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Welcome to Super Thursday

Chris Evans | 11:34 UK time, Thursday, 1 October 2009

I had no idea but today 800 books are published in the retail trade and that's what they call it - apparently it's massive.

Mine should be there somewhere in amongst them all! Probably in between Peter Kay and that Ant and Dec.

We have the launch tonight where a lot of the people who star in my story will get to meet each other - from my old bosses, to past girlfriends, the whole of the Drivetime team, ladies and gentlemen of the press, my daughter, her mum, Tash and her family. Should be some night...

Of course there is also a quiz, there has to be! I love a quiz. Unlike Danny Baker who can't stand them and has declared his intent to arrive only after the last question has been posed. Hilarious! He's a strange fish that one.

Off next week a-touring with yee old tome.

Leeds then Manchester on Monday, Glasgow followed by Newcastle on Tuesday, Liverpool - Birmingham Wednesday, then London Thursday, Bristol and Cardiff Friday.

AND THEN - Saturday Kitchen for a record second time and yes I'll be cooking again - although not quite sure what yet.

Back at the ranch, James Martin returns the favour by joining us tonight, battered cod cheeks an' all ! Gonna drag him along to the launch afterwards, Billie wants to meet him.

All Request Friday first song suggestions please - ta.

CLP 2009



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  • Comment number 1.

    I wanna go!!!

    Seza xxxxxxxxxxx

  • Comment number 2.

    Oooo Christoph, it's all kicking off. 'citing stuff!

    I would love to be there tonight with James Martin on, will just have to be second best and make do with listening!

    I'll be back with an ARF when I've thunk!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 3.

    Greetings CLP BOY.....

    Bingo Star ere....

    GOOD LUCK with the BIG booook Launch!!!!!!!

    A see yer gonna be in Liverpool on Wednesdee.... Bold Street Waterstones.... abit Bold if yer come in yer Ferrari... might ave no wheels left on it!!!!!!

    GOURANGA TER ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 4.

    PS ALL - Take a loook at this link (but noot if easily offended - the photo of the aeroplane made me laugh!!)

  • Comment number 5.

    Can't wait to read your book - can I wait for it in my Christmas stocking, or will I give in and rush out to buy it?! Hope you all have the bestest time with your nearest and dearest, and all those who have shaped you, and who you have shaped - and DB, who I agree is a strange fish!! God bless, xx

    ARF - Rat Trap, Boomtown Rats?

  • Comment number 6.


    What an exciting day this is for you! Hope you all have a wonderful time tonight - how I wish I could be there - even just serving the drinks would be fine by me!

    Can't wait to meet you in Glasgow ..... oh, yes, Mary and I plan to camp outside WH Smith overnight, if that's what it takes!

    Lots of love,

    Chrissie xx

  • Comment number 7.

    morning all, hope you're well?

    Christophe can I wish you the best of luck with the book and it's launch. I know you deal brilliantly with the CLP haters out there and I commend you on it.
    What I'd give to be there at the party this evenng. To be in the same room as your good self, Danny Baker and the likes....what a hoot.
    Disappointed you're not coming Norfolk way on the signings but heyho you can't be everywhere I guess. Once again, good luck to you and hope you get to meet some of the bloggers on your travels, methinks Bingo might put in an appearance???

    Hope those that were/are poorly are feeling good as soon as

    Look forward to tomorrow's blog with stories from tonight

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 8.

    Blimey, Chris, have you invited any of your old teachers, that would be a hoot after the bit I've just read on the Mail Online! What a week ahead, good luck!

    As per usual I posted on the previous blog just as this one came up, so aplogies for posting same thing twice:

    Chezza, no it's not just you! There is mass hysteria in primary schools a the moment, I had a little boy put his hand up in a lesson yesterday and say "I've just sneezed on my hands" and there was uproar. I suggested he go and wash his hands and someone cried "don't let him touch the door handle!" so I had to send someone with him, in the manner of a leper ringing a bell and shouting "unclean unclean". Yet walk through the dining hall at lunchtime and you will see atrocities against hygiene which would scare a sewer rat!

    And little boys' loos - where they go to wash their little hands - are still the "no mans land" they ever were, bless 'em, how ever often they get cleaned.

    Anyway, count me in for CiN.

    A x

  • Comment number 9.

    Good luck with the book Christoph - sure it will be a huge success. You are in for several bloggers stalking you - Beware - they Hug !!!

    Bingo - I'm trying to drink my tea - got half way down that link and have had to put in my favourites to look at later !! Hilarious !!!!

    ARF will have a thunk!

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 10.


    Sounds like that should be an interesting night! Can't imagine an evening with any of my ex's...it would end up in some kind of fracas I think!
    Looking forward to the book, though.

    ARF - Killers - Can You Ready Mind - or is that too corny?


  • Comment number 11.

    Sorry, should have been Can You READ MY mind...nearly Friday!


  • Comment number 12.

    Hello CLP and bloggers

    Wow, Chris, you've had such a journey, and I can't wait to read all about it! Hope to see you in Glasgow too!!!

    Have a fantastic night! Just think about how many lives you have touched and tonight you are only seeing the very tip of the iceberg!


  • Comment number 13.

    Blinky Blimey yous is gonna be a busy boy CLP!!

    Good luck with the book - as if you need it! As said on previous blog, I was at SAinsbugs just after 8 this morn and they didn't have it on sale - yet. Tsk Tsk ....

    The thing is, it's 1st October today and normally that's the date that me and mr deev say no more buying stuff for yourself, it has to go on the list for Santa as he has an empty sack at the mo and 12 weeks left to fill it ....

    What's a gal to do!?!?!? Buy it, that's what!!!

    Thinking bout ARF.

    Truly Madly Deeply Deevs
    x x x

  • Comment number 14.

    ARF (gonna have 2 coz I'm cheeky!)

    Wonderful World - Joey Ramone


    Bad Things - Jace Everett

    Thank you!!

    x x x

  • Comment number 15.

    Hurrah CLP, what a blast!

    Ordered my copy on Amazon but since it's not due to arrive for a couple days, when I'll be across the Irish Sea, grrr, am off shortly to get me another to read aboard HMS Zanussi. The Amazon one will come in handy under the wobbly leg on Renee's dinin' table so all is well.

    Ere. Who you callin' a strange fish, the Genius, Adonis and object of desire that is Danny Baker. Bless 'im. He's why I've never re-married you know. Oh yes. Seein' Danny's spoken for, it's off to the convent for me. Yes indeedy.

    Paperback Writer for ARF?


  • Comment number 16.

    Morning (just)

    Sounds like it's gonna be a interesting night Chris - will there be pics???? You'll be in Cardiff the day we move South - typical!

    I shouldn't be here, I should be sorting clothes - the local charity shops aren't gonna know what's hit them!!!!

    Be back later - if you hear any muffled thuds, it's just me drowning in clothes......where have they all come from, and why can I never find anything to wear????


  • Comment number 17.

    Bingo, that is soooo funny!! Hope you are feeling better.

    Also Mr Beez - get well soon.

    Sunny with a chill today, well s'pose it is October.

    Pen xx

    pee ess Christoph, not coming to Guildford? OH well, I have to wait anyway till Santa brings mine!

  • Comment number 18.

    Ooh Nic yes indeedy, The Killers. Excellent.

    And re. my dismal failure to pin down another chap; alright, alright, I admit it, it's because I need treating with care, love and attention;- and a chair held at chest height.

    It's rotten but it's reet.


  • Comment number 19.

    Oh yes,


    When You're Gone

    Bryan Adams/Melanie C


    Pen xx

  • Comment number 20.

    Right then here goes.....

    ARF ===== ELO Twilight from the fantabulous Time Album.


  • Comment number 21.

    Afternoon all

    ARF True Faith New Order

    Please CLP

    Looking forward to buying your book wrapping it and putting under the C tree, with all the others pressies I buy for me on behalf of my hubby.
    Who bless can't be trusted to buy the right thing

  • Comment number 22.

    BIngo the scouse jokes were great had a real good laugh at them also enjoyed the aeroplane picture

    CLP good luck tonight hope it all goes well i have no doubt it will as everything you seem to do turns to gold for you!!!!

  • Comment number 23.

    Oooh I think us impatient bloggers who are getting The Book ASAP will have to be very careful not to chat too much about it on here.

    Propacar - Can't believe that you have so much will power that you are able to get the book then not peak at it. Hats off to you!

    My ARF this week is Rebel Yell - Billy Idol, that should start the weekend with a blast!!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 24.

    Lol Seza

    Luckily I wrap them now and so might have just a little peak. Hubby used to wrap them but gave up after wrapping a CD case, while the said CD was in the stereo.


  • Comment number 25.

    Well chris
    what a cracking day sir
    that's great news re your book
    I will be getting it as soon as is tasha feeling better

    have a good week a head & enjoj this eveing life is going very well for your good self & may long it continue my freind

    Today has been a good one for myself ? In between punters went to this crazy cafe in Hampton it was called the Williams pit stop cafe
    & had a Damon hill all fi theme but good fun

    A r. F song. Evil women by elo

    Kind regards
    Stewart the Chauffer

  • Comment number 26.

    CLP - I don't think I can make a book signing - while for you thats no bigging - I'll buy it anyway - for me its another chance wasted where I cannot meet you and thank you for making my hen night and my wedding my playing my songs and mentioning them on air

    So thank you from me


  • Comment number 27.

    ARF request

    Cameo - Word up!

  • Comment number 28.

    Beez, i'm on hold now.

    Why can't i just ring up & query the phone bill? I think i've just had to make 6 or 7 different choices to make it as far as the queue!! What hope does the 95yr old lady whose bill I am trying to query have?

    Seza xxxxx
    la la la la

  • Comment number 29.

    I'm singing to Kylie!

  • Comment number 30.

    Hi Guys how are you all in bloggsville. Sorry not been round for a while things to do and all that.

    Hope everyone os ok



  • Comment number 31.

    Deevs me thinks so is Seza

  • Comment number 32.

    Hi Ads: long time no see! Hope you are ok - come back soon!

    C x

  • Comment number 33.

    No sign of my copy this morning from the river people. And it wasn't in the supermarket either. I'll just have to wait a bit longer. I hope to make it to the Cardiff signing tho. Sounds like you'll have a great time tonight Chris!

    ARF Big mouth strikes again The Smiths xxx

  • Comment number 34.


    As for the book launch, what a party that's gonna be. I want to go...!!!

    Sounds fab and can't wait for the book. Loadsa love. xxx

  • Comment number 35.


    15 mins on phone trying to get through the maze of BT press button this then button that. When I finally get through to someone they answer the question in 5 seconds!!!

    Deevs - Does she like it??

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 36.

    Yo, hiya Ads.

    Not heard much from Rips last day or two ??

    Its a most beautiful, but defo, Autumn day here.

    The Welsh Coast looks so close and am watching the planes at cardiff airport, yes I am a plane spotter!!

    Can also see all the wind turbines a bit further along the coast towards Swansea.

    Better go and peg some more washing out,hope this weather holds for all you blog meet goers.


  • Comment number 37.

    She didn't seem to mind too much, but winced slightly when I belted out the chorus ....

    I'm in love Wooooooooooooooooooooooo
    I'm in love Wooooooooooooooooooooooo

    Top toon!

    BT - probably the worse company to communicate with, irony at its best for a telecoms company!!

    Hi Ads!


  • Comment number 38.

    Afternoon all,

    Sunshine here today , woop woop, its been grey for so long, thought it would never happen again.

    Bingo, hope you are on the mend now x

    Chrissie LOL, got my passport ready , youve reminded me , i've not checked my lottery ticket you too . So, if its a yes, you have your suitcase packed and Donny is on me ( i wish ) - sorry ;-)

    MC xx

  • Comment number 39.

    Hey, where is Tango ?? its been a while

  • Comment number 40.

    The sun is up - the sky is blue, there aint a cloud to spoil the view.

    Basildon is loverly ooooooo yyyyyeeeeehhhhhhh



  • Comment number 41.

    You must be phychic MC, I was just thinking the same about our elusive Baz!!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 42.

    Hi Pen,

    Yes, he has usually reserved his ARF by now !!!

    Hope he is ok


  • Comment number 43.

    Can't spell either lol

    psychic of course!!!

  • Comment number 44.


    You Nevvvurrrrrr know


    ARF --- Louis Armstrong - What a wonderful World please

  • Comment number 45.

    With BT, don't know why I am still so surprised that the person who answers the call(eventually) does not always have English as a first language shall I say.

    Lady I spoke to today was fab tho. very helpful. She asked me the obligatory How Well Did We Do question so i said she was great but getting to her was a nightmare!

    Seza xxxx

  • Comment number 46.

    Afternoon all,

    Been a bit since I last posted. But have been catching up with the blog. Needed a few tea breaks to do that! Am looking forward to the book Chris, can't wait to read it. Unfortunately you are no where near me when it comes to the signings but like someone else said you can't be everywhere.

    Mr NM has come down with the swiiiiine fluuuuu. So have been sleeping on the airbed downstairs. And Noah has gone to stopped over at his Nana's last night and again tonight. We don't want it!!

    Well have a good afternoon everyone. Have been giving ARF some thought. How about Dire Strait - Industrial Disease?


    NM x

  • Comment number 47.

    I meant Dire Straits. Typing gone wonky!

  • Comment number 48.

    I want to come too!!!

    Can you come to Bedford on the Magical (Mystery) Book tour?? lol

  • Comment number 49.

    ARF - Autumn Leaves by Eva Cassidy

  • Comment number 50.

    Hi All

    Anyone want to buy 2 spare tickets for Spandau Ballet at o2 on 21st October? Not mine but a friend has spare.

    Seza xxxx

  • Comment number 51.

    Deevs, was the Pink Breast Cancer goodies at Sainsbugs or the bottom slappers shop? Think might have to treat myself to something

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 52.

    Afternoon each,

    Firstly..Bingo, if you are not feeling better by later get yourself checked out at docs..dont want to worry you poppet but my appendicitis started as what i thought was the worst case of food poisoning ever and your symptoms are similar...but hope you are feeling better and it was just dodgy quiche!

    Books..so many to choose from the CLP of course top of the list! What we wouldnt all give to be there tonight eh?! However, a mini blog meet happening at the Trafford Centre on Monday night...AF,MC,JG and myself attending and having tea too (note TEA, not dinner..thats what we eat oop north!)..anyone else wanting to join us then please yell and we`ll send details!

    But, as Beez said..be warned..we hug! and i think i gonna go with Scoobs in the signing..why not eh?!

    Right supposed to be working...

    mSc x

    PS - Day off yesterday..was gonna clean the oven but thought b**ger it and rang a nice woman who is coming to do it next Wed for the (imho) small sum of £40.. worth every penny!

  • Comment number 53.

    Seza. I know what you mean about the call centres; I always feel deaperately sorry for the ones who have to man them. Because by the time I get to speak to a real live person, I'm usually fit to eat the head right off 'em, RAGIN'. And it's not THEIR fault; I usually start by apologisin' for my rabid mood, telling them not to take it personally, but then lettin' rip anyway.

    I'm remembering the poor girl who had to deal with me when I attempted (for the second time) to pay me motorway toll for the M50 in Dublin on a premium-rate number in Ireland. She was absolutely lovely, ended up laughin' with her. And you know why, because she let me rant on briefly and then said, "Right, let's sort this out quickly, I'm so sorry about this.." Ergo I felt acknowledged and heard, and all was well.

    Still didn't get it sorted, mind; in fact, the whole system was a bit up the creek to the extent some poor chap out in Queensland who hadn't bin near Ireland for 40 years got a bill in the post from Eurotolls, and a little aul farmer from Galway got charged 50 euro despite only ownin' a wheelbarrow.

    Still. And might I say it's good news, it seems to me, that unscupulous restaurants are no longer to be allowed to pay beneath the minimum wage, making them up with tips. That seems to me to be immoral, never mind illegal. But maybe I'm being naive? I mean, I know I'd never be able to run a restaurant, Fawlty Towers would look like Claridge's next to Clodagh's Crumpet Emporium..and I know times are catastrophic for them at the moment, but I can't see how that can be justified.

    Ok, GD is about to whisk me off to Liverpool, hurrah am so lookin' forward to readin' The Book.


  • Comment number 54.


    The bottom slappers emporium near where we had luncheon t'other day!

    I'm wearing one of the boulder holders today as it goes - and I must say, for the price, it's probably one of the most comfortable boulder holders I've purchased in a very long time. And very very pretty!


    x x x x

    PeeeeeeeeeeeeeeS: Would go for the Spands tix but think Mr Deev might just divorce me. I dragged him along to see The Human League a few years ago in Cambridge and although I had a ball (one of my fave bands EVER) he was bored stiff and said it was like being in a room with a load of estate agents ..... hey ho!

  • Comment number 55.

    but he DID enjoy Duran Duran when they reformed in 2003 or whenever it was ..... !!

  • Comment number 56.

    Thanks Deev

    I'd have the tickets myself but am already going to Fleetwood Mac this month (on boy1's birthday - oops) & Depeche Mode in December

    Bottom Slappers it is then

    I'm waiting for an old friend to come round for coffe. If she doesn't get here soon, she'll find a snoozy Seza. Very peaceful sitting here in the sunshine

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 57.

    Great choice Seza

    Also going to see DM in December can't wait. Especially as was supposed to see them in May, but was sadly cancelled as Dave was poorly.


  • Comment number 58.

    Boulder holders, Deev?

    Now, see, this is when I wish I was German. The German for boulder-holders is Bustenhalter. Marvellous. How much fun can yous have shoppin' in Germany.

    I'll 'ave one a the Sheepdog ones. You know the Sheepdog Bustenhalters. Rounds 'em up an' points 'em in the right direction.


  • Comment number 59.

    Dear Klauda

    Please kindly stop making me laugh when i have mouth full of food,


    Now cleaning Monitor

  • Comment number 60.

    What is 'Bottom Slappers' obviously a convo I missed earlier



  • Comment number 61.

    Klauda: Hilarious!

    MC: quick Lottery ticket update! Trip to America on hold for the moment. Bums, as Annie would say!!

    C xx

  • Comment number 62.

    Ah Prop. Ich bin sorry, mein little joken has ein frankfurter schplattered.

    Ah no, am not nearly drunk enough to be fluent in the German. Can do French, Gaelic and Rubbish and can suck Spanish but not the German.

    Klauda Tittenschlinger.xxx

  • Comment number 63.

    Clodag - Tittenschlinger!! Is that sweedish for the same thing?


  • Comment number 64.

    Ads. Achtung. Am SO goin' to be modded for that, hahahahahahahaha!!


  • Comment number 65.

    Ads - bottom slappers in Asda.

    Klaudia - you crack me up! Luckily just finished donut munching so altho a tad sugary, I am not cleaning monitor like wot Propa is!

    x x x

  • Comment number 66.

    Ah thanks Deev,

    My mind was working in the completely different direction



  • Comment number 67.

    Why am I not shocked at that Ads ....?!?! x

  • Comment number 68.

    Great time to have a cup of tea and catch up on blog - tea - screen loon Clodagh !!!!!

    Hi Ads - long time no on here!

    Would you believe I have been on hold again this afternoon to those who would dare to ignore me!!! The stupid voice that kept popping in grrr there is an H in Has - it is Not 'as !!!!!and I knew I was in a queue so stop telling me!!!

    Not getting cross you understand!! ..... Phoebe jog ....
    ta ra

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 69.


    What you insinurating???

    I resemble that remark



  • Comment number 70.


    Don't worry - be happy, When you do get answered just get your own back ask them to hold on why you make a cup of tea while answering a false door knock.

    Done it several times.



  • Comment number 71.


    As if I'd incinerate anyfink ..... !


  • Comment number 72.

    Ads - Brilliant - going to do just that !!!
    I used to keep cd of Crazy Frog in my puter and play it when I got call centres phoning me for the zillionth time even though I had told them I didn't need whatever!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 73.

    Oh pop in and have a cup of tea on your way from Bristol to Cardiff.

  • Comment number 74.

    I'm playing hide and seek on Twitter - been hiding for ages and not been found yet!

    Welcome to my world!

    x x x

  • Comment number 75.

    Got mine! got mine! got mine!

    CLPs book that is - couldnt wait till next Friday! So hopefully will have time to read some before meeting the Big CLP himself with tiggster.

    Mini meets all over the shop (did you see what i did there!) next week - Hellenbach - you near Briz? You want to join me and tiggs?

    Tonights party - what a blast that is going to be - oh to be there!

    Ads - nice to see you back after your world cruise LOL!

    right - off to read a book


  • Comment number 76.

    Afternoon Each,

    Phew what a busy day, thank goodness it's nearly time to go home.

    Chris, Congrats on the book hitting the shelves and have a fab party tonight, sounds great.

    Get well wishes to all those that are poorly including Mr Beez xx

    I had a surprising encounter on the phone today which turned our better than I had anticipated. Got my credit card bill yesterday and there was an amount from a well know insurance company on it. Not knowing what this was for I rang them and they said it was for Breakdown Cover?!? So I said that I had a new car and when I rang to change my policy they told me about breakdown cover and I said that I had it free with my car so wouldn't be needing it. Sorry they said, we will refund the money! That was a turn up for the books, I was expecting to have to argue the toss with them...happy days :)

    Welcome back Ads.


  • Comment number 77.

    Good luck with the book Chris. a good read I'll be bound.

    Bet you could write a book about this blog.

  • Comment number 78.

    Would anyone like a virtual crisp.. cheese and onion?

  • Comment number 79.

    No thanks, I'm having a bar of chocolate.

    Seriously though I think I'm anarexic - Looked in the mirror this morning and I'm sure I'm getting fatter!!!!

    World Cruise!!!! How come I got the cheap seats where I do the work. Well back in the UK anyway, on holiday next week with Mrs Webster. Have to remind her what I look like lol.


  • Comment number 80.

    Ads: I can safely say that I have won my battle against anorexia!

    Croc: I don't know about Chris, but I could certainly write a book about this blog! Runaway best seller, until Clodagh came after me for breach of copyright!

    C xx

  • Comment number 81.

    Hi Chris. Saw you in the front window of Waterstones this morning,looking good.Have a great time tonight.
    Love James Martin,so what are you cooking on Saturday kitchen,looking
    forward to that. love to all.xx

  • Comment number 82.

    Well ladies Gents and the rest of ya

    I'm now on my merry way, I have several pints of Scrumpy waiting for me and I don't want to dissapoint it.

    Hopefully talk tomorrow

    Chin Chin



  • Comment number 83.

    Chris is also on Jonathan Ross next Friday.

  • Comment number 84.

    Oh by the chin no Chrissie S Clodagh might be funny and I do enjoy reading her blogs but it's all a bit Terry Wogan humour for me.
    Frankly I don't understand what is funny about Janet and John and the all that jazz. I must be too old .

    Bless time to move on.

  • Comment number 85.

    Croc: I know what you mean, but I must say I love the naivety (sp?) of Janet & John. It's just a piece of nonsense that much is for sure, but it really makes me laugh.

    Nothing to do with you being too old (Terry Wogan is 71!) it's just that you find other stuff funny - nothing wrong with that!

    C xx

  • Comment number 86.

    I`d like to be a fly on the wall at that book launch party. Is the first wife due? Did you know I was related to James Martin in a reverse paralel universe type of way?!! Got his cook book, but yet to be used...

    mj x

  • Comment number 87.

    I keep giggling everytime CLP memtioned James Martin and battered cod cheeks in the same sentence .....

    ttfn - off to nail bar.

    x x x

  • Comment number 88.

    Hi Chris,how about an odd one to kick off ARFriday!

    Little Richard-I Feel Pretty.

    Haven't heard it in ages.

    All the best for your week away next week.

    Matt Bown in Devon

  • Comment number 89.

    congratulations Chris on your book release ,hope it sells well for you .

    Sorry that your not coming to the south coast to do some signings but never mind .

    Have a super time tonight and I hope that you all enjoy yourselves .

    Bridge .xxx.

  • Comment number 90.

    WooHoo - just had confirmation email to say the river people have dispatched my copy of your book CLP - now can I be brazen enough to try and get you to sign it at the shop on Tuesday assuming of course I can get near you xx

    Evening all - lurking and catching up again xx

  • Comment number 91.


    Can't wait for Saturday love Saturday kitchen
    and you being on it even better

    good luck tonight x

  • Comment number 92.


    Love the snow

    Will ask Santa for the book I hope he brings it.

    Can I request Blackbird by The Beatles a great song that I wanted to request during R2's Beatles weekend.

    Love the little black number that was outside Western House last Friday.

    Laughing Wolves1977

  • Comment number 93.


    Hope all is well tonight on the blog, hoep you have fun at your launch tonight CLP, alas I won't be able to make any of the signings as I'll be in Spain next week...ho hum

    Missed James Martin on the show tonight, could you maybe send him up here to Edinburgh please??

    ARF: You've got the love by Candi Staton (preferably the New Voyager mix!) please


  • Comment number 94.

    Evening all

    How's it going?

    As it's CLP's party but our invitations seem to have got lost in the post, I thought I might have a cheeky glass of wine & a posh crisp or two to celebrate.

    Have had my email to say my copy's on the way. Strangely, though, the other book I ordered, that is already out, is not being posted yet. Weird.

    Cheers guys

    Seza xxxx

  • Comment number 95.


    Hope the evening is going well CLP!

    I've not had a minute tonight, straight to ELH with Mr JG as soon as I got home for a mega-shop! He wanted to go and see whether they had anything new - trouble is, it then costs me a fortune!

    We are both amazed at what we crammed in the boot of my car, although he did have to nurse the loo rolls on the way home..hehe!!

    Just having a cheeky glass of wine and a sit down before I get tea

    How's everyone?

    JG x

  • Comment number 96.


    I too have persuaded boy1 to bring me little glass of wine. Not trusting him with the posh crips though. We'll get those out when he's gone to bed

    Seza xxxx

  • Comment number 97.

    Hiya JG, have just sat down meself.

    It has been such a long week.

    Still 3 more then hollibobs, are we in Pembrokeshire at the same time??

    We get there on the 24th ish!

    Beez is going to be there for anniversary and my 15 yr old turns 16 on the 28th.


  • Comment number 98.

    Hi MTF

    Sounds like you worn out. Much on at the weekend?


  • Comment number 99.

    Hi Seza, not sure at the mo.

    Twill either be very busy OR very dull.

    Just waiting to hear from 2 fellow bloggers ;0

    But yes a worn out fairy.

    Hows you??

  • Comment number 100.

    One hundred!!!!


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