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Never Said This Before But I'll Say It Now

Chris Evans | 11:51 UK time, Wednesday, 14 April 2010


Wake up - turn off all three alarm clocks, run shower, brush teeth in shower, dress - tracky and hoodie and trainers. Phone and wallet, kiss wife, pat dog, exit house, let out chickens, get in car with Marky Mark.

Go through e mails from Hells - Exec Prod; write opening of show and send through to Hells. Listen to 6 o'clock news, power nap - if time, usually not.

Arrive - hug girls, pat boys on the head, beg for tea. Papers - separate headlines into 3 categories:- General Interest, Political, Sport.

Sift and sort listener emails. Loo.

Studio - rehearse top of show - do show. Say goodbye to everyone, haircut, gym, back to car to leave for Sporting Challenge (today gymnastics !) write blog, post blog. . .

Current time 11.37a.m.

I feel like Jack Bauer but not as handsome or daring.

Have a nice day you crazy cats.





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  • Comment number 1.


    Routine would be gbreat right at the moment, but I'll settle for busy.

    Great news about the one show - onwards and upwards



  • Comment number 2.

    Hello Everybody Peeps,

    Just wanted to be first! First time ever.


  • Comment number 3.

    Aww poor GB that Rips nipped in before you!

    It's definitely a routine Chris, just not like most of us have to deal with ;)

    Best of luck with the gymnastics today. I hope you've got your kit, don't want to see you in the video having to do it in vest and pants!


  • Comment number 4.

    Hi Chris: I've said it before, and I'll say it again - I am always amazed that you take time each day to post your Blog! Look at your schedule - exhausting!

    Errr, brush your teeth in the shower????!!!

    Hi Rips: where have you been?! And the same to you Gaily!

    C xx

  • Comment number 5.

    Ah well it wasn't to be. Better luck next time.

    Aw Rips, you beat me to it! :(

    Hi CLP, Just getting back into routine after hols.

    Get up at 6.00am, empty dishwasher, empty and reload washing machine, make packed lunches and breakfast, shower, dress, dry hair, serve / eat breakfast, hang out washing, gently encourage two gorgeous boys to ready themselves for the day and out the door, hop in car, drop younger gorgeous boy at school (childminder in hols), get to work, sit in front of computer bored out of my skull for 5 hours, drive to school (childminder's) to collect ygb, return home, deal with any mail, do some domestic engineering, assist ygb with homework, make tea, ring eldery but gorgeous Mum, more domestic engineering, ready ygb for bed, listen to ygb read, (most evenings) hot date with ironing board, flop in front of tv (or go for a run, energy levels permitting)! Blimmin' 'eck, I'm exhausted just typing about it.

    That's my day, CLP, not nearly as interesting / glamorous as yours but the important thing is I'm happy (not at work - but homelife makes up for that).

    I hope you gorgeous bloggers are all well. I haven't had time to catch up with goings on since Easter weekend but hope everyone is hale and hearty.


  • Comment number 6.

    Hi Chris, and Hi to Everyone else,

    My, you have been a busy boy today, Chris. Good luck with the challenge. Hope it's proper gymnastics and not dancing with ribbons and hoops!! Although that would be quite funny to watch!

    Mr Mcw was also up very early this morning and let out our very dozy hens. They seem to be getting to bed later and later with these lighter evenings!

    Mcw x

  • Comment number 7.

    Hi Chrissie, been to visit my Mum - no internet connection at her place so I was incommunicado last week and this week has been spent catching up with jobs. I hope you're well.

    I know Andy, he's a monkey isn't he? I hope you and yours are all well.


  • Comment number 8.

    Busy man, on the go all day, but make time for family. Hope gymnastics went ok for you both.

  • Comment number 9.


    That's a busy day! Whatever did you do when you were "resting" for 5 years or so - you must have been bored out of your mind!! 2 1/2 days to go in current job, then I will have another routine, though no idea what it will be yet...I get bored easily, so a couple of weeks without a job will feel like a holiday but any more than that and it will start to impact...
    Andy - Thanks for the tax offer but I forwarded it to a colleague to deal with as a)she will be here after I have finished b)she gets paid more than me and c) I can't be ***ed!!

    Happy Humpday.


  • Comment number 10.

    Hi Gailyb - Sorry about that! I couldn't believe that when I finall y got a chance to get on the blog there were no comments.
    My spelling gives away my desperation to be in first though - cool as kettle me!

    Hi Chrissie - How are you lovely? Thankfully, business has started to pick up again so I'm as busy as a one armed paper hanger. I tend to catch up with the days ramblings when I get to bed, via the phone but can never think of anything interesting to say.

    It may come as a surprise to most that I actually consider what I write on here! 8^)

    Hi to everyone else - hope all is well with everyone.



  • Comment number 11.

    Howdie Doodie!

    My routine's a bit up the swanny at the mo but hope to be back in one sooner rather than later.

    Talking of which ..... phone call this morn from agency, interview this arvo with large organisation you all will have dealings with at some point. Another phone call from another agency, possible 10 week temp job. Another interview from yet another agency, interview next Tuesday (the dream job one .....) so it seems my obsessive emailing and phoning round yesterday has done some good!

    Sat Nav programmed and ready to go.

    And yes Chrissie - I thought the same about teeth brushing in the shower! And I also read "hug girls" as "huge girls" - having seem the team at the 02 this is clearly not the case - gawjus and skinny, the lot of 'em!

    Good luck with the challenge CLP, and mind you "man bits" on the pommel horse!



  • Comment number 12.

    Ello Christoof Man & Each Bloggie Blogging....

    Bingo Star ere... feeling light & airey with a south facing view......

    CLP - I like terdee's blog & a like it alot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    FULL of useful info for me..... but what teem do we sift through the papers & check the listeners e-mails... so a can tell me new GF 'ow we prepare thw shoe!!!!!!!!!!
    Sorry show!!!!!!!!!

    Now if anyway out there iz thinking of getting married..... this iz the only way ter walk up the aisle..... take a look all.... if yer don't find this funny.... yer must be suffering from something abit funny >>>>>>

    ENJOY >>>>>>>

    Peace, love, 'ugs ('ugs>>>) {{{{{'ugs}}}}}} & kisses (kisses>>>) xxxxxx ter ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    {{{{{{{}}}}}}}}} xxxxxxxxx XXXXX xxxxxxxxxxx@x!!!!!!

    PS CLP - Good luck with the gymnastics... a went ter the Moscow State Circus in Alexandra Park on Fridee with me new GF & 'er little daughter.... and the acrobats blew me away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    A came out alomost feeling like a waz dreaming.... 'ow are they so brave and able te rdo so many somersaultes..... ter such precision!!!!!!!!!
    It make sme think.... if 'umans can be so disciplined.... ter work out and become VERY strong, fit & athletic... and practice so 'ard.... it shows that uz 'umans can get things perfectly correeect!!!!!!!!!!
    So why do such amazing people entertain children.... yet loooook at the unfit.... greedy foools that run our countries!!!!!!!!!!

    Pity politicians were nooot az talented, brave & discilpined az acrobats!!!!!!!!!!

    Even know, sorry now, a can't believe did a really see people fly through the air from a moving swing.... somersaulte three teems 45' feet in the air & land on the end of a 2' wide moving swing on their feet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 13.

    Crikey me Christoph - and breathe ... dying to see the gym video, just be carefull if they make you balance on that very hard plank of wood... :-O

    Woo hoo - as I type - the sun has just come out - been quite grey all morning and flippin cold too.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 14.

    PS 'ope CLP & ALL do watch this link.... it will brighten yer dee >>>>>

  • Comment number 15.

    Gaily and Rips: you are both excused!

    Cheryl: excellent news on the job front - it's all go! Any day now .. any day now!

    Nic: I know what you mean - it will be nice to have a wee break, but you won't it to be for too long. Fingers crossed you won't be on tea making duties longer than necessary!

    C xx

  • Comment number 16.

    Chrissie - he's a very good cook y'know! His Fidget Pie was to die for on Saturday .......!!

    All suited and booted -back laters lovelies!



  • Comment number 17.

    A jolly good morning to Christopher and Ladies and Gentlemen of the Blog.
    Or is it now afternoon!

    You are one cool, energetic, organised dude in the morning Chris. I am the type of person who needs at least two cups of tea before moving.

    Looking forward to The One Show on Friday, you were excellent last time.

    Bye for now, off to listen to Moira's golden oldie again!


  • Comment number 18.

    You're more good looking than Jack Bauer an d more daring!

  • Comment number 19.


    CLP, you busy boy. I listened to loads of your show yesterday . I was on my way to work at 7.45 am and the swing bridge accross the Manchester Ship Canal swung to let a ship go through. Then the bridge eventually swung back at TEN am. A slight technical hitch, so my three mile, 15 minute commute ,turned into a mega road bun fight as everyone was trying to find alternative routes. Sooo, i got to hear so much more and it was great.It really cheered me up.

    Chrissie, hope your injection has improved your shoulder for you.

    MwK, hope you are feeling better too & JG too.

    Miss P , many happy returns of the day.

    Baggy, good luck with the p35's etc, am in the middle of all that "fun" right now.

    Nic and Deevs, hope its good news soon.

    Right, got to dash, need more time and hands , grrrrrrr. Where is the year going to ?????

    MC xxxx

  • Comment number 20.

    A quick hello again. busy DIYing.

    I've just found three huge blobs of fast drying glue on my head after fixing some ceiling paper 3 hours ago.

    Its a different look, but one I am going to have to live with for today.

    Its still flipping freezing isn't it.

    Is it really still only wedneday?


  • Comment number 21.

    Hahahahaha. Just watched your recommended YouTube link Bingo.

    I'll be laughing for the rest of the day and will watch again many times.

    Oh how I wish my wedding had been like that!

    You must see it bloggers.


  • Comment number 22.

    Previously on 24:

    Big Chief CLP: Hells Bells, I need a schematic of the Beeb to get the Enzo into the parking bay outside the Beeb - upload it to my PDA ASAP . .

    Hells Bells: I'm doing that right now Ev, can you confirm your position!

    Big Chief CLP: I'm outside, you numwit, d'uh!!!!

    Hells Bells: NO NEED !!!!!!!

    beep beep beep beep . . . .

  • Comment number 23.


    bingo - thanks for the wedding link - I can't believe some of the comments about it though - some people are really judgemental!

    I came down the aisle to cannon rock and it was fantasic to see the look on peoples faces and the vicar loved it!


  • Comment number 24.

    I agree Marjie, have just watched it. Blimey, that must have taken some rehearsing, but what fun.

    Nice one Bingo.

    Off to work now.

    Have a nice afternoon everyone.


  • Comment number 25.

    Hells Bells: That was one 'eck of a show you pulled off there Ev, are you ok?
    Big Chief CLP: I don’t have time for that now, the threat is still out there from commercial radio stations, we cant let them get the message to the listeners, it could undermine society as we now it, whats your current status?
    Hells Bells: I’m standing about two feet away from you
    Big Chief CLP: Don’t start me . . .

  • Comment number 26.

    Big Chief CLP: Hells Bells, theres something not right here, I’m not comfortable about this situation – do you have an update from HQ?
    Helen: Yes, I do
    Big Chief CLP: WHAT IS IT?????
    Helen: Oh, yes, sorry, well the sarnies aren’t ready yet and the coffee is cold
    Big Chief CLP: I don’t think you’re cut out for this work today, I need my best people, get the President on the line NOW!!
    Helen: I could sing you a song . . .

  • Comment number 27.

    Afternoon all

    Christoff, being busy keeps you out of trouble. Oh, and teeth cleaning in the shower is sooo wrong! Hope you enjoy the sporting challenge today.

    Deevs, I know you have left for your interview, hope it goes well for you x

    MK, shame it wasn’t your golden oldie, great tune. Being one myself I love the oldies!

    Bingo, hahaha, the wedding link is hilarious; reet made me laugh after feeling a bit fed up. Off to watch again.

    Freezing here too.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 28.

    hey Chris, just passing, wow what a daily routine you have.

    Just signed up to run the 10k for cancer research again this autumn which got me all gooey eyed about the magnificent support I received when I ran it last year from you bloggers.
    Not gonna ask for money but....

    .....anyone fancy donning their trainers this year?

    Go on, you know you want to...

    love and xxx's


  • Comment number 29.

    Ginge - when and where are you doing it and I'll have a chat with mr bp - see if I can join you :-)

  • Comment number 30.

    Wow Chris that is some routine. I am also a creature of routine or is that habit?!? But I won't bore you with what I do in the morning, except to say that it does involve me lying in bed for half an hour listening to your show and as you so often said, that first half hour does go really quickly. In fact if I've got up before 7, I go back to bed again to listen! The joys of working locally.

    Deev, All the best Chuck for your interviews and everything especially crossed for the Monday one.

    Hello to everyone else.

    Still no sun in Kent :(


  • Comment number 31.

    There are 22 events in the autumn, must be one near you, mine's in Norwich on Oct 10th, here's a list....

    Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire
    Oxfordshire, OX20 1PX
    26 September 2010

    Tatton Park, Cheshire
    Cheshire, WA16 6QN
    26 September 2010

    Heaton Park, Manchester
    Greater Manchester, M25 2SW
    03 October 2010

    Brighton and Hove Seafront
    Sussex, BN3 2WN
    03 October 2010

    Gloucester City
    Park Road, Gloucester, GL1 1LH
    03 October 2010

    Hylands Park, Chelmsford
    Essex, CM1 3PJ
    03 October 2010

    Hampton Court Palace
    East Molesey, Surrey, KT8 9AU
    03 October 2010

    Hatfield House, Hertfordshire
    Hertfordshire, AL9 5NQ
    09 October 2010

    Lincoln City Centre
    Lincoln, LN1
    10 October 2010

    Norfolk Showground, Norwich
    Norwich, NR5 0TT
    10 October 2010

    Crystal Palace Stadium, London
    London, SE19 2BB
    10 October 2010

    St Georges Sq, Huddersfield
    Huddersfield, HD1 1JB
    17 October 2010

    Victoria Park, Southport
    Southport, PR8 2BZ
    17 October 2010

    The Common, Southampton
    Southampton, SO15 7BB
    17 October 2010

    Hopetoun House, Edinburgh
    West Lothian, EH30 9SL
    17 October 2010

    Ashton Court Estate, Bristol
    Bristol, BS41 9JN
    17 October 2010

    Jesus Green, Cambridge
    Cambridge, CB4 1EG
    17 October 2010

    Victoria Park, London
    London, E9 7DE
    17 October 2010

    Arboretum, Walsall
    Walsall, WS1 2AB
    24 October 2010

    Plymouth City
    Plymouth, Devon, PL1 2PA
    24 October 2010

    Bute Park, Cardiff
    Cardiff, CF10 3ER
    31 October 2010

    Harewood House, Leeds
    West Yorkshire, LS17 9LG
    31 October 2010


  • Comment number 32.

    Bingo - seen that wedding link before - would love to do that
    and Baggy - did you really walk down the aisle to Matts canon rock - wow! I put the "normal" version on when I'm stuck in traffic - helps calm my - I need to be there now - nerves.

    You been on the black stuff Dan?

    I agree with all others too Christoph - cleaning teeth in the shower - just no!!

    Watched the weather forecast for the week-end just in case I had dreamt the cold weather and unfortunately I hadn't - lovely and sunny on Saturday but freezing cold again Sunday - Oh Joy !!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 33.

    Beez - yes I really did :-)

    Ginge - probably do the London one - thanks for the info.

  • Comment number 34.

    I'm back! Not sure it's for me, but we'll see what becomes of it. Whilst out, I had another call for another interview next week - so that's one on Monday morning and one on Tuesday morning.

    And thank you for all the good luck wishes, here, on FB and on Twitter. You're all lovely people.

    For now, I have lamb shanks to "do"




  • Comment number 35.

    Hi Beez: how are you doing? We are never here at the same time!

    Dan: loved your 24 stuff, especially the emphasis on the word NOW! A JB speciality - love it!

    C xx

  • Comment number 36.

    Hang on the sun is trying to poke through - hooray.


  • Comment number 37.

    Hi Chrissie - been trying to catch up with work after half a dozen short working weeks so tend to just lurk in the day at the moment. Is the injection working yet? I spoke too soon about mine - had a twinge putting coat on to go to the bank just now!!

    AliB - trying to blow the sunshine your way - should be with you shortly.

    Shouldn't you now be Master interviewee Deevs now? Will keep all crossed for next weeks favourite.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 38.

    Crumbs AliB - how spooky is that - posted same time !!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 39.

    I won't say what I do in the shower but it makes cleaning your teeth look tame...;O)


  • Comment number 40.

    TMI Nic

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 41.

    Beez, Thanks for blowing the sun my way - that was quick work.


  • Comment number 42.

    Happy Birthday Miss P - hope you are having a good day.

    Loved the wedding link Bingo - just viewed it again with the music, had to wait for an empty office.

    Hilarious Dan x

    Darce x

  • Comment number 43.

    Had an idea of what I wanted to say - now logged in seem to have forgotten it all, d'oh!

    Hope all are well.

    Remembered one thing, Miss P happy birthday, enjoy your dinner and hope you have some lovely presents!

    Went window shopping at lunch - could've spent a fortune :)

    AS x

  • Comment number 44.

    Beez: well, absolutely no pain re; the injection. No aftermath which I was expecting, which makes me think, was it administered properly, or has it been a waste of time?! Too early to tell, I know, so I will see how it goes in a few days time. I do sympathise with you - if I try to put my coat on the "usual" way the pain is beyond belief! I know you are really busy - hope you are catching up. xx

  • Comment number 45.

    Beez - Shaving, actually!



  • Comment number 46.

    How remiss of me, Happy Birthday Miss P xx

  • Comment number 47.

    Hello All

    Been in a CBA mood for a few days but lurking. Had call on Monday which should have been promising - invite for interview but on a day I can't go so they said they would get back to me with an alternative date - they haven't so far!

    Loving the idea of a Leeds meet Pip and hope I can make this one - 26th June?

    Good luck Deevs with your impending jobness xx

    Happy birthday MissP

    Off to contemplate tea so may catch you later xx

  • Comment number 48.

    Hi Susan

    That's rotten about your interview - can't you phone them at all to chase?

    My day of chasing yesterday seems to have paid off with an interview today and two next week - I guess now it's just up to me. So, how do I give the other candidates jippy tums / broken cars be Mon/Tues .....!?!?!

    I hate late afternoons. It's such a long day when Nic's at work and by this time I start to feel a bit hacked off with being on my own all day. I know it won't be for long, but hey ho.


  • Comment number 49.

    Good luck on the interview news Deev, I'm thinking positive thoughts for you!

    I know how you feel about it being long day, I found when Mr JG was working until 9pm on last Friday and Saturday that I kind of lost my weekend as well! Having said that, I was feeling up to much to go and do anything, but the time seems to drag.

    Stil, hopefully it won't be for long now!

    Oh, and Miss P, congrats on your job as well!

    JG x

  • Comment number 50.

    Evening all,

    Well, another sunny day here and a lovely evening .

    Am dining out with a friend tonight, but I am not picking her up until 7.45pm. I am starving NOW, and have had two cream eggs already.
    Right, must do something that does not involve contact with the fridge or the kitchen for the next hour or so .

    Deev, sounds like things are moving in the right direction, great stuff . Perseverance pays off, good luck.

    JG, hope you are feeling better.

    MC xx

  • Comment number 51.

    Hi JG and MC

    MC - have a large glass of water or something fizzy to drink - it will stave off the hunger til later when you really need it! Trust me - it's an age old WW trick (although doesn't explain why I get the munchies for junk food when I'm sozzled!)

    Have a good evening with you friend.

    Are you feeling any brighter now JG?

    We're off out to the pub quiz tonight - never been to this pub before so don't know where it is or what to expect but I will endeavour to have my note pad and trust biro in my handbag. For doodling on when I don't know the answers. Naturally!


  • Comment number 52.

    Hi and thanks Deevs - I have emailed them esp as I see they seem to be advertising the same post on a weekly basis so told them I am still interested in being interviewed and trying not to sound needy!!

    MC - 2 cream eggs when you are going out to eat - large glass of water to stave off hunger pangs.

    JG - did you see the article yesterday about hayfever sufferers not having as bad a time of it with the later spring - yeah right

    Sus xx

  • Comment number 53.

    Now that was surreal about the water at the same time

    Good luck at the quiz

  • Comment number 54.

    Great minds Sus .... !

  • Comment number 55.

    Deev & Sus, thanks for the tip . I have only had a tuna buttie and a bit of melon today and am ravenous .

    Am off to have a shower and drink water , grrrrrr.

    MC xxx

    PS Deev, enjoy the quiz ;-)

  • Comment number 56.

    Hiya Gang

    MC, you might want to look away a minute

    JG, your risotto sounded so good yesterday I raided the fridge today to make one for me. No one else really likes it so there was just enough leftover chicken and bits for me! Yummy! (but no mushrooms!)

    S'ok now MC

    Are you going somewhere nice?

    Deevs and Susan, Good luck with the interviews, and Miss P, Happy Birthday and well done with the job

    Everyone else ok?

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 57.

    hiya Seza!
    scarf is growing, will have to post a photo soon!
    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 58.

    Sorry, Mum was on t'phone!!

    I'm feeling a bit better, but have also heard that as it's such a late spring, everything is coming out at the same time, hence the pollen overload!! Weird what they all write...

    Seza, have a confession, when I looked properly at the label for the second time it was a stroganoff, but not much different IMHO!! And truly gorgeous!

    MC - TWO???? !!!! Have a good evening with your friend :)

    Susan, sorry about your interview, I've found it's normally their terms or else in the past, I must admit I do the same unless someone looks especially outstanding, although having said that, we don't get many applicants for jobs at our place on the rare occasion we recruit...But we do ask for highly qualified staff to be paid a pittance...

    JG x

  • Comment number 59.

    Tiggs, that is so cool (or warm and cosy maybe) I never thought any one would really do it!

    JG, Ahh now, I love stroganoff too, but a meaty one for me! Now I;ll have to cook that!

    Seza x x

  • Comment number 60.

    It's 4 ft long now and as close to the authentic Tom Baker colours I could get, only failed to source a mustard coloured wool!

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 61.

    Tiggs, that has made me proper lol!

    x x

  • Comment number 62.


    I'm not really sure what you are trying to get across on today's blog.

    It would appear that you get up, albeit early, get driven to work, read a few e-mails and newspapers, talk and play records for a couple of hours and then go off to play with your friend Jonny.

    It's not really up there with putting in a shift down the pit or at a busy A & E department is it?

  • Comment number 63.

    no fair, you'll upset me laughing at me :o(


  • Comment number 64.

    Aww Tiggs, laughing with you always!

    x x

  • Comment number 65.

    Evening each

    Been a lurker over past few days but have got 5 to write so hi all!

    CLP, thanks for sharing. Think we all want to know what goes on behind closed doors, its a human (well maybe female!) thing and you share so much. Thanks.

    Miss P - happy birthday and great news re job! x

    Leeds meet sounds good to me.. can def do the May one but will endeavour to do June if thats the best for everyone else.. if not i shall appear in the evening as i tend to do!

    Chrissie/Beez and anyone else with shoulder issues.. hope your treatments working but please consider chiropractic. Ive waffled on here before about it so wont again (hooray i hear you yell!) but really recommend!

    Mary, lovely to see you..glad you feeling better, likewise to JG!

    Sus/Deevs/Nic.. still crossed..walking a bit funny now!

    MC - where ya scoffing?! have a great night!

    And as per usual...hi to everyone else!

    MAy not be back til Sat so enjoy the downward slope to the weekend all!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 66.

    Tiggs...scarf sounds wonderful! Sure Seza will never be cold again..we need pics!

    mSc x

    PS - hows anybodys house selling/buying going? Rosie?Seza? Ive started to get itchy feet.... !

  • Comment number 67.

    Ooohh...last thing i promise..

    Weve booked to go to the Festival of Speed at Goodwood this year in September... any of our more Southerly bloggers able to suggest any pubs/hotels/bnbs within an hours drive to stay in? Cheers..

    mSc x

  • Comment number 68.

    Scoobs, Don't ask me about it. Am stuck still at the moment! Just waiting still!

    x x

  • Comment number 69.

    Scoobs, how about our very own CLP's pub, the M, Just half hour away from Goodwood.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 70.

    Evening each

    Chris, you are so handsome and daring!! I've noticed I have a routine these days, particularly in the morning - think it has something to do with getting older. Bummer, eh?


  • Comment number 71.

    Scoobs, do you not mean the historic festival? The festival of Speed is normally in June?

    We camped at the racetrack, which was a nightmare, as we had to un-pitch on the Friday evening, and re-pitch after 11pm!!!!

    Cue many a wasted hour spent playing crazy golf in Bogner....

    JG x

    (have to put this down, or I won't be able to watch the 2nd half...)

  • Comment number 72.

    Bingo, I've seen that wedding on youtube - isn't it fabulous? That's what a wedding should be.


  • Comment number 73.

    Just washing sweaters for the Outer Hebrides next week. I need advice on a 'capsule wardrobe'. Have one case and need to pack walking boots, waterproofs, sweaters, clothes for nighttime ceileidhs and possibly warm weather. It's a tightrope folks.


  • Comment number 74.

    Think it's going to be a tight case Annie!

    How many layers can you wear when you travel? ;-)

    x x

  • Comment number 75.

    Scoobs, Festival of speed is in July this year. The Goodwood Revival meeting is in September, and is the one where everyone dresses in period costume from the 40's, 50's and 60's. Hope you've got tickets for the right one! We will be at the revival (in costume). Pens suggestion sounds like a good idea, and Chris has been to the revival too.

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 76.

    Now that's something I hadn't thought of Seza. Wear as much as possible!!!! Good plan.


  • Comment number 77.

    Most bizarre sighting of the day....

    A motorbike waiting in a queue!!!

    Not a lot to report on the nature watch today except that the birds have been really attacking the feeders.

    Its been jolly cold, so not so much in the way of flying fodder for the returning martins, swallows and yet to be seen swifts.

    Nice to hear that we have some nice weather forecast for saturday.

    It will be nice to catch up and have a natter in the flesh instead of on here.

    That is the only downfall of the blog, we all live so far apart.

    One day, wouldnt it be nice if we could find somewhere almost in the middle and have a mass blog meet.

    Maybe hire a marquee for the weekend?

    How about Cannock?

    But no, probably it would need to be somewhere in the middle.

    Can someone with time on their hands, pinpoint the most central place in the Uk.


  • Comment number 78.

    MTF: My bird box still hasn't been claimed, even though its got a For Sale sign on it - am so disappointed, although the Peregrine Falcon may have scared the little birdies away.

    Maybe Rips, JTT or Bingo could pinpoint our central meeting point??


  • Comment number 79.

    Haltwhistle in Northumberland!

  • Comment number 80.

    GR: I have a new satnav so I could be there. xxxx

  • Comment number 81.

    May be a little too far for a day trip!

  • Comment number 82.

    According to a news report and now a signpost Haltwhistle is in the centre of the country from left and right and up and down. Lovely place but not that accessible and what they would make of a blog meet would be akin to the Romans invading again I would think lol xx

  • Comment number 83.

    Bizzare, my next idea was....

    Including Bingo!


  • Comment number 84.

    How about York?

  • Comment number 85.

    York is a very good idea Annie x

  • Comment number 86.

    Can I just indulge myself a moment (apologies to Deevs et al) but..

    YEEEEEEESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 10 years and finally did it!!!!


    JG x

  • Comment number 87.

    Pardon JG????? What????

  • Comment number 88.

    Dont forget, that there is a Portsmouth meet on the 12th of June.

    I cant wait to take my bucket and spade along.

    York is beautiful, well up for that. But cant make the rest of June :(


  • Comment number 89.

    JG, tell us.xxx

  • Comment number 90.

    MTF, hopefully will be in Portsmouth for the June meet. If we're organising a humungous meet, maybe we should make it around September to give everyone time to organise holidays.


  • Comment number 91.

    JG, 10 years for what?

    All these meets, deffo need to win the lotto so i can be a lady of leeeeeezure & travel round to them all! How good would that be!

    Have spent this evening making a 90th birthday card and am quite pleased with it. Is for my Dad's auntie so hope she likes it

    MTF, how are the swans?

    Seza x x

  • Comment number 92.

    Spurs just beat the Gunners which is why JG is happy.

    If we do get a meet in York in September please not between 4th to 18th as I'm away on holiday - I thank you xx

  • Comment number 93.

    Hey Seza that's an idea whoever of the bloggers wins the millions tonight throws a huge party for the rest of the bloggers and maybe pays everyone's travel costs?

    Off to bed so night all

  • Comment number 94.

    Oh right - football - yawn.

    Suse, if it ever comes off, could pick you up on the way down to York.

    Right, am off. Up at stupid o'clock again tomorrow. And I notice no-one has given me any help at all on the 'capsule wardrobe'. I'll remember that!!

    Night all. xxxx

  • Comment number 95.

    Thank you Annie - I might take you up on that. Night x

  • Comment number 96.

    I'm off too

    Night all

    Sleep well

    Seza x x

  • Comment number 97.

    Sorry, was too busy gloating, yes, the Spurs have beat the Arsenal finally after 10 years of trying, home and away....

    Got told off for over-celebrating by dancing with Finlay by Mr JG who supports the team what normally wins everything and has no idea what it means to have lost against a certain side for 10 years!

    Anyhow, we are now not going on holiday until after the Manchester Derby!

    Annie, I wouldn't have a clue, I just take all the clean clothes I own, and hope there's a washer there...I don't own much, as you can tell...

    Oh and plenty of waterproofs and torches...

    JG x

  • Comment number 98.

    Haven't quite gone yet. JG - thanks for the tip, didn't think about a torch but what a good idea.


  • Comment number 99.

    I never go anywhere without a torch Annie, my night vision is zero!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 100.



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