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The Berkshire Bronty Cliff Hanger

Chris Evans | 17:48 UK time, Friday, 28 May 2010

Will I ever see my dinosaur? I fear not, as more worthy custodians seem to be ahead of me in the queue to home this fabulous fibreglass beastie.

To have one's own national radio show, some lovely motor cars, a sexy fab wife, gorgeous young son and beautiful daughter is one thing, but to have a life size dino surely has to be the icing on the cake!

What will be will be though, and I will respect the hands of fate whatever happens - here's hoping but not expecting.

Enjoy your weekend guys, you deserve it.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Hi Chris!

    What is it about boys and dinosaurs .... something you never grow out of eh!?!?

    Many, many heartfelt thanks for the Beezer stuff - you did our girl proud!

    Much love



  • Comment number 2.

    Hab a fab weekend CLP and yes - thank you for what you did for the leg-end that is Beez - as my box of choclites is called she was "exhuberantly fruity"

    and with that

    i declare FNWC - OPEN!

    cheers wonderful CLP and peoples of the blog!


  • Comment number 3.

    Here with the Merlot on the go. Can I add my heartfelt thanks to you CLP for the tributes to Beez and for keeping the phrase 'get a wiggle on' going.

    Cheers all.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 4.

    Oh I was really excited about the Bronty! Oh well :(

    I have a chocolate chip muffin that my Mum made :)

    I think we are having Chinese for tea too :D:D

    How are you lovelies doing?

  • Comment number 5.

    Just popping in -

    MTD _ sorry to hear your news... I hope we can talk soon...

    Fate... CLP... is in our own hands, mostly, depending on the choices we make in life... you, my friend, have learnt that we all need to accept our responsibility for our own fate and the decisions we make - and that gives us true wisdom - when we refect - we will realise that...

    Today I experienced a life long ambition - at the hands of fate... I saw dolphins dancing in the sea... right in front of me... but if I hadn't decided to come on holiday on my own... I would never have enjoyed such a wonderful thing!!! xxx

    ok... now enough of my talking cr@p...

    I have turned the hot tub on... left a load of canapes... cold and hot from the oven... FNWC must now be what it was... but beware the olives - they have a tendancy to jump and get to places you never dreamed they could go....

    My friends... please make this FNWC a special one... and in the words of one of my oldest and dearest Liverpool mates, Pilkers, love you always, must dash, things to do, people to see...

    and so it goes on...

    Suzie.... xxx

  • Comment number 6.

    evening all! early for me tonight but small boy in bed and GD soaking in the bath upon her week long school trip to the Scilly Isles!! she has had a blast but is very weary now!! we (that's me and Mr CG of course!)had a lovely glass of Pimms to celebrate - starting FNWC early tonight!

    can i have those olives stuffed with garlic or lemon peel please!!

    off to try and upload her pics onto the pooter - catch you later!!

    CG xx

  • Comment number 7.

    Yes indeed to all of the above. Thanks Chris.x

    And yes indeedy, que sera sera re. said Brontosaurus. But don't talk to me about fibreglass after spendin' a lovely sunny afternoon in Renee's loft wit 2 chaps an' Renee waitin' at the bottom of the ruddy ladder wit pie an' chips. I've not bin' this mucky since wadin' too far out in the bubbly swimsuit off Morecambe Bay, tryin' to catch tiddlers in me tin Noddy bucket but catchin' 2 fag ends, a corn plaster an' what I thought was an old balloon. And then to add insult to injury, the smarta**e opposite laffed 'is 'ead off when I emerged, full soot moustache, trolleys ripped on a rusty nail, black hand marks (me own) across me chest, an' cobwebs in me hair. I was such a scary sight I texted a picture of meself to the ex-hubby wit the message 'In case you were in any doubt..'

    I think 'e's 'avin' it mounted on cork.

    Mind. I found some startlin' holiday clothes of Renee's circa 1963, a box a perished corsets AND the DDF Eric's fancy dress Nazi uniform, hurrah! Ah yes. The Allo! Allo! party, where as the Colonel, he came to blows wit Herr Flick for cheatin' at the flour cake game, an' had to sleep in 'is boots owin' to Edith refusin' to help 'im off wit 'em for takin' to 'is part rather too enthusiastically. Happy days.

    Howaya to the newbies and returnin' oldies, may join yous later when I've scrubbed meself down in me tin bath full a Swarfega in the back garden.

    Les. Priceless!


  • Comment number 8.

    Fancy that, Suze. You in the hot tub wit the canapes an' pink fizz, me in the tin bath wit Swarfega an' pie an' chips.



  • Comment number 9.

    ...an' what looks like black olives in the bottom of said bath. But probably isn't...

    Now what was the name a that rabbit..


  • Comment number 10.

    Hi all

    How're you all diddling after a very sad week. Beez really helped me when I first moved to France and on arriving here 3 weeks ago, she had a way of putting everything into perspective.

    Debs cheers I thought I had to join in with FNWC although I'm 5 hours behind so you could say I'm having a bit of afternoon delight. So cheers Beez you lovely lady and to all who join in today.

    I think what I've learnt this week is to not take what I have and what I can give for granted, and as Chris said "Live life large"

    You have all kept me going over the passed 18 months with your funny stories and just talking about everyday things and some down right bonkers stuff!

    We're moving into our permanent home on Tuesday so that will be another part of the jigsaw in place.

    Mtd Sorry about your job situ but I'm sure there's a good reason for it and that something is in the pipeline for you that will knock your socks off.

    Deev what a star you are and have been over the terribly sad news that you had to pass on to us, you truly are an inspiration thank you.

    On that note I will say bottoms up and Cheers.

    MaW xxxx

  • Comment number 11.

    Just popping in briefly as chicken tikka cooking. Just about to have a small shandy with the meal and then something suitable for FNWC later.

  • Comment number 12.

    Clodagh... hands of the black olives... and not too fussy where they have been!!! But they're all mine!!!
    Living in the "south" has sophisticated (!) me... I never said what what the canapas were...

    a half a chip with onion gravy dip

    piece of beef and onion pie with mushy pea dip...

    scouse with... meat and potato dip...

    need I go on...

  • Comment number 13.

    Evening each

    Chris, for Tash's sake, hope you don't get that dinosaur - it would take some dusting!!

    Had a very senior moment this morning. Went to get new car, paid by card (I thought) and it was rejected. The security question was 'What was your mother's maiden name'. I answered correctly and it was declined!!!!! Went home, phoned the Bank ready for an aggressive discussion and honest to god I can't believe it - I'd apparently given MY maiden name as the answer to that question when I set up my account with them. I have no recollection of doing that, but the very nice lady in the Bank said that happens often.

    So, it's official - I have Dementia!!!!!

    Anyway, at the second attempt I got the car. Went over to see little Sam this afternoon and he's gorgeous. Well, to be honest, he's not, having gone through an awful trauma in the 3 days since he was born, but we think he's gorgeous.


  • Comment number 14.

    In memory of Beez I'm sporting a likeable pair of size 10 cream backs (sorry but i don't own killer heels and yes these shoes ARE mine) :-D . . . who's got the booze and what we watching on the box?

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 15.

    Clodagh, I'd take the swarfega n pie n chips ANY time :)

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 16.

    Haven't had time to read any posts. Is the FNWC open yet? Have a bottle of red in honour of our Beez.

  • Comment number 17.

    Aww, Chris, I know the very Bronty you are talking about, I hope she gets a good home!

    I used to live 7 miles from Dan-yr-Ogof, if you took the mountain road, 15 f you didn't!

    Our "local" was the Abercrave Inn, who hilariously have photos of "your" bronty in their car park...some locals thought it would be a good idea to move it overnight from the caves to the pub...

    The poor landlord was in shock for days after looking out of his bedroom window!!!

    It was, 15 years ago, a fantastic pub/hotel...I'm sure it still is, just can't vouch for it as I haven't been there since then!

    JG x

  • Comment number 18.

    Well stuff yer olives then, Suze. See if I care.

    Ey top canapes, or canopies as Renee prefers to call 'em. Can't beat pan-fried cod in batter on pea wet jus.

    As it happens I promised Renee the rare treat of fish and chips from the local chipper for tea if she behaved 'erself; and within 30 seconds of enterin' Tommy Chippy's establishment, I was joined by a large chap in a vest who boomed, "Chips, peas, gravy an' 2 smacks please luv. An' a babby's yed an' pea wet."

    Marvellous. Ah, the joys a fine dinin'.


  • Comment number 19.

    Oy Steve get yer mitts off my pie an' chips, yous'll be gettin' one a them smacks wit yer Swarfega.


  • Comment number 20.

    Good hevening beveryody,

    I don't usually attend FNWC as I don't normally drink at home, but tonight is an exception to the rule.
    For anyone who came over here pronto from the last blog, it's worth going back to the last one to see a very funny post from Les, made after Chris blogged tonight.
    Cracked me up anyway!

    Cheers Janey, It may not be fizzy, but it sure is pink.

    ta ta lin x

  • Comment number 21.

    Good evening everyone,

    I thought I'd come and join FNWC and raise a glass to Beez!

    Annie I'm sure Samuel is gorgeous, any bruising from trauma will soon go away. Is he home yet?

    What plans do you all have for the weekend?

    I'm going to tidy the house as we have someone coming to view it, fingers crossed this maybe the one but after so long I don't get my hopes up any more! Once the house is clean I will be taking the kids out so they don't wreck it again ;-)

    My internet connection is rubbish at the mo but I will be popping back as it allows.

    Love to everyone MCM xx

  • Comment number 22.


    can't we share?

    i think we need MORE shampoo . .this pink stuff is rather tasty. Who decorated the shed? and can we turn the heat down a tad on the hot tub please . . i'm starting to get light headed


  • Comment number 23.

    Ah well go on then Steve. Bunk up, yous can 'ave a forkfull a pie.

    By the crin is it me or is it 'ot in 'ere?

    Ah yous eejit, yous are in the top-loader, you've set it to boil-wash. 'Ang on a bit, I'll turn it down. Ee me glasses 'ave steamed up. What's that button. Fast spiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii


  • Comment number 24.

    Blimey . . . i aint half dizzy :-D

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 25.

    Dizzy? Yous daft bat, looka that now. All me rubber flowers on me bathin' cap 'ave melted.

    I'll give yous dizzy.

  • Comment number 26.

    Any room in the shed? I've got a bottle of red vino collapso.

  • Comment number 27.

    There's room 'ere, Annie. There yous go. Mind the mangle.


  • Comment number 28.


    Come on in :-D don't mind Clodagh . .she's just destroying the place *ggggggggg*

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 29.

    (pssst. Annie. Don't look now. Steve's got 'is puddin' stuck in the mangle. Will you switch it on or shall I?)

  • Comment number 30.

    awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww that hurts :( who stuck that there?

    Steve :-D *through gritted teeth*

  • Comment number 31.

    Any room for me?

    Clodagh, the bloke in the chippy wasn't my other half was it, he's just come home with the same meal....all for 'imself!

    Now, who put these bloody olives in here???

    JG x

  • Comment number 32.


    Blame Clodagh

    steve :-D

  • Comment number 33.

    Hey, I was saving those olives for Suzie! Get your mitts off!

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 34.

    Was Elvis in the chippy Clodagh?

    You're all getting very frisky here. xxxx

  • Comment number 35.

    Hi Annie, congrats on the latest addition.


  • Comment number 36.

    Plenty room, JG, bunk up, Annie; don't let Mr. JG drop 'is babby's yed in 'ere, mind. An' tell 'im take 'is vest off, we're set on a Fast Whites so it's a bit 'ot.

    Shrup whingein', Steve. Don't tell me you've never 'ad your puddin' stuck in a mangle before.


  • Comment number 37.

    OUCH! I've got me toe stuck in the jet! Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp

  • Comment number 38.

    It's freezing up here is there room for another in the hot tub?

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 39.


    Last time though i was being paid ;) *gggggggg*

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 40.


    Any room for a little'un ?

    MC xx

  • Comment number 41.

    Annie, don't worry about Fersit, see how you go! xx

    Are you going to Leeds?

    Clodagh, if he ever wears a string vest, I'm outta 'ere!! And he can keep 'is babby's yed to 'imsel!!

  • Comment number 42.


    Always . . EVERY one is welcome :-D

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 43.

    Steve it's nice to see you back on the blog xx

    Annie - so pleased Samuel is getting better xx

    Rosie - Congratulations! Wishing you lots of love, luck and happiness in your new home xx

    Clodagh - Swarfega reminds me of my lovely Dad xx

    MtD - sorry to hear your news MtD. I agree with the others, take a few days out for you xx

    Cornishmum - fingers crossed for the viewing.

    I have a glass of the pink stuff in memory of Beez - okay it's a bottle, well I couldn't let the side down could I?

    Cheers Beez xxxxxx

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 44.


    Tis nice to be back :-D

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 45.

    Funny enough, Annie, 'e was! Elvis, I mean.

    Wanted Jailhouse Rock Salmon an' a smack.

    Aye Thangyou.


  • Comment number 46.

    Budge up! Coming through... and I've got my pink fizz


  • Comment number 47.


    thanks for that . . .. i just lost half me lemonade (diet)

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 48.

    SJF, so thats why the water has gone bubbly ? MC ;-)

  • Comment number 49.

    Hop in, MC. Ah no, hang on, arms up everybody, we're on rinse...


    JG tell 'im bring the string vest, it'll come in 'andy for strainin' the olives once this water's gone down a bit.

  • Comment number 50.

    Yes, mtd, sorry to hear your news, but take your time, and enjoy the weekend before making any decisions! xx

    Rosie, how exciting! Enjoy!! :)

    I shouldn't be here, I should be packing! lol

    JG x

  • Comment number 51.

    Oh bums, can't keep up with you all.

    JG: Don't think I'll get there, between babies, little'uns and work, but have a great time and take lots of photies. Hopefully still going to Leeds if Mary will let me in the back of her car.

    Thanks Mary, I'm sure little Sam has got better thanks to all the prayers people have been sending up on his behalf.


  • Comment number 52.

    Well MC, at least we HOPE that's why it's gone bubbly...

    That wasn't you was it, Steve? Ah yous little tinker.

  • Comment number 53.

    Annie your in! xx

  • Comment number 54.

    MTD, I was watching the clock at 12.50 and thinking of you, so sorry its not good news. Chin up chuck, i am sure you will be snapped up soon.

    Rosie, great news , dont spend too much ;-)

    JG, get gone and pack, then come back.

    MC xxxx

  • Comment number 55.

    Hi all

    First time for me in the hot tub - hope I didn't splash too much when I got in.

    Just got to refill the glass and I'll be set.

    Back in a sec

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 56.


    Just got home from daughters, got to cook dinner for Mr csn

    Now have a glass of pink fiz in my hand, but the tears still flow my beloved Beez.
    She was my late night friend on the blog, We talked a lot on the phone, she helped me so much, we were going to meet but now its too late, she was one in a million, I raise my glass to Beez as I know many others will do tonight!

    MTF Where are you, I suppose your still out working.

    Sorry I haven't had time to keep up with the blog today, will catch up in the morning.

    csn xx

  • Comment number 57.

    Shove up... room for a big one???

    erm... and who scoffed all the canapes... has Clodagh smuggled Renee in the back door?

    oops... sorry - whose foot was that... get off...

  • Comment number 58.

    Aw thanks Mary. Will be in touch. xxxx

    Now, who's farted? xxxx

  • Comment number 59.

    Oh, don't touch my feet!!

  • Comment number 60.

    Hiya Suz

    Hope you are having a lovely time - aren't dolphins wonderful, we have seen them in most of the oceans and seas of the world.

    Now then what happens if I twiddle that knob - oops sorry hope that wasn't too cold for you all, boiling temp restored.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 61.

    MTD... yes... they are...

    ... who touched the knob...

    ... excuse me...

    oh... er...

  • Comment number 62.

    Right, where's the bottle opener gone ?

    and pass the peanuts please ...... oh no, i've dropped me phone in the water ... MC x

  • Comment number 63.

    Jump aboard, mtd; and chin up, sweetheart. No, right up, we're fillin' up again.

    Ow. Ere Suzanne that's my foot you've got there, not the back scrubber, aaargh stop it yous are pullin' me undbbbbbbbbbbbb

    ptth pttth

  • Comment number 64.

    Now would you lot just stop fiddlin' with the knobs!!!!!

    That's why I'm called Fiddle Fiddle Gran.


  • Comment number 65.

    bubbles are not my doing. I'm pure and innocent

    steve :-D

  • Comment number 66.


    Black olives!! .. ah no, 'ang on. Ew, who's got verrucas?

  • Comment number 67.

    Ok, Steve, we'll let you off this time , now be a good un and get the cork out of this will ya ?

    MC x

  • Comment number 68.

    Oh yuk Clodagh. Will never eat black olives again. xxx

  • Comment number 69.

    Don't give me that Steve. Yous went right pale just then.

    My aul Grandma always used to say,

    "You look pale. 'Ave you pumped?"

    See. Can always tell. Can't cod them that's codded thousands.


  • Comment number 70.

    Ewww!! Clodagh!!

    Right, stuff thrown at suitcase, done!

    Right, who's for a top up?

    JG x

  • Comment number 71.

    Oh it's getting a bit hot now......nothing to do with the pink fizz of course! Think I might get out for a bit, shall I get the drinks in? What's everyone having?


  • Comment number 72.

    Hey hey it's the man formerly known in these parts as Mentals...if there is any room in here for a bit of a randomner...
    It's thanks to Kate and Cheryl I'm with you guys again and of course Beez. I had a bit of a scare last year with the internet so distanced myself from maintaining online relationships which is why I disappeared quite rudely and even unfriended some people on FB.
    Beez being a bit of a star even sent me a msg checking everything was ok. Me being a stupid person never got back to her and when I read what had happened on Thursday night a pang of guilt struck within me and I suspect will remain for a long time.
    So there you have it, my biggest of apologies to everyone for acting like a silly boy.
    And to Beez, I think friends are the biggest tribute and legacy that anyone can leave in their passing so yeah in this regard at least I'd say you can be well proud of your work in this world. RIP x

  • Comment number 73.

    Well in fairness Annie, I've never eaten tortellini since that incident wit Renee's bunion plaster.

  • Comment number 74.


    Well i best have water seeing as i'm getting blamed for doings here :(

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 75.

    Welcome back Music! Now get the pink fizz/beers/wine and you'll be forgiven!! LOL

    JG x

  • Comment number 76.

    Aw Clodagh, you minger - no olives, now no pasta. xxx

    Hallo Music Geek.

  • Comment number 77.

    Sorry Steve the only water tonight is whats in the hot tub! I have an ice cold beer with your name on it!


  • Comment number 78.

    evening (afternoon) all,

    Just thought I'd drop in while waiting for Mr to come home after a week away.

    No alcotroll for me alas, but I'm here raising a glass of ginger beer instead. Cheers everyone, here's to Beez.

    Now then, any one for salt n vinegar crisps? don't drop 'em in the water mind...


  • Comment number 79.

    Right, I'm looking more and more like a prune so I'm getting out. Oops sorry MTD was that your foot? Now I'm tangled up in something... wha... WHO'S is the string vest? c'mon, own up!! ouch pfftht....b****r

    Night all,

    Lin x

  • Comment number 80.

    Music -geek, get your swimming trollies on and get in, Beez would be glad to know you are here again.

    Steve, water ??? no way josé

    MC x

  • Comment number 81.

    Nearly ready for another red here - this is fun isn't it. Haven't you been on t'other side Music? Mind you it is tumbleweed city over there at this time of night....

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 82.

    Nite Lin.

  • Comment number 83.

    Hi Music xx

    Hi Dragon xx

  • Comment number 84.

    Quick, grab my phone will you, ...... i said ...my phone .......

  • Comment number 85.

    MC - hahaha

  • Comment number 86.

    FNWC ? I'm guessing Friday Night - but no idea about the WC ;-)

  • Comment number 87.

    Night Lin xx

  • Comment number 88.

    Hi Purple , cheers xx

    Nite Lin xx

  • Comment number 89.

    Les, it's Wine Club .

  • Comment number 90.

    Ta :-)

  • Comment number 91.

    Hi Annie, thanks MC...been a while since I've had the hottub action, and yeah Lol JG I think I can stretch to some of the pink stuff, and then some...

    I have been on the other side MTD but not for ages either, I'm a bit of a drifter with the blogs, such is the fish-like attention span I seem to have :-)

    Hope everyone is doin ok here

  • Comment number 92.

    Les, get a grip - Friday Night Wine Club. xxxx

  • Comment number 93.

    Well that's better. GD gone home after sponging tea of the parents so fizz poured and the cossie on - can I slide in pleeze?

  • Comment number 94.

    Hiya Troops:

    This is definitely a first. I have come on the blog, and have not read any postings since around lunchtime today. I hate it when I am out of the loop!

    The only thing I have gleaned through speeding through is that mtd: it didn't work out for you today. I am really sorry to see that. Hope you are ok, over the weekend, I will hopefully catch up, but would say to you that something will be out there for you. xx

    Hope everyone is alright. I spoke today with a girl that I worked with 5 years ago - we stay in touch regularly. I told her about Beez, and about Chris playing Afternoon Delight in her honour. She said to me that yesterday, she was home, listening to Chris and she heard the record being played for "The Mighty Beez" and she said to her husband (knowing none of the particulars) "wow, what a terrific song to be played for whoever "Beez" is. When I told her today about this wonderful lady, she was gobsmacked that, for some reason, she had really paid attention to who the song was played for!!

    Gosh, I hate this laptop!

    C x

  • Comment number 95.

    Right am outa here, 'ave gone all wrinkly.. oy what's all this string? Oh HURRAH, anybody for the spoon-an'-fork-tied-together-wit-string game?

    Ah no just a minute. Yous 'ave to thread it through your clothes. Hmm maybe not. Lambrusco, anybody?


  • Comment number 96.

    Now MG, why are you a music geek? Give us a clue.


  • Comment number 97.

    Hiya Chrissie - have a large one poured for you after a couple you won't notice the laptop ;o) xx


  • Comment number 98.

    Well Clodagh them there wrinkles look ok on you. Give yousel a quick dry off and get in the fluffy robe and pop back for a top up x

  • Comment number 99.

    Annie what a lovely little chap young Samuel looks. He has a wise look about him in the photos, bless x

  • Comment number 100.

    Hiya Chrissie,

    Thats a lovely story . How is your shoulder doing ?

    MC x


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