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Oh Gord!

Chris Evans | 10:56 UK time, Thursday, 29 April 2010

Here's a message my wise old pal sent me today:

"I refer to that first piece of advice I ever gave you. 'Be who u are, its easier and u won't get found out'.

It's really a paraphrase of Oscar Wilde when he said: it was easier to tell the truth as it's so hard to remember all the lies (he actually said it better than that, and it was probably George Bernard Shaw).

He's quite clever my mate.

Being a chameleon is so tiring, it's really not worth it and leaves you ending up confused about yourself.

±«Óătv 1 tonight. I fear a bloodbath.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Hi CLP,
    Looking forward to the debate tonight!
    Was I the only one in the country who was driven crazy by that boy singing in the bath?? Never again please!!
    Amy_E xx

  • Comment number 2.

    Morning CLP

    How timely. Off to yet another interview and I will indeed be myself!

    Lotsa luv and stuff


  • Comment number 3.

    Never a truer phrase passed on to you and by you CLP x

    Looking forward, I think, to more lycra moments in this weeks sporting challenge LOL

  • Comment number 4.

    CLP - although I agree in that I am myself around my family/ hubby and friends - in other circumstances I have to be a moderated evrsion of myself so that people don't know how odd I really am.

    Deev - saw your message, was going to say something - cant rememeber what now!

  • Comment number 5.

    God morning Christoff!

    I have a note from my Mum for my tardy attendance!

    I have to agree with the wise words of both your friend and Oscar. It takes up so much energy to be who you are not truly meant to be. You end up not knowing yourself and having no real friends because you choose not to be true to yourself. What a complete and utter waste of time and energy in this relatively short time we have on this earth.



  • Comment number 6.

    All the best for the interview Diva!

  • Comment number 7.

    Hi Chris, wise words from you and Oscar Wild. Sunny here again but for how long as the weather is changing weekend so weathermen say.

  • Comment number 8.

    Morning All,

    I like little phrases. Like KISS - keep it simple, stupid! I don't like to complicate things - I think that's for some people who like to complicate things, so that they look more intelligent than they actually are. Obfuscation.
    Too many Oscar Wilde quotes to er well, quote, but one of my favourites is "I am dying beyond my means"!
    Is it Thursday already....


  • Comment number 9.

    Laughter is the sun that drives the winter from the human face.

    You are so right Mr Hugo.


  • Comment number 10.

    Whilst I tend to agree with that CLP, it begs the question "Do you know yourself?"
    What is more important? How you perceive youself or how others perceive you?

    You would probably be very surprised.

    Regards to all,

    P.S. Baggy I will see you my Americans and raise you a few Belgians

  • Comment number 11.

    Ooer Thunder, but yes, good thought.


  • Comment number 12.

    Thunder - can I see your belgians and raise you French Swiss?

  • Comment number 13.

    Baggy, Damn. You are good!

  • Comment number 14.

    you should see what I'm holding in reserve thunder :-)

  • Comment number 15.

    Hiya Chris: yes, absolutely, there is no point in trying to be anything other than oneself. However, I must confess I have sides to me that I would not want everyone to see, perhaps I am alone in this!

    I agree about tonight, though I won't be watching. Just for the record, can I say that I think Gordon Brown was done up like a kipper. Whoever was responsible for removing/deactivating that microphone should be dealt with very severely!

    Hi everyone else - hope all is well.

    C xx

  • Comment number 16.


    I don't think it is as black and white as that.

    Surely you behave differently when playing with your son than you do on a boozy rugby weekend with the boys, I know I do!

    This does not mean that on one of those occasions you are living a lie, you are merely projecting different aspects of the "real you".

    It is a case of behaving appropriately in a given situation. This applies to work especially, if you bring your "down the pub on the lash self' to the office, or the radio studio, then it all gets very messy, as you well know.

  • Comment number 17.

    Chris, you have very wise friends. Think Gord might have tripped himself up yesterday, tonight will be interesting.

    Mcw x

  • Comment number 18.

    Nice Comment Chris........... Lies tend to come back and bite . I loved the HOW DO YA LIKE YA EGGS IN THE MORNING ....... I like mine with a KISSA KISSA boy singing in the bath. Love the show Chris when you are next in Margate come round and say hi.

  • Comment number 19.

    Morning - or rather afternoon all.
    Lovely blue sky now gone and it's chucking it down - oh dear.

    Oh gord indeed Christoph. Enough said! Well actually I've said a lot on fb but that's for there!!!

    Back to being MCW A? Madame P.

    Can't wait to see the pic Baggy.

    Amy E - I thought George was brilliant this morning - KissAA

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 20.

    CLP - A like your blog words terdee, and a like em VERY much!!!!!!!

    Which iz one reason why a wish a waz a personal friend of yours.... it's noot just Ferrari's & golf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Gotta go.... back later!!!!

    PS Thanks so much for everyone's kind words & advice yesterdee!!!!!

    So many nice people ere!!!!


  • Comment number 21.

    PS As much az me mother embarrasses me ter wreet about me, she's the one person in the world a can 100% trust & rely on.... thanks Majo!!!!!!! xxx

  • Comment number 22.

    Beez- Am being true to myself!!! I am not French and only sightly mad!!! Plus, I have grown quite attached to the old moniker!!

    Mcw x

  • Comment number 23.

    Clodagh - your bra for me has done more to bring the girls in the office together then anything else - the boys have no idea what we are laughing at!! I did get the comment 'how big' a couple of times though!

  • Comment number 24.

  • Comment number 25.

    Is that what you are holding in reserve because if so, I fold!


  • Comment number 26.


    little victory dance from me


  • Comment number 27.

    C'mon mtd!


  • Comment number 28.

    Well , its grey and "October-ish" here today.

    Baggy, sounds like Clodagh has done you proud , hope to see her creation if you wouldnt mind putting a piccie somewhere on FB please.

    Deev, hope you have had a productive interview too. Glad you are feeling a lot better .

    One week today and it will be election day, two weeks today i will have left the country , bad timing on my behalf !

    MC xx

  • Comment number 29.

    Damn right Christoff. And Oscar.

    My own paraphrase of the saying is "To be a successful liar, it is imperative to have a damn good memory."

    As am always sayin' to the nightmare cousin Baz, the Olympic Gold-Medal winner in the Marathon Fibbin' event, who wouldn't know the truth if it jumped up an' bit 'im on the bum.

    Mind you. I can't talk. I well remember, with flushed cheeks, some time ago when I was in a furious rage with the aforementioned psychopath, sendin' the most incendiary message to the GBF Damian, callin' Baz not fit to burn and the worst, filthiest names under the sun....and sent it to Baz.

    I remember as the message was sending, realising what I'd done an' hoppin' up an' down, shoutin, "NOOOOOOOOOOO..." Aaaaargh.. Mortified.

    However. Luckily the said dirty fibber was, and is, thoroughly deserving of each and every filthy name, and was delighted; gave me a bonus, sent the message round to ALL of his mates and now has the print-out of it framed in 'is office. Marvellous.

    So. The advice I would give to poor besieged Gordy is this. Don't even TRY to explain or deflect it. Hold up your hands, shake your head and simply declare "I'm an idiot." If 'e does that, I'll vote for him hands down.

    Mind you. If 'e does, I'll be right down there without delay an' do 6 laps a Trafalgar Square in the nip.


  • Comment number 30.

    Hello Again

    Chris, loved the KissA KissA boy this morning but was trying to put eye make up on at the time - very difficult to do when you're laughing! Hope his Mum & Dad have kept a copy to show his girlfriend later in life!

    Also love the Jacobs Gems. Any chance you can play the first gem again one morning, I think it was called Smile? I loved that one especially

    Baggy, maybe you can get one of the girls to model The Bra for your pics? Or even better on of the boys!!

    Me, I think i am just me! Can't cope with being anyone different!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 31.

    Sorry I decided to type this all out first then cut and paste...

    Afternoon all (still croaking)

    Great sentiment CLP, however I must agree with BUS we all have different selves depending on the situation we are in.

    Loved George this morning – you should redo the jingle and include him instead of the original version.

    Welcome back HLS - long time no blog....

    I have only one thing to say to Thunder and Baggy, and that is Germans......

    OK as promised travelogue part deux (2)- The cruise

    After leaving Shanghai, we had a day at sea which was pretty uneventful apart from the fact that there appeared to be land birds flying around the top deck - they appeared to be disoriented and at times slamming into the windows of the deck trying to get out (for MTF, they were probably starlings or something a similar size). The ship was relatively small but well maintained (despite the fact that it was 15 years old). As usual we hunted out the trivia quizzes and won a few prizes (this continued through the week, we gave away most of the highlighters, baseball caps and luggage tags but kept the backpacks and tote bags which will come in very handy - for carrying future prizes LOL).

    The next day we arrived in Misayaki, Japan. This is a small city and what impressed us was the fact that it was so quiet (not the usual traffic noise). Communication with the Japanese is fun with a lot of bowing and 'Engrish' - we collect fridge magnets and in the shops when we asked for them they said 'Ah magneto'. The OH was suffering with jetlag so went to a pharmacist - again the language barrier was a cause for hilarity, he said that at one time he was surrounded by about 6 assistants with him pointing at his head and then flapping his arms....

    Day 3 of the cruise saw us in Kobe, Japan (where the beef comes from). Ironically we went walking in Chinatown in Kobe - it was here that we noticed the phenomenon of people actually waiting for the green man, even when there was no traffic.... I really wanted to try some of the beef but, although we saw several signs for it, we couldn’t find it actually being sold.

    Day 4 was Fukouaka, Japan. We arrived here in the afternoon and stayed through the evening. I know that we did go into the town and wandered around but I can’t remember much else (must have been impressive then

    The final stop was Busan, South Korea. The shuttle bus took us to a park area where we could get a panoramic view of the city. In the port area, we were treated to a selection of local songs and dances which were quite interesting to watch from the deck.

    By this time we had heard about the Volcanic ash cloud and began to wonder about getting home. The final day at sea was spent packing as usual but also trying to get some information from the internet about travel disruptions – a few people already knew that their flights on the Sunday night had been cancelled, we were not travelling until the Tuesday so hoped that we would be OK


    Final episode tomorrow.


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 32.

    Oh and I forgot, Deevs, hope the interview has gone really well and this is the first step to better things!

  • Comment number 33.

    Hurrah Baggy am delighted you like it. I hope it brings you luck and enjoyment on the walk; it's a lovely thing for all the participants to be doing so well done you.

    As for the girly bondin'.. don't be showin' off too much; am still in a mad jealous rage meself, what wit me an' my little Jack Russell body. Huh. Ask me am I bothered.




  • Comment number 34.

    Thanks mtd.

    Love the idea of the flapping arms. What tweetment did he come away with ;)


  • Comment number 35.

    Hi MTF - Good one with the tweetment, they gave him some strange powder which had to be taken 4 times a day. When we got back to the port, we went to the tourist information desk and asked them to look at the instructions to make sure he had been given the right thing. They confirmed that they were for headaches so he decided to give them a go - they must have worked because he stopped complaining (for a while anyway ;-))

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 36.

    So they have invented tablets that stop men complaining ! Wow , you dont happen to have any left over do you ? Am willing to pay good ÂŁ's .


    MC xx

  • Comment number 37.


    They're not expensive, sweetheart. They're called Gobstoppers.

    Bless 'em.


  • Comment number 38.


    LOL !

    MC x

  • Comment number 39.

    MC - so would I, unfortunately he only stopped complaining about the headaches......

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 40.


    Need to go back and get a refund then !

    MC ;-)

  • Comment number 41.

    Yes, we all want some of those MC.LOL!

    mtd, what was your weather like overall.

    I have never been that far away on hols. I love to hear about other peoples travels though. So, if anyone else is off on their travels soon. Watch out, I'll be looking out for your travelblog too.

    Its nice to know about far off places.


  • Comment number 42.

    Gobstoppers Clodagh, LOL indeed. Now I know why they invented those supersize ones.


  • Comment number 43.

    can't believe I'm alone on the George thing! I love kids, but he was so annoying!! oh well!

  • Comment number 44.

    Sorry MTF - I meant to mention the weather.

    When we first got there, it was raining and incredibly smoggy, this lasted until we left the next day and it was then foggy for all of the first day at sea.

    After that, the weather was quite similar to here really. Slightly warmer maybe but no extremes.

    When we got back to Shanghai, the smog didn't seem as bad but we had variable weather (again pretty much the same as the UK).

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 45.

    Minus the volcano dust mtd, although it did reach you in another way :(


  • Comment number 46.

    Hello CLP and all lovely people (and I really mean that)

    I got found out years ago Chris when I was chased down the local high street by the men in blue, all sirens blazing. Only joking, what you said that Oscar or George said is absolutely true. It's much easier to be honest and exhausting not to be and the truth always comes out in the end. I comp-letely believe in Karma.

    Looking forward to 7pm tonight, I don't have to wish you luck.

    Bye for now friends


  • Comment number 47.

    Hi and bye Marjie.

    Time to fit the wings and get out there. It really is gloomy. But am not going to let it rub off.

    Treat yourselves to something just a little bit naughty this afternoon.

    I will too.


  • Comment number 48.

    WOW - just had a really honest email from our IT director saying they havent a clue what my problem is and need to do some research!

  • Comment number 49.

    PS - thats my problem in an IT sense - I don't think anyone can solve all my problems :-)

  • Comment number 50.


    ±«Óătv delivery just arrived, I'm now well stocked up with naughty treats!


  • Comment number 51.

    Hello Everyone,

    CLP I agree you should always be yourself but I have to say yourself will vary from situation to situation. I find I don't interact with some people in the way that I do with others but it doesn't mean I'm not being true to them or myself, it just means they bring out a different side to me.

    MTD - loving the travel blog, glad the tweetment cured the headache but disappointed for you that it didn't have the overall desired effect. I'm sure scientists will be working some such product as we 'speak'.

    Baggy, hope you have a fab time this weekend - sounds like it should be a lot of fun.

    Amy-Eleanor - I can see how the little chap could become annoying. I only heard it the once which was enough really. I love kids, I have two of my own but lately I feel CLP has been going for overkill (eg getting a replacement for Adrian Chiles - let the poor chap leave first - it's almost like the new secretary rearranging your drawers during a handover (nothing rude intended there just rushing to get this typed up before I leave work for the week).

    Also, I've not been so struck on Will Carling - I much prefer the wrong bongs. Ranty Pants removed, normal service resumed.

    Deevs - good luck - still got everything crossed for you - I know there's not much out there at the mo but you will get that dream job, I'm sure you will. Good luck to you and Nic.

    Well you guys, I'm off up north at the weekend. There's 19 of us (4 families) descending on County Durham.

    I hope you all have a grand weekend.

    Hope to see you next week.


    Ps - just read what I've written - hope it doesn't seem to moany. I've had a touch of the blues that various people have mentioned this week. Must be the weather. Trying desperately to stay positive and cheerful, it's hard work but definitely worth it.

    Toodle-oo for noo.


  • Comment number 52.

    Afternoon each

    Well head down and getting on with it as usual but had to say hi!

    Had lovely sunny weather this morning but think JG and MC etc have been huffing and puffing their bad weather over to this side of the Pennines cos its now started to rain...doh!

    Mtd - love the travel reports..sounds an amazing trip!

    Been busy,busy, busy as it seems a lot of others are..does this mean the economy is picking up?lets hope so eh?

    Cant add anything else to Gordon apart from oops!

    Had a lovely day off yesterday ..spent the morning having my hair done (chocolate, black and purple..tried to take a photo Susan55 but cant see it properly!) and then went out in search of ÂŁ3k with my sis! A local radio station is running a comp where they set a man loose and you have to ask him a specific question and if its him you win the money..not explaining it very well but was jolly good fun!Oh, and we didnt win!

    Right..back to it.. keep well everyone..

    mSc x

  • Comment number 53.

    Ooh..and me. I am me, as it is and thats about it.. if people dont like me then fine thats up to them, and if they do then great..the world would be a very boring place if we were all the same...unless we were all like Clodagh or UC.. then it would be a very fun place!

    Rock..here i come!

    mSc x

    PS- Deevs/Nic/Susan...hoping for some good news on the work front for you very soon! and Seza... fingers crossed!x

  • Comment number 54.

    Wise words Chris – Oscar Wilde, a fantastic Irish mane – a true genius with words – who spoke many truisms.

    Dear all

    Don’t panic – you don’t need your hard hats – I am not here to incite further discussion/comment or bias with regards to yesterday’s happenings on this forum. However, I do wish to reply to some things that were said by some contributors. I have, in main, refrained from doing so – out of respect for everyone here but now I feel that I have to set the record straight recognising that any comments published here will remain in the public domain for a very long time to come. So feel absolutely free to skip, moderate, or whatever – this site belongs to you guys.

    But please let it be noted that any part I have played in disrupting the spirit of this forum, I wholeheartedly apologise.

    Dear Bingo

 I just don’t know what to say. Let me begin by saying how sorry I am that I hurt you. However, when I ended our friendship I didn’t realise that you would choose to recount your experiences and opinions so publicly – that you would berate me, make unpleasant inferences about me is something I never expected. I made the decision not to respond or put my side of the story here, or any where else for that matter. I haven’t told anyone anything about our time together. And I won’t do that now either – out of respect for you and your friends here. Some of the things that were said yesterday, though, have disturbed me and I feel compelled to respond to some of your insinuations.

    You suggested that your posts were moderated/removed/pre-moderated because your once favourite blogger had exerted influence at the ±«Óătv. If only I had that much power! The world would be a much more dangerous place! I moderated two of your posts in February only – I did this because they referred to me and I found them defamatory – the ±«Óătv agreed and removed them. But there was another incentive to ask for that deletion – I was concerned that in the cold light of day, you would regret saying such things and that you would not want Chris Evans to see that side of you. I realise I was wrong because you have carried on in the same vein, but I have never once tried to moderate you again. You are the person responsible for what you say, for pressing the send button and for the scrutiny that moderation is giving you.

    I returned to this site, a place I enjoy, because I wanted to demonstrate that it is public and open to all who respect its boundaries. I wished you no harm, and I still don’t. My motivation for being here was purely to enjoy a space where likeminded people come to comment on Chris’ thoughts and missives – not to upset or cause you more distress. It seems that that may have been a mistake.

    You have also implied that I “set out to destroy” you
 that you credit me with such malice is beyond my comprehension and I therefore will not respond to this.

    Your mum obviously feels strongly, and that is to be admired. She has also expressed her view of this situation and me – that is a matter of opinion and she is entitled to that.

    After the events over the past few months, I think you can expect the single women and daughters of this blog, those reading it in the future, or just those curious about the nature of much loved contributor, to see what they can expect should they be lucky enough to embark on a personal relationship with that person. Namely that should they hurt or upset that person - they will experience the same chivalrous, gentlemanly and dignified behaviour that has been afforded me.

    Good luck.

    Dear Everyone

    I leave here now
 I have mostly enjoyed my time with you all – but it is a chapter of my life that I wish to leave behind – and it is certainly one I will never forget.

    Much love and kisses.

    And I believe it is my prerogative to draw a


  • Comment number 55.

    Clodagh, you always manage to make me larff.

    Ooops, soz Seza I missed you out - I hope this rugby fella comes up trumps on the house front.

    Also, as per previous post, I don't think it's the weather that's given me the blues - dunno why I typed that - dunno why I've had the blues either.

    Rightio, the weekend starts here.

    Cheerio - have a good one.


  • Comment number 56.


    Bless you for that, nicely said. Rest assured that everyone here and all who met you at the O2 has nothing but fond regard for you and will be sending loving and happy vibes your way. I, for one, hope we see you again here soon, sweetheart, but completely understand if you wish to put it behind you. Take great care and have a lovely holiday.

    Now then. Allow me to hold t'other end:


    Your friend, as always,


  • Comment number 57.

    Afernoon everyone

    Just to let you know I didn't get the job this morning. "Wonderful applicant, great personality, very capable of doing the job" blah blah blah BUT the candidate after me had Sales Admin experience and starts next week.

    Not heartbroken as it was a bit of a dump with a pants hourly rate anyhooo.

    Tomorrow, yet another agency.

    Nic just took me out for a pub lunch which was divine.


  • Comment number 58.

    Btw Amy.

    I fear you may be at least in the minority in not likin' George.

    Not that you're wrong; you're totally right he's annoyin'. Just the thing is this. When you're 6, it's your JOB to be annoyin'. However, at 6, annoyin' is endearin'. At 46 it earns you a crack round the ear.

    Like my spectacularly ginger, gibberish-spoutin', hoover an' dolls' pram-lovin' future stunt-man, 2-year-old Zak. A right little terror. Nightmare. And gorgeous. But as I say. at 2 it's illegal NOT to be a complete nightmare. If 'e's still throwin' tantrums at 22 because 'is cousin Gracie won't let 'im wear her fairy shoes, or because 'is mum won't let 'im feed the ducks wit no pants on an' a fireman's helmet, I'd say we'll 'ave cause to worry.


  • Comment number 59.

    Dear Gordon,



  • Comment number 60.

    Onwards an' upwards, Deev.


  • Comment number 61.

    Hahahaha Barmy; BONG indeed.


  • Comment number 62.

    Highland lass - good to see you have the proverbial note from your mum!

    Seza - hope Mr Rugger comes up trumps for you! Am off house hunting this weekend with GG - how exciting!!??

    GailyB - hope the blues soon blow away - have a great weekend, sounds like fun!

    Scoobs - a great colour combo but when saw it on FB thought you were talking about decorating a room, lol!

    Deevs - I admire your perseverance.

    MTD - Kobe beef - yummy! Had it once in Phoenix - very tender & yasty! Loving your tales!

    MFT - hope nature has given you some wonderful sights today.

    AS x

  • Comment number 63.

    As..you werent the only one! Next time blue, which is personally a colour i dont like as decoration so if i refer to it in my status it is definitely my hair and not my bedroom! Good luck with the house hunting... very `citing!

    And so sorry..HLS, saw you pop on earlier and forgot to say welcome back..please stay!

    Work, work, work, work....

    mSc x

    PS - Deevs..in Annies words..big bottoms but yay to the pub lunch! x

  • Comment number 64.

    Jayzus looka the time. This isn't gettin' me packin' done.

    The GD is that excited she's nearly fit to bust. But this 'ere Capsule Wardrobe has morphed into a case you could house a small family of asylum seekers in. I'll need a ruddy carousel when we get to Dublin. An' the cheek of it. She's already 'ad a bet wit her dad that if I manage to take nobbut 1 case, she'll show her bottom on the steps of St. Patrick's Cathedral.

    Pics to follow.. at least the good churchgoing people of Dublin will 'ave somewhere to park their bikes.

    Right. Am off. To stuff half me worldly goods into 1 CASE. Hurrah.


  • Comment number 65.

    Nice one Chris, What you see with me is what you get. Although I’m not one for much emotion or deep conversations about my feelings etc – I like to keep it all in, mainly because I think that people won’t be that interested.

    Anyhow, I know a line has been drawn, but I’ve never rebelled so now is the time to start! Suzanne if only I was as eloquent or as articulate as you xx I shall seek you out on ‘tuther side if I may.

    Scoobs, I saw that on FB too and thought perhaps you’d fallen over and got a bruise

    GailyB, Have a great weekend xx

    Seza, everything is crossed Hun xx

    I can’t wait for the BH weekend, have nothing wild or exciting planned just some much needed sleep would be nice. I seem to be waking up anytime between 3:50 – 5:15 and I’m not happy about it!!

    I’m quite excited for the month of May as I shall be working the following days per week 4, 2, 1, 4 hee hee.

    Happy Thirsty Thursday My Blogging Friends


  • Comment number 66.

    Hi everyone: hope Thirsty Thursday is being good to you all!

    HLS: lovely to see you today - hope everything is ok with you.

    mtd: your holiday diary just gets better and better. Journalists are getting paid a fortune for stuff not half as entertaining as this!

    Amy_Eleanor: re: George. Och, I know what you mean, but what a wee sweetheart he was. Absolutely in his own world, repeating the same thing over and over! Perhaps I found it so lovely because it reminded me of my gorgeous daughter, when she was almost 3 years old, singing "Knowing me, knowing you - aaahhaaa" on a loop, because I had subjected her to Abba since birth!

    GailyBevs: County Durham better watch out! Hope you have a lovely, lovely time. The blues will be long gone, very soon.

    Scooby: love the update on your hair - so imaginative!

    Suzanne: will miss you on the blog - hopefully you will come back at some time. As you know, Mary and I had a really lovely evening with you and Bingo at the O2. We loved spending time with you both - lots of laughs, just great fun. Take care. xx

    C xx

  • Comment number 67.

    MTF, Need to ask you a horticultural question. On my walk to work I pass a plant that smells divine. It's got purple flowers, that look a bit like a bunch of graps - I think it's Wisteria but I might be wrong. I stop often to have a sniff!


  • Comment number 68.

    Scoobs - phew, thank goodness I wasn't the only one!

    Clodagh - good luck with the packing!

    Off to raise a few invoices and try and make our target :)

    AS x

  • Comment number 69.

    Chrissie - you are too kind.

    Scoobs - I wish I had the courage to do blue, bright red is about my limit.

    Have a lovely time Gailyb

    Seza - any chance of uncrossing yet? I'm getting numb....

    Ali - I wish I had a timetable of work like you. What do you do with all that free time???

    Well said Suze, hope the line now works.

    Have a good time over the water Clodagh.

    Shame about the interview Deevs, keep at it (I won't tell you how long it took me......).

    I know that's not everybody but hugs to those who need them ((())).


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 70.

    Morning / Afternoon all,

    Just thought I'd slink back and say hello - has been a mad time in the Dragon lair, so haven't really had a chance to even lurk lately. But I have been thinking of you all and wondering how you're all doing so thought I'd pop in and say hello. Haven't really caught up at all so will settle for saying I hope everyone is safe and well in their worlds.


  • Comment number 71.

    Hello PD. Congrats on the news of the little dragon and hope you are keeping well? x

    Glad I have got the new log in back!

    Sus x

  • Comment number 72.


    Ha Ha I wish!! It's a combination of Bank Holidays and annual leave, and as I've only have one day off this year (apart from the Easter long weekend) I can't wait. I've got 8 days hols, 7 in the Sates and one in Lancashire.

    It's good to have you back and thanks for the travelblog, very interesting.


  • Comment number 73.


    If you could keep 'em crossed a little longer, it would make me feel happier. Sorry MTD, hope you can bear it.

    Suzanne, will miss you on here but will keep on feeding those chickens!

    Deevs, :-( ((xx)) is all i can say

    Scoobs, hair sounds fab, reminds me I need to get some more stripes put in

    Clodagh, hope you've got that packing done!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 74.

    Dragon..hello! Hope you are keeping well....??!! Please stay around and play! x

    Clodagh..what are still doing here..begone with you woman! Safe trip! x

    And as you now all know how i have my hair silly colours... would you be surprised to learn that my house is mainly chocolate and cream..got the GM to go with Green for the bathroom but thats his limit.. trying for red in the living room and failing badly..any advice gratefully received!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 75.

    Dragon: hi, nice to see you. I have obviously missed something ... a little dragon?!

    C xx

  • Comment number 76.

    Chrissie was just about to say/ask the same!

  • Comment number 77.

    Re my earlier post #46.

    Apologies CLP. When you said you feared a bloodbath tonight I thought that you were referring to The One Show LOL.

    Just looked at my TV guide and seen the debate.


  • Comment number 78.

    Thank you for the lovely welcome. Yep a little dragon will be hatching end of October. Which is part of the reason for the prolonged blog absence - not been feeling myself at all - that and it's been soooooooo hard not to say anything too early!

    Scoobs - in our old house we just did one wall in a bright colour - blue in the kitchen and red in the living room. Worked well - we got some colour without it being overwhelming. Maybe you could start with one wall at a time!


  • Comment number 79.

    Dragon has booked Hubby to make her a special dinner at the end of October. It will consist of... Pate and toast followed by a medium rare steak with a very large glass of red wine, desert will be a blue cheese platter. Cos till then, all these are off limits :) posted on FB

    For those who didn't see it

    Sus x

  • Comment number 80.

    Sus - I will be holding him to his promise too!!


  • Comment number 81.

    Dragon ..... yay!! A Dragonlet. Congrats x x x

  • Comment number 82.

    I missed it on FB too - Congratulations Dragon.

    I would be looking forward to a meal like that as well.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 83.

    Dragon I am sure you will. Hope you are ok and not feeling sickly? Any weird craving yet!

  • Comment number 84.

    Dragon: that is lovely news - congratulations! I know, it is VERY difficult to keep that news secret, so well done.

    Susan: thanks for the info on Dragon - I remember my biggest desire was a Bacardi & Coke! Had one, had to be carted off to bed before the night feed (bottle feed, I may add!)

    C xx

  • Comment number 85.

    Aw thanks guys. I'm feeling OK now, had a rough month or so but it's passing now thank goodness! No weird cravings yet, but can't stand the smell / taste of mushrooms which is odd because I used to love them!


  • Comment number 86.

    with both of mine I craved shandy of all things in the final few weeks and had to give in - I may be biased but they both turned out ok!! Mind you there were no real restrictions when I was preggers - how things have changed. Yikes Dragon I am probably old enough to be your mother!

  • Comment number 87.

    Congratulations Dragon - lovely news x

  • Comment number 88.


    Congrats to your good news.

  • Comment number 89.

    PS - dont you just hate it when you have a really exciting 4 day weekend planned and you are stuck in the office still working as you ahve not been able to achieve todays objectives and people are moaning that you plan to be off work for two whole days - I really am inconsiderate!

  • Comment number 90.

    Baggy surely you would be off on Monday anyway so only on holiday tomorrow. Ignore and enjoy your days off and the weddings xx

  • Comment number 91.

    only UK have bank holiday on Monday so it is inconsiderate for my US and Swiss colleagues!

  • Comment number 92.

    I'm still here too Baggy - fighting a losing battle although I have been waffling on the phone a couple of times today - un-work related!

    Many congrats Dragon - saw your fb message and loved your menu request for October :) I do recall you were snowed in 3 or so months ago ;-)

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 93.


    Pack up your stuff and go home and enjoy your long weekend. It will still be there on Tuesday.

    It's only a job!


  • Comment number 94.

    Exactly Deevs. Also Baggy not our fault about BH's esp as others seem to get more than UK so listen to Deevs and get outta there xx

    Beez - snowed in eh. You know I never gave that a thought LOL

  • Comment number 95.

    well I have managed to negotiate a trip to Geneva to see my colleagues and money for CPD today so it's not all bad!

  • Comment number 96.

    whoohoo Baggy Geneva is lovely if expensive

  • Comment number 97.

    haha! yes we were snowed in 3 months ago! All the news reporters here were predicting a November baby boom at the time! Though I hate to disappoint - although we didn't know it at the time, I probably shouldn't have been digging the car out and shoveling snow!

    Enjoy your long weekend Baggy - ignore the Americans... save it up and get your own back when they have 4th July off, and 2 days for thanksgiving!


  • Comment number 98.

    thanks for the advice - and I won't have to pay a panny in geneva - what else is a company AMEX card for!

  • Comment number 99.

    You still there?? GO HOME WOMAN!!!!


  • Comment number 100.


    whoop whoop!!



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