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A twist in the tail.

Chris Evans | 04:38 UK time, Monday, 26 January 2009

Imagine Lewis Hamilton...

... but 50 years ago. Well there was such a fellow and his name happened to be Mike Hawthorn.

In 1958 Hawthorn became the Formula 1 world champion. Despite winning just the one race that year, he took the crown after a bizarre twist of fate which saw Stirling Moss literally hand him victory. Hawthorn was disqualified from a race in Portugal after allegedly pushing his car to second place. Moss stepped in and argued Hawthorn should be re-instated and his points handed back to him. This, in the end, is what happened and Hawthorn went on to win the championship, ironically beating Moss by just the one point.

Well done Mike and hats off to Sir Stirling, the finest of gentlemen.

Immediately on winning the title Hawthorn retired from top class motor sport but then unfortunately was tragically killed on the A3 near Guildford in his road car. Lots of theories surround his death but to this day no one really knows what happened. Anyways, yesterday saw a 50th anniversaty tribute to him in his home town of Farnham in Surrey. There was to be a grand parade of some of the cars he was involved in with a memorial, a wreath laying ceremony at his graveside and then cups of tea, sandwiches and cake at a local garage. "Lovely," I thought, "I'll have a bit of that."

So Tash and I sort our day, up early, get the papers go and see my mum and then Tash is gonna nip back home for a rest whilst I have a couple of hours with the tin, the tyres and talking to the old boys. However, I mess up all my timings and end up arriving in Farnham just as the parade ends. In fact the only car I saw, was a brand new Ferrari which had snook on to the back of procession much to the bemusement of most of the crowd and the utter embarrassment of its lady passeneger .

Having no idea where anything really was and in a tardy panic, I park my car miles away from anywhere and eventually, after walking a good mile and a bit, manage to find the garage where the "do" is. This is where things began to pick up considerably, not only did I meet probably the greatest living legend in motor sport, a man called David Piper, (google him, it's seriously worth it) but also during another conversation with a mutual car nut, I discovered a local pub was having a "Death by Pork Night," later on that evening.

The story goes that six months ago, a few of the pub regulars, along with the landlord, had all chipped in and bought a piglet, since which, they'd all taken turns looking after him and last night he was to be celebrated in the only style worthy of such a wonderful beast... by being eaten.

The dinner was NINE courses and an absolute stark raving mad bargain at £17.50 a head. Well this was just too fabulous an opportunity to miss so, it was on the phone to Tash, one more cup of tea with the boys-and-their-toys and then swing home, quick shower, pick up the Mrs. and time for the Pinky show.

I have to say it was truly magnificent and probably the best value for money meal I have ever had.

I believe there is a Perky that still survives his former pen friend but he lives to oink another day.

Just shows, you'll never know unless you go. One of my favourite mantras.




P.S. (in a scouse accent) Calm down evryone, calm down.


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  • Comment number 1.

    Morning Christoph,

    Sounds like you had a fab weekend - and I totally agree "you never know until you go". I often find that if you really don't fancy something then it turns out to be great fun.

    Happy Monday to you, Tash, Bump and all the Bloggers.


    P.S. At least it's not raining!!

  • Comment number 2.


    I agree Chris, you have got to go for it...

    Hells x

  • Comment number 3.

    Morning everyone!

    I can't say my weekend was quite as spontanious (if that's how you spell it) as yours CLP but I still had a fab time. My boys won 4-2 on Saturday after being 2-1 down and I had 8 people and 4 dogs round for Sunday lunch yesterday which ended up with us all sitting round doing a pub quiz out of a book for a couple of hours while we finished the wine and the cheese... there's still some pud left!

    & Booboo

  • Comment number 4.

    Morning blogland,

    My brother used to have a Pinky and Perky LP when we were very little.

    That's all.


  • Comment number 5.

    Morning Chris

    Death By Pig sounds fab - and a bargain price too. But a couple of questions:-

    1. What did the dessert consist of. I cannot think of any piggy based puds, try as I might.

    2. Did the chef at your regular pub prep the lamb for you, and then have to sell it to another punter when you went for the pork?

    Is it the weekend yet?

    Chezza of Divaville

  • Comment number 6.

    Hi Chris,

    What a really great blog today. I've said it before, and I'll say it again - you are such a great guy - I absolutely love it when you share your life with us!

    Nine courses? I love my grub, but I would be dead if I tried to wade my way through nine courses!

    If this doesn't bring on Tash's labour, nothing will!!

    C xx

    P.S. Cheryl - how are you doing, toots?!

  • Comment number 7.

    Morning Chrissie

    Yeh. I'm ok thanks for asking. Just a tad hacked off with being the blog target practice again, for doing absolutely nothing wrong.

    Oh well!

    Cheryl xx

  • Comment number 8.

    Hello all,

    My internet usage is now bieng monitored at work - hence, I've been absent recently. Boo.

    How is everyone?

    Your weekend sounds nice, Chris. Ours was quiet - last weekend in January = skint skint skint.

    Had a go at that Rock Band thing though, and blimmin' loved it.

    Looking forward to next weekend - Mr P and I are going to see Othello in Warwick.

    What else have I missed? No baby yet, I take it?

    Rosie x

  • Comment number 9.

    Hello all, new blogger here. Had to sign in because all weekend I have been the singing the Horace Wimp song which was requested on the Friday show. Aaarghhhh. So, tonight Chris can you please dedicate the programme to all those people who have a song stuck in their heads? Thanks.


  • Comment number 10.

    Cheryl: I don't want to add fuel to the fire by saying anything about last night's contributions. Anyway, it wouldn't change anything.

    All I can say is, I really do enjoy reading your comments on this blog, so don't go anywhere!

    As Rob Brydon would say: "It's a bit of fun"!

    C xx

  • Comment number 11.

    Hello all! Ooh, spooky - I had pork for my tea last night too!!!

    And then I ate ALL the crackling!

    Snort snort (piggie noise)

    T xxx

  • Comment number 12.

    I have nothing to add to todays blog

    grass munchers and pig lovers of the world unite

    super bp - friend to all animals

  • Comment number 13.

    Has everyone gone on to FB?!

    It's lonely over here!

    C xx

  • Comment number 14.

    Chrissie, I think we are all just stunned at the time of CLP's blog this morning! Do you think the 9 oink food course got the better of him, and he was experiencing revenge of the trotters?

    DD out

  • Comment number 15.

    Ah, Christophe, I broke a tooth on the Badger's crackling yesterday, but that's probably not for here...

    No, seriously, he did a GAWJUS roast pork belly for our lunch...with corn, mash and all sorts of other goodies...but then I did indeed break a toof.

    Anyhoo, CLP, I'm glad you had a great weekend...(the Badger had a crack(l)ing birthday too, thank you to everyone for their best wishes btw)...and I guess now, you have to look forward to when you can take the new wee'un with you!

    happy monday all

    ps this blog reminded me of the joke about the pig who telephoned the firebrigade when the farmhouse was burning down...

    When the local papers came to photograph said pig, they commented on the fact that it had a wooden leg.

    'Well' said the farmer, 'when a pig's that clever, you don't want to eat him all at once...'

  • Comment number 16.


    I really enjoyed that post Chris, thanks for sharing that with us. The best days are the unexpected ones that just happen to fall into place.

    I couldn't see yesterday's blog here this morning as when it gets to a certain amount of posts I get 'blocked'. What have I missed?

    Just got to wear a high viz here for the first time how exciting eh? (I need to get out more I know)

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 17.

    DD: good to see you! I was starting to think it may be my deodrant that was causing a problem!

    Hazel: very funny! Not for the pig of course .... (yes, yes, I know it's a joke!)

    C xx

  • Comment number 18.

    Hi Debbie:

    High viz? Is that a jacket? (sorry to be so dumb). And, yes, it is exciting! It's the little things in life that matter!

    Check in with Cheryl and she will be able to let you know what happened last night.

    Frankly, it's getting boring ..... zzzzzz

    C xx

  • Comment number 19.

    Nine courses of pig, not for me I'm afraid as I should imagine that several of them would be bits of pig that I would not dream of eating.

    As for black pudding, do start me off on that.

    PP Just do as I do and make full use of the scroll button when reading the log. It does get a bit depressing when you find you are scrolling more than you are reading, but hey ho. It is like panning for gold , you have to get through a lot of dross to find a shiny nugget!

  • Comment number 20.

    Afternoon all, it's a nice clear day here in Bournemouth which is a change believe me.

    Riding lesson Saturday went really well and bodes well for the 2 hr volleyball training and 2 matches this week looming.

    Hope everyone is healthy and full of beans (metaphorically speaking - wouldn't want to inflict that amount of flatulence).

    Cheryl and Matt - I really enjoy reading your comments so please do continue to contribute - even though I don't.

  • Comment number 21.

    Hi Chrissie yep it's a bright yellow jacket. You have to wear it outside here on site. Stops you from getting run over by a lorry full of bread.

    Nothing to say that hasn't been said before regarding the nature of the blog. You can't please everyone all of the time.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 22.

    Greetings Ter The CLP And ALL,

    Bingo Star ere.....

    CLP - Sounds like a nice weekend, shame though yer missed the parade!
    Reminds me of something thar really bugs me - When yer read in yer local newspaper or a magazine report of an event that already taken place, that yer would ave liked ter go ter. Yer know like... well anything, music event, firework display... or motor sport thingy.... THAT annoys me when they report about the event afterwards!!!
    Why noot damn advertise it in advance so yer can ave the opportunity of going ter it!!!!!

    PS My goodness gracious CLP boy.... a mega early blog @ 04.38!!!@!!!@!!!!!

    Gotta go all.... dead busy at work.... THANKFULLY!!!!!!!
    (What with the receesion)

    GOURANGA Ter Everybody.... and a really mean it!!!!!!!!!

    PS Likin' what am seein' from Obama so far!!!!!!

  • Comment number 23.


    when i was at the landfill site i had to wear a hi-viz motorway coat when out on site, and steel-toe capped DMs. THE height of glamour, let me tell you!! Add to the look my hard-hat in bright orange complete with radio microphone so that i could conduct tours of the facility ...... not exactly catwalk!!

    x x x

  • Comment number 24.

    Cheryl, well I've got the DM's and a hair net.......looks lovely!

    I don't get my own uniform until I've been here for 3 months, then I'll have a name badge ironed on my own set.

    Have to wear ex-staffs at present. Today I'm Angela, last Wednesday I was Mark.

    Deb x x x

  • Comment number 25.

    When I was working onsite in Bristol for a well known Bank that was being built by the waterside - I too had to wear white hard hat and highviz jacket - got away with the boots though.

    To those who might have forgotten there's still some pictures on Chris's gallery when they all went high viz.

    Not long now Christophe Lambie Pie.

  • Comment number 26.

    Debbie does that mean you get a bit confused when they say the name on the overall?

  • Comment number 27.

    No Phoenix, they get confused when I introduce myself as 'Debbie'

    Honestly I've never had so many people glance at my right boob since I've been here!

    x x x

  • Comment number 28.

    ooh Deb Im really jealous - I'd love a high viz jacket. I've been tempted to get one for when I walk the dog in the dark, but I think that might be a teensy bit sad.


  • Comment number 29.

    Not at all Tins, you should wear one and get one for the dog as well!

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 30.

    I had completely forgotten this, but when I worked as a temp in a canning factory in the USA, (I was not canning stuff, I was a secretary!) I wore a white coat with the name Rita on it. At that time, I was (quite illegally) working with my friend's National Insurance number.

    So, I had my own name - which only I knew - had to remember to answer to my friend's name, and I had the coat which belonged to Rita! I think this is when I developed my drinking habit!

    C xx

  • Comment number 31.

    G'day all!

    well all i can say is "phew"! what a lot of entries over the weekend! didn't get chance to join in but have been reading as much as i can! i am new to this blog lark, and so i am not really sure of the etiquette or what exactly people are moaning about - when i was just lurking (for several months!) the attraction for me was that everyone chipped in with whatever was on their mind, regardless of the subject matter! made me laugh a lot usually, and when it didn't it was thought-provoking! surely it isn't meant to be a shrine to CLP? am blimmin sure he would hate that!! so i reckon everyone should just stay and get on with it!! PLEASE - i've only just started to get into it - wouldn't be the same without you all!

    anyway, for what it's worth, i had a fab time on my "away day" with Mr CG - his Xmas present to me was a night in a nice hotel in St Ives, kids looked after by grandparents - bit of shopping, lots of reading my book DURING THE DAY!! - good food - oh and a bit of chat with him too! can highly recommend it!!

    Debbie - it is "your" cinammon and raisin bread that i have just discovered? that is YUM!!

    and CLP - sounds like a great day! spontaneous often works best! although 9 pig courses??!!

    puddings - hmm - "porkiteroles"?? (someone must be able to do better than that?!)

    Love cornishgirlie! xx

  • Comment number 32.

    Debbie- Has anyone ever asked you what the other one is called?

  • Comment number 33.

    Go for it Tinsel, and agree one for the dog too LOL!

    Chrissie/Rita, there is no way that I would have been able to keep that up by the way.

    CG, yep that's our bread. Got some of the orange one to take home today. Enjoy!

    x x x

  • Comment number 34.

    New Kid, that made me want to proper laugh but I'm not on my own in the office now! Baker Support Manager would think I was bonkers.

    x x x

  • Comment number 35.

    One and all oops better scrap the all.

    Pigs to High Viz.
    It just so happens in Deepest Dorset yesterday a group of us went back to where one friend had grown up on a farm. They had a pig nicknamed Joe Blower and it lived in the house. In fact the friend in question used it as a pouffee (hope thats spelled correctly) while watching TV. Sadly Joe Blower was eventually eaten.

    Aunty Karen I think I will just read the blog in future I would hate to interrupt the flow here of the CTD fan club.

    Might start my own blog actually then I can just annoy myself....

  • Comment number 36.

    Howdy Bloggers


    In answer to your dessert question CtD - possibly something containing Jelly - coz non grass munching jelly is made with Geletine sourced from by-products of animals (not going to go into it in anymore detail!)

    Hi - Viz - M-i-L bought our Kelpie X a hi viz harness for a late crimbo pressie as she is predominately black and hard to spot on the farm at night - so after 5pm if "The Wooo" is out she has her "blind harness!" on - "The Grump" curled his lip up when he thought it was for him but he has more white on him and rarely goes out of the garden these days.

    Glad I missed the weekends shenanagans (sp?) by the sounds of it - handbags at dawn / dummies and or toys out of the pram. I don't know.........

    Hmmm.... pork scratchings.........


    Note to self - Take spare ribs out of freezer

  • Comment number 37.

    pork scratchings

    doggy itchings

    donkey scabs!

    to quote not the nine o'clock news!

    DD out

    PS doughnuts with pink-y icing

  • Comment number 38.

    Morning Dook - still not found you on faceache - can't have continuation conversations - can see you contributing but not able to locate you on members to add as friend - ah well never mind.

    I agree with the hi-viz - I have one for riding as it is still a bit on the dim side for being seen on dirty great big animal - so full hi-viz including leggings for him too - but only get to do that when at sister's as that's where the only family horse is.

    I do have a hi-viz if I hack out from local stables though.

    You can get nice florescent collars for dogs these days as well as the ones I use for my cats.

  • Comment number 39.

    Sorry for changing the subject so drastically.

    Back to pigs.

    x x x

  • Comment number 40.

    I'm still looking out for the hot x loaf - not yet down my way..... boo hoo

    Mind you I agree the orange version is very tasty especially toasted.

    I had lamb for lunch - sorry did have bacon sarnies over the weekend but that's as near to any pig input I can come up with.

  • Comment number 41.

    Well I wore the high viz due to lorries that carry bread.

    You need bread for bacon sarnies.

    So there :-P

    x x x

  • Comment number 42.

    Last week Mr. Egg picked up some ELH's X buns......2 packets to be precise... we both had some, but they can't be good coz the other packet still unopened - a tad over cooked.

    On the subject of you never know if you never go - It sounds abit like that film the Yes man - all the opportunities that arose for him just because he agreed to do something else...

    Go for it


  • Comment number 43.

    just realised how shockingly i changed the subject earlier - sorry, sorry!

    i am a great believer in "you never know if you never go" - often they are the best! like the playgroup mums evening before Xmas - not somewhere i would have picked to go but a hilarious night out and some good friendships cemented!!

    off for ham sandwich for lunch - is that ok for getting it back on track?

    gelatine - my veggie friend is obsessed with finding it on labels and can't eat lots of yoghurts as they are thickened with it (eg m*ll*rlight). also Polos, don't you know?


  • Comment number 44.

    please put me out of my misery - ELH ??

  • Comment number 45.

    every little helps - aka tescos (other supermarkets are available)

  • Comment number 46.

    thanks!! makes perfect sense now!!! as always when you know!

  • Comment number 47.

    Dessert. Hows about a pink blancmange in a piggie mould?

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 48.

    Now ..... I am trying to be nice, honestly.

    PP: can I just say to you - you go on and on and on and on and on about this being the "Chris Evans blog" and the only reason you come on here is because you want to read what Chris is saying.

    If that is the case, I would have thought that at the very least you might have acknowledged what he said today.

    I do try very hard not to get wound up by you, but it is really difficult because you are very good at pushing all the right buttons.

    And for what it's worth you and Aunty just come over as really depressing people - there's never a "smile", never a moment's levity. What gives?

    C xx

  • Comment number 49.

    Ahhhh - weaned foals are having a run around the sand school. 6 of them stretching their (not so) little leggies in the sun - whey hay!


  • Comment number 50.

    Afternoon all - I ate piggy yesterday too - and far too much crackling!!!

    Dook what a lovely picture gangly foals enjoying the sun.

    Smile back on my face now - not that it went away for long!!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 51.


    Maybe she's just constipated. That can make one irrational :-)

    As Chris said at the top, calm down, or we'll have the internet health and safety people all over us.

    Mr. Evans, I too like a good porking (pardon the expression) but nine courses?

    Blimey fella, you've gone from one big session to another. I like your style.

    If you could dedicate the show today to the powers of Alka Seltzer, I'd be most appreciative. Or maybe I should learn that too much red wine gives you a headache.

    The Alka saved my life this morning. There's a song in that somewhere I reckon.

    Silly boy.


  • Comment number 52.

    I watched Merlin on one of the digi channels over the weekend - must be one of the best adaptations IMOH. It was the one with Sam Neil, Miranda Richardson and a heap of other notable worthies like john geilgud, james earl jones (he was the voice of darth vader doncha know!!)

    The most relevant line was that of the Lady of the lake " we only exist if we are not forgotten" and that is how Merlin destroyed Mab by getting everyone to turn their backs and forget about her - she was no longer important.......

    Take heed


  • Comment number 53.


    I think I may call myself Rita in future - quite fancy it!

    It's just as well I was so young then, there is no way I could work somewhere now and be called by a different name. It was very, very confusing!

    C xx

  • Comment number 54.

    I like to be called Mandy on the second Wednesday of every month, but that's another story :-)


  • Comment number 55.

    back to those heels again tobes??!!

  • Comment number 56.

    Hells bells! And I get accused of purile smut?!?!?!

    A good porking.



    x x x

  • Comment number 57.


    Bit by bit, slowly but surely ..... we are getting to know you!

    Apart from the red wine aftermath, how are you feeling? re: the non-smoking campaign?

    I'm out in sympathy with you - no crisps for seven days!

    C xx

  • Comment number 58.

    Purile smut?

    Nothing purile about pork scratchings. They are the cornerstone of every nutritious bar snack.

    Anyone available to help me remove the dead body of an Electric meter man?


  • Comment number 59.

    Oh I have many faces Chrissie, most of them miserable :-)

    Not really. I jest.

    Smoking, what's that then, not me luv.


  • Comment number 60.


    Dookie - IMOH? In my orange hat? Old house? Sorry to be childish but it's been a while since we played an acronym game and I think a few games and songs might cheer people up.

    And I'm having a housework day and am bored bored bored bored.

    January, sick and tired it's been hanging on me...

    As far as things only existing if they are remembered, that must be why I can't find my car keys. I've forgotten where I put them so they no longer exist! Aaaaargh!

    A x

  • Comment number 61.

    Tobes: Oh, of course, I forgot. Silly me!


  • Comment number 62.

    Good afternoon,

    On the pig front I remember....(wispy vision and wobbly music cue here)

    At the tender age of 14 I was on a school skiing trip to Austria. It was a ski to door location, and upon my arrival back at the hotel after a hard days skiing I schussed past 2 little pigs at the back of the hotel. (The 3rd must've been building his house outta bricks.) At the time I thought how cute and pink and lovely they were.

    2 nights later we had the most succulent and delectable pork chops I have ever tasted, done in a light breadcrumb coating. My mind was shouting what a shame it was but my mouth was shouting how blummin lovely they were and the mouth won - as it often does.

    However, I made up for the guilt by then spending the next 5 years collecting pigs - ornamental at least - and remembering the sweet little faces of that gorgeous dinner with each purchase. I guess that was the frst time I had ever met my dinner before slaughter.

    And now to change the subject and I make no apologies for doing so -

    The Great Toilet Seat Debate....

    Why is it us wimmin insist on the chaps putting the seat down?

    Are we too fragile to do so ourselves?

    Or is it because we might break a fingernail in the process?

    Do toilet seats weigh so much that it requires supervision of a 'manly man' to ensure no damage is caused to our bodies?

    Or is it because we have no control over our bladders, go running into the bathroom in the dark, park and pee without looking only to find that the comfort we were expecting has been removed by the men of the house?

    Its not like the fellas come out the bathroom yelling 'You NEVER leave the seat up for me!'

    I don't get it. Really I don't.

    Help me out here ladies...

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 63.

    Chrissie - NO CRISPS??????? That is a bridge too far in the pursuit of a beautiful bod.

    A x

  • Comment number 64.

    MWa, I think it's the idea of coming into contact with the invisible residue of the previous incumbent.

    A x

  • Comment number 65.


    I can understand that, but whether he or she puts the seat down you're not gonna come into contact unless he is a particularly poor shot and manages to get said residue on said seat in its upwards position - surely?

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 66.

    Poor shot.

    Nuff said!


  • Comment number 67.

    boleyngirl: I know! I am a fully paid up member of the two packets a day School of Crisps. I absolutely love them, but they are my downfall and I just have to stop messing around. Also, just remembered (honestly) I haven't had a single chip for a fortnight!

    I wonder if I am being good, or whether I am actually just forgetting to eat these things, now I am 52!

    Mariella, I think boleyngirl has got it in one. Sorry boys, it is utterly gross sitting on a toilet, with the lid up, and one of you has been there first!

    C xx

  • Comment number 68.

    Afternoon everyone.

    Haven't been around much the last few days due to being busy, stressed and also poorly :( I do have a note if required..........

    Lurked a bit and tried to keep up but there was way too much to read it all. I'm sad to see another little spat or two but I'll say no more about that.

    Just wanted to log in to wish everyone posting or lurking - especially CLP and Tash - a good Monday afternoon and a good rest of the week. It could/should be this one Chris!! Hope that all goes well and safely.

    df x

  • Comment number 69.

    CtD - exactly!

    Sorry blogmen, I expect you are the exceptions and are meticulous in your "toilette" procedures.

    A x

  • Comment number 70.

    Morning/Afternoon Everyone,

    Hope you all had a good weekend. Very cold here again today but it's sunny which kinda makes it okay. I would rather have cold and sunny, then dull, dark and mild..... The snow is still on the ground and we'll just have to see what the week brings.......

    I hate Mondays.......

  • Comment number 71.

    IMOH - Duckish for In My Honest Opinion!!!!!! (should be IMHO)


  • Comment number 72.

    Chrissie, you can't "forget" to eat crisps! I have a packet of Walkers Baked Ready Salted every single school day, without it my world would be slightly less cheery I feel. So you must be possessed of an iron will and huge self discipline which I can only marvel at.

    A x

    Oh yes and Tobes, we haven't been formally introduced but well done on giving up the fags. I'm down to2/3 a day but enjoy them so much... and I know it's disgusting, and I only do it in the garden and I always wash my hands and clean my teeth, which is in itself an exhausting process and I must. Cut. It. Out. Completely. Soon.

  • Comment number 73.

    Steve's doing Chinese horoscopes. I was born in 1968 - the year of the monkey.

    Explains a lot really, don't it!?!?


  • Comment number 74.

    afternoon all, hope you're well?

    Love today's post Christophe, I love days that set out to be great, dip in the middle and then take a turn into something else even better.....brilliant.

    Worked all weekend, been out all morning making plans for my 40th birthday. Having a 'masters' football match...one last kickabout for me and my mates. Can't believe how much interest it's raised, then off to CP for a week before having a bit of a party on my actual bday.

    Oh and I've been offered a ticket for Spurs at Wemberlee in March v lucky/happy boy today

    bonnet de douche


    ps - bored with the moaning, it's like a scratched record, same person, same complaint everytime.
    Even Chris has commented on it Zzzzzzz

  • Comment number 75.

    I think it explains EVERYTHING CtD....LOL

  • Comment number 76.

    Chezza, the cheekeh monkeh. I'm a snake I think.


    A x

  • Comment number 77.

    Diva - i'm a monkey too

  • Comment number 78.

    Anyone remember that film with Maggie Smith and Michael Palin (I think) called Private Function? It was set in WW2 and they secretly raised a pig.... very funny....

  • Comment number 79.

    btw - pigs, high vis...

    ....never felt so talked about!!!!

    tehe x

  • Comment number 80.

    Hello Bondman, never caught that one, but I do like Babe, the Sheep Pig.

    A x

  • Comment number 81.

    Baggy - does that mean you're 12 years younger than me? Hells bells!!!

    I remember that fillum 007, but don't think i ever actually saw it.

  • Comment number 82.

    diva - i guess so but i wasn't going to admit to it!

  • Comment number 83.

    Afternoon all - I think I'm a boar!
    Perhaps I should keep that under my hat after all of the porky talk - I might end up on the menu.

    And yes - JLFB007, I remember that film and Maggie Smiths face when she smells the piggy 'output'.

    ttfn C x

  • Comment number 84.

    monkey also!

    DD out

  • Comment number 85.

    Are we all going to work out when the others were born?

  • Comment number 86.

    Hi boleyngirl and CtD, it's worth giving the film a look next time it comes on the telly...

  • Comment number 87.

    We were at me mam's at the weekend and had sausages called "Porky Whites" which were new to me, v nice though. And some nice black pudding too.

    A x

  • Comment number 88.

    I should say mine's not 1947 or 1971!

  • Comment number 89.

    another Monkey ...... apparently I am well suited to a Dragon or a Rat. MrS is a Horse ...... this explains quite a lot!

    C xx

  • Comment number 90.

    Mr BP is a dragon - and our horrorscopes match as well/ capricorn and taurus/ so I hope our marrige will be written in the stars

    super bp x

  • Comment number 91.

    A bit like "ebony and ivory", only with pigs. Very PC.

    A x

  • Comment number 92.

    Crumpy, LOL I remember the line from the film which they used to keep telling the grandmother, "No Pig"..... because she kept seeing the pig and wanted to tell people about it, or something like it....

  • Comment number 93.

    Super bp: I'm sure it will be! xx

  • Comment number 94.

    We could play "Rock Paper Scissors" only with our Chinese new year animals. So a snake can strangle a monkey but a horse can trample a snake and a dragon can breathe fire on the whole lot of them. And we all know the fate of the pig.

    Sorry, it must be the bleach fumes.

    A x

  • Comment number 95.

    Afteroon all... another monkey here! (the erratic geniuses of the cycle as I have just read online...)

    Hope everyone is surviving Monday and had great weekends, it's a beautiful sunny day here in the 'burgh, wish I could be outside rather than stuck on fron of a computer!

    Must dash, back later...

    R x

  • Comment number 96.

    According to t'interweb:
    People born in the Year of the Boar are honest and tolerant and make good friends, but tend to expect the same from everyone else, and more often than not they end up disappointed. They thrive in the arts as entertainers.

    So move over you other animals whilst I give you a song.

    Crumpy -
    or should that be Crumpy the Diva?? Competition Chezza!

  • Comment number 97.

    Chrissie, can't believe you've given up crisps. My favourite food. I agree with Boleyngirl - it's a step too far in pursuit of the body beautiful!!!

    I'm a 1961 girl - what animal would I be???

    Tobes, I'm now thinking of Kinky Boots again!!

    T xx

  • Comment number 98.

    Sparkle - you are an ox
    Oxen are born leaders, inspiring confidence in everyone they come into contact with. However, they can be too demanding. Methodical and good with their hands, they make fine surgeons and hairdressers.

  • Comment number 99.

    Bit concerned about the surgeon hairdresser thing!!!

  • Comment number 100.

    Don't fancy my appendix being taken out with a set of curling tongs!!


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