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May the four day week be with you.

Chris Evans | 09:54 UK time, Monday, 4 May 2009

Hope the bank holiday went swell, by the way I am loving Britan's Got Talent nowadays, a very clever well produced show that had us all in bits on Saturday night.

So here's the thing...

... Tash and I had our first monthly game of golf against our arch enemies yesterday.

We play for the annual Enzo trophy against two very competitive blokes - one very good - Matt an ex pro with a beautiful swing and one not so good - Marky Mark the driver with one of the worst swings you've ever seen - thinks he's far better than he is and often blames Matt if they lose - a logic I have never quite got my head round.

Tash and I are current holders of the trophy but Tash hasn't swung a club in anger for months but yesterday thanks to the willingness of her sis Mand to take Noah for a few hours this was once again possible, however none of this is the thing. The thing is...

...how come is it that now we are busier than ever I somehow found time to clean our clubs yesterday morning - something I have not done since I was a boy ?

Life just keeps getting stranger.

Oh did we win ?

Have a guess...





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  • Comment number 1.

    yes you did!

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 2.

    Hey there Lambie Pies!

    I've never "got" golf but have had many happy half cut hours poodling round a crazy-golf dooh-dah at the seaside!

    Note: "half cut" is a pre-requisite for crazy goflf my opinion.

    Off to fiddle with this fm tuner thingy then get mnails done.

    Back in a bit.

    Deevski x xx

  • Comment number 3.

    Errr .... what's goflf ? ? ?


  • Comment number 4.

    Oo err, was everyone on holibobs yesterday? Only one comment!!! Glad you enjoyed the golf C & T fraid to say, not been on the course in years - got soo frustrated twas detremental to my health.

    Just collected shug the dug from the 'poodle parlour' - he's now very clean and shiny and smells 'manly' now. Only downside is that he's just in from a walk is soaking wet and has rolled in something disgusting oh well at least he WAS clean.

    Getting ready to move the chooks tonight, they have been in high rise accomodation for a few weeks (stayed in a friends treehouse, complete wth ramp) while we moved into our new pad, now theirs is ready so it's their turn to move.

    Any body needing eggs????

    Going to have a bucket load any day now.


  • Comment number 5.

    hmmm! I also think a Yes you did.

    Strange how "grudge" matches make you do things out of the ordinary! One could surmise that you cleaned Tash's clubs out of luuuuuurve but also to give her the best possible chance of a good game, it naturally follows that you would then clean your own to provide adequate support in case her game is still off following her enforced down-time.

    When I was in a tenpin bowling league, my balls only got real close cleaning and polishing attention when we were about to play my brothers wife's team, 'cos that was our "grudge" match in the nicest possible way. For any other game of the season it was a quick spit and polish, when playing the "out laws" it was a full on sand down, polish up and full on shine. Thereby ensuring that the only item that could be to blame was the squidgy bloke that was holding the ball prior to it's release, i.e. me!

    Nice to see you remembering Enzo in some tangible way!

    DD out

  • Comment number 6.

    I would say, yes, of course!

    AND, it's because you get up a lot earlier so you have far more hours in the day.

    Hells x

  • Comment number 7.

    Hi CLP and everyone

    Mr JG bought me some golf clubs for Christmas and is supposed to be teaching me to play, but we've only made it to the driving range 4 times so far, due to me having an injured achilles, him hurting his back, and the freezing weather earlier in the year, when it was so cold, it was impossible to grip the clubs properly.

    We're supposed to be going once a week (minimum) now, but we've already failed miserably last week due to my cold/hayfever, and this week will be tough due to the footie and his shifts! Back to square one again!

    It's like winter again here in Manchester today, raining on and off and blowing a gale, I'm almost glad I'm in the office.

    Nicki, hope your first day has gone OK, first days are always strange aren't they?

    Oh, and texted in a post last night, which took me ages, hit the post button and it disappeared into the ether, never to be found again. I just couldn't face trying again!

    JG x

  • Comment number 8.

    Cleaning the clubs - were you trying to put off playing the boring game???

    Well done anyway! Bet you won - and I hope and Tash you did a little victory dance!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 9.

    Afternoon Chris,

    I think I might take up golf when I retire, which is at least 25 years away. But the game does appeal to me and I like a good walk. I hope you won, which I am sure you did.

    Is it home time yet, I am shattered!


  • Comment number 10.

    JG - I've been to the driving range - it's fun isn't it? Very good way of getting out aggression too!! Its just the walking round on a golf course looking for lost balls that I can't face ... and I'm sure from my efforts on the driving range that most of them would indeed be lost!!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 11.

    Christophle, I'm sure hellenbach is correct...in the years BN (before Noah) you'd have stayed abed for a wee lie in I reckon...then it would have been a ruddy blush to get the clubs into the car, let alone cleaned...

    ...golf...said it before, and I'm sure I'll say it again...is a good walk, spoilt...and I can never do the windmill...and my swinging is mainly pants...

    yes you did

    ps good call by Mand!

  • Comment number 12.


    When there are over 500 posts on this ere blog you need to hit the "Next" link to view posts 501+ .....

    Nails red. Procured some new wine glasses in town - long stemmed and hand-painted with flowers. So me!

    Also treated self to some real flowers on account of being a gadget genius and getting the fm gizmo to work in the car.


    Deevski x x

  • Comment number 13.

    Hi Chris et al

    Yes...of course you won!

    Hope you all had a great bank holybobs weekend. Ours was soooooo busy, don't know where the time went. Was hard work getting out of bed before 9a.m. this morning to get into work!

    Well done Deev on getting the gizmo working. after the tender doc you need a result! Talking of which, we REDS will be in teeth biting mode tonight! May the best team win. How was your Bridget Jones weekend (soz, haven't had time to catch up on blogging)?

    Nicky-noo: hope your 1st day has gone well. Do let us know. Any news on the radio/computer front.

    Big hugs to all who are in need. Back in a bit.


  • Comment number 14.

    Hi Chris,

    Glad you managed a game of golf. Yes of course you won!

    I think you cleaned your clubs because you've justed finished your book and now you have lots of energy that you don't know what to do with! Congratulations on finishing your book. It must be a wonderful feeling.


  • Comment number 15.

    Hi Steffi

    I had a wondeful weekend, thank you for asking. Very chilled. Only doing what I wanted to do. When I wanted to do it. Nobody tutting at my tippy-tapping on the laptop, nobody tutting when I decided to boogie round the kitchen to some naff disco toons and nobody tutting when I wanted to read into the wee small hours. Although Sootycat can give good "evils" when she wants!


    Rounded off with an extra Cheeky Chewsday off today ...... which will be topped if Arsenal win tonight. But I won't hold my breath - just a box of tissues to mop up my tears of despair!

    Deev x x

  • Comment number 16.

    Change of subject.....
    'Bout time we had another piccy if the delightfully squidgey Noah!
    Golf ? No thanks. Had parents that played and bored the pants off me with all the golf-speak!
    Gimme something with an engine anytime!

  • Comment number 17.

    Morning, afternoon from another overcast day in upstate NY. looks like rain but at least the temps are going to be in the 60s. Hope you all have a great long weekend. Enjoy the short week.

  • Comment number 18.

    Hi Tins - Yes, it's really satisfying taking out your frustrations on 100 defenseless golf balls! I just wish we could get there more often.

    BTW CLP, forgot to say, I'm sure you won!

    Hi Bondy, dreadful weather here in Manchester today, but had a good weekend thanks.

    Sorry bit busy here doing the end of April figures as I wasn't here on Friday...

    JG x

  • Comment number 19.

    Hey Guys,

    Just thought I'd let you all know, particularly lovely Susan who often leaves me messages of kindness and support on my facebook page, that I believe I have been offered a new job to start in June. So today, as my gardening leave comes to an end, I can relax and enjoy the coming few weeks as holiday before I start my new job.

    On the less nice side, am having breathing problems which my quck believes may be Athsma, so have been given temporary inhalers and we'll see how we go on.

    Still, am feeling blessed in the grand scheme of things and hope i can pass some of my good luck on to you guys.

    Thanks to all of you for your support and kind words over the last five weeks. It has helped me to see the positives where othewise i mgiht have failed.

    I haven't put this on my facebook as I don't want my former colleagues in on the secret until every last thing has been formalised.

    God bless and best wishes to you all, especially those that are still looking for work in these dreadful times.

    JTL (again!!)


  • Comment number 20.


    so glad you enjoyed your time alone. It's good therapy I always think to do what one wants and not have to worry about anyone else!

    Enjoy the rest of your day - whatever the outcome.

    Steffi xxxx

  • Comment number 21.

    JTL - Congratulations. I'm so pleased to hear things are looking up for you. Take care yourself and enjoy the next few weeks.


  • Comment number 22.

    Excellent news JTL xx That has made a dull day brighter.


  • Comment number 23.

    Yay JTL - well done! Enjoy and relax until you start the new job - and thank you for sharing with all of us x x

    Off to make tomorrow night's dinner now- well, part of it. Gonna crank up the toons and do the meaty bit for a spectacular lasagne, then after work tomorrow it'll just be the cheese sauce bit and assemble - voila!

    Dolce Vita Deev
    x x x

  • Comment number 24.

    Actually we didn't win. Tash played well but I was pants.

    The series is now all square.


  • Comment number 25.

    afternoon all,

    Chris, I think you and Tash won.

    Hope you all had a good long weekend and CTD is rubbing it in by having an extra day.

    My weekend was enjoyable and didnt look forward to coming back to the office this morning.

    I have added all that have requested to be my friends on fb and I have to say what a beatiful bunch you are.

    Have a good evening y'all.


  • Comment number 26.


    I was writing this as CLP added his post.

    CLP, I wish to change my mind and say you lost and you were pants !!!!!


  • Comment number 27.

    Good news JTL hope it all goes well and the job is what you are looking for

    CTD I realy hope your boys do the business tonite it would be great to see someone different in the final

    hope MR deev got back ok and you are all love up after his 4 day absence

  • Comment number 28.

    Afternoon peeps. Blowing a howling gale here now but at least it's sunny.

    Sorry you didn't win CLP Ne'er mind A!

    Toof saved for now but if it plays up again it's out - boo hoo! All the rest smartened up cleaned and polished and a couple of fillings replaced - ouch ouch ouch - hate those injections. Just about to spill my first cup of tea down my front!!!!

    Beesmum xxx

    Good News JTL Yay!!!

  • Comment number 29.

    *lol* oh Chris, It's lucky we didn't run a book on you!

    I've gone from 118 songs to 55, now I have to get them down to 18 or so.

    What larks!


  • Comment number 30.

    I really am loosing the will to live this afternoon! I just want to go home and sleep, I wonder if could have anything to do with my a*** of a neighbour who thinks that it's big and clever to come home very drunk, with his mates and then proceed to play thumping music until the early hours. Which I could hear through ear plugs and my head sandwiched between two pillows!!

    There are times when I wish I was a big burley man, then I would have gone down stairs to his flat and given him a piece of my mind. Instead I felt very intimidated and a little bit scared. He knew exactly what he was doing, yet still carried on doing it!!! I really am getting to the end of my tether with him, next time I might just call the Police and let them deal with him.

    Still I've only got a little while to go before I can go home....Yaaaaaawwwwwnnnnn :0


  • Comment number 31.

    Nick - rub it in? Where?


    Wickers - he's away for another night yet my dear!

    CLP - is it really truly you????

    Yowser Yowser Yowser!

    Beez - keep smiling!

    In his absence, I must thank Tobes for igniting my disco detectors. I was singing so loud to Boogie Oogie Oogie the cat came down to the kitchen to invstigate!

    I'm off to crimp my hair and squeeze into a pair of pink "satins" !!

    Burn baby burn!

    x x x

  • Comment number 32.


    Give neighbour a taste of their own medicine. A bit of Marilyn Manson should do it ... or I can come down to your corner of England and sing Love Machine .....

    Ooooh oooh ooooh yehhhhhhhh!

    A hugging kissing fiend!


  • Comment number 33.

    Dont you remember Deev when you were hiding under my desk on Friday !!!!!!

    you need to be a bit more gentle next time.

  • Comment number 34.

    Thanks Deev,

    I would love to do that, but he is the type of bloke that wouldn't take any notice and the next time he comes home drunk he would just crank it up some more.

    I did slam a door last night, to let him know I could hear him and all he did was make a noise like a claxon and I could hear him and his mates laughing - not nice.

    I wouldn't mind, but I worked in the same office as him for three years, so it's not like he doesn't know who I am (sorry about the poor English!)

    Anyway mustn't dwell on it or else I might do something I will regret :)


  • Comment number 35.

    JTL that's great news, congratulations and what a lovely post.

    CLP - you probably overdid it cleaning the clubs before the game! Good excuse to never do that again!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 36.


    How remiss of me. How could I forget?! At least I know you are worthy of your user name now!!


    CLP - if that's really you above, can we invite you to Friday Night Wine Club. it's fun!! Although I won't be along til late this Friday as I'm out with a mate putting the world to rights first!

    Little Old Me

  • Comment number 37.

    Its a good job I wasnt drinking a cup of tea otherwise I would have needed to wipe my screen down..

    I always wondered what FNWC meant and was too scared to ask in case I was classed as stupid. Now I know and its a huge weight off my shoulders.


  • Comment number 38.

    JTL- congrats on the new job

    Hi JG, glad you had a good weekend.

    CLP, never mind on not winning. At least Tash played well.....

  • Comment number 39.

    LOL! A new business venture to pitch to them there Dragons in their Den:

    Diva's Screen Wipes

    Whatever your spillage
    Big or small
    Diva's screen wipes
    Will clean 'em all

    Peter Jones will deffo go for that!

    Deev xx

  • Comment number 40.


    I would call the police next time and if it continues get in touch with your council who can give you some equipment to record the noise levels and if its classed as too high then they can be prosecuted.


  • Comment number 41.


    I can just see you standing in front of the dragons demonstrating the use of the screen wipes, but first you should do your ickle ditty to relax them.

    Let me know when you enter and I will be watching behind the cushion to hear the No's being heard around.

  • Comment number 42.

    Thanks Nick. A friend of mine is a local bobby, so I'll check with her first, she might come round as a favour to me.


  • Comment number 43.

    AliB - I had a similar problem with a neighbour. I went on my local council website and looked for Noise Complaint Service. I was able to fill in a form online and they investigated it for me. Happy to say no problems now.


  • Comment number 44.

    Well hellloooooo
    I'm back - FINALLY up to date with work! yeeeeh ha - oh its good to proper read the blog rather than scan it

    Deevs - glad you have had a fab-u-lus time to yourself - I aksually have a week away each year to myself - now that really is bliss - 9 weeks to go - private room in a small villa with a pool - nothing to do but sunbathe, read, eat, drink, sunbathe, drink, read, drink, sunbathe etc

    Because my working life involves talking to and being interested in people all day long - to have a week when i dont need to is HEAVEN - discovered this 10 years ago and been going every year since....

    Welcome back from hectic weekends all other regulars - we had a bit of a disco weekend theme going on - but we lost Tobe on friday night - last seen dancing around his handbag with Beez......

    So only one more day till humpday another reason to be cheerful
    later all lovely people


    PS - AliB - I'm thinking of your dilemma - I used to be a chalet girl and we had lots of lovely demon things that we did........

  • Comment number 45.

    Hmmmmm, CLPRADIO2?? I wish I wasn't such a cynic, I really want to believe it's you. Give us a sign...

    Well, back from a fab weekend in the smoke, blimey that London is big; I lived there a year but it gets me every time.

    Walked for miles on Saturday in very unsuitable flimsy sandals. Still suffering. Had lunch at Speakers Corner, sadly no-one was speaking! I did wonder if I should say a few words but Boleynman restrained me.

    Went to Liberty for flowergirl fabric. WHAT A SHOP!!!!! I love it. Sales girl asked nonchalently "Do you want a bag today?", had to stop meself yelling "I've come 80 miles for this, OF COURSE I WANT A BLIMMIN BAG! AND A HUGE ONE AN ALL IF YOU PLEASE!"

    Chicago brill, London fab. Henry VIII exhib awesome, but here is a warning, do not go unless you are very, very interested in Henry VIII. Which I am. Lots and lots of original documents, books and artefacts.

    Toodly pip,

    A x

  • Comment number 46.

    Yes, the council. Noise pollution comes under Environmental Health. They will ask you to keep a diary of occurrences - frequency, time of day/night, type of noise.

    Those years in Local Government weren't wasted on me!

    I've just poured myself a large glass of red. Sorry gang. It just had to be done. It's to steady my nerves before the game tonight, see .......

    And to christen my new wine glass, of course.

    Had to leave the kitchen for a bit. Donna Summer moaning and groaning out there. Last time i heard moans and groans like that was .......


    Deev x x x

  • Comment number 47.

    Ah, Christophe, that's a shame, although weddun to Tash...mind you, I'd have lost too...mainly because I can't play the game anyway...although quite apart from anything else, I can't even take a good walk at the moment...wot wiv my poorly toe 'n all...anyhoo, reading the blog...are you not very busy today? There doesn't seem to be much going on, on here...

    ...so I'm off to swing my pants a bit more...

    Ali, call the police. Just do it. Every time he ever does it. Even if they don't come out every time, they'll have a log, and then you can get all Environmental on his a*se...rude git.

  • Comment number 48.

    Boleyngirl - I ALWAYS go int Liberty at Christmas - their Christmas shop is amazing. But don't go in unless you have lotsa money coz it ain't like Woollies (well, it's still open for one thing!)

    Same applies to Selfridges.

    In fact, any West End HOOOOOG dept store that sells shiny spangley pretty thins that cost a lot and give you a bag is good in my books!

    Even the one beginning with H in Knightsbridge.

    I'm all 'cited now!

    Deevski, still dancing x x

  • Comment number 49.

    Thanks everyone for your advice - I will certainly look into it. I just feel quite intimidated, so am a little scared that if I did report him, he would just do it more or worse. There is a big(ish) bloke that lives next door to me, but he is not always there, I might knock on his door and see if he can help.

    Thanks for caring.


  • Comment number 50.

    Hey yes Chez. We were eyeing up the Naples gold cutlery. £25 for one teaspoon! What a beautiful, beautiful shop though.

    A x

  • Comment number 51.

    bignick, FNWC, stands for Friday Night Wine Club.......

  • Comment number 52.

    Boly, glad you had a fab birthday! I'd have said 'no, but I'd like one tomorrow please' just to see if she got confused...but that's just me bean mean...

    deb, to say that I'm jealous is taking the mick out of jealous...having said that, my lovely mummy is going to be taking me away (as opposed to sending me away) for a week somewhere gawjus towards the end of June...these mother/daughter jaunts usually consist of a similar list of events to your vacation...except possibly with more gin...and I think I'm going to need a convalescence of some sort...

    Cheers Chezza

  • Comment number 53.

    Deevs, Boleyngirl - oooo baaaaaaags!

    I love paper bags with string handles from nice shops.......

    how sad am I - I still have some from nice shops in NYC (hello bond) from 3 years ago - including lots from the shop with the big M that has snoopy all over their xmas bags -

    oh yes - nowt like a nice bag......

    Deevs - calm it - you'll peak and fall asleep before t'big game - I'll start crossing fingers soon

    AliB - strike my last comments - much prefer the sound of getting police and council on him!

  • Comment number 54.

    Hazel, keep swinging gal. Sorry to read of your poorly toe.

    A x

  • Comment number 55.

    Got a British Library bag as well, which shows my serious side.

    A x

  • Comment number 56.

    Hello Peeps!

    Am just back from the hospital and can now officially announce that Lyndyloo is now Lyndyloo+bump! 14 weeks preggers and due a baby bundle at the beginning of November!


    The bump has been seen at 2 scans break-dancing it's way round my belly!!

    & the bump

  • Comment number 57.

    A friend and I were planning a military-styleeee assault on Pr1mark for cheap holiday clothes and then lunch at The Ivy to recover.

    I had this idea to get the HUGE Selfridges bag out of the loft (contains crimmy decs) and take it with me to put my Pr1mark purchases in, prior to stepping over the threshold at The Ivy.

    Sadly, Ivy was fully booked so plans duly amended!

    Deevs x x

  • Comment number 58.

    Congratulations Lyndyloo.

    Did you cry when you saw the scan on the screen, I did with both scans for both ickle ones.


  • Comment number 59.

    No!!!! Flippin eck, how did that happen?

    Many many congrats, ah, so THAT's why you're on the wagon!

    Hurrah for Lyndyloo!

    A x

  • Comment number 60.

    Afternoon each,

    Will just say hope everyone had happy bridget weekends/has got rid of toothache/congrats on the jobs and hello to the rest of you lot!

    Haven`t even had time to read here this week...but have had a fab week off..

    ..finished garden, got himselfs cars new exhaust sorted, had a few away days and had a FAB time at Brooklands Auto Italia day on Saturday...after nearly crashing the car on friday night whilst driving down and hearing CLP himself saying he may be there! I made GM text in AND ring but didnt get thro...

    ..however, stalk mode was in full operation on Saturday..but we didnt see the main man..so CLp - did ya go?! And if you did..wasnt it great?! and if you didnt ...you missed a great day!

    anyone who is remoteley into cars - go next year...best day ot in ages (note to self..p`raps i need to get a life...)

    anyhoo..normality back today, back to work, gym tonight, oh and a footy match to watch which as a neutral shold be fun!

    Happy Tuesday everyone...only 3 to do!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 61.

    See guys, I have told you before.

    Give me a 50 50 option and I get it 100 percent wrong.

    So serves the rest of you right for following my lead!

    Bad luck Chris.

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 62.

    C-O-N-G-R-A-T-U-L-A-T-I-O-N-S Lyndy.......

  • Comment number 63.


    That's 2 of u sticking to our New Year's wish list ...... you avec la bun, and I'm wearing killer heels in public at last!

    Life is grand. and then some!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 64.

    Hi Scoobs!!!

  • Comment number 65.

    Lyndyloo....CONGRATULATIONS to you and bump! Fantastic news...another blog baby...yay!


    mSc x

  • Comment number 66.

    and hi Bondy..hope yu are well! Good to be back...to stay this time im afraid..dont get rid of me that easily!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 67.

    Hooray for Lyndyloo - many congrats xxx


  • Comment number 68.

    Well I'll be off soon. Thanks for your advice this arvo on tut blog.

    CtD I hope the best team wins, or the team that Chelsea have a hope of beating if they get through to the final xx


    Off home for a WeightWatchers lasagne and some garlic bread - what's that all about!!

  • Comment number 69.

    Spent ages catching up with all the bank holiday blogging - loved Pips page at a time updates!

    Congratulations on the baby LyndyLoo - great news!!

    Also congratulations to JTL on the job - well done you.

    Ali - I would call the police each time it happens unless you can talk to him when he's sober and might be a bit more reasonable? Doesn't sound like it though.

    CLP - is that really you blogging amongst us?? Like Boleyn I would love to think so but is it really?/

    Darce xxx

  • Comment number 70.

    Hiya Scoob! Long time no see!

    A x

  • Comment number 71.

    Afternoon All,

    Chris - I've never understood the fasination in Golf, but each to their own, and I agree with Hazel, before Noah you would have had a lie in instead cleaning clubs, but now...............

    Finally got t'internet back at home and some time to catch up with you lot, but sure I can do any more than today's!!

    Went to look at the little steam engine again on sunday, not sure if it was for the boy or t'other tho..........

    Going to try catch up, back laters

  • Comment number 72.

    Re: Tinned Tomatoes

    I like pure tomatoey tinned tomatoes. I get in a bit of a hissy-fit when I get faced with tinned tomatoes with ... herbs / garlic / basil etc etc.

    I can add my own add-ons. I just want tomatoes!!!!

    Phew! more wound up about the footie than I thought!

    Deev x x

  • Comment number 73.

    Today is a good news blog - hooray!

    well done JTL on the new job

    Nicki-noos - hope first day was good,

    but Lindy-loos - you take the good noos prize - with a Lindy-loos baby-boos! Congrats and hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy, X

    any more good noos guys?

  • Comment number 74.

    Congratulations Lyndy!!!!

  • Comment number 75.

    CONGRATULATIONS Lyndyloo - fab news!

    And well done JTL, all looks bright!

    AliB - agree with the rest of this lovely lot - next time he does it call the police, don't put up with it.

    I'm feeling shattered today, what with quick trip up norf and days out, think I may treat meself to glass of red and do nothing before early bed (after the boy is asleep of course).........only 3 more sleeps before a lie-in


  • Comment number 76.

    Gawdon Bennet

    Me nerves are shredded. 2 hours til kick off.

    As I'm going to be on my own for the duration of the match, if anyone would like to metaphorically hold my hand to see me through, I will have FB open for the duration.

    Scared? Me?


    btw: Bingo's in a bit of a situation which I'll let him tell you about, but he sez "Hi" to y'all!

    Deevah, a Fat Bottomed Girl
    x x x

  • Comment number 77.

    Hi folks

    Did an early dart from the office today, as I'm sure these antihistamines are making me drowsy (that and having the dawn chorus wake me up at 4.30 this morning)! Took a short lunch and escaped into the rain...yuk!

    About to order pizza for tea, in honour of the footie, and have just poured a glass of white, so all feels better with the world already!

    Mr JG having some PS3 time, as he also got home early. I'm thinking of converting the box room into a play-room for him, as he's just ordered a full size car seat thing,on a stand with pedals, gears and steering wheel, which will never fit in the lounge, big bl**dy kid! At least his mate's making it, so it's cheap.

    Lyndyloo - what brilliant news, congratulations!!

    JTL - well done!

    Ali - I think the police first, rather than confront him, and the council after if the police do nothing. Is anyone else affected, who could also start complaining?

    Back after teas ordered

    JG x

  • Comment number 78.

    JG - are we married to the same fella?


    Bingo just said I can tell you all his situ, so here is his text in its (almost) entirety:-

    Ello Chezza, it's all gone wrong - am stuck on a National Express coach! 100% true! Some of the passengers r kcikin up a stink due to the stink from the toilet. As a rsult the driver as 'andbraked it onter the 'ard shoulder of the M6 in a temper + as dialed 3x9 4 an ambulance 4 a pregnant woman who feels sick due 2 it all! A only came on the National Express due ter the advice of Mike Flowers + The Pops that yer should if yer depressed - now feel moredepressed!

    You gotta luv Bingo, int ya!?!


  • Comment number 79.

    JG - it will be living with Chandler AND joey if you let mr jg have the car chair thing in the living room - defo play room option i think!

    Deevs - FBG club - me and thee! - also - with you on your comment earlier about 'ballooning to a size 16' HELLO ±«Óãtv - average size of the UK woman - humph!


  • Comment number 80.

    CLP - text gold - I am a norvener - how did i NOT know that - genuis - what with you teaching us how the cook the perfick fried egg and now how to eat it - well - what can I say - EGG BUTTIES FOR BREAKY!

  • Comment number 81.

    Thanks to Big Nick, Boleyngirl, Bond, CtD, msScoobycat, LostAliB, MizzDarcey, debshasjoined, hellenbach1, ebbwbeth & Jakeygirl it's very kind of you to send me so many good wishes!!!

    And all this talk of fried egg sarnies is just NOT FAIR!!! I sooooo want a runny egg sarnie. Oh well... roll on November eh?


  • Comment number 82.

    Power nap - right - going to give that a go tomorrow - cant wait for car powered by chocolate - CLP yoos is on fire tonight boy!

  • Comment number 83.

    Oi CLP .... I posted the YouTube link to I'm Only Sleeping t'other day ......

    ... have you been reading your blog again?

    x x x

  • Comment number 84.

    Deev - I don't think so, mine wouldn't know what to do with an allotment if it jumped up and bit him on the a*se! lol

    Debs - at least I'd get the telly to myself, or could put the radio on (making a mental note to work out how to put the radio on the phone).

    But I've just suggested it, and he's now planning a 42 inch plasma screen, and surround sound....so I'd better keep quiet!

    JG x

  • Comment number 85.

    aww, poor Bingo, how does he get himself into these scrapes?!

  • Comment number 86.

    LyndyLoo - congratulations. What lovely news.

    Debs2 - what's FBG club?


  • Comment number 87.

    JG - gawd knows! He is lovely tho!

    PiP - FBG Club = Fat Bottomed Girls Club.

    Would say loadsa room but .........


    Deev x x

  • Comment number 88.


    All Goonered up and ready to Go Go Go.

    Can you all do me a fave and click on this at about half seven ...... AND SING FOR ALL YOU ARE WORTH!!

    Thanks gang!

    feeling slightly sick at the mo
    x x x

  • Comment number 89.

    Only just caught up with the blog.

    Many congratulations on your news.

    The lengths some people will go to to boost the crowd at their local football team (Only joking)

    I am so pleased for you.....

    Keep safe and well

  • Comment number 90.

    Fingers are crossed for you Deev - and I'm not a footie fan!!!


  • Comment number 91.

    ohhh Deev, played your link and have been really shouted at....ooops!!

    If I say "Come on you reds" does that mean I can sit on the fence?

    JG x

  • Comment number 92.

    PiP - you cant join the FBG club - yoos is on a diet and losing weight girlfriend - yoos have to be the founder member of the SBG club

    Deevs - now - calm - we are there for you - well the nootralls that is - cum on - up the R's! (as in gooners not the nighties)
    going now fore i is moddered........

  • Comment number 93.

    Debs2 - only 'speshul' people (and trolls) are moddered! lol

    Wish I had a fat bottom - I've got a mitchelin! lol


  • Comment number 94.

    Sorry Deev, I just can't do it...Mr JG has just made me change into my Spurs shirt....has to be Utd for me!

    JG x

  • Comment number 95.

    I think I'm gonna be sick .........

    (nowt to do with you JG!)

    the nerves .......

    Here we go ...


  • Comment number 96.

    Not been on for AGES (New job with scary blog/tinterweb police, new house, and hubby away...again!!) But had to log in to say... !!MASSIVE HUGE BRILLIANTLY WONDERFUL CONGRATULATIONS!!! To the lovely Lyndyloo, booboo and the bump! So exited for you.

    Katie x

  • Comment number 97.

    Oh my, I'm sorry Deev.....really I am!

  • Comment number 98.

    Deev,good luck for yor footy tonight,but stay calm or youll burn yourself out before the end. Have another glass of red.

    Good luck with your new job, and enjoy the break before hand.Gives you time to get old job out of system .

    Beez, so glad to here that you got on ok at the dentists today. SO it's all smiles know .

    Mr chris sorry you lost , better luck next time.

    ALIB, Get intouch with your local council they will sort it for you . I've just been in a situation of noise disturbance of a different kind and it does seem to be working.Iknow it'snot a nice thing to have to do ,but its your sanity and the hands of a BIG BULLY.

    Jg NIce to see your hayfever on the ebb.
    Good luck to you also for the match tonight

  • Comment number 99.

    Pear shaped. All gone.



  • Comment number 100.

    LyndyLoo,well how do you do,very well by the sounds of it.This is the kind of news that makes for an excellent blog and the Lambie pie has addressed us too,am I right?
    Adding to the baby talk and we wanna hear about it Lyndy,so your pregnancy is ours too.x,I just had a visitor on my front lawn in the form of mummy duck and TWELVE,yes,that many little ping pong ball size with beaks,duckerlings,yes,thats how you spell it.x
    Ploughing through my nightly bowl of muesli,cereal combo without milk,as I dont, and listening to some of you talking about the odd glass or two of the old vino collapso.Jealous,moi,yes very.


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