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Another Sporting Challenge, Another Car Journey With Jonny

Chris Evans | 10:07 UK time, Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Jonny and I off to for the snooker challenge, and today we are singing sporting theme tunes on the way.

He does a particularly good snooker rendition which starts ga dink, ga dink - dink.

May have to resurrect the old Pot Black theme for tomorrow's show.

Just been down Pall Mall - Jonny v excited in a Monopoly sort of way.

Suited and booted, both of us - have to be - in a dress code fashion.

Here goes nothing - bring on the baize.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Awwwwww Chris - Jonny sounds just like the Andrex puppy!

    Enjoy the snookery: those tables are bigger than you think they are going to be when you're actually taking your shot so good luck with that!

    Actually seeing some action from agencies this morning on the job front - wooo hoooo!!! Unless ....

    CLP - don't spose you need a PA do you .....!?!?!

    Lotsa girlie love



  • Comment number 2.

    Morning Christoff

    All the best for the challenge of the green baize, if the darts are an indicator, my money's on you!

    I love how Jonny is like an excitable puppy at being let out in town.


  • Comment number 3.

    Deevs - you beat me to it!

  • Comment number 4.


    Clack those balls, boys!


  • Comment number 5.

    btw - Chris, can you tell Jimmy White that he's a dead ringer for Edward Scissorhands.



  • Comment number 6.

    hey Deevs
    is that positive news on the employment front then?
    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 7.

    Hi Chris (and Jonny!) hope you both have a great time at the Snooker. Don't forget the old tricks for putting off your opponent - accidentally dropping the cue, or chalking your cue VERY slowly, just as your opponent is about to take their shot. Well, these were the tactics my lovely daddy taught me - it's not REALLY cheating, is it?!

    Incidentally, Chris, I did have a wee sneeky peek at the DM website this morning, and there is a terrific photograph of you and Tash at Love Never Dies last night ... your hand is resting on Tash's tummy - anything you want to share?!


  • Comment number 8.

    Deevs, hope its good news on the job front?


  • Comment number 9.

    Ooooooooh Chrissie - you don't think ..... do you!?!?! How cool would THAT be!?!?

    No definite news on the job front but just getting calls from agencies has perked me up a bit (not that I needed perking up after waking up smiling, and the result at The Emirates last night!)

    Looks like I may be spending longer in Brum on Friday than just lunch - may as well make the most of it eh!?!



  • Comment number 10.

    Cheryl: I know we shouldn't be looking at the particular website, but my resistance is low! Have a wee look, and then tell me - could it be?!

    Good to hear you are getting some feedback from the agencies. I understand your frustration because you have been really pro-active, but don't worry, your days of daytime tv are numbered!

    C xx

  • Comment number 11.

    Well that was a failure! I tried to post a comment 20 mins ago but it hasn't turned up. Did I do something wrong? I have never commented before so I suspect there was something I did/didn't do!

    Anyways, I was just wishing luck to you both. I have enjoyed watching the other sporting challenges and this one will be no different, especially since you are in your best bib and tucker. I'm a sucker for men in suits, hehehe.

    Mrs Spartan

    P.S. I have been reading the comments for a while and was going to post a comment on what CLP stood for but chickened out thinking it would be something really obvious. Anyways, it all be came clear for me yesterday, I hope. It does stand for Chris Lambie Pie, doesn't it???

  • Comment number 12.

    Hello Mrs Spartan

    Glad you got in eventually and can join in the fun and yes CLP does mean Christoff Lambie Pie. I can't remember how it started but I'm sure someone on here can.


  • Comment number 13.

    #7 Had a peek earlier at the DM website and I thought that too Chrissie!

    You are obviously a very happy bunny at the moment Chris, and I was really enjoying the show until you started 'singing' over the Dam Busters theme- too many e numbers in your porridge perhaps Chris?
    Enjoy the snooker, could be extreme speed knitting next!!

    Mcw x

  • Comment number 14.

    Chrissie - I hope so! Mind you, all this daytime tv cookery show watching is doing wonders for my menu planning (if not our waistlines!)

    Hello Mrs Spartan - welcome to the insane world of CLPs blog!

    Andy - it was so long ago, just a distant memory - but I sure have a lot to thank CLP for!




  • Comment number 15.

    Thanks for that Andy_Toverson.

    It would have been slightly embarrassing for me if it wasn't but what the hey! I am more of a reader than a writer, but I am sure that I will add my two penneth(???)every now and again!

    Good morning to you all!

    Mrs S

  • Comment number 16.

    Just had a peek .... ooooh yeh - I see what yous all mean!?!?!

    Way to go CLP - maybe!?!?!



  • Comment number 17.

    Chris, Do I need to start knitting??

  • Comment number 18.

    can't find the pic, wah!!!!

    Me knit too MCW....!

  • Comment number 19.

    Welcome Mrs S

    Morning (just) all.


  • Comment number 20.

    Mcw and Tiggs,

    I love knitting and crocheting, find it very relaxing.


  • Comment number 21.

    Good morning blogettes (or it was as I started typing)

    Glad to hear that Cheryl may be making headway on the jobs front. I certainly would keep on at the agencies - squeaky wheel - and all that. Agencies are very aggressive at marketing their candidates with companies - I field lots of calls in my current role - so I don't see any problem in Cheryl doing the same to them. At least they won't forget you !!!

    Look @ the Daily Wail site - Christoff looking very protective I thought. I wonder if he'll break the news here first?

    Regards PJ

  • Comment number 22.

    Afternoon all!

    Trying to be sunny in the City today but it's not trying hard enough!

    Welcome Mrs S!

    Cheryl - great news that you are getting responses from agencies. Keep at their tails - they will earn money out of you so make sure they really do earn it!!

    Couldn't resist have a look at the DM pic - lovely photo! Can it be? No, not in those killer heels!!

    Good luck with the snooker, CLP!

    Miss P

  • Comment number 23.

    PS: Am about to file a Missing Persons report and kick off a nationwide search for 3 missing bloggers.

    Bingo, Baggy, Uncle Carl - where are youuuuuuuuu?

  • Comment number 24.

    Mcw/Cheryl/PJ: we can't ALL be wrong, can we?

    Tiggs: go on to DM website, the page comes up and you will see lots of items on the right-hand side of the page. Click on the Love Never Dies story, and scroll down to the very end - lovely photo of Mr & Mrs Evans!

    Welcome, Mrs Spartan.

    C xx

  • Comment number 25.

    csn, I haven't knitted for ages. Went through a stage in the 80's when my friends and I knitted the big jumpers that were worn over frilly, sloany type blouses. I can remember sitting on the sofa,needles clicking, watching Howards Way on a Sunday evening!! I knew how to live!! Think I might dust down the old needles and seek out some wool. I wonder if I can remember to cast on?

    Mcw x

  • Comment number 26.

    Before you all start getting too excited, I did look and although it is a protective hand in the pic, I wasn't sure it wasn't Chris just holding Tash from moving past the paps so they could get the publicity shots.

    Perhaps Mr CSN could comment in his prfessional opinion?


  • Comment number 27.

    thanks Chrissie
    Found it, gawgus photo and I can see what everyone means, 'citing!!!

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 28.

    Andy: you are probably right - I can hear the voice of your reason! However .... it could be true!

    C xx

  • Comment number 29.

    I have just spotted our lovely Baggy on Twitter sounding none too happy.

    If you're lurking you auld cloth cat, get in touch, please!

    Cheryl xxx

  • Comment number 30.

    Hello everybody peeps - welcome Mrs Spartan.

    Yep I'm with Andy T on this one - I think she was in a rush but CLP was happy in the knowledge that they looked totally gawjus and this photo would make up for the photo of his Grandad the other day.

    Uncle C did say he was retiring - I hope not - his comments are so blimmin funny - COME BACK UNCLE CARL - YOUR BLOG NEEDS YOU!!! Same goes for Baggy and Bingo.

    It's overcast in Lincolnshire today and probably chilly. Haven't been out since I arrived at work this morning so hopefully it's warmed up a bit since then.

    Cheery bye for now.

    Gaily B

  • Comment number 31.

    Just to say to Beez: I did notice your wee note on the other blog saying that you and Crumpy are booked at the Millenium - excellent. Yes, they do have a very well stocked bar, though it's fair to say I made a wee bit of a dent in their wine reserves while chatting with the Mighty Rips!

    And I also meant to say earlier: Happy Birthday Susan B - hope you are having a lovely day!

    C xx

  • Comment number 32.


    I used to watch Howards Way, loved it at time, how sad am I!

    Hello and Welcome Mrs Spartan.

    Miss P, glad interview went well yesterday, I will keep fingers crossed that you get the job.


  • Comment number 33.

    The Jeremy Vine Show, brought to you exclusively by The Daily Mail.

    Give. Me. Strength.

    Off to re-tune.



  • Comment number 34.

    Happy Birthday Susan...
    Bingo, Baggy, Carl - Come out from under those rocks - Your blog needs you!


  • Comment number 35.

    And MC ...... has she been buried 'neath a mountain of choccylate?!?!


  • Comment number 36.

    Deevs you gave me an idea? Why don't you don your ranty pants and ring in to the JV show???

  • Comment number 37.

    Afternoon all. Good luck with the balls Christoph and Jonny - you excited person you. Look forward to the video.

    How disruptive can a van parked on your drive with a dog being groomed inside be? Hardly got a thing done this morning. Took her two hours - I wouldn't let her trim him last time because it was so cold - hence took ages to wash and trim. He was not amused - will tolerate for so long then lies down. Pretty hard to trim legs and do the feathering of his fur when he does that. He's now sulking as per usual.

    Think I agree with Andy and Gaily regarding the pic. Do we have Mr CSN's opinion yet CSN?

    Don't need to tell me how much wine you can drink Chrissie - I've seen it ! LOL - keep up the good work.

    MCW I used to love Howards Way too - in fact somewhere or other - have the full dvd set of the series.

    Used to like knitting too - arran sweaters - amazed I managed while watching tv

    Hello and welcome Mrs Spartan and I'll join in with the rest of you - where are you B, B & UC ??

    Reet - better get some of this work done.....
    Beez xx

  • Comment number 38.

    Yippee!!! ±«Óãtv time! Hope to see you guys the other side of the teatime / bedtime routine.

    Hope you have a fun afternoon.

    Cheerio for now.

    Gaily B

  • Comment number 39.

    Hiya Beez: re: wine - kettle and pot springs to mind!

    Bless your wee doggy-poos, it can't be easy for the wee soul! I know that I would rather go to the dentist than the hairdresser!

    C xx

  • Comment number 40.

    Beez you paint a great picture of your dog first of all waiting in the hall with great anticipation then sulking after his ordeal. I love sulky pets. When a cat sits down right in front of you but with his back to you there's no mistaking the snub. So rude, but very funny.

    Hope everyone's OK. I agree with everyone else - come back Baggy, Bingo and Carl. We miss you. And Clodagh! More, ±«Óãtv, more!

    Oh, and I love Jonny Sports Saunders playing real life Monopoly in the car. I hope he didn't encounter a giant top hat on the way to pick up his £200 for passing Go.

    Barmy xx

  • Comment number 41.

    'Lo everybody

    Beez, you made me laugh with your shaggy dog story. Has he forgiven you yet?

    Barmy, I'll echo your call to Baggy and Bingo to come back, please, Clodagh is, I think, still in the Emerald Isle terrorising the GBF. I expect she'll soon be back to terrorise Rips

    Uncle Carl was last seen in the company of a certain Cliff Maxford, who was managing the publicity regarding his need for privacy. So Mr Maxford, when is the story going to break?

    And "that" picture of Mr & Mrs Evans, looking lovely as usual. I have to say my first thought was how protective Mr Evans looked and how happy they both look but, and here I have my wet blanket firmly in hand - sorry, I know that a lot of us are broody blog Aunties who would love to get the knitting needles out (or in my case the cheque book) but can I urge a little restraint? We do tend to get a little over excited at the first whiff of the possiblity of baby powder, or the mention of anyone going back to work with a bump for instance but I think this could be a little hard on some people.

    I know from experience that if you are not expecting and someone suggests you might be you can be either quite offended if you don't want to be or quite upset if you do. I'm sure that we are patient, we will hear any news at the right time

    As I said, sorry to be a wet blanket and sorry if anyone thinks this is wrong to post, just wanted to get it off my chest.

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 42.

    I don't think you're being a wet blanket at all Seza. It's such a tricky area. xxx

  • Comment number 43.

    Thanks Barmy, you don't know how long it took me to compose that post


  • Comment number 44.

    Well done Seza

    You pitched that just right, it is a very difficult area, and I did try earlier and calm things but not with much success ;)


  • Comment number 45.

    Re Chrissie's post #7, have a look at this pic of Tash in her tummy area!

  • Comment number 46.

    I'm sorry, I have tried to bite my tongue all day

    You are all being incredibly rude. It is absolutely none of your business if Tash is expecting or not and by providing and referring links to the mail you are increasing their traffic which means you are adding to their popularity.

    Sorry - it had to be said,

  • Comment number 47.

    Here Here Seza xx it's a minefield and we are all guilty of getting a little carried away.

    I personally find this time of year "Mothers Day" a little tricky for a number of reasons, the most obvious one is that I'm not a mother and would dearly love to be (and I don't type this for sympathy at all) I'm just stating a fact. So perhaps we should be sensitive to Chris and Tasha and to others who perhaps find this time of year very hard.

    I'll get my wet blanket too.

    Hope you are all having a good day - very dull here in Kent!


  • Comment number 48.

    Seza #41: you are not wrong. I actually feel ill that I what I said was so thoughtless, and could be so wholly misconstrued. I meant it as a little joke - I would never, ever, want to hurt Chris or Tash.

    I see exactly what you mean and I apologise.


  • Comment number 49.

    I'm convinced, Chrissie, that you didn't mean any offence to anyone and that it wouldn't be construed that way. I think Seza's was a good point well made.

    Hey Baggy - did you hear everyone calling? I hope so. I take the point about the photo but I for one am glad I saw it, if only to be able to say what a FANTASTICALLY beautiful woman Natasha Evans is. Wow.

    Barmy xx

  • Comment number 50.


    You are of course completely right and the last thing the DM needs is to think its more popular or reflects the views of the population at large!

    I think in defence of the more excited elements on here is that as Chris is so approachable and forthcoming in the blog and on the show, we (collective we) tend to assume we know him well enough to make the comments which we would normally only make to our close friends.

    I'm sure no-one wants to upset Chris, esp after some of the comments made elsewhere about him these past few weeks.

  • Comment number 51.

    Barmy: I appreciate your message. Seza's point was very well made. And, indeed, Tash is quite beautiful.

    C xx

  • Comment number 52.

    Just typed nice long post, then couldn't post it and had to log out and back in.

    Any way forgot what I was going to say except, if you've already got the needles out, I could do with a new scarf! ;-)

    Ali, how are your plans going? Is dull here today. think we need to go back inn time soon to catch up

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 53.

    Well said Andy, you're right.


  • Comment number 54.

    Well said Seza, Andy and Barmy.

    Baggy - are you back or are you now so annoyed with us that you have gone back under your rock? Do please come out and play - we will be good!

    Miss P

  • Comment number 55.

    Andy: I agree with you - I was really very wrong to say something so personal to someone I don't even know! Quite amazing really, how to make a complete a*se of oneself in one quick, easy, lesson!

    I've just made a quick call to Rocks-R-Us, and I will be hiding under one of their top sellers for the rest of today!

    C xx

  • Comment number 56.

    Seza, I am searching out a few possibilities, poking a few doors to see if they open - thanks for asking xx and I am defo up for a Back Inn Time visit soon.

    Chrissie, Stop beating yourself up, we all love you and know that it wasn't meant in any bad/personal way whatsoever xxx


  • Comment number 57.

    Chrissie - are they doing a BOGOF offer on those rocks?? I feel told off altho not sure why!

    Back from the solicitor - all went well. Tea prepped. Appointments lined up for agencies in Wolverhampton tomorrow: all I've got to do is find Wolverhampton - ha!



  • Comment number 58.

    Enough work - got nowhere fast today so going to give up.

    Chrissie - yes - pot kettle - most definitely - tee hee.

    Dog sulked in porch until wayhay - a visitor - now butter wouldn't melt and he's poking said visitor with his nose for a fuss and wagging his tail like crazy - sigh........

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 59.

    If I caused you any upset a few days ago I want to apologize.
    I should think before I speak.

  • Comment number 60.


    When people ring your mobile and withhold their number, why don't they leave a blimmin' voicemail. I've had 3 calls this afternoon from a withheld number and no messages - so so so annoying!!!

    Rant over.



  • Comment number 61.

    Deevs, that's so annoying, possibly an agency as well?

    Beez, loving the doggy story! Ours loves his groomer, and loves going, but will not allow anyone to brush him, apart from that he's fine

    JG x

  • Comment number 62.

    I have patiently waited for the last few dry days to have an enormous bonfire.we tried to start it a few weeks ago and it came to nothing.i waited so that everything was dry.i had lots of screwed up newspaper.
    i even made sure that my immediate neighbours didnt have washing on line.
    when i got home from school run i decided to light the fire.i stuffed paper in various places.lite them and stood well back.

    i still have a massive pile of burnable garden rubbish and a much smaller pile of screwed up newspaper.

    flame thrower next.

    do you think i can call the fire brigade to come and start a fire for me??
    djeli..not a fire starter

  • Comment number 63.

    Djeli, other than firelighters, lighter fuel or petrol, I've not really got any suggestions, sorry!

    JG x

  • Comment number 64.

    Djeli - you need a pallet to stand all the burnables on. They burn like really burny things!

    JG - that's what I thought too - really bugging me as to who it could have been.

    Nic's on the way home now and I've got a busy day tomorrow: Wolverhampton to sell my soul to the devil that are Recruitment Agencies first thing, then a new barnet for he afternoon. Somewhere in there, there's shopping to be done and train times to be checked out for the Brum excursion on Friday, and another Agency to register online with (prior to my Friday meeting with them).

    It's all go, innit!!!??!

    Have lovely evenings, whatever you may be doing.



  • Comment number 65.

    Well I will be mainly watching Man U v Milan, cannot believe all the OTT hype about Mr Beckham though!

    We were playing a game of "spot the Milan fan" at work - so obviously Italian as they were so smartly dressed!

    Oh, and I liked my quote of the day today "Don't knock the weather. If it didn't change once in a while, nine out of ten people couldn't start a conversation."- Kin Hubbard apparently! Yes, I thought "Who?" as well!

    JG x

  • Comment number 66.

    Hi JG, wondered if you would get home ok tonight.

    Like the quote but nope, no idea who he (?) is.

    My diary has a fact of the day - 100 years ago today the first film was made in Hollywood!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 67.

    I've put the wiki link here, hope that's allowed?

    I'm none the wiser though, but he did come out with some good stuff!

    Seza, I sloped off early, and took a different route...bit naughty really, as I'm leaving at 4pm on Friday as well!

    JG x

  • Comment number 68.

    Think you're wise JG, Heard Sally T earlier and it sounds like chaos

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 69.

    Deev, i think i might need a digger to shift the burnables !

    we tried firelighters a while ago,forgot i had them today so might try again tomorrow if it doesnt get wet.
    i usually dont have a problem with starting bonfires but this one doesnt seem to want to burn.

  • Comment number 70.

    Hi chris
    im 44 years old and have followed radio ONE / TWO since I was 7. I became a huge fan of TERRY WOGAN. Im not a TOG and I enjoy a hugely vast choice of music from all genre. I was sad to see Terry go, but it was going to happen at some point. I think any attempt to copy him would be wrong but I used to laugh either to my self or out load on my hour drive to work in the mornings. With out doubt he cheered up millions of people. You are not having the same effect. The WRONG BONGS are not funny in any way. Your co presenter is not funny. Moira is a pleasent blast of normality. Nothing makes me laugh any more in the mornings. Your youthful and boystrus but we need laughter and happiness.
    I cannot beleive you have taken a holiday after 6 weeks. It must be tough but well paid I guess.
    Please try to bring in some mature comedy and make the public laugh and happy. I have stayed loyal to you so far but I am finding the show loud brash and boreing.

    This is only my personal thoughts.

  • Comment number 71.

    Hi all

    Had a lovely day with daughter and grandson, baby bump is now huge.

    Sorry Andy and Beez, Mr CSN says he knows nothing, not sure he'd tell
    me if he did!

    Hope your all having a nice evening.


  • Comment number 72.

    HI CSN glad you had a nice day. When's new grand-baby due?

    And do you ever get any goss from Mr CSN?

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 73.

    i am suffering the effects of bon.non.fire smoke inhalation..what does mr CSN do??

  • Comment number 74.

    Hi Seza, one daughter is 36 weeks on sunday and the other daughter is 34 weeks on saturday.

    Truth is Mr CSN doesn't tell me to much because he thinks I will tell everyone. I can't keep a secret for to long.

    How is house move going?


  • Comment number 75.

    Great show today Chris, but miss you on the way home from work. No chance of you doing the 2 shows is there, no didn't think so.


  • Comment number 76.

    CSN, LOL, ok, no more quizzing! Exciting times in your family. Good luck to everyone

    House move is going nowhere at the moment. Is so frustrating because I just don't know what to do to make it happen. Whinge whinge, moan moan! Think I'm going to have to go chat with the estate agent see what we can do

    Seza :-( xx

  • Comment number 77.


    Some people hate him and some love him!


  • Comment number 78.

    Seza, house moving is such a pain in the ar--,and very stressful. I'm sure you will get a buyer very soon and it will happen when you least expect it.


  • Comment number 79.

    Quick pop in Hello all, yes all of you.

    Just knocking up a quick toastie.

    Seza, have you considered an open house day?

    I know how careful you have to be, but, some people have managed to sell their houses via this method.


  • Comment number 80.

    Evening each

    Chris, wish I knew what you were talking about - RAC - is that the same as the unhelpful AA?? I wish you luck.

    Was at the local Heritage Centre, yet again, with 4yr old today. My annual membership is a godsend. We did our usual round of tractors, sandpit, trampoline, ignoring the lovely little bunnies and lambs etc (we don't do animals apparently, just boy stuff). Am waiting for washing machine to finish cos I've no clean socks left. I'm a minger.


  • Comment number 81.

    CSN, my 4th grandson is due in 8 weeks. We'll have to introduce the babes, because if you've been to the Health Centre with the new babies you get to see who they'll be going to nursery/school with - and their parents. That is soooo scary!! Our babies are so superior and much prettier.

    Mike/Volvoman: Welcome to the blog. Even though your post is critical, it seems well thought out and considered, unlike some of the nasty rants we've had recently.

    Off to hang up me socks.


  • Comment number 82.

    Annie very true, look on fb, put some pics of my dog and grandchildren.


  • Comment number 83.

    Do dog groomers take on huge wabbits?


  • Comment number 84.

    Ours does MTF, but only from home. Wabbits and pooches don't mix well!
    Night all
    JG x

  • Comment number 85.

    Night JG.xx

  • Comment number 86.

    Good evening team blog form (ironically) The Millennium hotel in Glasgow!
    I left Southport earlier to drive here which I kept quiet for obvious reasons!

    So - Here I am still in the bar and still being topped up!

    I haven't had time to lurk but really wanted to say HI!


    I have picked up on some of the general threads through speed scanning and would like to say that:

    A: Chris Evans needs no advice on how to handle the media (as proved by this week's shows)
    B: Chris Evans doesn't care what anyone thinks about where he holds his wife. It does seem odd to speculate on a photo given the comments against the mail, but I'm sure he couldn't care less
    C: Chris Evans is without much doubt. The most gifted radio operator plying his trade to date.
    D: Chris Evans is entertaining a nation....who else could do that? Seriously...think about it!

    That's me lot.....Bar man!

    Oh.....can I also wish you all the best for whatever you wish.



  • Comment number 87.

    Hi MTF, hope you have had a good day?

    Night JG.xxx


  • Comment number 88.

    Rips, I wish for...

    Puffball to keep up the good work, not greedy me.


  • Comment number 89.

    Beez, put in your wish while Rips is wishing for us.


  • Comment number 90.

    Rips, new socks for Annie.x

  • Comment number 91.

    MTF, never mind rabbits, worst nightmare here with the dog is howling foxes!


  • Comment number 92.


    Yes, Yes, Yes and Yes!


  • Comment number 93.

    Eerie sound CSN, have it here everynight plus the owls.


  • Comment number 94.

    CSN, you watching when Harry met Sally?


  • Comment number 95.

    Rips knows what I wish for and tis happening!!!

    Ta for the recommendation Mr untalented in the bar for the hotel - so far 4 of us booked in so I feel a party in the bar happening!!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 96.

    Big wowsers Beez!


  • Comment number 97.

    Bloody awful noise when they are mating MTF.


  • Comment number 98.

    Orgasmic, MTF.


  • Comment number 99.

    MTF - that made me howl with laughter - that Harry met Sally comment about CSN - dog has just jumped out of what fur he has left !!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 100.

    Beez, your poor dog, Holly hates being groomed. Full stop!



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