatures great and small. (unless they end up in my bed!)

  • Comment number 92.

    Morning all
    sorry for lateness, actually been doing a couple of hours work!
    Getting my own work larry lap top couriered finally overnight too, so hopefully can do a little bit more work to stop me going crazy bored at home.

    Thanks for the concerns over ankle - Well the pussy cat eyes worked with the lovely lady Joan the plaster technician with the best BIRRRRRKen-ed accent. Now in bionic boot - which is actually heavier than the cast - doh! The only advantage is that I can take it off once a day for washing and moisturising purposes - no taking off for the bath or shower so still world war 1 washing and hanging head over bath for shampooing for me!

    I am not allowed to put weight on it for another 4 weeks, then 1 week partial, then hopefully in September, flat on the floor and weight bearing - oh man - I think this blog will be my life saver!

    MTF and JG - hugs to you both with your troubles and gammy knees

    Seza - spiders in your drawers - YIKES indeed!

    Deevs - the song that got me up dancing was Kids in America - and got me achillies snapped! DOH - never again!!

    Hello to everyone else, nearly lunchtime - ham salad with salad cream for me!

    laters taters

  • Comment number 93.


    Could have done with an extra couple of hours in bed this morning but working was, unfortunately, calling me!

    I've caught up now on the blog:

    mtd, Positive vibes for tomorrow xx you'll be grand.
    AS, Horray for a moving date xx
    Seza, All things crossed for you my sweet xx
    MTF & JG, Sorry about the poorly knees, I'm having right trouble with my hips at the moment and I'm only young!
    Debs, Glad the plaster is off, I can't understand why you can't take it off for a bath or shower? They won't know will they! xx

    MTF, Bad news about the swans :( It went from four eggs to two and unfortunately they didn't survive. The nest is empty and two very sad looking swans (well I'd like to think that they are sad) swimming on the Medway. I think the nest was just too close to civilisation and some very well meaning people kept feeding them which attracted the rats and seagulls.


  • Comment number 94.

    Debs, good job you don't play in the Premiership. Everytime they're injured they go and have more tattoos done!! x x x

    Seza - AAAAGGGGGHHHHHH! If that's not a good reason to go commando, then I don't know what is!

    MTF, it's the spiders on yours plums you need to be wary of .....!

    I've just enrolled!


  • Comment number 95.

    Good Morning Everyone.

    A bit cloudy here in Wirral but the temperature's good, it could go either way.

    Music to get up and dance to? How about You Can't Stop The Beat, Footloose or anything from Abba. Actually I get completely out of breath when walking a short distance because of my COPD but am just fine when dancing. So if I if went to a gig I would be a real life Andy Pipkin (going in my mobility scooter and getting out of it to dance)

    Hope all are well.

    Off to get the weekly shopping>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    MM x

  • Comment number 96.

    Seza, JG, MTD and Ali thanks for the good wishes for the move! it will be a hectic couple of weeks but so worth it! we complete tomorrow so will spend tomorrow night in new abode with GM then on Saturday we are taking his 2 adorable children on holiday for a week - arrrggghhh what timing??!!!

    Seza - fingers, toes, eyes, legs and everything crossed for you hun, it will all go according to plan - hold on in there :)

    MTD - go for it tomorrow with the interview!

    Seza - aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrgggggggghhhhhhh! Screaming from here re: spider! Would need more than a cuppa & biscuit.

    CSN - hope all is ok with you and your family - bet the babies are growing and changing daily.

    Annie - glad you had a good time with your grandson.

    MTF - our new home backs on to woodland - can't wait to see and experience the wildlife (except 8 legged things) :)

    Over & out

    AS x (very excited)

  • Comment number 97.

    Worse than that Deevs, half a grub in your plum!!!

    Ali, thats a real shame about the swans. Lets hope they are smart enough to build their next nest somewhere safer.

    Well, I am not achieving a lot today!

    Come on Deevs, enlighten us.


  • Comment number 98.

    LOL MTF, enlighten .... blimey!

    And as for grubby plums ...... ewwwwwwwww!!

    Creative Writing. Only 10 weeks and purely recreational, starting the end of September.

    I guess I'll be needing a new pencil case and a folder now!


    AS - yay!!!!!!! x x x

  • Comment number 99.

    You have good reason to be very excited AS.

    Best of luck with everything and have a lovely holiday.


  • Comment number 100.

    I like to think that there is a lot of creative writing going on, on here Deevs.

    Is this to help with your book writing?



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