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Chris Evans | 16:15 UK time, Friday, 7 November 2008

How about a gym instructor that's...

...not in the mood.

Not the client but an instructor !

I was lying on my mat and I couldn't believe it. The guy just said to the lady,

"This isn't happening for me today. Do you mind if we leave it ?"

Ha ha ha, hilarious. Is this man aware for one second of the economic crisis out there ? And here he is turning down perfectly good wonga from an eager, slightly sweating and not unattractive lay-deeee.

I'm thinking he's in the wrong job and I wouldn't mind but all he ever does is sit next to the whichever machine his client may be using and talk about Heat magasine or The Jeremy Kyle Show whilst they get vaguely fitter.

Some people eh ?

And the banks, oh don't start me on the banks. Not that I understand the base rate thing anyhow. The Bank of England cut their rates, so who do they lend to ? Is it the banks themselves ? Are they like the wholesalers to the banking industry ? Why are their rates so important ? Is this how the banks make their money ? They lend off the Old lady and we lend off them. Cos if The Bank of England are in the business of lending, why don't we just borrow off them, cut the high street banks out and split the difference ? We save more, they make more. The Bank of England seem to know what their doing, they're still in business, I want to bank with them please.

Actually having said that I bank with HSBC and they have been very accommodating of late, extremely accommodating, like really really really accommodating. I'd better quit whilst I'm ahead.

Barack's looking more like a dude every day. The more you hear about people's reaction to his win, the more you have to think he's been sent from God. One American talk show host remarked,

"It was incredible in New York today people were almost making contact with each other !"

And the more you see images of that kiss, wow, the more you see that kiss, what about that kiss ? They were both so "in the moment," my my they're so cool.

Listen you lot have a weekend that's good will you not ?





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  • Comment number 1.

    And you have a wonderful weekend too Chris.

    Yes, saw the kiss in all the papers this morning. Awwwww.


  • Comment number 2.

    Well done Rosie. You got your ARF.


  • Comment number 3.

    Well done Rosie - good one!!!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 4.

    I think people here (in the US) finally realized that change was desperately needed.

    Well done Rosie on having your song selected....

  • Comment number 5.

    Grats Rosie! Good choice. No such thing as too much Beatles xxx

  • Comment number 6.

    Fast forward a few years - Denzil Washington or Will Smith to play Barack Obama at the movies?



  • Comment number 7.

    CtD, agreed.... love the beatles.....

  • Comment number 8.

    Awwwwww. i feel all jellified now. first of all lovely things on FB and old friends popping up, and now The Ramones.

    Thank you Christophe! xxxx

    You have a darned fine weekend y'sen!

  • Comment number 9.

    Decided to stay in at lunch today and listen to Drive Time and blog rather than go for a run.... Am I addicted or what.....?

  • Comment number 10.

    Addicted and obsessed 007?!?!

    Blinky Blimey!

    You'll be joining Friday Night Wine Club next ...... xx

  • Comment number 11.

    Yay Ramones!!! That's been the song I'd go for if I ever managed to pluck up the courage to phone in :0)

    Baaaay-bee I looooove youuuuuuu



    and the jumpingbean

  • Comment number 12.

    That would be me.....LOL

    Do I need to bring my own bottle?

  • Comment number 13.

    once the girl's get going 007, you will need a lotta bottle!

  • Comment number 14.

    Couple of little devil horns appearing out of my head!! - James - how long before you go in to meeting?

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 15.

    B-sMum - i'd lend you my horns, but now feeling kinda horny myself .....

  • Comment number 16.

    Stop it Cheryl - get a room.

    Bond: Definitely bring your own bottle. You're not getting any of ours.


  • Comment number 17.

    Rosie, how exciting, well done! Heard it in the car just as I was pulling up outside the house!

    Bondman, it's a fine line...

    CLP, I will add that to my long list of reasons why I don't to go to the gym!

    Oh no, not the banks again. I have finance-blindness.

    Hello all, just wanted to let you know that the Boleyn family are off to see Chesney Hawkes in "Can't Smile without you!" next Saturday! Inculde no less than 30 yes 30 Bazza classics! It's all about a band entering a reality talent show, then the lead singer has a tragic accident and it looks like he will never sing again. He meets this girl who helps him through it and guess what her name is? No Ctd of course it's not Lola, she was the showgirl. It's Mandy of course, the one who gives without taking. Surely he won't send her away! I have a hunch that the band might win in the end.

    A wonderful ARF and weekend to one and all,

    A x

  • Comment number 18.

    LOL CtD, Annie-G.

    BeesMum, My meeting starts in a little over an hour.......groan.....

    "Full cream milks got a lot of bottle..." remember that advert?

  • Comment number 19.

    hehehehehe ... The O Spot!

    AnnieG - alright. I'll behave. For now. Altho it's not my fault. Honest.

    Right, The Diva is about to leave the building. Will look forward to catching up with all your shennanignas in the morning.

    Love you all.

    Truly. Madly. Deeply.

    Diva x x x

  • Comment number 20.

    See ya CtD, Have a good evening. Talk after the games tomorrow......

  • Comment number 21.

    007 - I'll be online on FB at half time .... !

  • Comment number 22.

    I'll probably not be able to watch the game live... so I'll catch up with you at some point I am sure.....

  • Comment number 23.

    Debbie: Let's know if you got that humungous message from me.


  • Comment number 24.

    (previous blog)


    That might just be teacher talk?

    A x

  • Comment number 25.

    Boleyngirl: Oh yes, Unpick, tweak. Not heard lunchbox yet, but you never know.

    This year it's Resources, especially when it comes to services for older people. Cos we're all getting older and there's definitely 'limited resources'.


  • Comment number 26.

    Surely you mean "less young clients"?

    A x

  • Comment number 27.

    I did and you are a star!

    Just spoke to Dad, he knows of a few but I'll look into the others for him. He is very grateful.

    I may be joining in with FNWC later. I've been very good lately and just might treat myself tonight.

    x x x

  • Comment number 28.

    Probably Boleyngirl. Forgot the PC crap.


  • Comment number 29.

    I remember one acting head (and boy could she act up) coming in to her first "meeting" sitting down in manner of queen, and announcing, with a straight face and not a trace of irony:

    "I see life as a jam sponge. And the learning environment is a cake." Try keeping a straight face with that as an opener.

    I also remember "cannibalise" but, thank God, I can't remember what it meant. I don't think we were supposed to eat the children (well, only the ones who weren't reaching their targets!).

    Nay the wonder I left.

    Off for a Friday bath

    A x

  • Comment number 30.

    Debbie: I'm never good and started half-an-hour ago.


  • Comment number 31.

    Boleyngirl: I've come to the conclusion that those people who do the 'Planning/Strategy stuff just don 't have a life.

    They are up all night looking for the latest buzz word. Sad buggers.


  • Comment number 32.

    agreed, meeting late starting.

  • Comment number 33.

    As always happens Bond. Hope there's lots of coffee available. And you're 'networking' Yet another buzzword.


  • Comment number 34.

    Ok ... either you lot have hit the wine early (which I know a couple of you have) or the above comments will only make sense when I read the day's early comments!!!

    What is everyone up to the night? All quiet here, just wondering what DVD to watch when wee lass goes to bed. Fireworks are going off right outside - doing my head in!!!

    How is everyone today? Took the baby lass to see one of my work places today - they have asked me to put in an application for a permenant post which freaks me out! It would only be 12 hours per week, but I did enjoy being able to pick and choose as a relief worker.

    Annie - the wee lass is using that gorgeous purse to put her beasties in ... as you do!!

    Has anyone been watching Celebrity Scissorhands for CiN?? What is with Steve Strange? Who sat behind a desk and thought 'Hey, it'd be a great idea to have him as assistant manager of a salon!'??? Hmmmm ......

    Off for din-dins! Have a glass for me folks!


    Susan xox

  • Comment number 35.



    Mr Chris Evans I TOTALLY agree on the banks - cut out tttthe, the middle man!!!!!!!!! (8)

    On the new american president, yes sent from god literally maybe!
    The world is in serious dire straits and NEEDS some one to save iiiit, it fast!
    Bingo says he hopes the first thing Obama will do is meet and talk all of americas so called enemies - Iran, Russia, North Korea and bring PEACE to the world - that's all that those countries really want... what we aaaall, all really want!!!!!

    Bingo Star will right more on the blog about Obama next week if he's outta rehabilitation!

    PS Bingo says tonight's Jools Holland will be brilliant as The Killers are on... never heard oooof, of THEM myself!!!!!!!!! (8)


  • Comment number 36.

    highlandlass, how about Love Actually...... it's almost that time of year.....

    meeting started.

  • Comment number 37.

    Bertwynd, do give our huggles to Bingo!!

    Note to self - bay leaves don't taste nice when chewed!

  • Comment number 38.

    Will you blog throughout the meeting, 007?!

    Prefer a good horror, I'm afraid!!

  • Comment number 39.

    doing that now....

  • Comment number 40.

    Feel free to throw some of the discussion to us 007 and we can chip in!!

  • Comment number 41.

    Suse: Bugs?? What is she like? We have to introduce her to my littlest one, Ben. He's the right age (3) and is the perfect cartoon little boy - spiders, bugs, puddles and mud. They'll get on great.

    Bingo/Bertwynd: I feel rather scared for the new President Elect actually. There are rather too many redneck American people with guns about!!

    Am planning to watch Jools Holland later.

    Bond (Basildon Bond). Get on with your meeting!


  • Comment number 42.

    Got to go take sis and future bro-in-law to train - can I be excused from the meeting for 20 minutes!?

    Yup - bugs!!

  • Comment number 43.

    Ok Suse. Hurry up.


  • Comment number 44.

    Bingo: Do you have any of Jools Holland's albums? Sunset over London, track 6 - that's the drummer who got my life. Bummer.


  • Comment number 45.

    no cookies for early leavers......

  • Comment number 46.

    Behave yourself Bond. Listen to the speaker!!!!


  • Comment number 47.

    hey, i'm participating in the mtg..... really I am.

  • Comment number 48.

    Well, put that thingy down!!

    Fireworks going off outside.


  • Comment number 49.

    007, honey - Ken Bruce is playing your tunes the noo - stick the speaker on in the meeting!!!

  • Comment number 50.

    buzz word alert, "let's table that"

  • Comment number 51.

    Yes Bond, Heard those buzz words many times. Stupid people.


    Welcome back Suse

  • Comment number 52.

    Greetings and salutations from a rain-sodden Vancouver...

    After finally finding time to read an insightful Blog from Mr. Evans and some finely tuned banter from the rest, I finally have time to wish you all the finest of fine weekends.

    Having had a busy week, it thrill my very being to enjoy the comforting confines of this forum. As for me, late meetings last night afford me the luxury of an early finish today and an afternoon pint with friends...followed by a night in with a movie and a fine bottle of Malbec.

    With Remembrance Day being a bank holiday here in Canada, I have that day off to so have taken a cheeky Monday off for a change to provide a simply sumptuous and exquisitely rewarding four day weekend.

    Incidentally, I am in Blighty for Christmas in case any fancies a pint one evening...

    Take care one and all and have all the fun of the fair...

    Dr. T.

  • Comment number 53.

    I is in da house.

    Sorry, that just won't wash, will it?

    Let me rephrase. One is blogging.

    There, that's better.

    Well. The end of a heck of a week. The tiny twist in the tale is that I have managed to blag a 'Mazzer' for the weekend.

    The twist in the twist in the tale is that I'll be driving it straight back to work tomorrow morning to play 'policeman' - sorry Gingembre, it was the best analogy I could come up with.

    But then it is home and dry for a rest at last.

    Until Sunday. You see, the gym that we go to, the one that I used to see Chris at, has just begun a huge refurb operation. They've stopped us paying while it is going on ('till June or July) and given us a 'temporary' gym in a portacabin.

    Sorry chaps, I know it is free, but it is rubbish.

    So, Mrs MfR have scouted around and found another place we can join for a year, so we are off there on Sunday to sign up and get jiggy with it.

    And that must rate as one of the dullest posts ever plopped on here. But hey, I need to chill and that is the extent of our weekend.

    Except for the feast of football to be served up at Craven Cottage on Sunday.

    By Newcastle. Because we are bound to be rubbish.

    Peace my friends.


    PS Otis Redding, 1967.

    PPS Randy Rhoads, 1982.

    PPS John Denver, 1997.

  • Comment number 54.

    Dr. T.

    As a hardened 'Canuck-phile' and reader of your fine blogs, I would be delighted to have the honour of clinking glasses with you this coming yuletide.

    If you should be in the Surrey/Sussex vicinity on your travels - perhaps near an establishment owned by our very own blogger in chief - I'd gladly add you to the ever-growing list of bloggers that I have promised to buy a drink.

    Your friend


  • Comment number 55.

    Matt: Newcastle are so not rubbish. How couldl you????

    And Dr. T: Come to Scotland and I'll definitely be buying the drinkie poos.


  • Comment number 56.


    You really aren't paying attention are you?

    'We' are Fulham. I said that a feast of football was going to be served up - by Newcastle. Because, 'we' are bound to lose.

    Now, go to the corner of the class, face the wall, and stay there until the end of the lesson.


  • Comment number 57.

    Bugger. Got that totally wrong, didn't I? But I don't really get footie. Just feel I have to support Newcastle when I can.

    Ok - in corner, facing the wall with glass of red in hand. hehehehe.


  • Comment number 58.

    evening all

    Dr T, I'd love a biere with you, coming east at all?

    MfR - good evening fine sir, 3 points please from your boys to help us climb the table. I'm not playing at work this weekend, so drive freely....but not toofast eh? ;)

    I'd loke to join the FNWC but only have beer, MrsW is out at a pre-wedding meal (we're off to one tomorrow) and I'm loafing on the sofa tonight

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 59.

    Matt...I would also love to "clink glasses" and toast the festive season this Christmas. I shall take a glance at my timing and see if I can make it. My folks live near Croydon so I will be there for a week before heading up North to see my brother and his family...Let's see if we can't tip our wrist for a pre-Christmas libation...maybe I will bring you some real maple syrup...

    Annie...unfortunately, I am heading to Dublin in the only possible window I would have had to visit Scotland...next time though, next time....

    Ah....the weekend beckons and somewhere a pint of Granville Island Pale Ale awaits...

    Dr. T.

  • Comment number 60.

    OK Annie. Annie are you OK?

    Sorry, can never help that one.

    You may leave the corner if you can connect my 'PS's'.


  • Comment number 61.

    went out last night, got silly drunk and awoke to the news that Spurs had scored 4, kept a clean sheet, gone 2 weeks without a defeat, Bent scaored 3......I thought if someone tells me Lennon put a decent cross in it would all be a hazy drunken hangover illusion...but it wasn't!!
    What is the world coming too!

  • Comment number 62.

    Cripes! It is a blogger-fest!

    Gingembre. I promise to obey every limit and road sign in the, ahem, Italian sports number. Promise guv.

    Dr. T. Croydon. Head south on the M23, slip off at Pease Pottage, and you are in Rudgwick in 20 minutes.

    And you would be most welcome.

    Keep us posted.


  • Comment number 63.

    MfR, DrT....if that happens, let me know the date and I'll try my v hardet to clink with you.
    Matt.....that car needs to be used properly, I have a great excuse for you should you get stopped...

    ...tell them your first wife left you for a copper and when they were behind you with the lights on you thought they were trying to bring her back!!!!!!

    ;) K

  • Comment number 64.


    The credit crunch looms and all is not well.

    How an earth people blog on here all the time, when they are supposed to be working beats me.

    it's a bit like a sad friends reunited

  • Comment number 65.

    Johnie.....**yawn** goto work then and stop reading ;)

  • Comment number 66.

    Nice one K.

    Ironically, the only place on the planet that I have ever been stopped and got a speeding ticket, was in the Rocky Mountains of Alberta, Canada. It was on my birthday, in the middle of nowhere - we hadn't seen a car for hours - and there was PC Mounty, with a camera in the 'trunk' of his car. I did try the 'ooh, I was getting confused between kilometres and miles' thing, but he wasn't amused.

    Actually, now I have mentioned my travels, I ought to check that PP isn't around, she will get ever so cross.......

    K. If you can head this way over Christmas, we'd love to meet you and yours.


  • Comment number 67.

    Gingembre: You are soooo naughty. Haven't a scooby about PS's but am out of the corner and doing an AF to the kitchen for the red wine!!!

    Enjoy your footie chat boys. Am off to do my knitting!!!


  • Comment number 68.

    Holy Moly.

    PP is back already.


  • Comment number 69.

    And Johnie: Please go to another blog and stop annoying us.


  • Comment number 70.

    Funny how time slips away.

  • Comment number 71.

    PP/JBG/whatever your name is.




    Loving your work.

  • Comment number 72.

    .......what matt said

  • Comment number 73.

    Matt: What you drinking tonight? Hot chocolate, Camomile, red wine, Nytol? Tips welcome.


  • Comment number 74.

    I don't think I got a newbie welcome but I guess it's not me that needs to get a life by the way who is PP?

  • Comment number 75.

    Friday night, Annie-G.

    A rather splendid NZ sauvignon blanc.

    Mega tip though. Don't ever mix your booze and your Nytol. You won't get sick, but you won't sleep and your head will bang for 24hrs afterwards.

    My serious tip is plan a really good nights sleep the day before. When you get home don't fire up the PC and don't watch TV. Eat little, but enough that you won't wake up hungry later. Have a lovely lavender bath and open all the windows in the bedroom. Pop a Nytol and if you can, find one of those scented rubs that you can smear on your top (wear something old though, they stain). Then, read for an hour or so and lay back thinking of that lottery win.

    You will sleep. It has taken me years, but once or twice a week I can do this and I feel fantastic the next day.


  • Comment number 76.

    Good evening JBG. Nice to see you here.

    How's that??

  • Comment number 77.

    Ok Johnie, welcome to the blog, no need for the rudeness to kick off, but then again, each to their own...

    ...not a betting man, but a fiver says you've posted before

  • Comment number 78.

    OK JBG.

    Pop something nice on here and the red carpet will be rolled out for you.


  • Comment number 79.

    Ah. Chaps. Great minds......

  • Comment number 80.

    Good Evening/afternoon one and all.

    Well it's a beautiful autumnal day here, unseasonal 70 degrees. I have spent the day armed with a hedge trimmer hacking at the bushes in the garden and now I smell of pine sap and am covered in twigs and cobwebs. Very attractive, I can tell you!

    I will also be back in the UK for Christmas, probably traveling about a bit visiting folks so if our paths should cross, I'd be up for drinkies!

    Welcome J_B_G, I thought I had seen you posting before. Must be someone with a similar name then.


  • Comment number 81.


    If James is still in his meeting not paying attention and looking at his mobile - Pink Frilly Knickers!!!!!!!!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 82.

    Matt: Have taken your advice on many occasions -lavender bath, no laptop etc. The only problem is that I'm too scared to take stuff like Nytol. A few years ago I had very scary experiences when going to sleep: seeing my body slipping out of my left side, black buzzing cloud descending around my head and being paralysed until it went away, etc......

    I know there's a rational explanation for these happenings but it would be too awful if I couldn't wake up, having taken a sleeping drug, even if it's the friendly homeopathic type.


  • Comment number 83.

    Lo chaps Annie and dragon - have to catch up on the vino by sound - just finishing 1st glass - booo not good

    BM xx

  • Comment number 84.

    Bsmum: Pink, frilly knickers? Explain please.

    Enjoy your vino.


  • Comment number 85.

    No never been here before just an observer

  • Comment number 86.

    Annie, try night nurse, I use it on nights...during the day!
    Works a treat x

  • Comment number 87.

    Have the merlot open myself tastes a bit plummy for me, prefer something with a bit more berry tones normally!

    Still I hope it doesn't repeat on me!

    Good Nyt all

    DD out

  • Comment number 88.

    I still have some garden mess to clear up then it's a big glass of vino and a nice long hot bath for me, despite the fact its only 4pm here! Not too late to start playing catch up!

    Annie - Have you tried yoga/meditation for sleeping? I've found some of it can help.


  • Comment number 89.

    Will do Gingembre. Only if you promise it won't give me the heebie jeebies.

    And JBG: Aye, right!!!


  • Comment number 90.

    ok, Johnie and your opening gambit from your observations wasn't really that pleasant, why would you expect a warm welcome?
    Just can't see the need for rudeness personally but then as I have said many times on here....each to their own eh?

    The blog is a place for allcomers, new, old, returning, passing etc, just don't really understand why you would wish to join in with abunch of 'saddos'....do you rubberneck at road collisions too?

    tongue, firmly in chhek x

  • Comment number 91.

    Annie - Bond in boring meeting - checking his emails and blog - thought I would liven his meeting up a smidge!

    BM xx

    K only tried night nurse once - was out cold for 12 hours! flue much better though when I woke!

  • Comment number 92.

    or cheek even!

  • Comment number 93.

    Dragon: It was the yoga relaxation that made my body slide out of my left side!!!!!


    I so wish I could have gone with it to see what happened, but I panicked.


  • Comment number 94.

    Right. One for the laaaaadies in the house.

    And my last of the evening. I have a date with Gordon.

    Now. I don't get the Daniel Craig sex symbol thing.

    Don't get me wrong, I am very happily married, but if I were to 'admire' men for their attractiveness, I could understand Johnny Depp, perhaps Brad Pitt and maybe George Clooney. But, much as I tip my hat to Casino Royale (we haven't seen Question Of Sport yet) and love him as Bond, I can't see the 'heart throb' thing?

    Over to you girls. Explain.


  • Comment number 95.


  • Comment number 96.

    Annie, no heebiejeebies for me, just knocks me out for a few hours which I struggle with during the day - even after a 12hr night shift - perhaps you could take a half dose first?

    I'm sorry I cannot help you more


  • Comment number 97.

    Matt....on the flip to that I have just watched the lovely Jasmine on Place in the sun, home or away.....ding dong x

  • Comment number 98.

    BsMum, I have an image of you now with asilver chimney sticking out of you!!!!!

  • Comment number 99.

    BeesMum, It was all I could do not to burst out laughing........ Thanks :>

  • Comment number 100.

    Matt no one can beat clooney cos he's a dish but there is just something about danny boy - the aloofness sort of thing sort of wants to make you get hold of him to see if he will smile! or something!!!!

    BM xxx


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