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More Slap and Dash and then Dash and Splash

Chris Evans | 10:02 UK time, Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Languishing in me garage waiting for the lens and pens of Esquire magazine for another int. and photie shoot in the glossies.

More to come with Sunday Times mag tomorrow and then a raft of more telly - Graham Norton, Paul O'Grady and Top Gear to name but three.

All part of the book promotion and of course looking out for those secret signings, which should have started yesterday but alas the packed schedule did not allow.

The twittering is going great guns at my personal account @achrisevans, serving as a useful tool for advanced news about - well - everything really as well as an excellent customer service feedback checkpoint. "Good Times!" as one of my new heroes Justin Lee Collins would say. Still coming to terms with just how handsome George Lamb is btw.

Big Bon Jovi announcement, as well as a big 'phone a friend' Sports Quiz on the programme tonight between Johnny and 5 Live's Mark Pougatch - working on questions as we speak. Another fab day on planet earth.

Have a great one y'all.




P.S. Girl on The Sofa says hi and Big Kiss.

P.P.S. Life - the best tv ever !


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  • Comment number 1.

    Morning Guv

    Top Gear?!?! Are you The Star In The Reasonably Priced Car - fab!!

    Hard work promoting a book innit - probably why I've not written mine yet .....


    Happy Dayz

    x x x x

  • Comment number 2.

    Hi Chris,

    Please tell your lovely girl on the sofa that we say "hi" back!

    Really looking forward to seeing you on the tv, especially Top Gear - you go for it!

    Thanks for keeping us up to date with everything - you are a star!

    Love, Chrissie xx

  • Comment number 3.


    Looking forward to the sports quiz tonight. Tuesday's is my team's quiz night and I haven't been for 3 weeks, so bring it on!


  • Comment number 4.

    Posted this on previous blog - d'oh!

    Morning all,

    One again, thanks for the good wishes and advice. Already on some websites and talking to agencies. I'm not sure about carrying cases but I might be good at trolley collecting at our local supermarket - they could do with it - I'm neat, organised, efficient and it's good exercise, so it should suit me down to the ground. Admittedly not too mentally stimulating but hey you can't have everything!
    MTF - yes I was in the gym with my 'phone plugged in to my ear (not literally but you get my drift!) when I heard Chris say that we were antiquated or some such word. Hang on a minute Chris, I thought, I have only just started blogging and now I'm antiquated! I don't get twitter, I really don't. It's like Twenty20 cricket - good fun for a bit but you know you prefer proper cricket. Or maybe it's like comparing a burger with steak - now I'm waffling!
    Pot noodles - yuk!


  • Comment number 5.


    If you need a phone a friend for pop music .... I'm ya gal! Provided it's 1980s!!!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 6.


    That's actually my strong point when it comes to music; it's films I struggle with. Big Al's excellent on 50's to 70's music and Mr W on all sorts of weird and wonderful trivia. Hence we have won for 10 out of the last 12 weeks, when I last went - we will probbaly be useless tonight, now I have said that! Thanks for the offer though!


  • Comment number 7.


    Looking forward to your appearance on tele, speshly Top Gear! Totally agree re 'Life, what a fab programme.

    Now, don't you dare stop the blog, even tho' I do more lurking than blogging these days and what's with all this twittering, can't be doing with it myself and at my age don't intend to start! Can just about manage scrabble on Faceache!!

    Morning everyone else, and ......

    Hello Bondy, lovely to hear from you.

    ((((Hugs)))) to those that need them.

    Pen xx who doesn't possess a lappy, or a blackberry, aren't they for pies?! But who is ace on texting on a mobile that isn't anything like 'fancy'.

  • Comment number 8.

    ...or even "probably"!

  • Comment number 9.

    Morning Blogpeeps and CLP!

    Now I am seriously jealous of your life CLP... You're going to be the "star in the resonably priced car!" now we need to know who you want to beat on the leaderboard... and of course whether you'll be doing a JK type dance if you get the sort of position you want.

    I'd seen a snippet about you being on Paul O'Grady (this is what happens when you go on holiday for 2 weeks and I'm at home being a waiting type of a Mum-to-be). We'll need to know when you're going be on so we can record it as he's on the same time as you.

    Right! Today I'm going to go out and do some stuff again. Yesterday I had a baking afternoon making sultana cake to make the house smell fab. Just have to work out if I'm going to make the footy tonight or donate my ticket to one of my mates... think I'll see how tired I get and how chilly it seems before making any decisions.

    Laters 'taters

    Booboo & El-Bumpo magnifico

  • Comment number 10.

    Morning All - wet windy weather today - hopefully moving through swiftly. Still smiling though :)

    Great stuff CLP - Top Gear - look forward to that and yes - Life prog is good - don't watch on my old tv tho' - someone recording it for me to watch on hd tv - amazing! Hi to girl on sofa from another girl on sofa ;)

    Still not tempted to tweet or go on fb in the daytime - will stick to blog for now !!

    Beezer xx

    Lyndy - No!!!! - too cold and wet to go to footie - stay home with feet up xx

  • Comment number 11.

    Oh yes - and George Lamb is a dish !!! :)

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 12.

    Hi everyone:

    Just had a wee chance to catch up on last night's comments.

    Ooooh, Chris, please don't stop the blog!!

    I am on Twitter, but I do not have the first idea of what I'm doing. I am hoping that the lovely MwK will be able to give me some lessons!

    However, I don't want the blog to stop - nothing comes close to the blog for knowing that you can come on here - happy, sad, worried, excited - whatever - and someone will be there to answer you!

    Long Live the Blog!!

    C xx

  • Comment number 13.

    Morning each!

    Hi to GOTS back from all of us...! and yes..Life is THE best thing on TV at the mo...except we missed last nights offering as the Cloudplus thing didnt flaming record it...aargh! Will have to iplayer it me thinks..

    Heard most of last nights show but missed the twitter bit. Have joined and am also just sending random comments but agree that this place is the best..makes me smile every day! Great to have you back CLp BTW!

    Deevs,Seza and others feeling poorly or under the weather..SMILE! Releases endorphins (dont ya know!) and helps..or so i`m told! Hope you all feel brighter soon..

    Lyndy..take it steady! And we got any more pics for t`other side?! want to see you blooming!

    Right..in the words of a song..`its off to work i go`...(already here but you get the idea!)

    mSc x

    PS- MRF..Green Day, next Fri 30th at MEN..`cited! need report from you and Deevs before please!

    PPS- Anyone else watching FlashForward..?the reason i missed Life..brilliant!

    PPSS?!..Catmel...hugs today x

  • Comment number 14.

    Oh, and is George Lamb the blokey who presents that Rude Tube thing on a Sat(?) night..? If so then yes please!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 15.

    CLP told us in Manchester that he'd carry on with the blog, hope so! Raining here, but easing up, but we could do with the rest!
    Mr JG snoring on the sofa with Finlay!
    JG x

  • Comment number 16.

    Hey JG..hope you are having a fab holiday..dont be doing too much!

    And forgot to say..Congrats to Foxy..lovely news! With Rips on the Evans,2 etc bit too!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 17.


    Ooooh I'm smiling!!!

    x x x

  • Comment number 18.

    Deevs..i wonder why...?!

    mSc x

    PS - Brew on...taking orders..and thinking about a toasted teacake too.. anyone want to join me..

  • Comment number 19.

    Knew there was something else. Congrats to Foxy .....................
    thanks Scoobs for reminding me.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 20.

    Good morning Christoff! Any tips on how best to keep up with the blog, Twitter and FB (we'll suck you in there yet!!!) AND keep up with 2 wee Highland Lassies and the Highland homestead?? Oh and then the work at rehab and homeless flats too! I look at all that you pack into each day and I'm exhausted!!!!

    48 to go now, eh?? I can hardly believe it! Oh, meant to ask, though you maybe cannae say here - ChrissieS couldnae remember what pen you used to sign the book ... I have a thing about pens and shoes! But then my Highland Mum & darling Chrissie wondered if it was a Montblanc ... which I am hoping will translate into her and Dad getting me a fountain pen for my Christmas ... and birthday ... and next Christmas ... etc!

    Anyhoo - best go get hoover out - baby Highland lass emptied all her porridge oats on the floor!



    PS Big huggles to Tash and Noah! More photos soon, please?? ;)

  • Comment number 21.

    We're having a great time Scoobs, thanks. Rain's stopped, so going to take Finlay out now.
    I forgot too - congrats Foxy!
    JG x

  • Comment number 22.

    Hi All

    Blinkin cold today isn't it.

    Your smiles are creeping through thanks.

    Congrats to Foxy.

    HLS Hope you've got the poridge off the floor. Reemmber when I had long hair & friends baby was eating warm milk weetabix and stuck her messy hands in my hair, took ages to get out

    Have looked at Twitter but really don't get it. Will stick to this ere blog of loveliness & face cloth (for the farming y'know!)

    Right, gotta finish newsletter & head over to Colchester to deliver it, then friend's son round after school & then later I've got to take him home & stay with him until his Mum gets home from her 80s fest with Spandau Ballet

    Phew, exhausted just typing it!!


    Seza xx

  • Comment number 23.

    Hiya ,

    Grey and murkey here today , bit of rain too,

    I am on twitter, but forget my password nearly every time i try to sign in. My life is just passwords and pins , cant get in my house without a number, cant get money with out a number , cant get on my PC without a password ..........

    Hope everyone is feeling better /happier .

    Meeting a friend for tea tonight, but need to get back early as my little budgie is still not tweeting very well, and she needs some TLC.

    See ya later

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 24.

    Hi everyone. Congrats to foxy.

    Hope blogs not going to stop,I'm only just getting the hang of it.

    Hi, girls on sofa, that's where I am. Feeling poorly with cough, cold and sore throat. Dog's asleep next to me.

    Does anyone know, when foxys baby is due?


  • Comment number 25.

    Afternoon Mr CLP and Bloggers of the Blog,

    I don't watch any of those programmes but will have to set the V+ if you are going to be on them. Big congrats to Foxy and "Hello" to the girl on the sofa xx

    Seza, Glad the smile is creeping back xx

    Deevs, Hope the snuffles are getting better xx

    HL and Bondy, Great to see you on here, missed you both xx

    A tad excited and nervous today as my friend has confirmed my visit to see her and my lovely Goddaughter in Hong Kong and it's only two weeks away. Been checking out flights at lunchtime and emailed "Taxi Dad" to see if he is available before I book - 'citing (to quote our Deev)!


  • Comment number 26.

    Ali - don't you just love Dad taxis? I have f-i-l taxies that not only does airport trips - but also early morning train station trips on demand - hes a great man!

  • Comment number 27.

    Alwightee Ter The Christoof & ALL Bloggie Dudies.....

    Bingo Star ere.....

    Firstly - BIG CONGRATULATIONS Ter The Foxy aka Becky Pike on yer exciting news of a bun in the oven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@!@!@!@!@!@!!@@!@!@!!@!!!!!!!!

    A tell yer it's all 'appening @ The R2 Aych Q!!!!!!!!!

    CLP - Top Gear???? A feel az a few other bloggie ops ave said... 'Star In The Reasonably Priced Car'????????

    Know, sorry now, that iz one thing a 0ne 'undred % would wanter do if ever a waz of celeb stature!!!!!!!
    The only problem me weight at 16 stone would be a slight disadvantage.... but noot a big one!!!!!!!

    CLP, if yer wanter good time.... a can give yer advice >>>>>>>>

    Az the reasonably priced car iz so slow... aka noot a 'igh performance car and with ordinary skinny tyres.... the way ter make a good time....
    Firstly yerv gotta really work it off the line.... whip it inter second in a flash then third... etc.... without alotta wheelspin but there should be a 'int of screech off the line.... in fact i'll give you a BIG secret ere... (why am a doing this... am giving away me MEGA secrets).... I'd experiment with the car but az it's such a slow car..... I personally think it would be faster ter ignore 1st gear and rip it off the line in 2nd!!!!!!
    If the car behaves 'ow a imagine it will save a second by noot aving ter change inter 2nd from 1st and the speed will increase faster from a stand still by working the clutch and accelerator!!!!!!!!
    Then inter the first corner no braking at all.... yer in such a slow car!!!!!!!
    I'd go flat inter the left 'ander.... using the whole of the road!!!!
    Then a nice gentle curve/ line out ter the right.... then come over ter the left.... for the right 'ander.... again no lift.... but am noot sure unless a waz there.... 'ow tight it iz!!!!!!!
    Again all this should be done so smooth in the car!!!
    They never seem ter show this corner on tv!!!!!!
    Then yer need ter carry az much speed through this corner for the little straight inter the 'ammer 'ead baby!!!!!!!
    A jink inter the 'ammer baby and then it's a long tricky left 'ander..... yer really wanter 'ave the tyres absolutely squeeling like crayzee ere.... working the steering wheel and nearly going side ways and on the power... (what power it's goot).... but keeping it smooth too!!!!!!!
    VERY important ter build speed ready for the fastest bit.... the right 'ander and then sweeping onter the fast left 'ander called 'Bentley'.... the one they show on tv with the tyres on the right!!!!
    I'd take this totally flat with 98% of the left side of me car clipping the grass!!!!!!
    Then down the long straight... maybe tell a joke.... do a twitter.... then the trickiest bit of the whole lap in my opinion!!!!!!
    Yer need ter brake but turning left at the same time inter Bergerac..... Sorry.... Bacharach.... very easy for yer right side ter jump out and spin off!!!!
    But ter getta good time yerv gotta carry alotta speed inter the corner.... sort of braking gently but 'ard if that makes sense, and cutting the grass again.... then the last corner of Gambon that most mess up az the preceeeeeding Bacharach catches many out and they get scrappy!!!!!!!
    If yerv carried good speed through Bacharach and goot it correect.... then i'd fling it inter the tight last left 'ander very fast and accelerating... a smooth line but with the tyres going crayzee.... Yer really wanter straighten this corner out az much az yer can... all pointing ter the finish line.... a wide sweep... a bit over the grass (but watch out for the bumps).... and nice gentle but very fast line ter the right outside of the line!!!!!!!
    Then just ter be wild and crayzee.... az... But NOOT before... az a go over the line i'd yank the 'and brake on and flick me steering wheel sharp left and go over the line sideways and end up spinning the other side..... with a 'alt in a cloud of smoke.... spinning the wheels!!!!!!
    Then climb outta the car on me 'ands & knees.... outta breath and loook up and say.... soz about the last bit!!!!!!!
    Ave a damaged the tyres???????????? Soz!!!!!

    Now imagine doing that 70 times in a car that pulls upter 5g!!!!!!!!
    That's what F1 drivers do.... an unbeleivable amount of concentration and fitness needed!!!!!!!!!

    PS BRILLIANT & BIG CONGRATES ter Jenson Button!!!!!!!!@!@!!@!@!@!@@!!@!
    Knew 'e would be F1 champ in the end!!!!!!!!!!
    Really glad 'e 'as finally come good and done this unbeleivable year in F1!!!!!!!
    Yer couldn't make it up from no drive... a new team.... winning nearly all the first 6 or 7 races then winning noot at all.... yet still managing ter get the championship!!!!!!!

    And WHATTA COINCIDENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Last year.... Lewis 'amilton..... capricorn..... car #22 = champion!!!!!!!!
    This year.... Jenson Button...... capricorn..... car #22 = champion!!!!!!!

    Getta feeling the might be a fight over who gets car #22 next year!!!!!!
    Always brings good luck!!!!!!
    Ave noticed this over the years.... INDEED one of the most common lottery balls ter drop too!!!!!!

    If Lewis knows what's good.... get that #22 on yer car in 2010!!!!!!!!


    PS 'ello ter The Girl On The Sofa.... noot in DFS are yer??????

    PPS Az ave spend ages talking about important things.... CARS!!!!! I'll leave me twitter about twitter til termozza!!!!!!!
    Your fault CLP.... distracted me with an interesting blog topic!!!!!!
    Noot such a would be able ter reply in such fun, passion and advice on yer lap, plus baby congrates ter Foxy, 'ellos ter Tash and more if it waz twitter!!!!!!!!

    A still say keep the blog az it's superior ter one line sentences but do the twitter on the side for upter date bits of info!!!!!!


    PPPS GOURANGA Ter ALL Expecting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 28.

    Soz 'ammer 'ead iz a long right 'ander..... am thinking of it az if a waz watching tv!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 29.

    PPPPS No comment on Fischella.... Whatta disaster!!!!!!!!!!

    BIG, BIG, BIG mistake going ter Ferrari!!!!!!

    No wonder Schuey's neck started 'urting again when 'e waz given the chance ter drive it!!!!!!!!!!

    If Fisi waz at ForceIndia in the car that's been developed around 'im and 'is driving style.... well Sutil started 3rd.... could ave been Fisi up there too!!!!!!!!!

    Bye again!

  • Comment number 30.

    And the relief is palpable. I've been putting it off for months and finally did it at lunchtime and it took me 10 minutes!

    I won't be ending up on Cell Block H as someone's "special friend" and I may have single-handedly have saved the economy!

    Self Assessment Tax Return - DONE!

    phew ..... and breathe!

    Deevs, still sneezing
    x x x x

  • Comment number 31.

    Rips - replied on mug-novel for you re photography :)

    Thanks - not off till thursday but sure it will be fun.

  • Comment number 32.

    Good morning/afternoon from a cool but dry upstate NY. Hope everyone is well. Thanks for all the good wishesn still open to suggestions on how to listen via the blackberry. Flash doesn't work on it of course. May be I'll get an iphone for xmas...... If I can't get it to work on this....

  • Comment number 33.

    Well done Deev - hope it gets there before the post strike!

    Hiya James - blackberry blueberry raspberry iphones ipods with aps and all that stuff - sorry not a clue. fb Jovial, he's got ipod and blackberry and know he listens to radio but don't know on which one or how !!!

    Bingo - can just imagine you screaming round that track and doing a handbrake turn at the end !!! Yes - well !!

    AliB off to Hong Kong - Easyjob to China - something you two not telling us?

    Keep smiling poorly peeps

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 34.

    CSN Foxys baby due in 5 months apparently
    Cuddle for MC's budgie too

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 35.

    can i have a cuddle please ....

  • Comment number 36.

    Course you can Deevs - in fact I could do with one too - am freezing here !!! Turned the heat up twice !!!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 37.

    007: good to see you. Glad to hear things are going well for you, even though the commute must be a nightmare! Re: technology - sorry, it baffled me around about the time I was trying to work out how my Tiny Tears doll managed to wet her nappy!

    AliB: how fantastic you have a trip to Hong Kong to look forward to! It will be wonderful, no doubt!

    To everyone else needing a hug/sympathy/love: lots of it coming your way, and I could be doing with some of it myself!

    Congratulations to Foxy!

    C xx

  • Comment number 38.

    No bingo, not in DFS.

    Thanks Beez, was interested to know, as both my daughters babies due in april, 2 wks apart. So foxy is due just before them.

    Still feeling rough, but got to put chicken in oven for dinner.

    Love to u all.

    Csn xxx

  • Comment number 39.


    Always a pleasure to read your comments but how do you manage on twitter? - It's only 140 characters isn't it?


  • Comment number 40.

    O2 arena Dec 23rd - Classic FM Christmas spectacular - Myleene Klass presents...is this what's happening on this date, or am I getting muxed ip?


  • Comment number 41.

    Oi thort it were T-Rextasy at the 02 on 23rd Decembererererer .....


  • Comment number 42.

    Deev - you are going to have to stay away from the Midlands - you are getting a Brummy accent !!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 43.


    Only been to Brum twice Beez, both for blog meets. I think it was twice anyhoooo ......

    And that was moi best Naaaaaaaaaarch accent!

    x x x

  • Comment number 44.

    By the time you have been to Liddypool you will be sounding like me - a liquorice allsort !!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 45.

    LOL Beez. Don't make me larf, I'll start coffin' again. Told you I sounded ruff, didn't I !?!!?


  • Comment number 46.

    Blimey Deevs - you do sound rough !!! Coughing like you're on 60 woodbines a day !! You have just over 2 weeks to get shot of that !!!!!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 47.

    maybe 60 woodbines a day might help ..... ? ? ?

    ne'er mind 2 weeks. i want it gawn by friday or else there will be a spare Green Day ticket up for grabs for one of Mr Deev's mates.


  • Comment number 48.

    Deev - or maybe your fav pink and white kitten who actually quites likes Greenday and would look after Mr Deev?

  • Comment number 49.

    Blimey Bagpuss - you made skid marks hurtling in there !!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 50.

    I'll suggest it Baggy! Be gentle with him tho .....

    I could make a fortune with this voice. How do you get an 0898 number set up!?!?

    x x x

  • Comment number 51.

    deev - sorry - elbows at the ready there - I just love gigs and never get to go - you can bring out the violins there - but I am really hoping that you feel good enough to go - you have been looking forward to it for ages

  • Comment number 52.

    If you're serious, I will mention it to him tonight. He might quite like the idea of going to a gig with a younger model!!

    x x x

  • Comment number 53.

    Csn - Foxy's baby due in April. Soz if anyone else has said!

    Hello Again James, lovely to have you back, we have all missed you. I'm with Beez on the 'berry' thingys. Don't have a scooby!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 54.

    Deev - I am 100% serious - I take it the gigs in london somewhere?

  • Comment number 55.

    at the 02

  • Comment number 56.

    HI Guys

    23rd Dec the Classical Concert is in the main O2 arena, T-rextasy in the Indigo (baby arena in the O2) Jacko exhibition in the Bubble (what ever that is)

    I think we'z in the car park!!

    Deevs, Never sold so many raffle tickets as when I had lost my voice!!

    Definately think Twitter is not the place for Bingo. Is that why it crashed?

    Swapping between rooms, Paul O'Grady has Richard O'Brien on. Just asked if any one wants to Time Warp??

    Ooooohhh Yeah

    It's just a jump to the left.................


  • Comment number 57.

    and then a step to the riiiiiiiiiiight!


  • Comment number 58.

    Knew I could rely on a Diva

    You put your hands on your hips................


  • Comment number 59.

    hey AliB,

    I shall be in Honkers in a weeks time - will we cross paths on the harbour? Have an awesome time out there...I love it and so will you I am sure :)

    evening all....a wonderful day of data Protection training...i would tell you all aoubt it but you will need to submit a written Freedom of Information request and send £10 to boot!!!!

    ;) EJR

  • Comment number 60.

    and bend your knees in time (per chance)?

  • Comment number 61.

    but it's the pelvic thrust that really drives you ins-a-a-a-ane

  • Comment number 62.

    Who's Boot ?? Nobody sends me a tenner for information!


  • Comment number 63.

    Apparently, there's a world record attempt in Brighton on Hallowe'en for the most people doing The Time Warp .... cool beanz!!

  • Comment number 64.

    Can't get to Brighton

    Do you think I'd get any funny looks if I did the Time Warp in Braintree Town Centre??


  • Comment number 65.

    We are SO NOT going anywhere with dancing in Pool!!! I'll get me contact lenses knocked out with the arm flinging of certain ladies!
    Samba anyone?

    Back later peeps - glass of wine downed - food to cook!

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 66.

    Deev - got your message - someone phoned me just as I was about to phone you!!! On for ages !!!! :) :o) xx

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 67.

    Hahahaha Beez - ne'er mind! Just keeeeeeeeeep smilin'!

    And Seza - yes! But what the heck .....?!

    You can tell I'm not well as I hardly touched my dinner. Might have something to do with being unable to breathe when I've got a mouthful.


    Watching Arsenal in the Champions League in HD - wooooooooo hooooooooooo!


  • Comment number 68.

    Hi all - bring me up to speed!
    What is Foxy being congratulated for and did Chris ever find out what Sally's secret is? And has he announced the two big announcements he twittered about?

  • Comment number 69.

    where has everyone gone? Feel ill and bit down. Love to talk to someone.

    csn xxx

  • Comment number 70.

    OK found out about Foxy - congrats. Why do we think the blog might be stopping?

  • Comment number 71.

    Don't know about Sal, but Foxy expecting again!
    JG X

  • Comment number 72.

    I can't keep up sorry, I'm texting all my posts in, and getting drowsy from the fire I've made!
    JG x

  • Comment number 73.

    Because some bloggers, Was talking about it this morning.

    csn xxx

  • Comment number 74.

    Foxy preggers again!!!! strewth!!!

    What is it with the weather or telly? Two of the ladies in my office are about to go off on 9 months of malingering leave - and one is already on it....blummy...if it was up to us chaps to have the rug rats we would have the baby, then an asprin, and be back in the office after lunch....

    *Sprints for his shed!!!!!*

  • Comment number 75.

    That's Awful. Like to see u try .
    Csn xxx

  • Comment number 76.

    Dya want to see me wear the ranty pants out, tis just about to happen.

    Have been run off me wotnot all day,job to do, pick bosses family up from airport, bad, bad, bad weather, went through speed camera,first time ever in me life and I drive 50,000 miles per year, FLASH!!! Get back ,bake cake for Ugandans departing do, no time to go to do, son to band practise, dash to Tescos, pick up Ready made Pizza, ewww, get calves liver for Mr Mobs..quick breather.
    Get all meals ready as son is only a ten minute drive away, they are gone ONE hour.

    Calves liver Hmmm, well he ate it, pizza in the bin and me bouncing off the walls with rage!!

    Son says, band practise was going well, and, "can we run me mate home", only a 12 mile round trip!!

    Do I qualify for a holiday??


    Hungry and a little stressed.xxxx

  • Comment number 77.

    Bye eck Rob, that were brave!

    I have lady-flu.



  • Comment number 78.

    you need to get in touch with your feminine side love.

    Csn .

    And I' m not super or clever.


  • Comment number 79.

    MTF - We have a spare bed here! Good wx too!

  • Comment number 80.

    Exact location required right now JG,Ta.xx

  • Comment number 81.




  • Comment number 82.

    Let me at Easy Job right now, please look away.


  • Comment number 83.


    After me, you're first.



  • Comment number 84.

    Deevs, little parcel heading your way, post permitting.

    MTF, calming down gradually.xxxx

  • Comment number 85.

    Eww dont want seconds!!


  • Comment number 86.

    Rob, let's talk, was u joking. Sure u was.
    Love. Csn xxx

  • Comment number 87.

    *chuckles from his shed*

    you can huff and puff all you like!!!!

    *opens a beer, puts on the radio and puts his feet up*

  • Comment number 88.

    of course I am joking - I did Sociology at uni me....

    (because all the women were hot and i fancied the lecturer;) )

  • Comment number 89.

    bit nippy for the shed innit Rob?

  • Comment number 90.

    Why do women wear white to their weddings?

    To match the other white goods and kitchen utensils.....

    *checks the bolts on the shed door*

  • Comment number 91.

    I am a shed expert Easy, ask anyone on here, mine has wall to wall and WIFI and, and, and, give me a mo, I will think what else it has to offer!

    MTF, heading off to shed for some inspiration :)

  • Comment number 92.

    Thats it Deevs, mine is Heated!!


  • Comment number 93.


    your shed has you!!

    thank you in anticipation.


  • Comment number 94.

    AND, at the risk of the modders, can you really beat a Huff and a puff in a shed??

  • Comment number 95.

    lol MTF...

    My shed is in the hills above the blogosphere. A very simple place ... red painted walls that warm in the sun ... the garden that smells of herbs in the day ... jasmine in the evening. Through the (allotment) gate is a giant poplar. Figs, apples, pears. The soil, MTF, black ... black like my sociology lecturer's hair. Grapes on the south slopes, olives on the north. Wild ponies play near my house, they tease my cat. He wants to be one of them.

  • Comment number 96.

    Blinkin' eck Easy. Whatever you're on can I have some pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez?!?

    C x

  • Comment number 97.

    CtD - not chilly in my shed - what with the still bubbling away ;)

  • Comment number 98.

    MTF - NO !!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 99.

    Not included return address Deevs, you will see why!!

    MTF, Who thinks, hey, IF your shed is all that, then share it!!

  • Comment number 100.

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah yes, I know that feeling .....


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