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Day One of The Countdown to Destination Breakfast

Chris Evans | 10:13 UK time, Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Here we go then, buckle up everyone it's going to be some ride. Well I say that but...

... I have also to say that yesterday was one of the quietest, calmest days I've experienced in years. Sure, in many ways it may have been kicking off elsewhere but I was left relatively alone to go about my daily beeswax.

I spent most of the morning with my son, he played with his favourite cardboard box whilst I got to grips with Seb Faulks and his 'Week In December', before going to the gym and arriving for work at the usual time. There were a few of the gentlemen of the press around getting snappy happy when I arrived but even they were all very respectful and polite. After a quick smile and almost a few too many seconds holding my tummy in, I slipped in unscathed, if not a little breathless and then it was eyes down here we go for another blast of Drivetime.

I think this whole Entente cordiale was entirely down to the manner in which Terry delivered the news of his impending departure from hosting the Brekkie slot. He could not have performed this potentially most incendiary and tricky of tasks more gracefully and modestly if he had tried. He really is the classiest of acts.

I love the predictability of some of reaction to the events of the last twenty four hours - you'd think they might know better by now. All I can say is thanks for the masses of support the vast majority of you have given to me, the team and the people at Radio 2 regarding our move to the mornings.

You have my word, the team and I will deliver a first rate show that all the family can listen to together - be it in the kitchen over cornflakes, in the car on the school run, or off to the airport on holiday. We will not let you down. It is a real honour to be entrusted with such an important show and we are more than aware of the job in hand.

To be honest, now Terry has given us his blessing we cannot wait to get going. Be sure to come with us, it's going to be a hoot.





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  • Comment number 1.

    We'll be there, just try and stop us!

  • Comment number 2.

    Morning all. Good luck CLP

  • Comment number 3.

    CLP - congratulations and can't wait either. Love Terry, and will miss him for sure, my daughter has grown up with him, and although she doesn't quite get (well maybe she does now!)Janet and John, the uncontrolled laughter that Terry and crew had always made you laugh along!!! Great fun! So, as we know life changes all the time! And I'm already looking forward to your breakfast slot.....big shoes to fill Chris, but we all know you're the only one who could do that! So well done.


    Ps, when you had your anniversary weekend and Tash asked you that biggie - what do you want?! Was your answer ' the breakfast show!!!'?

  • Comment number 4.

    Aww bless you Chris. You've done it before and you will do it again. You proved them wrong and pleasantly surprised loads of people when you took over Drivetime. Look forward to joining you a bit earlier in the day as of next year.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 5.

    Great newspaper story Ginge. That is one hell of a duaghter you have there!
    Good luck with the race.

  • Comment number 6.

    Hi Chris

    does that mean the whole team are going with you on to the brekkie slot? I will be listening.


  • Comment number 7.


    You ain't getting rid of Deevski that easily!!

    Buckled up and ready for the journey .....

    x x x x

  • Comment number 8.

    Terry may well be a class act but I think that you, Mr Christoff, are shaping up to be a very classy act yourself. Loving the blogs this week

    Am looking forward to sharing breakfast with you. Healthy Rabbit Food or Full English?

    Hey, just had a thought. In light of the generous catering Mr Wogan and minions have enjoyed - Pies, Buns of Mass Destrucion & Curry - think you'd better spend the next few months working on that cholesteral level!

    Seza xxxx

  • Comment number 9.

    CLP - talking of Seb Faulks, whatever happened to the book club?! Reading Shantaram just now....good grief, very brutal!


  • Comment number 10.

    Yo CLP Dude......

    Bingo Star ere......

    CLP - Am all for progress. moving forward aka progressing aka forward 'appenings but a personally wish yer were staying at The Drivetime Gig as like a told... The Breakfast slot too early for me!!!!!!!!!!

    Plus 'Eggs With Evans.... Boiled' or 'Early With Evans' doesn't ave the same ring az 'Wake Up With Wogan'!!!!!!!!!!
    In fact 'Mornings With Mayo' does sound better than the 'Evans' ones!!!!!!!
    Am noot trying ter put yer off moving..... 'onestly!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!@!

    Plus am sad Sir Tezz iz moving on az like a said yesterdee, even though a don't catch 'is shoe, sorry show, az often az a would like.... the man iz a legend of broadcasting and still well and truly in 'is prime!!!!!!!!

    Either way though CLP...... am sure you'll do a damn good job of 'olding the steering wheel that iz The Breakfast Shoe, soz Show, rig, sorry gig!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Suppose it just means if a want yer 'graph for whatever reason or INDEED ter listen ter yer shoe, ave gotta get up early!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PS CLP - Ere's the biggest problem of all >>>>@>..... Ave yer thought of no Sally Boazman banter???????????????????????????? AYE???????
    'ow yer gonna cope with no Sal ter talk ter???????????????
    Still noot trying ter put yer off moving.... 'onest!!!!!!!!

    GOURANGA 09 AND FURTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 11.

    morning bigman, sounds like you're well?

    Without sounding sickly, you are probably only one of a very few that could possibly follow the Wogan. It's a daunting task I'm sure but I reckon you'll be well equipped and ready come the day. Good luck to you. There'll always be doubters and haters out there no matter who you are, I reckon you've "been there, done it" though eh?
    For me, it's better as I can listen more in the am than the pm, roll on the show.

    bonnet de douche


    PS, just 'cause I can, here's a the link (again) to today's local paper, my 15m of fame


  • Comment number 12.

    Morning Chris and all,

    Good man you just go get em,looking forward to hearing you in the mornings .It will be like a breath of fresh air.

    Bridge .xxx.

  • Comment number 13.

    Isn't amazing how much reaction this story has caused? Just shows what a national institution Radio 2 is. Of course, we already knew Terry was a national treasure but the question is, is Chris old enough to be considered one too?! We know he is, but usually that description is applied to folk in their dotage!

    Good luck Chris - will look forward to hearing the new show. My daughters are wondering who will be filling your warm drivetime seat and so are we all!

  • Comment number 14.

    Good morning everyone,

    What is it about this blog that it can so easily bring a tear to my eye, first Ginge's newspaper article and then CLP's blog. Not good at all when in an office where no-one knows I come on here!!



    p.s. Good Luck Chris, you deserve it!!

  • Comment number 15.

    Gingembre - just followed your link. Good on you and you must be so proud of your daughter. Best of luck

  • Comment number 16.

    PS CLP - 'ope me commentations above don't come across az negative...... Even though a wish yer were staying at Drivetime..... a do just wanter wish yer 'GOOD LUCK' with The Breakfast Gig and am sure yer will make a great success out of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Just one last thing, instead of 'Don't Forget Yer Toothbrush'...... 'Don't Forget Yer Alarm Clock!!!!!!'...... ter set it a mean..... noot bring it ter work a mean't - know what am sayin'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 17.

    Portybelle - It's gonna be Simon Mayo for The Drivetime slot!!!!!!!!!
    A remember CLP 'as often said when 'e's returned from 'olidee and The Mayo 'as been fillin gin that The Mayo iz a "little too good"..... I agree!!!!!!!!!!
    Great delivery and Playlist!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Chow again!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 18.


    Soz ave accidently writted above.... 'The Mayo 'as been fillin gin!!!!!!!!!!!' BIG LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    A didn't now, sorry know, The Mayo 'ad a drink problem!!!!!!!!!!!!

    A mean't 'filling in' noot 'fillin gin'!!!!!!!!!

    Yer see, told yer before 11am too early for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Chow.... yet again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 19.

    CLP- I saw you as you were approached by some of those "press people" and can assure you no-one would know that you were holding in your tummy... you looked the very image of health and fitness hon!

    Booboo & the bump

    PS It's a bit strange that my little one will grow up with you at the breakfast show healm as apposed to Tel' who I grew up with... the times they are indeed a changin'!!

  • Comment number 20.

    PS Talkin' of alcohol.... ave goot me latest 'Bingo Star Joke' ere...... >>

    A went inter a pub during 'appy 'our and there wazza bloke at the bar knocking back aloada drinks.... knocking back all.... next thing 'e rushed outside and waz being sick in the gutter (PS that's the roadside gutter noot the one at the end of the roof for rain drainage, although a agree the roadside one iz for rain drainage too).....

    A went out and asked "are yer alreeeet??@?"

    E replied "yes, am just playin gmy part in the goverment's drive ter 'curb' binge drinking!!!!!!!!!!!@!!!@!@!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 21.

    Woooooo getting closer ter the lucky #22 slot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 22.


    Just read your story!! Now i'm crying too......wow, you must be so so proud of your girl. Well done you for entering too. good luck!


  • Comment number 23.

    Morning all - sunny (ish) and really warm here in middle England.

    Work rules again today - mountains of it and the joy of the compliance officer with us - arriving as I type. :(


    Beezer xx

    KW I bet you are bursting with pride A? One heck of a girl you've got there.

  • Comment number 24.

    Morning peeps!

    Christophe, I think you're gonna need a bigger boat, with all of us coming along for the ride!!!

    Can't wait for the brekkie show but really will miss you on the drive home. Are you going to compile a 'best bits'?? My best bit without doubt would have to be the time you thought someone f*rted on air during an interview and you all completely lost it. I was literally crying with laughter so much I had to pull over. I'd LOVE to hear that again!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 25.

    PS Gingembre - what a fantastic article - no wonder you want to share it

    T xxx

  • Comment number 26.

    Morning Bloggers

    Was a bit disappointed this morning to see that Gloria Hunniford has put her two pence in about the move about on Radio 2 in the Daily Mail.

    Had to say something I think some people are being very unfair to Mr Evans. I feel that the mantle of the breakfast show could not be passed to anyone more impressive.

    Mr Evans you have shown a maturity which has grown since he started doing drivetime. I put it down to Tash and Noah of course, you know what they say behind every great man is a greater women and a beautiful child.

    I remember bleating like this when it was announced that Chris would take over from Johnnie, but look what happened I think Chris' track record over the last few years is proof enough.

    Go for it Chris and Team and enjoy it. We will all be supporting you.

    Groovy Brady Bunch

  • Comment number 27.

    Morning Chris,TW will be a hard act to follow,but you and the team will be great !!!!! Good luck Chris,ill be there with you, just try and stop me.love to all.xx

  • Comment number 28.

    Used to love listening to you in the morning Chris & never found a breakfast show since that I enjoyed as much or listened to regularly...looking forward to starting the day with you again.

  • Comment number 29.


    me again.......

    Gingembre - Just linked ter yer.... errr link, and whatta brilliant and inspiring story.... and INDEED perspiring what with all the running!!!!!!! LOL!!
    Seriously though, if more people in the world were like yersen the world would be a better place!!!!!!!
    After being through such difficult times of losing your ex-wife and supporting your daughter and encouraging 'er ter start running for charity..... a can't find words ter say 'ow.... well all a can say iz what a did above - The world needs more like yersen!!!!!!!!

    So many people when faced with 'ard times in life.... give up, go bad, turn ter drink or let depression get a 'old of them.... and become bad parents but for yersen noot only ter be doing something that keeps yerself and yer daughter fit and in good 'ealth, but also for yer both ter be using it ter raise money for charity..... AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    (And with yer bad knee - a know 'ad abitta trouble with me knees mesen too - it's painful!!!!)

    A tell yer Gin man, yer daughter's gonna grow up ter be a VERY oustanding lady, a daughter that yer gonna be very proud and INDEED obviously already are now!!!!!!!!!!

    PS I'll be sponsering yer for the 10k gig!!!!!!!!!

    I'll click onter the link in yer link thatta linked too from CLP's BIG blog!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 30.

    am I wrong or is the togmeister starting to look his age? After all the time he has woken early and burned the candle at both ends he deserves a rest, trouble is..will he?

  • Comment number 31.

    It's only half past eleven!!

    I can't believe how slowly today is going.

    KW read your story - wonderful You & your daughter must be very proud of each other.

    Bingo Hopefully you'll end up in a train cab in the early mornings so you'll be able to listen

    GBB Quite agree. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion but so many people are still working on opinions they made 15 years ago.

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 32.

    Gingembre Man - Ave just tryed ter go onter yer link ter sponsor yersen aka >>>


    And it doesn't go through!!!!!!!

    Seriously i'd like ter sponsor you for the 27th Sept run.... Any chance of putting 'ow a can on the blog.... And maybe in the process yer might pick up a few others who might bang the odd wad in too!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    All 'elps towards the cause - know what am sayin'!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 33.

    Hi Chris,

    Terrific blog today. I agree, the way Terry delivered his news was absolute class. But, I have to say, the way you dealt with the opening of your show last night, was very classy too. It was brilliant - I know I've said before that you are a genius, and I stand by that. I'm still a wee bit emotional about Terry, though, which I am sure you will understand!

    Gingembre: the newspaper article is so inspiring. You say that you feel priviledged to have your daughter - quite right, she sounds wonderful. She might be a wee bit young just now ... but some day she will feel privileged that you are her dad xx

    Gail: what a gal you are - 50 mile cycle! Good luck and make sure your tush is padded!

    Happy Tuesday to everyone else!

    C xx

  • Comment number 34.

    tel will be a hard act to folow but if anyone can do it then chris can. Hope we will still get a load of laffs, what will happen to the Janet and John stories? or is everyone moveing on now?

  • Comment number 35.

    Morning all,

    Not wanting to wish my life away, I can't afford to do that, but I say bring it on Christoph, I for one can't wait till 2010.

    Ginge - a big well done for your daughter, what an inspiration and good luck to you also.

    Darn sarf we have the most bootiful, gawjus, warm, sunny morning, with a promise it will last, do we believe that? we shall see!!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 36.

    Bingo, you truly ar a star, thank you


  • Comment number 37.

    Gail - if you get a chance (and today apparently is the last chance) listed on i-player to Ayers on Air on radio 4 - it was last weeks and is all about cycling and indeed padded cycling seats. It is a hoot!
    Tomorrows is about shopping - that too will be well worth a listen, I'm sure.

    Crumpy - who has never learnt to ride a two=wheeler! Honest I would need stabilisers! :o)

  • Comment number 38.

    SezaGirl - THIS iz one VERY BIG downside ter train driving..... noot allowed radios AT ALL in the cab!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    VERY SERIOUS offence that can lead ter the sack!!!!!!!!!

    So if a become a train driver... no R2!!!!!!!!!! (could still listen on the way 'ome though in me car!!!!!!)

    PS Ave goot alot ter say about the LondonMidland fiasco but too busy!!!!!!

    In fact a will say it now anyway >>>>>>>

    Do yer know for the past few months a suddenly discovered a can get LM instead of Virgin from Liverpool ter London and it's a third cheaper for the on the dee saver ticket!!!!!!!!!
    On top of this, ok it takes a little over three and a 'alf 'ours, compared ter 2 'ours ten for Virgin, but still way faster then the coach at nearly six!!!!!!!!!!!
    But sometimes a find the pace of modern life iz becoming too fast!!!!!
    Ok it's great ter blast ter London in 2 'ours ten and they're even talkin' of making it just over an 'our with this new 'igh speed rail line they are talkin' about building!!!!!
    But sometimes a find getting on a long train journey, the pleasure in it iz it's 'time out time' from life and the rush and stress of life!!!!!!
    Ter sit back and chill for a few 'ours or more, watch the world go by and get bits and bobs done from the comfort of yer seat!!!!!!
    Ave found the 2 'ours ter London, yuv barely goot yer laptop out or 'ad a sip of yer bottle of diluted 'ome made Tesco's orange juice in yer old Coke bottle, ate a banana ter release the energy of the mind, than it's time ter get off... yer already at/ in London!!!!!!!!
    The point am trying ter 'it ere iz a find the 3 plus 'ours on LondonMidland iz just perfect ter chill and relax!!!!!!!
    AND on top of this I am so impressed by their service!!!!!
    The carriages are so clean, the ambience in the carriage very nice, the staff very polite and the trains new and VERY, VERY punctual all at a third of the cost of Virgin!!!!!!!!!!!
    Ave been so impressed in fact ave seriously considered wreeting a letter of compliment ter the LM MD, even though a very rarely write letters of complaint or compliment, saying 'ow VERY impressed I am by their service!!!!!!
    With brings me ter the issue of.... SUCH a BIG, BIG shame all this fiasco over the noot paying the drivers proper double time for Sundees!!!!!!!!!!!

    WHY 'ave such a good train company shot themselves in the foot so stupidly????????????

    Certainly got alot of free publicity though..... be it at the cost of a dee's lost revenue!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 39.

    Gin Man - BIG tarr for the working link!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 40.

    You're a total darling and we're all gonna be along for the ride I'm sure. Anyone who's bemoaning Terry's departure and worried that you're not the right man for the job obviously doesn't have their radio on between 5 and 7pm at the moment. Once they get to know you I'm sure even the most ardent of TOGS will see what they've been missing!

    Great blog chuck. Love ya. xx

  • Comment number 41.


    Has everyone calmed down now?? Yesterday was quite exciting. I love Terry, but I also love Chris, so for me it's win/win. I thought that both gentlemen handled the situation very well yesterday, and Chris your tribute to Sir Tel at the beginning of your programme was top notch. I'm along for the ride, for sure xx

    Baggy, I hope your first day is going well and remember that you don't have to remember all their names, they've only got to remember yours xx

    Nothing wild or exciting happening in Kent, apart from the sun shining - it's 'ot!

    Hope everyone is fine and dandy.


  • Comment number 42.

    P.S. Knew I'd forget something! Gingembre, great article and I echo what everyone else has said - you're a top bloke xx

  • Comment number 43.

    Hi Chris,

    Congratulations! This is the best news in ages, it's time some one lively headed up a Radio Breakfast Show!

    I will miss cooking & ironing along to you at 5.05 though - your show always manages to give me the motivation to do those mundane chores. Maybe starting the day off to your show will set me up for the whole day - I might even change the World as a result!!!

    p.s. Looking forward to reading your book too!

    Jules xx

  • Comment number 44.

    Morning Chris - As Penny said. Not wanting to wish my life away, but I can't wait until next Feb/March time when everyone has settled into their new positions, the doom merchants and professional miserablists have found something else to get their teeth stuck into and we are all once again organising our days around our favourite bits of Radio 2.
    It's a fairly constant companion to me and I quite like a shake up!

    Ginge - Wow!....I managed not to get too emotional listening to Terry yesterday....didn't do so well reading your article.
    What a little Angel you have been blessed with.



  • Comment number 45.

    Didn't want to soil my last post with this, but in particular reference to post 385 on the last blog.
    Nice to have an opinion, but have you nothing constructive or positive to add?

    Sorry shouldn't bite, but what is the point?!



  • Comment number 46.

    Chris: Its a pity you can not do both!

  • Comment number 47.

    Chris, I know you`ll do a great job of replaceing Terry. Good luck my friend.

    mj x

  • Comment number 48.

    Huge congratulations Chris, you can definitely fill Sir Tel's shoes.

    Thank you for putting on his speech at the beginning of the show I managed to catch up with it on iplayer - brought a tear to my eyes.
    Sharing that quiet automnal moment with Noah before the winds of change blew through must have been very special. How lovely to have him and Tash with you. Thoughts of roots to grow and wings to fly cross my mind.

    Gingembre - what a wonderful article and how special your daughter is. Good luck with the run.

    Clodagh - loved the Lion poem. I agree with Clodagh, Chris watch out for Noah.

    Brizzle meet - looks like you all had a really great time and so much fun and laughter!

    Tins - hope your not too down and things look up soon for you.

    Roidy - hi and my gut feeling is with you in that Graham Norton may be a possible replacement.

    All the best to all blogpeeps.

  • Comment number 49.

    Big congratulations!

    I start maternity leave in December and can’t wait to become a regular breakfast listener in 2010!

  • Comment number 50.

    Hi Chris

    I'm am certain that you will do a wonderful job with the Breakfast show, will still miss you in the ebenings though!

    BTW Crumps, the bacon sandwich was delicious! Thanks!

    JG x

  • Comment number 51.

    I'm really looking forward to brekkie with Chris too - shame you can't start at 7 though Christoph I could do with getting moving then and I don't put the radio on until 7.30 (I wonder why? meeeeow !!)

    All Mr B said was - good news - and at least you'll get moving in the mornings !! Cheeky so and so.

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 52.

    Now what do I do? I listen to Chris Moyles in the morning & CLP in the eve... So what will I do from Jan? Play a podcast in the eve? Hmmmm

  • Comment number 53.

    I can't wait for this, it's been too long without a great breakfast show to listen to on my drive to work in the morning!

    Any chance you could still do drivetime as well though? ;0)

    Everyone seems really excited, in fact told boyfriend last night, and I quote "Well that's just the best news in a long time!"

    Nice work Chris and team!


  • Comment number 54.

    I'm looking forward to it as I've been a bit stuck in the middle for a few years. Terry was just not my generation, Chris Moyles is just too full of himself and his show is too immature for me.

    I listened to you on R1 and loved it. Can't wait for you to start. Will you be working Fridays as well ? :-)

    Michael B

  • Comment number 55.

    Dilemma: I'm very excited about CLP doing the brekkie show, but husband-to-be is insisting we should stick with Moyles as our cornflake accompaniment. Is this serious enough grounds to call off the wedding? I think it might be.

  • Comment number 56.

    I am looking forward to waking up with you each morning!

    Keep up the good work Chris. x

  • Comment number 57.

    Amy_Eleanor - that is certainly grounds for divorce!!

    I can't be doing with Radio 1 anymore, full stop. I just don't like their play list, the DJs are too 'hip' for my palette and well, R2 is so good so why stray?

    Sorry for absinth today, feeling a bit down at heel so mainly lurking and piping up when i feel the need.



  • Comment number 58.

    Amy - Ditch him now !!!

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 59.

    Well there's a surprise - the twins strike again. Is Tango poorly then? Ah diddems Baz.

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 60.

    Hi CLP I am new to the blog!
    I listen to you at uni in leeds in and this will make it so much easier to get up in the mornings!!
    Fantastic news, wish you could do drivetime as well as hehe!

  • Comment number 61.

    Amy - What a dilemma!! Gotta agree with Deev and Beezer - CLP is the way forward though. Change is good for everyone!

    Deev - hugs and moral support winging their way across the wires to you.


  • Comment number 62.

    Thanks for the advice - sounds like a resounding wedding cancellation! I'd like to think given the choice between me and Mr Moyles he'd know who to choose, but you never know!
    I don't mind Moyles himself, it's just all the rubbish music they play on radio 1....Tinchy Strider, N-Dubz, Chipmunk....serious, who ARE these people??

  • Comment number 63.

    Hi Guys

    Amy, My nearly 13 year old boy1 has now started listening to R1. IF your man fancies himself as a sophisticatted type, surely R2 is the only choice!!

    Hugs, Diva ((XX))

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 64.

    Well chris I had hoped some of the press may have been more kind not everybody is born with wisdom @ a young age

    chris like us all we made mistakes but show them sir . Just how good you are I'm proud to no you the famous & loved togs will grow to love the show ? Like us all we sometimes don't like change . So good luck to yourself & the great 2 team kind regards Stewart the Chauffer

    Sir tel makes me smile so much in the morning & your drive time show does the same you are both born talent so bring the team the show to them

  • Comment number 65.

    That settles it then, I'm leaving my fiance and marrying Dermot O'Leary.

  • Comment number 66.

    Congratulations Chris, really pleased to hear about your move to breakfast.
    Wanted to come on yesterday but as there was some negativity around I stayed away.
    Hope Sir Tel enjoys his semi-retirement. It was lovely to hear his support for you and vice versa.
    As from January we are banning TV in our house before school in favour of your new show.
    Well done!

    Hope Tango is soon well
    Also hope Diva finds her mojo soon (or should that be her Mojito!!!)
    Loved the Bristol pics.
    Gingembre - fabulous and inspiring story - well done to you and your wonderful daughter. Good luck with the run.
    Is Ms Love still poorly - hope she is better and back with us soon, I miss her quick wit and amusing musings!

    Daisy x

  • Comment number 67.

    Hi Chris
    Congratulations on your new appointment, taking over from Sir Terry, how much better does it get. Are you taking the Drive Show Team with you, I hope so. As I am retired, I am not usually up, for the morning show. I will have to change my routine, and start using an alarm clock, again.

    Mel xxx

  • Comment number 68.

    Hi Chris

    Great news about the breakfast show. Love Terry and have listened to him for years so will miss him, but if he has to be replaced by anyone, glad it's you!


  • Comment number 69.

    Afternoon all!

    Daisy- I can confirm that MsLove is still indeed a poorly girlie though has returned to work part time today. All positive vibes that can be directed down towards Hove acshully will be most appreciated I'm sure.


  • Comment number 70.

    What? Bazza poorly, shirly not!!!

    Thought there was someone missing, couldn't think who!

    Hope you feel better soon matey!xx

    Pen xx aka ppp!

  • Comment number 71.

    Afternoon all,
    CLP - it's already been said a hundred times, but if anyone should take over from the Togmeister it should be you, just don't forget to take your team with you!! Now we just have to sort out who takes over Drive time!! lol
    Cheer up Deevs,
    Gingembre, wow, what an inspiration to all,
    Lyndyloo, good vibes on there way to Hove.

    TTW. xx

  • Comment number 72.

    PV's on the way to the Hove, hope she's been OK today, first day back is always the most daunting after being off ill for a while.
    Give her my best when you speak next.
    Daisy x

  • Comment number 73.

    I knew there was someone missing - get well soon Tango!

    Also, positive thoughts winging their way to Hove! Hope you are soon on the mend HL!

    Gingembre - read your story, very inspiring, have already sponsored you I think, but will check to make sure.

    Having a bit of a CBA day here today, which is a bit of an issue as I've got loads to do...keep juggling stuff around to look for something inspiring to do, but think I'll resort to the usual option of dealing with the largest files first, so at least the pile of work seems to be getting smaller!

    JG x

  • Comment number 74.

    Hazel - wishing you back to full health soon, you've been missing far too long xx Assume it is still ongoing with the shingles?

    What with Baz under the weather, best we stay away from Sussex for the time being!!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 75.

    Number seventeee five!!!!!! I like it!!!!!!!!!!! I like it very much so!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 76.

    I think I am going to have to change my name. If I see one more Post-It note with my name scrawled on it, I swear I shant't be responsible for my actions ......


    x x x

  • Comment number 77.

    afternoon all, hope you're well?

    Hazel - hope you're feeling fine and dandy soon xxx

    Can I just say that since joining this blog a few years ago I've been through good, and bad times, most of which I've cared to share on here.
    As have many of you whether it be a regular or a 'dipper/lurker' Sometimes it takes me a while to actually post my comments as I wonder whether it's relevant, necessary or of interest even???
    However, without exception it receives a response everytime and today has left me a tad speechless. I didn't think it merited the replies it has received and just in passing to MrsW mentioned it, to which she replied "well you would reply to such a post, why wouldn't others?"

    Anyway, through thick and thin, tears, tantrums and a TFI boot I love coming on here, sometimes a few times a day, sometimes only a couple of times a week. God bless you all

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 78.

    Hello Chris,

    I thought it best to leave the news a day to sink in. Still speechless with excitment... cool beans!!

    R2-Icon... :)x

  • Comment number 79.

    Nice post Kirk!
    I too read your article, you say you are proud of Ellen but you can see how proud she is of you. She is so lucky to have you as her Daddy
    Good luck in the run, take care of them knees
    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 80.


    Ginge - arm well and truely twisted by the great article you posted - in not much but its all for a good cause!

    Howdy too all the new bloggers - great to see some new names coming up!
    Rachel_E_S - your not my mate called Rachel having a baby next next year? Hugh coincidence one feels!

    So - yesterday I went to London to find new offices - found the building - bought some new clothes - all going well - also got monthly travelcard thing.

    Today - tubes running late - got to where I thought the offices were - never heard of the company - some very frabtic calls home and to the agency meant i found the address, I was a number out and they were next door - opps! ANyone got a worse first day story?

    Had two meetings with banks and then lunch with new boss adn then asked to go home as the situation with the lady I am replacing is very delicate (shes being pushed!) So I'm home by 3:30 - hmmmmmmmmmmmm

    Have I missed much?

    Mrs baggy puss x

  • Comment number 81.

    PS - CLP - well done on move to morning - its a shame wogans going but your a good replacement - as i'm on a train in the morning I won't be able to listen live but can listen again on the day so I'll be there with you - just a couple of hours later :-)

  • Comment number 82.

    Gingembre - So let me get this straight, before you post you "wonder whether it's relevant, necessary or of interest even???".......

    Now there's a thought - interesting concept!!!!

    If you'd said that a year ago you could have saved everyone on here a lot of my posts....Hahahaha

    While your having your back rightfully slapped. I should add that you were one of the reasons I became a lurker in the first place.

    Cheers mate


  • Comment number 83.

    Kirk / Rips

    Between the pair of you, I am now (not for the first time today) blubbing!

    I'm so hoping the Alice Cooper look is in this Autumn!

    x x x

  • Comment number 84.


    Bet you are glad the first day is over and result being home by 3:30pm! I had a little chuckle about you being outside the wrong building, but I expect it was at all funny at the time.

    When I was 18 I started a new job on the Monday having returned from two weeks in Greece on the Friday with tonsilitis (sp), had a temp of 103 and felt really rough, but struggled into work. They sent me home at about 3:00 and when I got home and my Mum opened the door I burst into tears! Didn't go back for the rest of the week! So spent my first week at work off sick. However, I did stay with the company for 12 years and in all that time only had another 5 days off sick!


  • Comment number 85.

    Whoops - meant to say wasn't at all funny!

  • Comment number 86.

    AliB - yes I am already the office clown - problem is as I work with numbers its even worse :-(

    However I was told that if i take people out for drinks to get to know them I can expense it and that I need to come out to the states to meet the team - and bring the hubby (second thoughts I might leave him at home :-) )

  • Comment number 87.

    Afternoon everybody,

    Just caught up with blogs and Clodagh that poem is brilliant - Chris should print it out and frame it!

    Ginge - your post and link was lovely, how proud you must be of your daughter, especially as you say she doesn't talk about her Mum that much. Truly a credit to you all. Good luck with the run.

    Haze - hope you feel better soon, we do miss you x

    Mrs Baggy Puss - that sounds like some first day that you've had! Sure things will run more smoothly tomorrow - good luck and hope you really enjoy it there.

    Hi Pen x

    Darce xx

  • Comment number 88.

    Gingembre: well ... you know ... we all love ya!

    Mrs Baggy: things can only get better - and they will! When I showed up for my first day as Office Junior at a VERY plush office (age 17 and terrified) the boss man said to me "Oh, did we choose you? I didn't know! Yeah thanks mate, none taken!!

    It will all work out - I think you are coping brilliantly, considering all the changes taking place in your life!

    C xx

  • Comment number 89.

    Totally join Deev in the p****d off sobbing club. Don't wanna play any more. Boleyn will send you a message on fb but I am never going to make it Thursday.
    I want to be retired!

    Beezer xx

    Mrs Baggy - your post did make me smile tho

  • Comment number 90.

    beesmum - glad I cheered you up! Looking back its pretty funny but I was tearing my hair out this morning - esp as my phone was dying!

  • Comment number 91.

    Hiya Chris,

    Just back from a worldwind of happenings in London.
    I know Sir Terry has every faith in you and your team.

    Good Luck and we are here if you need us.

    Hells & Tude

  • Comment number 92.

    Gingembre - one of life's good 'uns - you deserve all the back slapping, good on you.
    Mrs Baggy - well done on surviving the whole first day stress, sounds like you got on fine in the end. Day 2 here you come, onwards and upwards.
    Diva and Beezer - take a deep breath and smile. It is not worth getting so upset for, it is only work. Look after yourselves. A good tip is to write down all the stuff once the day is done that has hacked you off, read it through, shred it. Go home (or up the garden path) having left work troubles behind and enjoy your evenings.
    Daisy x

  • Comment number 93.

    question for anyone welsh - me and Mr bp were given a wooden spoon with the date of our wedding on it - does this mean something and what do we do with it?

  • Comment number 94.

    Hey Beez - dinna worry, was about to fb you meself, wouldja believe they are making me WORK on Thursday afternoon after all - only one hour, but with real children. Argh. So we'll have to reschedule, will be in touch.

    Me also peed off, though I don't expect sympathy after the 7 week pleasure-fest which was my summer holiday. But I've got my third training day tomorrow and I am bored rigid, actually looking forward to spouting on instead of being spouted at.

    And I KNEW that Indian Summer would arrive this week.

    Anyhoo, sending loads of love to Hazel - will be in touch mon petit pois.

    Hello Darcy, Chrissie, Chez, Seza, Rips, Bingers, Baggie, Ali, Tigs (CONGRATS on Beatles ARF!) well done that Ginge, and everyone else too, hello hello.

    A x

  • Comment number 95.

    Baggie - we got a chopping board with our names and the date on! We also got a dustpan and brush in the same of a bride and groom!?

    A x

  • Comment number 96.

    What? I meant shape.

  • Comment number 97.

    BG - now that is odd!
    we got a tapestry with our names on - from a dear friend of mr bp's mum - both looked at it and decided it would go upstairs out the way where it would be ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm safe!

  • Comment number 98.

    Thats lovely Gingembre, may each day in your life be a good day.

    Let's also remember the funny contributions from past bloggers who really gave a buzz to this blog in the first place. No longer here but not forgotten.

  • Comment number 99.

    Boleyngirl: I managed to get completely distracted this morning when I came on the blog - I did mean to say to you welcome back! Also, I agree with every word you said about some of the comments here yesterday!

    C xx

  • Comment number 100.

    OK Boleyn - we will re-schedule. Blinkin cheek making you work your first week back!!!! Humph !!

    Mrs Baggy - Boleyn one wooden spoon and one chopping board - now I can think of someones head I would like to put on the chopping board and wallop with the spoon - or better still the dustpan and brush !!!! or all!!

    Great idea Daisy !!would take me a fair while today to write it all down though !!! but shredding it - oooooo yes !!!

    Beezer xx


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