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I Have The Seed Of The Mighty Volcano.

Chris Evans | 10:59 UK time, Monday, 19 April 2010

It's a lot like hay fever but it hurts your throat a bit more. It's definitely what it is - I think.

I suffer from hay fever really quite badly but never this early. My pal has the same symptoms if further medical proof be needed. There you are.

The skies over London and the South East remain dormant, and a world looks on still confounded by the hiccup of a small mountain somewhere far far away causing all this fuss.

Wille Walsh flies off on his own last night on a jumbo jet to ask are we sure we are sure about all this grounding. Thousand of kids abroad on school trips are loving the adventure of having to stay away for an extra week or two, but of course thousands more are seeing their annual holidays ruined and there are much more serious repercussions to what's happened.

The latest is 1 a.m. tomorrow morning. I fear that is a little optimistic, don't you ?





  • Comment number 1.

    Beep beep beep beep

    Hells Bells: Christoph, its Helen! What’s your current status?
    Christoph-of-the-lambie-pie: Married 3 years ago – you were there. Great day – do you not remember?
    HB: No, I mean, where are you?
    Clp: O, sorry, on the way home.
    HB: The president is on the line – I’m patching him through
    BO: Chris, this is Barack Obama, I’ve been patched through. I have you on speaker-phone in the Oval office.
    Clp: Good morning Mr.President, it’s a pleasure to speak to you Sir
    BO: Yes, I know.
    Clp: How can I be of assistance this morning?
    BO: We have a situation developing in the Situation Room.
    Clp: Where else?
    BO: Don’t be at it. I think we need your help.
    Clp: Anything I can do, Mr. President.
    BO: I’m sending AirForce One to you. We’ll de-brief you onboard.
    Clp: Sounds painful, I wear boxer shorts.
    BO: Enough of that, my flame-haired maestro, see you later.
    CLP: Thank you Mr. President
    BO: Later dude . . . .

    Beep beep beep beep

  • Comment number 2.

    Definitely optimistic CLP and agree, the repercussions are going to be a disaster.

    Poor you with hayfever too - used to get it and had to suffer all the usual jabs etc but don't get it any more - well - very very rarely -touch wood.

    LOL Dan - loving your 24 .

    From previous blog - Ali - I saw a TV programme about the street pastors - brave you going out with them. What a job they do though.

    Ooops more questions heading down the garden path and what is it with auditors and photo copiers?!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 3.

    Hi Chris, it's o so quiet here as we are near Gatwick Airport - no noise at all. We are supposed to fly soon - I don't think. Can't moan because we have such lovely weather. They say it should last till end of week.

    Bingo, how about another update.

  • Comment number 4.

    I was thinking along the same lines as you Ali this morning about the skies - I was wondering how many carbon miles had been saved and how clearer the skies are and how the world doesnt come to an end just becuase you cannot travel around it at will.

    Beez - careful what you say about auditors, one of the most fun jobs I have ever had, would love to be sat at yours, drinking tea, playing with dog and routuing through your files (and copying everything, well you need something to show for your time)


  • Comment number 5.

    Hiya Chris: I do believe Dan-the-Man is on to something here!

    Chris, what a nightmare this whole volcanic ash thing is turning out to be. I know of at least four people who have no way of getting home - what's happening is quite unbelievable. And I think you are right: I just can't see how this will be resolved by 1am tomorrow.

    My thoughts do go out to everyone caught up in this.

    AliB: (from the previous blog) yes, I do wonder if we are being told something!

    C xx

  • Comment number 6.

    Hi all

    I agree Chris this isn't going to end sometime soon, I should be in Turkey but am stuck in France - sun shining, wine at hand - what am I complaining about!!

    I think health problems could be a real issue,hay fever can be so debilitating.

    Just a note on insurance companies - they are a shower of s##t, citing an "Act of God" and so not paying out.

    Happy days everyone

    MaW xx

  • Comment number 7.

    I was diagnosed as maybe having adult onset asthma so having spend all of yesterday afternoon outside either at church or at home, I woke up this morning and my chest was making a funny noise - even worse that a chest infection - it was not good - I was actually quite worried when I first came to. So out came the inhaler and off I go to work - now I feel pants - not good.

    Anyhoo can I at least see some ash - at least then I would know it's not a practical joke or cover up?

    I have a friend stuck in Mauritius! and another stuck somewhere Spain directon.

  • Comment number 8.

    Good Morning CLP and everyone.

    It seems that there is no sign of the Eyjafjallajokull volcanic ash situation lessening. I heard that when it rains it will fall as mud!

    Dan the Man-I agree

    Hope everyone is OK and not too badly affected.


  • Comment number 9.

    Hi all - me again.

    Tip from the OH re the ash - use the air recirculator in your car when out driving, it will stop the ash getting inside the car and you breathing it in.

    According to my boss, I am a VAV (volcanic ash victim) ho hum...

    Thank you for all your kind words, I nearly had a medical emergency myself, I was running out of 2 out of 3 of my tablets. The hotel staff pointed me in the direction of a local clinic where they were able to give me a couple of weeks supply (and a repeat prescription if we have to stay any longer). So at least I will keep my BP down where it should be..... We shared taxis there and back with another couple in the same situation.

    As I said earlier, there are a few other VAV's around and I think that most of them will be moving to the same cheaper hotel tomorrow as well - plans for parties are afoot......

    It's dark now - must be nearly dinner time.

    So good to be keeping in touch like this. I dread to think what would have happened if I hadn't brought the lappy - I've even signed up for skype so that I can get cheap calls.

    Catch up later.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 10.

    MTD - folk on the news have been saying it's a bit like the war spirit - all in together helping each other. Just out of curiosity, what were the original return plans?

    Hope you feel better soon Hannah.

    Cheers MaW - will be joining you later.......

    Baggy LOL - that explains it ! nearly half a tree gone now. Slim as you like and they are still eating choccy !!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 11.

    Afternoon All,

    Is this grounding of flights a good advert for The Green Party.....? You would think we were at War the amount of fuss the media are making about it...
    Dan - Bonkers but funny!


  • Comment number 12.

    Hi CLP, hope your Hayfever isn't bothering you too much. I'm a hayfever sufferer too, but so far haven't been affected by the ash up above us (touch wood!). Usually I'm affected in May/June time. Hannah I hope you're feeling better now and that the inhaler is kicking in.

    Well car insurance is sorted, and have saved myself a fortune by switching to another company so I am very happy. Coffee, date, and pecan cake is cooling down. Need to think about a bite to eat for lunch and then the pile of ironing isn't going to tackle itself!

    Toodle pip for now


  • Comment number 13.

    PS oops forgot to say Congratulations to Dan The Man and the future Mrs DTM!!

  • Comment number 14.

    Chris - I see you have managed to despatch Adrian Chiles to itv when you start doing the Friday One Show...he's doing the football and gmtv!


  • Comment number 15.

    Us auditors are lovely :-)

    Is it right for me say i'm enjoying the quiet when I work for Mr Walsh? it's certainly very different that's for sure, hoping things get back to normal soon though. Part of me is loving it though, particularly the part that remembers my geology degree....

  • Comment number 16.

    Hi All

    Rusty, you is biased!

    Sorry for absinthe - been a busy Deevs since Friday and not really looked at the blog. Here now tho.

    So, the dinner party went well. I didn't poison anyone and plenty of Adult Grape Juice was consumed and conversations babbled. It's nice to be making friends at last - there's been times I've been pretty lonely here during the day so to have a friend over the road is a Godsend.

    Saturday was spent with a picnic in the park and a game of football. Chuffed that I managed 5 with keepy-uppy, but not as good as Nic's 12.

    And yesterday, to round orf a splendid weekend Nic took me to his gym. Whilst he went and did whatever needed doing on a treadmill I donned a fluffy white robe and chilled out by the pool with a book, swam 30 lengths and then we enjoyed the sauna / steam room stuff. Delightful.

    I had an interview this morning - they'll let me know. This pm I'll be prepping for tomorrow's "Big One" - really excited about it!

    Glad the blog meet went well - the photos are splendid, and Tiggs - you're looking good lady! Must be all that knitting .....!

    And well done Matt - are you aching today?



  • Comment number 17.

    Chris - I'm so jealous of your wife. Not only is she absolutely goregous with a cracking husband and an adorable son and stepdaughter BUT ALSO she gets to look at the stars at night with Professor Brian Cox. I saw the picture on Twitter - there's no use denying it. I would pay a fortune for that. Could an evening stargazing with the Prof be auctioned for Children In Need? I'll start saving just in case.

    My thoughts on the volcano:

    1. the sight of the sky uninterrupted by air traffic is something we may never see again once things resume so I can't stop looking up;
    2. what if the 150,000 people stuck abroad don't make it back for the election? It could change the whole thing even further than it has been changed by 90 minutes of telly last Thursday;
    3. Uyjafiallajoekull is worth 124 on a triple word score.

    Love Barmy xx

    Sorry not to make it on Saturday in Bristol - looks like you all had a lovely time. x

  • Comment number 18.


    Very good Number 2 point above. I bet that will get the sky open again once the powers that be realise that! I can't help but think that someone needs to do something, as there certainly doesn't look an end in sight at the moment.

    Chris, I too suffer from hayfever, but all OK on that front so far. Although yesterday I did have a really chesty cough, which came from no where.


  • Comment number 19.

    How true Ali. I wonder if Gordon has sent the Navy ships because he's found out they are 150,000 Labour voters living in key marginals?

    Oh and by the way Chris - the gymnastics video was a treat, especially you on the trampoline. Reminded me of something. Didn't little Noah used to have one of those baby bouncers?


  • Comment number 20.

    thanks Deevs!
    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 21.

    Happy Monday one & all!

    Deebee - sorry about the loss of your friend, life is precious we should all live as best we can. Best wishes to you and your family.

    Matt well done on the marathon running!

    Bristol meet ladies - you look totally lovely. Hope a good time was had by one & all!

    Deevs - we all need friends! It will be one thing I will miss most when I finally land in the West Midlands!

    My weekend was great - sold one sporty fun little car and bought another far more practical and economical one! Also met GG's 2 children, albeit briefly, on Saturday!

    Where has the sun gone??!! Answers on a postcard please!

    AS x

  • Comment number 22.

    Hi again....

    Interesting comments re the potentially missing voters... I wonder if the powers that be have even thought that far ahead (although the airlines definitely are).

    In answer to your question Beez, we were originally due to come home tomorrow, leaving here in the morning and arriving back tomorrow afternoon. I was supposed to be back at work on Thursday....... I have already e-mailed the boss and arranged 9 more days holiday (we will be here for an extra 13 days.....)

    Back tomorrow (or I may even pop in for a late night hello when I get up....)

    nite nite.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 23.

    MTD - sorry to read about you being stranded! On one had must be the stuff of dreams but then reality kicks in and it must be quite frustrating and annoying.

    AS x

  • Comment number 24.

    Thanks AS - Now that we are resigned to the fact that we are stranded, it is better. We have got a roof over our heads, flights arranged and credit card/cash in pocket - we can now start having an extra holiday and do a bit more sightseeing etc

    Having others around in the same boat helps as well - as Beez says a bit of the old blighty spirit.....

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 25.

    Quick hello everybody for now

    Just wondered, does GMTV stand for Grumpy Man Television?

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 26.

    Sentimentations Of Wee Niceties Ter CLP & ALL Bonnie Blog Lasses & Noot Lasses….

    Bingo Star ere…. Struggling ter find a wi-fi az am so far up north… presently in Wick aka the 17 miles from John O’ Groats and the second furthest north railway station in the UK after Thurso of which a waz there abit earlier!!!!!
    Am in Wick & in fact it’s beginning ter get on me wick trying ter get connected ter the www…. A will do it fast before me train leaves back inter the wilderness……

    Bingo Star’s BIG Rail Trip Dee 3 Update :

    So Saturdee neet a arrived in Inverness… and az we approached… it waz overcast, low cloud, dull, cold & raining!!!!!!
    Yes even when the whole the UK manged ter be under clear blue skies, apart from volcanic ash, the north ‘ighlnsds az every teem a visit them… it’s raining!!!!
    A remember the teem a travelled wreet upter the furthest north station in the UK when a waz 15, aka Thurso, and it waz overcast, low cloud, dull, cold & raining!!!!! (returning ter Thurso terdee (Mondee) See later blog)
    And the teem a travelled ter Aberdeen on the train… it waz overcast, low cloud, dull, cold & raining!!!!!
    And the many teems a travelled ter Aberdeen & INDEED Montrose az a tanker driver in me truck it nearly always waz… overcast, low cloud, dull, cold & raining!!!!!
    And the teem a went ter The Open Golf Championship at Muirfield… it waz overcast… and Troon… low cloud, dull, cold & raining!!!!!!!
    And the teem a went ter stay in Fort William for ‘alf a week in the middle of DAMN IT summer…. It waz…. Overcast… low cloud….. Dull…. Cold….. &….. Raining!!!!!!
    So last neet a waz noot too pleased az it suddenly became overcast…. With low cloud… dull… cold & started raining az we goot 15 miles from Inverness!!!!!!!!
    But the wonderful thing…. Yesterdee & terdee…. It’s beautiful & SUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!@!@!@!@!@!!!!!

    From yesterdee‘s rail report:

    Am travelling terdee on the Inverness ter Kyle Of Lochalsh or should it be Loch…. ASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?@????@?!!
    At the moment a am passing Attadale!!!!! That’s Attadale… noot atta dale… but passing the village of Attadale…. Although am don’t mean am atta dale when a say Attadale…. Actually a am atta dale az Attadale iz named after a dale which does actually mean a am atta dale being ‘ere in Attadale!!!!!!!
    Although aving said that…. Although am atta dale know, sorry now, being at Attadale…. By the teem a post this later… a won’t be at the place called Attadale… anymore!!!!!!

    The line terdee ave noot ever been on before, ever in me life, & a can tell yer it a VERY close second ter the most beautiful line ave ever travelled on which iz the Fort William ter Malliag railway line!!!!!
    The third most beautiful but probably me favourite rail journey az it ‘as such fond memories for me & come in a near third ter the above mentioned lines iz the Shrewsbury ter Pwthelli line!!!!!

    The scenery iz truly spectacular az the train leaves Inverness… ‘ugging the top end of the estuary & beautiful coastline north of Inverness, making our way through Muir Of Ord & onter Dingwall where the line splits… the north section upter Thurso/ Wick and the West section that am on terdee ter Kyle Of Lochalsh!!!!
    Once we leave Dingwall the scenery becomes more ‘illy, passing some beautiful lochs, through forests!!!!
    Az we get closer ter the coast the scenery changes ter become mountainous with the most spectacular views!!!!
    The mountain tops are covered in fresh snow & the sun iz gleaming of the green valleys & ‘ills…. Like a giant spotlight illuminating noot only the amazing scenery… but also me life!!!!!
    A tell yer all…. If ever yer feeling like life iz getting on top of yer… don’t reach for medication… it’s false and only temporary that won’t really fix yer life!!!!!
    Am glad ave never taken anti depressants ever… although a do understand if some do feel they need them… butta urge anyone…. If feeling like yer need a boost… Try escaping ter landscape somewhere like this ter illuminate yer life… the passion, the moment, the feeling of the landscape!!!!!
    Moments like this in life iz my medication ter rejuvenate the spirit/ the soul it just blows yer away ter experience such wonderful places!!!!
    It really makes yer realise ‘ow so many people live in built up areas/ cities and are blind ter the beautiful things life ’as ter offer!!!!!
    It’s a shame they never see such amazing places!!!!
    And it’s noot expensive: terdee’s ticket iz just under 20 pound return - and bought terdee, noot in advance!!!! (no advance tickets on this line but still inexpensive).

    Back ter the journey blog friends, az we pass winding our way through the mountains & skirt most nice Lochluichart… the most spectacular part of the ride iz still ter come!!!!!
    15 miles east of Kyle Of Lochalsh… we come ter Strathcarron!!!! (Personally a don’t wanter now, sorry know, what Karen gets upter) ‘ere the start of the estuary that leads all the way ter Kyle & the Isle Of Skye begins!!!!
    Az we get closer ter Kyle the track gets closer ter the waters edge & the track curves very sharply ‘ugging the rocky coastline!!!!!!
    It’s almost like the train slows ter acknowledge the magnificence of the scenary… luckily for uz passengers it allows uz ter take in & photograph the scene!!!!!
    Although the jounrey from Inverness iz less than 70 miles it takes uz 2 & a ’alf ’ours ter cover the distance due to the nature of the winding railway line built though nature… in the late 1800’s!!!!!
    That’s 1800’s az in century noot 6pm!!!!!
    All a can say about the scenary ere… it gets me thinking… a wish all me friends were with me now ter experience this… me family… the sad thing iz a did book this special trip ter surprise someone special, who’s name am noot allowed ter mention & INDEED who’s never been ter Scotland - another teem maybe!!!!
    Az we are less than a five miles ter Kyle now there are small coves & fishing boats/ yachts dotted around with the most amazing turquoise sea water lining every cove!!!!
    Looking across the estuary I can see the most amazing snow covered mountains & the mountains of the Isle Of Skye in the distance!!!!

    We arrive at Kyle Of Lochlash… end of the line!!!!
    It’s a beautiful but small fishing town… dwarfed by the sea & the Isles Of Skye only a few miles away.
    I ‘ave a few ‘ours ere…. Teem ter try and find some lunch… a wee wonderful ‘aggis sandwich maybe!!!!!!


  • Comment number 27.

    Bingo, Sounds like you're having a wonderful time. Are you meeting the others tomorrow? Have fun and enjoy your time off work

    MTD, :-( for being stuck but :-) for making the most of it! Hope it all works out for you and this really turns in the most amazing adventure.

    Barmy, brilliant idea for Children in Need aution this year. I bet there are a lot of people who would pay a lot of money for that! A trip to one of next years six nations matches would be good too if CLP knows anyone who can organise that!

    Ali, lots of respect for you and all the team of street pastors. There was a sign up in the local church hall recently but I don't know anyone who does it here

    Tea time!


    Seza xx

  • Comment number 28.

    Just a quickie.

    Thank you for your kind messages. I had a fantastic day and raised a few quid for a good cause.

    Today. Well, lets say that walking has been a touch tricky. Going upstairs is tough, but coming down is a nightmare. As we are on an enforced 'staycation' we dropped by the club this afternoon and had a sauna and jacuzzi, which helped a bit.

    But, you know what? I want to do it all again next year. Even Mrs MfR has declared her interest. If you were there, you will understand why.

    My new found love of Brighton has also led us to head back down there later this week for a day of shopping and a night at a rather sexy hotel, with dinner at one of the finer veggie joints. Maybe this little island of ours ain't so bad after all.

    Much, much love and massive peace.


  • Comment number 29.


    Seza xx

  • Comment number 30.

    By the Sweet Sufferin' Holy Saint Doolally WHAT A DAY AN' A HALF.

    I fear there are dark forces afoot.

    Can anybody tell me where Rips was on Sunday. Because some awful gobdaw pulled the plug outa me boat an' 'ad me trapped over t' Irish Sea, tryin' to get back on board HMS Armageddon, along wit every other scraggy aul flightless bird in Ireland. Never mind 'is dodgy ductin', I want DNA tests done on that boat's Big End, oh yes. Am exhausted, gaggin' for a decent cuppa, look like summat between Clement Freud's dog an' a busted sofa an' 'ave the distinct beginnins a gangrene in me buttocks.

    Anyway. Never mind that. I'll tell yous what 'ad me up all night worryin'. This 'ere volcano. Never mind what's up there interferin' wit the planes.

    What goes up must come down. An' then watch out.

    Will we all 'ave dust moustaches for weeks? Will we all be goin' around wit faces like we've bin' playin' the Flour Cake game? (You know the one. Where you put a pound a flour in a puddin' bowl, turn it out an' stick a 5p in the top. Then everybody takes a turn to slice a bit off said cake until one unfortunate makes the 5p drop in.. an' has to retrieve it wit 'is teeth. Cue everybody jumpin' on 'im, cough splutter, hurrah.)

    Will everybody's car be graffitied on wit CLEAN ME? Will there be a National Shortage a Dust-O-Matic cloths? Will Sherbet Dips get diluted forever?

    Am worried sick. An' off to wax me upper lip without delay an' dig out me sombrero. Am takin' no chances.

    Then am checkin' Twit. If that Rips 'asn't got a decent alibi, 'e's dead meat.


    Ps. Receivin' yous loud an' clear, DtM. Ere. Where were you....

  • Comment number 31.

    Clodagh, maybe we'll all have to walk around with nice, big umbrellas!

    Glad you're home, safe if a little unsound!

    Am feeling bit under the weather or maybe the ash cloud so will bid you adieu

    Night all

    Sweet dreams

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 32.

    PPS. Deebee. Big hugs to you, hun.

    And seriously; the same to everyone trying to get themselves or their families home or had holiday plans ruined. It's all very well me actin' the maggot and joking but what a nause. Still. Makes you realise how much we take for granted doesn't it.


  • Comment number 33.

    Howya Seza, aw bless hope you're feelin' better soon hun.


  • Comment number 34.


    Mud is what will happen, falling from the skies.


  • Comment number 35.

    Ello ALL....

    Bingo Star ere back at me 'otel in Inverness....

    Sezagirl - Yep a most nice little 'olidee for me!!!!! But waz meant for two but that's the way it goes sadly... noot that am sad... am enjoying salvaging what could ave been most un-nice!!!!!!

    Dan The Man - Lovin' yer new style of blogging!!!!! Yer makin' me laugh!!!!

    CLP - Just read yer blog properly now that ave goot power for me laptop & wi-fi for me internet!!!!!

    A could do deeply inter the present world events with the volcano!!!!!!!
    But whatta find interesting iz nature!!!!!!
    'ow finely balanced it all iz!!!!!!

    Clealry the world iz 'eating up... whether it's ter do with 'uman activity or just a cycle in the universe or ter do with extra activity with the sun storms that scientists ave noticed lately!!!!!!

    Either way the earth iz warming... 'ence the earths core must be warming too... and the ice caps melting.... so what does nature do?????
    Send up aload of larva from it's core.... bang aload of ask inter the atmoshpere... that will 'elp cool the earth... thus sorting the problem!!!!!!!

    Interesting 'ow mother nature 'as it all sorted!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 36.

    Jayz Marjie.

    Forget the sombrero in that case. Am dredgin' out Granddad's skid-lid. The one wit the neb on. Am not goin' to all that trouble wit the allurin' Smokey Eyes look just to get pancaked from above an' turned into Amy Winehouse's Granny.


  • Comment number 37.

    I'm all prepared and kitted out in my wellies, long raincoat and sourwester (like the fishermen's friends wear.


  • Comment number 38.

    Fisherman's Friends, Marjie?

    By the crin. If ever there were cheeky little lumps a molten lava, it's THEM guys.


  • Comment number 39.

    OILSKINS! That's the word I was looking for, yellow oilskins worn by our friends the fishermen.

    I'm sure it will be this year's latest look worn by all the top celebs.


  • Comment number 40.

    Hello everyone

    Some of you may remember me from a year or so ago. I moved to France and have been very occupied with settling in but have still been 'lurking' from time to time (although I think I've missed much!)
    What a fantastic support team you all are! It's late here and it's taken me ages to get signed in again but much love and support to everyone out there.

    Puff xx

  • Comment number 41.


    Welcome back,I'm quite new so don't you from last year' hope you are now settled in your new abode.


  • Comment number 42.

    Just popping in to say thank you to the Bristol Lucheon Club for the lovey company and it was lovely to see you all and a thank you also to MTF and family that put up with me afterwards .Iv'e had a lovely w/end .
    I'ts been nice to catch up .

    night,night all .


  • Comment number 43.

    Right time for a quick catch up.

    Its been a hectic few days.

    Lovely meet with lovely friends/bloggers on Saturday.

    We were certainly blessed with the weather.

    Bids came back and stayed with me for a couple of days, so we had a bit of a sight seeing tour yesterday.

    Sometimes, it takes a visitor, to make you realise just how fantastic, things on your own doorstep really are.

    We started off in the NT trust village of Selworthy, all the cottages are thatched and you walk down the valley (no road) and wander amongst them.

    The church is pretty stunning too, and as it is whitewashed, and quite high up, can be seen from miles away.

    We pushed Puffball to her limits and tackled the notorious Porlock Hill and stopped off for a local, Styles ice cream.

    Then we dropped down into the Doone Valley, crossing over Robbers bridge and then onto Malmsmead, taking a break at Oare church, where Lorna Doone was reputed to have been shot, on her wedding day.

    Next stop was Lynmouth, my old home. I felt very sad driving through and recognized a lot of people, all looking considerably older, as, so do I!

    We managed the pull up Lynmouth Hill, another 1 in 4. (Sorry Bids.x)

    Then on through Lynton into the Valley of Rocks.

    I was very pleased to see that the wild goats are thriving and have survived the very harsh winter that is now gladly behind us, we dont want another one like that thank you!!

    Then popped down to Lee bay taking in the beautiful Lee Abbey, a Christian retreat with the most spectacular views over the bay.

    The final leg was a trip back home via Simonsbath, Exford and finally Dunster, where we stopped off and played Pooh sticks with a lovely family that were there.

    Nice family gathering last night, where I celebrated my bithday, maybe a bit too much!!

    I have had big time payback for that today.LOL!

    Still, once in a while, you just have to dont you?

    After all, it was a very dry birthday and blog meet!!

    MTF, a bit older, but not necessarily more grown up!

    Sugar Puffs anyone.xx

  • Comment number 44.

    Wow - pretty quiet here tonight.
    Been on the dark side as some of you will have seen - for goodness sake good for the ego but I was talking to someone I wanted to talk to!!

    Bings - took book and ipod for my trip to Glasgow. Got through just 33 pages and ipod unplugged - too interested in the countryside I was going through on the train. Loving your trip stories.

    On the same thread - Matt, enjoy this country - so much I haven't seen yet and it is amazing. Hope your aches go soon and enjoy your sexy ?? hotel.

    Clodagh me pansy hat wearing friend - you finally made it! Sounds horrendous your journey. Irony is the B's are all getting up there tomorrow and who says so ? oh my - our government - the eec - as per usual - the ones who put the elf n safety rules there in the first place - the ones who rule us....... you can see a rant coming on here so I will belt up!

    Marj - eeew agree with Clodagh put the fishermans friends in their yellow oilskins and leave them there - pure evil.

    Puff - Hiya - good you are here again and dare say you are fairly up to date with the goss if you have been lurking..dive in again

    Bids - lovely to see you again too. Will try and get to Portsmouth meet - will message you on fb re possible complications.

    MTF - as I said to Bingo we really should take stock and look around us. We live in such an amazing country - look local but then look out - how much have we seen? Not enough. Well done on puffball with Porlock Hill btw! Went years ago and passengers had to get out for my old crock of a car to get there!
    Hope the head is feeling better after the hair of the dog. We were both on driving duties Saturday but then I quite like mineral water if I know there is a bottle of red waiting at my destination!!

    I'm not here - I was in bed 20 mins ago - curfew time but who decided This Week should be shown on a Monday as well as Thursday?

    Nighty night as Andrew Neil has just said..........

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 45.

    Ooops that was a bit long - sorry......just catching up.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 46.

    Have probably missed you Beez.

    I didnt get that message, doh!!


  • Comment number 47.

    Morning all

    Up and awake before the alarm - butterflies fluttering in my belly this morning!

    Won't be around at all today: it's the You Know What at 11am and then into Brum to see 2 Recruitment Agencies, returning home around 6ish, tired but hopefully clutching a bag from "that shop what begins with P and ends in mark"! (if I can fit it in between my World Tour Of Birmingham, that is!)

    Right, here I go ...... will let you know later how it went.

    Love and stuff


  • Comment number 48.

    Morning All - Lovely sunny morning.

    Go get 'em Deev. This one is for you.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 49.

    Happy, happy birthday Hellenbach!!!!

    Go on, Norm. Give 'er the bumps. I dare yous.


  • Comment number 50.

    You know what. Hells Bells' birthday puts me in mind of my aul Grandma.

    Some 59 years ago to this very day, Renee was heavily expectant with my elder sister, and living with the DDF Eric's parents. Now, next door to Grandma lived her Nemesis and arch-rival in every way, the formidable Missus Middlehurst. Whose own daughter was also expecting any day.

    Well. The rivalry between Missus Middlehurst and Grandma reached frenzy-point, with much bitchin' an' dirty play, not to mention nasty shocks an' syrup a figs, involved in order to get the respective girls to produce first.

    And so it came to pass that on the 21st. April, Gladys Grimshaw, nee Middlehurst, produced a fine, bouncing, 7lb. baby girl. Missus Middlehurst, competitive an' a crashin' snob, couldn't WAIT to tell Grandma and deliver the killer blow, "And fancy; she's 'ad 'er on the Queen's birthday!!"

    Grandma was furious. However, the following day, Renee duly produced an even finer, bouncing baby, my big sis, a big fat 7lb.13oz., heavier and therefore more de-luxe model than Missus Middlehurst's. So she shot out to the back garden to summon Missus Middlehurst an' trump her with the news.

    "Hmm." says Missus Middlehurst. "Very good. An' born on Hitler's birthday too."

    And of course I have no comment to make. Anyway, I can't talk. When I came along nearly 4 years later in Liverpool, the second daughter born to the rugger-bugger DDF, the news of my arrival on Planet Earth was heralded by a rousin' "Oh well. Never mind."

    So that'll be me then. Never mind. An' yous wonder why am a rampant attention-seeker.


  • Comment number 51.

    And PS. I don't think Grandma ever recovered. Many summers later, whilst the big sis and I were ensconced with Grandma watchin' her brothers on TV wrestlin' Mick McManus, the postman knocked at the door.

    "I've a postcard for you, missus," says he, "but there's no stamp on it so you 'ave to pay for it."

    Grandma took said postcard, looked disdainfully at it, an' boomed,

    "Well, it's from that tight-fisted Vera Middlehurst, she'll a done that on purpose. Anyway I've read it now, you can 'ave it back."

    An' shut the door.

    Hell hath no fury like a Grandma spurned.


  • Comment number 52.


    nice to see some returning faces
    matt well done and congrats - a month til mine now!

    The song playing now - red line - or something like that - was sat here listening to it thinking I know another version and then it hit me

    anyone remember top gear doing top of the tops for comic relief - I belief this was the song they tried to play - I had never heard it before and so hearing the original confused me somewhat!


  • Comment number 53.

    Ooh mornin' baggy; did yous ever sort your bra out?


  • Comment number 54.

    Morning all

    Clodagh, That's a bit personal for this time of the morning isn't it? ;-)

    Felt so tired last night just crashed out. Not sure if I feel better this morning but got some things to sort out at work that I just don't think are sortable so could be a long day

    Can I just say treasure your family, however old or cranky or troublesome they are.

    Deevs, everything crossed for you. From what Jezza Vine was saying yesterday, you are not alone in being an excellent candidate for work who just can't get that job.


    Seza x x

  • Comment number 55.

    Actually Deevs, that should have said "hasn't got that job YET!"


  • Comment number 56.

    Morning/afternoon all

    Here is the update from your Shanghai correspondent. Good news - we are getting daily compo from the airline which means that we can stay in the better hotel - in fact we have now upgraded to a club room which means that we get a club lounge with free tea/coffee/soft drinks and beer - as well as cakes and chocolate - thats not all there is a happy 2 hours where we also get cocktails and snacks (sushi and satay from what we are being told). There are a load of other perks as well as a reducing rate because we are staying for so long.......

    It's really beginning to feel like a holiday now - I've just thought of another bonus, we are missing all of the PPB's (result).

    Now CLP is playing one of my favourite songs. 'I dont want to change the world, I'm not looking for a New Englsnd da da da da'

    Happy birthday Hellenbach (FB didn't tell me about that one).

    Catch up later.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 57.

    Cloudagh - haven't sorted out a bra yet - deev - do they send you one or do you buy your own?

  • Comment number 58.

    Mornin' Seza. Point made an' taken, hun. Hope you're feeling at least an ickle better today.

    Big hug from me anyway.


  • Comment number 59.

    Was only joking Clodagh, I remembered about Baggy's bra

    Baggy, when you get one, John Lewis has loads off braiding and feather and stuff you could stick onto it!


    Seza xx

  • Comment number 60.

    well the theme is showtime and Cloudagh very kindly said she would help decorate it as I have the artistic ability of a flea

  • Comment number 61.

    And the offer still stands, Baggy my sweet; am guessin' you have to get your own Bustenhalter. Therefore since am off again back to Ireland on the 29th, so time is of the essence, if you like I'll send you my address via Facecloth, or I'm quite happy to go out an' purchase one for you myself but I'll need your size. Call it my contribution to the cause.

    Fb me, I'll get to it later, ok?


  • Comment number 62.

    they are sending them in the post today - I just checked the website - if you wouldnt mind sending me your address I can send it to you as soon as it turns up - thanks.

    PS - as far as my size goes - think more hammocks then dainty numbers :-)

  • Comment number 63.

    Well well.

    Have just turned Renee's telly over from Jeremy Vile to ch.5, just in time to hear Lowri Turner quote my line on the show this morning, "I don't know about women being responsible for causing earthquakes; we'll certainly be responsible for clearin' up afterwards.." well hurrah hurrah, proof that she listens to CLP in the morning.

    And this from the woman who swore she never would.....


  • Comment number 64.

    Well Hello Boys Baggy!!!

    No probs. But if yous could fb me first, I'm on as Clodagh, as am somethin' of an aul biddy I'm still confusin' people with their real names.


  • Comment number 65.



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