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Morning Campers, five shows to go 'till we break for the big ho ho ho ho

Chris Evans | 10:43 UK time, Monday, 15 December 2008

So Cyprus and the army and the party the night before and then no sleep on Friday and then...

... back to the X Factor final and the Strictly voting controversy and one of my pubs having to close due to severe flooding and my sister and her hip operation rehabilitation and my beautiful wife bigger and beautiful than before the weekend and my mum looking better than any of us despite being twice our age and having beaten The Big C - TWICE!

Chris Hoy beating Lewis in SP08 (it was always going to happen).

Then off to TV centre for a meeting that can't now take place because of Strictly Gone Mad and just hearing India snatching victory from KP and the boys with an historic win after we declared!

And a multi-billion pound fraud on Wall Street that a load of the banks fell for - again!

You really don't have to be all that sharp to be a banker do you?

Monday, Monday la la la la la la la...

Ken fighting his way through it all in the background.

Two things:

How come private soldiers who put their lives in the line for us are amongst the lowest paid people in the country?

How come nurses who save our lives are amongst the lowest paid people in the country?


One more thing:

Every time a member of our forces loses their life in action it should lead the news on every channel on every outlet.

This should be law and any channel who doesn't follow it should be taken off the air for ever.

Other than all that, it really is great to be back. We have a week of absolutely JAM PACKED shows for you and the reason I'm in EXTRA EARLY to day is to start sorting them out.

LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of LOVE to you lot.




P.S. haven't spel chekked so plis forgiv.


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  • Comment number 1.

    You're early and right as ever!
    Spshully about the soldier boys, couldn't believe that news again, when will they bring all our boys home? Local town will be out in force again when they repatriate the bodies, makes you proud to be from Wiltshire!

    Thanks for Friday's show, was fab!
    Tiggs xx

  • Comment number 2.

    CLP - I'm with you - we pay the people who risk their lives the least (add in my fellas occupation) and paper pushers like me get paid hansomely for non essential work!!

    Not that I'm conmplaining about my pay - but I hate it when people say they only earn x amount - in my book if you earn over £30k then you are doing ok :-)

    super bp x

  • Comment number 3.

    10 Days till Christmas - woohoooo!

    Merry Christmas CLP! And to all here!

    Loved the show on Friday, but that kinda goes without saying.

    Absolutely agree that our boys in the forces don't get paid anywhere near what they've earned - if you catch my drift.

  • Comment number 4.

    Couldn't agree more Chris re the forces, and your show illustrated exactly why we all owe thanks and praise to those brave people who risk their lives every day - whatever one's personal views might be on the politics of our being engaged in certain war zones.

    If they have signed up to serve they serve wherever they are posted - be it a relatively nice base in Germany or Cyprus or the hell on earth that is Helmand province.

    Nurses - yep, undervalued too, as are some other caring professions. But footballers get paid tens of thousands a week!

    Don't get that one myself.

    Welcome back.


  • Comment number 5.

    Good Avo, Evo

    Nice to hear you so early bright and breezy of a Monday morning . . .

    All grand here in NI - hopefully making my way over there to say a few hellos later in the week . . .

    time for the Yuletide jokes I think . . .

    1. Did you hear about the dyslexic devil-worshipper??

    He sold his soul to Santa . .


    DtM x

  • Comment number 6.

    Afternoon Lambie Pies - blimey, you wear me out, you really do!

    Looking forward to 5pm, but not looking forward to the end of ARF as it's your last week of shows before your Christmas break.


    DtM - I love that joke! Heard it before and it never fails to raise a titter.

    Just had a lovely lunch with an ex-collague and succumbed to more shiny sparkly things in their christmas shop .... now gotta wait for Mr Diva to go out so I can sneak them on the tree and swear blind that they've been there all along!! hehehe!

    Before I forget, the advent calendar from the weekend was:-

    Saturday - mince pies
    Sunday - bells

    Today ....... you tell me!

    CtD xxxx

  • Comment number 7.

    Ctd - today is going to be an angel (just like me) :-)

    super bp x

  • Comment number 8.

    Hi guys..

    great sentiments re service personnel and nurses etc CLP.. they couldnt BE paid too much in my opinion.. and yes, every single one who is killed or injured in the line of duty deserves to be known about throughout the country..

    ..as for everything else..im tired just reading bout it!

    Was works do on Sat night and stayed over..not as bad as expected..in fact a good night had by all! Head was surprisingly ok yest too..which was a bonus as GM decided we needed to go into town in the afternoon... thnik someone forgot to tell him it was the mad Sunday shopping for Christmas day! Anyhoo..made it back safely, armed with tons of old dvds and had a film fest interuppted only by TG last night...fab!

    Quicky to Debs re prev blog... dont know who said it(and not prying) but tell em where to stuff their opinions! although i sometimes realise its hard to do. My ex used to belittle me in front of others and i always used to laugh it off...now i have found my soulmate(hopefully) and if anyone tries to put me down (if they dare!) he jumps in to defend me to the hilt.. and it feels great. But the crux is learn to be happy how you are and it will come across to others ...and they will learn to keep their gobs shut! (sorry if i come across as preaching, its meant to be supportive! But people who cant keep their opinions to theirselves when they should should be made to feel bad!).anyway, keep smiling hun! x

    Hope everyone got their hair sorted, got packed, is taking medication for colds and bugs and such and everyone else had fun decorating... did anyone tell you its nearly Christmas!

    Essay over!

    Take care all..

    mSc xx

    PS - good luck to AF and KW on the interviews this wk... x

  • Comment number 9.

    Given my criticism at post #4 it is only fair in the interests of balanced comment that I highlight this - good on them, and I speak as a Spurs fan.


  • Comment number 10.

    Oooohhh, Sam Vimes.

    You're my favourite! Closely followed by The Partician.

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 11.

    I love death and cap'n carrot - but it rakes all sorts :-)

  • Comment number 12.


    Bingo Star ere.....

    CLP - Spell checking is the last problem judging by all the madness around in the world at present, in fact a wouldn't ragard it as a problem at all!!!!!!
    Very appropriate the bloke at the centre of the latest financial scandal - Madoff!!!!!
    The world's mad and off at present!!!!!

    Soz all about me outburst before about The W Bush but all I wreet iz believed true!!!!!!
    I find the shoe incident.... amusing!!!
    Just 'ope they don't do anything bad ter the bloke who threw 'em!!!!!
    Like Bush says Iraq is a democray now so nowt should be done ter the bloke in question.... a mean 'e wasn't an evil sucide bomber or anything like that - know the points that am raising ere!!!!!!!!

    Hazel Love - I agree with you about the war crimes..... Blair and Bush lied about the weapons of mass destruction.... all ter steal oil in my opinion!!!!!!
    They should be tryed as many innocent women and children have died.... far more than any would under Saddam Hussein.
    As ave said all along they should ave made friends with Saddam like we did with Gaddaffi in Lybia - done it the peaceful way even if you find it difficult ter talk ter such bad people - Bush and Blair ave made themselves just as bad as all these dictators if not worse by the amount killed in Iraq!
    I just 'ope the first thing Obama does is meet with the presidents of Iran, Russia, Korea and makes friends with them - this will bring world peace!

    I'll shut up now.... going off on one about politics!!!!!

    CLP - On to 'appier subjects.... really enjoyed your broadcast from Cyprus on Fridee - Alot of brave people who shouldn't ave ter be doing what their doing in 2008!!!!!
    Aye some great music choices Fridee too - Never thought i'd 'ear Neo's brilliant new tune played on your show or indeed R2!!!!!
    Or is it Neio??? Must do a spell check!!!!!

    PS CLP - From what you write terdee on your blog, it just goes ter show 'ow you and your family ave been through difficult times. You write about twice your mother 'as fighted cancer - Glad she's ok!!!!!
    My mother is ill at present with lung problems - caused by smoking.... sure she'll be ok though!!!

    Finally the best for last - Wonder if Tash is gonna drop on yer Christmas 2 week break????
    Last thing yer need is anooother 25th Dec baby..... aka spending Christmas dee on gas in Bupa maternity (that's you CLP noot Tash) (Or maybe it is Tash too) (I ain't know, I ain't know.... at least if yer do ave a Christmas dee baby you'll ave a capricorn on yer 'ands... aka the most level 'eaded, ambitious and 'ard working of all the zodiac signs!!!!!!!
    Running outta time ter ave a little sagittarius aka the friendliest, nicest and most social of all the zodiac signs!!!!!!
    Either way i'm sure you'll ave a cute little one!!!!!
    I feel a little excited about CLP/ Tash's baby even though I don't know you both personally.... just think it's exciting and being near Christmas too.... and still wondering if it's gonna be a boy.... am STILL sure it is!!!!!!!!

    Tatty bye for now blog dudes..... tatty bye!!!!

  • Comment number 13.

    Bingo..your enthusiasm rubs off on us all..and makes us smile! sorry to hear about ur mum-bet shes a fighter tho and will surprise u all! and i think we are all excited about the CLP baby..mad isnt it?! glad u are on a positive this week... keep up the fab work..

    mSc x

  • Comment number 14.

    Hey all,

    Thanks Chris, as a Cancer Specialist Nurse I really appreciate your comments.

    Diva - thanks for the xmas card hun.

    Hope the rest of you are having a good Monday.


  • Comment number 15.

    Good afternoon

    CLP I agree with you to a point regarding news coverage when a member of our forces is killed.

    I believe that they should, however, only report it once the family has been informed and the name can be confirmed.

    It must be terrible to have a loved one out there and all you hear is 'a soldier was killed .......' etc. Not knowing if the phone will ring with bad news.

    Debbie x

    PS: AF, what a beautiful card you are so talented! Thanks Cheryl for the sparkly card too.

    PPS: Thanks for lovely messages.

  • Comment number 16.

    Morning/Afternoon everyone,

    Hope you all had a good weekend.

  • Comment number 17.


    tree is up, and looks loverly in its black glitter and blood red glory. All the cats are out, so will remain standing for at least 5 minutes. Can't get a picture that does it justice to be honest, but will stick some on fb anyway. I don't know about you lot, but for our tree to go up we have to reshuffle the whole room. Just not too sure the rabbit will enjoy living in the toilet for the next few weeks.

    MW, a!

    PS - Thanks for the card and mysterious package! You know who you are....

  • Comment number 18.

    Hello hello,

    Everyone OK? Just finished catching up with weekend's postings.

    CLP - an excellent blog - well done. Loved the Cyprus show too - may have even shed a tiny tear...

    Sending good vibes to all who need 'em (especially the beautiful blonde bombshell, Debbie).

    Can't wait to hear all about the Scottish meet - lucky things - I ADORE Glasgow!

    On that note: just bought one of Mr P's birthday prezzies (Glasvegas tickets - yay!)

    Still no tree chez Rosie :(

    Rosie x

  • Comment number 19.

    hi Chris you're very early today :-D
    Let's be really christmassy about this! IT'S CHRISTMAS (I Bet You Don't Know What I'll Bring You) by LEKIDDO - Lord of The Lobsters!,
    should be the Christmas Number 1. It's a really cheesy Christmas song. Also, his site has the best Advent calendar of the year - so the lobsters tell me :-D

  • Comment number 20.

    Mariella, the Badger builds Particians. Or partitions...or patricians...and oddly enough looks a bit like how I think Cmdr Vimes looks...although I'm hardly a Lady Sybil!

    Anyhoo, Christophe, I already made a comment on your last blog after something that Bingo had written, but here goes...

    If you don't want to do something yourself, make sure the people you expect to do it get the correct remuneration and reward. I tried to get into the WRNS once...quite a long time ago too...and now I'm so glad they didn't want me. I didn't wanna do it after all...after the tests, the vetting, the mammouth interview sessions...really made me think the I'm not cut out for shooting people (which is ultimately what it would have come down to in the end)...but I'm damn glad that there are people who do...and I think it's a travesty that they don't get their worth...either in salary or recognition.

    If it wasn't for the lovely nurses three years ago I wouldn't be here now, either.

    Coo. That's me done in.

    Will have to go for a lie down and a quiet contemplation on the subject of our new Sports Personality.

    oho yerssssssssssssss

    aka One Running Nostril

  • Comment number 21.

    that's not my cow

  • Comment number 22.


    The decs I invested in at lunchtime are black leather stars with red beads and red feathers coming out the top. Awesome!

    Also got a thing about Venetian masks this year - so beautiful.

    Cheryl x

  • Comment number 23.

    Black leather........ now there's a shock CtD....LOL

  • Comment number 24.

    I always say "morning campers" to my "kids" (21,19,16) in the morning - glad I'm not the only one!
    Looking forward to the Chris Evans festivities this week. x

  • Comment number 25.

    Oi Bondy!!! They caught my eye, alwight!

    Anyway, how was your birthday? Was it as debauched and norty as we're all hoping it was?

  • Comment number 26.

    CtD - for stockings this year Errol has a snow boot, and I've got one of my thigh high patent leather boots.

    Not that I'm greedy or nuffin...

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 27.

    pop quiz - me and my fella have never done stockings for each other - we have main presents and things like DVD's/ Cd's etc and that is it -

    does everyone else do stockings for their partners?

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 28.

    hello boys and girls!

    James, did you have a bondtastic birthday?

    I put our tree up on Friday night - yep, had to rearrange the whole room but it's worth it, it's all red and gold and sparkly (with lots of tinsel of course!!)

    CLP totally agree re the forces and the nurses, and they are SO taken advantage of because they have too much dedication to ever go on strike for better pay.

    Bingo - wishing your mum a very speedy recovery.

    Debbie - hope you're feeling as gorgeous as you should today!!

    T xxxx

  • Comment number 29.

    Bagpuss - we tend to get eachother gadzillions of "little" things rather than one or two big presents. More fun opening all the prezzies on Christmas morning, drinking bucks fizz in our PJs.

    MW,a! - only you dahling, only you! Next year ..... waders!

    Hi Tins!!!

  • Comment number 30.

    Birthday was great!!!! Football, football, football, who can ask for anything more.......

    As far as who should get paid what, I have always thought that you want the best people in the job that protect our communities/countries and those that help educate the children. I would agree 100% with you Chris and would add nurses, teachers and the police to that list. But that's just my opinion..... for what it's worth.

  • Comment number 31.

    MW, a! - thigh high boots - priceless! x

    CtD - lovin' the sound of your Criggy decs - gorge x

    I tend to buy Mr P a big present (this year, tickets to see Othello) and then some little bits and bobs (T-shirt, DVDs, vinyl etc). Usually save the best for his birthday - I think it's more important than Christmas meself.

    Advent Guesses: Santa and a mouse with a sackful of prezzies.

    Rosie x

  • Comment number 32.

    Where's the lovely Jovial today?

  • Comment number 33.

    Rosie & MW,a!

    The boys have their shed, so I think it's time we had our very own Goth Girls Room.

    I say lots of black, a spattering of red, lots of leather, lots of silk, a swish of velvet, candles galore and shoes as ornaments.

    You in?

  • Comment number 34.

    can I come in? We needs lots of deep purple silk and black dribbily candles :-)

  • Comment number 35.

    This year we said spend would be no more than 150 squid on each other, and another 20 for stocking prezzies.

    We are treating ourselves to a PS3 on Friday, but that doesn't count as Xmas goodies.

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 36.

    Advent guess -

    Mouse in a ballerina outfit ... one day I'll be right!!!

    Thanks for the Little Drummer Boy update on the last blog btw - we're going to have to go some to beat the x factor by the sound of it!!

    Tiggy, hope you feel better soon. There are so many poorly people about at the mo.

    T xxx

  • Comment number 37.

    can I be i charge of moozik?

    Plenty of bauhaus, cure, mission, sisters of mercy.....

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 38.


    Mr Diva has a PS3 (and a PS1 and a PS2 - hooked? Hell yes!)

    What games are you planning to get? Can recommend Buzz. Let us know and we can challenge your sofa all the way from our sofa!

    C xx

    PS: of course Bagpuss. Not sure bout the dribbling tho!

  • Comment number 39.

    My arms are raised, my cheekbones are sucked in ... and ....

    Stay with me
    Lay with me ...


  • Comment number 40.

    ...also Christophe, re the Strickly debacle...do people really not have more to worry about??? A refund on their phone bill??? Gawden Bennay. I did vote once, and to be honest, I'm glad I don't need to next week now.

    Whereas the Lord Hoy...

    ...ono...here I go again...


    pee.ess Mariella, am SOOOOOOOOO jealous of your PJ day...bet you're all snuggly buggly...and big sox...and cosy wosy

    ...and who was it that was talking about edible decorations for the Christmas tree...think it may have been young Fernley-Whittingtrouser...edible decorations? Tree up. Decs on. Cats in. Tree down. End of.

  • Comment number 41.

    Chas N Dave on Steve Wright now. I so hope she's got the raydeo on for the school run! xx

    HL - edible decs: Nigella starts tonight! Yay!! The Uber-Goddess!

  • Comment number 42.

    Well said Christoph - agree - must fish out but read somewhere how many extra and better paid nurses and service men we would have on just two premier footie players salaries.
    Like Hazel I wouldn't be here either if it wasn't for the nurses who worked on New Years Eve four years ago!!!! and No it wasn't booze related!!!

    Diva - liking the sound of those decs - like James said, (hi James) - leather, what else!!

    Bingo hope your mum gets though her problem alright.

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 43.

    OMG have you seen the little clips of "Willie's chocolate Xmas"?? Can't wait for that.

    Everyones got a xmas cooking prog this week, Nigella, Jamie, River Cottage (perhaps not Gordon, he may be too busy, ahem!)

    Did you see the Hairy Bakers Xmas last week too? Brilliant!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 44.

    CtD - Dunno what games we're planning on. Tho buzz sounds like fun. I want the full band kit to at least pretend to be able to play an instrument, instead of just playing the strumpet... let us know what you recommend, and let battle begin.

    Still undecided on the sky thing btw.

    HL - umm, not that cosy wosy, toes a bit chilly as socks don't fit in slippers. But yep, its fab.

    Morticia (the 2nd!) is now in, and amazingly she is a scaredy cat as far as the tree is concerned. Takes a very wide berth, crouching and slinking her way past. Chickens like the beads though...

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 45.

    By the way I think I got the words of that programme in the right order, just had to read it back to double check ;-)

    T xx

  • Comment number 46.

    That should be through!

    Advent calendar turtle doves
    Mouse skiing

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 47.

    Hi BeesMum...... Happy Monday!!!!!!

  • Comment number 48.


    A woman after my own heart. I can't wait for all the Christmas cooking progs to air - sooooo exciting! And we've got Nigella 5 times this week!

    Mr Diva wasn't overly impressed with Jamie Oliver having one - he's not a fan of the Essex one.

    Is there a new River Cottage one this week? The one that was on Ch4 last week was a repeat of last years and I felt swizzed!

    Gordy had his Christmas Cookalong last Friday but we missed it.

    Also obsessed with all the glossy Christmas cookery mags - just can't resist them!!!

  • Comment number 49.

    Nigella is on the radio now.....

  • Comment number 50.

    James - twas Happy until I just went in to town - grrr!! Mr B out of the way in house with his man flu/tummy whatever (I'll just make a few phone calls in a sad voice)!!!!

    Wasn't gonna rant but I will - ok its going to be busy in "smiffs" at this time of the year so you expect the odd line of folk at the till but narrow aisle --- person with hunking great push chair - didn't even park it next to her - right across the aisle and she was on the other side so between the two of them, no-one could get through! After a couple of us had squeezed through she put the darn thing back were it was !!! I thought the woman following us was going to clock her one!!!

    Oh Joy!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 51.


    Bingo Star ere.......

    Sorry this blog is abit of a mad one.... ere goes.....

    Thanks for your kind words - me mum 'as 'ad for over a year the CYPD - smokers disease - it's fatal but it can take 20 years ter kill - me mums got it moderately but she's given up smoking so 'opefully she'll last a long time!!!!!!!

    As for me - Ave been down.... abit like a stockmarket graph.... but ave 'it me bottom. 'it it BIG..... ouchhhhh!!!!!!
    When yer down yer can only go up.... and am going up without drugs..... nyyyyaaaaa!!!!!!

    It's all ter do with Pluto entering Capricorn on the 27th November..... yes Pluto.... abit like the other week when the moon aligned with Venus and Jupiter creating a smiling face image in the sky- (saw it meself... spooky) (there's a photo of this on Brian May's website - 'e's inter astromony in a BIG way)!!!!!

    A know this sounds mad but the darkest week of me life was 20th November week.... ave since 'eard Pluto entered Capricorn on the 27th of November... meaning a 16 year new period for us all but especiallly capricorns!!!!!!!
    And a felt something 'appen ter me that week..... something weird all..... something deep inside the psychee!!!!!!!
    Maybe it was ter do with this!!!!!!

    2009 am determined ter make a gooden!!!!!
    In fact ave joined an advanced acooooustic guitar/ song writing course starting one dee after me birthdeee in Jan.... am gonna conquer me fears and push me music further!!!!!!!

    Something that's been ripping meself apart is, a don't know if yer can understand this but, yer know when yer feel (without sounding like am blowing me own trumpet ere) like yuv gotta talent deep inside...... but due to terrible stage fright I just can't perform..... even though am brill at playing the guitar, keep coming up with mega guitar riffs and find it easy ter write songs...... this 'as been eating at me.... like such a painful demon inside..... but ave gotta overcome me fears and see if I really ave gotta talent.... or if I aven't.... maybe a talent ter write/ produce for others!!!!!!!
    It's just I feel abit mad writing like this.... I feel i'm only an ordinary truck driver, like am suffering from delusions of grandeaur thinking a can make great music.
    Why should I be able ter write/ perform great music?????
    But I suppose if every musician 'ad that thought there would be no music for CLP ter play on 'is most nice radio show!!!!!
    It's just a don't feel that clever playing me guitar as I find it very simple.... but then other people ave 'eard me play, like at the music school where I 'ad lessons a few years ago, and told me it sounds brill and original.... so maybe I ave goot a talent!!!!
    All I know is ave always been abit different ter the crowd... even as a child that's why a goot inter the guiness book of records at 14!!!!
    Soz if this comes across as me being big 'eaded or talkin' about meself but it just something a need ter get off me chest!!!!!
    This lately 'as been killing me inside along with everything going wrong for me financially and in me love life!!!!!

    So am going ter try and get inter the right circles... join the Liverpool university on a music course!!!!!!!

    A just feel I don't wanter be a truck driver for the rest of me life and waste me talents if ave goot any - know what am sayin'!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 52.

    Beesmum, apparently if you type MANFLU into youtube you get a very funny clip.

    Not that its funny of course, man flu is very very serious.

    Big admission now ... have gone off Gordon!!! Never thought I would but I have. Haven't liked his new cookalong series at all and am a bit disappointed in reports of his recent behaviour too!

    However, bring back Jose and I'll be happy :-))

    T xxx

  • Comment number 53.

    Noot another long blog..... why can't a wreet short ones.... give me strength!!!!!

  • Comment number 54.

    Bingo, go for it you lovely man!!!!!

    "It's just I feel abit mad writing like this.... I feel i'm only an ordinary truck driver, like am suffering from delusions of grandeaur thinking a can make great music.
    Why should I be able ter write/ perform great music?????"

    Why should you not??? And you have enough life experience to write it from the heart!!

    And we'll all download it too!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 55.

    Bingo for Christmas #1 2009!!!

    That aside, I've bin sent home. Apparently I look tired. That'll do for me...we have our Christmas Do (loooooooong lunch...) tomorrow, and any sleep I can get before then is going to be welcome!

    I have a reputation to keep up, doncha know

    It's an equitable life...chickens and beads...I dunno...it'll be cocks and rings next...of the poultry around the leg kind of course...

  • Comment number 56.

    bingo- good luck to you - everyone should follow their dreams

    not sure about capricorns having it good after the 27th - my life seems to have god steadily worse since that date and i'm beginning to get worried about each day - everything seems to be getting hard

    but - noff about me

    super bp x

  • Comment number 57.

    10 Days and I've only one present bought. Looks like I'm in for the usual Christmas Eve manic run-around again this year.

    btw - maybe I should change my nickname for Mondays . . . feeling more like Detritus right now . . . :-s

  • Comment number 58.

    Bingo... go for it... I suspect you are a man of many good talents...

    Suzie xxx

  • Comment number 59.

    Bingo - no doubt about it - you will succeed, as you love your music and there's nothing better than enjoying your work! And Yes we will all download when you release your first masterpiece.

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 60.

    BeesMum, I know what you mean with people like that. It's like you are inconveniencing them......oh well hohoho and all.....

  • Comment number 61.

    Bees - have just braved M and S...what a mistake! How i didnt batter the ignorant lady who walked straight into me, stood on my foot, almost caused me to drop my wine (horror!) and then looked at me like it was my fault i dont know! and whats with everyone buying 6 of everything? anyone would think there was something happening...

    in...out... in... out...deep breaths and nice smily thoughts now all!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 62.

    Good for you Bingo! It might be just what you need, in all sort of ways, and if you don't try you'll never know.


  • Comment number 63.

    Too much rushing around so just popped in to say hello.

    Advent calendar - a christmas tree

    Alternative - elephant on one leg balancing ball on his trunk


  • Comment number 64.

    Scoob - know exactly what you mean!! and she would have got clobbered if she'd made you drop your wine!!! Stood in the bank afterwards doing me yoga breathing to calm down - although my "favourite" teller was there getting her sales pitch........... ...no no noooo don't start me on that!!!!

    Ho ho ho thump James!!!! hehe!

    Beesmum xxx

    Spike the shoppers
    with sprigs of holly
    tra la la la la
    la la la laaaaaa

  • Comment number 65.

    Hmmm! Advent Calender #1 star

    Weird Calender - Penguin beside a fire

    A bit tired today so not contributing much - lurking mainly and a bit of online shopping!

    Just realised forgot to put the roast in the rayburn this morning so looks like Baked potatoes and bolognase sauce for tea!

    hope you all had a good weekend and hopefully will catch up tommorow


  • Comment number 66.

    Sam - don't worry - not bought a thing yet - although I have done cards as recommended by me postie earlier than usual!!!

    Bees xx

  • Comment number 67.

    Me again.

    Feel rough as rough can be in the last hour or so - what's THAT about?

    Anyway, Advent Calendar for today is:-

    A DRUM!

    boom boom!

    "Other" one - a mouse swinging on a snowflake. Random!

    Laters. Tummy permitting.

    CtD xxx

  • Comment number 68.

    Oh No not you too Diva!!!! - Mr B tried to work a few times today and just totally given up again. (unless - - - you didn't eat something dodgy lunch time did you)?

    Big hugs mate xx

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 69.

    Greetings Ter ALL,

    Bingo Star ere.....

    Sparkly Tinsel, Super Bagpuss, MsScoobycat, Derbyfi, Suzie Boozy, 'azel Love and B's Mum..... thanks for all your kind comments - you are all very nice!!!!!!!
    I wish everyone could be as nice as the CLP bloggers!!!!!!

    Super Bagpuss - I'm sorry your aving a really bad time lately - A think it iz a capricorn thing but 2009 is mean't ter be a good one for caps!!!!!
    A remember they said 2008 was going ter be an outstanding year for caps but I thought they mean't good... outstanding means either!!!!
    But this Pluto thingy is mean't ter mean 16 years of big changes for the good for all!!!!!
    It's mean't ter mean 16 years of level 'eadedness in the world.... maybe Obama is the start of this when 'e comes inter office on the 2oth Jan!!!!!
    Just 'ope Obama doesn't change once 'e's the boss as they often do.... remeber Blair with 'things can only get better'.... look what 'e did.... more tory than the tories!!!!!!!
    Fingers crossed Obama iz the mama.... sorry man!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 70.

    CLP good points well made! Your show on Friday was fab!

    Am just back from Cheltenham and thought I'd better pop in and say hello!

    Bingo- just keep believing honey!

    Bond- glad you enjoyed your footy mad birthday :)

    (Booboo not back from Grandma's yet)

  • Comment number 71.

    Here’s the thing... Arrr well to be really truthful to you bloggers there is nothing, not a thing, absolutely nothing, not even a raisin - after 15 years.

    Who likes the police, Sting was never better…

    mj x

  • Comment number 72.

    Sting is my hero xx

  • Comment number 73.

    Bloggers One an All

    Is it me or does the show tonight lack summat? i can't put me finger on it but it seems like there is deffo something missing :(

    The Police WROCKED (to nick Bingo's expression)

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 74.

    I love the feeling!!!!! xxx

  • Comment number 75.

    Hi lyndyloo, football is life, life is football......

  • Comment number 76.

    Couldn't agree more Bond! Here's to the men and their various shaped balls!


  • Comment number 77.

    Why do people always pick on Premiership footballers when they want to give an example of an overpaid group of people.

    When comparing the earnings of the lower paid occupations such as nurses why not use the example of rock stars, actors , or even, dare I say it, Radio 2 DJs.

    The hard truth is that people are willing to pay to watch footballers ply their trade, while the same cannot be said of nurses.

  • Comment number 78.

    cough cough cough cough bark cough cough

    Have you missed me? no ah well I have a note from me mum on me absence I picked up someones horrible bronchol virus and have been laid up ever since but still working except for Friday when I stayed in bed on my day off.

    Bingo I managed to catch up on the blog and I wish you all the best.

    As I live on my own I go to my mum's on Christmas Day and come back the day after boxing day I am at work on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve. If I don't go to my mums I would be on my own with 4 walls and that's not a good thing. I am getting the decorations out of the attic this week and when my cousin is over with her 3 yr old son we will put some of them up and make the place look a bit more festive.

    As once been one of those poor soldiers who go wherever they are ordered to and paid little - I really understand the meaning of earning and wealth and happiness. I would be quite happy to see emergency services (inc nurses) and armed forces paid better and I am so pleased that the Gurkhas (with which I served for 4 years) have the right to live here and that armed forces personnel injured now are getting a better payment for their injuries all for the better.

    Sorry for going on and on and on and on.

  • Comment number 79.

    Why does that lotto advert with the turkeys always remind me of Dookie????

  • Comment number 80.


  • Comment number 81.

    OOOooooh Lyndyloo - not back to the spuds topic again are you?

    Bondy you not iced in then

  • Comment number 82.

    phoenix....... Like the old joke, "What's worn under a kilt?"....."Nothing...... everything is in perfect working order"........lol

  • Comment number 83.

    On the subject of Armed Forces and nurses earning more as opposed to football players . . .. One group are in the private sector and are commercial concerns and the other are public servants and therefore subject to the amount of taxed raised. People seem to forget that. I don't watch premiership football so i'm not contributing to their wages. I AM a tax payer so therefore AM paying for nurses and soldiers (soldiers is used instead of armed forces as it's quicker to type) I object to the amount of tax i pay as does everyone. I do make full use of the NHS for various health probs i've got.

    What we as people should do is to STOP the Govt. from fleecing us with their wage bill and allowance system for MP's. If we pulled out of Europe and didn't pay them then we'd be a lot better off as a result.

    I could go on and on and on and on and on and on

    but i wont.

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 84.

    totally agree Steve and as for public service pensions - don't start me either!!!

    Fished out the article about the comparison and it was just a fact thing in the readers digest ( other mags avail) will quote when I can be faffed to go to the little room and recover said article!

    Bees xxx

    and just for the record way back when - I voted No!!!

  • Comment number 85.

    Hmmm.......I seem to have upset one or two people with my earlier opinion.

    I also think it is wrong that someone like - just for instance - Lewis Hamilton, Tiger Woods or Roger Federer gets paid many millions to wear a sponsor's logo on their clothing. I accept the argument about private v public sector and recognise that not everyone in those sports get that level of remuneration but I happen to think the gulf between the very top stars in these sporting arenas (or Hollywood film actors to use your other example Mary) is just too big when hard-working people in tough jobs are paid a barely living wage. But I also know that there's not a snowball's chance of it changing. So I rest my case.


  • Comment number 86.

    Derby fi - twas me on about footie players and their obscene wages so thats three of us on the same wave length.

    And to change subject I just love the adverts only shown at Christmas for F grouse (other booze available)! Just brilliant!

    Bees xxx

  • Comment number 87.

    Yes, they are very good B-sMum. Most adverts just annoy me though - especially those for a certain furniture store! I like to watch programmes on the recorder so I can fast forward during the breaks, esp. on Channels 4 and 5.


  • Comment number 88.

    Me too df but occasionally like the adverts so I can go and wash up!!! but that grouse one - just sooo cool!

    I'm lost tonight without Spooks on - don't watch too much tv but enjoyed that series. Watching the c 5 thing about the sixties - am coming to the conclusion I may have missed a fair bit of it - certainly the early bits!! blast!

    Bees xxx

  • Comment number 89.

    evening all, hope you're well?

    Chris, I fully agree re the armed forces and nurses, however it's the way it is and I don't think it'll ever make sense. What i fail to understand is how politicians - and not even the high-brow ones - earn more than the frontline fighters and angels in hospitals.
    As for the news channels, let's make that the law, my heart bleeds for their families.
    Is the sprot pesonality based on success or actualy personality??? Never known the answer to that one either!

    Not been in long from work, loads of revising/prep to do for interview tomorrow whiach has been vrought forward 3 hours to 1pm....bloomin' cackin' it I can tell you.

    Hope the meet went well, look forward to hearing all about it

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 90.

    sprot pesonality???
    No spell check from this flame-haored blogger either!!!!!!

  • Comment number 91.

    or even haired.....I'm off x

  • Comment number 92.

    Good luck for tomorrow Gingembre. Knock 'em dead!

    Good night BM and anyone else who's around.


  • Comment number 93.

    Gingembre - giggling away here - fingers working quicker than the old brain A!! ?
    Will be thinking of you tomorrow and keeping all crossed for all you want for your career. Think positive me man - you'll do it no problem.

    Bees xxx

  • Comment number 94.

    Night df

    Bees xx

  • Comment number 95.

    Evening one and all

    I suppose this says it all for me.

    Hazel and Debbie glad you enjoyed Guru Josh. I love Dance Music/Trance Music now and again with no lyrics just your imagination to take over.

    Bingo Man, if Eggon (excuse my Irish) can make third in the X factor you can walk it.


  • Comment number 96.

    Hurray. They have all gone to bed, and I have half an hour to myself. Peace and quiet. which is strange seeing as I have been getting 'the silent treatment' but I'm sure that you know what I mean.

    Saw mum and dad's new puppy today, Alfie. He is adorable, and had a heavy heart to heart with mum. Been waiting for that chat for years and so pleased that it happened.

    Actually felt part of the team at work today and feeling optimisic about things at the bakery. Nice to have something positive to think about.

    Debbie x

    PS: Sending lots of love to Bingo, and anyone else feeling crap or poorly. Hello to everyone else and Rosie....blonde bombshell..moi? Bless you!

  • Comment number 97.

    Evening PP. That's the kind of music that I could listen to on the ipod in the bath. That and that Robert Miles song that you stuck on a little while back.

  • Comment number 98.

    Oh I forgot to mention here that I got paid today! Have my first payslip since last March......feels so good to earn my own money again. I almost want to frame it.

    So it's not a huge amount, certainly doesn't pay the mortgage but hey...I earned it.

    Ok really am off now to catch up on tv for half hour.

    x x x

  • Comment number 99.

    Hi Debbie.

    Hope all's well you might like this one for the bath too....

    This is good BATH music too.....

  • Comment number 100.

    Hooray for Debbie and the paycheck it feels good doesn't it?
    Gingembre- Good luck not that you need it.
    PP - I love CDM but something a little more melow for me in the bath...ahhhh....
    Everyone else (speshly at the Scottish meet) hope you've had a great day/night.



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