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Cracking show last night...

Chris Evans | 07:58 UK time, Wednesday, 23 September 2009

...If you didn't hear it, listen again at ten past six to catch an adjustment of tectonic proportions to Jonny's neck.

It was hilarious. I used to have an adjustment session once a week and I have promised
myself to start having them again. They're not for everyone but I love them.

Note to self. Must also stop taking a bowl of refrigerated Maltesers to bed - it's my last moment treat and at the time tastes so good - especially if I take half a glass of cheeky red wine with me.

To end the day with the gentle glow of the bedside light, a few pages of the current squad of books I have on the go, and finally the: "Can I do five more clues of the crossie before I say goodbye to another God given day ?" is perfection.

Tash will be fast asleep 'usually' by this point, although she has been known to shout out the odd impressive answer with her eyes firmly closed!

The scene of night time bliss...






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  • Comment number 1.

    Morning CLP,

    If that was my side of the bed the maltesars wouldn't have lasted 5 minutes, I can't resist them!! Have you started the Dan Brown book yet, is it worth me getting it, have been tempted.


  • Comment number 2.

    Morning Chris,

    It looks like some Maltesers have escaped from the bowl! If they'd been mine there would be none left at all - chocolate IMHO always tastes better cold.

    I could do with an adjustment on my neck at the moment, it's very sore - still hopefully the physio will sort that out on the 5th.

    Loving your work

  • Comment number 3.

    Morning Mr E. Mmmmmmm, cold maltesers, mmmmm! I specially like it when you get a chewy one!

    All well here - only 2 days work (inc today) and then I'm off on my jollies to Dorset woo hoo!!!!!

    T xxxx

  • Comment number 4.

    good morning Chris

    very long time lurker, but have meaning to blog for ages!
    Listened to the show last night as usual and it did make me laugh! Mr Saunders is a whimp! my 6 year ols son has been receiving adjustments since he was 3 months old, it was the only cure for colic, he now goes every 3 months and loves it, it is me that pulls the faces as i hear the 'cracks', but I did say last night that i should go and get my shoulder sorted as I am the only memeber of the Family that doesn't go!

    Seeing that picture, I now want maltesers, off to the vending machine I go!

    Pantolou x

  • Comment number 5.

    Listened with interest last night. Maybe I should goi and get this back problem sorted!

    I am with you. What is it about chewy Maltesers!

    RE yesterdays snoring posts. Have YOU tried ear plugs. Mrs Thunder wouldnt be without them!!

  • Comment number 6.


    CLP - I love the fact that your bedside table includes your small loose change - my other half does that too, as did my dad when I was little.

    Is this a man thing???

    My bedside table looks like a library - currently reading Piers Morgan's God Bless America, as well as the Nella Last War one. I know Piers isn't everyone's cuppa but he does make me laugh - he knows he's not Mister Popular and thrives on it. And he has the most extraordinary relationship with Simon Cowell.

    So, about this database ......


    x x x x

  • Comment number 7.

    I was running errands yesterday after work so I listened to the whole show (apart from the first half an hour as I was still in work at that point!)

    I sat there in my car (actually telling my car to be quiet because I couldn't hear the popping lol)

    I'm actually really tempted to have an adjustment but I don't think I can afford it (or know where to find an Osteopath?!?!) Then again maybe if I get a new job I'll be able to afford one lol

  • Comment number 8.


    Just one question.

    Why do you keep a lettuce next to the bed?

  • Comment number 9.

    On the book front I am reading Juggle! Rethink Work, Reclaim your Life by Ian Sanders - it was suggested to me by my husband as a way to get me more interested in my current job until I find a new one.

    It's a good interesting book but I'd rather be reading The Art of Compassion - I was given it as a birthday present in April and I'm still only half way through because I keep reading other books - it's not good!

  • Comment number 10.


    You just got to have some salad with malteasers.

    I am wondering what number reception is on the phone.

  • Comment number 11.

    Morning All,

    Chris.....now i want maltesers too......but no vending machine here, so I'll just have to raid the biscuit tin instead!

    Deev....the loose change dummping is definately a bloke thing, but t'other alway dumps it on my bedside table, so it always ends up in my purse!!

    Right of to re-type an email for boss.......all change as he's just spoken to the person the email is for......DOH!

    Oh and colleague that sits across from me has just written partbaked instead of partake.....that says alot about this place at the moment!


  • Comment number 12.

    Don'tchya just HATE it when the fax machine decides to go orf during Pop Master ...... soooooooooooo noisy - shurrup, I'm trying to hear Ken!!

    Barney - that really made me laugh!

    CLP - your answer please ....!!!

    x x x

  • Comment number 13.

    Barney - LOL - lettuce by the bed - wonder what Chris will say!

    I LURVE having by neck and back 'cracked' and was actually thinking I need to go after hearing Jonnies crack - it is such a satisfying sound! Off to listen again to Chris giggling.....

    Deevs - get on with the database girl!


  • Comment number 14.

    Morning chris

    that's a nice picture & looks very relaxing
    you do make me smile

    Myself & cathy was listering to the show on the way to mum 70 th birthday & we both said to each other you sounded well & happy . Myself & cathy have allways promised our self we would stop for dinner @ the mulberry

    Chris the food was out of this world it

    It was lovely to be there . Great service and amousphere we are going to stay there very soon

    Anyway clp taking mum& dad to goodwood for lunch

    Have a good drive in & show

    All our love Stewart & cathy

  • Comment number 15.

    my bedtime treat - real fudge - not the cheap stuff - available from a little shop is Windsor (and has a website if anyones intrested) - a tiny little square while I'm reading my book of choice - yummy!

    Might need to get my back cracked - himself has got a massage chair but its a bit odd!

    Okay - lunchtime online shopping list - docking station for islopd so I can listen loud at work, torchwood series two, anything else I need to get?

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 16.

    Super BP - Some more fudge!
    We have a little shop up here called 'Oh Fudge' and there is too much choice. For me it has to be vanilla...mmmmm

    NM x

  • Comment number 17.

    NM - great idea- only the waistline doesnt strecth to a whole box of frudge at the moment :-(

  • Comment number 18.

    bp - take a little and hide the rest. That way when you remember you have it, its a nice surprise when you find it! :-D

  • Comment number 19.

    Just caught up to date with all recent posts since Monday! PHEW!!

    couple of comments
    Daisy - hilarious - finishing off things started - I'm right onto that now!
    MTF - glad you got bunny back - I am SO picturing that!
    Beez - wot filum got you sobbing?
    JG - glad Mr JG came up with the goods
    SBP - envelopes? LOL


  • Comment number 20.

    debs - you are 100% right - but I think I will pop out at lunch and try and get them rather then a certain 'play' website which swallows a lot of my spare income!

  • Comment number 21.

    SBP - I know that website too - uh oh!

    BTW all Take That fans 'cited about tour DVD - not out till 23 November - PANTS!


  • Comment number 22.

    Morning all

    Blimey Chris, methinks you need a bigger bedside table! And yes what's with the lettuce, very bizarre. Answer please!!

    Mr P lobs his loose change into a container every night, mainly because it has on numerous occasions ended up in the hoover! Then every so often takes it to Sainsbugs and puts in one of those change thingys and hey presto we then go to the pub!!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 23.

    YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO..............



    Bingo Star ere.............

    YO CHRISTOOF - A most interesting table of organised caos... the first sign of genius they say...... well that's my excuse for my control centre looooking mad.... keep putting off tidying it up.... mind if a tidy it then a won't be able ter find anything!!!!!!!!!

    Any way.... CLP a notice first yesterdee yer 'arrods sofa reduced from 4k ter a whisker over 1k.... know, sorry now, a notice yer Brown boook a 'alf price reduction sticker!!!!!!!!
    A do believe Tash being a cap iz 'aving a positive effect on you of seeking out the bargains and noot wasting money!!!!!!!
    Uz caps yer see the shrewdest of all the star signs!!!!!!!!!!

    PS CLP - PLEASE don't give up the blog when yer start yer new show in Jan!!!!! A love yer blogs and INDEED the photos!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@!@!!!@!

    PPS CLP - Am sure those glasses loook like the comedy glasses a bought from a joke shop yesterdee!!!!!!
    And yes if the blogger who's name am noot aloowed ter mention iz reading this.... yes ave just bought some more comedy shades.... SOZ!!!!!!!!

    Okay am off ter listen ter the Jono S 18.10 thingy.... missed it az a waz in me maths class!!!!!!

    PS Talkin' of links..... ALL take a looook at this.... it blew me away & a waz even there!!!!!
    It's Coldplay at Wembley playing Yellow, a still don't know where all the yellow balloons appeared from even though a/ we waz/ were standing in the middle about 50ft from the stage.... plus also check out the audition Chris Martin did with Simon Cowell & the crowd - it's the bit after the song.... great gig and worth a loook all!!!!!!
    PS Just in case a few take this az me boasting.... AM NOOT!!!!!
    Just trying ter share abitta fun and 'appiness and the moment with all - worth a loook!!!!!!

    PS I'll bang me FULL gig blog on later.... ave just gotta go and ave me morning grapefruit!!!!!!! Oh and check out Jono S @ 18.10!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 24.

    PS TASH - SOZ meant Tash noot Tasqh - speeling error, sorry spelling error!!!!!!
    No offence meant!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 25.

    Morning Chris
    Don't talk to me bout 'Teesers I am now looking like Quasimodo all because I dropped a 'Teeser, rushed to get it before the dog did and my back has now gone into a spasm. To make matters worse the chuffin dog beat me to it!!!!
    Waiting for the engineer to fix my cooker will be here between 9 and 6pm - fabulour eh, just as well I can't move!
    One question, how do you manage to read more than one book at a time? I've a big nuff problem remembering what the one is about I'm reading at the mo' - might as well read a bit more could be a long wait b4 my cookers fixed.


  • Comment number 26.

    according to our sal - lettice makes you sleep so if you can't sleep eat some!

  • Comment number 27.

    Soz Bingo, I snuck in on #22

    PEn xx

  • Comment number 28.

    Barney - brill ha ha ha!!!

    Bingo - I now have a picture of you being a cross between a rapper and Tigger!!

    SBP - online shopping - new shoes????? (I bought some fab new DMs on line yesterday, but ssssssshhhhhhhh don't tell anyone, i'm meant to be economising)

    T xxx

  • Comment number 29.

    Tins - I have bought more new shoes this year then any other year i can remember - but thanks for the suggestion :-) - any others?

  • Comment number 30.

    Bingo - good link - ta for bringing a smile to my face!

  • Comment number 31.

    So, boy2 delivered back to school after dentist has looked at his vampire tooth & said I'll fix that Friday.

    Off to lunch with Mum soon & trying to sort out idea for Good Luck card for colleague who's retiring soon before I go.

    Mr Seza has 3 big tins by the bed that the change gets slung in. Can't get it out without a tin opener so gets left til that time of year we're not allowed to mention yet or holibobs then we cut them open & count it up.

    Hope everyone's having a lovely day

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 32.

    forget the sugababes - this is the news that should be wrockin' (sorry Boingo but had to be done) the music news

  • Comment number 33.

    Baggy - you having a CBA day today? LOL!

  • Comment number 34.

    Baggy: on my recent visit to Margate, I drove everyone mad by continually singing "Down to Margate" - "you can keep the Costa Brava, and all of that palava" - love it!!

    And don't get me started on the Sideboard Song! I love Chas & Dave!

    Chris, I really must try Malteasers and red wine - sounds like a winner!
    Forgive me, but I won't be listening again to Johnny's neck cracking - my worst nightmare!

    C xx

  • Comment number 35.

    Oh dear, I hope you brush your teeth young man???

    Hardly ever read in bed nowadays cos we've got a sloping ceiling and it's just not comfy. (Bit scared at the mo cos my landlord just emailed to say the solicitor needs access to the property to do a valuation for the bank - does anyone know if that means he's likely to be selling up or is it just a formality that takes place???) HELP IF POSSIBLE PLEASE. XX

  • Comment number 36.

    Chas and Dave to split.

    This truely is 'The day the music died'

    We shall not see their like again!

    Who could ever forget -

  • Comment number 37.

    CHR - it might mean that the Landlord wants to borrow more money or remortgage? Do you have a good enough relationship with him/her to ask why?


  • Comment number 38.


    I didn't post this morning as I was in a right bad mood, got stuck in traffic, and then got irritated by one of my colleagues, but I'm feeling brighter now.

    I bought Mr JG a money box that adds up all the coins as they go in, it can tell what coin it is automatically. He is now obsessed with it, and has been known to raid my purse to get to a round number! Anyway, I think he's got over £300 in it now, and it's for a weekend break in the New Year.

    Health rep - maybe your landlord is just re-financing, don't panic!

    JG x

  • Comment number 39.

    debs - no - just trying to do lots of little jobs while I'm waiting for the states to come online :-)
    JG - I want one of those money counters but Mr bp said it was too bean countery - even for me!

  • Comment number 40.

    Loving these glimpses of your homelife that you give us Chris - great bedside table pic!

    Baggy - think Bingo is going to be Boingo from now on - Lol.

    Thanks so much for all the kind comments from everybody yesterday - you are all such a lovely bunch. Highlights again how great this blog is. xxx

    Scoobs - wispa gold was delish thanks!

    Good Luck for MTF for today and Lyndy tomorrow x

    Has anyone seen the pics today of Sydney shrouded in red dust? Amazing!

    Lots of love to you all xxx

    Darce x

  • Comment number 41.

    Barney: well, yes, I will concede that particular track is a duffer! Even Mozart had a couple of duffers, too!

    C xx

  • Comment number 42.

    Damn, missed last night's show - was late leaving work, then went to the gym and was getting into the car just as the 7pm news was starting :-( Good news for me though if CLP's radio show will be starting at 7am, it means I get to listen for a whole 45 minutes woo hoo!!

    Tinsel, how long are you away for? Have a fab time!

    SBP, mmmmmm fudge *drooling slightly*. Now that's just mean, Malteser talk and now fudge, when I can't have any of it!!

    BLYipE, oh no, hope your back stops spasming soon (is spasming a word??).

    JG, that's a good idea - £300!! Flippin brilliant, have you decided where to go yet?

    AF xx

    ps personally, I prefer Revels to Maltesers - there's a Malteser aspect, but also the element of surprise with the others. Wish they'd get rid of the raisin ones though, yuck!

  • Comment number 43.

    AF - so with you on the element of surprise with Revels but I do wish they'd put the nutty ones back. I love a good nutty one, me!

    Having said that, if it's choccywoccywocwoc it's good in my book!

    Maltesers are best sucked, I find.

    x x x

  • Comment number 44.

    My favourites are the toffee ones - suck 'em and see indeed. Or the orange ones, where I try to get the choccy off first, then eat the middle. And the coffee ones :-)

    Can I just point out that I don't tend to eat them in public, for some reason it puts some people off...

    Oh dear, getting a bit obsessed now and I can't have any choccy at all until Friday!

    AF x

  • Comment number 45.

    Afternoon folks,

    Wednesday already .

    CLP, great picture, made me laugh, Barney , well spotted on the lettuce, i had to go back and get a second look. Cant do cold chocky though, and maltesers , love the chewy ones , such a nice surprise .

    Margot, hello , sorry i missed you , was only just thinking about you too. Hope things are going well xx.

    JG, £300 , fabby , get it booked !

    Deev, Hows the database going ?? shout if you need help , I am a bit of a plodder but my boss is a sooper star at it, so dont struggle.

    SBP , have you tried the "burnt sugar" range of fudge - boxes available from ELH , cant leave it alone .

    AF, hello , hope you are ok, dont overdo the swimming and stuff. Look after yourself.

    We are off to see Jason Manford at the Apollo tonight, tickets turned up just in time. Its gonna be filmed and we are right near the front, gonna have to wear a disguise .

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 46.

    MC, you do know that if we see a woman in sunglasses with a Wispa Gold bar between her teeth, we'll know it's you...

    Hee hee.

    AF x

  • Comment number 47.


    Tee Hee , good one , but only have limited time between getting in tonight and having to go out. Those FB pictures take time dahling !!

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 48.

    mmmm glass of red anytime but especially before sleep

    Why do have a lettuce by your bed or is it an ornament

    Liz x

  • Comment number 49.

    AF - why no choccy til Friday? A little bit of what you fancy n'all ...!

    I am just demolishing a packet of marmite crisps - they truly are the top of the crisp world tree, IMO. Weird thing is, I'm not that keen on the actual black sticky stuff that comes in jars.

    Will endeavour to do another 5 miler in the morning to walk them off tho!

    Database is underway - hurrah!!!! Not sure about manipulating the data yet - will have a play after lunch just to make sure it's all working properly.

    MC - have fun tonight - we will look out for you when it's televised!

    x x x

  • Comment number 50.

    Morning all!

    Haha Barney, I can't stop seeing a lettuce everytime I look at that pic now! Good spot!

    I've been being so good on the chocolate front this week (in fact haven't had any since the Whispa Gold on Friday I think it was), but all this talk and now I'm going to have to leg it to the shop to stock up!

    Hope everyone is well (and BLYipE's back has stopped spasming)


    PS: My fax-flirt has just asked me for a pic, oooo-errr! Might just send him a pic of Angelina Jolie as I told him I'm her spitting image ;-)

  • Comment number 51.

    Deevs - I know what you mean! I'm not very keen on the stuff either, but I lurve Twiglets . . .go figure

  • Comment number 52.

    Twiglets - now as a snack, they rock!! x

  • Comment number 53.

    MC & AF - no idea where we're going, he's arranging it and it's going to be a surprise. Hopefully not too far, as it'll only be Fri-Mon, and we don't want to spend ages travelling there.

    Last time he booked a break we went to The Grange Hotel at Grange over Sands, which was lovely, and the time before we went to Ironbridge in a cottage.

    He's actually quite good at choosing places, so I'm lucky!

    JG x

  • Comment number 54.

    New Party game for FNWC.

    Are you ready?

    Ok, we all know what Apple Bobbing is, correct?

    Replace apples with Maltesers, replace water with red wine, get the picture yet.

    What do you reckon. sounds good fun to me!!

    Malteser bobbing , its the way forward, LOL.


  • Comment number 55.

    Only after Strictly has finished tho MTF!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 56.

    Oooh, thats assuming they float?

    Anyone free to try it out as a practice run?

    Best not me, off to work in a mo.x

  • Comment number 57.

    Of course Deevs.xx

  • Comment number 58.

    To float or not to float, might just depend on the density of the alcohol, Hmmmm !!!!!

  • Comment number 59.

    Spent too long in the science lab this morning, methinks.


  • Comment number 60.

    and if you are Beez, and put your maltesers in a glass of fizzy pink stuff, will the bubbles aid their buoyancy ...... !

    x x x x

  • Comment number 61.

    That combo sounds heavenly Deevs.x

  • Comment number 62.

    White maltesers in pink fizz, ooooohhhhh, lush!

  • Comment number 63.

    I can almost picture them bobbing almost as if dancing amongst the bubbles.

    Can you tell I'm on an alcohol free week, does it show?


    Off to work now,


  • Comment number 64.

    White maltesers??? That's just wrong!!!

    AF, I'm away for a week, can't wait.

    Am now going to google money boxes that count it as it goes in!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 65.

    Hi Chris.Ilove maltesers,eat too many of them,like you i eat them in bed.
    Looking at your bedside table did make me smile.Glad im not the only one who thought why have you got a lettuce there.??????
    love to all.xx

  • Comment number 66.

    MTF - I am defo liking the idea of malteezers in fizz!

    Re Revels - I went to the cinema recently and they didnt have maltwhatsits only Revels - I said to the oik trying to 'upsell' me them - "but I dont like the coffee ones and its too late when they are in your mouth" - he replied "well just spit them out - Its dark and no one will see!"



  • Comment number 67.

    Deb - Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! Was this when you were in Essex ......????

    Well, you'll all be pleased to hear that I've had a fiddle with it, manipulated it a bit and it works a treat!

    Onwards and indeed upwards!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 68.

    Hmph, never got to try the white maltesers, I thought they were a limited edition thing - MTF, do you know different?? And what's with all this encouraging bloggers to drink wine and eat chocolate - what sort of dentist are you woman?? And will you be my dentist hehe.

    Deev, good job love!

    Debs, rofl :-D

    AF xx

  • Comment number 69.

    Flower, cheers! I thought so too!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 70.

    Deev - no fraid not - darn brizzle! Well done on datybase thing!

    AF - I know - AND he was being serious! LOL

    should be doing stuff around the house but CBA - is it too early for a humpday vino and a read of Twighlight?

    hmm OK then - will walk dogs first!


  • Comment number 71.

    Well done Deev!

    Tins, got mine from the book people who leave random things here every week, most of which are nothing to do with books!

    Debs, it is a tad early hun! xx

    JG x

  • Comment number 72.

    JG - now??? :-O

    ps Deevs - just been out with dogs for half hour - back is bu**ered - dont know how you are managing your 5 miles a day! Much respect lady!

  • Comment number 73.

    JG - Just had a quick catch up with this afternoons blog. I had my wedding reception at the Grange Hotel, what a coincidence! Lovely place isn't it?

    NM x

  • Comment number 74.

    Hi all

    Hope you've all had a good day.
    Boy2 has money box that counts, shaped like a robot. It's eyes flash when you go into the room at night & if you don't have it on mute it says things like SAVE MORE MONEY & DO YOU REALLY WANT TO TAKE THAT MONEY OUT! Scary

    Seza xxxx

  • Comment number 75.

    on the moneybox theme - I bought Mr bp a tardis shaped one to encorage him to save for the wedding - when you put in money the light at the top flashes and it makes that noise - I can say it didnt work and probably the only money in it is my loose change that I gave him on his birthday so he could play with it!

  • Comment number 76.

    Ello, ello, ello!

    Only you lot could make a discussion on chocolate last a week!
    I don't even like the stuff, which is a result....at least there's one unhealthy food I don't eat.

    Hi to all - nice to see Thunder fighting our corner regards Snoregate!
    Has anyone seen him since? Poor fella! He will be missed.
    While I'm at it - has anyone seen Tango?
    I hope hasn't overdone it in the slips whilst facing someone's Googly!!!

    Tara for'bit



  • Comment number 77.

    Ooops - meant 'nets' wrote 'slips' Doh!



  • Comment number 78.

    LOL Rips

    I need to head off home, as I've just been reminded that both Manchester footie teams are playing at home tonight, therefore chaos and anarchy will ensue on the roads anytime now!!

    Catch you all later

    JG x

  • Comment number 79.

    Afternoon each

    My word, that is one messy bedside table Chris. Is that green stuff lettuce?


  • Comment number 80.

    Bingo Thanks for the Coldplay clip although the sound quality is a bit dodgey.

    The last concert I attended was Oasis in Bournemouth. Now that's a venue where you can actually see the band without a manifying glass, although sadly probably that was for the last time in Oasis's case. Liam is Outta Time.

    What's better than malteasers maybe a Milky way.

  • Comment number 81.

    Afternoon - sorry been mega work busy but been trying to keep up. Also I don't particularly like choc although I am sure I saw white maltesers in the shop wot sells wispa gold and those new kit kat thingys.

    I can now look at that screwed up plastic bag in a different light now I look at it like a lettuce. eeew CLP wot's in there?

    LOL Rips!!

    Key change with Class - Everything - Michael Buble - ha ha - might get it played !!!!

    Right - nose grindstone - someone text me and kick me out the office about 11.

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 82.

    Rips, I was wondering about Tango he hasn't blogged since Monday after I'd said that I might have sussed how he keeps getting ARF's. I wasn't going to tell anyone honest TB - come back xx

    Right that's it I'm off home in a min, now what to have to tea tonight??


  • Comment number 83.

    JG - nooooooooo - she's gone and not said YES!

    oh well - best do it anyway - sun's over the yard arm in France at the very least! (aint that right Puff!) Anyhoos - no work tomoz and a lie so why the heck not!

    Edward Cullen - here I come!

  • Comment number 84.

    LOL Ali - I reckon he's been found out.
    Still at least that gives me a chance, although probably not much of one.

    Never had one chosen yet - tell me the secret!



  • Comment number 85.

    Yeh - gowon Ali - spill!!!!
    heya Rips - how are your ducts?


  • Comment number 86.

    Hi Debs,

    Full of hot air and wind - just like me!

    Ta for asking.

    How's your Essex girl degree going - you've got a fine teacher.



  • Comment number 87.

    Ripley I only ever had one thing played which was the subject at the time of being banned for swearing ... ie The Poges Fairytale of New York. So choose something contorvertible like The Sex Pistols.....

  • Comment number 88.

    ps - can defo say the video clips are well funny of the cracking show!

  • Comment number 89.

    Rips - LOL
    spooky you should arsk! Was chatting to a friend on the phone on Monday and said I'd gone "right essex" in my accent! Those that actually know me know that I'm either a right norvern bird or a bit wez cuntry - uh oh! DEEVA!!!!


  • Comment number 90.

    Hi Croc - I wouldn't know anything about controversy - pure as the driven snow I am....Ahem!

  • Comment number 91.

    Debs, so sorry, of course you can now!

    JG x

  • Comment number 92.

    Beezles - its your toon - hope you're listening at the bottom of the garden dear!

  • Comment number 93.

    JG - missed your post - phew - halfway down 1st glass - didnt want to get put on norty step!

    Glad you home safe and way ahead of the football nutters!


  • Comment number 94.

    Yep, managed to escape, they rarely both play on the same day, and even more rarely on a mid-week evening. The police normally get it changed.

    Bad enough when just Man U play midweek, as I can never get out onto the main road by the office.

    Glad I'm not in the city centre tonight!

    JG x

  • Comment number 95.

    As a reet norvern bird mesell I can understand why!

  • Comment number 96.

    JG, I feel your pain. I regularly rant about the damnty bridge over the Forth. Have been blown over it almost every day this week - and again tomorrow. Don't you wish everyone would just stay at home?


  • Comment number 97.

    Hi Annie

    Haven't caught up with you for a while, so sorry about your loss xx

    We had to queue to get over that bridge when we went to Knockhill, and that was in the middle of the day!

    The one I hate near us is Barton Bridge, on the M60, not cos it queues, but it's so damn high!

    Just rang my sister as she was just ringing someone else, and scared her as she didn't know who/how/why! hehe

    JG x

  • Comment number 98.

    oo.chris you shouldnt have an adjustment every week.
    i used to love seeing my back man,the neck adjustment was the best you come out feeling much better.
    but i have now found a better back person..i think it is mctimony? anyway..you get flicked instead of cracked and you dont have to go back as often because it is better for your back..

  • Comment number 99.

    oooh! Seasons in the Sun, know a very silly version of that, involves nose-picking hehe

    Right, must get tea on the go....

    JG x

  • Comment number 100.

    Evening peeps!

    Typing this on my new 17" pink lap top....how did I ever manage without it?

    Makes multi tasking that much easier :o)

    My treat before bedtime these days is a bowl of ben & jerry's ice cream. Have cookie dough one on standby for tonight.

    Debbie C x


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