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Chris Evans | 14:52 UK time, Wednesday, 5 November 2008

The latest new vehicle to hit the drive of the Evans household will roll off the transporter...

...this coming weekend.

So what is it this time ?

It is, to my knowledge, the rarest vehicle I have acquired thus far. It is, ladies and gentlemen...


Enzo is once again on the move and good to go.

We both had a driving lesson this morning and I'm sure, after a few more sessions, we'll be of little threat to other road users.

Our boy has been to hell and back in doggy terms and we can't wait to get him home.

Pictures tomorrow, hopefully.

On the Obama front, well what a heartening result... anyone of us can make extraordinary things happen, never forget that but for any of them to come to fruition it always takes immense effort. The fact that B.O. came up smelling of roses was nothing short of incredible. The fact that America wanted change so badly they turned out in their millions, like never before, to mark their "x" in the box. The fact that his victory speech was so calm and sincere, so wholly inclusive. I saw a man speaking, not for a political party and not for an individual country but for humanity and the whole world.

He and his wife look like the real deal. It's as if this was their calling. As if the world needed them to do this and they knew it and the American people knew it. Knew they had to do something for the rest of us. Already, the outgoing administration appear to be suddenly almost prehistoric. There is a brilliant cartoon on page 20 of today's Telegraph, the cleverest I think I have ever seen.

The most powerful office in the world is now, for the next four years at least, Barack Obama's. Yet seeing the grace with which he acknowledged his victory today along with his words of respect for Senator McCain Oven Chips, one could be forgiven for not realising the extent of his achievement..

There was no punching of the air and shouts of U.S.A., U.S.A., but an immediate sense of, "Alright, let's get to work then."

Success, it seems, is now available in a new colour.

Here here.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Aww Christophe so nice to hear that Enzo is arriving home very soon - I look forward to seeing the photos of him and his mobility.

    As for the USA Election - the fastest result I've ever witnessed and why do they use college votes and not just the totals from the people voting? Interesting times ahead indeed.

  • Comment number 2.

    really good news about enzo - i was thinking about him last night and how we hadn't heard for a while and was a bit worried - so gerat news that he is mobile again

  • Comment number 3.

    Hello Chris,

    Cool beans! A doggy truck.

    Change can lead to great things; change how the world sees you, and you have changed the world.


  • Comment number 4.

    Yo CLP, Yo ALL Bloggers am outta rehab for one neet only.......... WHHHHAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

    CLP - Great ter see Barracks Obama win... a new start for theowrld hopefully!!!!!

    A like yer McCain Oven Chips jibe..... looks like McCain goot the CHOP... get it... chip... NYYAAAA!!!!!!

    PS Good news on the Enzo!!!!!

    Terneet am off ter The MEN Arena in Manchester ter see Queen+ Paul Rogers WROCK MANCHESTER BIG!!!!!@!@!!@!@@!

    The last time a saw them of course was the 350,000 crowd gig in Ukraine, Kharkiv in Seprember. The best gig ave ever been too!!!!
    Which incidently over 10m million watching live on tv made it Ukraine's biggest ever music event!!!!!@!

    Ternnet is gonna be a night ter remember. The city skyline will be illuminated by exploding fireworks then, then, then...... Queen + Paul Rogers will ignite THE MEN Arena with..... WROCK!!!!!!!!!!

    A tell yer coupled with both Brian May and Roger Taylor's emense talent and experience and Paul Rogers brilliant live voice, it's a gig worth going to if you get the chance.

    They're playing The O2 and Wembley Fridee and Saturdee... go if yer can a promise if yer like Queen you'll love this show!!!!!!!

    WROCK DAMN MEGA!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Tatty Bye!!!!!

    PS Am gonna be a good boy... i'll return ter rehab termoz az agreed!!!!!!!

    PPS Or maybe The May needs a new roadie.... ave goot a vaild HGV licence!!!!!!

  • Comment number 5.

    OMG - what tragedy befell poor Enzo? Glad to hear he's on the road to recovery - will his carriage have a rampant doggy on the front - ferrari stylie?

    Re previous blog -TOLD YOU!!!

    Barack Obama - He may have his finger on the big red button (albeit in a few months) but requires 3" bullet proof protection from cross burning rednecks!!!! But having said that the secret service will now be watching reruns of 24 & Independance Day as part of their training for protecting a black president!

    Cpngrats Barack - the boy done good!

  • Comment number 6.

    Great news big lad . . happy days, as the Belfasties say . . All the best to the Enzo ensemble . . .

    We're all settled into the new housey over here – bit by bit, row by row, will someone let my garden grow . . .

    Sorry, there has been no communicate from these shores for a few days, the old t’internet is not yet in situ, so keeping in touch has been . . .emotional, to say the Vinny . . .

    Hope all are well, the goose is getting fat, and the pennies are dropping in the old man’s hat – we’re on the long slide to Christmas – whoo . . . hoo. . . .

    Big news . . .

    I tried Bikram Yoga for the first time this week – 90 min of Yoga in 45 degree heat . . . O my GG’s . . .I feel like a billion dollars . . . (holding up his small finger to his mouth . . . )

    Will keep y'all posted . . .

    DtM x

  • Comment number 7.

    Hey Dan - welcome back - good to hear house move went well - you used the royal "we" so you did find a new companion at last - a bit like the Doctor

  • Comment number 8.

    That is just great news CLP - have been worried to ask in case all not well but just cannot wait to see the pics of Enzo bless him!

    And whilst we are on old subjects - Gingembre?????????????? - not the pc himself - but the object coming his way???

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 9.

    Sorry Dookie - if you on FB I'll try and look out the saga of poor Enzo and fill you in on all the details. Unless someone else gets in there first as it won't be until 11pm for me to log in tonight - Volleyball practice beckons instead.

  • Comment number 10.

    Dook - check out the previous blogs and you will see what's been happening to poor Enzo.

    BM xx

  • Comment number 11.

    Sorry, SP - t'is the Royal "we", myself, my shadow and the silence in between . . .

    DtM !!

  • Comment number 12.

    Morning/Afternoon Everyone,

    Bright sunny day here, temp going to be around 70. Meetings this morning but back now.

    Interesting evening last night regarding the elections. Glad it's finally over, now we just have to wait for the lame duck ( that's what they call the outgoing president) to leave office in January and hopefully the new regime will get things done......

  • Comment number 13.

    Oh No DtM you mean you lost the goldfish enroute.... shame on you, and we went to such depths to pick the right pair to keep you company.

    Sorry Dan couldn't resist the above jibe - tis only in jest.

    I had thought you meant you had acquired a companion ie pet or a new best mate or a lodger even.

    Dookie I think Enzo and his spinal/leg problems goes back as far as mid last year when he went off to live at the vets in a posh pad of his own until he was made better and Beth had not long arrived and Chris and Tasha just married and the move into the Gulf Stream was all going on - now if I could only remember the month I could give you a few more clues.

  • Comment number 14.

    thanks SP - just started looking back through the blog archives and reached July 2008 - phoar what a lot of blogs! Don't fancy going back to July 07!

    Poor Enzo!


  • Comment number 15.

    Oh Christoff, that is wonderful news!! You must be so relieved that he is coming home! Looking forward to the photos and give him a huge hug from all of us!

    We watched the election results too (had little choice with a grizzly baby lass! Joys of parenthood, eh!?) and was so touched by Obama’s speech - he seemed so genuine and so determined to stress that he had a job to do and it would be a long, hard road ahead. Here is hoping that the job will not change him from the sincere, genuine, gentleman he seems. And I was so impressed with McCain’s speech, his gracious acceptance of defeat and acknowledgement that America is entering a new era.

    Have to go pick wee lass up from nursery … must remember the sour cream, Highland hubby is cooking fajitas for tea then taking wee lass to bonfire. Baby lass, the cats and I will watch from the bedroom. Have to confess, though, I do struggle with the amount of money spent by councils around the country when services like the NHS, roads, etc struggle. Call me sour puss if ye like but it seems daft!



  • Comment number 16.

    sour cream - thats what i forget for my veggie fahitas tonight - just got peppers and special fake chicken - will mayo work as well?

  • Comment number 17.

    Fake chicken? Intrigued ....... and a wee bit amused if honest.

    Lady Boss blew her stack at me about an hour ago - not my fault, I hasten to add, just lame communiocation on her part.

    Thankfully, she's gone now. You could cut the atmos in here witha knife!

    When she blows, she sure does blow!

    CtD xx

  • Comment number 18.

    THarrre she blows!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 19.


    I agree with you. Say what you like about McCain but his speech last night was gracious and spot on. Even during the campaign he tried to keep things "clean". Obama speech was excellent. Said the right things, to everyone in the country. Now he has a little over 2 months to get himself ready. I think the country has huge expectations. Hopefully he can deliver.... Only time will tell.

  • Comment number 20.

    CtD, sorry it was a bad day at work. No excuse for the boss. Shouting never achieved anything....... Unless it's directed at a referee or the likes of Joey Barton, of course....LOL

  • Comment number 21.

    LOL 007 - what are you like!?!?

    She basically threw a conversation back in my face, saying "you said you were going to do that on wednesday", to which i said "i did - that was last week, we had that conversation about 10 days ago"

    Needless to say, she didn't like that.

    Nor did I like being spoken to like a norty 4 year old.

    Tut Tut bad bad Diva .... or control freak boss?


    Up The Arsenal!!!

    Cheryl x x x

  • Comment number 22.

    Great news on Enzo and BO

    Happy days

    Liz xx

  • Comment number 23.

    Afternoon all,

    Fantastic news about Enzo -looking forward to the pictures tomorrow.

    It's suddenly turned very autumnal here, lots of leaves down and damp. They don't do bonfire night, so no fireworks here. Some one let off a big screaming rocket for me........! I loved the big town displays we used to go to in the UK, but can't help agreeing with whoever said the money spent by the council would have been better going to local hospital/roads/schools etc etc etc.

    It was interesting watching the elections with a houseful of Americans last night. It's nice how much they cared and the enthusiasm showed each time their candidate took another state.

    Do you think the hot toddy thing will work well for toothache too?

    Happy hump day all


  • Comment number 24.

    Go go go Enzo! And the unfortunately initialled B.0 too. Hurrah!

    Just a quick pop here just to say:

    Tinsel, I know you've probably gone now but I hope you read this tomoz - thank you thank you thank you, not v.huggy person but am going to brace myself ((((:))) is that right? Actually, it wasn't so bad!

    And Chezza, thanks, you brightened my day! (((@: ~)))

    Laters, off to hardwear shop.

    A x

  • Comment number 25.

    Can you get me a hard hat while you're there please Boleyngirl .... may need it tomororw if Hurricane Ladyboss is still in the same "humour" come the morn!!!

    x x x

  • Comment number 26.

    Hey Christoff, so good to hear Enzo's coming home!! Been long time enough, hasn't it. Hope he settles in at home quickly, this'll be the first time he's seen the new place, won't it?

    Was impressed by both speeches, have to say. Not been paying much attention to the election I have to admit, but I hope that Senator Obama doesn't let the power go to his head, and does good. The world is in need of strong leaders at the moment.

    Hello to all the bloggers :0) I've missed you all, don't have the time or energy to read through hundreds of posts every day at the moment :) but one day I'm sure I'll be back more regularly.

    Ben would probably send a gurgle but thankfully he's asleep :0)



    not sure how to sign off any more!!

  • Comment number 27.

    Can you believe it - idiots are letting off the fireworks left right and centre here before folk have got time to get home and tuck up their pussy cats/dogs - whatever - numpties!!

    Beesmum xxx

    Back later hopefully

    Can't remember who it was asked what FNWC was - Friday Night Wine Club.

  • Comment number 28.

    Jumpin - lovely to see you back - great pics of you and the little one. You need to join Highland Sus on here for your night feeds!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 29.

    Ahhh Bosses... i just resigned. Bugger.

    KJR x x

  • Comment number 30.

    Hoorrrraaayyyyy for Enzo with loads of hugs and slobbers
    & Booboo

  • Comment number 31.

    Till the ±«Óãtv reinstate Johnathan Ross I am not posting here anymore............
    Apart from Steve Wright Radio2 does not do it for me anymore.

    Media students who got jobs because of who they know not working their time leads to incidents like Naughty Nic the vicars son.

  • Comment number 32.

    Katie - you did?! Anything to do with Mr Katie's recent promotion and all the shoe/handbag fund?

    Cheryl x

  • Comment number 33.

    Just re-read alright_flower's wonderful bonfire night posting from the previous blog - and d'ya know what ...

    it's not as cold now as it used to be, is it?

    the temperature gizmo in the car coming home said 13 Degrees.

    It's November.

    I have a fantastic collection of hats, mittens, scarves etc but today went into town without so much as a cardi .....

    ..... winters should be cold and harsh!

    So there!

  • Comment number 34.

    No Nothing unfortunately! But his pay rise does help!

    I had a guts full of the bullish boss and secretism! I leave on Friday (with a full months pay! my direct boss is a star) the awful thing is that all those people are being lied to about the sucess of the business, and are inevitably going to loose their jobs, soon.

    It was a case of jump before pushed.

    On the bright side my Bro in law just offered me a job!!!

    KJR x

  • Comment number 35.

    Congtrats KJR on getting out of what sounds like an unpleasant situation. Are you going to take the new job with the BIL?

    CtD, it's 70 here today...... snow a week ago, weird.... Just as well I didn't put the snow tyres on the car......

  • Comment number 36.

    I am not sure yet.. Keeping my options open for a while, I might not do anything until Jan, just to give myself some time and space.

    Dead jealous of the weather though... I could do with some sun!

    KJR x

  • Comment number 37.

    OMG sorry Mr Chris took your show as read.

    Good luck to the ladies fat club and I wish you all a good Christmas.

    Quite an esay job when you are ingnored by the majority.



  • Comment number 38.

    me spilling is gone all wong whatever

  • Comment number 39.

    Cheers and goodnight

  • Comment number 40.

    KJR, if it makes you feel any better we're supposed to get a wintery mix of snow and rain at the weekend, Sunday I think..... Then it's back to more "seasonable" weather and temps.... oh well.

  • Comment number 41.

    Goodnight PP. It's been, um, real.

    So, an Enzo eh, Chris? Thought'd only be a matter of time. Oh, you mean the dog?

    Well, that is fantastic news.

    But if you ever fancy the namesake car, give me a ring......

    I'm with you on today being like the start of a new season. With all the doom and gloom of late, what happened in the US over the past day or so really feels like the winds of change blowing through. Not because of the colour of his skin, but because he is young, dynamic and is out to make a difference.

    And because he is not George Bush.

    Mind you, I have travelled through many, many parts of the US (should be alright with this, PP has left the building), and quite a bit 'down south', and there are some fairly scary people down there with some fairly scary views, so we should buckle up for what could be a rocky ride.

    Of course, I have to point out that there are many, many wonderful places full of wonderful people 'down south', including my own kin, and if you haven't been, you really should.

    Whilst we are toasting the incoming President I would also like to toast the outgoing king of extraordinary stories, Michael Crichton who passed away today. Without Jurassic Park, ER and many other wonderful creations the world would be a poorer place.

    Welcome to the new world.

    Much peace. Please.


  • Comment number 42.

    Michael Crichton passed away??!!?? Noooooo! How sad!

  • Comment number 43.

    MfR, Good observations about things in colonies. If you watched Obama's speech last night you could see the high panels of bullet-proof glass that was placed between him and the audience. Bad news about MC. I didn't know he was ill. He will be missed.

    Highlandlass, I understand MC had been battling cancer for sometime...

  • Comment number 44.

    I'm pretty sure that touting for business contravenes the blog house rules.


  • Comment number 45.

    Hic oops soz

    erm What's yer name from Rudgewig.

    Got a sense of humour erm thought not.

    Get them chips frying Jonathan I'm starving here ....

    I need to join fat club on FB cause I have resigned here.

  • Comment number 46.


    I am new to this blogging lark so be gentle with me please! I was wondering what exactly had happened to Enzo so have been reading back over previous blogs to find out... poor boy! he has certainly been through a lot so it is fab that he will be home soon. Noel sounds like a vet in a million. It just goes to show how important the four legged members of our families are.

    As for the events of the last few hours accross the pond, it really seems like this is a new beginning for america, lets hope he has broad enough shoulders to cope with the huge weight of expectation bearing down on him... rp

  • Comment number 47.

    Crumbs Katie - just like that? quitting? all else seems to know whats going on cept me!

    Sad about M Crichton but yes had cancer for a while now Sus. Battle over.

    Matt said several times in last 24 hrs - in for v rocky times - everyone is forgetting the turnout and how many voted for mr chips! i.e head count!

    James - saw a programme about the 3 inch bullet proof glass he was behind for his speech - doubt many folks noticed on the box but I was looking for it!

    The noise round here tonight is like a battle ground - been non stop since just after 5! Aren't we short of money?! Dog not impressed after week-ends display - went out to look - not even a proper bark - just - humph half under his breath and now fast asleep on my foot! The loud bangs are just about mustering a raised eyebrow! Laid back or what!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 48.

    Welcome rosie posie.

    Beesmum x

  • Comment number 49.

    Great news about Enzo CLP.

    I don't have a dog - work all day- and I'm not fond of cats - apologies to all you cat lovers out there! But I can appreciate how attached folk can become to their animals.

    I was in bits when I had to take my daughter's hamster (stop laughing!!) to the vet to be put down. He'd become so poorly that i had to hand feed him on baby rice from a syringe....poor Joey.

  • Comment number 50.

    thanks beesmum!

    the streets of edinburgh town are strangely quiet this bonfire night, very little firework action. Maybe they're saving them all for hogmanay...

  • Comment number 51.

    It's been very quiet here to rosie but the weather hasn't helped. Yucky drizzle.

  • Comment number 52.

    Oh the painful memory of taking Hamlet the Hamster to the vet in his perspex playball, only to emerge with playball in hand, minus Hamlet. Beware the perils of wet-tail. Fatal if your name is Hamlet / Hamish / Hagar ..... RIP little fella.

    On the subject of pets - mrssootycat has crawled out from scaredy cat corner. still a few whizzes and bangs going on out there but she's safe in here with us.

    DD - thanks for the award. I would type out my full acceptance spech, but fear there's not enough tissues on the blog to handle the raw emotion.

    0-0 in the Gunners match - daylight robbery. We should be at least 4 up by now.

    And finally (in true News At 10 tradition) - we have Gnome Magic near us. Honest!

    Gnome word of a lie ....... ;-)

    Bed. Soon.

    Nitey nite.

    Diva x x x

    PS: hello newbies. I'm bonkers!

  • Comment number 53.

    Welcome to the blog rosieposie, everyone here in the colonies is very excited about the new regime. He'll have a busy 2 months now putting his cabinet in place and hopefully will hit the ground running in January. I heard a story that the out-going party strips all the files out of all the cabinets before they go, leaving the in-coming party with nothing.... I hope that's not true.... but it wouldn't surprise me.

  • Comment number 54.

    I seem to be missing all sorts here - must be getting old - what award Diva and what's with Katies handbag store etc etc.

    Sobbed my heart out when my birdie conked and my hand reared lamb went to market (only to discover local farmer needed a new ram so there was me blubbing away and he was bonking in a nearby field!!)

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 55.

    Evenin all,

    Katie - I bet you've done the right thing, although it's scary at the moment. At least you're leaving with your dignity intact. I resigned from my job 2 and a half years ago, although I admit I had something already lined up (albeit part-time at the time) - it was one of the most scary things I ever did but I will never regret it as I did not agree with the regime that was being imposed on my school and I was given a fantastic leaving assembly and I left with my head held high.

    I know this is pure cheese but my soundtrack for that period was:

    No matter what they tell me (Boyzone, sorry! or Meatloaf)

    Movin Out and My Life - both Billy Joel.

    Best of luck to you Katie!

    CtD - no hard hats available but I got you some tacks to chuck under her car tyres. And some meths for if things get desperate.

    Hello Rosie Posie.

    Beezer, it's very noisy round here too, and also very cold so I need no persuasion to stay indoors. My cats are so laid back I don't think they've even noticed.

    A x

  • Comment number 56.

    Para 1 - over use of the word "and" - should have made use of alternative connectives or punctuation such as the semi-colon.

  • Comment number 57.

    boleyngirl, good song choices......

    Hi Beesmum.

  • Comment number 58.

    maybe they do that to get rid of any incriminating evidence..who know...certainly not me but good luck to BO.

    when I was made redundant in 2000 the song of the time was by D:ream - things can only get better - they did eventually!

  • Comment number 59.

    Mizz, I think you're right plus just not wanting to leave anything that could be helpful for the incoming party.

    I have a song list on my ipod for days when I need to wallow in the depths of my own self pity......

  • Comment number 60.

    Evening each

    Rosie: Welcome - I'm next door to you in W.Lothian.

    I've been so impressed with the US elections and all those people who queued for hours to vote!! Now I'm worried about all those people with guns!

    Susan: Hope you get a few hours sleep tonight.


  • Comment number 61.

    Thanks for the warm welcome guys!

    Have to admit I needed no persuasion either to stay indoors, after a day of drizzly disgustingness and haar, the kind of weather that makes us curly-haired lovelies weep!

    Katie- big respect to you! I think you have done the right thing.

    That's enough from me I think for my first evening blogging... I'm off to cuddle my hot water bottle x

  • Comment number 62.

    Annie-G, "....people with guns!" I agree. Two attempts thwarted already........

  • Comment number 63.

    Enjoy your evening rosieposie.

  • Comment number 64.

    Blimey only watching the end of silent witness and I'm miles behind with blog!

    Hi James - only two attempts so far?

    Looks like future scot meets going up in numbers A Annie!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 65.

    Boleyn - just playing so much m people and whatsername on her own - heather small thats the boy! at the mo - I feel a rocky theme coming on just to keep me going!


  • Comment number 66.

    Night rosie...i'm not too far from you or annie up here in the Grampian district.

    007: two attempts..wow...and that's probably the ones that they've made public knowledge.

  • Comment number 67.

    Ooh Desperate Housewives time...sorry to bring the conversation back to the mundane.

    Bye for now

  • Comment number 68.

    James - never wallow in self pity - hopefully the songs on your ipod lift your mood and not make it worse - contemplating navel type stuff!!! Calming ?
    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 69.

    Bond - really??? Haven't heard about the 2 attempts. How awful. Sometimes I'm so fearful for the world we're leaving to our children and grandchildren.


  • Comment number 70.

    Sorry Chris - forgot to mention Enzo. So glad he is still here and reasonably healthy.

    Off to bed with books to keep me company.


  • Comment number 71.

    Aint you lot got no gnomes to go to tonight... corny I know but I enjoyed the Gnomeworld item on tonight's programme.

    I got back as far as Beth's arrival on the archive but it took ages to do it.

    A warm welcome to all new bloggers.

    Autumnwatch was good tonight being as it was broadcast from almost next door - I had to go out at 7.30 so did Simon meet any of our famous conger eels?

  • Comment number 72.

    Welcome i_amrosieposie and hello MizzDonDee (are you near Aberdeen by any chance!?)! I honestly, really, truly didn’t laugh about the hamster - I was in bits when my rat died in my arms a few years ago. If either of you are on Facebook, come join CLP Bloggers group and get to know us there too.

    Well, the huge firework and bonfire spectacular here in Inverness turned into a damp squid! The sea harr that rolled in earlier today decided to hang around!! But Highland hubby said the clouds looked very pretty lit up different colours! And the wee lass had a blast! Baby lass and I stayed at home, and had to lock the cats in … not because they were scared … oh no, not those two scallywags. The older lad would have followed hubby and wee lass all the way to the Bught!

    Right best go - left baby lass with hubby (who was sitting on bed with cat, scissors and wee lass’s play phone) saying I was going to loo!! I did go, honest!

    Huggles all,

    Susan xox

  • Comment number 73.

    Typical!!! Baby lass is now WIDE awake!!!

  • Comment number 74.

    morning all

    hope you're well this fine day?
    Well done to B.O, hope he does well.
    Had my bi-annual 'check up from the neck up' yesterday for work (something needed for one of my roles)....all good too.

    Katie - good luck, very brave but well done for having the minerals to do it.

    mizzdonnie and r'posie, welcome aboard the good ship christophe, look forward to reading your posts.

    BsMum - thanks for the plug (once again) you're a star

    Ok my lovelies, I'm off to get ready for work

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 75.

    with regard to the award, I think having seen the latest position I may have to withdraw it, as it now seems to be like a self winding clock! Needs no other interference!


    DD out

  • Comment number 76.

    Morning all,

    by the way! Grey and misty in Bucks. Can't even see the chopper!

    or it's landing pad!

    DD out

  • Comment number 77.

    Just reading #55 and guess what tel is playing? My Life, my absolute fave Billy Joel toon!
    Tiggs xx

  • Comment number 78.


    Thank you DD - I was feeling rather down in the dumps this grey, misty, murky morning but your two posts have instantly put a smile a la Diva Bouche!

    Merci beacoup!

    Please don't withdraw the award tho - it's the first thing I've won since Slimmer Of the Week in February 2006 (unless you count the sweepstake for the Grand National back in March this year ... )

    Thought I'd get in early and make a start - just in case I get sent to the norty step later.

    Please, please can we try and keep a fun theme going today - it's getting near the end of the week and I for one surely need it!


    Cheryl x x x x

  • Comment number 79.


    i have not seen my cats so scared since their operations and they had to wear the plastic collars - the fireworkds terrfied them - they wouldn't even come out for choc treats (cat ones) - poor little things - one of them sqeezed between a door and a box so i couldn't find her - the other behind the floor length curtains - it didn't help that fireworks were going off all around our house.

    DD - very misty in bucks - not so bad in berks though

    super bp x

  • Comment number 80.

    super_bagpuss - have you ever tried your cats on maltesers? mrssootycat likes to lick off all the chocolate, leaving a soggy melty lump of honeycomb in her wake.

    Berks? Abbreviation for a county, or the people you work with? Or both?


  • Comment number 81.

    berks - short for berkshire

    i love my company and all who work within

    quick check over my shoulder in case anyone is looking

  • Comment number 82.

    Morning Everyone!

    An even more tired than yesterday Shorty here...

    I'm going to dublin tomorrow and can't wait!! First thing in the morning we fly out with our "dublin girls" t shirts :o) going with 6 other girls, i only know 2 of them. New people, new place, her who buys the sarnies is staying at home and worrying for my drunken safety ...

    nice meal out tonight for a friends birthday then it's off home to pack.

    CtD i'm with you on the fun theme!!

    Me dragging myself around my house with 7 minutes from when i opened my eyes until i had to leave the house was quite fun. An adventure of sorts.

    Kaite - well done!! it takes guts and if you've got leeway to do it and you're not happy then good on you!

    How is everyone??


  • Comment number 83.

    P.S - rubbish grey weather in Market Harborough aswell... "it's that fine rain...soaks yer right through!"

  • Comment number 84.

    Know that type of rain very well in Sunny Wiltshire!
    Still no news on the job front then?

    Fireworks, my cat humphed a bit then snuggled down on the sofa next to me with his paw over his face!

    Laters all
    Tiggy xx

  • Comment number 85.


    Garlic Bread. it's the future!

    Cheryl x

  • Comment number 86.

    No not yet Tiggs. I get the feeling that because this graduate scheme doesn't actually start until January they might drag their feet a bit, despite the fact they said a week.

    CtD - It's a taste sensation!! ... As is the Tiffin that my colleague has made for today :o) absolutely awesome.


  • Comment number 87.

    Morning all :-))

    Well, 3 hours with the most boring woman on earth yesterday afternoon, then a 3 hour journey home (when Sal was mentioning the Chiswick Roundabout, I was there ... she didn't know what was going on and neither did I!!) - what a day!! However, did get to listen to the show from start to finish. Loved the gnome lady. Did anyone read in the paper a couple of months ago about the woman whose gnome got nicked from her garden, and about 6 months later she found him on the doorstep with a photo album and he'd been all round the world??!!! TRUE!!!

    Grey and drizzly here today too but it's Thirsty Thursday, hurrah!!!

    T xxxx

  • Comment number 88.

    didn't realise she were a graduate, they will defo drag there feet on those as they feel it is their right (they're doing the graduates a favour doncha know)

  • Comment number 89.

    Here we go. I didn't read it in the Sun first time round, honest!!

    Meant to say - WELCOME HOME ENZO!!!!!

    T xx

  • Comment number 90.

    There's more to Constable Country than haywains and thatched cottages, y'know ...


  • Comment number 91.

    tinsel - when mr diva goes walking in the lake district, his mate always takes "ballerina bear" with them (bear actually belongs to his daughter).

    said bear now has her own photo album of all the different peaks and fells the chaps have conquered over the past decade or so. ballerina bear is also partial to the odd pint of real ale and has photos of her behaving in a most debauched manner in several of the lake district's pubs and micro-brewery's!!

    nuts - the lot of 'em!


  • Comment number 92.

    ha ha Diva, love it! wish I'd thought of that when my daughter was little!!


  • Comment number 93.


  • Comment number 94.


    Just checking in to say hi, what a dreich day we have in Glasgow. But no frost, so that suits me perfectly!

    Shorty: hope you have a great time in Dublin. I love that city so much, it has such a terrific atmosphere .... I want to come with you! On one of our trips there, we did the bus tour. Fabulous driver who came on the bus and introduced himself to us: "how yous all doin'? Me name is Paul, and ah'm an alcoholic"!!

    Shorty and CtD - love the Peter Kay stuff. He is so funny, isn't he? I just loved him when he was running about on the stage shouting "car's gone, bloody car's gone. bloody sierra's gone!!!!"

    C xx

  • Comment number 95.

    try that again!

    Mrs DD has a Shawn the sheep rucksack that goes everywhere with her! Shawn has been everywhere with us for the last 6/7 years. Top of the Jungfraujoch. To the great barrier reef, Top of the Stratosphere tower in LV, and numerous other places. Best photo though is shawn with hands (feet?) in the air on the big one in Blackpool! Not because of Shawn but because little kid in the seat in front is hurling chunks!

    DD out

    PS So Sad!!!

  • Comment number 96.

    Oh dear,

    You can count me in with the travelling inanimate objects. I take Errol with me everywhere.....

    Only kidding lover!

    But we do have a plastic penguin called Punky - he came with ice cream originally - and he has enjoyed a shisha in cairo, skiing in Norway, loved Muse at V this year and has been to many a hotel for a dirty weekend, altho he has been blindfolded on these occassions (a have I, but for different reasons!)

    Before Punky I had an Animal backpack - from the Muppets, and he came everywhere too. Had to let him go though, as he was constantly being molested through security in every airport and then a bag of Foxes Glacier Fruits melted in him in Kenya. I put him on the bonfire as it seemed appropiate, and the weird thing was all of his face melted except his eyes that kept glaring at me through the flames.


    MW, a!

  • Comment number 97.

    DD - you should have brought Shawn the Sheep to Docklands. I hear he's partial to the odd pint too .....

    btw - it's gonna be a flippin' long day here ....


  • Comment number 98.

    Mw,a! - is that the same Punky of the Sha Tin Feast vendors establishment?

  • Comment number 99.

    Tis indeed Cheryl.

  • Comment number 100.

    Cheryl, just tried clicking on your link but work seems to think its very naughty and won't let me in :-( (Or maybe it IS very naughty???)

    Just caught up with the end of yesterday's blog - Obamarama - very funny and "Cheeses of Nazareth" ha ha ha ha!!!

    Durbangirl, wishing you all the best for all the tests etc.

    Can't believe it's only 11am, this morning is going sooooo slowly!!

    T x


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