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World Cuppa Anyone?

Chris Evans | 10:35 UK time, Friday, 11 June 2010

It's here, there's no avoiding it - jump in, join in and get involved - whether you like football or not, South Africa 2010 is gonna be very special.

Mr Mandela has invited us to have a party, and I think for him alone it is our duty to do exactly that - vuvu's and all. I cannot wait to see that hand held television camera tracking along the line of our team tomorrow night as we prepare to take on team USA. Frank Lampard, Stevie G and the rest of 'em, chins up, eyes focused, chests puffed out with pride itching to get on with it.

Elite international sporting events are gifts from heaven - high drama waiting to unfold with only fate knowing the outcome - and all for free.

So I urge you - get your mates round, stock up with your favourite snackeroonies from the supermarket, treat yourself to something cold and to your liking out of the fridge, and ENJOY !

No excuses now.




P.S. England 3 USA 0
P.P.S. Fancy a bit more sport? Why not watch the video of Jonny and I doing "a kilo" at Herne Hill Velodrome.


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  • Comment number 1.

    Good Luck England!!


  • Comment number 2.

    Morning Chris

    Might get something cold out of the fridge but won't rush to watch it though.

    Liking that prediction though!!

    Darce x

  • Comment number 3.

    Wow third today!

    We're having a big party of sorts at church and the match is going to be on the big screen. It's going to be so much fun!

  • Comment number 4.

    What a fabulous morning here in Somerset.

    Blowing a bit of it in the directions that need it.

    It looks like a lot of us have nice things to look forward to this weekend.

    To those that are not so good, I hope things pick up for you very quickly.

    I'm busy baking lots of delights to take with me on my jaunt.

    I have just managed to sink my unsinkable fruit cake!!

    Maybe just a bit generous with the added brandy at the end!!

    I am loving all the enthusiasm about the football.

    I dont have a clue about the game myself, but the good vibes that are being shared are just fantastic.

    Mind you, I have never seen so many flags littering the highways and byways (byeways ? whatever!)

    Must get on....



  • Comment number 5.

    Good Morning Chris.

    I will no doubt be the same regarding the World Cup as I am about everything else, i.e. Big Brother, X Factor, BGT, etc.

    I start off thinking that I'm not going to get caught up in it all. I watch out of curiosity and then get hooked.

    But I'm not ready to start shouting "Come on England" yet!

    MK x

  • Comment number 6.

    Hello everyone
    Just popped on to say, enjoy the meet tonight/tomorrow guys, sorry I cant be there on account of dodgy foot - will defo be toasting you with something cold from fridge

    havea guess at what

    lots of love
    lady chards

  • Comment number 7.

    I am going to burst soon with the excitement - COME ON ENGLAND!

    Tomorrow night though - I hope all those footballers who have the privilege of playing for their country will sing their hearts out to our National Anthem. Our rugby boys manage it - so come on you lot, SING LOUD and PROUD - I will be!!

    Beany (FTB) xxx

  • Comment number 8.

    Aww Debs, thats a real shame.

    Treat yourself to something from the freezer too.

    Get a pack of frozen peas on it chuck!

    (hope you've been back to have it looked at.xx)

    Right, must fly, off on one of Mums taxi runs.


  • Comment number 9.

    Beany - I agree with you, they like the kudos wearing an England shirt gives them they should sing the national anthem loud and with pride.

    Chrissie - hope all is well :)

    MTF - send us slab of fruitcake please! Thanks

    Debs - hope foot gets better soon, must've been the high heels :)

    Seza - patience is not one of my virtues! Have been told that the date we have given as our choice completion date can only be an aimed for date!!

    Looby - welcome, how are the Malvern Hills this morning?

    Scoobs how was the hug?

    Lovely afternoon here in the shire,lets hope it continues for the weekend. Sun is back to making an appearance!

    Liking the sound of the parties for this weekend - may even be tempted to join in one myself although can't work out whether it would be pro-football or against football - decisions, decisions......!

    AS x

  • Comment number 10.

    Good afternoon

    Just found this linked on fb, it made me smile

    Looking forward to the football tomorrow but more importantly the Canadian GP on Sunday :-)

    Estate agent has finally called me back, usual fob off but I'll be writing eveything down for furtue reference!

    Question: If you sent out a buisness email which needed a response before you could proceed any further, how long would you leave it before calling the recipient to check they received it? one or two days, a week? They apparently sent through the details of my house for me to check on May 28th (I never received it) but why haven't they called me to see why I haven't responded to their email, I would have chased taht up within a few days!

    So basically it's my fault they've not got the details ready because I've not responded to an email I've never received aarrrgggghhhhhhhh!!!

    Going to enjoy the sunshine with my little one now she's back from pre-school.

    MCM xx

  • Comment number 11.

    MCM - aaaaaarrrrrrrgggghhhhhh indeed to put it mildly!!

    AS x

  • Comment number 12.

    AS - I think I'm more frustrated now than I was before I spoke to him, everything I said he just brushed off with 'I can see that it's frustrating but I can assure you we are marketing your property', What can I say in response to that?!

    MCM xx

  • Comment number 13.

    Still the sun is shining and I'm going to enjoy the beautiful view that I have of the Penryn river while I still can because one of these day I may actually move to a bigger house with a garden!

    MCM xx

  • Comment number 14.


    It must be so irritating for you - to say the least. In respect of the email, I would have expected them to chase it up after a week or so. But given that you've rung several times already, I would have excpected them to check their file to see if they needed anything from you and then tell you what they still required!

    In response to the fob off bland assurance, as some one else suggested the other day, sick to facts not emotion. If they're actively marketing it, ask them how many sets of particulars of your property have they sent out, how many enquiries in respect of the listing have they had.

    If they can't (or won't) say, that will tell you how much effort they're putting in.

    Hope that helps and in my experience the more you badger the more they do!



  • Comment number 15.

    Alwighta CLP & ALL...

    Bingo Star ere...

    CLP - Calm down kidda.... calm down!!!!!!!!!

    A ave been stocking up.... and stocking up BIG for the past 3 months with beer cans... Not me own though.... been busy delivering 264,000 empty beer cans atta time from the can makers ter the brewery for filling!!!!!!
    Fosters, 'einekien, Boddingtons, Stella, Strongbow plus the other ones (forgotten the name snow)

    And why ave they been extra busy... all in prep for the world cup!!!!!!

    At least it's kept me well in work... just the boost our struggling economy needs.... just the boost my struggling economy needs!!!!!! LOL!!!

    Looking forward ter the cup meself!!!!!

    Good news terdee too from my end.... finish me final maths exam!!!!!!

    Only problem didn't do aswell as a wanted... struggled on a few things so me prediciton is ave gotta grade 'C' overall!!!!!
    Ok but not whatta wanted!!!!!

    Am planning ter re-sit in November looking on the positive side!!!!!

    A mean ave 'ad ter cram in since March what kids at school do over 18 months.... so it's been fairly intense!!!!!
    But the way alook at it... am building me knowledge of maths up... (a didn't at school as a went ter such a bad school!!!!!)
    And even the exams am looking at as experience now... so a will just keep building me knowledge... am two thirds of the way there.... and then just maybe.... just maybe a could scrape me 'B' i'd VERy much like or even a 'A' aka a 'A'!!!!!!!!

    'ope all ave a nice weekend!!!!!!!

    A know a will!!!!!!


  • Comment number 16.

    PS just wanted ter share a lighthearted moment with all at me maths class the other dee.... a was talking ter some out of me class & ter one of the girls on the course... She wants ter be a midwife... that's why she needs 'er maths GCSE!!!!!
    Only problem she's struggling with 'er algebra!!!!!
    She said "why the 'eck 'n 'oot would a need algebra ter deliver babies????"
    A said "a agree... what would yer use it for??".... "This baby is baby 'y'... this one is baby 'z'... and this one baby 'x'!!!!!!!"
    Then a added..... "A suppose twins would be 'x' squared aka X2!!!!!!!!"

    All in the class nearly cried with laughter... mesen included!!!!!!

    Well it was funny at the time!!!!!

    Tatty bye for now all!!!!!

  • Comment number 17.

    Hello Bingo

    Glad you've been busy and also that you're exams are over. I think whatever grade you come out with, is a great achievement. Its very hard for anyone to work and study at the same time.

    I've given up trying to predict exam results as the last set I did the one I thought was a pass, I failed and the one I thought I failed I passed (easily). So (in the words of chuck berry) you never can tell!

    Hopefully that train driver job is not to far in the distance for you now!



  • Comment number 18.

    Chris: your delight in the World Cup is absolutely infectious. I was singing "Back ±«Óãtv" at the top of my voice this morning!

    AS: hiya, I am fine - just so happy that Friday has rolled around again - do you feel the same?!

    Debs: poor you. Take it easy, and try to hobble back and forward to the fridge over the weekend!

    Re: the Portsmouth Meet tomorrow - I hope all attending have a wonderful time. I am seeing my lovely sister for lunch - it's her birthday and I always try to spoil her a bit. Of course, she does the same for me, come December.

    MCM: my daughter is now 19 and I still feel guilty that I used disposable nappies. You must be getting really mad at your estate agent now. He is taking the Michael. Time for your "firm voice" - you must have one!

    Looby: good to see you getting the hang of the blog!

    Bingo: well done, you clever boy. Yes, I know it wasn't quite what you hoped, but I think the boy done good. And your joke in the class was very funny!

    MissP: thinking of you today - hope you are ok.

    Just to say, that someone I am quite fond of works for A@da. He tells me that the warehouse is full to the gunnels with all sorts of assorted drinks that can be put in a fridge! I think the next few weeks might see some thirsty people around!

    C xx

  • Comment number 19.

    Afternoon each

    Literally flying by the seat of my pants today but wanted to say..

    AS - hugs were fab..thank you!

    MtD/MissP - thinking of you both today..onwards and upwards ladies! x

    And SusanB - i didnt say congrats on the job..so congrats on the job!

    THose who are going to Portsmouth this weekend, have the most amazing time! Sure Bids and Lin will be doing their amazing tourist guide impersonations to all!

    Everyone else... have a wonderful weekend... see u all the other side of it!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 20.


    Not too sure about your prediction.

    I reckon England will scrape through by the odd goal.

    The problem is that they only have four world class players and two of those seem to be unable to play in the same team.

    I'm backing Spain to go all the way.

    El fútbol es volver a casa.

  • Comment number 21.

    I hope those going to the Portsmouth meet have a great time. Knowing who has organised it I am sure you will. A little bit difficult for me to join the ladies wot lunch this week but I will be thinking of you.

    Bids & Lin, I hope you have warned the pub that Lady Chards cant make it so their profits wont be as high as expected ;-)


  • Comment number 22.

    Bingo - well done on finishing your maths paper, fingers crossed for the results too. Liked the joke! I need to ask - do you speak like that in real life? (sorry if that offends you)

    Chrissie - yep thank goodness it's Friday, roll on 5.30pm! Sometimes feel as if I live for the weekends a bit too much :) Any chance of the find someone sharing the drinks around??!!

    Miss P - I know you can't read this at the mo what with work banning blogging but hope today goes ok and you manage to leave on time with it being your last day there.

    Andy - good advice to MCM. Have you had any results back from the exam you sat recently?

    MCM - enjoy the sunshine and the view.

    Off to my mum & dad's for tea this evening - wonder what delight I'll get dished up!!

    AS x

  • Comment number 23.

    AS - Malvern Hills were bathed in sunshine earlier - bit cloudy now but still very pleasant!

    C - not so sure I'm getting the hang of this yet but I'll persevere.. :-)

    Enjoy your weekend meet!

    LLM x

  • Comment number 24.


    cheeky monkey!

    that made me *ggggggg*

    laters taters

  • Comment number 25.

    AS - No results for the exam yet, due at the end of July, they like to keep you waiting!

  • Comment number 26.

    Fingers crossed then Andy

    Looby - apparently as a very small child I used to run up British Camp to the shock of my parents without a care in the world, bet I couldn't walk up it now!!

    BTW - what does *gggggg* mean????

    AS x

  • Comment number 27.

    Afternoon all

    I am looking after two tiny tots today, at the moment they are both asleep.

    Hope you are all ok.

    Those of you who are going to Portsmouth, have a great time.

    Think little ones are waking up.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 28.

    Hi Everyone,
    We are enjoying some sunshine up in Manchester for a change! Hope it lasts for the weekend.
    I too am really looking forward to the Footie - things are the other way round in our house tho' - I love it and hubby hates it! He'll just have to put up with 4 weeks of listening to his i pod through ear plugs whilst I shout and swear at the telly!
    Come on Engerland! Whoop whoop!
    Got some "England" stuff, flags etc etc for the car,and bunting for window boxes (saddo) hubby wants to know if they are on "sale or return" Ha ha!

  • Comment number 29.

    You broke the blog Jo. Actually maybe it's quiet because some people are actually watching the game? I'm at work so I can't (just keeping up to date with the scores on the beeb website).

    All bound for Pompey, have a lovely time and don't forget to raise a glass to those of us who can't be there (we might be able to hear you above the roar of the crowd on the tv)

    Back later for FNWC (the merlot is ready and waiting at home).

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 30.

    AS - I think I probably ran up them when I was little too - get out of breath just thinking about it now but do occasionally give them a go!

    LLM x

  • Comment number 31.

    Joran: welcome to the blog - it's usually not this quiet!

    CSN: hope your wee tootsies are ok. Must be keeping you busy, I would think!

    My boss has come up with all sorts of bets for the World Cup: bets on to win, to draw, who will score first, that sort of thing. I have invested Two Pounds. This time next month, I could be a millionaire!

    C xx

  • Comment number 32.

    Chrissie, you crack me up sometimes. Are you joining us this evening?

    If not have a lovely weekend and we'll 'speak' on Monday.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 33.

    Hi all

    It's overcast here in upstate New York, though the sun is threatening to come out. I'm enjoying the opening match but feel sad for the Mandela family. I'm not a huge footie fan but I do enjoy the world cup and although being Welsh I will cheer England on which will please the OH.

    I was looking forward to the game tomorrow England vs USA living in the USA but OH company has organised a cricket match and he's playing in it where's the sense in that!!

    Have a great meet those who're going and I'll see the rest of you in FNWC.

    Welcome Looby Loo.

    MaW xx

  • Comment number 34.

    mtd: hiya. Would absolutely love to be at the FNWC this evening, but I am going to my friend's house for dinner. This is a lovely lady who was my boss 30 years ago, and we have stayed in touch ever since. She is a hoot, and extremely posh. She will say things like ... "so, tell me, Chrissie, do you drink daily?" !! You know me, mtd: as if!

    Have a lovely weekend - see you Monday.

    C xx

  • Comment number 35.

    CSN - hope the tiny tots are keeping nanny out of mischief!

    Jo - sale or return - like it, am betting it will be a quick return!

    Chrissie - you'll be selling radioactive bottled water next just to become a millionaire!! Enjoy dinner with the posh lady and remember your p's & q's - whatever they are!!

    AS x

  • Comment number 36.

    MaW - bad organistion me thinks! Enjoy the cricket - didn't realise Americans played the game!

    AS x

  • Comment number 37.

    I have a friend like your posh one too. She is really lovely but hardly drinks (unlike moi!) We once went on a Murder Mystery weekend which on the first night served 5 course meal. Scrummy! i ordered a bottle of the best red and my friend said "Are you going to drink all that?" I was planning on it lasting me til the main course then order another one! Oh well, had to slow down somewhat or be labelled an alchy! (is that how you spell it?)

  • Comment number 38.

    AS: I know - Del Boy and me, both with the same dream! And, yes, I will be sure to be on my best behaviour this evening!

    MaW: hiya, lovely to see you.

    C xx

  • Comment number 39.

    AS They don't really but there's a large Indian contingent in the company that have organised it. They are glad that OH can actually hold a cricket bat properly and not like a baseball bat.

    MaW xx

  • Comment number 40.

    Joran: you would fit in beautifully at any Blog Meet - bottles of wine being ordered as if wine is going out of fashion!

    My friend is absolutely lovely, but has completely forgotten about the days when Gordon was her very best friend. G*rdon's Gin, that is!


  • Comment number 41.

    I have seen the photos of Spy book of Blog meets and bottles! Looks like my type of night out! Will have to look out for any here up in the North and join in!
    I have posted before, but have changed user name as when I first registered I did so with full name instead of setting a "blog" name. have since discovered how to change so here I am as joran (previously Joanna Rankin!)


  • Comment number 42.

    Sorry - meant to say "on spy book" !

  • Comment number 43.

    Ahh Haa: Jo, now I know I know you!

    How far North? There is a Leeds Meet on 26th June!


  • Comment number 44.

    Afternoon each

    Chris, I wish I knew what you were talking about!! Popped in to gorgeous daughter's this afternoon and son-in-law was parked on the sofa, telly on, and the most awful noise coming from SA. GD and I sat outside on the patio with a cuppa - much calmer and nicer.


  • Comment number 45.

    I am in Manchester but am away that week! Are there many of us from this area? Though Leeds isn't too far away. Are they usually overnighters or a day meet?


  • Comment number 46.

    Chrissie Hi nice to be here, internet here is a bit hit and miss. Have a great time tonight and have a few glasses of vino colapso. I indulged a bit too much last night and am having trouble getting a wiggle on today.

    Jo nice to "see" you. I would love to go to a blog meet, I'm home from 23rd June till 21st July so if there's anything going on in the South Wales region let me know.

    CSN I hope the little ones are doing well and their mums.

    Ok washing and general housework needs to be tackled.


    MaW xx

  • Comment number 47.

    Jo - funny! I always feel as if my sister looks a me disapprovingly as I'm about to start my 3 or 4 drink!!

    MaW - ah now I understand why the cricket! Hope hubby plays well!

    Chrissie - Gordon is a dear friend of mine too - jolly nice chap :)!

    AS x

  • Comment number 48.

    Haven't caught up yet but Chrissie - we still going to Leeds? Must contact Mary. Can still see her harrassing the poor doorman in our Liverpool hotel cos the bar was shut!


  • Comment number 49.

    Jo: I do believe we have several lovely bloggers in your area!

    For those of us close to the Meet, it's a daytime/evening affair, and for those further afield, usually an overnight. Shame about the 26th, but I am sure there will be lots of other Meets as the year progresses.

    I know Cheryl is organising a Birmingham Meet soon!

    Well, chickens, I am off to drink my soda water & lime, together with a small glass of white on the side. Have a great FNWC and a good weekend.

    C xx

    P.S. Come on England!

  • Comment number 50.

    Just about to close down when I saw you Annie! Leeds is a definite! Oh, I know, the horror of arriving back at the hotel and being told the bar was closed! We will ensure this doesn't happen in Leeds!

    C xx

  • Comment number 51.

    I have given up explaining that the glasses used in restaurants are far too small - hence the need for 3 or 4 (or 5) glasses! Just bring me the bottle (or 2!) and think what the hell you like!
    we once went to a wedding reception (evening "do") where we knew the wine was to be a tad expensive, so we took a box of red, wrapped it in wedding gift paper, positioned it on our table - exposed tap- and hey presto!
    Jobs a goodun!


  • Comment number 52.

    Jo, hope you're going to Leeds. We need you.

    Chrissie, am bringing satnav so we don't get lost in the red light area yet again - and think I'll put bottles in my case, just in case Mary gets upset.


  • Comment number 53.

    I travel only with boxes!
    Can't do Leeds as am away that week but will surely look out for another North meet. Have lurked on this blog long enough - I intend to "get stuck in" now with you lovely sounding peeps - and do you know why this is? I "saw" you all for who you really are following poor Beez's untimely demise - this place is a good place to be.

    Jo x

    ps may be back later, but am off to take dogs out no x

  • Comment number 54.

    woops noW! "note to self" - learn to type if you want to blog!

  • Comment number 55.

    It is a nice place, eh, Joran? Would be lovely to see you at a future meet. We haven't done Edinburgh yet.


  • Comment number 56.

    Or Newcastle, eh Susan?

    Now that would be even better than Edinburgh.


  • Comment number 57.

    Happy Friday evening everyone, Hope everyone who has gone for the weekend has a good one!

    I will appologise but I'm going to rant so feel free not to read!

    Following earlier conversation with estate agent I have spent all afternoon waiting for his email to arrive in my inbox, at 3.30 I called him AGAIN to say I'd not received his email so could I check he had the correct email address as the previous email had not reached me, he said oh we didn't email you before we posted the details (change of story from this morning!) but he would definitely email me by the end of the day..................Well I'm still waiting!

    We're 3 weeks into a 16 week sole agency agreement so we can't change agents but as far as I can see in the past 3 weeks they've done nothing!

    Rant over and I'll try not to mention estate agents until Monday.

    So is anyone going anywhere nice over the weekend? I'm taking the kids to a fun day tomorrow afternoon then home to watch GP qualifying and a night in on my own as Mr MCM's working. Then Sunday I get to have a lie in while Mr MCM has the kids for a bit, normally he takes them out so that I can sleep while I listen to Aled on GMS and Love songs :-) Sunday will be filled with a friend's BBQ and then the Canadian GP.

    I'm off to a friend's 30th tonight so don't know if I'll be in for FNWC but I hope you have a good one!

    Love to everyone

    MCM xx

  • Comment number 58.

    Evening everyone! I'm struggling to get on in the day at the moment, am sooo busy but that's probably a good thing!

    Hi Jo, I live near Wigan, and work in Salford Quays, so quite local to you! There are a few of us locally as well, so maybe we should get our backsides in gear and organise a Manchester meet!

    Hi to Looby Loo too, glad you've joined us!

    Debs, sorry you've had to cancel Portsmouth, I hope your foot is geting betterer? Hope everyone else has a great time!

    MissP, hope you're out having a good leaving do? Good luck, and to MTD as well, I'd love the summer off, am I'm sure you'll find something in good time.

    Hi to everyone else :)

    Has FNWC officially started yet, cos it has here! What a horrid week!

    JG x

  • Comment number 59.

    Evening JG. FNWC about to start chez Annie. Have had a horrible week too - think it's in the stars? Or just our bad luck?


  • Comment number 60.

    Hi all

    I'm here and just about to start my FNWC before the f word starts. Hope your last day went OK Miss P. I've had a few more disbelievers today, it is so hard when I have known some of the people for 18 years. Still only 4 more weeks to go (less the odd day off that I will take).

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 61.

    MCM I can fully sympathise with you re: estate agents, we had a nightmare of a time with them when we sold our house a couple of years back. The majority of them are a bunch of bath plugs IMHO.

    Hi JG and Annie, I think I will join you with a glass of red cheers!

    MaW xx

  • Comment number 62.

    Hi mtd I'd definately take a few "sickies" before you leave. It must be hard after being there for so long.

    Have a good weekend everyone, aswell as the cricket tomorrow we have a "welcome to summer" party to go to on Sunday at the village hall so we'll be able meet more peolple which will be good.

    MaW xx

  • Comment number 63.

    We were lucky with our estate agents, but as I'm "in the industry" I was up front with them straightaway! So we were always treated with respect!

    Good luck MCM, be tough, firm bu fair, and if they haven't kept their end of the contract, you can cancel declaring them in breach!

    JG x

  • Comment number 64.

    Evening all,

    MCM, i'd suggest a rather hefty discount on the 16 week agreement, seeing as the first three have gone by and they seem to have done diddly sqwat.

    MTD, i admire your 18 year service , the longest i have stayed anywhere was about 6 years. I get bored once i know what i am doing, and tend to move on about every three years or so. Good luck with your search .

    Debs, sorry to hear you are still not upto par yet. Hope you are not running out of supplies. ;-)

    JG, yes we must do a Manc meet, Daisy and I had been discussing it only earlier this week.

    Hope everyone is fine and dandy .

    MC xx

  • Comment number 65.

    Annie, maybe, I'm a libran, so I'm not liking changes and uncertainty! And there's a lot of that going on with me at the mo, that I can't put on here!

    JG x

  • Comment number 66.

    Thanks MaW - actually, I only have to finish a few projects that I have been involved with and my boss has said if I have a day where there is nothing I can do, just let him know and I can take the next day off. I am doing this on Monday so that I can talk to the outplacement people that the company have organised for me.

    I know what you mean MC but I have been able to move around different departments in the company and the company has also grown quite a lot since I joined (from 50 people to 250+). When I started the job I was doing (with 2 other people) is now covered by 3 departments and about 70 people. I have also been involved with setting up new departments on 2 occasions. Now I am in the situation that I have worked in nearly every part of the business and only really like where I am now, as there is no job for me - I have to move on.

    JG I hope what ever is happening to you is not too nasty and that you can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 67.

    Same as my daughter JG. Libran's are very well balanced though.

    Cork popped, glass of pink fizz raised to Beez then I'm off. Didn't sleep much last night so need to go to my lovely bed soon.

    Don't know about anyone else, but I feel a pang every morning when Chris plays 'Welcome to another day on planet earth'. So many lovely people not on planet earth any more.


  • Comment number 68.

    MTD, Wow, what a great achievement .You will have seen plenty of changes over the years then.
    I am not sure what i want to do long term, and have been thinking about working for myself , we will see.

    Annie, yes, its on my mind a lot at the moment .

    MC xx

  • Comment number 69.

    Hope things get better for you JG. And MTD - was in my last job for 20 years till I retired last year. It's a huge step to move on but when one door closes, another one opens. A bit of a cliche I suppose but I found it very true.

    As Ricky Fulton used to say - an opporchancity. xxxxx

  • Comment number 70.

    I'm fine, just don't like change too much!

    Has anyone watched that relocation programme? [Hint]

    JG x

  • Comment number 71.

    MC, both my youngest son and son-in-law have just started their own businesses - one as a photographer, the other as IT Consultant. Must be the right time of year.


  • Comment number 72.

    Oh please!! Mr JG is trying to do the "Great Escape" theme on Finlay's squeaky duck! With that and the over-powering Vuvuzelas, I think I need some ear-plugs!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 73.

    Evening CLP et al, hope you're all ok and looking forward to a football filled/football free weekend! I will be watching the England game tomorrow but will be trying to avoid many of the other games!

    Hope all of you that haven't had the best of weeks have great weekends and a better time of it next week.

    Flat move is getting there gradually though I am at the stage now where I just want to be fully moved in and sorted out. As I am moving from a rented (furnished) flat into my own place this month is an "overlap" month, so I'm still renting and taking my time to get all my things moved. it also enabled me to get the new place furnished. Next job is to order my bed!

    Working tomorrow but off Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. I think they will be far from restful days off though as I need to order a bed, buy a birthday present for my best friend, and various other bits and bobs.

    Hope you're all enjoying FNWC. Frankly I'm too tired for a drink tonight!


  • Comment number 74.

    Hi Rosie, I'm glad things are going OK, it must be difficult on your own!

    Ive been nodding off myself, or would, if the buzzing noise would go away ;)

    JG x

  • Comment number 75.

    Hiya peeps
    Annie, think I need to check that I have your address right, CSN received her parcel the morning after I posted it!

    Also, I sent your daughter a friend request, guess she must be busy with Sam!

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 76.

    Hello People...

    I am just popping in very briefly to apologise to MTF and CSN for last weeks late night nonsense, completely my fault, obviously. I was out of order and have regretted it all week.

    Sheba xx

  • Comment number 77.

    Evening all

    Have just closed up shop at tiny tots nanny sitting services for the night.

    Now got to cook Mr CSN dinner.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 78.

    Is everyone hiding? Here I am, glass in hand and there's no one to be seen :(


  • Comment number 79.

    Oz, I'm just about here.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 80.

    Oh CSN, it's so late for that!! I'm just glad Mr JG sorts himself out if he's going to be out after 7-ish, he can never be sure when he'll be back!

    Well, himself has gone up, and so I'd better too! Last time I was down here on my own I woke up at 6am, slumped on the sofa! Luckily escaping a cricked neck!

    Night all!

    JG x

  • Comment number 81.

    CSN, cooking I mean!

  • Comment number 82.

    It's far too late to be eating, nm cooking! Hope it's summat quick CSN.

    NN JG, bed is looking more appealing by the minute!


  • Comment number 83.

    Hi JG

    Cooking now because little ones have only just gone home.

    How is Finlay today?

    lol, csn. xx

  • Comment number 84.

    Oz, this will make you laugh, i'm cooking a chicken.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 85.

    Hope you get a lie in to compensate tomorrow then CSN ;) I don't like eating much after 7pm unless I know I can go to bed a lot later and still fit in at least 7 hours kip before I need to be up the next day or I'm a right grouch!


  • Comment number 86.

    Just finished work so time to pour a glass of something I think!

    Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome - just wish I'd taken Beez up on her offer when she first suggested I join....

    Hope you all have a great weekend

    LLM x

  • Comment number 87.

    Evening peeps, Just dipping in to say night night all - hope tomorrow brings what you all want - and more (?) Come on "you know who". Hope all sleep well zzzzzzzzzzzzzz nt nt

  • Comment number 88.

    Thanks Oz, but don't think so as mental dog will have me up at the crack of dawn.

    Hi, Looby, how are you?

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 89.

    Night joran

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 90.




  • Comment number 91.

    Hello Rips

    How are you?

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 92.

    Where is everyone!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 93.

    Hi CSN,

    Not bad Ta.....

    Quiet night on here?



  • Comment number 94.


    Mr CSN is letting me borrow his mac, it's fantastic.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 95.

    Especially in the rain.

    Sorry its been a long day.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 96.

    MTF, where are you hiding tonight?

    lol, csn. xx

  • Comment number 97.

    Night everyone

    Sleep well.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 98.

    Morning everyone

    Dry cloudy day here.

    Hope you all have a good day.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 99.

    Morning peeps.

    It's lovely and sunny here in the People's Republic of ChezNicia.

    Last night was divine: a simple supper, some red wine and some football. Homself rooting for Uraguay and me for the French (Arsenal reserves .....?).

    Today I think we're going to an English Heritage site somewhere in Shropshire, then back in time to cook tea and watch the England/USA match.

    First week at work went really well, and I definitely think I am going to love it there - although going from doing pretty much nowt to doing a 40 hour week has meant good sleepage all week!

    Have fun whatever you're up to this weekend, and CHEERS to those in Portsmouth at the blog meet!



  • Comment number 100.

    Have fun in Portsmouth :-)

    LLM x


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