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Flying Solo for the First Time...

Chris Evans | 11:24 UK time, Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Beth's ears playing up, I think they call it...

...canker. So mum had to take her to the vets.

I suddenly realised me and the boy were on our own for the first time, albeit only half an hour but nevertheless this was proper grown up responsibility.

As it turned out Noah was far less phased by the whole thing than me as he slept all the way through right until Tash returned. Well almost right the way through, he timed his crying perfectly to coincide with his mummy walking in the door, so as to make me look shabby. I'm sure he flashed me a wink and a grin as she took him up in her arms whereupon he stooped crying instantly. Scoundrel I'll get him back when he's my size.

Also, anyone want a bellybutton ? Noah's just fell off. Oh no, too late, Beth's eaten it.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Happy days Chris...... enjoy them to the fullest.

  • Comment number 2.

    Awwwe Chris - I'm sure there will be a few more of those moments to come :o) xx

    Don't like the baby belly button situation - gives me the heeby geebies (sp?)

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 3.

    *lol* aw bless him.

    He will do that all of his life, if he can get away with it!!

    It was so lovely to read Natasha's post the other day, you sound so very happy.

    H x

  • Comment number 4.

    Eeeeeewwwww! Chris - it's lunchtime and some of us are (also) eating!!

    But you're quite right about well-timed crying I reckon. My pal had awful guilt pangs about leaving her 6-month old daughter crying when she dropped her off at nursery, even though the staff said it always stopped just seconds after she walked away. Poor mummy didn't believe this until one day she realised she still had the baby's hat in her pocket - went back in - and saw the happy smiling face for herself! Little madam!!

    Hope the vet did the biz for Beth.


  • Comment number 5.

    lol derby - just what I was thinking vis a vis the belly button situ. Yuk indeed!

    I remember being asked to baby sit for our nephew when he was a babe. Mr and Mr Deev had to get to the sis-in-laws early for a full Army-style briefing, nappy changing lessons, fave teddy lessons blah blah blah. I read him a bedtime story to get him to sleepy-land, then the parents went out and that little darling nephew slept all night. Didn't stir. Didn't peep. Nada. Apparently, that was the first time he went right thru the night .....

    Hope Beth's alright Chris!

    Deev x x x x

  • Comment number 6.

    What a star. Noah is already learning the art of playing mum and dad they certainly know exactly which buttons to press. Sorry to have to say this Chris,but it will not be the last time he does something like that.You will be able to tell Tash I told you so the first time you walk in the house and she hands Noah to you saying take him away he's done nothing but cry all day!! Hope Beth is okay and her ears improve soon. I am sure she loved the taste of Noahs' bellybutton,you know dogs the fouler tasting the better!! Take care of each other. Love to you all. J x x x x.

  • Comment number 7.

    CLP, please can you remind us of how you came to be Chris Lambie Pie.


  • Comment number 8.

    eeeewwwww - lunch will have to wait now!

    Children certainly know the right time to cry - many a time I would peel a crying child off my friend so she could go to work who stopped as soon as the door closed, she would phone sobbing on her way to work and I am sure she didn't believe me when I said she was fine!

    I lost count of the number times mine would play up as soon as I walked in the door to be told by my Mum that they had been 'as good as gold '

    Don't you just love em


  • Comment number 9.

    Mmmmm nice snack beth!!!

    Hilarious, you could set up a new doggy treats business!!

    Love to you all.

  • Comment number 10.

    Sorry CLP but the belly button story didn't sit well with Cauliflower Cheese!

    Laughed about the crying though ;-)

    The "gotcha" look always appears in those situations. Bad daddy!

  • Comment number 11.

    I loved the bellybutton story. Always good to have a laugh.

    Love and hugs,

  • Comment number 12.

    Waste not want not eh Beth?

    What would you have done with the belly button had Beth not eaten it? Made me feel a little queasy :(

    Sounds like fun in the Evans household again - when can we all move in??


  • Comment number 13.

    BLEURGH Christophe!!!

    Hope Beth is ok now?

    I'm with AliB - can we all come and live with you??? We'll be quiet and take turns babysitting and everything !!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 14.

    If we turned up do you think CLP would let us drive the cars?

    Only fair.....

  • Comment number 15.

    Yes please let us move in.

    I'm a very neat and tidy person. I know how to use a duster and hoover and a washing machine!!

    Like Tins said we can babysit and everything. My friends kids who are now teenagers say that I was their favourite babysitter - I am sure they would write a reference for me.


  • Comment number 16.

    Now that's a good question Thunder..........and in return he could drive mine! Only fair, really........... LOL


  • Comment number 17.

    I can cook!!!

  • Comment number 18.

    CtD, I want to move in too, if you do stuff like strawberry and choc pancakes everynight...!

    I am good at cleaning! (A bit compulsive obsessive, sadly!) and I come with my own hoover.....

    KJR x

  • Comment number 19.

    Well, that was scary. I made it all the way there and back, only got lost twice, (result) so the score is Luton 2 - Nicki 0

    Thanks all those that wished me luck, I know it's silly and probably terribly girlie, but I'm glad I did the reccie - getting lost twice on way to interview- I may have gone into crazy flappy mode. (not at all attractive)
    So tomorrow for the real deal I shall be cool calm and collected (yeah right)

    Belly Button......................No, No, mind you I think I'd be glad that Beth got it first, what're meant to do with 'em??

    Pancake Day eeek! I had no idea, oh well never mind I'm sure my man will have no idea either, just another bus not caught.

    Best go do something with my hair, isn't it crazy get hair to look half presentable to go to the hairdressers??
    Or is that just me??

    oops too many of them? must cut down.

    try to catch you later when I shall have stunning new locks!!

    Katiekjr, good luck to you, maybe we will both get hired.


  • Comment number 20.

    Katie - I loathe housework. Done deal - I'll do the cooking and you can do the housework.


    Deev xxxx

  • Comment number 21.

    LOL KJR, sounds like you have a hoover built in!!

    I make great roast dinners and LOVELY bacon sarnies, so I'd be very useful at weekends.

  • Comment number 22.

    Nicki, I did EXACTLY the same thing when I applied for this job. Well I didn't go to Luton but I did do a reccie journey to Brentford the day before my interview to make sure I knew where the building was, where I could park etc etc. I think it's extremely sensible and forward thinking of you - and if that's girlie then long live the girls!!!

    Best of luck for tomorrow!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 23.

    Ah yes..... commonly known by midwives as 'Stump Day' (as it's actually the stump of the cord that falls off....but you knew that....) or 'False Willy Day'...

    "Is that Midwife Jones?"


    "This is Jack's dad. You have to come quick. I just changed his nappy and his... winkie... you know... fell off. Right off on the floor. What do I do? You have to COME HERE QUICK!!"

    In 20+ years of being a midwife, it's never actually BEEN his winkie....

    And yes, the crying thing is exactly that. Like the dog who knows exactly when his master's car turns into the road and is waiting by the front door when he pulls into the drive, some babies are finely attuned to parents, people and things around them.

    Have you tried the trick of getting Noah to imitate you yet, Lambie Pie?

    And I vote that the lovely Tash has Friday as 'Tash Day' on the blog. That way we can get both sides of the story until Noah is old enough to type for himself.


  • Comment number 24.

    Ha ha ha - love the winkie story!!

    T xx

  • Comment number 25.

    I am lost for a job, cooking - taken, cleaning -taken , babysitting - taken. That only leaves the ironing and thats the one job I hate!!


  • Comment number 26.

    Thanks for making me smile Chris. I'm having a tough day and you've just made it a bit better.


  • Comment number 27.

    Ok so I wouldn't be much use as a babysitter (not at all maternal) however Kids always seem to like me, I think they do it on purpose 'cos they know I'm not that comfy round them.

    But I am a dab hand at removing canker from the ears of dogs, cats and horses.

    right really must get a move on.

  • Comment number 28.

    Cheryl - can I borrow Katie too - say one week in 4? I'm quite good with the important things like kitchen worktops and loos, but absolutely hate dusting - or cleaning things that don't show the benefit and look just as bad again the next day!


  • Comment number 29.

    Happy pancake day.......

  • Comment number 30.

    Hi Bondy - am planning what to have in mine already. Have to go out for most of the afternoon but they will be cooking just as soon as I get back later...........yum yum!

    Is Shrove Tuesday celebrated in the US too?


  • Comment number 31.

    Nicki, I wish you all the best with your interview.. I am in limbo at moment, in one temp job which is being 'developed' into a better higher paid job as of next week and have been asked to apply, BUT also have offer of job with MOD, great salary but over and hour and a half travel..... ooooeeerrr what to do!

    Maybe I shoudl just open a cleaning firm by the sounds of it! I would be in my element.. I love cleaning me!

    Doughballs it is then... Followed by pancakes, choc spread, strawbs, icecream and added soldier just for me.... Indulgent, Moi..?

    KJR x

  • Comment number 32.

    Afternoon each..

    Eeuuuwwww...or words to that effect! Put me right of my tomato pasta that has....!

    And bless Noah`s cotton socks... he`ll have perfected the `it wasnt me look` by the time he`s a month old...and go on to be so darn cute that you cant possibly be mad with him for anything he ever does...trust me, my nephew has this down to a t! Great to hear all is well in the Evans house still tho...and have you got room for all these lodgers..sorry, helpers! cos i can clean the cars... or cut the grass...or, well anything..jus thtought i`d join the queue!

    Oh, and CtD and DF...i`ll have Katie one of the other weeks please...hate housework wth a passion!

    Hope everyone is well and colds/coughs disappeared and everyone is still smiling!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 33.

    Lovely pics of allof you in a mag today,
    you look so happy. and Tash looks amazing.Noah is such a beautiful boy.
    He ll soon have you both wrapped round his little finger,!!!! love and happiness to all of you.
    Oh! by the way Chris GREAT SHOW.

  • Comment number 34.

    Didnt like the bit about the belly button

  • Comment number 35.

    And good luck with the interviews guys... but Katie, we`ve solved your work problem..now, you dont mind travelling up to Yorkshire do you...?!

    Pancakes Bondy...yum, orange and sugar in ours tonight..maybe followed by one or 2 with a well known chocolate spread on it... very indulgent but flaming gorgeous!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 36.

    derbyfi.....not really.......

  • Comment number 37.

    That's a shame.............it's a really good excuse to be self-indulgent.

    The radio is trailing the show now - with Chris's bit from last week about 'going in for a warm'. I wasn't online at the time so didn't comment, but it made me laugh because I'm from the north too and my Mum's family used exactly that phrase! Brought back some nice memories of my late grannie that did. So thanks CLP!


  • Comment number 38.

    Diddy - I wouldn't want a full time job at CLP's - most of the time I'd like to sit around and chat - so we can job share if you like :-))

    I'm happy to dog-walk too (obviously my Lucy dog would have to come and live with us all as well)

    T x

  • Comment number 39.


    Eeuuww..glad I'd make the bacon and veg soup BEFORE I read bout the bellybutton...but do remember being being concerned when the boy's came away - with his nappy....

    When the boy has done something he shouldn't (bout every 10 mins) he has a look of mild surprise and pursed lips when I tell him off - so funny it's hard not to laugh.........


  • Comment number 40.

    Right...........better head off to my meeting. Fingers crossed that it goes well and I'm back here by showtime.

    Be good without me..............


  • Comment number 41.

    Tinsel - so long as I don't have to watch daytime TV sound good!!


  • Comment number 42.

    good luck df

  • Comment number 43.


    It's all too much for me mind...... ave just been listening ter The Jezza Vine Show about there tryin ter privatise the Post Office.... nyyya don't they learn????
    We're in the middle of nothing left in the UK az we've sold the country off for a quick buck.... look at LDV... owned by the russians and know, soory DAMN now, on the edge of disaster... and might ave guessed it's the Mandleson, yes 'im of all iz behind wanting ter sell off the countries postal service.... GIVE ME STRNGTH TER FIND SANITY IN A WORLD THAT ISN'T SANE!!!!!!!

    Ok.... onter 'appy things.....


    Ello CLP Boy... 1st, Tash... Mum, CLP Boy... 2nd And INDEED ALL Blog Operatatives,

    Bingo Star ere......

    CLP - (the 1st one) Yuv just put me off Cadbury's Buttons for life.... too much info on the belly button!!!!!
    Mind you Cadburys might be sold ter Korea next week, then go bust next year... so problem of the diet sorted anyway!!!!!
    Soz going off again on misery of life.... back ter 'appy..... err CLP, errrr a waz reading yesterdee's blog and yer mention yer fed up of people talkin' ga, ga and goo, goo ter the littlen.
    If a ever met 'im DON'T worry.... i'd discuss the economic properties of the Federal Reserve with 'im!!!
    But CLP, don't put 'im down.... well do if yer arms start ter ache 'olding 'im... but don't put 'im down the respect of.... THE MIND!!!!
    A wreckon the kid could be a genius.... yeah, some reasons ere........
    If 'e says to yer "ga, ga..... goo, goo" a think it could be 'is first ever 'Gobsmackers' request for Radio GaGa by The Queen wrocas and anything by The Goo Goo Dolls.... the kids on it BIG musically already!!!!!!!
    In fact put yer face wreet in front of 'is and ask 'im does 'e want Queen Radio GaGa and anything by the Goo Goo Dolls az 'iz 'Gobsmackers'!!!!!
    If 'e smiles and goes "ga, ga, goo, goo" and then punches yer in yer gob.... aka smacks yer wreeet square in yer gob..... that's a defo Gobsmacker request - know what ams ayin'!!!!!!!!!!!@!@!!!!@!!!!!!!!!!@!!!>!

    GOURANGA..... 2009 And INDEED Beyond!!!!!

    PS CLP - Sorry ter 'ear yuv finally thrown in the towel with yer shares yesterdee.... Prudential a presume????
    I'll bang full Stockmarket Details on the blog soon!!!!!
    Am trying ter call the bottom of this market as a correctly called the top.... a think we're getting close ter the bottom.... probally September a think the new bull market will start!!!!!!!
    And remember.... the stockmarket leads the economy.... the 'ousing markey trails last outta all of the economy about 2 years behind.... So another two years of down for the 'ouse prices!!!!!

    Soz nearly ave already put me full market details on now!!!!!!

    PS Soz ter end me blog on a downer situation!!!!!

    But it's positive in some ways az the beginiing of the next boom iz getting closer!!!!!!

    PPPPPS - Last neet a waz listening ter CLP's very friendly radio show and thought me air assisted seat in me truck waz on the blink... VERY strange air leak noises.... then a realised it waz via me speakers.... it waz CLP's whoooopy cushions.... looks like the boom may ave begun already!!!!!!

    See DID end on a positive after all!!!!!

  • Comment number 44.

    PS Very sorry about going 1 millimetre over the blog right 'and edge!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 45.

    Yum Yum.........belly button pancakes!!

  • Comment number 46.


    I love The Goo Goo Dolls.

    Iris is one of my fave toons EVER. Fact!

    Can I post a Q of the Day?

    Can I ???

    Deev xx

  • Comment number 47.


    Treat them there earoles of yours ....


    Deev x x x

  • Comment number 48.

    Hi Chris, Tash, Noah, and all.

    So Noah has started playing you off against each other already!! He clearly understands the dictum of "start young and practice".

    Good luck to Nicki and Katiekjr for your interviews.
    Nicki - great idea to get your hair done. Its an excellent confidence booster. I am now into second week of new job - to feel more confident for interviews I did the whole enchilada - new glasses + haircut. It did the trick!


  • Comment number 49.

    Ello Chezza.....

    The Goo Goos... wrockin'!!!!!!!!

    A waz gonna ask yer about the bloggers meet.... a think a can make the London one.... 4th April!!!
    A can delay me trip ter Ukraine by a few dee's..... ter go ter th emeet noot ter Ukraine!!!!

    A waz wondering what time der yer think you'll meet... will it be late az i'll travel ter London on the 4th.... arriving 16.38!!!!!!

    Will it be an evening gig??????


  • Comment number 50.

    LOL Bingo - that's great!!

    A lot of us are staying over, so yes, an evening in the smoke is on the cards. Probably London Bridge area - there's a lovely pub right on the river by the Golden Hind replica.

    I will, I promise, put more details on here nearer the time. Or have you thought about FB - everything you need to know on there too!

    Look forward to meeting you Sir.

    Deev xx

  • Comment number 51.

    Howdy blog pardners!

    big boss going away on holibobs at the end of this week so am having a mad dash to try and get end of month stuff done for him to sign off before he goes so can't stay for long!

    Yukky dog stories -don't get me started on what farm dogs find to crunch down on! But as someone said earlier the yukkier the better but don't forget they have to roll in it first just to have that lasting aroma following them as a reminder of their last snack.

    So CLP watch out for beth and the dirty nappy bucket!



  • Comment number 52.

    Thanks for the info Chezza!!!!!!

    Looking forward ter meeting you too.... but a must warn yer.... am actually very boring, quiet and.... errrrr shy in real life with a 'ighly nervous twitch!!!!!!

    Just 'ope a don't ruin the meet with me bad energy a give off!!!!!!


  • Comment number 53.

    PS A know a few nice bars/ pubs by London Bridge!!!

    Are they the ones on the side of the Grey Ship aka aych MS Bel...fast, that actually isn't fast anymore az it ain't gotta engine that works?????

  • Comment number 54.

    BLimey Bings. The mind boggles! xx

  • Comment number 55.

    It was ok until you got to the belly button bit. Yuk! Please don't mention it tonight at tea time CLP!

    LM is a little **** for me, take him to MiL and everytime time without fail she says 'been an angel, didn't even know I had him'. So either she is a good liar or he is, well a little ****!

    Debbie x x x

    PS: why are docs just trying to throw pills at me, please think of something else grrrrr!

  • Comment number 56.

    CLP, Tash, and Noah,

    I remember when I had to go solo with Rosie, I was so nervous, I don't know why, she was my daughter! I was left alone for a whole 24 hours!!

    During the day was cool, she slept, so did I!! Then feeding was fun, I think I got messy than she did but doing the aeroplane trick was fantastic and we both really giggled!! Time came for bed and milk, which ultimately once the bottle had been sterilized a few times, I was so obsessed with cleanliness, was done with much effort. However due to the daily sleep, meant that at 1am we were both up, so I would sing her to sleep with Dream River by the Mavericks, another cool song! Then by 6am, be at McD for breakfast and me changing nappies in the boot of the car!! Happy days!!

    Then back home without anyone the wiser!!


  • Comment number 57.

    Naaa Chezza, between London Bridge and Tower Bridge... on the southside of the River Thames there's aloada nice bars/ pubs/ restaurants.... all close ter aych MS Belfast.... thought ye rmight ave mean't one of those there..... maybe am getting me bridges mixed up????

  • Comment number 58.

    A need a bridge across troubled water!!!!

  • Comment number 59.

    Yep - thems the ones Bingo. Old Anchor? Need to check with Mr Dissing of Daveland - he did tell me but I have a head like a sieve!

    Love that part of town. Would live there if forced to live in London. Or Southwark - near Borough Market. Fantastic area!

  • Comment number 60.

    Nowt troubled bout my waters Bings!

  • Comment number 61.

    Hi all again!

    CtD, talking about cool songs, Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls is such a classic, forgot just how good! Another classic, was How Does it Feel by Slade

    trust me it is good, have a listen!


  • Comment number 62.

    Got to scoot but Debs, please ask them if you can get some counselling before you go down the medication route if that's what you want to do!!!

    I wonder if it's the waiting lists that's stopping them from referring you?

    Could you afford to go private? Do you have any friends who've had counselling who would recommend their counsellor? (I'd recommend mine but I think she's a bit far away for you).

    And re LM, you know what it is - the next generation up always likes to say "s/he was fine when he was with me; you were never any trouble; I never had problems like this when you were little, blah blah blah" - I think it's a gene you sometimes grow when you become a grandparent - makes them think that all their parenting skills are far superior to ours!!!

    Onwards and upwards my friend!!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 63.

    Hi Chris,

    Just wondered if you played baby left, baby right with Noah?

  • Comment number 64.


    Baby left where??? Outside the post office?? In Selfridges??

    Scandalous, as Russell Brand would say!

    Deev xx

  • Comment number 65.

    CLP I'm not sure which is more yucky. The thought of canker (which both of my dogs have suffered from) or the idea of the dog eating belly buttons eeeuuuoooowwwww!!!!

    Though to be honest Booboo will eat most anything so I shouldn't be surprised in the slightest.

    Cuppa tea time me thinks... anyone for a dunk in?

    & Booboo

  • Comment number 66.

    Oh Chris, GRIM!!!! Can't stop laughing at Noah timing the crying to perfection though :D


  • Comment number 67.

    Ooh Lyndy don't mind if I do. Got coffee and fox's dunking biscuits here, Anyone want one?

    Right let's have a read through....

  • Comment number 68.

    By the way... not only is it pancake day/Shrove Tuesday etc it is also the day of an annual ball game in my home town

    This mad oversized leather ball game is where all of the local thugs get a free reign to beat each other up in the name of tradition... well to be honest that only happens in the final 20 minutes or so when the local pubs send out teams to try to be holding the ball in readiness for the final whistle at 5pm when whoever is holding the ball gets to keep it. The ball is then taken out around the town by the winners and used to go collecting for charity.

    It used to be a great reason why we got off school early but to be honest I was always a bit scared of it. The best place to watch is from a window above a shop/pub in the main street.

    Oh it's a grand old tradition ya know!

    Look out for a clip on Central tonight or similar.


  • Comment number 69.

    aA - the jumpybean's belly button fell off on my birthday, I was still in hospital and so hormonal that I was overjoyed that my first birthday present had come from my son!! I found it again the other day... he's 4 months old now.... that's REALLY grim... now I don't know what to do with it, sentimental fool that I am I can't quite bring myself to dispose of it, but the thought of it hanging around year after year makes me feel a bit sick!

    debbie - {{{hugs}}} coming your way, pills really aren't always the best solution and it irritates me that the docs don't take people down the counselling path first! And little man may be a little **** but you love him to bits eh and boy I bet he knows it, which is why he knows he'll get away with it.... xxxxxxx

    mjg - I feel I've finally made it as a parent now I've done my first nappy change on the back seat of the car!!!!!

    hello hello hello to everyone else, sorry I've not made much comment recently, usually I just get through reading everything and the little fella wakes up and starts demanding that I do my mummy duties... by which time I've forgotten everything I was going to say!

    Tell you what though, I'm getting much better at this one-handed typing lark.....


  • Comment number 70.

    Mine was a tea and a jaffa cake... might have to make some pancake mix now though. Can't be without pancakes today now can I?


  • Comment number 71.

    Hi again,

    Just GOTTA tell ya!
    There I was just getting my jacket to head off to get hair sorted and I was shocked, stunned and amazed to see 2 armed policemen standing on my next dorr neighbours shed roof, pointing guns at a house a garden away, roads blocked off policemen (or lady policemen never know what to call them I guess personnel is more pc) everywhere. Well, you don't expect to see that in my sleepy little neck of the woods I can tell you.

    So, hope no one's been hurt, but did make me late for hairdresser, so inconsiderate!!

    Oh yeah, barnet ok, I never like it tell I cna get me hands on it and muck up all the hard work.

    Laters maybe

  • Comment number 72.

    sorry excuse jumbled up letters.

  • Comment number 73.

    Blimey Nicki!! Wonder what that was all about!!

  • Comment number 74.

    I have a horrible feeling that belly buttons are going to feature on the show tonight so I would delay pancakes until after 7............

  • Comment number 75.

    Back again..........just in time for the start of the show. But I just heard Chris say something about things falling off...............nooooooooo - he's said it again!!

    Please don't keep mentioning it CLP when we're cooking or eating our tea/dinner/supper [depending on where we live] - it is just too gross!!

    Squeamish df

  • Comment number 76.

    Hey I remember that game, baby left baby right! hehe.

    Cheers Tins and Jumpy. He gave me a perscription for diazepan or something. Then told me that if have panic attack take one. But it could make me drowsy. So if take one at work or before picking LM up from school....can't drive. So I'll be chilled and without a care in the world but LM will have an overnighter at school! Not for me thanks.

    I like the idea of 'Tash Day' on the blog by the way.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 77.

    Hey! hey! Debbie........perhaps try giving it a chance. If you read the side affects of "normal" drugs that you happily take I'm sure they will scare the living pants off you! Dad was given something with one of the side affects might have been making breasts swell and become sensitive - No dad that was one three times a day not 13 a day!!!!!!


  • Comment number 78.

    Good idea Debbie.....

  • Comment number 79.

    What is this baby left baby right game?! I is intreeeeegued....

  • Comment number 80.

    Dook - lol!!!

  • Comment number 81.

    BINGO STAR'S GUIDE TER BOIL A RUNNY EGG......................

    1 - Go ter yer local supermarket!

    2 - Buy some eggs - ordinaary medium size!

    3 - Go 'ome.... drving carefully so az noot ter crack yer eggs! (Lewis 'amilton pay special attention ter this bit)

    4 - All of my eggs are kept in a fridge!

    5 - Fill yer kettle with tap water!

    6 - Boil yer water!

    7 - Tip yer boiling water inter the pan!

    8 - Add a few drops of vinegar - ter stoop crackage occuring... and if it does it will contain the leak! Aka seal the crack up!

    9 - drop 'gently' yer egg outta the fridge in ter the pan of boiling water!

    10 - Turn yer gas full on on yer cooooker! (If yuv goot electric, this iz why yer going wrong... getta gas coooker or camping one from yer local truck stop) ( yer local truck stop could be 90 miles away)

    11 - Time it for 3 minutes 11 seconds!

    12 - After yer 3 minutes 11 seconds, turn off gas!

    13 - Drain water.... down the drain!

    14 - Remove egg fast!

    15 - Eat yer egg fast as it's still coooking inside the shell!

    16 - Dip yer soldiers in the runny yolk of perfection (Please note make yer soldiers in the 3 minutes 11 seconds.... noot after the egg 'as boiled or yer egg will be 'ard. Or before yer commence the egg boiling or yer bread will be 'ard aka stale)

    'ope this 'elps!!!!!!

  • Comment number 82.


    The dummy thing.......it's tough but I would say yes to them. The boy has one, and sleeps alot better for it (doesn't have during the day now at all). He also has never sucked fingers/thumb, so hopefully when the dummy is taken away in about year we won't have to stop the thumb sucking when he's 30 (I have a friend who stil does!)

    A colleague at work who breastfed and didn't give her daughter a dummy now regrets it - she still wakes at night asking for 'boobie' at almost two.

    Friends of ours had the 'dummy fairy' visit their little boy - all the dummies went but left a pair of roller skates......everybody was very happy!!

    Right, I'm off to pick up the onions the boy has kindly left all over the floor


  • Comment number 83.

    They call dummies pacifiers here in the US....

  • Comment number 84.

    007 - I suppose pacifiers make more sense.....that what the do after all...


  • Comment number 85.

    true eb...... interesting bit about blushing on the show tonight.

  • Comment number 86.


    that whole tummybutton thing just used to freak me out....but we did keep our 2nd ones plastic clip in her keepsafe box...not sure why,doubt she will want it when she is 21!!

    Our beagle can sympathize with Beth,he gets earmites all the time,almost as awful as the tummybutton thing!!!!!!!!


    and,yes,where did CLP come from/?????????

  • Comment number 87.

    Well my tummy is rumbling so I'm off now to pacify it with some yummy pancakes.

    Have a good evening everyone.


  • Comment number 88.


    christophe lammie pie

  • Comment number 89.


    I blush really easily.....and hate it, always gives the game away (whatever game you may be playing!) And the more yiu think about it the worse it gets....

  • Comment number 90.

    Evening each

    Chris, the belly button thingy is GROSS!! Can't remember what happened to my lot when theirs fell off. Selective memory, maybe.

    Hope Beth is feeling better.

    Saw a lovely photo of you today in a daft Woman's magazine. You were on your way to hospital to visit Tash and Noah, smiling a huge smile and carrying a cabbage!! All us women who breastfed know exactly why. Nuff said.

    Off to read the posts, thrash people on FB, etc. Back later.


  • Comment number 91.

    Chris, I do really enjoy my lunchtime read and updates, so thank you for sharing your news. Listened to the show on the way home, and please, please no dummy. Babies need to learn to 'self soothe'. I have a 6 and 4 year old and neither had dummies. Its awful seeing 4,5 and 6 year olds trying to talk and suck a dummy at the same time. Babies cry and you get used to it. Its all part of life's rich path of being a parent. x

  • Comment number 92.

    #81 Bingo - totally agree your method of boiling eggs except I add a little salt to water and I cook a bit longer - can't have runny whites....yuk!!!


  • Comment number 93.

    Wow... My first entry Fellow Drive Timers a blog virgin!! Firstly i know it's late but congratulations to u both on the birth of Noah, It was actually Tash's blog that just about reduced me a 35yr old man to tears that has made me decide to blog with u all on a regular basis.

    Looking forward to talking with all u fellow DT


  • Comment number 94.

    Hello RJH! Welcome to the blog.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 95.

    Evening RJH and welcome.

    Hi Debbie.


  • Comment number 96.


  • Comment number 97.

    Hi Anne, how are you? Long time no speak!

    x x x

  • Comment number 98.

    evening all!

    dummies - yuck! neither of mine had them - one sucks thumb, one doesnt. i hate to see kids walking around everywhere with a dummy shoved in their mouth - and i am sure it stops them talking sooner (maybe that's why parents do it?!)

    why start a habit you then have to break??!!

    i think the dummy is more for the parents benefit than the child (except in the case of my godson who only has half his heart and the medics recommend it for him so he doesn't cry so much).

    i could go on and on about this (it is one of my soap box things - i don't have many but this is definitely one of them!!).

    we did pancakes yesterday as i was working today - me and small boy go for golden syrup, gorgeous daughter and Mr CG do lemon and sugar!! yummo!!

    back later


  • Comment number 99.

    While I think to comment. LM didn't have a dummy, not that I condemn anyone for using them. Again I don't think that a child suffers long term if one is used short term.

    But babies and children need something for comfort whether it's a dummy or a blanket.

    LM had a 'taggy'. That's what he called it. It's the cot bumper with a label that he used to hold onto when a baby. So sweet!

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 100.

    aaah cheeky baby!

    mcm - no I didn't get cross with her cos I think I was too stunned! It was only when I got home and told my husband and saw him go beserk that I realised!!


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