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Well Well Well - worth it.

Chris Evans | 15:02 UK time, Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Hats off to Claire Robertson and...

...her team down in Dorchester at her new store.

Just got back from there now, an early start for me and the steering wheel boy Marky Mark but one very much worthwhile. We actually ended up arrving an hour and a half early so we nipped off to Weymouth for a cup of tea by the beach like a couple of comfirmed bachelors.

She has definitely got what it takes that girl, I guarantee her store is going to work, primarily because it always did anyway, hers was one of the few brought down by the many.

Back in London now, the pic 'n' mix safely delivered to the Steve Wright studio, everyone happy.

Back at home, Noah spent the first night on his own in his big boy cot last night, he has not stopped talking about it all day.

Right, do I have time for a quick half hour before the show ?

Oh no, not for a second - it's Yorkshire Pudding cook-a-long night, Generation Game style rehearsals await, let me at that oven !





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  • Comment number 1.

    Am i First?

    good luck with the cook-a-long - Ive got to go out tonight but will listern again to find out the fun :-)

  • Comment number 2.

    Watch you don't steam up your glasses when you open that oven door! Hot fat and loss of vision do not mix!!!!


  • Comment number 3.

    Grr...........'new blog' bit came up after I typed:

    Sounds like fun Beezer! I've not had my top off yet this year but I hope to very soon.........

    But to add...........well done CLP. Your xploits in Dorchester have already made it onto the old blog before you even posted this one - the wonders of technology eh?


  • Comment number 4.


    Done it again. Hangin' on to the coat-tails of the last blog like a biscuit on a speedboat.


  • Comment number 5.

    I'm gonna miss it too - its stage 2 of weekend away for Deev preps tonight.

    Its hard work being a high maintenance chick at times, y'know!

    Then it's Arsenal in the UCL on Sky followed by those norty ladies down Wisteria Lane way!

    And tomorrow is my Friday .........

    See you at 5.

    Deev x x x x

  • Comment number 6.

    xploits? Have I created a new text-speak style word?


  • Comment number 7.

    Good point re. the glasses.

    And if it's anybody like Renee doin' the puddin', wear the steel toe-caps as well.



  • Comment number 8.

    Derbyfi - go girl - top off A ?? tisn't a convertible though - what happens when you stop at traffic lights and get joined by a bee or a wasp ? My two phobias - eeeeek! -- I'd have arms spinning like road runners legs.

    Good tip Pip - specs off first CLP when you open the oven.

    Really must stop playing and get some of this work done

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 9.

    Deev - I've booked myself in for a haircut on Sat morning - dont want you all to see me looking like a yeti :-)

  • Comment number 10.

    Good luck to Claire and well done you CLP for finding the time to open the store in your very busy schedule.

    I love woolies pick 'n' mix, wish they were still around here in Godalming - which btw got a mention by your goodself.

    Glad Noah has settled in big boys cot, must get his chatting from you!


  • Comment number 11.

    Yes good luck to Wellworths because they are worth it.

    Now I am panicking how much is half a pound of Sun Flower Oil?

    Standing by

    I hope it will be a success if not maybe you could use some more mouse mats Clodagh.

    Hazel don't give me ideas ..... signing bogus autographs on posters.

    Bingo Thank U2.

    PS Derbyfi thanks for the links I am in the crowd the woman in the Lumber Jack jacket and cap.

  • Comment number 12.

    Beez - I hate wasps etc too, but I'd rather have one come in when the roof is down and it has lots of space to fly out again than when it's up and the window barely open!

    My bigger fear is things like fag ends being thrown out of cars in front of me. Don't get me started on that one!

    And have you decided yet?


  • Comment number 13.

    Bagpuss - I have that one to look forward to on Friday afternoon. And the nail bar.

    Gotta look my best for you dahlink!


  • Comment number 14.

    Oh dear Bagpuss/Deev should I be doing something - probably too late for me - wysiwyg I'm afraid!

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 15.

    Good afternoon

    Heard SW mention the pick and mix that you delivered CLP he did indeed sound very pleased...well done you!

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 16.

    Derbyfi - air conditioning/climate control - whatever they call it these days dahling - don't open me windows and if there's one of those darned striped things anywhere near - don't open door either! Never thought about the fag ends - ouch!

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 17.

    Wow Chris, I certainly admire Claire Robertson.

    It's lovely that you brought Steve back the pick and mix, just shows what a great big happy family you all are.

    We won't be able to cook along, but I will be listening to see how REAL Yorkshires are made. I used to make them alright and now I don't. I put it down to my age.

    Hells x

  • Comment number 18.

    Oh, and another thought re hot oven and eyes. Take your mascara off first - otherwise your lashes stick together! Yeah, I speak from experience on that one too!

    DS out for tea with friends tonight so Yorkshire Pudding Free zone here :-(

  • Comment number 19.


    - we are near neighbours -I'm just down the road from you in Chiddingfold. Always went into Godalming Woolies!!

    Md xx

  • Comment number 20.

    Have seen the coverage on Wellies, seems like Clare is going to make a good job of it. Good luck.

    Wont be able to listen to the cook off tonight but look forward to hearing about it.

    Glad Noah has enjoyed his first night of independence.

    Long day for you CLP but as per normal ever the consumate professional you will continue till the bitter end.

    Have a good show


  • Comment number 21.

    Afternoon CLP,

    Glad your trip went well. I loved Wollies Pick N Mix, evidentially the last bag ever was sold on 3bay recently for (I think) about 14K. How mad is that??

    Beez - They got me a bit worried about glamming themselves up for the meet. I am going to the London one and like you wysiwyg with me. I bet my roots are showing by then as well - ho hum. It's not the outside it's the inside that counts. That's what I'm telling myself anyway.


  • Comment number 22.


    You'll be fine. I understand that you can't improve what is already perfect!!


    Deev x x x

  • Comment number 23.

    ALiB - that goes for you too hun!! xxx

  • Comment number 24.


    Actually a bit closer than you think - Witley, small world eh?

    pf x

  • Comment number 25.

    Trust me - hair cut is needed not a luxery - i have so much hair i get lost in the middle and its not been done since Nov!!

    Other then that it will be pure me and Mr BP :-)

  • Comment number 26.

    Well(worth) done Christophe!

    I think we may be getting one of the same in my fair city as the same demolition firm seem to be taking an inordinate amount of time to clear out the old Woolies store.

    I wonder, will you be opening that one as well?

    Weymouth...happy memories of my very first holiday romance...my mother was not happy at all...

    Glad Noah has a big boy cot. He'll be in an ickle bed soon...

    time flies

  • Comment number 27.

    Whats wysiwig?

    AliB I think the inside counts too. Pity that I'm a bit of a mess on the inside though!

    Time properly flies Hazel, can't believe that LM is in a single bed know and he still looks so small in it.

    He got his finger stuck in a tube at school earlier. The teacher spent 30 minutes trying to get it off with cold water and washing up liquid......boys!

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 28.

    I hate it when you open the oven door and you're wearing a chain round your neck (a decorative one, not a bondage one) and it goes hot straight away, conduction, I think the scientists call it. Ouch.

    Bingo, Hazel was right about my name. And do you remember last year some time we were going to collaborate on a song?

    Good luck with the yorkshire puds.

    aA, hope you're having a better day today.

    Beezer, hello, what in the world is wysiwyg?

    Off to eat cake.

    A x

  • Comment number 29.




    You alright?

    Deev xxxx

  • Comment number 30.

    boleyn - bondage ones have exactly the same effect!


  • Comment number 31.


    wysiwig - what you see is what you get.

    If truth be told Deb, we are all a mess on the inside. Just don't let it get you down, too much, or take over your life. My mantra is "Life is too short", take each day as it comes, look for the positive and fingers up to the rest of them.

    Sending hugs (((())))


  • Comment number 32.

    I'll take your word for it Chezza!

    A x

  • Comment number 33.


    small world indeed - very close!! I'm nearly in Witley now....

    Md xx

  • Comment number 34.

    Thanks AliB, it's not so much day by day right now more hour by hour.

    Bit embarrassed to say but very briefly have an appointment Wednesday and am hoping that this will be the start of getting better. Couldn't get Monday off Cheryl so had to move appointment.

    What you see etc.....very good. I like it.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 35.


    I'm giving you a wave as I type!!!

    Penny x

  • Comment number 36.

    Fingers crossed Deb. It's a step in the right direction.


  • Comment number 37.

    What a fantastic gesture, travelling down to support the Wellworth team - good luck to them and here is hoping they will make a success of their venture.

    Debbie - at about the same age my littlest man swallowed a marble! Much to his excitement (and his teacher's horror!) it made it's reappearance at school 2 days later!!! Try to keep positive, remember you were going to look for at least one good thing every day ......... what is today's?

    PP - a lovely look in the picture - you have great fashion sense!

    Glad Noah enjoyed his first night alone - smiling now as I imagine the chattering he is doing today!

    To those bloggers meeting up this weekend - Have a good time and let us all know how you got on when you return.

    A x

    Chrissie {{{huggles}}} - because I can!

  • Comment number 38.

    Stay positive Debbie.

    Penny xx

  • Comment number 39.

    Hope all goes well with cooking later. Did noah miss his dad today.

  • Comment number 40.

    Penny...Dennis Lillee...

    I can't be doing with sport either (as some of you are aware) but the Aussie team absolutely trounced the England team some years ago, and it was mainly his respnsibility. I only remember as there was a band from Australia at the Royal Tournament that year, and they had his name spelled out on their backs as they walked away from the stand!

    Anyhoo...has been a long day...

    tai chi soon

    Enjoy the YPs!

    Deb x

    pees Clodagh...thank you for the purple peonies story...

  • Comment number 41.

    Bees, ooooo nice car, is that the "chosen one" or are you looking at others.....

  • Comment number 42.

    Can't belive I'm doing this, first time blogging, but after seeing you Christophe this morning just had to say:
    thanks for joining us in Dorch you did as they say in these parts Proper job!

    Good luck with the Yorkshire Puds.


  • Comment number 43.


    Thanks muchly for the link so we could see CLP at the opening, it looked great and lets all hope it stays that busy!!

    I gotta tell ya, I have just eaten, no thats the wrong word scoffed - yep that's more like it a whole bag of the yummiest snacky type thing I've had in years: Roasted Cashews with a slight Marmite coating, sounds a bit 'no thank-you' but you've really got to try them.

    This from one that has no problem saying no to them roundy crisp things that apparently once the lids off you can't stop, an' I can't remember what they are called, but I'm sure you know the ones I mean.

    No yorkies tonight, Wednesday is traditionally Indian grub delivery night (likewise Friday) but I shall listen and take notes.

  • Comment number 44.

    Hazel, I think Dennis Lillee was at his prime in the 70s. The Aussies had two really fast bowlers Jeff Thompson and Dennis Lillee. They terrorized our batsmen with short pitched balls (o'er madam) called bouncers (oooooo behave). I think someone made up a song about Lillee N Thompson...... for what it's worth......LOL

  • Comment number 45.

    Hi Chris, saw you at the opening of wellworth good luck to Claire.
    Noah s abig boy now in his new cot,
    bless him.Bet you missed him !!!!!!!!!!
    love to all of you.x

  • Comment number 46.

    Oooo you are awful......but I like you.

    Sorry, that's showing my age, yours too if you remeber it. I seem to recall there was a shove/push thing after the 'awful'

  • Comment number 47.

    I'm off soon.

    Don't think I'll make the Puds, not much point for one. But I shall listen as I do my ironing.

    I shall be listening out for any name checks for those Bloggers brave enough to cook along.

    Slaters, Have a good evening everyone.


  • Comment number 48.

    Just cut and pasted # 22 - will get it made in to a poster!!!

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 49.

    Hi Chris,

    I can't believe you managed to blog today. You never cease to amaze me!

    Can't wait for the Live Cook A Long.

    Lots of love,

  • Comment number 50.

    How kind you are cutting the ribbon for Wellworths. Not many would go out of their way like that. Bet the pic n mix were a real treat for the journey home too. I love those white buttons covered in hundreds and thousands and bon bons and fried eggs :-)

    Lucky noah getting in his bed already. I remember how little my boy looked in his cot and now he looks just right all stretched out. Soon the sides might come off for us......

    Looking forward to the cook-in.

  • Comment number 51.

    You're welcome Haze.

    Ah the perils of the kids pokin' the fingers where they shouldn't go. Christoff and Tash take note. It won't be long before Noah gets a body part stuck up a drainpipe or sticks summat unco-operative down 'is ear.

    I well remember my unmitigated delight when the goody-two-shoes big sister had to delay her appearance at her best friend and rival's party in her best sticky-out party frock because she got a pea stuck up her nose and had to be carted off to the local witch-doctor, or hoover repair shop or whatever.

    And it's not just kids. Later in my debauched and unfortunate life, as a top trendy Oo Look At Me I Think I'm Chocolate fashion student, I have disturbing memories of sitting in casualty at Manchester Royal Infirmary with a large needle through me lower lip.

    We'd been learning the mechanics of the embroidery machines, in particular one the size of Stephenson's Rocket that used to sew tufts of thread on to anything from silk knickers to denim jackets to the bessy mate's ham sandwich. Marvellous. It had this swing needle with no presser-foot, and what with leaving me scissors behind on the cutting-table combined with being idle, after producing a rather attractive tufty string vest, I made the fateful decision to bite the thread off.

    The rest writes itself, ergo there I was with a lip full of needle, accompanied by the aforementioned bessy mate sufferin' a hernia from laughin'.

    Charmin'. And you wonder why I don't go a bundle on the body piercin'.


  • Comment number 52.

    Thanks - Hazel. Big 'boy' in his time by the looks of it. Still not converted tho'. Rather watch paint dry, but each to their own which I respect.


  • Comment number 53.

    Clodagh - always said you woz ahead of your time! LOL


  • Comment number 54.

    AS66, bit too wired to think of anything right now. Will give that some thought or maybe the good thing today just hasn't happened yet.

    Thanks guys.

    Hello Clodagh!

    Debbie x

    ps: actually I did get a very nice text earlier, so nice to be thought of. That was a good thing.

  • Comment number 55.


  • Comment number 56.

    AS66, like your positive outlook........

    Debbie, hope today is a better day for you.

  • Comment number 57.

    Sorry I don't know the code...I'm not really very bright you know!!

  • Comment number 58.

    LM just asked for a hug. Whilst hugging I asked him to make sure that he doesn't stick his fingers in tubes and things again. Told him that he could have ended up at hospital having it cut off.

    To which he replied 'would they sow my finger back on again?'


    Debbie x

    ps: thanks Bondy.

  • Comment number 59.

    LOL Debbie ...... there's your little ray of sunshine ......

  • Comment number 60.

    Debs - tell him no and that the finget will be gone forever - that will stop him putting his fingers in things :-) you can tell I'm not a mum

    I like the idea of thinking about one posative thing a day - todays would be a text from Mr bp that made me laugh - dispite the fact it was just a shopping list - its the small things that count

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 61.

    The innocence of Little ones, Debbie, must help

  • Comment number 62.

    Have all my ingredients ready... oven on.... yorkie tins at the ready.... bring it on!!!!!!!!! xx

  • Comment number 63.

    Bless LM! I'm sure many of your 'positive things that happened today' centre around him Debbie. He sounds a real little treasure - a wee bit naughty maybe but you wouldn't want him to be sitting doing nothing all the time, would you?

    A hug from my youngest when I'm a bit down always helps a lot.


  • Comment number 64.

    I'll probably be proved wrong, but I would have oven on higher temperature. P'raps that's where I go wrong!!

  • Comment number 65.

    Smile Debs - always a good place to start and of course hugs.

    James no - no others tried - needed something a smidge bigger for my new motorway trips. 7 available in the country - now 6 - one on its way to me!! black - auto 'spensive.........

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 66.

    Hi Chris

    cant stop

    later dudes


  • Comment number 67.

    Very true, most positive things are around him. Which is why is doesn't help when being told 'you have to get better for his sake'. Talk about guilt trip and tell me something that I don't already know.

    You never know, I might even get a hug from Mr Debbie tonight what do ya reckon?

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 68.

    oooooo Bees, you need to send a pic..... what colour get you get?

  • Comment number 69.

    told you James - Black - auto - 'spensive

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 70.

    ouch Debbie....... not exactly encouraging words from Mr D........ stay positive, as tough as it may be..... :)

  • Comment number 71.

    Bees, I was just testing to see if you remembered the colour......LOL

  • Comment number 72.

    Batter made and looking very custard-creamy indeed! Fat in the oven and Booboo licking her lips in anticipation!..... xx

  • Comment number 73.

    Debbie - Mr D sounds a bit like an ex of mine who isn't exactly supportive when you most need it. His current fiancee has the same issue with him (or so I'm told by others). I can only sympathise and hope the hug is forthcoming.


  • Comment number 74.

    Evening All,

    How is everyone?

    I've had a fab day - the first in, well 16 months, I've had with no t'other, no baby and no work - YAY! Oddly quiet tho!

    Must admit to being a tad lazy this morning - can I add at this point how bad daytime TV is - but did put the new bed up this afternoon, and took the dog for a long walk over the mountain!

    Not doing the yorkies - don't trust my oven and with the boy running round not really very safe.......may try it at the weekend when t'other is home.


  • Comment number 75.

    Out of the oven and looking fab!!!!!!!xxx

  • Comment number 76.

    Hi eb...... yorkshires with gravy, peas and roast beef and some roast potatoes .....hmmmmm

  • Comment number 77.

    How gorgeous was that? Tash... we love you too! xx

  • Comment number 78.

    The Yorkshire puds are just luvly-jubbly!! Me & Boo have just shared one... have now got to wait for the meat and veg to finish and make the gravy... Tonight is going to be a good one... dinner for one.... done! xx

  • Comment number 79.

    It was a cute phone call that's for sure.

    How are things lyndy?

  • Comment number 80.

    Hi James! Things are good. Had a brilliant ski break and now back in the real world making Yorkshire puddings and researching prefab housing...

  • Comment number 81.

    Derbyfi he tries now and then but the patience normally runs out. Then it gets thrown back at me.

    Been on phone not listening to the show, what did I miss did Tash phone in?

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 82.

    tough life lyndy eh????? Off to my next meeting..... back later.....

  • Comment number 83.

    CLP called her to see how her yorkshires were doing.....

  • Comment number 84.

    Debbie- Tash said bye to CLP with an "I love you" live on air xx

  • Comment number 85.

    Debbie - Does sound rather familiar, I'm afraid. I suppose at least he does try a bit!

    Yes, Tash phoned in re her yorkshires. It was very sweet!


  • Comment number 86.

    Well folks, my kitchen needs me urgently, so I'll bid you all a good evening.

    Thirsty Thursday tomorrow!


  • Comment number 87.

    007 - That's exactly what we had on Sunday!
    Up 'ere in the valleys Sunday Roast is still a big deal, you almost have to have a written excuse not to be at MIL's by 2pm!! Luckly she's a fab cook........tho t'other does say my roast pots are better.........

    That phonecall was just...........aaww!

    Enjoy the dinner lyndy....prefab housing sounds interesting??


  • Comment number 88.

    Evening all,hope you've all had a good one.

    How sweet was that phone call!

    Off to read the blog............Laters


  • Comment number 89.

    ebbwbeth- the dinner was fabby! The pre-fab stuff is for the Bahamas.

    & Booboo

    ps... picture 15 on the web site is from me.. I did put text on it too

  • Comment number 90.

    I'm back. Plucked, waxed and gawj and ready for dinner and my beloved Gunners!

    Bit of a conflict of interest tho - have always held a torch for Francesco Totti. If he scores against my boys tonight there will be (a) trouble but (b) lots of close ups of him.

    What's a gal to do?

    #22 Beez - you're welcome! xx

    And you can never have too many I Love You's in your life. Live on air, on the phone, in person, by text ... however. Always nice to hear (or read) ;-)

    Off to do the pasta to go with the chicken.

    Deev x x x

  • Comment number 91.

    Boleyn & Clodagh, huge LOL

    Beez, new car ay............nice,enjoy!

    Bond, hope the footie did it for you last night ( don't know what but you know what I mean!)

    Lyndy enjoy the fruits (or pudds ) of your labour!

    Wot no Bingo blog!!

  • Comment number 92.

    Well what a result.

    A chucked a few sausages in for good measure too.
    Best Toad in the hole ever. Thanks Chef.

    CTD Plucked waxed and gorgeous, you sound like a chicken ready basted for the oven.

  • Comment number 93.

    Greetings Ter CLP, Tash, Noah, Claire Robertson And INDEED ALLLLLLLL Blog Personel....... ('ope am noot being too personal ere)......

    Bingo Star ere......

    CLP - Whatta yer tryin' ter do to me...... AYE????

    A made the drive south ter join in the fun at Dorchester....... only DAMN IT problem..... A goot the wrong one!!!!!!
    A ended up in Dorchester, Oxfordshire...... nooot Weymouthshire..... or iz it Dorset????
    Yer didn't say it waz the VERY south one!!!!!

    Dorchester.... near Weymouth... brings back memories when a used ter pick up a tanker load of red wine..... 24,000 kgs of red wine from Southampton docks and take it ter the brewery in Dorchester!!!!!!
    Regular job it waz!!!!!
    They used ter sample it and throw a few bucket fulls of it away while testing the quality.... painful ter watch them wasting abit!!!!!!
    A waz dying ter bottle some.... but then ave a BIG sip and i'd end up drink driving..... sometimes being a trucker ain't az easy az it sounds.... ain't easy az it sounds!!!!!!!

    Glad all went well with the opening..... yer certainly a VERY good sport CLP ter do the opening!!!!!!

    I'm noot famous enough ter get asked ter do an opening!!!!!
    A once offered meself ter do an opening but goot turned down.... yeah.... me local bank it waz.... a asked if they wanted me ter open it up.... and the safe... but they declined!!!!!!!!
    It's painful when yer in the public eye but noot famous enough ter be famous enough!!!!!!

    PS A goot inter me car after being the gym and just in time ter 'ear Tash's on air debut..... wooooooo...... MY GOODNESS...... A thought Tash aka The Shishmanian aka with portuguese in 'er would ave an accent..... abit like Seve Ballestereeeeeos..... but she speaks better english than you CLP!!!!!!!!!!!
    FREAK OUT!!!!!!!!


    PS A just checked in me dictionary... a spelt portuguese correct first time.... am gettin' good..... noot that am meaning ter be egotistical ere!!!!!!!

    PPS B's Mum - 21st March... yer birthdee....got it marked!!!!!!
    On the cusp aye.... just inter aries!!!!!

  • Comment number 94.

    Okay - had the Corrie fix!
    Deev, you've just got to hope that he scores ( closeups ) but your boys score more win,win situation!!
    Plum,not had that for ages with new mix receipe today might have a bash tomorrow.
    As good as usual Bingo but so late......whats occurring!


  • Comment number 95.

    PS - Loads of luck to Claire & Wellworths!!

  • Comment number 96.

    I second that Bredgirl - forgot to mention earlier - with all this talk of food!

    On the cusp indeed Bingo 9 o'clock on a fine sunny - first day of spring.

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 97.

    As Tammy Wynette said ...

    Sometimes it's hard to be a Gooner


  • Comment number 98.

    Oh Dear - what's happening Deev?

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 99.

    Beez - how's the sleep pattern going? well I hope. Mine's to rats.....!


  • Comment number 100.

    Deev - whats up?


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