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So why the big paws ?

Chris Evans | 16:34 UK time, Friday, 9 January 2009

I have no idea why...

...yesterday's blog was delayed so long. Maybe the cold is getting in between the cyber bits and bobs.

Freezing in London this afternoon but beautiful at the same time. A huge sunset over Primrose Hill. A truly magnificent sight.

Thought of a new ruse... bought Bill bryson's book on Shakespeare today. Only forty pages in but absolutely brilliant. He's so clever but never exclusive or condescending. Those who can, buy and we will have one a month, what say yee all ? Not original I know but why not ? In twelve months we'll all be twelve books wiser.

Come on gang.

In other news, Beth being really naughty at the moment, fortunately wife being even naughtier ! Ha ha.

Tried to fly three days this week, thwarted by the weather EVERY SINGLE TIME.

Ordered my first ever, I think, brand new car today. Did the whole computer spec thing and everythin', very exciting. Should be here in May, they say.

Also, been out every night this week with Natasha to the same pub and had the same main course, making it five in a row tonight. I am becoming that lamb. Hilarious, we are making the most of our free time before baby D.J. shows his/her face.

Loads more going on, will fill you in next week.

Two thousand and nine already way too busy but that's the way we like it.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Oh my, I am so excited at being the first to make a comment I can't think of one!!!!!!! I nearly was involved with the programme tonight but was queueing in the bank when a witheld call came through, obviously, my good manners meant that I had to reject the unknown call (nothing to do with witheld numbers giving me the jitters)!!! and it was drivetime ringing me about my request, Oh no!, I rang back but was too late. My daughter was relieved, the prospect of my stuttering and laughing nervously to the nation was possibly too much for her. (Not to say I wont try again)
    Good Idea for the "Book Club" Will give it a whirl!!!! Thanks Drivetime for getting my pulse racing today.

  • Comment number 2.

    I think Babies are born better behaved these days. Infact you probably won't even notice the change in your lives.

    My friend visited recently with her 6mth old and all was well till she left the room to go to the loo. The baby started screaming and my efforts to calm it made matters worse. Infact I think I really scare them, and visversa.

    Clodagh, loved the Puffer fish story.
    Seems a few on here love NYC. Has anyone been to the River Cafe under Brooklyn Bridge?

    Rosie Great choice love that Elton John track.


  • Comment number 3.

    Hurrah CLP yes indeed Bill Bryson. Hilarious.

    If you haven't already, read my favourite, The Life And Times Of The Thunderbolt Kid.



  • Comment number 4.

    And. If it's sunsets you want, try the North-West coast of Ireland.

    I'm sure somebody will explain to me why this is, since science has never been my best subject ever since I was put in detention for trapping the school bully's head in the fume cupboard (he SO deserved it, mind, fancy puttin' tadpoles in the centrifuge); anyway, where was I..oh yes, sunsets. Yes, twice now I have had to stop the car and just drink in, awe-struck, the most spectacular rainbows over Donegal.

    And yes indeed, cold doesn't matter a jot when it's sunny. You just wrap up and let the sunshine warm your spirit.

    What's a spot of gangrene when you're smilin'.


  • Comment number 5.

    And don't mention Netball can anyone see the sense in being in a short skirt and tee shirt in the freezing cold all to toss a ball through a hoop. The Netabll team were a snobby lot and took it oh so seriously.

  • Comment number 6.

    Ok............am now in a huff! No one said NEW BLOG!

    So I posted this rubbish on the old one:

    Catching up.............

    Chicken liver - or liver of any kind......Bleeaagghh! No way!

    Beetroot........don't like it pickled but have had it cooked and that was really nice - but with chocolate? Not too sure about that.

    Perhaps Bondy can take that mission on - as he declined the earlier one - and let us all know? LOL

    Thought you'd get away with not reading it didn't you? Eh? Too bad!



    p.s. no-one gave me permission to open my wine - but I did it anyway! That's the sort of wild rebel child I really am!!

  • Comment number 7.

    I thought the first song on ARF was supposed to put you in the mood for the weekend.

    The only mood it put me in was to find the the tallest building in town and jump of the bl**dy roof!

  • Comment number 8.

    Aunty Karen

    The song brings back memories for me of being in a Rib anchored off a beach in Majorca with some good friends.
    Swimming ashore for top up's of bottles of wine and having a real good laugh. However the waether turned and we had to tie everything down and battle through some pretty bad weather back to port. Non the less we laughed along the way and we all got drenched.

    Song's memories I guess.

    Right off to a Val Doonigan night. Sausage and Mash and you have to wear a Val Doonican type jumper.

    Evening All

  • Comment number 9.

    Bye PP - that's quite sensible attire in these temperatures!


  • Comment number 10.

    Derbyfi, I've just poured a glass so count me in.

    I'd love to hear more about Beth being naughty CLP, so what is she up to bless her?

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 11.

    Was E-spot early? was concentrating on decorating and just about missed it. May have been Sal's singing along that caught my attention.
    Has Chris put in a bid for Ronaldo's battered Ferrari?
    Scuse me must dress for the Archers at 7-03.
    Cheery from WARM Skye.

  • Comment number 12.

    Rob - enjoy it whilst it lasts!

    What does one wear for the Archers? Wellies and a bit of straw?


  • Comment number 13.

    Hi Chris
    I think Beth is being naughty because she knows that something is about to happen, to change her being No 1. You know what it is like when dogs see suitcases, they start making sure that you know that they are there.
    Has the new car got room for the baby seat, and all the stuff that you have to carry around with you these days?
    Have a good weekend.
    Love Mel xx

  • Comment number 14.

    Two pints of lager and a packet of crisps, please.


    Forgot. 9 days in on the January alcho-free detox.

    Oh well. Anyone up for a FNOJC?

    Way busy week this week. All the year end numbers crunched, Mrs MfR's car is still a tad poorly and my brand new super-duper car had a spell in hospital too.

    Tomorrow, I am sneaking out for a new tat.

    I reckon that this economic downturn is the 911 of recessions.

    Hear me out. This is unlike anything we've had before and I don't think that things will ever be quite the same again, although most of that is a good thing (ie 100 and zillion per cent mortgages etc). Interestingly as well, the companies that are failing (well, most of the high profile ones anyway) seem to be the ones that have been struggling for some time, but have got by due to the endless credit that has been available, and that has ultimately caused this turmoil. Ergo, this is now sorting the wheat from the chaff, or in other words, only the strong survive. A sort of fiscal evolution, if you like.

    Blimey. See what I get like when I haven't had a drink?

    Last thing. I see that Dave Dee popped his clogs and joined the great band in the sky, bless him. He was a copper before joining a band and whilst on duty in 1960 he was the first on the scene at the accident that killed Eddie Cochran. Legend has it that he took Cochran's guitar from the wreck and gave it back to his family.

    You didn't know that did you pop fans?

    Peace and love



  • Comment number 15.

    derbyfi, send me the recipe and I'll try it.........

    I'm up for a book a month..... have to be an audio book though, that will help kill my 3 hour daily commute.....

  • Comment number 16.

    Is a 911 of a recession worst than a F40 of a recession?

  • Comment number 17.

    Quote from Stewie on my Family Guy calendar, "Another baby? But, I'm the baby. Why the deuce would they want to replace me? My, my cheeks are pinchable"...... LOL

  • Comment number 18.

    Now due to my rotten cough I would like permission to have bmy own FNP&BC? Lyndyloo xx

  • Comment number 19.

    Just checking in to see if anyone is around for the FNWC!

    I have been very busy since I got home from work: cooked a very modest meal, have cleaned the kitchen, the bathroom, and have completed two loads of washing, and am now armed with a very large glass of wine!

    To explain: one of my New Year's resolutions is to undertake the housework on a Friday evening, rather than cleaning for ever more over the weekend. It's the future!

    Matt: I know you didn't mean to be flippant - I really know you didn't. But Dave Dee did not "pop his clogs". The man has been battling cancer for three years and probably died in utter agony. I feel just a little sore about this, because my gorgeous brother died two years ago, having battled cancer to the very last moment. I'm just saying this to you because sometimes we say things, and we don't really understand the enormity of what we are saying! But Peace & Love to you too, and I mean that.

    C xx

  • Comment number 20.

    Just doing catch up - haven't finished. Got no further than Bingo's post yesterday and am so moved. My heart goes out to you Bingo and I so agree with everything you say... I sincerely hope that part of this credit crunch and the world's diminishing inclination to 'buy, buy, buy' is a real c-change and is part of the earth's move into 'the age of aquarius'...

    more later, when I've caught up

    ps am loving this broadband at home malarky!!!

  • Comment number 21.

    Rosieposie - when you've come down off cloud nine can you find that recipe please - Bondy's up for it!

    A book a month - deffo CLP - should read more than I do. Do we have to buy that one you've already started and catch up?


  • Comment number 22.

    Still playing catch - up, but OMG Debbie, wow, gosh and blimey...

  • Comment number 23.


    You're quite right and I do apologize.

    We lost Mrs MfR's father to cancer almost exactly a year ago so we know only too well what a dreadful thing it is.

    It was a poor choice of words and I hope I haven't offended anyone.

    Peace etc


  • Comment number 24.

    Evening each

    Chris: Have not come across Bill Bryson, but will now look for him on Amazon. Why don't you join the FB Bookshelf thingy? We're all on there with our comments. Haven't updated mine for a while though.

    Evening Chrissie. Have my first glass of red to hand. Just home and fell over in the dark garden putting my bin back. Have a bloody knee and shin and a bit out my finger. So, I need my Pinot Noir!.


  • Comment number 25.

    Matt: I am not offended, not at all - and I really mean that.

    So many of us have been affected by cancer in our families at some stage and it is truly awful, because we are powerless.

    Please believe me, I have also said things on this blog that, on second reading, I wished the ground would open up and swallow me.

    Maybe I'm a little sensitive and the bleach and Cif are getting to me!

    Love, C xx

  • Comment number 26.

    Awww Matt, I'm sure you've not offended anyone, particularly not Chrissie. We met up in Glasgow in December at the Scottish meet and, let me tell you, she has a great sense of humour and is just lovely.


  • Comment number 27.

    Hi Annie:

    Oh, I sympathise, I really do! Falling is my worst nightmare - well, that and spiders, but we are NOT going there!

    I hope you are alright - don't want to sound like Dr Kildare (other doctors available) but you need ice - right now - wrapped in a tea towel (or whatever) on your knee, shin and - what the heck - your finger. I know, you don't want to, but trust me, it will help!

    I have to join MrS in the main ballroom at the moment - QI is starting, but I hope to return later for an update!

    C xx

  • Comment number 28.

    Derbyfi- I'll dig it out, give it a go and if it's a success will post it on FB...

    ....not come down from cloud nine just yet, it could be a while!

    R x

  • Comment number 29.

    Thanks Chrissie, will do. Am watching QI too.

    Funny you should mention spiders. Coming in the front door, whimpering after falling over, switched on light in hall - and there was a big bu**er looking at me. Didn't have time to get the little spider hoover, so just squashed the swine with a tissue!

    You realise now why I need my glass of red, don't you??


  • Comment number 30.

    Annie-G, hope you are okay.

  • Comment number 31.

    Falling over and being attacked by a giant spider..... hmmmmmmm sure you're okay?

  • Comment number 32.

    Red wine cures lots of things Bond, so am taking the cure.


  • Comment number 33.

    And no, didn't bump my head. Well, just a glancing blow on the gate.

    Don't think I was hallucinating?


  • Comment number 34.

    Annie G the port & brandy is certainly having the healing properties my Grandma told me it had too : ) xxx

  • Comment number 35.


    Good shout on the book of the month.

    Bill Bryson is a top bloke , I've read most of his stuff but not the Shakespeare one yet.

    Perhaps you could get the author to be on the show.

    Now that Richard and Judy have been banished to the wilderness of digital TV there is a gap in the market.

  • Comment number 36.

    New-C - re your new year's resolution - how about giving up the house work at all until it really needs to be done... I find it's only about once every quarter! And then a good clean at spring time when the light comes in at a certain angle and you think oh boy that's minging!


  • Comment number 37.

    Hallo new kid on the blog. What books has Bill Bryson written?

    I loved the Richard and Judy book club.


  • Comment number 38.

    Oh, the red wine must be kicking in. Forget to say hallo to RobfraeSkye too. Do you know my friend Brian who runs the Skyewalker Hostel??


  • Comment number 39.

    Annie - his Notes from a small island (i.e. Britain) is good. Haven't read many others but must look that Shakespeare one out now!


  • Comment number 40.

    Thanks df. Will have a look on Amazon.


  • Comment number 41.


    He has written a series of travel books, one about Britain as an American (Notes from a Small Island) and one about America as an American who lived in Britain for many years(The lost continent: travels in small town America) amoungst others.

    He has also written an account of growing up in America just after the war (The life and times of the Thunderbolt Kid) and a Brief History of Nearly Everying which does what it says on the tin.

    He very clever and humurous and very readable.

    Hope this helps.

  • Comment number 42.

    Gotta go now - good night all.


  • Comment number 43.

    Reminds me of the book: Spitfires, Thunderbolts, and Warm Beer. It's all about an American Fighter Pilot in Europe during WW2. Not sure who wrote it though.

  • Comment number 44.

    Thank you muchly all.

    Night df. xxxx

  • Comment number 45.

    good night derbyfi

  • Comment number 46.

    Sorry I'm late!!!am I in time before all go to bed?

    Beesmum xxxxx

  • Comment number 47.

    Just had a look on Amazon for his books. There's loads. Where should I start? Anyone got any suggestions?


  • Comment number 48.

    Evening Bsmum. Hope you've got a glass in your hand. Feeling rather lonely in the FNWC.


  • Comment number 49.

    Sorry Annie are you ok? all your cuts and bruises sorted?

    Obviously CLP does not know about Bloggers who read!!!!!

    Bees xxx

  • Comment number 50.

    Hi B, I have glass in hand and puter on lap... ah bisto

  • Comment number 51.

    Hi Jen !!

    Bees xx

  • Comment number 52.

    Hi - how's it hanging?

  • Comment number 53.

    Similar situation - laptop on table by my side - mouse on knee wine glass full - sigh!!!!

    Bees xx

  • Comment number 54.

    Hiya: Annie, what a night you are having - you were so brave with the spider, but I suppose you really had had it UP TO HERE by that point!

    Did you get the ice? I know I am being strict, but one has to be!

    Jen, yes, you are quite right - but I have lived too long in denial - my house needs some urgent attention, even though it was cleaned thoroughly on Hogmanay, which is Scottish tradition. Even the rubbish in your bin must be disposed of, before "The Bells" at midnight on Hogmanay. Yes, we are all quite mad!

    Re: Bill Bryson - he has written so many really good books. As New Kid says - Notes From a Small Island is terrific, but my favourite is A Walk in the Woods - he undertakes a trip through the Applachian Trail in the USA - the home of the grizzly bear, amongst other delights. It is an absolute scream - I had to stop reading it on the bus, because I could not control my laughter. And of course it's full of hair-raising stories. The man is a genius.

    Be back soon! Almost time for Shooting Stars - wacky, I know, but it has to be done!

    C xx

  • Comment number 55.

    Bet you're warmer than I am though...

  • Comment number 56.

    Why Jen - ? must admit - no frost last night but tonight making up for it!!!

    Hi Chrissie too -

    Bees xx

  • Comment number 57.

    I've made assumptions I guess - I live in a little flat (maisonette) and don't have the right sort of attic insulation with a poxy night storage heater which is worse than useless. However, the picture I have of your home is beautiful, large, centrally heated and WARM!!!

  • Comment number 58.

    Ty for explaining mrsmaryevans tis so frustrating when u dont know what things mean! I have been very busy this week so have still not tried the..egg -toast.. thingy with my tempermental toaster so dont know on that front. I also didn't get to hear first ARF ...what was it? By the way the ty bit was for your mrsmaryevans the rest is general!! lol

  • Comment number 59.

    Right, off to order Bill's books from Amazon.

    Know just what you mean about Hogmanay Chrissie. My mum was from Glasgow (Maryhill) and I was brought up cleaning windows, hoovering, etc on New Year's Eve.

    We know, don't we, that if the house is not clean on Hogmanay, it will be manky for the rest of the year.


  • Comment number 60.

    Wow that takes me back Jen - used to take to my bed in my flat - frozen to the bone with two duvets - top floor - all outside walls and a night store which didn't work over well!!!

    It is certainly not beautiful stuck on a ticky tacky estate not too large either but tis warm! only because the central heating has been full pelt 24/7 since we got back from bolt hole!

    Bees xx

  • Comment number 61.

    Blimey Annie - I'm in trouble then - cobwebs on my cobwebs already!!!!

    Bees xxx

  • Comment number 62.

    C- I too am a Scot and I reckon I had many, many years of bad luck because I never took my knitting off the needles in time for the new year!

    B - when you bolt-holing again?

  • Comment number 63.

    Jen not for a while unfortunately - loadsa work.

    Do tell knitting needles? That's one I've not heard before!

    Bees xx

  • Comment number 64.

    Bsmum: Me too!! Never listened to my mother!!!!


  • Comment number 65.

    I can't believe how filthy this place is! never used to but you get to the stage - what the heck!!! and my mother always had a lady who did!!! Lost mine yonks ago!

    Bees xx

  • Comment number 66.

    I was always told that you had to have a super clean house with everything sorted and finished, including any knitting you might still have. Ergo, you couldn't have any knitting on the needles at the bells or it was bad luck!

  • Comment number 67.

    Annie - btw Mr B on his way to kiss all your poorly bits better!!!

    Bees xxx

  • Comment number 68.

    I really, really want a cigarette - anyone able to help me out here. I gave up September 1st, and have lapsed one or two nights inbetween but tonight ... gosh, I really would love to have a smoke.

  • Comment number 69.

    Oh, Bsmum, tell Mr. B I would love that!!!!! Am enjoying virtual kissing better.

    Jen: Off for a fag. Will have a puff for you.j


  • Comment number 70.

    Noooooooooooooooo Jen - said at the time -well done you - we all wish we could stop - stick with it!!!! Gives you wrinkles - totally bad for your skin - makes you smell - causes all sorts of problems

    Bees xxx

  • Comment number 71.

    Oh dear, if only I'd known it was all about having a clean house at New Year then I could have saved myself sooo much trouble! I'm not too good at the whole house work thing... I can never seem to leave a spaceon a flat surface.... anyone need a top up? Lyndyloo xxx

  • Comment number 72.

    Bums. Where did that j come from?


  • Comment number 73.

    Great - fat lot of help you two are!!! :)) - so basically you are both going to help me by going off and having a fag... puff it out in my direction, please!

  • Comment number 74.

    Thank you Lyndy, much appreciated.


  • Comment number 75.

    Thanks, lou

  • Comment number 76.

    Yes ta Lyndy - on my way for a top up as we speak!!!

    Bees xxx

    Annie - Mr B is grinning -!! sad!!! - could have done with you here today - grumpy old man or what!!!!!

  • Comment number 77.

    What are they like Bsmum? Man in cupboard was, as usual, grumpy this evening. Only stayed an hour. Couldn't be arsed with the grumpy old bu**er.


  • Comment number 78.

    For the first time ever I am watching CBB and I don't know who anyone is... except I recognise little me

  • Comment number 79.

    Sorry Annie, have I missed something in my weeks of no-blog... do you have a grumpy ole git in the cupboard? How does that work? Do you have to feed him? Do you have to pay him? Does he belong to a union?

  • Comment number 80.

    No Jen - don't go there - dreadfull programme - who is little me then?

    Annie - he flitted off to have a nap this afternoon - during working hours I may add - scuse me - just about to give myself a 200 percent rise!!!!!

    Bees xxx

    at least your one only stayed an hour!

  • Comment number 81.

    Jen: Very old friend. No, don't pay him. God, he'd be worth about tuppence.

    Let him out when I need him. Which is not too often, given he's a grumpy old git.


    He used to be a Union person so you get the idea - argumentative bu**er.

    I feed him now and then, but it has to be veggie.


  • Comment number 82.

    I may have his name wrong - the spoof spy film (austin powers) - I never saw it but I believe the baddie had a smaller version of himself called little me?

  • Comment number 83.

    Bsmum: I have often thought we need to get a licence to keep a man. Renewed every year (like a dog licence?).


  • Comment number 84.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 85.

    Ah ha with you now Jen

    Annie brilliant brilliant idea yearly renewal - now wow that would be interesting!!!
    Flowers every week without fail - Can I help you with anything my love - do you need more shoes? Where did all that go!!

    Bees xxx

  • Comment number 86.

    I have to stop watching this programme - it's eating into my soul!!!!

    Re licensing - good point - but after 2 1/2 years on my own, girl... I'm loving it!!!

  • Comment number 87.

    Lyndy how many port and brandys have you had?

    Bees xxx

  • Comment number 88.

    It was mini-me!! DO you know that the actor that plays Austin Powers shares the same name (almost) as my next hubby? xxx

  • Comment number 89.

    Right, I'm getting rather pissed. Have to go and wash my wounds and slather on the germolene.

    Off to Farmers Market tomorrow morning. Can I get anyone anything??


  • Comment number 90.

    D'you know Loo, I did know that...

    OK I'm lying!

  • Comment number 91.

    Beez I've only had the one but I'm on medication (eeek!!!) feels warm and fuzzy now though... Do you think I might be able to apply for a man license and will that mean that I'm entitled to one? xxx

  • Comment number 92.

    Jen best time of my life was between hubbys' - he knows I would still be single today if I hadn't been "forced"
    he also knows I would probably still not be here!! only so much grump!!!

    Bees xx

  • Comment number 93.

    Lyndy you can have mine any day!!!

    Bees xxx

  • Comment number 94.

    Lyndyloo: We need that next hubby checked out child...... Fb if you please.


  • Comment number 95.

    Sorry, Annie, I really have missed weeks and weeks of the blog - what with no broadband at home and new (sort of) job so couldn't do at work apart from sneaky bit once in a blue moon...

    why is Mr B slathering over your achey bits and why are you now resorting to germolene?

    BTW - could you get me some blue cheese pasties?

  • Comment number 96.

    Jen- just for a minute there.... he he!! and Annie I'd love another P&B but I fear I may have had enough already xxx

  • Comment number 97.

    Annie - rhymes with tricky!!!but I aint telling - re your Lyndy query

    Bees xx

  • Comment number 98.

    Loo - men and P&Bs : one is never enough!

  • Comment number 99.

    Hi All, Genuine Happy New Year (better late than not at all).
    As the proud owner of about a million books which I promise to start reading every week, I love the new / old idea of a book a month. There's nothing like peer pressure to keep you on top of things.
    I'm going to give it a go...having given up alchohol Monday to Friday, something needs to keep me occupied!
    New car Mr. Evans hope it has isofix points in the rear for the not so distant arrival.
    Strange isn't it? I had the snip because we decided we were happy with the two perfect creations (warts 'n all) we were blessed with, but I sort of want to be back in Evo's position.
    God help me should the current Mrs.Milham read this!
    Anyway, already broken one NY resolution as I'm on t'internet three parts socially relaxed as a newt....Despite this, I shall continue to read you lot for pleasure and dip in when I feel I can add something.
    All the best xxx

  • Comment number 100.

    Jen: Blue cheese pasties? No problemo.

    Keep up girl. I fell over earlier tonight. No alcohol taken, just a dark garden. Would be rather nice to have Mr.B slathering my achey bits, but will have to manage with the germolene.



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